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mf bad
why did they make the game bad?
>release early access game>give the game two weeks to simmer unnattended and lets everyone get their bitch fit out of the way and then get over it by the time the devs get back>the stuff that people bitched about is no longer a problem because people had time to digest it and accept itDevs are geniuses
Lightning or frost monk? Playstyle of both is pretty similar but I ice strike animation more
The Youtubers are designing PoE2 by committee, and they have come to a decision. The cabal has decreed that MF must go. Reddit is on their side, and GGG cannot hold back the hordes without our help. Only /poeg/ stands as the last defender of juicing, zooming, and getting rich in trade league.Discuss.
>>507332041if only we had a game where this exact problem had people complaining for longer than 2 weeks, kill yourself newfag
which minion for infernalist if I want to see the screen again?Brutes, Reavers or Snipers?
Please let one of my maces roll well today RNG gods
I think mapping sucks.
I wish they didnt add lightning nodes on the passive tree because now its MANDATORY for me to take those nodes to play a lightning build , thus limiting build diversity
>>507332256MF must go, redditors are right, youtubers are right, go get a real job, ruski
i assume everyone defending the current state of ssf is trolling or false flagging because its that fucking badrun the map that jonathan forces you to runpick up the white itemslam itstash it so you can 3-1 itrepeat 20 times every fucking mapits so mindnumbingly boring and uninteractive and retarded that im genuinely considering rerolling to trade despite trade being even more disgusting and filled with chink scammers than usual
So what exactly changes in maps from tier 5 to tier 15? do tier 15 drop better/more stuff? im already getting expert gear and I assume that's like the very best? do tier 15s drop with higher suffix rolls or something?
>about to get 4th ascendancy and the game forces no ES on floor 4 with my CIFUCK TRIAL OF THE SEKHEMAS ALL MY HOMIES HATE TRIAL OF THE SEKHEMAS
>>507332197literal children in a sandbox crying because the other kid has a shinier toy. it's embarrassing, and it never ends. poe 1 is like this every league. >i don't get the mechanic, it's bad and i'm not doing it until you buff it>oh my god all these people were using the mechanic and i didn't use it and this isn't fair! you need to nerf it!
When does Merc get fun?
>>507332285desu it's more like poe 0.5
>>507332538>>oh my god all these people were using the mechanic and i didn't use it and this isn't fair! you need to nerf it!this sums up the entire whinefest lol once the knowledge gap is filled nobody will have a problem with MF
>faggit doesn't like MF>so 4chan has to like itcan you guys stop being contrarian for once in your fucking life
>>507332454skill issue
>>507332551It doesn't unless you want to spam galvanic shards or grenades.
>magic find got progressively removed from poe1 to the point where it is a dead stat except for niche farming strategies>UHHH ACTUALLY MAGIC FIND IS GOOD AND IT WILL DEFINITELY STAY IN POE2
>>507332538>poe 1 is like this every league.Because it's never the actual players who autistically obsess over dumb shit. It's always propagated by streamers looking to start drama for cheap ad revenue and easy advertisement towards their streams.For further reading, see: Ruthless
There will be no need for MF when the Dreamer awakes.
I don't understand the ritual tribute mechanic, is it not simply kill fast? Or do i need to drag more mobs in before I start it?
>>507330941>I just feel like some stupid animal playing a game invented for addicts.uhhhhhhhhh>then when I roll big how am I supposed to feel good when I am self aware to the fact that it's lucksuspension of disbelief, same way you don't stop and go "omg none of this is real it is all numbers in a computer!". when you find an item for 2 exalt that would take 50+ exalt to craft how are you supposed to feel good: you basically just hunted for bargains, no monster slaying was involved so... (etc etc).>When I roll 8% cold res on my lvl 60 itemyou keep multiple crafting projects going at the same time. the new version of Expedition League even incorporates this by letting you leave up partially finished items when you run out of artifacts.essences you spam on a bunch of white bases, then you aug them and throw away the garbage ones and wait until you get greater essences, etc. you get 3-mod items that way. this is reflected by the best use of exalts, you only use them on items that are already decent.
Gas Arrow + Corrosion+Toxic Growth + Exploit Weakness= MeltMobility wise Toxic Growth sucks though, leaves you wide open to getting fucked by the boss as soon as you land
>>507332954Can't wait for them to put magic find on an ascendancy and drive every grindfag nuts over it.
>the game doesn't drop anything, BUFF it now GGGOh hey guys just itemize for it>the game does drop everything, NERF it now GGGYou retards are never satisfied are you?
>>507332285movement speed prefix is good. it means that good boots without movement speed are very cheap. it makes gearing easier. you can sacrifice movement speed to do harder content faster. its one of the few examples were trading character power for quality of life is actually well done. people only complain about it because they dont want to make a decision.
>>507333037no, ritual will only ever spawn monsters based on what was generated there when the map was created. same as poe1.
>>507333137lmaoing at this moron
>>507332950>thinks exalts are the limiting factor for "crafting projects">thinks artifacts are the limiting factor for expedition crafting and not reroll currency>thinks greater essences are a thinglarp post
>check out demon form spark>it is just stormweaver but worse
"crafting projects" AHAHAHAHAHA
>>507333187And this ascendancy should be shit, even worse than chonk
For map progression is the game really expecting you to do 10 tier 1 maps then 10 tier 2 and so on. This feels so fucking tedious especially since on the rare occasion I get higher tier maps to drop they are easy,
What support gems should i use on Fragmentation rounds?I have 3 slots and currently use Brutality and Splinter.
The fact GGG forces me to build damage in order to do content is limiting my build diversity
>>507333563It's 10 tier 1+ (plus sign) maps.
>>507333563It says "1+".It almost got me too.
>>507333563Funny thing you can do higher tiers to get your progress but it will NOT count towards the later stages.They have no endgame so everything is a grindhole
>taking my time leveling every ascendancy to 70>might bother with endgame if they make it less ass in a few monthspretty fun desu
I'm level 70 and doing Tier 2 maps.But I am finding that I rarely get any exalted or better orb drops.All my gear has +Rarity as well, I probably have at least 150-200% Rarity stat.What am I doing wrong?I just want to farm some orbs to make a new character but they ain't droppin.
>>507333563buddy I've done a thousand maps alreadythis is pooe
Item rarity is literally on the atlas tree. It's not going to be removed. Stop complaining and run t1 white with no mods with iir. If your build can't do that then kys
>>507332952poe1 literally nuked quant from existence you absolute retard, this problem was plaguing poe for years with people complaining for years until they finally got rid of it
Should I be going far away from the beginning of the Atlas map? Like is that the main goal and just going in 1 direction picking up towers or should I be clearing in a general area?
They should bring back the loot beetle, this was more fan then these shit layout maps
>>507333245>you can sacrifice movement speed to do harder content fasterwhat the FUCK are you larping aboutboots with 30% movespeed and no other mods are a better defensive item than boots with perfect life + defence + resistance modsgood luck doing anything in this game with -3% movespeed when you have to constantly have to dodge degens and slams or just run away from a monster and the only way to do that is walking with your two feetin poe1 this was true, you can totally play poe1 with no movespeed on boots because you can use frostblink* / leap slam / whirling blades to get around and dodge stuff. it will be more difficult but its possible. in poe2 it doesnt work
>>507333810item rarity being on the tree and maps is fine, but it's definitely getting removed from gear
>>507333878Yes I have a feeling citadels only start spawning once you get pretty far from the starting nodes
>>507333239Neets will only be satisfied if you have to grind 60 hours a week for transmutation shards. They want to be the top, even though a group of two has more drops. Why they never band together with like-minded retards? Nobody knows.
>>507334012If you are fine iwth it being on the tree and maps but not on gear you are literally contradicting every argument for why it shouldn't be on gear
>>507332285I agree with removing rarity and making movespeed implicitAlso remove + spell skill level on caster weapons, make them socketable with new runes.X0RW
>>507332452yes they drop better stuffitem lvl depends on the monster lvl that dropped it, and suffix tier depends on item lvl
>>507333661>>507333702Yeah I saw that but my map drop rates are abysmal and I'm stuck doing at best tier 5 maps when I'm grinding tier 4. My map economy is depressing.>>507333710Yeah I steamrolled a tier 6 for my second every map but I've been stuck grinding these shitty side quest maps for the hope of higher tier ones and my atlas passive.
I will commit heinous acts if Duelist is not added to the game soon.
>>507334112hello tourist
>>507333245lol it's a decision for you if you take movespeed on boots or not?
>>507333137>suspension of disbeliefDoes that even apply to games? If a movie or book breaks the suspension of disbelief then it's a shitty story that is hard to take seriously. It's not the reader's fault if the suspension of disbelief is broken. That's on the author to write a believable story.
>>507333990>you have to constantly have to dodge degens and slams or just run away from a monsterno you dont
>>507333657MF is a meta stat that reads "your character is better" without engaging with any other system in the game or with gameplay
>>507333820the problem wasn't magic find, the problem was builds were too powerful to use it the way it was originally intended, so they changed it. they didn't remove it, they moved it. so yaaaaa know.
>>507334307enjoy the t1 white maps
>>507334112i don't think i can engage with someone that unironically thinks the atlas tree rarity is the same as rarity as a mod.
>>507334169Druid and the spear chucker are being added next.
>>507334329MF is a dead stat without the other stats on gear
Why is everyone shouting about warrior being bad at the top of their lungs? Swords are not ingame, axes are not ingame, flails are not ingame, feral abilities are not in game 3 strength or strength hybrid classes are not in the gameOf course warrior is ”bad” when it’s missing like 70% of it’s potential skills and weapons
>>507334169Those retards want to add character without pants again
>>507333490>stormweaver but worseHave you tried the attacks? You have deadeye, then you have deadeye but worse
>zalmarath's bugged oneshot swipe still not fixed
>>507334436oh right i'm sorry i forgot about the change to 8 mod map IIQ and all the IIR/IIQ scarabs they added to the game. you are right baby cakes. you never ran an 8mod map in poe. so the fuck do you know about it, amirite?
>>507334342youre retarded, the speed of the build literally doesn't matter you want rarity no matter what.
>>507334485If I"m required to take it like all the anti-mf people say, then it limits diversity and choicewhich is the same argument they make for it being on gear
>>507333245>people only complain about it because they dont want to make a decision.Yeah the decision to feel like shit and not have fun
>>507334591bro christmas vacation bro
>>507334512They just mean that the mace feels like crap, which it does. People are still referring to quarterstaff skills as "monk skills" too.
>>507334656almost like there are nodes on the atlas tree that are powerful enough to take over rarity, but there is very few mods on gear that people would rather have over rarity
>>507333729>zooooomg, there are no drops!!!Xir... you're playing ruthless 2.0 early access
>>507334652>youre retarded, the speed of the build literally doesn't matter you want rarity no matter what.still waiting for the webm of MF only build clearing T15 bosses
>>507334169I want to make a new character but without swords and duelist it feels pointless.
damn finally one of thoseI haven't even see a great one yet kek
>>507334656the atlas should be designed in a way that you dont have to take it. you are right, if the correct move is to always take rarity on the atlas then there is a problem
>>507334512it's a symptom of poe1 brainrot
>>507333245You're the rarity nigger aren't you.
>>507334512Warrior doesn't use swords or axes or flails or feral abilities, warrior uses maces. Hope that helps.
