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Vector Edition

> Patch notes
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
/eftg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny or homo grooming servers.
SPT is a single player offshoot of Tarkov that allows for modding and coop.

First time scavving or what?
I've died more to other player scavs than I have to any PMCs during the past 2 days. I can't remember the last time late wipe was this bad with scavs. It's usually pretty bad since rep doesn't matter but these subhumans are fucking feral for every tiny little scrap of decent gear.
>juiced scav event
>end of wipe
Not sure what you expected
>a couple mags of not shit ammo and trashed guns is enough for every scav to act like a complete nigger
The playerbase is made of animals.
Point is more people are scavving than normal and not everyone is interested in wholesome chungus scav ops
Personally I think there's a difference between hecking wholesome chungus scav ops and not being acting like a belligerent monkey but that may just be me.
pscavs = niggers. that's all you need to know. doesn't matter if there's an event going or not, don't care about the circumstances, pscavs will be the darkest gorilla niggers you've ever seen
There really isn't. Scavs that aren't 100% onboard over VOIP will shoot you in the back of the head once you stop moving.
>Scavs that aren't 100% onboard over VOIP will shoot you in the back of the head once you stop moving.
Holy shit this. When I spot another pscav and he doesn't respond to voip and especially if he doesn't voiceline I'm always tempted to simply shoot him in the face preemptively.
nah fuck the yappers, those are just sociopaths who are trying to buddy up so you feel comfortable looting the next toolbox with your back turned, and that's when they get ya.
the silent F1 bros are chill tho
>doing ground zero
>find some level 1 that died to the claymore booth
>actually had a fitted out ak on him
Lmao, must've gotten that off a body but died like that
>crying about scav on scav violence 2 weeks before wipe
scav mains are subhuman
You can easily tell who those people are through their inflections and vocal fry
>killed four PMCs my last raid
I'm actually getting better, arena helped out actually
go play the actual game you fucking obese poorfags
this, all the talkative scavs are sociopaths
Arena has dozens to hundreds of times the encounter frequency of normal Tarkov, it's far and away the best way to practice.
How do you guys play this game solo? I've been duos with a friend for a while now but he got really faggy lately.
Solo is great, shoot everything that moves and you can actually be stealthy/pull off crazy flanks. There's a method to it and you can def outmanuever squads. Don't ever listen to anyone who says the game can't be played solo, do it for a wipe and you'll understand that the people who only play in squads are just pussies.
By accepting that it's the hardest way to play the game.
Like a duo except there isn't a guy hanging out nearby who only occasionally calls out where he's at unprompted
Tarkov should have a solo queue option.
solos are fine but also unforgiving
i like to play aggressive so it works better for me desu, cuz i dont have to double check where my mate is in heated situations
>completely forgot red rebel extract required red rebel AND paracord + no body armor
Why didn't you just take car from there? It's not even a 2 minute run away.
No car extract on Reserve and I had 40 seconds left
least now you won't forget
Is it possible for flares to be duds? Was gonna extract at Mira Ave but the flare on the guy didn't work. Trying to shoot it just make a little pop nice and it kind of sharted out a little black thing. But no flare, extracted there a ton before and never had that happen. Had broken legs and had to limp my ass all the way to emercom because of that
Flares are broken as of the last update
BSG have no intention to fix it this wipe
Ah that's right there's one on reserve as well
Yeah I agree. Unfortunately if they did this it would actually make the game a lot more fun and playable. Unfortunately Battlestate aren't going to do that since there would be a huge outcry from duos, trios and godforbid bigger groups

I do think they should mess with the idea on ground zeroes or something.
Yeah, but whenever the idea is brought up in any other place, like reddit, people just say "ERM GET GOOD AND JUST OUTPLAY THE GROUP BRO!!". Most of the time I run into duos I die because I drop one and his butt buddy kills me as I reload. And his buddy probably hid his gear so he gets it back while I lose my shit
A strictly solo-queue option sounds great on paper but it might have wider consequences: this implies that squads would have to be in their own queue as well. So wouldn't their matching times go through the roof? Don't really care, fuck squadfags, but still. Might effect the health of the game. At minimum I do think there should be a layered queue system though. Something like
>solo can match with duo but with a bias towards duo
>duo can match with solo/trio but with an emphasis on duo/trio
>trio can match with duo/trio/quad but with emphasis on trio/squad
And so on. But knowing BSG this is way too complicated and would fuck up the game more than just solo queue possibly might. As a solo player though it does sound attractive on paper to have solo queues. It's just fucking stupid when you load into GZ and it's you versus a 4-stack.
meant to say
>solo can match with solo/duo but with an emphasis towards solo*
>nooooo not my hecking gpus 3 days before wipe
if you dont spend your last 2 weeks of the wipe teamkilling everyone in scav and running your very best gear on streets,customs or factory you are mentally ill
I went solo for a wipe or 2, but it gets boring and I also just miss having friends at this point. Teamwork is part of the fun of shooters imo. Maybe it'd be different if there were a solo-queue-only option as anons are discussing, but, as it is, I'm planning to find 1 or 2 other people to play with this upcoming wipe.
At this point it feels like the Ultyn and Maska are mandatory for raids. Especially now that scavs are spawning with decent bullets.
I'll take longer queue times if it means solo play becomes more than 9 outta 10 fights being 1v2 at minimum.
I spend the last 2 months of wipe not playing the game
Yeah I think it should be only solos and duos get matched together. But shit like a 4 stack? Shouldn't be allowed. It pisses me off to hear the justification of such big squads too lol
>Erm well if you're solo you should just rat and hide around the outskirts of the map while we get the loot and actually play the game!
6 month wipe lmao
a nice little cozy time window to justify doing NOTHING to fix the game
Is it true they only do wipes while the games in "beta" but won't do it on the actual release? I can't even imagine that, there will be a point where no new players will pick it up because once they leave ground zero they just get raped by dudes with better gear and ammo they just can't compete with
Shit gets too confusing with more than 3 people anyways, not to mention the gameplay experience just becomes completely different - may as well just go play PVE at that point. I knew some guys who would run as a 5 stack and remember one them telling me that he hated it. I feel like the game is designed (probably unintentionally) for teams of 2 or 3. I really like the idea of a solo struggle to escape a post-apocalyptic wasteland though.
They keep changing how they want to do it, but basically there will continue to be progression resets in some form.
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wow le hecking 3 kills
fcuking loser
>2 weeks trust the plan!!!!
>patriots are in control!!
noo not my hecking gpus 2 weeks before wipe
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none of that. im ratting exfils until nikita unplugs the servers for the wipe
pscav event ruined factory...was having a great time last week clashing with other chadlords now it's just endless pscav vermin with 7n40
Yea it's ruined pretty much every map.
Wonder how they'll do the snow this time and how long we'll have to wait for it. Looking forward to running more raids from dusk-dawn and dont like using the night vision.
I'm hoping they do a transition day and not just flip the switch for snow on the first day of wipe. It was so fucking cool to witness the first snow fall in a live raid and watch the terrain transition during a snowstorm. I was going nuts when that first happened it was so crazy.
palyer scavs are cancer and niggers
I predict there'll be snow everywhere already as soon as wipe starts.
i'm still salty i missed that. stopped playing like 30 minutes before it happened and saw everyone posting screencaps.
You niggers whining about the pscav event are pathetic. Who the fuck cares about loot or surviving? Just play for fun, retards.
If you're that scared of the pscav scourge, go play labs it's free.
Stop fucking looting and questing and ratting, just go have fun Jesus Christ
Agreed. Squadfags neet not reply. You play on easy mode.
Funny because you're begging for an easy mode yourself. A solo queue would be as gay as you are. And I'm a 2000h solo myself.
under barrel GL and ammo are cheap w/ max 12 and 24 respectively per restock
underbarrel shotguns when
Bro, your M576 APERS?
excuse me
underbarrel pump action 12 gauge shotguns when
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bros I want more inventory space, should I buy individual lines or just upgrade again for 50 dolans
Unheard is for fags
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>Bring a friend into the game.
>Play a few raids.
>He gets to level 7
>Check his loadout.
He bought?
anyone notice that the only way they instantly die now is head throat?
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wipe this week, most likely thursday or friday
will pve be wiped?
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I'm guessing Friday.
No you fucking retard pve doesn't wipe
what the FUCK
>has EOD
He's not that new, right anon?
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What the hell looks like the drops are gonna be juicy this time.
Oh, good. Last twitch drop campaign fucking sucked and was barely worth it.,
He hadn't played for like 4 years, but he was very quick to get EoD to begin with.
Nigga got money, i don't know.
Fucking hate twitch drops, I hate having that shit on in the background 24/7
armor pen ammo and class 5 armor right off the wipe lets goooo!!!!
>auto claimer on
Couldn't care less desu
I do the same I just hate that this shit makes me log in to twitch once a year
>a whole 60 seconds if that of inconvenience
fucking retard
>i want more inv space
no u dont.
just stop being a hoarding fag, its literally a waste
Will there be a Christmas sale before wipe?
I've been wanting to play Tarkov
It's the principle, fuck twitch and fuck twitch streamers. But I can't say no to free shit at the start of wipe. I only made an account a couple years ago for drops and have only ever been on twitch during those times.
First principle is that schizos should take their meds and I suggest you follow it, now excuse me I have to go drive my tuk tuk
>he has no principles but grand standing and virtue signaling
Tuk Tuk to listen to the Talk Tuah podcast
>Decide to do a night raid with T7s.
>Load up Reserve
>Chang appears above me a minute after spawning in the bunkers behind Black Knight on Reserve
>Yeets me with an explosive
>Kill screen only says KIA like what you would see with a landmine or fall death
Did this fucker spawn a landmine beneath me or something? Is this what it's like to run raids with the T7s?
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why are scavs using PS rounds, literally every single one of them are head,throating me
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Holy shit, NO ONE FUCKING CARES YOU DUMB ATTENTION WHORING PVE CUM GUZZLER, the map has been out for two years, all the valuable spawns have been known for a LONG time, you didn't fucking discover some super secret previously unknown spawn.
activate windows text tells a lot of stuff about him (hes retarded), he refuses to get rid of it even when people in the thread tells him how to do it step by step
Oh it's only $50 to upgrade? Thought it was $100. Also what's with the DLC, is that no longer included w/ my EOD?
Yeah I hate it too; it's a fucking hassle. Also it always fucks up and I have to relink my account every 6 hours or so. I use my shitty old prebuilt PC exclusively for these drops & occasional CD/DVD burning
sorry bro, id rather stick with my principles...
Oh nevermind, found the answer. I stopped paying attention to what was happeneing w/ it after I stopped playing back in March. I mean the pockets would be handy to poorfag even harder but that's about it. Thought they were doing some faggy shit with a radio to call in your friends too. Sounded awful, but I'm surprised they got rid of that.
Iirc they were planning to and in glad they didn't. Idk why people act like this is some team based game, every big content creator for it plays solo. I just assumed solo was what most people did
what kind of a fucking scav main hoarding nigger are you if eod space isnt enough for u
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gyatt thats a lot of ppbs rounds
>vendor trash
AK 5.45 is NOT vender trash you take that back
PPBS sure is.
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i need more space to store my m80 rounds
>scav main
I say it seems designed for teams of 2-3, although I wouldn't be surprised if they'd intended 4-man squads at some point. Don't think they'd allow the option for so many if it weren't. Also, nothing about the marketing indicates it being intended as a solo play experience.
>muh content creators
How about we stop pandering to retarded ecelebs? The game was always designed with squad play in mind.
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>squad play
>cant revive each other
The game is unrealistic enough, it doesn't need people being revived after eating a full mag of rifle rounds.
Also, isn't it planned or some shit?
They've actually said that they're adding something like that. Not sure if it's confined to surgery or if it's going to play into more status states when those are added. Also armbands.
How? It has no squad play mechanics lol. I'm just saying when I see videos of tarkov it's someone playing solo
That's just gonna make it so solos can legit just not play
>run into squad
>kill one
>but his buddies cover his body while another revives and you can't do shit about it
I'm not going to explain anything else to you because I just don't care what you think. It doesn't affect me or what BSG is doing with the game anyways.
Concession? Accepted...
Yes it is
>designed with squad play
>no friendly healing
>no radios (inb4 nobody would use it because muh pedocord)
>low visibility armband system that doesn't go past the left arm
>no cool but expensive electromagnetic/infrared IFF system
>(inb4 nobody would use it because muh pedocord)
They wouldn't. Discord has absolutely ruined this possibility. Who the fuck would use in game radios that would allow other players to hear you talking when you can just open up shitcord instead?
You can also go into nvidia control panel and never have to wear NVG again while you're at it
>spawn into woods
>turn radio to the designated shitposting open channel
>someone is trying to have a mosin duel while someone else calls him a faggot and two others micspam over him
Battlestate would never be that based
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>see there's a 25% off sale on everything
>oh cool maybe I'll pick up some cosmetics
>check out the $12 skin that's discounted to $9
>ummm sorry we didn't include the tax, that'll be 11.61, enjoy your 39 cents discount :^)
I hate this fucking company.
You would've had to pay the tax anyway. It's still a discount
It would be fun for player scavs to have some kinda radio function since it's really the only time you'll get organic in game voip between players.
Please take PVE out from underneath the bus. i understand prewipe events not happening in PVE, it makes sense, but please bring arena and drops to PVE. it makes no sense for those to not be coming over
scabs can revive other scabs now that would be cool
just put a band-aid on it man
>wait another fucking week until wipe on the 30th
how is that a christmas event? it's more like retarded attempt for new years campaign and still misses
can only hope 0.16 brings something to the table
if not
enjoy your dead fucking game
it wont
yet billions will login
landturd will have 30k viewers AGAIN
don't care about cheaters streaming or his viewers
if patch is shit the game is shit
simple as
GAWDmark doesn't cheat
>famous streamers are cheaters
mentally ill schizo detected

