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xxx Edition

PC Crew - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/no_fun_aliowed_vg/
PS4 Crew - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4/

To join, you have to:
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>Drop your name here

>New Players Guide:
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Previous Thread: >>506779831
>xxx Edition
Forgot to change it... knew it would happen someday.
#Weekly bonuses #GTAOnline

Still the same from last thread, but now with a different promo shot.
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Suomi Edition
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Do we have cop outfits yet?
Not the regular cops, but there are some swat uniforms.
yes the noose one
It was somehow the parking garage jump in Staunton. You know, the one that's essentially mandatory when you do Waka Gashira Wipeout?
why wont they separate the different contact missions
im fine to do bounties but i dont feel like doing more acid lab or chicken shop
id do some files too but you cant join those
A lot of the time you're forced to take that jump at a weird angle that ends up failing the stunt jump, so it's not too surprising.
I would like to seperate car races and motorcycle races, too
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Did you do the rocket cheese and never used the jump?

It's time, RALLY COVER!
Only 3 spots, cause I went on last thread and gave it a once over.
Nah I didn't have rockets yet, I guess I just whiffed it and didn't realize. Oh well, onto the Vigilante missions for Shoreside. Just that and the rest of the Rampages and I think I can go back to doing missions. Only side thing left would be getting an FBI car and a tank
this, most of them are rigged or favourite specific vehicles to work
I tried doing some taxi missions in my Eudora, and that thing is awful in the snow. It can barely travel up steep hills. On the positive side, it does have the missile jammer now.
My Pizza Boy masters snowdrift and quagmire with aplomb. Those that doubt me, suck cock by choice.
Why are heist preps for the casino heist taking so absurdly long to load for me right now? Entering the home for the vault key card took over 5 minutes of load time, now I'm doing the thermal charges set up, and following going to the corona to enter the warehouse, it's been loading for well over 5 and possibly 10 minutes. Can I fix this? This also happens often with the Dre contract mission when you exit the party in the casino into the halls.
It's fucked everywhere. It took me like three minutes to load in the garage after stealing the loot for the fine art file.
Got the Uranus early with the help of some discord momo, it’s everything I was hoping it would be. We almost have the entire stable of iconic Ford rally cars now, we just need the Escort RS and maybe dedicated Fiesta/Focus but I’d rather have those be stock with rally mod options. Can’t believe we got the Fox Body, Euros X32, Sierra Cosworth, and C6 corvette in the span of two DLCs, they’re going hard with the deep wishlist pulls..
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i need a comfy christmas activity
ideally id like to help people but people arent hiring and contact missions are a mess
>dedicated Fiesta/Focus
>rather have those be stock with rally mod options
I like you thinking!
There's no hope to get a mk1 focus, too generic and too old to even be an NPC car for current Florida.
Btw we still don't have a classic bullet aside that weird bastardized monroe
Help noobs hunt the yetti.
Is it a recent thing? I don't recall having the issue outside of that part in the dre contract before.
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I’m biased, I want Focus ST since that’s my current daily driver.
they need to give us a helifreight job
the didnt understand that picking shit up and putting shit down was a way of life for some of us and then they butchered are bob
the absolute state of the suv service in the snow
What exactly is FiveM? Was it better than rockstar's online? How did rockstar fuck it up when they acquired it?
>Was it better than rockstar's online?
>How did rockstar fuck it up when they acquired it?
removed cars
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How the hell do crates like this sell for only $30K apiece?
Rockstar didn't design it to make logical sense.
Is it possible to put a missile jammer on the bike that comes with the Acid truck? There is no option in the Freakshop workshop, and the game won't let me bring it into the Agency's garage.
Don't think so. I just call Lester to go off radar or use ghost organization in CEO abilities, or both, if I need the extended time.
Was pretty sure it didn't, but I looked it up just to be sure and the answer is no, it's not possible. It's all done in the agency anyways, plus that bike is categorized as a special vehicle, so any customizations, as far as I'm aware are just done in the freakshop. If it's a special vehicle you customize it in it's associated property, and can only store it in those properties. So you can't put a sparrow in a hangar.
Or a delivery bike in a garage, and so on.
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Pretty shit versions, but I thought they'll be worse.
Gonna have to quit this game for a bit. Getting burnt out.
Nice, I replayed the old trilogy recently, but I didn't bother 100% them again.
Thanks. Played the PC OGs and mobile ports several times, but never bothered with 100% before. Gonna try out PS2 versions next time.