>>507334845sure, watch any streamer
>>507334845>mf onlywhat does that mean? You have 6 affixes on gear. You mean mf on every piece? Easily done. Rarity is still used extensively in poe1, they didn't remove it at all. The same system in poe1 was ported to poe2
>>507334512The tree having a ton of downsides on nodes is most concentrated in warrior's section. Monk area is almost all benefits. For whatever reason the closer you get to str the more that there's a malus tied to every node.
>>507334884You're not going to find any great rares on the floor, anon.
>>507334845>MF only buildthis doesn't exist, you make a build and you put rarity on it that's always been how magic find works in poe, we literally have poe1 as an example of "slow" builds with fulcrum chieften compared to a fast build like tornado shot or caustic arrow both builds more than capable of doing high tier maps with one being tankier than the other but one also being faster than the other.
>>507334652lmao you dumb faggots are amazing.
GGG needs to nerf every fucking skill by 85%, the vision demands this game is slower and nothing shall be one shot AOE the fucking screen rainbow shit vomit poe1 this is poe2 and this will not happen
>>507334512"warrior" is synonymous with "maces" because thats what the ascendancies and nodes at the tree starting point are designed around. and maces are fucking terrible to play>uuuhh its a da early access its ok for da maces to be baadggg intentionally made maces feel like absolute shit to play by giving every mace ability a static attack time and also making mobs have infinite pushing power. its not an accident
>>507335271>wanders are the only magic find build to ever exist in poeit's so retarded cause we literally had an entire league of the slowest fucking magic find known to man with ghosting that made use of TWO characters to do effectively.
>>507335183I'm saying take a T15 capable character that has no Magic Find, swap out a bunch of pieces to get MF dropping a bunch of other affixes you used to have and run T15s and show me the results Show me that MF is the only thing that matters
Inspiration reduces the cost of skills. Does adding it to Unbound Avatar mean that it costs less stacks to activate?
>>507335396thats a penance brand build with 2 haunted wands ye. good times.
>Actually inaccessible mapWow great job GGG
>>507335601bro your leap slam?
>>507335601get fucked
>watch hardcore streamer for a bit>he runs into mob pack like a retard and gets surrounded>pauses and relogsWhat exactly is the point of playing hardcore if you're doing this?
>>507335331Yes we need riveting gameplay like we had in act 1. I felt so tactical casting flame wall then mashing spark for 30 levels. We don't need you poe1 cards ruining this
>>507335968poe1 brain
>>507335968to say you play hardcoressf player btw
>>507335412okay. Every build does this show you what exactly? Time tested currency strats from poe1 that have been used for years? Look it up you fucking retard. Snoobae does analyses on this shit every fucking league.>take a t15 capable charactermeaning what? Of the select few that are able to run full mf? That's part of the point we are making - not every build is able to accept the trade off or reach the performance of full mf, but full mf is always more valuable than any other build archetype in comparing currency/hr. There is no other build that reaches higher by making another trade off
>>507335968shitcrow stfu
i'm going to fucking die lmao
>>507336053>my streamer said!>chat is this real?kys retard.
>>507336053>not every build is able to accept the trade off or reach the performance of full mfevery single build is capable of building full MFevery single build , no matter how much you all bitch, every single build can gain full mf
I have a shizo theory that you get more currency if you use all of the ones you have. the game has a built in failsafe because I slammed all my exalts before this and got 4 on this shitty hideout map alone
hello bros, new player here. Will there only be a new league when the game comes out? when a new league starts everyone completely resets the game like in poe1? (completely new level 1 character with no items on your chest from previous characters)
this thread might be even worse than poe2 itself
>>507335339>infinite pushing powerThis is the worst shit. It feels terrible, it looks glitchy and it's simply annoying. People like playing big bonk in things like elden ring because you have hyperarmor letting you shrug off damage and ignore hitstun so you can bully enemies into a poise break. Without that kind of protection intentionally slow skills in this will always suck. Even if you build around stun threshold and damage reduction there will be no reason to use the slower weapons/skills once faster ones are added. Being slow sucks dick if it isn't synonymous with being unstoppable.
>>507336250yes, exactly like poe 1
>>507336250probably in a few months and i assume they will release a new class or weapon with the new league
>mathil's demon form build is already at 10k esES needs to be completely fucking gutted what the hell. I feel like such a retard for getting life on my monk and now I'm without any money to switch to ES.
Why the fuck is isolation literally 100 times more expensive than the other emotions Why is anything mildly usable 1 divine nowThis game is out for like 3 weeks and its already unplayable
should I try a full sanctum run on a 4link as a bukkake deadeye? my xbow is 500dps
>kill map boss before fully exploring the map>can't leave arenawoaw
>>507336359>Why is anything mildly usable 1 divine nowSmall indie company has to update the relative value of a divine on their trade website manually and the trade minion is on a winter break so the website still considers 1 div to be 20 exChange currency in the filter to ex to see real prices
>>507336358ES should have -50% effectiveness of all resists and its balanced
>>507335968Uhhhhhhh it demonstrates superior skill or something... please just ignore the fact that HC players just grind low level maps like chinks for 500 hours until they can ignore all mechanics anyway...
>>507336417Steaming springs? This map is fucked, if you see the arena door, walk away then return to the boss the game will crash. I think the arena has a door only during breach and delirium but I'm not sure
>>507336098Enemies penetrate 25% ele res, gain extra as chaos, hasted, extra proj, more life, now that's a map that kills you (unless you offscreen everything with spark)
>>507336517They need to immediately fire the guy whose job it is to update that. How fucking hard is it to open the game once per day, hell even once a week, check the currency exchange, and change it? Hell, it should not be complicated at all to automate this process.
Act 1 finished - I am speechless. I just wanted to share a little of mine expirience so far with the game. Started as monk, choose wrong path in passive tree and ended up with strong ES but wo any significant damage output. The Praetor was too hard for me to do that way, decided to respec. Once I go more into Thunder direction did him 1st try. Ive been using mainly skills, without autoattack so without Bell. King of the mist was next chole point. 1st phase was just him burning HP, and in 2nd it was me loosing HP like crazy. Saw comment on reddit saying red stop purple run. Gambled Staff with +56% to elemental damage comming from weapon attacks. Decided to try Bell with that. Melted that dude. From that point onward once I got Thunder flurry with Bell... finished act 1 in like a 30 minutes.Tldr. I am having the best arpg fun since Diablo 2 LoD. Cant wait for more.
>>507336706I did that once and it didn't crash, this time I just decided to run in and kill the boss since I am already there rather than backtrack, after killing the boss the arena was closed off by a blood barrier so rip my map
>>507336719i throw bombs and then body block enemies to make sure they stay in bomb radius
>>507335201meant the perfect jeweller's orb
>>507337086magic find
damn i should really start caring about resistances and not just dps huh
>>507337086lightning strike
>>507337161damn I should really start caring about dps and defense and not just magic find huh
I spent the last twenty minutes searching the map for two crabs who were underground and it doesn't complete the map. I might just make a new character at this point cause I'm tired of it all.
>>507332454>forceNever take a random '''''minor'''''' affliction.
>>507337086BFR. Please come back.
>>507336148>show me>no not like that!What the fuck do you want me to do you absolute nigger-brain? Open the game and stream it just for you? Fucking kill yourself
When will they erase the circle of death from ultimatum afflictions? That shit covering an entire boss arena can't be fucking intended
how long did you take to reach maps?shit took me like 50-60 hours, lvl 67 monk
I made my chaos res go from 20% to 74% and I honestly feel no difference in mapping. Should've just kept pumping up damage and rarity instead...
are mages actually using this staff
why am i getting spammed with wispers for this?
At what level do you start getting drops worth more than 1 exalt?
>>507337698around 20 hours.totem warrior
What does this do?
>>507337948Spirit I guess, rise the price
Keep MFAdd spell suppressionBuff mob chaos damage so 75% is mandatoryNow everyone is forced into the same gear
>>507337948extra spirit is good, especially on jewelry since the only other places I see extra spirit is on small staffs.
>>507337948es crit cast speed spirt it's all the meta rolls(save mana) that one of the most popular builds uses.
>>507338328>>507338234>>507338334would you say ~20ex?
>>507338432i would imagine a bit more than that.
>>507337948+50 spirit on an amulet is worth 1d regardless of any other mods
>>507337402when theres 3 room choices with randoms, you have to take one
>>507338508>>507338521alright then
>>507338560you never have to take a random affliction unless you previously took the affliction that hides afflictions on the map, in which case skill issue
>>507335194MIGHT be because the notables are 40/50% damage instead of 25%maybei literally play with no attack speed on my tree and none on my weapon and i take the -speed nodes. its unironically fine and stampede still blows up the screen. it doesnt even feel slow because everything dies in one hit and im constantly moving forward.
Why'd they have to implement trade site logout after 30 seconds now
>>507338605a few div at least.
>>507338605Gz on making more than you planned for. Always a good feeling.
>>507338797probably anti bot/ddos measure
>>507338810hope someone bites at 3>>507338841thanks if it sells i can boost my build at least a bit
>>507337561its a donut you doughnut
Kind of weird that the other concoction skills exist in the current state of the game when poisonous concoction is the only one that you can scale to be 10x better than the others.You can't even scale ignites or fire damage on rangers side of the tree and you need to stay on rangers side anyway for flask nodes.
What happens when you get the map quest to 6/6 15s done? Does doryani give you a medal?
>>507337948would this be worth as much as anon's or it needs cast speed
the fact that things are line of sighted in this game is retarded while enemies can just snipe you from where ever the fuck
>>507339321Alva will give you a blowjob if you play your cards right. Hope you've been talking to her every day to get your affection points up.
>>507339349+3 to all minions is huge, plus the spiritcould easily sell for a chunk of change to some infernalist
Cenotes is comfy
>>507339349This is why i don't play minions, for more damage aka more spirit you need to pay divines over divines for a couple gem levels
>mfw people find out mf is bugged for minions and it copies your mf% to each minion and appies it to all drops as well
>>507339349this is an INSANELY good amulet
Need a retard check, am i fucking up?I still need to find the citadels and get the fragments but I'm doing lvl 16s (seems just like 15s in terms of loot, even on 2+ boss maps...)Should I focus on these quests, am i gimping myself somehow?In terms of endgame content, do I focus on like grinding breaches or something?is lvl 75 armour highest white armor that can drop?Ta
>finally get to maps>think my build is ok because I beat Doryani np, but have to basically do MMO rotations to kill packs>T1 map>it's taking much longer to kill packs>it's taking ages to kill 1 bossWhelp this sucks. Dunno if I should call this just sunk cost and reroll or if there's a way to recover. >Ascendency 2 Blood Witch (where the actual fuck are the A3 item drops)>minions are a meme, specced into cold damage and spells>damage mainly comes from frost wall, frost bomb, manual cast comet on single target, and sometimes Bonestorm >no fast attack clear spell>no power charge auto cycling>no 1 button ezmodeI uh. Yeah. I'm not sure I can pivot this one.
>>507339991naht15-16 doing breaches/deli/ritual while trying to find citadels is basically the end game
>>507340015just get mf it increases your character power per all the people in this general
>>507339798>mountain biome mapsngmi
>>507340210desu, compared to other maps I like it, along with Slick and Sandsplit
>>507339991You just use as many sextants as you can on towers and run fully juiced maps on bossesKeep travelling until you find a citadelRinse repeatEndgame is very barebones and will be until the real game launches.