landturd is an ok player but he would suck dick in a real FPS
landmark is the only person who streams tarkov who has normal deaths and raids
it's kinda weird seeing it compared to other streams like willarz
i've never seen willerz get chased around factory while blind and then kill the guy
Was that recent?
Willerz has some suss clips where his sight will just pop instantly on a head and also perfectly track it too. There was one clip where he did it on a scav. And after killing him he looked at the camera like
>Damn I fucked up
there's a really popular clip of it floating around, happened a couple wipes ago.
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>turns out giving literally every player level 6 plates and top tier ammo makes the game massively suck ass
Go fucking figure
I enjoy when there's a higher TTK. I hate when ammo just zips right through armor like it isn't there.
both landmark and willerz are normal... i hate normalfags with below average IQ who cant comprehend how to get good so fucking much
It's not even that they have that good of aim/tracking either, being "good" in tarkov just comes down to having an autist-level memorization of every aspect of the maps and where people like to go. Like after over 10k+ hours if you hear someone in your vicinity you know EXACTLY what route they're taking and how they'll approach your position. They have so many more encounters than the average person does so when you think you're doing something original when fighting them they've probably seen it before.
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It's that time again /eftg/, let's see how you did this wipe.

>got higher level than ever before (thx arena)
>still didn't break 200 pmc kills (shitter status=maintained)
>still didn't manage more than 400 raids (employment status=maintained)
>completed setup for the first time
>got first legendary achievement (zombie event)

Overall I think I had more fun this wipe than any other, normally I stop playing in the last ~2 weeks but some of the events have been fun. Goal for next wipe might not be kappa but I think I'll shoot for Calibration. Seems like a decent task to shoot for, gotta be high level and I'm ass at long range sniping so it'll be a learning experience.
exactly, endless repetition plus abvoe average FPS skills.
He has probably tried to figure out how to get AI to order a pizza for him cause he gets to nervous
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>2000 kills
>150 pmcs
post your stats bud
Hey I never said I was the terminator, and about 1000 of those "scavs" are zombies I bet
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Oh good, they're deleting early wipe for everyone, not just Arena players
To be fair twitch drops may give good shit but the quantity just isn't there. You'll get maybe 2 sets of awesome gear after watching for 2 days. The real benefit of twitch drops is when they give hideout items, that shit can propel you forward in the first few days like crazy.
>check in with /eftg/
>wipe is, indeed, soon
Nice. Maybe I'll actually play this one. Has Nikki lost his hateboner for people who just want to live off the Flea Market? I can't do more tasks, even after skipping a couple wipes.
You can't buy ammo above like 40 pen off the flea and any armor above level 4 is flea banned, so no not really.
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I'm downloading SPT.
its not that bad, for the first weeks most people will be on level 4 and PS ammo. lol
And then I'd either cave and do some tasks, bored for every minute of it, or just stop playing after the first couple weeks. Nah, I'm gonna see if I can find someone's SPT AI profile to get really challenging bots without them being more cheater-y than actual cheaters, and I'm gonna finally give singleplayer a try. I did tasks since they were added in 2017 or 2018 up until late 2022 when Darktide came out with the exception of only a couple wipes where flea wasn't so restricted. I can't do it anymore, and I genuinely don't understand how so many people enjoy that tedious cancer.
>even more cheatery
the cheater rogues etc are one of the worst things about tarkov by far, they dont act intelligent, they just beeline u and have wh and aimbot. and you want MORE of that?
are you mentally ill?