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I finally stole a Futo off the street and turned it into my first PRB-mobile. I didn't realize how lewd that livery would be. Also, Futos didn't seem to be spawning that often anymore, but I saw two different ones today in south LS (one near Gerald's house while I was doing an acid sell, and the other south of the downtown nightclub).
It varies from day to day. One day they'll be everywhere, and another day you won't see any.
How is that supposed to work with multiple people owning the same building?
It technically COULD be done.
Weapons and attack is disabled upon entering.
Take turns on the computer.
Separate underground parking.
So everyone is supposed to pay $2.4m to share a computer and have it shoved in their face every moment they walk in the door that they didn't really buy the building at all, but rather a garage beneath it? All so we can have a couple of swinging doors?
Do you really feel like you own your other properties? A Russian dude is living on your submarine.
Some other dude isn't coming into my sub and starting his own heists on the screen while I have to wait for him to finish, so yeah.
Gonna try to play through UN and then start RDR2 new replay.
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Apparently since I have LSPDFR installed, I can't safely play online since the installed assets would be considered cheating (despite going from the rockstar launcher and their shortcut)? And I read some advice about making a separate copy of the game for the mod or some shit (so another 120 gb being held).
That sucks man.
>and their shortcut
*and not their shortcut
The way it works in single-player? You touch a door and you're taken to the interior/exterior?
We already have instanced interiors, just make it so when someone opens the door you run into their instance of it? Like that's literally how the game works already...
At worse it could be a - you can run out but not in.
You could always use the garage door if people are griefing the main entrance.
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does it come with energy wave cannon?
Found some based boys doing modded casino lobbies. Got about 20 mil in chips. Time to make a new car collection.
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You are currently wasting your time arguing with anonymous strangers on 4chan that exhibit symptoms of narcissism and will forget about you in five seconds after they close out of the tab like babies with no object permanence.
sorry to hear that, enjoy your new collection before the b&
i still remember some of the old crew members i've played with, some i've only interacted with for maybe a few seconds and nonetheless aren't forgotten. Their sheer presence in the lobby was enough.
If you want to be remembered be less of an NPC and be more like them
Dude I come here to ask questions about 3d era GTA games
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wee woo
>Be Claude
>Making inroads with the Leone family auto repair business
>Suddenly, Salvatore's wife tells him that she loves me and we're having an affair (Not true)
>He decides to kill me using a car bomb
>Escape to Staunton Island with help from the Yakuza
>First thing the Yakuza wants me to do is to assassinate the most powerful man I've ever met
Gee, couldn't I do a few more things to prove my competence rather than jumping straight to HVT?
anyone else getting saving failed?
disregard :/
>christmas theme has white captchas
>yet dark mode
how is this not default on Tomorrow CSS?
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AGP the character
What could go wrong?
How do these things like Grand RP and FiveM work? Are they singleplayer mods with multiplayer servers? Like Just Cause 2's multiplayer? What ones are worth playing? Are there ones that don't require grinding to get things? Does rockstar limit them because it rivals their terrible online? I want to maybe try them out but I don't know where to begin. I really just want to play something that's a game overall, rather than a game at the base level and nothing more, which is what it feels like when you've done hundreds to even thousands of heist set ups.
>keeps asking every thread
>is handed youtube tutorials
>never installs it
gee i wonder how
This is the first time I've asked, the only time I asked anything related was something about fivem.
Weasel plaza gun is still broken. Waste of my time.
sorry anon, just a shame I don't have the links anymore where I answered exactly this a few weeks ago in great length
wonder if I should get into it, but then I remember nobody ever fucking posts fivem screens in here ever
I'll just look in the archive then, maybe I'll find it there. Just wanted to check these things out in case they are good and fun, and I know there are a lot of these mods, I don't know what would be the most like what I envision gta online should have been, I heard something about a particular mod that might have been struck down by rockstar for being too good. I'm not trying to be a faggot ffs just interested, sorry.
Would there happen to be a mod that's like the game Mercenaries, out of curiosity?
I think my brain misremembers how old GTA games look. They look nothing like the old YouTube videos
Weasel plaza event isn't broke for me, because it never happened and isn't happening
Works on my machine.
>I heard something about a particular mod that might have been struck down by rockstar for being too good
Unless they bought it or it violated I.P. i don't really buy into such memes. If it exists you can hardly take anything down. The internet doesn't forget.