>>507331981I don't get it
>>507337397do you have a boss the map?
>>507340194this nigga is so mad he's arguing with noobs
>>507338217It's there for extremely rare treasure keys that probably aren't even in the game yet, don't worry about it
76% evade, 50% armor, 78% cold res, got him to 10% then he hit me once and died immediately. never even pressed a flask or had a chance to, just touched me once i did from 100 to 0%. can't upgrade my gear with more life without spending 10 divines per piece.
>>507340337the layout is fine but the local knowledge bonus is too good to bother doing mountain or forest only biomes
>>507338521wait, then how much is this random shit I rolled worth?
I swapped in new gear with MF sacrificing all my damage and defenses and now I can't do T13s anymore and am getting no xp from maps, I thought there was no downside to MF gear?
>>507340502No boss. It was an expedition and 3 alters, that's it. I also opened the loot locker. The entire map has been fully explored.
>>507340612maybe get more res
>>507340719bro this amulet is like everything a minion player wants
>>507340612you basically want to kill citadel bosses before they get something offJamanra (act 2 boss) is basically the same, you can get hit by very small floating spikes and instantly die (I died with 6200 hp with armor and res cap)They're garbage fights in EA
>>507340612What map mods thoAlso 4k ehp is not enough to survive big hits in this game
>>507340818but I play gas witch hunter and am using it lol...
>>507339991thats basically it. you can fight pinnacle bosses at increasing difficulty levels. but the endgame is very barebones right now so ggg artificially padded playtime by making boss invites take forever to grind. it takes you ~10-20 breach maps to get a breach boss invite, a bit more for simulacrum and ritual / expedition invites are random but also very rare. so if you feel like doing that 5 times for each league mechanic to max out the tree then go for it, otherwise thats it. theres also the citadel boss which is even grindier.
>>507340818except minion gem levels so it's meh
>>507340612and thus the glass cannons were filtered
>>507332285Fuck off zoomer
preeeeeeeeeetty good
>>507339798By far nicest map of all is wetlands, not a single rock or tree or impassably too steep hill in the way and it's pretty.
>>507340971hilarious post considering the optimal defensive build in this game is to oneshot bosses before they can attack you
>>5073409024k hp is enough for the pinnacle fight, everything that is dangerous is telegraphed and the rest won't even close to one hit youevery other fight (like citadel bosses) are trash with not well telegraphed attacks being able to one shot you
>>507340612>can't upgrade my gear with more life without spending 10 divines per piece.then upgrade weapon, 10% more DPS would have been enough
i wish archer was a male,but i guess i'll roll with merc
>>507340612>>507340854the vision
I have double minor passivesyour hits are crushing blowsand now im chosing between the +15% hp ascendancy or the you deal 40% more dmg to heavy stunned enemiesi struggle with survival, so do i go for the life?
>>507334512warrior uses maces and the tree is pigeon holed into stun and armor break thoughever
>>507341347>magic find doing its job wow who would have thought
>>507341097well have fun with that when it gets removed. people who created characters with actual defense layers will thrive while you fucks complain to ggg that your build is ruined
>>507340902only negative mod was monsters are armoured. i mean i guess i could have grinded for another 150 hours (which is roughly the time it took to find my first citadel) but this is just too much. my total deaths are under 10, i die in maps (and i juice them to ilvl 81) basically never but this boss just seems completely outrageous. >>507340971i sincerely do not feel like a glass cannon. this doesn't reflect my mapping experience at ALL.
>>507341190"And then we doubled it."
>>507340902>What map mods thoYou can run zero map mods and some attacks will still eat you alive. They're way too overtuned.
>>507340015Yes, reroll. Maps are boring as fuck anyway.
Anyone else playing on controller? Can I make it so that 'interact' is its own button? It keeps putting Raise Shield over the Circle button whenever I change zones even after I remove Raise Shield from the bindings.
>>507341347They are still trading for 69 exalts though.
>>507340612Evasion without acrobatics is useless on bosses.Armor is useless in general.Essentially, your only defensive layer was your slightly higher cold res, and whatever HP you had.ES is the only reliable defensive option, everybody else gets fucked.
>>507341310damage to heavy stunned is garbage unless you are running armor explosion and you struggle killing white mobs for some reason.take the life.
>>507341358You're getting stunned, you absolute retard.
>>507341748ok so i guess i just fucking reroll lol? i mean i'm done with the game in general now, i've never played a game where i lost 100 hours of time spend to a 1 shot. imagine if dying to consort radahn sent you back to the start of the game.
>>507341745Yesterday they were at 75
>>507339349How did you craft this anon?
>>507341869desu, I'd postpone touching Citadels until the Kiwi fucks address after the holidays
when i said i was planting grass, im planting grass bish
>>507341834yes stunned while running around you turbonigger faggot imbecile kys
>Freezing Salvo Titan, taking the Hulking Form node and pathing through Merc for roughly 85% increased cooldown recovery (instead of 67%), or Hailstorm Rounds but 130% inc reload speed (instead of 100%)
>>507339349Minioncuck hereId pay two divine for itIts prob worth more
>>507342113Not my problem you're too inbred to play the game, faggot
>>507341869bro the fragment is like 50ex, just farm something else and buy it. looking for them when they havent balanced it yet is dumb
>>507341834retard fucker there is a bug where you just cant attack for like 3-5 seconds you can walk around and roll but attacking doesnt workdumb fucking nigger
I still have 30 bucks and I'm burned out on PoE2 rn, should I buy Last Epoch or Stranger of Paradise?
>>507342280>t. works on my machine 30s total time played on ps3 d4 tourist faggotkys retard
>>507342456Both of these kinda suck, can't you get a different game?
>>507342456last epoch is mild fun
>>507342393i absolutely despise buying boss fragments. in poe1 my favorite activity was unironically just farming guardians/elderslayers/ and doing shaper/elder/even fucking sirus lol.
>>507342456Stranger is great fun.
What builds are the most fun to map with whilst also having big damage for bosses?
*is preparing to brutally mog poe2 in 2 weeks*
>>507342418>>507342546I have over 200 hours in the game. Never happened once. You guys are getting stunned or do some other retarded shit.
>>507342000now touch it
>>507342456Stranger is unironically more fun
>>507337086last epoch
>>507342689shut the fuck up retard, it just doesnt happen on the skills you are using. it happened to me constantly when i used storm wave with a specific amount of attack speed
>>507342658Wut game is this
>>507342658Is that a Syndra skin?
How do I find citadels faster?
Why are they doing another Piety with Oriana?
man i'm so fucking bummed about dying to this citadel boss i might actually quit, never felt this way playing a game before.
la bros, just got into mapsshould i respecc for more evasion and lightning rod notable?
>>507343031Pray for better rng.
>>507343178because violence against women, especially whores like piety, is fucking based.
>>507337086old headhunterbring back nemesis
>>507343202Just understand that the endgame and bossing in general is a complete joke right now.
>>507342456do not play last epoch
>>507332227It's the same thingYou use charged staff on your infused melee ability and then you hit the bell while running 5 passives, that's it, that's the build
>>507342629>>507342785Stranger it is then, thanks
>>507343202Alkaizer thinks this bossing is too punishing in this game right now and his entire shtick is that everything needs to be harder.
>>507343031go straight out, activate towers, and look for the "cities". each citadel has a different large area city - either houses, temples, or tents surrounding the citadel
>>507341713It isn't supposed to do that but I would probably just try putting Raise Shield on an unused bind on the second skill set and see if that stops it
i'm not surprised that you idiot nerds played stranger of paradise cringe
>>507342939torchlight infinite. i tried it while waiting for poe2 and ended up putting a lot more time into it than i currently have in poe2. its pretty good
do you really only get 1 life for bosses like arbiter and breach boss etc?
>>507339190Poisonous concoction was actually unllayable until it received fuckhuge buffs a few days ago. I'm sure the other ones will be usable when they experience The Touch of God
poch flopped btw
>>507343178The VA can do an annoying, hatefuckable voice very very well
>>507343595I'm here to farm divines and kill chaos, and I'm all out of divines
>>507342939chinese mobile game skinnerboxits better than d4 but worse than pretty much every other arpg
>>507343764poe2 is the definition of a skinnerbox and its a worse one than torchlight
>>507343202i died to arbiter 5 times learning mechs, lost 4 simulacrums to crashes, lost some 2div relic sanctums to the terrain bug. one citadel boss is literally nothing.but yeah its early access just come back after a big patch and go again you dont HAVE to play if it feels bad and you know it'll get changed.
>>507342839Because you're getting stunned. Retard.
>>507343595SoP character powercreep was retarded but it was still a better game than this
>>507343714did they take all the money and run?
>>507342658I'm actually kind of excited to try it out. I have heard a lot of good things about the moble tl game recently
>>507343595t. fag epox
>>507343921i was moving and dodge rolling freely while stunned but i couldnt attack?shut the fuck up you dumb retard. its a well documented bug. you made a retarded statement about something you didnt know anything about and now you look like a moron. no need to double down on it
>>507339190it shouldn't be an ascendancyin fact I would be okay with them being unique mana flasks just so the other concoctions have a chance at being good
>>507343994Fully zoomed in Merc gameplay
>>507343693All of the concoctions received that buff. The skills themselves are good, I understand that. But they are not scalable in the way that Poison Concoction is because of the lack of support on Pathfinder's side of the tree. Pathfinder is already pretty committed to that right side because it has all the flask nodes which she needs for survivability AND for concoctions to not feel like shit to play. Outside of just wanting to be a special snowflake and choosing a different concoction to use - which I understand completely and I'm not knocking, there is literally no good argument for using any of them over Poisonous Concoction. They kind of just exist right now for people to hope they get proper support with later skill gems or uniques. This is the problem with tying the whole suite of concoction skills into Pathfinder instead of just letting them be their own skill gems that anybody can use.
>>507339190Don't worry it's going to be nerfed
>>507343882did you buy arbiter fragments or were you manually grinding those out because thats insane
Okay I need to ask because I'm at T8 maps now and still confused. How do I start getting Atlas Points to the League mechanics? I did a bunch of Breaches, Expeditions, Deliriums but never got anything out of them other then then the few crafting things. How can I start investing Atlas points into them?
>>507343994This is literally my merc 300% MFgameplay.There is no difference.SoP is garbage...
>>507344392>This is the problem with tying the whole suite of concoction skills into Pathfinder instead of just letting them be their own skill gems that anybody can use.On the flip side, you have like half a dozen different builds that will one day be defined by the ascendancy. And since you can't change your ascendancy, it will add a ton of longevity to your character as soon as methods of scaling them are added to the game.
>>507344558You get them by beating the pinnacle bosses tied to the mechanic. Doing so also levels the pinnacle boss up to be stronger every subsequent time you fight it, I believe.
what should i reroll if i want to actually fight citadel bosses and not have this happen? >>507340612i lost all hope in monk it's too weak for bosses.
>>507342456Last Epoch has the greatest itemization system in all ARPGs. If one doesn't like it, one does not like ARPGs.
>>507344558if you hover over the 0/8 it will tell you the conditions to unlock the points. to see the atlass tree hit cttl+u with the atlas open. or click the little button in the top left corner to open it.
>>507344604>There is no differencethe difference is that clip is meant to be a meme, not your gameplay
>>507344779If you can't kill bosses as monk then you're not going to be able to kill them as anybody else lmao
Is it dumb that im banking on Chrono being poggers later? Its pretty lackluster now but I feel like when other classes and skills and nodes come out there will be some wacky cooldown synergy.