also im not gonna try and convince you to play tarkov
>and you want MORE of that?
No, I said WITHOUT them being even more cheater-y than actual cheaters. From what I've heard/seen, the SPT AI mod does a decent job of making the AI a challenge without making them like scavs on beta launch, raiders on Labs release, etc., and I know for a fact that it has a lot of different settings to configure, so I'm tentatively optimistic. If I can get the AI to actually be a good challenge that keeps my SR at or lower than my live's SR (when I played) without feeling like bullshit, I'll be able to scratch the itch without doing shit I hate.
>also im not gonna try and convince you to play tarkov
Yeah, I wasn't asking you to. I appreciate the info though. I just miss when the game was purely about looting and killing rather than dumb fetch quests, obscure objectives, and visting random locations in stupid gear.
tarkov without the online/stakes component sounds really lame tho. bots will just be bots at the end of the day
id consider just playing something else at that point
>tarkov without the online/stakes component sounds really lame tho. bots will just be bots at the end of the day
Probably will be, but I want to try it. And no matter how I tune it, it'll be impossible for SPT to replicate the rush of solo wiping a 4-5man squad. I'm not expecting it to hit the same highs, just sate a hunger. Maybe I'll go back on my words and bite the task bullet when wipe does hit, but I genuinely loathe the stupid things. I didn't enjoy them that much when they got added (although some, like Customs beacon placing, were neat), and I was officially over them after that first wipe with them. They've only become more numerous since.
>id consider just playing something else at that point
That's what I've been doing, but Tarkov is that ex I can't get over.
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I wanna talk about how fucked scav's were early wipe. perfect nades, crazy spawn rates, cracked location finding.
I went for kappa in the wrong order completely, but i got it then got fucked out of LK with the bug. I was so close to "beating" it on the shortest wipe, with crazy events, bugs, arena linking, and everything. It was good for me to challenge myself and get one of the hardest items in gaming (then a week later they gave me another to get the Waist Bag). Also had like 10-30mil for most the wipe which was new.
>Tarkov is that ex I can't get over.
then don't fuck the retarded twin sisters, SPT/PVE. You know it wont be the same even though they look alike.
Half of the good AI mods for SPT aren't updated to the most recent version and, in the divine wisdom of whoever runs SPT, you can't download past versions.
Yeah, I saw that. I hate when devs do shit like that. Being able to grab previous version is always nice. I did notice that Swag+Donuts and Questing Bots aren't, but SAIN is, and I think that's the one that'll take me a longest time to configure. I figured I'd try to get that set up while the other stuff is getting updated.
pretty sure i headshot this guy twice
PS sux
got desynced tbhfam
>nearly 2000 raids
I don't know how people play this much.
QRD on why the official forums have been locked since October?
I'm a neet. The gf works. Get comfy bros.
how does the relationship work? are you just loaded with cash or do you have a huge schlong?
The ladder. I was working and getting paid well up until Covid and being a blue city forced me to stand ground and quit, it ended up working a little better having someone to look after dogs, cook, and clean, rather than both be too tired to do any of that and just go out to eat. She made a little more than me at the time and I was looking to stop bartending anyway. I'm very lucky in many respects, but God nerfed me with ADHD. Sadly, the dick only goes so far, so I foresee the next couple decades to suck. But I have practical skills and family to fall back on if this doesn't go as planned.
>We are upper lower class in terms of income, with a cheap 2bdr apt.
he was reading chat and just running based off of map knowledge
anyone can do that
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I haven't played much this wipe, Arena integration absolutely sucked the fun out of the game.
I've mostly been only logging on for Arena daily and weekly quests out of morbid curiosity, to see how far I can get by ONLY doing Arena quests after max traders. It's fucking ridiculous.
What do your skills look like with basically arena only?
Fuck, trying to task right now sucks ass.
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Are those strength levels from the raids? Or were you running around overweight with a PKM? Personally I think they should cut the overall levelling off at 15, removed the skill gains entirely and made some sort of weekly deposit hideout construction that caps out at a handful of million similar to what World of Tanks does with premium accounts but that would mean pissing off the only people that have actively given BSG money in the past year for an ingame advantage. Still interesting thanks.
>Are those strength levels from the raids?
Mostly raids, I sometimes ran meme Enforcer kits when I had a daily for Enforcer kills, my kits in both Arena and EFT are usually under the overweight limit.
Two days, nearly 16 hours, and well over 30 raids, I finally have completed The Extortionist
I admire your perseverance, shitter-kun. Are you ready to do it again next week after the game wipes?
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If I can do it during Scavapalooza, I can do it at the beginning of the wipe.
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That's the spirit.
CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT https://x.com/tarkov/status/1871482457012199894
>another prewipe event instead of just wiping
>not even 1 rouble event that would confirm the game wiping in 24 hours
wow no one cares
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even more came after while i tried to heal back up and leave

thank you tarkov
Based Nikita sabotaging PVE players.
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I hope snow is gonna be dynamic again. It was so fucking cool last year.
>this faggot is back
>waaaaaa i hate arena
>plays it every day
Total retard
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I never said I hate Arena, you turbo autist. I said I hate they way it's integrated into the base game and how it affects EFT.
yeah but now it wont have the same effect because its not a surprise anymore
Release the patch notes. Wipe the fucking game.
*spreads ass*
*puts entire fist into asshole*

Wipe the game.
Relax you spastic little fuck it'll be within the week.
>within a week
not waiting another week
bye nigger
Cya in a week dumbass
>not waiting another week
Yes you are.
later retard
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Just tried to take my daily poo and found out I'm constipated. It's all those breakfast burritos I've been eating I know it.
I'm pretty sure they gave tagilla some kinda of super krokodil or something. Dude feels way more fucked than usual. I've died more to him than PMCs running night factory since this kappa quest started.
why are frog posters like this
is the 100% boss spawn rate over on PVE?
im doing a no buying no secure container thing and dont want to lose task keys
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Good news frens! I'm no longer constipated. Back on the psyllium husk though. Hope it helps with my LDL cholesterol too cause that's usually a lil bit high
how do i unsubscribe from your blog
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This was only my second wipe but I've honestly had a lot of fun despite it's problems with the weird progression. I fucking loved the zombie event and I hope they do more events like it. I had fun with arena too, though I do hope they nerf the EXP gain properly and dumpster that CPC barter. I spent the majority of this wipe playing in a duo or trio so I want to start playing solo a bit more next wipe.
>flares broken multiple times this update
Genuinely how
Never underestimate the incompetence of Slavic game developers.
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Why is this scope essentially unobtainium? It's only marginally better than a REAP or a normal FLIR.
Kaban isn't that hard.
Also, thermals being hard to get is a good thing, I wish other thermals were harder to acquire, ESPECIALLY the FLIR, you can get that shit from so many trades.
Nah I mean the REAP and the FLIR are really not hard to get at all. The armasight is a massive pain in the ass in comparison since both barters are locked behind annoying tasks, especially the second barter with the cultist knife, despite this thing really not being that much better.
It's not like Kaban is actually the problem either. Maybe I'm just that lucky but every time I've tried to kill him I've been face fucked by half the PMCs on streets rushing me and haven't even managed to kill him once because of it.
anyone wanna duo with a depressed neet loser without personality next wipe? :^)
Desmond Pilak? In /eftg/?
desmond hates the game with every inch and rightfully so
Yet he keeps playing the game 25 hours a day which is a sign of mental illness.
that's literally impossible
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because it pays the bills
imagine being stuck in a job that is vastly superior to any 9-5 job there is and can be done in your own home, but the job entails playing a game you have absolutely grown to hate over the years with sadistic developers that are lazy, cheap and do things because they want their players to suffer.
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This better not be the type of shit that's coming in the battlepass. Looks like absolute ass.
tarkov is gonna have a battal pass? nice, boomers love their carrots on a stick.
But battlepasses are a zoomer invention.
bros, i might be retarded. i decided to finally get into Tarkov so I bought the PVE mode to practice before subjecting myself to real PVP raids. So far I've done 5 PVE raids on Ground Zeroes, and I've died every single time. I'm good at other FPSes, but Tarkov is making me feel like I eat crayons.....

It will be exactly that kind of shit
There won't be weapon skins, not even subtle ones that make sense like [part but wrapped] or [reasonable camo paint]
That means it's functioning as intended
That's just the kind of game tarkov is. You're going to feel like a total retard until it clicks.
that means the game is poorly designed
every truly good game is easy to learn and hard to master
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Well yes actually, that's exactly the kind of person I'm looking for. I was planning to wait for the wipe and then post my details because the name may change
I usually have to wait until I get shot at before I even realize there's an enemy there. Visibility is fucking awful for some reason even after I dialed in my postfx settings. Saw somebody here say they think it's because of no soft shadows in the game - does that sound right or is there something else I should fuck with? Nvidia control panel?
Oh nevermind, apparently I'm supposed to make the game look like a cartoon if I want to see. I was wanting to lean into the gritty aesthetic because I like Tarkov's style.
psotfx is a noob trap, most of it only adds visual noise.
use only colorfulness/vibrance and filter jason on 20-50 if you want.
you must use nvidia to increase gamma while you play
How long before Nicki Minaj is running around labs?
Not soon enough
>none of the bros here wishing each other a merry christmas
>no christmas event either
wow this game and community is so shit
merry christmas faggot !
fk u too
>no christmas event
Really hoping they do this once the wipe hits, it actually wouldnt be fun to do christmas stuff without snow and knowing it was gonna get wiped in a couple days anyways. Let's wait a week then we can complain about the lack of christmas scavs.
>he worries about muh holiday event and not about his game going to shit
>he is surprised people dont act festive in a dead fucking general for a dead fucking game that only miserable people play
someone got coal this year and it shows
>t. 7 days left and trying his hardest to win 4chan's "biggest faggot of the year" award
bros I have a confession....I never once tought of any of you as my bros
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no i dont think i will :)
but good job scav main
merry christmas bros
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never going back to labs ever again
lmao owned
Raider? Those dudes stack RIPs all the time. Your face shield bwo? bwo?
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based blogbro
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Was it worth it?
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psssshhhhhhhhhh always
autistic mexican
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I hate Christmas. Partially because I'm usually broke, but also because it reminds me of when I was a kid & had hope for my life & enjoyed being around my family + how much better things used to be. Fuck this gay earth.
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is this game still alive? i heard about some big drama a long time ago
This but nothing, just this
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>is this game still alive?
Niggita tried to jew a not insignificant amount of players
would you fuck me?
I'd fuck me...
T-7's for a moonshine is nice. grab the wilcox adapter while you can
I've been running night factory with a pair. It's hilarious.
Tarkov? More like shartkov
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It's time.
Wipe tommorow.
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>wipe tomorrow
>still barely showed ANYTHING from it other than some weapons + attachments
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reminder that it's over
Arena didn't get either of what's listed in 2.4 or 2.5 (despite the version number now being above 2.5), .16 is an absolute nothing patch for the main game. I tried the ETS, the new sounds are okay and the altered recoil (which isn't listed on the roadmap...) will piss a lot of people off (it's not actually THAT bad but it is more visually noisy), the other listed things are either nothingburgers or probably lies.
I wouldn't be surprised if the battle pass comes with this wipe, the new cosmetic stuff they put out for the Arena twitch drops event seems very much like them testing that sort of thing
I'm just curious whether the Molotov will make it to the main game at all, seems like it'll be much easier to implement in a clutter free environment like Arena
should i install arena to get ready to power lvl
oh man i hope i can still spam single fire to give me no recoil
tomorrow or friday i think friday
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spread those cheeks boys, time to wipe
>RMT ammo
So they're adding some stuff for the winter season besides just the snow and dead/dormant plants from last year? Wonder if they'll add regular rain during it as well, but my guess is no. Also saw a youtuber claiming they're adding the Customs rework and maybe finally updating unity version. Sounding like we may see more changes which have been held back after they update the engine, assuming they ever actually do of course.
>wipe tomorrow
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Gee who knows
wipe tomorrow but you're not invited asshole fuck you
TarkovTV tommorow.
Anon it's christmas be nice.
same time as last year
>hurr durr probably 30th
you guys are retards or what
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What did they mean by this? Any schizophrenics able to decode?
shut up and stop asking dumb questions
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its not even code? it ltierally tells you what it is.
noobtube from prapor and other guy for a snickers