>Would there happen to be a mod that's like the game Mercenaries, out of curiosity?
just filter by server what type of RP they offer. if there is already EMT there is Mercenaries for sure if someone wanted to code it
the gooch isnt real
>gets gooched
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>wake up
>still mentally ill
>still born autistic
>rage for a moment
Well, buying the plice faction was a meme. the one you can test drive is based on the normal faction I guess. The one you buy is based on the benny's faction with the busted handling.
its been known to happen
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Thank you anon, the moment passed after some minutes.
Does it still flip when you go over curbs?
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You ok Anon?
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Thanks and yeah for now. Usually occurs once per week.
I got gooched the first year right next to my Salvage Yard in Strawberry
Well, I'm only assuming it's the same, they both have hydraulics and such. I haven't had flipping, but it does slam on curbs and some terrain, and it feels like it doesn't absorb bumps and smoothly as the test drive faction which I assume is just based on a normal faction. It seems to take the terrain worse at low speeds.
How do I make the Gooch spawn when in a public lobby and will the other players be assholes and prevent me from slaying the gooch?
By not playing in a public lobby, or at least not hanging around Los Santos 24/7.
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>have a positive pub lobby interaction
>dont know how to proceed
>shut the game off for 20 mins so everyone forgets about me
nice bait it cannot even spawn if there are less than 2 players
You don't have even ONE (1) friend?
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I think I might have autism, but I haven't had many reasons for it to bother me. I used to be bothered by these things, but social concerns, besides anxiety, have left me, I feel like I sort of dissociated in a way, I don't know if that's good or bad, I feel like there are certain awarenesses that would lead to it bothering me that I haven't had a reason to have in recent years.
Guess you're gonna be hanging out in the countryside for a long while.
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Autism is a non-issue unless you are thrown forcibly into social situations constantly against your will or there is a slight break in my schedule. Then it is living hell. If you function you do because you are in control right now. Most jobs are not autims compatible. I worked night shifts for years in security. There were zero people ever. I had my PC with me and internet access. Those were the high times. Then that job was taken from me because I cannot be in two jobs at the same time and people pressured me to work something else.
Huh, well, I just bought a normal faction, and the thing takes curbs the worst of all it seems, so I don't know what is up with that test drive faction pursuit. The test drive car handles great from what I've tested. Really needs to be tested further.
You need to be in a lobby for at least 48 minutes, or enter a lobby that has been active for at least 48 minutes. There's has to be at least 2 people in the lobby. You need to be on foot or in a parked car. You need to have money and snacks in your pocket. You can't be in the middle of a mission or activity
OF COURSE as I PREDICTED it would, I go to take damn piss, and I get gooched while I'm gone. Just my luck.
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Maybe I can find a lobby like that with 10 peeps max and wait that long in a cab in Paleto bay not to get kicked, better yet the Atomic Diner further up the road where even less people go.
Not feeling it though. I guess I just do it. Can it spawn only in LS downtown or everywhere? Please tell me it is not limited artificially to the city.
Why didn't you just go inside a building before going AFK?
He can show up anywhere except indoors or over open water.
I got gooched in strawberry by the way, and FORTUNATELY, after just going to a new session I got gooched immediately, thank the lord.
Is that a trick to make it happen?
No, it's a trick to pee freely.
thanks that might raise my chances
Oh I see lol.
>>507462856 >>507462418
>not having a piss bottle
i see you guys are not >>>/v/ regulars
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Because I'm not entirely certain, I have to ask, would a strong sense of nervousness like you could almost shake or laugh uncomfortably while surrounded by people (say you are with someone at a friends house and there are couches encircled where you are right there before everyone) mean you have autism? I've had this happen before, thing is it doesn't happen necessarily. It's particularly bad if I don't have anything to occupy myself with, like if I am just sitting there in this social situation not talking, with there being enough quiet to open up the possibility of attention being drawn to me I get nervous.
kek, that's too degenerate for me.
Well it's okay unless you start collecting them. I usually empty and return them for reuse in the cola refilling plants. Poor bottle collecting machine.
I/E gives me what I need when it comes to heli lift jobs. Only problem is how weak the Cargobob is, even a few pistol goons can take it down. Hopefully this new one has solid armor.
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Social anxiety is not limited to autism. It would be best described as severe lack of social cues, odd behaviours as adult since childhood, misunderstands bi-directionally and discomfort with certain stimuli.
stimuli these nuts you gay bitch lmao
Please don't make me cry (again).
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>severe lack of social cues
I don't know if I deal with that, I rarely socialize with anyone other than my family, and I stopped going to a public school when I was 13, so it's hard to gauge where exactly I'd be if I still did. I imagine I'd be a bit of an odd one with some weird, specialized interest.
>odd behaviours as adult since childhood, misunderstands bi-directionally
Not sure I exhibit either one of these.
That test I've tried to take before but there are a lot of questions that rely on me having socialized a lot more, I can't answer strongly enough to pick one or the other answer, or are sort of situational or have a prerequisite on my part to even answer.
you're fine then, there is tiktok autism and real one
holy cow
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leave me alone i'm waiting for gooch
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i hate this area
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>hunt the beast event blocks gooch from spawning
>event end 29 mins
Like 50% of the time I shop at the mask guy someone kills the man
didn't know he could die and I am already tilted enough when they shoot up a store and the clerk refuses to work
90% of online players are assholes
I'm not sure he dies but the store closes
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fucking finally..
The water should always be this flat.
What does this mean? No waves crashing due to still air?
No 3 meter tall swells at all times, so boats behave like boats rather than skipping stones.
>cheater just destroyed the festive hauler
why are people so shit
If you force a solo public lobby with the hauler in play I think it stays spawned in and you can follow it at your leisure
I'm not familiar with "tiktok autism" besides it's basically just larpers who want to have labels attached to themselves to seem special. That's not me to be clear. I might just be too lacking in social interaction, as well as not being the most sociable.
if you cannot even take a simple test we're not going to find out
>Game: Destroy the pursuing helicopters
>Pilot: Me see yellow dot, me need fly to yellow dot
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appearance > expression > smile
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kek looks actually based
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Giving yourself a treat?
I will now buy your game.
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Always, gotta go and light one with Dax and the boys for Christmas too, been a while i vist their place.