>>507345052then i give up the game is too hard for me.
>>507344795looks like d4 itemization before they updated it with loot reborn.
>>507344795shut the fuck up
>>507344927We're already into blizzdrone levels of cope with 'well the art team and the music team did a good job' postsIn a year PoE2 will be getting sub-100k concurrent on league launches
>>507345110Serious question, what are you even doing? Ringing a bell on a monk is like s tier single target damage.Are you still in act 1? Monk struggles early because ranged enemies will bend you over, but you quickly solve those issues
>>507344558you have to spend 20 more hours in jonathans maze before you are allowed to attempt the pinnacle bosses, most of which are copied over from poe1. enjoy
>>507345267no im in t15s, i posted that screenshot of me being dead to the boss.
How do we fix red bubble
>>507344758>>507345323Do I just need to get lucky and a Pinnacle boss spawns during the event? Or is there some item that drops that allows me to do it?
>>507344020>did they take all the money and run?GGG did, yes
>>507344470bought them. finished my build and had nothing else to spend money on besides bossing so i went for max difficulty on everything
>>507345445Bring back the slave girls
>>507345476>delulu posting this hard
Whats the most comfy mapping build out there?
>>507345445You can get 7k hp on warrior whats the problem?
>>507345496i mapped for like 50 hours to find that first citadel, i don't have the currency to just buy attempts. i'm just done the game is too hard.
do mercs want more armor or evasion
What are you going to do with your hundreds of hours grinding abusing broken builds when they come back from christmas break and pull a gigantic patch plus a new season as the only way to balance out the market inflation?
>no Ranger builds with CI+MoM and EvasionI'm too fucking old to start testing trees and brick chars you know
whats it do?
>>507345659I will reroll SSF and be happy
>>507345649Evasion FUCKING ALWAYS EVASION. Avoid Armor.
>>507344020Yes, they haven't released anything since february.
>>507345445Completely gimp all character power that is tied to market itemisation or niche talent interactions so that everyone's EHP is within a relatively narrow and predictable range, then tune enemy damage around that rangeThen do the same for damage so that people have to actually fight the bossesBoom, game fixed
>>507345172i really am curious how poe2 will do long termit obviously has a huge amount of players right now but i suspect that the vast majority of those players are the type that play the campaign once, maybe twice, and then drop the game. they are the type that make angry reddit posts when ggg does a ladder reset, not the type that looks forward to playing another league.im not sure about the poe1 maze victim audience either. as a proud member of that demographic i dont really see myself playing poe2 leagues that much unless they completely revamp the mapping and crafting
>>507345641>you can have finishing the campaign levels of energy shieldwow!
>>507345903But the damage
>>507342689What percentage of total hrs played of poe2 do you think 200 is, for your opinion to carry any significant weight?
>>507345913HOLY SHIT LMAO
>>507345923you will play ranger and you will oneshot bosses and you will like it
>>507344558You basically get them through beating bosses that you can only access from shit that drops in those mechanics (if you don't trade for them). If you're SSF you essentially want to get to farming T15+ maps as soon as possible so you can get them to drop more frequently.
>>507344795It fucking sucks
>>507346109what sucks is that the giga op ranger builds are kind of shit until you get good gear.
>>507345462random item drop that is incredibly rare for delirium/expeditionand farmable item drops in breach/ritual that you need a huge stack of just like in poe1
What is the map clear speed of a fully gilded minion build? Can it ever compare to other builds in map cleaning speed?
>>507345649You can get both, what you really want is life
>finally get a waystone with 100% rarity on drops, most waystones don't have fucking any IIR>T14>get 1 fucking alch, 2 T10 waystones, bunch of shit tier 3-6 maps>also have IIR 60% on char
>>507346298i assume this should say random drop from ritual expedition and farmable from breach deliriumthe difference to poe1 is that nameless invites spawn from any ritual so you have to always do 3 rituals and then reroll if theres no nameless invitealso unlike poe1 it takes for fucking ever to farm breach and delirium splinters
how high an items level is doesn't matter when chance orbing right, the unique i want is level 16 so it wouldn't matter if i was chance orbing like level 62 whites
are t5 bases worth shit?
>>507346582yes. yes they are worth literal shit
>>507346451you should be running your highest tier maps on boss nodes.
>>507346582No base is worth shit outside of the rolls that appear on it
>>507346582how the fuck do you get the tier?
Man I saw this chink selling for 3 dollars cheaper than my dealer, mofo tried to scam me out of 20 exalts of the 1000 I bought, thought I wouldn't notice, fucking bastard, that's why you don't switch dealers.
I'm blindly slamming things in campaign and it feels fuckin GREAT
>out of T6 maps (3/10 quest)>got a bunch of T7 mapsguess I just do those now
In the beginning of act 2, is it really necessary for us to visit the gates only to be told they're closed? There's only a few lines of dialog there and when you're done you're instantly off to a new place. What's the point?
>>507346158I didn't follow this game's development. Did the devs just completely abandon it after it got released?
>>507346797do some red maps bozo
>>507331981Can someone explain to me why is this belt so good why did I get ~40 whispers for setting the 4ex price on it?
>>507347116no i meant how can you see the tier of the unidentified base
>>507345659All skills and ascendancies are busted when you're rich, so it doesn't matter what gets nerfed after you have a week to grind with a good starter
>>507335601>doesn't have blink on weapon slot 2It's mandatory
>>507346960I think it was shit + abandoned
gating the top tier of maps behind corrupting them is such a gay fucking choice. so sick of t15s bumping down to 14s with shit mods
>>507347280weighted and visioned
>>507346960Wolcen? Yeah, it was 100% a cash grab.
>>507347153i think the stats on it is what makes people want it
>imagine paying to beta test PoE2>get your account locked because some bs >no response from GGG "tech support" for weeksThat insider anon wasn't lying, GGG is a fucking mess. It's just a miracle that they haven't been sued into oblivion yet. And there are threads with 20+ pages like this. How can you sell/give away hundreds of thousands of EA keys, but don't expand your tech support team accordingly?
>>507347507All of them were rmting
>>507344795>they hated him because he spoke the truth
>>507346960It was ultra garbage, basically D3 but somehow worse
>>507345791You use it with special items so you can fight pinnacle bosses.
>Strongbox freezes you>Enemies take like 5+ seconds to spawnheh
>>507347174>All skills and ascendancies are busted when you're richpost a single busted chayula build
>>507345791Some broken early access shit probably.No one knows what 90% of the atlas things are anyway.
>tfw can't swap gear without uncapping resists>but the gear that is better while keeping my res capped cost several divs>Get killed half of the time in t15 bossesAm I bricked?
>>507337146your loot filter is garba
>>507347507>2 days is "weeks"You're a chronically online tranny.
>0 monsters remain>map not completedwhat? I pressed a switch in one of the rooms and ran around everywhere looking for another but there's nothing here... how do I complete this shitty map
HowThe FUCKDo i get a 3rd trial itemIts not dropping in maps at all
>>507348030you need lvl65+ maps for sekhama or lvl75+ maps for ultimatum
>>507347987Bugged, sorry. You can run another map on the node.
>>507347987The last monster is (You)
>>507348139So i either buy them? Or get lucky?
>>507332538>>i don't get the mechanic, it's bad and i'm not doing itThis was me during Kalandra league.
>>507347507The lights probably aren't even on in the GGG offices
>>507347930just get more magic find I'm told that nothing else on the gear matters
>>507347796take ice strike, take charged staff, put a bell down and bong itwhat did you think ascendencies were anon?
>>507347796Hex blast is pretty solid.
>Buy rarity item from shop>Aug and regal>Throw 3 exalts at it>Make all this back and more in 10 minutesIt's that ez
>>507342658Fuck it I'll try it out when it launches. Will probably beat everything and drop POE2 before than anyway.Autistic build guide required for endgame? Not complaining tho.
>>507347507Serves right the rmt shitter.
>divine orb dropped from a white mobHoly shit what
tfw sparchmage makes you alt-f4 out of a map because its so fucking boring
Our retard is actually tattooing D4 bad lol >https://www.twitch.tv/quin69
>>507348658why not poe2 bad?
>>507348585you either play a ranged character that doesnt interact with the game or you play a melee character and realize how bad the game really is 6 years
>>507348658this is so fucking toxic. poe players need to grow the fuck up.
I want to fuck Jinnytty
>>507348731maybe because poe2 good
>>507347537Don't GGG just ban for rmt? These guys weren't banned, most of them got their accounts locked because of router reset or they bought new pc to play poe2. Then they also bought supporter packs with ea keys and when they actually tried to LOGIN they weren't able to.>>507347937It's just that guy who called GGG commies.There are others who are waiting for a response since November.
>>507348865chat is this true
>>507348865but it's not?
>>507349005it is, gtfo sperg
Capped resists, 8k armor, 72% evasion, 3k health, Assbreaker one shot me with a slam on level 81 map with no damage mods what the fuck
New idea: Essence of rarity
>>507348921These are just some rmt babies who are crying on the forums.
>>507349148Bro? Ur 12k energy shield?
How mad is blizzard right now
>>507332256but youtubers and redditors use MF the most so they can post pictures of le epic wins
>>507349148armor and evasion do literally nothing against strong enemies that would be the main cause for you to get one shot. Unironically the only option to not get oneshot is to just have shit tons of health / ES / MoM
>>507349148Evasion is not true defense it's just slot machine defense.
>Trans a white sceptre>+5 lvl minions>regal, ex*3, chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos...I just crafted this. It's far from perfect but it's an upgrade
what is the difference between an Expert item drop from a T2 and an Expert item drop from a T15?
>Map shows as complete when I press tab>Atlas says it's not despite finishing itWhat the fuck is wrong with this game>EAShut up before I eat you.
Yeah, there's no way, this armor is the only way to make warrior tanky against elemental attacks, it's the first thing in forever that noticeably made me survive longer in everything.
>>507349282Umm... not at all? PoE2 is autismslop. Diablo IV is a beautifully crafted game. I doubt anyone at Blizzard gives a single shot about PoE2, let alone feels threatened by it.
>>507349348>Unironically the only option to not get oneshotThe only option to not get oneshot is to not get hit in the first place by getting good.Poetards will keep dying to bosses until they drill into their poetarded skulls that this isn't poe1 and you need to actually press more than one button and respect boss mechanics.
>>507349390How do Wands work are there no Advanced/Expert for them?
>>507349506Amiya wouldn't waste her birthday playing poe2...
>>507349496You forgot your anime girl image.
>>507349412Expert is just the name they put for the reused Act 1-3 Item Bases for Cruel that are placeholders for the Act 4-6 Armor coming later.
Is there a way to map two different skills to Q but depending on the weapon I've swapped to?
>>507349412expert is meaningless
>>507349648ctrl+q i suppose
>>507349648Doubt it but you can bind shift+Q
>>507349148>hit by slamdunno if poe2 is your game mate
Ok, I'm in the mood for some dungeon-crawlan LMB-simulator game. This or Diablo 4? Which is more litty? From what I can see, the gameplay looks way more interesting here. But Diablo 4 has better art and somehow seems to have more soul. Not sure how I feel about the super open skill tree in this game. Maybe I'll understand it better if I actually give it a shot?
>>507349732>>507349738Why would they add weapon swapping and weapon skill points on the passive tree without implementing that as a feature?