cultist doll for cocaine for facemask and level 5 plates
and apparently there is a new facemask that is similar to that one but attaches to the level 4 helmet in stead

and top left apparently means a new cultist quest on factory for kappa?
that or cultists drop kappa cases... Kappa
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as a new player who has only a few hours in this current wipe, what should i do to get started? how do you usually start a brand new wipe?
>how do you usually start a brand new wipe?
with a 5th of vodka and 4 of my best frens
Merry Christmas /eftg/ friends, if I see you in GZ tomorrow I will fucking murder you
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>if I see you
you won't
those are previous events since last week bruh

toz kills for kappa
slicker bars for thermals etc.
you will die over and over again
good luck bro
>how do you start a brand new wipe?
selling all my guns for MP5s
how many new annoying bugs this wipe
tarkov aint fun and it aint worth it
turn around now and do something else with ur life
So what's the consensus on bipods? I still havent used any.
You should probably just watch a streamer & collect drops for a while if you're that new - Preferably one who plays solo. I say watch a shitter like Aqua. I used to recommend Pestily's Raid series for noobs but his raids never really resemble anything like what I experience. Not sure which others who I enjoy will be streaming yet.
tarkov is fun and its worth it
keep playing and dedicate your life to it
map knowledge is key so better start learning maps bozo
why do tarkovtv after the wipe lol
So we have something to watch while the servers inevitably shit themselves like every wipe.
>Was there a recoil change from last wipe?
>Nik: no
huh? there are recoil changes on test server
>50% of players are on PvE
if thats not a sign that the game is too unfun then IDK what is.
inb4 muh cheaters

sauce: reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1h6ofep/very_rough_transcript_of_pestily_interview_with/
Save up 1.15 million roubles and buy a scav case from Therapist really quick. Bring painkillers, food, and water to every raid.
This is gonna be my first wipe too, have been playing a lot the past few weeks though. Finally been able to win fights and kill multiple PMCs in a raid. I know ground zero in and out so it's gonna be fun, tons of pvp and I hear after level 20 the loot gets better but the map is basically like labs where it's just balls to the wall fighting
>50% on PVE
Maybe this is a sign BSG should start implementing more story elements and events + ANOMALOUS ACTIVITY with incentives to find teammates in a raid
Maybe expand the transit system to allow people to group up from one raid to another?
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>zombie event was the best event probably ever
>mostly pve focused event that caused pvp to be more spontaneous and varied because of zombie focused loadouts
>BSG will never get the fucking clue
PVErs are the easiest to keep happy otherwise they would have ported over SPT's changes a long time ago.
i dont wanna group up
no i dont wanna have random interactions with other people
i dont wanna voip
i will never be part of a squad
stop trying to make the game more social
just stop
Go play a single player game you autistic little faggot fuck. Or go play pve.
i like playing multiplayer games as a solo player
you go outside if you want to hang out with your friends
>why do 50% play pve
It's absolutely because people are pussies and can't handle losing shit when they die and the generally unfair nature of tarkov. No other game is chock full of so many insane pitfalls and completely lacks any guardrails like tarkov does. Not trying to sound like some kind of internet tough guy but it's just not a game designed for mass appeal.
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good news you already don't have to do any of those things
ok cool but i dont think thats the reason. i think the reason are frustrating game design and bad mechanics.

see overpowered headset range, peekers advantage due to low server update rate, bad visibility, overly clunky movement, non fluid and non intuitive movement in general
>overly clunky movement, non fluid and non intuitive movement in general
>this retard again
The movement isn't perfect but short of one or two small things there's nothing majorly wrong with it. Learn the little tricks to move smoothly you shitter.
pve doesn't fix any of those things
its the same clunky game for everyone so its a level playing field, i dont understand how pvefags think that this is a valid reason to switch to pve
just say "im a bad player and i feel really sad and frustrated when i lose so i would rather play against poorly coded bots"
Tarkov but in a area overrun by zombies would be cool
>instead of scavs its zombies
>not very dangerous on their own but in groups they cam swarm you and they give away your position to other players
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That was literally the zombie event my man. It was so much fun. My only real gripe with it was that the pistol zombies were a bit too accurate for my liking but the purpose they served with keeping players from sitting on top of shit and being completely safe from zombies worked decently well.
Zombies were a little janky overall with how they would teleport around but still, fantastic event.
no but its easier and makes losing due to these things less likely and less frustrating because its easier. pve bots dont sit in corners for 20 minutes or abuse netcode and other mechanics.

>nooooo you cant hecking criticize the dogshit movement nooooo just circle strafe bro retard shitter noooooo
t. bsg cocksmoking, shit eating low skill retard

>its the same dogshit mechanics foreveryone therefore its fine lmao just git gud
t. pea sized brain redditor
>"this retard again"
>nooooo dont criticize my dogshit game nooooooooo it must remain a bad game i feel soo special with my hecking 12 kd from farming scavs noooo im 35 years old and im afraid the game might become more skill based and that I get dumpstered every single fucking fight
>the movement is so clunky wtf
>learn how to move smoothly idiot it's not that bad
>both of these monkey retards have melties and lash out in anger with irony filled posts
Like fucking pottery.
what do you do in easy mode tarkov? serious question
>getting my last scav kills for a daily on Customs
>see dude in crack house and confront him at bottom floor bathroom
>empty an entire 40 round pmag of cbj into an absolutely cheeked up pmc with redut t5 armor and t7 thermals on a wendy helmet
>he fucking lived through that and I had to finish him off with my five seven
>check plates, the front and right side plates are at 0
>level 5 plates
Wtf man, I thought cbj was good.
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CBJ is so weird. It has good pen and flesh damage but every once in a while it feels like you're using whisper.
The movement is mostly fine. Just some of the ways to adapt to inertia are a bit silly, primarily the circle strafing. But it's not a hard thing to learn. Learning how to properly and accurately quick peek is the hard part, especially doing so while moving, but a lot of people don't care about gitting gud to the level of autistically perfecting their peeks. I don't think that's really driving people away.
The rest of that is fair game though, and off the top of my head I'd add in:
>wipes and tasks (many people don't like one or both or are simply tired of one or both)
>the difference between regular players and casuals being not relegated simply to skill and gear differences but also to character skills that govern important things for PVP like movement and recoil
wym? i dont play pve
>just circle strafe bro
like pottery
you are a complete fucking retard and have brain cancer
i hate skills
is there even a single person who likes having random 5-20% buffs after playing for 600 hours
This zoomer mongrel is such a dipshit. Complete waste of time entertaining his gibberish.
Daaaamn I misses that, I'm new. Looks cool as shit. Was it a Halloween event or something?
I figured you did seeing how you know something about the pvers mindset
>Was it a Halloween event or something?
Yea. There were pumpkins that replaced food spawns that had tons of goodies in them too like GPUs and bitcoins, too.
i just understand people better than you, chud.
i also understand better what is wrong with tarkov, unfortunately you are too retarded to follow.
hope to see you here moaning and not playing all wipe again bud
I think that's a big part of it. Some people just can't handle the stress and anxiety of it. I like the pvp so it's just something I got over, but some people can't. And cheating is another big part of it too, cheating is a issue but after it got shown off on youtube and what not you have every midwit thinking they died to a hacker so they play pve to avoid it
People don't play PvP anymore because it's hot dog shit. You need to memorize an autistic amount of obscure game mechanics, grind dozens of hours, play the meta and even then you probably won't be on an even playing field because the asshole on the other end of your gun grinded harder and brought his butt buddies.
Couple that with how long it takes to get into a raid that can end in under a minute and yeah it's pretty clear why.
>game bad because learning curve
Real shitter hours.
game is poorly designed, maps are too tiny for headsets to have 50m hearing range.

NERF HEADSETS ALREADY so we can enjoy the game without bushcamping faggots
>>just circle strafe bro
>like pottery
>you are a complete fucking retard and have brain cancer
Did you mislink? Were you talking to me? >>507590395
Why don't you elaborate on your problems with the movement and discuss them like an adult rather than throw a shitfit every time somebody disagrees with you.
Because he's trolling. Even if he was being genuine he wouldn't be able to properly articulate his problems short of saying THING BAD and calling you retarded.
You must do better
inertia is overtuned, its just too clunky by like 20%.
being locked into animations in 2024 is a big no no
its not just not realistic, its insanely frustrating and tarkov generates like 50mil revenue a year. they have the means to program fluid movement.
also the way bsg handles things they dont like. see overhead shooting. >nooooooooooo you cant use cool stuff while moving we are just gonna lock you into place in a shit animation now so noone will ever use the mechanic again yeeeeeeeeeaaaaah
>being locked into animations in 2024 is a big no no
Depends entirely on what animations are being locked
>its not just not realistic
I don't know how realistic it is in its current implementation, but it's more realistic than not having it at all. Them having your inertia increase as your carry load increases is a realistic premise, whether it's accurate or not. That said, realism isn't the end goal of video games, even ones that aim to be realistic, so you're always going to have to compromise somewhere.
>its insanely frustrating
Certainly can be. Moreso when your stupid, grindy RPG strength skill is low, and you're encumbered for bringing in a normal fucking kit.
>tarkov generates like 50mil revenue a year.
I have no idea about that, and it's definitely a [citation needed] moment
> they have the means to program fluid movement.
They still can't figure out their fucking sound, which is way more harmful than imperfect inertia and weight systems.
>also the way bsg handles things they dont like.
Yeah they're definitely jackasses about some stuff. My anus has never recovered from the pains of them removing the FOV bug
>inertia is overtuned, its just too clunky by like 20%.
Absolute mongoloid nigger take and flat out wrong.
>being locked into animations in 2024 is a big no no
There's very few animations that you're genuinely locked in place for and all of them are fine.
>its not just not realistic
The game leans more in to the hardcore aspect of it's marketing than the realistic one.
>its insanely frustrating and tarkov generates like 50mil revenue a year
Where did you pull this figure? From your gaping asshole?
>they have the means to program fluid movement.
The movement is intentionally designed to make you think before you act. To commit to your actions. Something an 85 iq zoomer like you doesn't understand.
>see overhead shooting
This has always been a meme and even if you could move while doing it it would still never see use.
In short, you're a fuckin idiot.
i dont think being locked into animations is acceptable for an online FPS in most situations, with very few exceptions like key openings
>more realistic as no inertia
okay? did anyone say no inertia? using strawman arguments makes you look dumb
yeah no debate there (just nerf headset range and the game instantly becomes better)