Thanks anon
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>Vigilante missions on Portland
EZPZ, 20 in one go
>Vigilante missions on Staunton
EZPZ, 20 in 2 goes (Car went kablooey 18 through)
>Vigilante missions on Shoreside Vale
fucking nightmare. I've lost more cop cars than criminals killed. This island sucks
>cop cars
top zozzle
Is it the gussy, the gucci or the gouchy?
I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but the answer is gucci.
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I didn't feel I could answer most accurately but this was my score. Doesn't matter at the end of the day.
Indeed, don't let it control your life. Autism is incurable so it doesn't matter.
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holy fuck same.
Can't use the tank I don't have yet
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it was a cute meetup too
>Didn't steal the tank from the end of Arms Shortage
>snowbunny fem MC
>criminal damage
>waste more money on ammo than win anything
Why is Rockstar like this? Is winning anything ever just for ego?
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I don't play criminal damage unless it starts and I happened to be near an spawned aircraft
The locked one?
It's unlocked at the immediate end of the mission, it's only locked when you go back later.
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sigh time for /trash/ and /ftt/
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Ended up buying the blackjack table and found out they have a christmas themed table
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That's pretty nice, I have never seen this before.

3 hours and no gooch, at least I brew acid and idled night club passive. Man fuck you Rockstar. I tried all areas on the map, had snacks money and other players and everything.
Oh really? And here I was feeling disappointed that the penthouse didn't seem to have any seasonal items to decorate with. They had Halloween stuff, but no Christmas. At least a table is something.
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You can only buy it through the store inside the casino by talking to the cashier so it's not in plain view how to acquire it.
gooch isnt real
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>cannot be like this in GTA
>meanwhile shitpressor mk2 exists and not this
The Santa the game should have had but we didn't deserve.
If open salt flats existed, certain players would complain that the map was empty.
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>tiny rock or bush exists
>even the slightest mountain
>*player crashes car because of it*
>"Wow this game sucks!"
Racing at the airport gets boring fast, I take creative salt flats with soft flaps you can drive over any day.
Love the ones on the highway that pop back up and those that break too.
Try a new server and park a car in strawberry (around where the strip club is). That's where I was gooched while taking a piss, and it's where I got gooched the very minute I went to a new session. I just sat by the club and a green poof of smoke happened, and he came laughing to pull me out of my car. I don't know if it matters but I had like 100k in my pocket. By pocket, if it isn't obvious, that means money withdrawn from your bank account.
Until he is.
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>me semiafk in strawberry with 5m in my pocket watching yt
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Last time he spawned to me it was literally in front of the diamond casino in broad daylight while trying to shoot the guards from the armored truck that gives you 25K, little shit came from behind and stole my stuff stunning me in front of the cops shooting.
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>me heading back to Cayo Perico for the three hundredth time despite having $213m
Thanks anon, I will try tomorrow. I guess there is no weekly dripfeed coming? Thread is silent about changelogs.
its tuesday
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I wanna know if it's amphibious
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>its tuesday
It.. it is..
In real life the Salton Sea has salt flats right next to it

I really wish the map had elements of Antelope Valley, San Bernardino forest, the Mojave.
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>tfw heading back for the 500th+ time
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It's a double week, it ends on January 1st.
SIKE that sucks. Thanks for warning me! Will at least the cooldowns end Thursday?
No idea, all they said is that it ends on Jan 1st.