>>507343994Nice filename
>>507347153Most belts are absolute shit. Only uses are charm slots, life, mana and resist
>>507349282Poe 2 has generated like 70 million usd so far. Source: my ass. One million confirmed keys on launch day, I'm not seeing any numbers from past past few weeks after.D4 has generated 10x that their first week. Blizzard is reporting numbers approaching 30 million keys sold for d4 so far.
>>507349506nobody does this the top meta builds avoid dying by having over 20k combined es + mana so they can tank whatever they want or just instantly killing everything
>D4 is so bad some australian jewish dude is getting it tattooed on him live on twitch.so crazy bro
>>507340604I saw Rue completing an Atziri Vault. Is it the same map?
>>507350167>the top meta buildsPost em
build/gear to speedrun the 3+3 acts on a ranger alt?I'm fucking done with warrior
>>507347796I'm a hexblast chalupa on t5 maps. It's fine. Throw chaos freeze on contagion and you can freeze bosses with hexblast lol
>>507350160Blizzard always lies about their numbers. Back to /d4g/ rajeesh.
>>507339471She'll have to take a bath first.
>tradieslollmao even
>>507350440ther's no crafting in the game so its all gamblingTher's no way of getting upgrades besides getting lucky retard
>>507350027They do have the checkboxes to automatically use certain skills with one weapon set or the other, and it swaps for you.
How noticeable is 20>30 move speed on boots
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6FlsTetZgYITS UP ITS UP ITS UP ITS UP ITS UP ITS UP
>>507350235stormweaver archmage, deadeye anything, stat stacking anything, demon form zhp anythingnobody plays a real melee build with less than 5k pool
>>507350390Blizzard dominates the console scene dude. I hate d4 as much as the next arpg fan, but my casual friends all have that shit on their consoles. D3 and 4 are some of the highest selling games in history despite being lackluster
>>507350027because weapon swap is automatic, pressing a key switches and uses it at the same time.
>>507348865on this day a tranime poster was right
>>507349348Unless you're literally taking 5000 damage in a single hit, you can easily get enough armor to tank slams. In fact, even 5000 damage is probably survivable. When people say shit like this, it's more likely that they just don't have enough armor.>>507349148like for instance 8k armor is on the low end for lategame. A maxed out chestpiece gives 2500 armor, that alone would get you to 8k armor.
FINALLY I have what I need to kill umuhis there even a lightning-heavy boss in this game?
>>507350605>demon form zhp anythinghuh? srs?
>>507350629Ok Majeep
>>507350579Those boots are made for walking and that's just what they do
if I start a petition to demand duelist be the next class added would you sign it
>>507350662They need to make a weapon bind switch for spells. Obviously the attacks auto switch. T. Just carries a bow for escape shot if I got too cocky.
>>507350579More than you'd think
>>507349506>by getting good.you don't mean "getting good" though do youyou just mean having enough dps to kill the boss before it does anything
dropped 2 perfect jewellrs orb before a single greater one...
Finally get to endgame and this is what it is.... You're not allowed to die at all in maps at all, this is ridiculous. I really dont understand the thinking here. I could get limited lives but 1 attempt per map is crazy, i didnt even get any waypoints from the first map i did so is the expectation that you go back to act 3 cruel and get more maps by farming zones?
>>507350757>he didn't find Mangurag The Lighting AbominationNever gonna make it.
>>507350775yeah theres some items that reduce your hp so combined with life regen people are getting a few hundred stacks of demon form without dying i never looked into it cause it seems unplayable in ssf but its a thing
>>507349506based /akg/ proving its mental superiority to poebabs
>>507350957no the expectation is that you shouldn't be fucking dying
>>507349053>>507349097>>507348865On-death effects are exhausting. I say that as a spark spellweaver, with a massive ehp pool + CI , so I can facetank all on-death without issue. I can't imagine what people playing life-based char are feeling right now.Mobs' speed is frustrating. I feel like deleting whole screens at once is the best way to survive because you WILL meet a pack of hasted rare that WILL bodyblock and stunlock you to oblivion.Combat was advertised as methodical. It isn't after like act 3. Mobs are no different from poe1 while most builds are stuck at poe2 powerlevel.Ascending isn't very fun. I'm glad I crushed all trials with CoC comet before it got destroyed. "Sanctum" is blatantly unfair to some builds, while Ultimatum is absurdly overtuned. The biggest issue is that both of those are so full of RNG from afflictions / mods. I can't believe this is worse than lab.The gem system is strangely restrictive. Most spells and support aren't available until very late in Cruel. 6L are very expensive for casual players, and discourage experimentation since they're linked to a single gem.
>>507350030The attack is literally called Starlight
>>507350903You should watch actual good players like Qu**69 and learn what "respecting boss mechanics" means.
>>507350957You just got to get over t3 rare maps and it will sustain itself
>>507351075die redditor
Poe2 is an exit scam
>>507351075MappingHorrible map layouts being forced on players. I feel that not being able to set-up a 50 maps farming session, with a good tileset is 60%+ of the reason why poe2 mapping is so exhausting.Augury and Myre. Maps need to be shortened by at least 50%, and add a boss to every map.Backtracking for a single rare. Having to kill every rare.Towers feel like a complete waste of time. They should either be "open" whenever an adjacent map is completed, or be a single boss fight room. Imagine being forced to run a Pillars of Arun in poe1 everytime you want to use a sextant.Having to scrolls for 40s in the new atlas. No search bar, no way to zoom out to see everything in graph form.Atlas skill points being locked behind their respective boss fight. Why ? It feels awful. You're forced to gamble on an expensive invitation 4 times to not lose currency. With 1 portal. You should simply have to complete league encounters in higher and higher tiers maps...MF returning is 100% a mistake, especially in its current form, affecting currency as well as item drops. Poe1 finally (partially) excised that tumor in 3.25 by removing quant. Please do the same. I won't launch into a 50k word manifesto on MF and its numerous shitty side effects, other people have already done it on this sub.1 portal for pinnacle bosses is absurd. I don't care about bosses being fully healed after 1 death, but ONE try, for an unknow boss with requires hours to farm? Come on.The Arbiter fight needs fixing. Sometimes you can't avoid death without a weaponswap blink. As usual , the best way deal with this is just to delete him before he does anything.
>>507350883Well I guess I can put off getting that perfect jew's orb
>>507349485i think the only way i could possibly die is on a 40pen map with other damage mods.
>>507350874just set the shot to a hotkey and press the key.
>>507351162CraftingSlamming orbs while closing your eyes is gambling, not crafting. 99% of players are priced out of targeting omens so the crafting system is just a wisdom scroll with extra steps. Fractured items should be reintroduced asap.Greater Essences are far too rare.Targeting omens are far too rare.Build balancing. I'm sad that GGG is back to their old way of deleting builds rather than taking the time to balance them (CoC, CoF..). I think it's very telling that the most popular builds are those that play the most like poe1 (spark, gaz arrow deadeye, LA deadeye). 1 button, screen clear builds. I'm convince that if GGG makes builds like those unplayable, the game will be hemorrhaging players in the endgame.Trade. I don't really need to say more.Frankly, my main problem with all those issues is that most of them have already been dealt with in poe1. That's what make is so infuriating.
Poe2 is a rugpull.Notice how support doesn't reply to people anymore?
>>507351075zased redditor
Dilators going all out right now
Quins getting his D4 bad and attempting to explain it to the artist.It's as cringe as it fucking sounds.
>>507351061How, i feel like i have shit gear and i have basically no resources to make better gear. Everywhere online said just wait until you get to endgame and youll get more orbs for making good rare gear but then i hit this. First node on the map took me 2 attempts. Get to the 2nd one and theres a magic chest with 5 packs of mobs you have to defeat, i didnt think that meant all at once. That's a huge step up in difficulty from anything in the game until this point.
>>507351080Really? I love it
>>507351489its a huge step up in difficulty from the end of cruel difficulty, dont feel bad for struggling. its poorly tuned, not that mapping is too hard but that cruel is too easy
>>507351489dont worry just stack magic find like the other anons suggested because the other stats on your gear dont matter according to them
>>507348609I don't know why people act surprised when they literally have dialogue about it in the game.
>>507350575There needs to be an option to swap passover on skills regardless of weapon swap. It should be pass swap and select weapon at same time
>>507351075>Combat was advertised as methodical. It isn'tAlmost true, it is for bosses but yeah for mobs it's just press 2 buttons and delete the screen or die.
>>507351489Just trade nigga
>>507349714not for armor or weapons it's higher base
I really hope they're adding an active parry system and that's why the duelist is delayed.
dots snapshot right? so if I am igniting things, I can just put all my ignite and fire damage nodes on weapon set 1 and then swap to whatever else I want on weapon set 2?
Thousands t15 maps and it's the first time I see this charm
I don't understand how acrobatics is supposed to work
>>507351961oh fuck dont make me cum. but that would only be cool on bosses unless they completely rework how maps work
>>507351368k, this is something.that poor woman.
>>507351115>you should watch my boyfriend! Like and Subscribe!nah I'm good actually faggot
I hope they make a treasure finder class where your damage is directly tied to magic find and you spend your accumulated gold to deal damage
>>507348573it was a divine mob and you brutally murdered it
>>507352091Hover over Evasion on your character sheet. That tells you what Evasion does by default. Basically Acrobatics allows you to evade almost anything other than damage-over-time and certain boss attacks(I assume)
does the damage from armor breaking hits get applied before or after the armor break?
>>507352380nice ty
Well there are multiple 10M DPS builds currently, some of them possibly a lot higher.Jung claims Lightning Conduit on Stormweaver can get 100M with rampAre they going to add ubers before the official release?
>>507351368>open stream>she's wearing a mic>think she is going to pee or something, he's says 'ohhh no take the mic off first! wait!'>'why? might get ya more subscribers.'shes a keeper.
>>507349412items from a t2 map have a lower item level which means the best mod tiers cant roll on them
>>507352246You would just use those retaliation abilities for mapping.>Hold down a parry stance>Enemies pepper you with melee hits>Build up to some threshold>Unleash a devastating attack
>>507342689Happened to me twice yesterday.I know I wasn't stunned because for all intents and purposes I CAN'T be stunned.
>>507350575Where is that in the control settings? Are you saying that it autoswitches weapon on skill use?>>507350662I'm not sure you understand. Let's saying I'm playing crossbow and my Q is frag rounds, when I switch weapons using X to a bow for example I want to use Q for vine trap i.e mapping my hotkeys for each weapon.
>3k tribute for an orb of alchemylmao nigger
I wanna play a demon form witchHow expensive will that be?
>>507351636>>507351712Im somewhat wondering if i should be completely redoing my build. I was doing an ember fusilade build like this for the campaign but maybe this just isnt up to endgame snuff. When ive done some brief looking i dont see many fire sorcs, most seem to be either shock or frosthttps://mobalytics.gg/poe-2/builds/ruetoo-ember-fusilade-stormweaver
>>507352227You have to place it on the trialmaster door at the end of the ultimatum so it drops the rest, otherwise it will drop the same one over and over again.