didnt read
>anon has a melty saying over "bad game design"
Dude none of these issues are why you're getting clapped in every raid and suck dick. It's just cause you suck at the game. If these mechanics are so busted then why aren't you exploiting them to your advantage? And it doesn't matter if all these "issues" were resolved and servers had perfect latency, people will still wait in a corner for 30 minutes to rat your punk ass. Welcome to tarkov bitch. Absolutely nothing you can do against a patient rat. You've just lost all your shit to something that you can't counter at all. THAT is why most people don't have the stomach for this game. And don't tell me having 0% inertia and headphone nerfs would change it. They won't, the rat will simply wait 30 minutes to watch a container then pop your head for free when you're looting it. This is a strategy that cannot be removed from the game, the fundamentals of tarkov make it lucrative. If you eliminate the incentive to rat then you've also removed everything from the game that makes it tarkov.
>upgrade cpu
>get more ram
>game still maxes out ram then bluescreens when trying to load into streets

250$ game btw
>okay? did anyone say no inertia? using strawman arguments makes you look dumb
That wasn't strawmanning, you idiot. I specifically said, "I don't know how realistic it is in its current implementation," in direct response to you before going on to say the other stuff. The point was that if you care about realism, it's still, from that perspective, better than how things were in the past, even if they might not have it down pat right now.
didnt read incel
>didnt read
I accept your concession you 80 iq zoomer mongrel.
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>illiterate phoneposter can't handle a single paragraph and resorts to buzzword ad hominem, as though he hadn't just been (erroneously) spouting on about other people committing some sort of logical fallacy
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Some of you are alright, don't come to night woods tomorrow.
>straight to insults
stay mad incel, still not gonna read ur angry shitposts
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you don't play pve, you hate pvp what are you doing here?
mhh white noise. my favourite.
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just want the game to be better anon
figured id find likeminded people here

cant we all agree that headsets need a range nerf and visibility needs fixing at least
nah you're either ratwalking or sprinting too much
>act like a belligerent faggot and lash out when people call you a retard'
>i thought there would be like minded people here
What was that old quote about acting stupid for laughs until the genuinely stupid think they're in good company?
keep seething incel
Case in point
whatever that means anon, noone is gonna read your incel rage
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>still no famas
BSG should really just add a fuck ton of guns to the game. Put the g2 in the game you cowardly fucks
>nah hearing people breathe 50m out is fine
yes sound is life ratbrother. stop moving around when you're in position.
>just dont move bro
what is actually wrong with you
If you don't want someone to hear you that's what you'll have to do. Or find a new game and preferably thread.
or you could just suck my dick, how about that?
and also noone asked for your ratfaggot opinion anyway
You wouldn't get 49m near me fatass
post stats chud
already did
One of my biggest complaints is the PIP scoping and the FPS hit that comes with it but nobody ever talks about that. Of course I'm not even sure if they can change it at this point. We're stuck with a broken game so you've just gotta get used to that.
>memorize an autistic amount of obscure game mechanics
I'll play PVP but I still refuse to practice any of that shit. Same with meta because its boring. Most of it only applies to maybe 5% of my encounters anyways. It's more enjoyable to just play it as a probabilities game and use whatever you want outside of quest specific gear. I kind of get it because I used to care about that shit in games, but now realize that it just detracts from the fun.
>okay? did anyone say no inertia? using strawman arguments makes you look dumb
read this as "i just want game mechanics nerfed down to the point where they can be ignored"
that's what their "happy medium" is. they won't stop until the game has no soul left and is just aimlabs.
>read this as "i just want game mechanics nerfed down to the point where they can be ignored"
that's what their "happy medium" is. they won't stop until the game has no soul left and is just aimlabs.
read this as "i just want game mechanics nerfed down to the point where they can be ignored"
thats what their "happy medium" is." they won't stop until the game has no soul left and is just squad RP.
What Tarkov needs is a short replay of the enemy PoV killing you. Sometimes I get killed and I don't even know where from. Isn't that easy to implement even Battlefield back in the day had it.
just play cod lil bro
tarkov is for hardcore players only
how about you make the game better instead
even a simple spectate mode after getting killed would give so much more info than just dying without knowing wtf happened
I'm gonna spam cheater reports regardless this way I have confirmation if someone cheated or was somewhat legit player
It's not like it'd be totally impossible. Arena has it in team fight. They should really have it in every mode though
no. just find a different game and preferrably general.
only retarded incels allowed here
How about nikita adds a new cultist trader that sells potions for things like spectator mode, removing sounds you make, a potion for animation cancelling and inertia removal. Would be pretty dope.
you will eat bsgs shit and you WILL like it
I'd rather not have it, but I get the appeal
Can't wait for the seethe when they add tac sprint + sliding to Tarkov
no I will spam this now even more just to spite you
there is nothing "hardcore" about not knowing where you got shot from besides the raid info saying head, throat
If you get one tapped and don't know from where it's a map knowledge issue
even if that was the case I want to see the angle I got shot from
>inb4 the gap between the door, you should've known and predicted him
no nigger, I want the short replay or spectate mode and full review on my death.. how it is at the moment won't cut it
k bye then
I love how mad you are because you weren't getting sucked off for your shitty opinions on the game. Even someone disagreeing with you in a cordial manner makes you fume with anger.
god damn it feels good giving BSG free godlike tips on how to improve the game so it gets better in the future and exposing losers like you at the same time
arena already has killcams dummy
And? I don't play arena nor will I ever care about playing it. I want it to be part of all maps not just e-sports autism nobody cares about. Getting to know how you died on shoreline out of the blue is way more informative than your dog shit arena.
arena might be more your speed is all I'm saying
shut up loser
you almost sound like a incompetent dev from BSG, go back to work dumb fuck
It MIGHT be coming with wipe, Nikita put up a poll earlier this year asking 'G3 or FAMAS' and FAMAS won
which I hate because I REALLY want the G3, like second or third most wanted gun in the game for me
There's a working G3 mod in SPT and it's fucking fantastic. I'll use it the entire wipe the millisecond I unlock m80 if it's ever added to the main game.
>some incel anon wrote like 3 paragraphs full of insults as a response
yeah very nice and cordial manner. I am definitely the one that is fuming xdd
>learning how to properly peek is the hard part
its not that hard, just peek with movement instead of stationary.
>more circle strafing
>pressing wasd is too hard for him
You're oversimplifying or don't know how to actually peek well. If you want to do it optimally, you're strafing into your peek, stopping and leaning at the same time at as narrow of an angle as possible. The hard part is knowing where to stop so that your lean will complete the movement so that you can actually see your target without overexposing yourself. It takes time, practice, and experience to do this without thought, and consistently do it well. This is why I said
>Learning how to properly and accurately quick peek is the hard part
>how to properly and accurately
and not just
>learning how to peek is the hard part
So either get better before talking shit or stop being a faggot.
like I said, I dont think its that hard.
the hardest part is figuring out that thats how to peek correctly, really
And like I said, you're oversimplifying or don't know how to actually peek well. It's easy to learn but takes time to actually do it properly without overexposing.

That's true
it really is simple tho
I could teach a mate how to do it in 5 minutes or whatever, assuming hes not a complete FPS illiterate bot
>"knowing how to do it" is the same as "doing it effortlessly and with precision"
ok retard
>"doing it effortlessly and with precision"
Do you seriously fucking think that circle strafing a corner is actually that complicated?
>he can't even follow the conversation
I wasn't even talking about simple circle strafing, illiterate-anon.
I could teach him how to do it and do it precisely within 5 minutes, the effortlessly would come with a couple hours of practice.
its basic movement you fucking retard. tarkov is not a mechanically hard game
If you want to be getting as tight of angles as possible on your peeks while still being able to shoot your gun at the person you're going for, you aren't doing that within a couple hours of normal play. Enjoy the rest of your day being a disingenuous faggot, anon.
>Enjoy the rest of your day being a disingenuous faggot, anon.
Now that's some good projection
Anyone who isn't literally retarded would be able to figure out the basic mechanics of circle strafing to peek a corner within minutes and be good enough to put it in to practice, definitely not with peak efficiency of course, with a small amount of practice. It's not a complicated mechanic.
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Does nobody just do the sidestep? I think it looks neat whereas circle-strafing around a corner just looks retarded.
The side step is the intended way to do it mechanically but it's slow and tends to expose you too much. The circle strafe is faster, safer, and lets you peek tighter angles.
Less useful than overhead firing only because overhead firing lets you pivot without making noise
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Excuse me! Style over function, sweaty
sidestepping is a guaranteed way to die
>Anyone who isn't literally retarded would be able to figure out the basic mechanics of circle strafing to peek a corner within minutes and be good enough to put it in to practice
Agreed, but
>definitely not with peak efficiency of course
I was specifically talking about optimizing peeks being the only challenging part, meaning doing it with peak efficiency so as to give you just enough angle to shoot the enemy without exposing strictly more than is necessary. Learning the baseline mechanics to it isn't hard. Knowing where you need to stop at corners/cover in order for your lean to get you the rest of the way without giving you too much or too little vision is the challenging part, and getting that to an instinctual level is the part that takes time. Apparently I hadn't been clear enough with that.

No, it's slow and exposes you more than is necessary.
So then what's this shit even about? As far as I can tell everyone here agrees on that. I legitimately don't think the game would be better if it was easier to peek corners without some kind of mechanical learning curve to it.
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Personally, I find myself in the Yellow, but think if I dabble in the Pink, I can get to the Blue.
about 3 different people agreed that its not that hard so lay it to rest faggot
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Alright boys, what's your final raid/stash looking like? I've been mobbing night factory this past week and having some of the most fun of the wipe so I think it's a nice way to end off the final night of the wipe.
It looks like 7mil rubles and a whole fuckload of looted guns and attachments, just a big pile of shit. I can't bring myself to sell good guns so shit piles up all wipe.
I dunno. I said something about it taking a while to get autistically good with your peeks, and anons were like
>nah retard takes 2 hours
because either they didn't understand what I was saying or they're deluded
what sidestep should be | ---> /
what sidestep is | ---> |
it's just pointless to use in an actual fight. it looks funny if you spam it left and right tho, makes you look like you're doing the shuffle
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>people are actually ratting corners in night factory
>on the last day of wipe
What in the fuck
im gonna read the patch notes and then decide if i should play
What the fuck happened to the performance? 32 fucking gb means nothing in this game.
7800xt 7800x3d
Performance has been peak bad in a minute
thanks for the obligatory bump virgin anon
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>He fell for the 33GB of RAM meme
32 gigs is the minimum required to run the game even halfway smoothly
Pretty big notes
>reworked customs
>new hidden exfils you can use by finding certain raid items
Hidden exfils sound neat but I doubt they're anymore more than static unlisted extracts. Give it a week or two and everyone will know where they are, makes no difference if they're listed or not. Cool idea though. Ideally there'd be like 5 per map and only 1 of the required items would spawn, so you wouldn't know which to rat.
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>Hideout customization
fuck off

>Updated the game engine version to Unity 2022.3.43f1;
uhh.. does this mean we will get 2 more fps?

>Removed the option to select binaural audio in the game settings.

>Visual recoil changes
wtf is that

>listing offers on the PvP Flea Market will be available two weeks after

>Increased the limit for bringing roubles into a raid to 500,000
rmt bros we are so back
>flea locked for two weeks
>hideout upgrades need to be found in raid and can't be bought
>no mention of optimization
>no mention of any relevant gameplay improvements
alarming and discouraging.
>Visual recoil changes
>wtf is that
It means we've taken the first steps on to the slippery slope of going back to the old recoil system.
>no new MGs
>no G3, FAMAS, M16, SVD, SG550, F2000, etc.
>no plate hitbox rework
>no changes to stop trader flipping
>but we'll add a random gucci not-in-production AK that nobody's heard of before instead
Whoever chooses the guns to add at BSG needs a kick in the balls
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>Added random weapon sway and horizontal rotation;
>Implemented the visual effect of the bolt hitting the receiver;
>Added a camera shake effect, reflecting the buttstock hitting the shoulder;
>Added slight barrel sway effect for pistols;
Oh I hate this
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switch 4 and 6, it doesnt make sense
watch this entire general completely ignore the fact that this patch didnt fix any issues and only had 3 bullet points under QoL
Either they're getting paid by someone for particular inclusions or they're just insane. They've had tons of weapon models finished for years that they've never implemented
they didnt change the recoil like nikita said but practically no difference camera shake and visual stuff has the same effect
even though the pattern of your recoil will be the same as previous wipe we wont be able to track the target while shooting because of the camera recoil
am i correct?
>Partisan, Raiders, Rogues, and regular bots can now use underbarrel grenade launchers
cant wait to get one tapped by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
also does this mean regular scavs can spawn with grenade launchers?
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That's the general idea of visual recoil. It's fucking shit and having your reticle be disconnected from what your gun is doing feels bad in every single game it's in. See webm for what visual recoil in this game looks like if you weren't familiar. We haven't had visual recoil pretty much at all for a couple wipes now so going back to any visual recoil at all disgusts and worries me.
>hideout items must be FiR now
Uhhhhh not sure if I like that one bros.
Is that real? I hate that immensely if so.
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>here's your new .300 Blackout assault rifle, bro
Genuinely disgusting, I hate Nikita. I bet it's gonna be meta too.
I read that as AI are able to use grenade launchers and for the rare case of a normal scav picking one up
nice repost niggerfaggot
locking flea for 2 weeks will only affect poor terrible players like myself, chads will have 5 mil in the stash instead of 20 but ill have 100k instead of a mil but i understand where theyre coming from and it makes sense to slow down the progression

idk what they were thinking with fir hideout upgrades, now bolts,nuts and motors etc. have no value on the flea market and itll probably take me whole wipe to complete hideout upgrades, i can scav for them i guess
i think they shouldve required fir only for gpus,water filters and air filters so you can build it but need fir to use
The prospect of needing to find all the light bulbs alone for the hideout makes me want to avoid this wipe.
seriously why the FUCK are we getting this ugly hunk of shit before even at least some more respectable AKs like the 15, 308, 19, or Bizon. Or actual non-AKs

I guess money doesn't buy patrician taste, Nikita is worth millions at this point and still has the taste of some middle aged retard in a Facebook Anderson fan group who loves posting his anodised red skeletonised AR all day long
New cheating service just dropped, GPU looting run carrys lmao
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Yea I think I'm skipping this wipe.
you cant skip a cozy winter wipe
They want to slow progression. Instead of being able to upgrade your hideout with money you now have dedicate raids to looting technical crates. It also indirectly makes arena grinding less viable.
>dedicate raids to looting technical crates
sounds really fun, cant wait
I'll play the first couple weeks then drop it. I'm not dealing with miserably slow hideout progression because I haven't seen a light bulb in 6 raids.
Jesus what the fuck. Just can't go full auto I guess unless you hip fire? I'm not a expert on guns, but irl recoil isn't that bad is it?
No, real recoil isn't this bad. The recoil this wipe won't be that bad either so don't worry, but it's what old recoil used to be like and any step back towards it is a bad thing.
I’m thinking it’s going to be based for 2 weeks with everyone running non-meta hobo kits due to lack of flea and lack of quest/hideout progression
I'm gonna rape so many "chads"
solo experience is getting worse and worse, theres no other option than ratting
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Well I'm excited. A lot more changes than I expected. Winter wipe is the best!
>GL on raiders and rogues
>Cancerous frostbite mechanic
>2 weeks restricted flea
Nikita really fucking hates his players doesn't he? Here we go 3-4 days trying to extract a fucking awl or syringe out of cheater infested shoreline while running T ammo and getting one-tapped by scavs with ps
>>2 weeks restricted flea
Highly based and good change you fucking nigger, the only thing I disagree with is FiR required for hideout upgrades. They should've simply added another checkmark for items bought and the flea and just not allow that to be used for the hideout or something.
Start playing the game with the rest of us instead of mindlessly running shoreline stashes
I'll be on ground zero duking it out, shoreline is gay
this is shaping to be the grindiest most inconvenient wipe in the history of Tarkov, restricting flea just makes niggers that poopsock this game to the max more powerful, these niggas will just max traders 2 days in and clap the rest of playerbase with fucking ps and 556a1 ammo
I wish this would suck more
>stash running in 2024
all relevant early game quests are in shoreline dipshit, Peacekeeper and mechanic rep are most important
enjoy your sub 10 raids to complete all quests on the map i guess?
How is that any different than them doing that with flea?
that i have acess to flea as well? getting to level 15 is easy as fuck, meanwhile pk3 and prapor 3 take much more time
how are your boyfriends? are they ready for the wipe?
You were going on about awls and syringes. If anything shoreline quests will be easier since everyone will be running shitter kits for two weeks.
>they're adding yet another mismatching USEC set
>M90 Splinter in desert
>still no MultiCam or UCP lowers
fucking WHY are they like this
>map full of medical and tool spawns
>full of quests
>doing only quests
i genuinely don't understand? and sure, economy kits without high powered scopes or massive magazines do help survive encounters... when you don't count the fact that shoreline is the worst most cheated on map early wipe. I guess i'll just go sit on reserve and exfilcamp scavs for hideout mats, such a dogshit design decision, also, enjoy scavs being ultra aggressive to each other the entire wipe now
it's actually fucking insane isn't it? DOA wipe
You're too stupid to be a solochad, dumbnigger. No wonder you can't take the solo life.
I misread your post entirely then since it said you’ll be struggling to extract with hideout loot out of shoreline.
12 bucks + tip for this btw.
All 4 new sets on the website look like ass, holy shit. I hope there's at least some new clothing that's not store exclusive, other than the winter clothing.
GZ has diminished loot in the 1-20 lobbies. Enjoy not finding fuck all hideout items.
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>I guess i'll just go sit on reserve and exfilcamp scavs for hideout mats
Why not just play the game and loot the stuff yourself?
I'm just gonna be pvping so I'll reach lvl 20 anyways
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>Nikita quintupling down on locking people into task grinding
Wow it's almost as if tasking is a core aspect of the game...
That doesn't make it enjoyable, cock polisher anon
I don’t see anything in the notes about tasks
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>mind instantly fixates on cocks
no suppressor nerf either
it's so over
You're the one readily defending your boyfriend's decisions at every turn with the most womanly bouts of passive-aggression possible. A spade is a spade. Cute deflection attempt
Every time he hits the flea, it makes doing tasks more important.
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>no flea for 2 weeks
>hideout items must be FiR now
We are closer than ever to the complete removal of the flea market from the game...
I don’t see anything in there about the flea besides it being closed for two weeks
That *is* playing the game anon
Isn't that a good thing though? Flea defeats the purpose of a wipe
>thanks to flea mfers will just be running meta shit again in a few days
>Isn't that a good thing though?
Yes. Yes it is.
>mfers will just be running meta shit again in a few days
Because other people already no-lifed their tasks and unlocked all that shit, so people are already going to be doing that regardless. The flea levels the field and lets people choose whether to do the gay fetch quests for the nine millionth time. It's not my fault the game's progression system can be over in a couple days. The game would unironically be better off if trader levels were simply time gated
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New trailers dropping soon.
>Added rewards for the already existing achievements:
>Reward: USEC Predator upper clothing.