>>507347153yes, it's already great as is but also has 2 open affixes, so chances for 3 tri res + life/mana belt, pay 4ex add 2 ex and make 4 divines(you should probably exalt it twice)
Violent ryona sex with Faridun women
These are my observations about the game so far. Keep in mind, I am a complete SSF shitter and only just now got to tier 7 maps and only just recently got my third ascendancy done.1. The game campaign is so far pretty fun. I had fun itemizing as I go and dabbling in the available ways to itemize. However, as a warrior, it kind of sucked trying to find a weapon upgrade which is important to the class I played(warrior). 2. The skill tree seems interesting but it feels like you don't really get enough points to really dabble. The warrior has interesting things in his area but I felt pressured to obviously take stun related nodes because the warrior heavily leans that way. Might be different when the other weapons and such come out.3. I am playing SSF and drop rates of things don't really bother me as I just like playing the game at my own pace. I do weird stuff like save "bricked" bases to reforge and maybe get something decent. Not sure if thats helpful or not but I do it. I also don't really pay much attention to what towers are touching which maps and just go with what I want to do. I am sure I could probably line things up better but I don't.4. Only gripes I have right now is that as warrior, I feel a hell of a lot of pressure to go giant blood. I actually hate it but it makes a lot of sense to do it. I don't like being extremely stat slaved like that. I basically don't have enough STR to use a weapon that doesn't have the -attribute requirement on it. But I have enough to use what I have now because it has a high tier of that mod on it. I just find it annoying to stat stack well in SSF. Anyway, just my thoughts. I am excited for them to drop the axe and druid skills soonish hopefully. I am not excited about the druid or huntress particularly but I think druid will have some fun moves to use on warrior. I think the presence of druid will make warrior less railroad feeling also. We still are missing some mace skills too.
Why are alchs so much rarer than exalts in this game? They're a full on gamba that could really you with early game but have very limited use in endgame.I feel like they should at least be weighted a bit closer together. But GGG apparently values them incredibly highly. Am I missing something?
>>507352661>Are you saying that it autoswitches weapon on skill useYes, click the arrow next to a skill and there are "I" and "II" checkboxes
Softcore and trade trannies you have 10(ten) seconds to explain yourselves
Why do spark electrocute stormweaver people think they are playing the game? That shit is disgusting. It seems like they are playing cookie click.
>>507352995>that could really you with early gamehelp you*
>>507352995They wanted people to slam exalts a lot in poe 2. Said they wanted to make a game where white and blue items felt valuable since "anything could be an upgrade"
>>507349005many are saying this
>>507344795I mean you're not wrong.But we're on the internet. Because the endgame sucks, all of the game 100% sucks, obviously.
Am I pretty?
>>507352995ritual prices alchs ~10 times as highly as exaltswhy? no reason, obviously you could just trans aug exalt exalt for the exact same outcome as an alchemy orb. ggg are morons
For the SSF people, how hard is it to acquire jewels? This is my first time trying it and I feel like I'm just stuck accepting the shittiest jewels with at least one useful stat on it. Everything else I've been able to get passable gear for.
>>507344795Thankfully both GGG and Eleventh Hour Games are wholly owned by the same Chinese overlords.
>>507353262You kind of look like a gypsy.
>>507353346depends on how much you like running sanctum
I am really curious on the gameplay choices of certain things. Not if they are good or bad but more the reasoning behind certain things. Example, they don't have scours or alteration orbs in the game. Why is that? They say its to make the base items more important but did it achieve that goal? I personally don't mind the no scours and such. However, it seems like a lot of people hate that once you have a 6 mod item and its trash, you have a fucked item. I was also curious about whole life vs ES debacle. They removed life on tree but left ES on tree. What is the theory behind that? Do ES builds basically path through as many +ES nodes as they can?
>>507349506based making poop1 tards seethe
>>507353310Trans aug exalt exalt is significantly better because you can stop the sequence at any point if the first results are bad lol
>>507353262You look chinky
Hi transwoman here, I was wondering if any of yall know a good trans-friendly streamer I could learn the game from watching.Thx!
>>507353113Monsters go boom
>FortressWhat the fuck is this map layout
>>507353169I understand the reasoning behind making exalts way more common but like this anon pointed out >>507353310 I can't comprehend the weighting on alchs right now when they are effectively the equivalent of having used 2 ex except when slamming exalts, you have the option to stop at the third mod if you already bricked the item, and save yourself 1 ex. Alchs don't have that flexibility and are a complete gamble...
>>507347987you really should add shatter palm to your kitit's another teleport like ice strike but with more range, allows to start the fight more quickly and jump between packs, plus like HoI it adds an ice explosion on monster deathwait and why no hoiwhat is this even
Ok, I'm feeling burned out now, just not feeling any reward for playing. Got to lvl 82 and highest map I did was T12 with the quest at 3/8 T9+.I just keep running around maps with no tangible benefit. I keep using the same gear I had since I started maps and the same weapon I had since like cruel act 2, nothing better is dropping, and I can't buy better stuff since I only earn like 1ex per 4 maps and shit costs like 1+ div, and I just got kicked down back to T6 maps.Never saw a div orb, never saw a greater jew orb, never saw a precursor tablet. pic rel is my atlas.
>>507352852Please respond
I'm probably done for a while until they add new content and/or make mapping better
how many divs does it take to get pconc working
>>507349282poop2 is literally DOA stay mad
>>507353521exactly. so its retarded that alchemy orbs are so rare and cost so much tribute
>>507353534most of them are soi as fuck tranny bro so they will welcome you with open arms. ziz is probably the most lgb3uoe30+ and he has a bunch of noob shit.
Do I have to spend all my ritualbux on that same map, or can I hoard them?
>>507348176they drop like candy
>>507353534Ziz would be perfect for you
>>507353616alchs are for maps only right now
>>507353717this. we are losing to fucking marvel
Can anoints be switched?
>>507350120>>507352926So it's a good base for gamba, got it. Sold for 30 ex
thanks a lot corpse bird...
>>507353938ya, just annoint something else
>>507353663>82yes the drops and end systems are shit in EA but nigga you've barely done any grindcome back when you're at least 92-93
>>507353663What build are you? I have been noticing that people who play deadeye or any combo of spark electrocute or previously CoF comet feel this way. Playing really busted builds AND doing trade really fucks with peoples enjoyment because they blaze through the game and aren't really playing at their own pace. They feel its a race when no one is even watching. This is why I think metatards in general are not human but thats for another day.
>>507352890why didnt you say this sooner?????
>>507350957welcome to poop of dogshit 2
>>507351075no lies detected
>>507353480The theory is that ES is not equivalent to life but is instead equivalent to armor and evasion. This was generally true in PoE1 in fact outside of CI set ups where all three functions as layers to protect life, but it isn't true in PoE2 where ES has become a primary health pool so the situation just seems to be that the devs failed to see how the mechanic would play out when tweaking it
>>507353663>82 with that many atlas pointsYou've run waaaay too many lowbie maps, you're not actually supposed to start at t1s and make your way up. People getting into maps with a functional build: buy some t10s and go, they count for the quests.
>>507354135It's just boring, I could keep now grinding back up from t6 to t12 maps and hope RNG gives me shit, but there is just no tangible rewards. Barely any xp on maps that low, no good loot, and no currency.>>507354139witch hunter. What's fucking me is just the sense I am not making any progress towards anything. Getting higher t maps is pure RNG, better gear refuses to drop, I barely feel like I'm earning money towards buying better stuff, and the next like 4 passives i get would be +5 str/dex nodes..
>>507353651I had it but I didn't like the small animation delay afterwards
>running a decent T13 map>all I am getting is some exalts, gold and random shit orbs like augsgod MF is such a shit system i hope jonathan hangs himself
>>507354596hmm, I haven't actually thought about buying maps... Maybe I'll try doing that tomorrow if the inflations hasn't pushed maps to 1div lol
>>507352591>yeah we don't talk about spastics any more>or the micro peens, we got hundreds of those in chat>artist: Don't forget about the enlarged cltioris community Yeah, she's good.
Citadel and pinnacle bosses are too punishing one one life. I want the game ot be made easier.
surely something good will be in this
Turns out the only remaining white people live in New Zealand
Guys I have 2 full tabs for waystones and I'm running out of overall space to store them, it's a fucking mess. I did reforge 2 or 3 time in the past - it's cancer. Obviously did a shitton of t15s at this point and have multiple tiers in my chest.What do you do with them? Just sell for gold? I don't think it's possible to sell them on trade site effectively. P.S. Fuck niGGGers for STILL not implementing map tab.
>>507353663>just not feeling any reward for playingThe only real reward you can get for playing is the enjoyment of playing itself. Bigger numbers and better equipment don't make anything more fun, there is no prize for progressing the furthest up the virtual ladder of imaginary videogame progress. Only mazed NPCs with no internal dialogue can believe that they need to keep killing things to get more loot so they can kill things faster so they can get more loot
>>507353812Please respond.
>>507354285I was looking forward to something to just semi-mindlessly play and grind in maybe sometimes with friends. None of them even made it into cruel though.
>>507353663wait what is this skill tree?
>>507355183hide lower tiers in the filter
>>507355238You have to spend them, you can only defer items
>>507355238You have to spend it all on that one map but you can defer items you are interested in to see in a ritual on another map
>vaal orbs just make everything worse every timelol
>>507350957Endgame is a multilayered mess. Alting is the way to go until they fix it.
>>507355201But killing things slowly isn't fun, and killing things more quickly is. That's why the design is shit. If it doesn't immediately draw you in from the gameplay loop it's a failure. They made it too much of a slog
>>507354657>no good loot, and no currency.ever heard of magic find
Always fully clear utzaal in act 3. tvd
>>507336815The trading site is so broken it's unreal.why make the whole game around trading then make trading suck cock? What do they gain from this besides suffering
>>507355303So just sell a shit fucking ton of non t14-15 maps for gold and never pick them up? Damn.I mean I sometimes see noobies in the chat going like "buying t8 waystone" etc. Rarely but still. What a waste...
does GGG have a good history of ignoring stupid feedback? I see a lot of content creators have jumped on the MF BAD bandwagon and i know for a fact that they just dont like it because they have latent OCD and get anxious trying to decide between stronger character or potentially better loot. None of their other arguments hold any water, its literally a feels issue at this point.
>>507355536>But killing things slowly isn't fun, and killing things more quickly is.this is a misconception that should prompt you to think about what elements of combat can be enjoyable
>found a perfect jeweler orb in SSF>Haven't found a greater jeweler orb>can't use perfect jeweler orb until I find a greaterCHRIS WILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mobs that are shit and need fixedthe ice wizards that shoot the spinning ice disksthe little cyber guys who shoot the big shot electric gunsthe poison spitting snakeseverything else is fine but those are real dicks
i thought poopg was where the serious gamers hung out...
>>507353663Sounds awful. I just make alts and have 2 divs.
>>507355657'Because it was that way in D2 and that's my Vision, suck my cock' - Jonathan PoE 2024
>>507355247Play whatever you want dude. If you want to be a demon, be a demon. The only class that doesn't have a hard time as a starter eith zero currency or items in stash is the ranger. You're going to have a 30-50 hour campaign your first time through regardless so just have fun. Embrace your edge and be the demon girl.
>>507351489did you cap your resistances? That's basically all that matters for survivability against mobs, other than that you have random one shots, which you can't really deal with.
>>507352716>playing poop2 lmao nigger
>>507355536I think killing things more slowly makes the game more interactive. Killing things super quickly just means you are playing semi-idle shit like vampire survivors.
I hate SSF
is the physical damage portion of detonate dead a spell hit?
>>507355741Did you not face any prowling shades?
>>507355238ritual>spend it, defer good shit you can't afford, reroll if you have lots of bux and there is nothing good.breach>kill everything as fast as you can and stay in the purple ring delirium>kill everything as fast as you can and stay in the fogexpedition>bombs on the big flags and flagpoles. remnants add those modifiers to the remaining bombs in the chain. try to get a few good remnants and then the rest on flags/poles.
>>507355274the atlas passives, you get your first 2 points after finishing 10 t1+ maps>>507355604no, i don't have any magic find on my gear, and I don't have the currency to buy better gear.
>>507355831I already finished the game as witch hunter and got to T9 maps before feeling the frustration others are feeling with the state of the game atmI was just thinking to try the other classes and get a taste for them before the inevitable patch/reset that will eventually happen
>>507352852>>507353685You need 4 uniques. So do the math. Tried going without it in SSF and it was a pain. Demonform isn't made for SSF.
>>507355536Killing things slowly in act 1 was fun though? But the people who like and develop these games are rotten to the core and just wanna make it about loot pinatas and number go up.
>>507355675either that use the not-vendor-recipe upgrade bench to upgrade them all the way to t15 3 at a time. yes its aids
>>507353663I'm there with you bro. I was doing T8's no issue decided fuck it let me try this T15 rare that dropped cause im about to quit anyway and the map was easy as fuck. I have no real goals anymore in this game which means I should probably stop playing. The only thing I still want to do is kill a pinnacle boss but after doing hundreds of breaches and rituals I have never seen the item needed to even attempt it. I watched a YT vid of my build doing it and I would just steam roll it anyway so what's the point.I think right around now or this week most people that have been doing end game are going to quit or roll another build but honestly that's not for me.Game was amazing but lost almost all of its steam soon as you do your first map lol
Early game ranger is a miserable experienceWhat can I buy/use to breeze over campaign?
>>507355997those have never been a problem for me
>>507353534anyone actually playing this shite is a niggerfaggot so you can't go wrong
>>507355678if the game is set up to force vertical progression and one 'option' is the objective best way to progress vertically then it's not a choice and the game is poorly designed
>>507355964I love SSF. Trade has a slew of other problems we don't have to deal with. I said it once and I will say it again, trade league boils the whole game down into "div per hour" bullshit. If you don't have strong FOMO brain resistance, trade league will fuck you mentally. You are going to want to seek out every broken exploit that hits the internet for this game. I think there was some belt shit recently actually. If your mind is weak, you would be trying to bandwagon immediately. SSF is just better in my opinion. People will chalk it up to autism but whatever. trade sucks. not to mention all the market weird shit that goes on. Price fixers, bots, lazy fucks that put shit up for sale but then don't sell it etc.
>>50735621235% shoes, damage rings and a big juicy weapon?
>>507356212Ranger is arguably the most OP class.>Lightning Arrow + Lightning Rodhttps://mobalytics.gg/poe-2/builds/fubgun-live-starter
>>507355247>HOW EXPENSIVE IS DEMON FORM WITCH???VeryAlso if you did the side stuff on the campaign and got extra HP from boss kills you can't play it anymore
>>507356326So you agree mf is ok then? Surely you cant actually think that taking MF out will make the OP builds not OP anymore. or maybe you just want MF out and for every mod to drop a GG item?
i corrupted gems to get a 5 link and failed 20 tries. what are the odds of corrupting +1 socket?
>>507347875>>507349610>>507353532How do you like the new Amiya skin?
>>507356534Same, unless you're on a streamer client, don't bother.I saw Alkaizer get multiple 6 links first go.
>>507352890ok youre wrong
>>507356212I literally can't think of anything easier to level you don't even need a skill gem
>>507356350does SSF get better loot or something? What's the difference between just not using trade on normal.
>>507356534https://www.poe2wiki.net/wiki/Corrupted#GemsIf these are all weighted equally, 1/7
>>507356481>>507356138Well that sucksIs SnS the next best thing?Especially for SSF
Fuck this, I'm going back to Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred. Who's with me?
>>507356518I'm not going to interrupt you while you're fighting shadows
>>507355686No it isn't you retard, it's my opinion. The game is too slow. I can grind out poe1 for dozens of hours. Poe2 I got bored by the time I reached maps because there was no player growth
>>507356762the fuck is sns?
>>507356765the nation of INDIA stands with you saar
>>507355686Nta, but I also think that in PoE2 killing things faster feels better than killing things slower. It's not about what's good game design or whatever, it's about what makes this game more enjoyable.In particular, if you do more damage, you get hit less often, so you have less chance to get one shot, you go through fewer boss invincibility phases, you lose less honor and so on; you are less exposed to the unfun gotcha mechanics that this game is full of.
>>507356518How good or not good is MF? I have never paid much attention to it and I play SSF. I recall Chris Wilson saying that a little MF goes a long way if you have none of it but its possible to invest heavily in it I guess? I have a roll of +rarity on my helm and a gold ring but I am only using the gold ring because it happened to roll well otherwise.
>>507356890Uh...what is S&S then abd I am getting my video terminology mixed up?The one with the fucking fire skull minions
>>507356802not fighting anyone though am i? retard.
>>507356747Nothing really.You can delude yourself all you want into not trading with other players to have an SSF experience but at the end of the day, your character isn't SSF.
>>507356185>I was doing T8's no issue decided fuck it let me try this T15 rare that dropped cause im about to quit anyway and the map was easy as fuckYes enemies barely scale in levels. It's just the mods. Tier 1 map with "monster attacks deal 30% extra chaos" or some bs is probably infintely harder than a tier 15 map. So if you never roll anything too crazy on 15s you can farm them for exp and then at one point your exp dies out too and it becomes so slow only crazy people would continue.
>>507355912Killing things in multiple hits can only be fun if it is interactive. Poe2 is still one button spam but takes longer so isn't fun. There's like two total 2 button combos in the game and the rest your just spamming the same skill at hp sponges or backpedalling until you can spam. It's mind numbing dull
UH OHHHhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6FlsTetZgY
Is there a list of normal loot you should look out for incase you have an Orb of Chance you wanna burn?
>>507356890Summon Nigger Spirits
>>507356974MF is the sole reason everyone is playing caster because caster is so OP they dont need as many stats as melee, if you remove MF then melee will be just as strong, viable, and valid as caster.t- some retard
>>507356143>loot pinata and number go upIf only that existed in any form in poo2
>>507357198https://poe2scout.com/economythe bases for the priciest ones on each category
>>507357173this dude is a fucking faggot
>desperately trying to pivot build>discover lightning warp>zips around doing AoE damage on low life enemies, can both cull and just zipzip to another enemy if it's cullableThere's something here I can feel it.
I believe I speak for everyone in the trans community when I say that magic find has a place in Path of Exile 2 and I urge GGG to keep it in the game. #MtFforMF
>>507357198Show Rarity Normal BaseType "Stellar Amulet" "Sapphire Ring" "Heavy Belt" "Emerald Ring" "Azure Amulet"
>>507356994Did he get someone with Parkinsons to do his tattoo?
>>507357259>err it doesn't seem right that the strongest class also has a separate, permanent "your character is luckier" buff>DURR BUT IT WOULD STILL BE THE STRONGEST WITHOUT IT SO WHAT DOES IT MATTER
>>507357372soulsCHADs warped you
>>507357173>and slower more deliberate paceThese people are just straight up lying. And they must know. They all can't be that fucking stupid. I bought this shit 1st week because of these fucking lies. But at least it was the devs who lied to me and not some youtuber. It's like there is huge ass campaign going on to false advertize the game to players who couldnt give less fucks about the number go up genre.
>>507356518op builds being op and mf being bad can be 2 problems that happen at the same time, and can also multiply each others badness
>>507357383you can warp to ball lightning which feels kind of clunky but could be made to work i would imagine.
>>507357510maybe throw in a SetFontSize 35 as well
>>507356150they really, really need to integrate waystones into the atlas. It doesn't need to be hard to manage waystones, it could be so easy. Just have a built-in autosorted inventory and add a button to just use your highest tier, highest rarity stone.
That tattoo artist is cute af.
>>507356994Wow, Diablochads. We've been totally owned by this retard getting Michael J Fox to tattoo a meme on his body. Where do we go from here?
>>507357612You think poe2 is fast paced? Are you fucking retarded?
>>507355678>MF BAD bandwagon>bandwagonnigga have you looked at how long EVERYONE hated magic find for in poe1? this isn't some new thing that people decided to hate on, it's been fucking years of people wanting magic find gone.
He cute
>dots cant stack, they only scale with the hit that applied it, which makes them not dot builds because you build for big hitsgg
>get 3 trialmaster fragments after doing like 7 ultimatums, losing 3 of the due to 1 dc and the other just having impossible mods, last one was a duplicate>get trial master down to like 40%>woops you did not maange to dodge 1 (one) normal attack, you're oneshot2.2k life, 1.5k ES, 50% physical reduction 50% evasion, capped all 4 res. Call me a noob or whatever but a normal attack should not be oneshotting me.
>>507357612It's the same old 'spam the one skill that actually does something' slop that every ARPG is. Anyone saying it's Souls-like is being disingenuous.
Hate trade so muchgrand spectrum's has gone from 2-3 divs to 7 in a couple of days
>>507357546I can't actually tell which side of the topic you're in but the idea is really just that normally casters don't benefit as much from the modifier slot in any case so the power gap isn't actually so bad under normal circumstances. Archmage sparks is uniquely busted but there're multiple weapon builds that're competitive with the rest of the casters anyways.Except we introduce magic find to the equation and suddenly they're just totally outclassed in efficiency to begin with, and then shortly afterwards outclassed in actual performance because of the economic gap it makes...
>>507357626It also creates tons of shocked ground. So that lighting call spell might also be juiced to run with it. Cast on shock is fucking useless though holy shit. I can shock entire screens and it doesn't build shit. At least CoF builds kinda quick if you're running cold snap or hypothermia. Need a way to up cull threshold, juice this things damage so it gets all chaff on low life... There's some easy clear here I just have to find it.
>>507357612pea brained souls tards are something else kek
>>507355469I dont see the point in playing at all until the full release. Considering theyve already increased drop rates since early access started and they still suck (like half my stuff at reaching endgame was 30 levels below me) i would be surprised if it doesnt get further increased. You're just going to have to remake characters at release either way
>>507357938Rarity groups are swimming in hundreds of divs and are probably buying them up left and right.
>>507357849Yep. 6 yrs for this
>>507357918you want to run a str stacker with at least 8k hp or es stacker with 10k+ es if you can't run on 90% phys reduction or 90% eva buildpoe2 defenses fucking suck
>>507357612it is slow paced during the first half of the campaign, which is why you will see a lot of people claiming that it is slow (like >>507357753)its actually quite useful, whenever you see someone describe poe2 as "slow", "methodical", "souls like" or anything like that, you know that they barely played the game and their opinion on anything other than the early campaign is irrelevant
>>507355889no, i dont even know how i would do that. Do i just ignore all other stats on gear except for resistances? With the stuff i have access to and gear ive found / made ive just tried to have some balance of resistances and actual character build related stats.
>>507358101I fucking hate GGG, they knew this would happen but decided fuck it let's do it anyways, retard company.