>Tasks Overseas Trust - Part 1 and 2 were removed from the game.
Fuck fuck FUUUUUCK I hope it won't be locked for me when the game is up.
Just give us Ironman / Hardcore mode already that removes all the cancer from the game.
No flea, no secure container, no wipes
Enjoy your 2 hour matching times
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Is that... a HK drum sight for rails?
>not putting Knight's upper on his own kill task and adding the other Goon outfits
Patrician taste.
another event for squads, theres no way im gonna be able to defend that tree for 5 fucking minutes
>including exploding propane cylinders
why? only rats utilize them
You faggots will really cry about anything.
and you sucker will thank nikita for the everything he shoves up your ass
whos the faggot here
Definitely you.
Why? You won't be able to see shit through it.
Guys been going at it all day
unheard paypigs
nikita cocksuckers
aka true believers
keep defending subpar updates
you deserve what you get
I didn't buy Unheard, keep coping tho
What games you playing today mate? Since it’s clear you don’t play too much of Tarkov anymore
>waiting for the patch trailer to premiere
>chat is just full of russian bots spamming the same shit over and over
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That was lame. My favourite is still the lighthouse trailer
i expected this wipe to have more in it
why can't I find lobbies that play like they do in the trailers
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Banger soundtrack, new personal favorite.
sounds like something an AI would make if you typed in russian doomer music with rock
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>Rock paper scissors in Tarkov
The game is saved, doomposters eternally btfo.
and thats bad because
You know it really seems that tarkov players tend to have low verbal IQ.
t. Arena Breakout Infinite enjoyer and former Tarkov player
didn't ask
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>full-auto S12K is based on the S12K from Contract Wars
im just glad we get to have a drum mag for the saiga without that stupid fucking looking doodle on it
The trailer that ACTUALLY matters in 1 minute
>arena is shutting down
holy based
cool I guess
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>more clown cosmetics
It's fucking over.
>updated lighting for equator
Already in the game, though.
It's just a bit of fun
Sure, but it's also a slippery slope.
way worse shit has been in the main game for longer
Nicki Minaj any minute now.
played the free arena weekend and it legit never gave me a match on equator
looks less retarded than the death shadow and people actually wear that
I play regularly and I get that map once per 8 games, at least. The actual abandoned ones are all the ones besides that one, Bay 5 and Chop Shop. I think I've played Sawmill literally only once since release.
Sawmill is one of the worst maps ever put into a game
unironically therere people in this thread who talk about arena
weird, out of 15 or so last hero games I got chop shop 12 or so times and the other 3 were the shipping container map
Probably. I bet the spawncamping is full-blown AIDS with an open map like that. But I'd still like to play it now and then since no other Arena map really has grass.
It'd be cool as fuck if they made a night-time version of it and you could deathmatch with thermals and night-vision, even if the map itself sucks.
Likely because it's more enjoyable than the main game.
pve flea is going to be in shambles
>new snow camo is locked behind an event
a squads-only-good-fucking-luck-solo event at that
Event details?
Genuine question, is Nikita getting progressively MORE retarded? Hideout requiring all FIR gear and not even being able to list any items on the flea for the first two weeks of wipe is fucking insane. I usually find 90% of hideout upgrades myself but there have been wipes where I haven't been able to find something stupid like toothpaste and get locked out of upgrading big parts of my stash until 15. Not being able to circumvent bad looting luck is bad enough, but these changes make a ton of the valuable items early-wipe virtually useless now. What's the point of the flea even at this point? I would say guns & gear only except almost everything good can't even be listed. Why is flea use being disincentivized YEARS after the anti-RMT shit from battering the flea was proven not to work?

I'm losing my shit, fuck this man. I'm just gonna play Fika with friends.
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>end of year big wipe
>it's fucking nothing
Flea change is great. FiR hideout is bad.
Flea change bad, FiR hideout is good
Now they need to increase the requirements of level 2 stash to Ragman 3
imagine even caring about the hideout lol
Elaborate on your reasoning. I can't understand why a single person would think the flea change is a good thing unless you just dislike the flea in general, in which case I think at best you enjoy an entirely different kind of experience with Tarkov than I do.
I will exclusively play Arena until level 30
>Elaborate on your reasoning.
It extends the early wipe period, FiR hideout also ties in to this, but I simply think requiring FiR only is a bit harsh. It would've been better if hideout would just not allow items bought on the flea market.
nobody will be running around with meta guns by the weekend like a normal wipe
i wont be able to make money off looting literal garbage all day ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I think that's being over-generous. The best players were the ones who were able to so rapidly progress to begin with, and rather than leveling the playing field all this will do, I think, is remove a method more average players used to compete with sweaties' rapid progression. The top 10% or so will still get much more survivals, rapidly improve hideout and use crafts to complete quests like ice cream cones, getting meta gear just as fast. But the bottom 90% are going to have a slower time of it than usual, unable to get upgrade items and crafting equipment easily, slowing down quest progression which will just lead to a prolonged situation where there are sweat gods running around 20 levels above the average player who's delayed due to quest lockouts.
How often do you run into those "sweaties" compared to an average joe?
You still can actually
The average PMC kdr of a raid is <=1
I won't be sweating running into someone running a 60 rounder
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>saiga shotgun locked behind LL4 now
Not often. But my point is that it will create a sort of gradient where, the better the player, the faster they progress. And that sounds retarded phrasing it like that - it always works that way - but I'm sure you understand what I mean: it will now be even faster the better you are, and even slower the worse you are. Rather than slowing progression uniformly or at a bare minimum keeping in a safety valve of sorts for worse players so they can catch up even if they have low survival rates or bad loot luck, this I think will probably have the effect of being punishing enough for the truly bad players that they'll just give up, and skew the ratio higher toward the ultra sweats.

That was just an example of a quest that gates a lot of other progression that hideout is very useful to use for completing, tard-kun.
>locked behind an achievement from a time limited event that's over
WHAT did they mean by this?
Your example is retarded and isn't comparable to the kind of kits that can be assembled via flea 12 hours into a wipe.
>it will now be even faster the better you are, and even slower the worse you are.
Faster players will still be locked out of the flea, and slower players probably won't even have the flea market unlocked in two weeks anyway
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>you can now wipe yourself then level all over again while waiting for the next wipe
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>Additional weekly task
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>+1 charisma per prestige at the beginning of the wipe
>per prestige
Based illiterate
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>only 2 prestige levels currently with a total of 8 later
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>the only thing im excited about
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oh shit no flea for 2 weeks wtfffffff

lmaooo everyone has to find like 70 ES lamps by themselves
slowing down the progression makes the game more grindy and it feels like a chore for me, i think ill enjoy this wipe less than the previous one
Money shouldn't be a guaranteed easy mode
Go find things for yourself. If you want easy mode, we have PvE
But then I actually have to go play the game and loot all those scary places with other players...
If hideout items are no longer a money sink how much will gear cost now you think? It's not like there's going to be any less money in the game.
anyone know where the keybind config file is located?
I think money will just be less meaningful.
A lot of stuff is already as expensive as it can be, before it becomes 90% tax, and beyond that a significant amount of items come from traders, or are already restricted from the flea.
Could mean you just get a free one to start with every wipe.
Oh shit nevermind I'm retarded and reread. Maybe a special modded variant? Don't think they'd be dumb enough to lock a new gun behind a previous event
Probably just a poverty mode AA-12.
I was about the say the AA-12 is already poverty mode but then I remember how stupidly expensive that gun is for how shit it is.
game economy doesnt make the game easier or harder, it just cuts down the time you need to alocate to loot runs and scav runs, i would rather have easy money and focus on tasks and progression, its just an another grind/chore for the average player imo
>I don't want to grind so I can grind
exactly i would rather focus on 1 type of grind instead of 2
0.190 0.170
posting my sens cause i didnt get a screencap
15 minutes until patch delay announcement
Can't wait for them to apologize live on TarkovTV.
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>uhhhhh we are sorry, it is very hard to patch the game, wilwe will be done SOON soon, here's a picture of a gun that won't be coming to the game for 4 years
Bold of you to assume they will even acknowledge the delay on stream
its funny that nobody points out how the m60 and deagle were models they posted screenshots of 10 years ago
just back up your control.ini file
>\AppData\Roaming\Battlestate Games\Escape from Tarkov\Settings
are they? I know that some of the older assets are shared from Contract Wars but I was under the impression they only got around to consider adding stuff like the Deag recently
It does thoughbeit because you can't just solve everything with money. You actually NEED to loot, Ratcels lose I'm gonna be shoving so much shit into my case lmao
Hey guys Nikita here. There's going to be a slight delay for this update.
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>I'm gonna be shoving so much shit into my case lmao
cant launch my game, whats happening?
headquarters was hit with a ATACMS
pizdetssss xaxxa
Wait, does doing that remove the FiR status?
I'm still gonna shove FiR hideout items in my Gamma just so people who kill me don't get them.
Isnt it Molchat Doma? I havent listened to their whole catalog but it sounds like them.
I thought so too at first, but I feel like Nikita is too full of himself to use anyone elses music in his trailers.
I thought the same till it went full generic rock
it's 100% made by niggita
the dude is only capable of making one song, they all sound the exact same
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That singer sounds exactly the same. Regardless I like it. Makes the game seem "poppin". Reminds me of a Fortnite trailer.
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>Reminds me of a Fortnite trailer.
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>3 months old unity engine

That's a yikes from me
when did this general slow down so much
makes me wonder if it was a collab, not necessarily with them but another artist, don't think he's a vocalist in any regard
Erm can I play yet?
I'm currently playing SPT
ehm nyo
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>Partisan has a positive KD
Holy shit this community is full of actual shitters.
>thread is still dead on wipe day
it's actually over
how can it be over, when its never begun?
i cant believe nigkita just took our unheard of edition money and ran
Just learned Pestily is a manlet

you think u can take him on in a 1v1?
I ain't watching twitch to get toilet paper drops.
there are not drops until 30th sweaty
maybe stay up to date before you open your empty mouth?
Still not watching Twitchslop
manlet, bald, shit at the game, forced his dad to play to gain more monetary gains -> full circle
his dad's based thoughbeit
just got in, anything good shown yet?
FPV drones teaser.
>people think fir hideout mats is a good thing
Fucking retards. Have fun finding all those es lamps, bolts, your ledx for level 3 med station, etc. and being stuck with a shit hideout for 2 months. What a horrible change
Just survive, retard.
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>tfw i'm a manlet and he's taller than me
Hideout upgrades really don't mean all that much
Bullshit, hideout is fucking OP.
fucking retard
Notice I said nothing about the flea being locked for two weeks you shitposting mutant.
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Some of the new items.
Holy fuck the updated icons for old items look horrible.
buy scav box
Won't help finding the items though
more eye rape tank you niggita
Anime poster confirmed
>t. ends the wipe he's been playing since day 1 with less than 10 mil
>ad the moment I click the link
Yeah no, twitch can go fuck itself. instantly closed the tab.
Bet you use Brave browser
t. 40yo
of course not you have to find them first and actually play the game
What the deets?
Ayyo that kinda look like the battlepass
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>tank helmet with nvg mount
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we are so back
Escape from Tranime
Shit that will never happen
Why is Nikita dressed as a homosexual?
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>we will start next year with the optimization
LOL! what have you been doing for the past 12-24 months?????

nice hedgehog haircut and hawaii shirt btw niggkita
I wish you good luck finding 3 ak 60 rounders
Yeah that's cool and all, but when can I update and play the game niggita?
>kill 1 raider
>Tarkov waifus
We are SO back
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come play arena with me
Would you play Arena with /eftg/ anons?
>Improved the system to combat the use of banned third-party software.

Rip cheaters. Enjoy your hardware bans.
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>no performance improvements
>no balance changes
>recoil nerfed
in approximately 8 hours :-)
yeah i would
What an ugly gun
I hate Nikitas obsession with mall ninja slop.
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>Nikita complaining that we dont suck his dick
What a joke.
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>could have been something cool like a Ruger Mini-14 in .300BO
>random prototype slop instead
Erm bros, how to I authorize when I have no hardware. Email isnt being sent???
>normal ak
>with a brick glued on the end
>this is the only real "new" gun this wipe
>no the bolt action 338 doesn't count
>nobody will use it because the mcx exists
Fucking great addition niggita you fat piece of shit.
There's literally a fucking rocket launcher in the game now.
>>nobody will use it because the mcx exists
Good, it looks fucking disgusting and I don't want to see it in my raids.
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update up
Did they add the ACR stock yet?
If my launcher keeps getting gateway timeouts I guess I should just keep reloading huh
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>update pops up
>loads for a bit
>window pops up
>bad gateway
Every fucking wipe.
Does this piece of shit even support iron sights?
managed to get arena but I fucked myself out of the main game it seems
What about gun rights?
I-I think the new .300 BLK AK looks cool...
>reticle literally almost invisible on one of the BEST optics
>its invisible on the bad ones
>you dumb niggers defend this
>he killed Santa
wtf I hate Damirka now
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first time?
Yea that's my point it's an ugly and irrelevant hunk of russian shit. He should've added a gun people actually fucking wanted like the famas or g3 given the fat cunt held a fucking poll for which of the two was more wanted.
Cry about it
unironically kill yourself
I'm buying arena then (I already was going to lol?
Gay and discontinued for a reason
Least realistic thing about Tarkov. The EXPS3/XPS3 reticles can get nuclear bright
>t. I own 2
No it's like the 4th time I'm just an impatient asshole lol
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I'm in
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you don't have slow internet, right /eftg/?
>10GB 'patch'
its realistic!!! ive never look down a colimnator sight in my life cus i live in a dictatorship (leaf)
Is 1gbps slow nowadays? I sometimes get throttled down to 400mbps during high usage days (basically the holidays)
all new outfits in the store
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I'll take a picture of my Eotech reticle when I get home for you
Where's the drip?
you DIDDENT see it because ITS NOT THERE
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Shit is taking forever. It's so slow.
>I love the new AK!
Fucking knew it, god I hate Nikita
LMAO nigita confirms that he loves the new AK and had it added just because he likes it, the gun designer guy thinks it looks like ass.
>vz 61 coming next year
The weapon guy seem be fun around. He too agree the velociraptor is an ugly ass gun.
>365 days away
not all
winter drip missing which you can only get through achievement
it truly is only nikita driving these meme guns into the game, incredible
Easily my new favorite BSG dev.
he reminds me of bobby from twin peaks in demeanour
does this man have socials
If I made my own fucking game I'd do the same, but yeah it's not the gun I would have added. Doesn't make sense because the only useable .300 round is CBJ, and by the time you can buy they you can just get an MCX.
>in the store
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>20 round magazine
>even leg meta won't save it
God we really need realistic hitboxes again huh...
is the game live?
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cant complain too much, but i long for m16 and svd wood and rk-62/spoiler]
Does eft attract more vitriol from its "fans" than other games? Or is Nigita just a crybaby?
yeah dude looked unhinged lmao
Tarkov is the most retarded playerbase and Nikita is a smarmy Russoid, so a bit of both
Tons of usable guns they could add for 300 blackout. Add the meme Q honey badger, add a mini-14 style semi auto, hell add a bolt action 300 blackout like the ruger American ranch or q mini fix. Make it low tier traders so you can have a near silent close in bolt action without a suppressor when you buy 300 whisper from Jaeger 2.
Truly a match made in heaven, these people were made for each other. Retarded is the best way to describe eft fans though. No idea how a relatively complex game like eft attracts so many knuckledragging bozos, and funny how nigita has that "one guy made everything" persona
Russians are chronically incapable of handling literally even the most mild of banter.
But, EFT's community is particularly angry. However, the only reason that's come about is because they've refused to do a lot of really basic stuff everyone has been asking for.

Obviously the jewish montisation is a whole big thing too.
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Almost done
seriously idk why it's so hard for Nikita to give us a bone, give us a few most wanted guns, and then a meme gun
yeah there's a lot of people unhealthily obsessed with the game (myself included)
lot of people who don't understand any sort of game development, people who feel scorned because of various dramas, the retarded natoids who show up whenever the game is mentioned outside of spaces dedicated specifically to it, etc.
but of course his prickly attitude especially in previous years during early development helped developed that toxic culture
I'm in later fags
yes lol, he even looks like a little hedgehog man now
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new meta
>ballsack mag
That'll be -30 ergo please.
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Prestige requirements
Most russian looking dude ever in the hotseat, eating pickles too
>need Kappa to prestige
I mean Prestige is cool but I can't be arsed to do Kappa again. It should require the achievement for Kappa instead.
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lvl 2
seriously considering thbis or the g2
wish someone bought them and tested them ingame from a third person pov
I have the Vanguard purchased, might get the frog
G2 is cool but super basic(which is alright when they change out of winter)
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Looks like true usec
Literally me. Is there a new voice to go along with it?
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they added yakut to bears
really cool niggita thanks
Mongol mercenary
Tatar soldier
Wish the top had gloves.
The yellow balaclava guy is funny, what does he do at bsg?
he's the one who buys the cocaine I reckon
Jap merc
90% of usec uses haywood or hudson anyway.
I was able to update but the game crashed during character creation. How far has everyone else gotten?
haywood is the only non old man so yeah
and everyone likes gosling
Black operators would have a tactical advantage at night, please understand.
>the game crashed during character creation
>cursed MP5 AK handguard
Fuck no give me a leathery old man. Grant is the best we've got so far :(
Doesn't seem like you really get much for doing it. What does charisma even do?
Yeah, and after the crash the game won't start from the launcher anymore. What about you?
need to feel represented unc?
Same, again
FUCK I really wish that prestige didn't require Kappa. Kappa takes so fucking long it would have been nice if it was something extra. You should keep the container when you prestige of course, but it shouldn't be required. I guess without wipes that's enough time to get it done eventually though.
North Korean representation.
>3 times crashing during char creation
>game cant be started
I was getting ready to start the raid and got "authentication error" and now I can't get back, guess I'll go play arena for some time
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one day they will have a smooth patch day
flea market was up, they're wiping the game again
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Ultimately vitriol just means the fanbase is passionate about the game. It's a great game and we should be thankful for it, but in addition to the usual problems of their trade, the developers are prone to unnecessary Russian retardation which sometimes warrants extra abuse.
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can you still earn xp and shit with arena or no
Finished downloading but cant launch the game
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Firstly I'm only 40. But I mainly like the idea of being a dude who just has no business being there. Give me a fatty with the same hitbox and I may take that instead.
spotted the paypig
It's a sad state of affairs.

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