Really hope GGG adds a arachnophobia mode so I can finally beat act 2 :(
>>507357918if you mean his giant wind up ground slam, thats not an auto attack
>>507357753It can feel that way if you don't understand how to build but it's really not that complicated. There's basically no back and forth interaction with any enemy other than bosses and stronger rares. You just mindlessly go forward.
why the fuck does ggg like party play so much, literally 99% of the uniques i've dropped are some gay ass ally shit
hot take but i dont think the different between 60 res and 75 res should be the difference between being 1 shot as a tank build or not. The stats are too all over the place and extreme for this to be an "action" game. The difference between getting a lucky drop in the campaign or not is already insane, i remember when i first played the devourer took me like 40 seconds, second playthrough all i gave my guy was 2x iron rings and he got a lucky rare off the witch and i killed the devourer in like 3 seconds, a totally different experience and thats just a lvl 1-3 or whatever. How do you balance a campaign around people having consistent 5x the amount of damage than others who were less lucky while keeping the game enjoyable for everyone? i dont know how they are going to pull it off and am amazed it has somewhat worked in the campaign so far, barring random 1 shots.
>>507358234Better for it to get testing now to see how truly bad it can be and then nerf it from there, entire purpose of having an early access.
>>507358256He does them half of the time, they sure look like autos to me. I feel like the expectation to dodge literally everything is a bit much.
>>507357727seething, you got owned
Reavers > Arsonists
>>507357849it's almost like this was a rushed cashgrab with 0 thought put into it.
What the heck is up with people PMing back and specifying they want more than they listed the item for?I just said OK, and went AFK to make a cup of coffee with trade window open, only way I figured to be annoying back at him
>>507358003Path of exile was developed by "souls tards"?
>doing t16 maps>still no signs of a citadelhow do those work anyway? you have 3 in your map total and what after you clear or fail those?
the forge map boss is bugged, I think I am done being a beta tester for an EA game.
>>507358382They're for minions, newfriend
>>507355912I think your argument completely stops being applicable when the game starts filling the areas with huge packs of mobs doing considerable damage. In campaign, think Dreadnought, chaos trial, Utzaal. Can you be "methodical" if the game is making you kill mobs as fast as possible before they kill you.
>>507358419campaign is balanced around 0-20 res, i know beecause thats how much i had the whole time and it never felt like i was really getting destroyed
>>507356948>>507356873You're thinking entirely in a box because of pavlovian conditioning, the game has you trained to want more loot and progress fasterIgnore that manipulation entirelyWhich parts of COMBAT do you enjoy? No, looting divines off the floor is not part of combatDoes it activate your neurons when you step just out of range of an enemy swing and whiff punish it with Perfect Strike?Do you get a sense of satisfaction any time you run an enemy into frozen locus and then space yourself so the ice spike of glacial cascade shatters them?Did you feel like a clever fucker when you manually time Electrocuting Arrow to dodge a boss attack?Does getting enough attack speed that you can airburst explosive grenade with detonating shot before it lands make you happy? Or are you only happy that things are dying faster so you're getting more loot?Rather than things dying faster or slower, combat design should focus on how to encourage and enable more of the individual moments of combat that feel good and are enjoyable. Sometimes (a lot of the time) enemies will need to live longer to create the opportunity for the player to do something cool which they derive enjoyment fromIf you don't enjoy any of the individual elements of combat, why are you playing the game?
>>507357612It is a slower more deliberate pace if your weapons are shit and you dont know how to combo skills. Going through the campaign a second time a week later and i need assurances they didnt stealth nerf boss HP because some of them are dropping like immediately and its not even fun.
>>507357918>capped all 4 resI like how people say this every time they complain about dying, as though it even matters in this game. In fact, it's probably making you weaker because you're equipping useless resistance-granting items instead of items with +life and +defenses that would actually let you survive.
holy pseud
>>507358419>. How do you balance a campaign around peopleyou go the route of poe1 where you balance campaign around mostly gem leveling (skill gems removed) and easy stats such as flat on weaponsI guarantee they will remove skill gems in its current form and ALL of the +skills affixes on gear
Maybe SSF wouldn't feel so bad if I spec'd into an ascendency node that actually does something
>>507358727res is mandatory....
>>507358214first and foremost only resistances matter, and getting them capped out. After that the other survive stats like extra hp, energy shield, evasion, armor, and after that the stuff that helps you deal more damage. If your current resistances are fucked (even chaos), go to trade and just get gear so it caps your res out, and don't pay more than 1ex for any piece.
>>507358727It really does feel like resistances do fuckall in this game. Stacking 10k+ ES will let you survive better even if you have negative res.
the king hath spoken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw-uD-vz_5s
>>507358630I had -20 res i think be the end of cruel. You don't need res, just literally dodge.
>>507358650wasnt this slopsouls ripoff literal dogshit
>>507333245>a world without blacks is actually a bad thing!thats waht you sound likefuck you
>>507358834No it isn't lmao, I've been going around with 40-50% res all game and I haven't noticed elemental damage being a problem at all. I can't even think of a single threatening elemental enemy. Maybe a map boss? But I only ever find the same 3-4 map bosses over and over again and none of them do very much elemental damage.
>>507358250I don't even mind spiders and I thought those were gonna fuck some people up lol
>>507358876this spic still relevant?
>>507358419the difference between 60% and 75% is between taking 1000dmg and like 600 damage. those 15% almost half the damage you take.
>>507358715I did my 1st playthrough with perfect strike warrior and I didn't even get to see most of the boss moves. Now I'm watching some idiots coop it without a clue and they're having so much fun with their 2 minute bossfights... It's like we didn't even play the same game and then we go onlie to confuse even more people.
>>507358837What a retarded system.
>>507358547Search 70 nodes out from your starting point in any direction.
>>507358650none of your ESLbabble list should belong in an arpg. go back. this genre isn't for you
>Level 90>No citadels in sight>Did some T16s>More of the same shit as the previous maps>Killed the Breach Pinnacle boss, don't even remember his name >No upgrades to get except if I farm 600 divs in the fucked economyI think I am done until some major updates come out.
>>507359037>40-50% resyou're taking over double damage, might as well use veil of night at that point
>>507359037you play ranged and don't get hit at all if you think thatabsolutely retarded take as well
>>507359037how are the t1 maps doing for you, champ? find anything good there?
>>507358864nah absolutely notrunning mid tier maps feels awful without res, t15's are a nightmare
>>507359176confirmed salivating mazed dog
>>507359057youtubers are literaly troubleshooting for ggg
>>507359195>untilYou should be done period. It's just more PoE. It's not a particularly good game. When my brain stops telling me to play it I'm certainly not coming back.
>>507359037idk if anyone worked out the math but it does feel completely different from poe1. it feels more like d2s res, you can get away with a pretty big deficit and still scrape by. still fucking feel that chaos damage tho.
>I think I am done until some major updates come out.you all keep saying this and somehow this general is always still alive
>>507357849>they only scale with the hit that applied itThat's not the only way they scale. Poison and Bleeding still have magnitude modifiers. Poison also has Wither to enable it some more. I get your point though, ailments are very poorly implemented. I was pretty excited to try an explosive concoction build prior to EA release but quickly realized it would be pointless. Also very sad that cold DoT isn't a thing in PoE 2.
Fuck it, where's the best place to grind gold? I'm gambling to get my fucking move speed boots.
>>507350957Just buy a tier 5 map or 2 and you'll sustain.Also the guild has dozens of free maps in the stash but I guess we keep that on the down low.
>>507359131it's the system ARPGs have been stuck with for like 3 decades
>>507359284I at least want to see what Templar and Duelist look like desu and maybe GGG will get their shit together until then
>>507359057>newfag soulsnigger dissing the ARCHON of the arpg genre leave now
>>507359195Took me literally 3 days of constant mapping to find a citadel and when I did I got 3 of them right next to each other (2 copper and 1 stone)I still haven't found a stone citadel Shit is not tested
>>507359057he's actually a gypsy, you swine
How do I know when I can use a tablet in a tower?Sometimes I can open the tablet slot menu, sometimes I can't, sometimes I can put the tablet but the game says "Activation failed".
>just get full res hahathat requires like every piece of gear have double if not triple resistance modifiers. jesus fuck and then you're telling me missing just 10% from 75% means i take DOUBLE DAMAGE still?LOL
>>507359493If it has 4 squares then you need to clear the tower first.If it has one square it means the tower is completed and you can put in the tablet.
>>507359306It almost feels like they balanced it around 50% res instead of 75%. It'd make sense with the 25% that charms give.
>>507356994Did they at least get enough in donations to cover the inevitable cover-up or removal?
>>507359602nigga I use 4 uniques and I got capped resyou should have zero issues to res cap if you're using all rares
>>507359350everyone here is waiting for 3.26 newfrend
>>507359602sis? your runes?
>>507359602you should ideally be overcapped kek
>>507359602Until you actively notice yourself dying repeatedly to elemental damage, ignore resistance. Focus purely on stacking defenses and life. If you start to explicitly notice that elemental damage is killing you, you can start looking at resistances.
>>507359350We are shitposting instead of playing, i haven't logged in in two days
>>507359602It's pretty normal for every piece to have double res, and you can adjust the difference with runes
>>507358876Didn't need this guy to tell me armor is trash to be fair. It obviously is.
>>507358715Power is so heavily shifted to gear that your character is likely to have a much easier time even if you aren't propping them up with resources from the first since they buffed drop rates, trade board has actual stuff now, and if you don't use trade you're likely to understand how to get equipment better.People talk a lot about early campaign and then late maps but the stretch of cruel up until like, tier 11 is fucking stupid right now because you hit cruel 1 and you're likely to trivialize the entire game for the next 10 hours of play. It's extremely easy for just middle of the pack builds to destroy everything and phase skip every boss for awhile, much easier to hit that point now than it was in PoE1. The huge brainfuck occurs when weapon upgrades require div purchases or extreme fishing with crafts.
>>507359602>just solve a problem with equipment in an arpg
>>507358650I enjoy combat when the controls are good, when making a mistake does not get me one shot, when maps are not filled with hundreds of mobs, etc. There's a whole genre of games that do this right (more recently, Armored Core), but PoE2 is not that.> Frozen LocusI get what you're talking about, but movement and positioning in this game are just too janky. Before I got Ice Strike and Herald, I was constantly fighting against this jank. Mobs blocking your movement while still running towards you, being stunned before you get hit by an attack, roll cancelling a cast, but not cancelling its cooldown, you name it. The game is not meant for micro-heavy combat. It would need to be a different game. And then you get to Dreadnought and realize that the game is really just about killing the enemy before it kills you.
>>507358792Did you take Chalupa?
>>507358182I'm in maps and it's still slow you fucking retard. You're full of shit
>>507358876>Energy Shield - mitigates all types of damage>Evasion - mitigate all types of damage>Armor - only mitigates physical damageWow, who would have guessed that armor is bad wtf?
>>507358325>you just mindlessly go forwardThat's why it's slow you idiot>how to buildOnly one class gets access to movement speed. No class gets access to engaging combo gameplay.
>>507362074yeah and into the darkness was my first and only ascendency point so far
>>507358650How many times do I have to say the gameplay is slow before you understand it?
why the FUCK can't i wield 2 scepters for more skelles?
>>507358650The enemies doe quickly without engaging combat and the gameplay is too slow. These are not mutually exclusive things. None of the red herring scenarios you pulled out of your ass exist except in your mind. The combat is just as brainless as poe1, you are just piloting your character while under water.
>>507364582Double sceptering and double wanding was a plague on PoE1 builds for years and they decided enough was enough.
>dont reply to ching>dont trade with ching>dont quote chingYeah, i am based.