That gives us longer snow though and more chances to punish the dumb gooch. May his ass spawn so I can whoop it. I want my costume!
>Anon won't stop domming me on trash
It's been hours of edging whilst grinding GTA
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>Delivering special gifts for Santa.
>The driving snow in blizzard conditions.
>Maybe I should have put on some nightvision goggles...
>Briefly land plane and step out.
>Game won't change clothing...
>Well that's irritating...

Where's Rudolph when you need him?
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Just ragequit in this game for the first time ever, I think. I got to the very end of a stunt race and I was flying in the air head to the finish line with another guy just beside me. He tapped my car and it was fucking over, I flew off the edge and I couldn't cope.
lol, I don't understand erpfagging. Either I'm too autistic for it, or not autistic enough,
So, I've had more than my fair share of Cayo Perico, and Casino. What's the next best thing as far as money goes?
It's just nice having someone to play out your secret fantasies with and not having that person show any mercy at all until you are a broken mess in your own juice.
>vfr camera into imc
oh no no no
Doomsday heist is actually a really good (and fun) payout if you have a team to do it with. Not many people grind Doomsday anymore, but it used to be one of the big in-game events. Otherwise, the biggest bundles of cash will come from nightclub basement sales (once everything is upgraded and you have 5 businesses), bunker sales, hangar sales, special cargo sales, Cluckin' Bell, or your MC coke/meth lockups.

Salvage Yard weekly robberies pay reasonably well, the Garment factory weekly priority file is relatively quick, and Union Depository at the Auto Shop always pays out $270K per run.

Also, you can get first-timer bonuses on various missions/mission-threads. Short Trips pays $100K per mission for the first time you play as either Lamar or Franklin, for a total payout of around $720K for doing all three missions as each (your bonuses plus the $20K normal pay).

Adversary modes and races which are on multipliers can pay well. If you want something mindless and simple, pizza deliveries are on 2X money right now, which means $50K per 5 deliveries if you get your own Pizza Boy scooter and upgrade it to ensure you can make time.

Time trials are good if you can hit the target times. The skydives aren't bad if you can skydive well.
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still disappointed there's no poker or any games where it's not just you vs the dealer
>still disappointed there's no poker
But there is?
I think he means he wants something like pure PvP texas hold em, something more like RDR's poker. Personally, I want a poker game where you can truly go all in and win big.
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Is there a way to keep the Santa pants and boots with a different top?
Whether it's from this outfit or any other way
Check the Youtubes for some glitches about keeping belts and armor. They should accidentally also help in your situation.
Yeah, just checked it out, thanks. One was for the top with bare legs, which is not what I wanted, but looks nice, the other one lets you keep the pants, but unfortunately, you can only do it with one tank top, or two of the crew shirts. I guess I'll have to settle for those.
Merry Xmas /gtag/
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Fuck yes, depression kicking hard and good! Merry Christmas! Time for me to spend another day 12h in GTA V.
RDR2 poker is so gun. Listening to the NPCs yammering and telling jokes makes it ultra comfy as well.
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The 4chan taxi method made it to normie channels and it will be patched within the next 30 days.
Idle & grind whilst it lasts.
It will be gone like secret passive mode nightclub bouncing.
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Merry Christmas /gtag/
What's the point of doing that? If you're not gonna play the game, why bother?
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The whole concept of passive afk money is to get free money when you cannot play IRL.
I know that might be hard to grasp for retards.
Not everyone here is a jobless perma ingame teen.
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I dunno but I played 12h yesterday and I'm just a jobless adult NEET >>507537170

how come Los Santos doesn't have any city vehicles to plow and salt the streets, are they stupid?
Are you the anon who asked both on 4chan and reddit how to get rid of the snow?
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Is there JAV in the GTA universe?
I don't see why not.
I haven't played gtao since before that pico guacamole island update. Is it even worth going into without a stupid flying death bike
No, the stupid flying death bike is mandatory for every single mission now. It won't even let you start them without it.
only Cleo Song's sextape
>clearly korean
>K-9 unit
>no dog
No need to be so aggressive, dude, you could have answered the question and call it a day, or completely ignored it if it was gonna rustle your jimmies.
>cook up hour old posts to reheat old shit for the aroma
that will keep the thread from constantly being page 9!
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park services budget isn't as big as it used to be
Had an acid sale dragged out to over 10 minutes for a wanted level being put back on me for seemingly no reason whatsoever, in what might have otherwise been a sale done in only a little over 2 minutes. I had to just quit because it became a waste of time and were I to continue or restart in another session I'd just be embittered by it and would lose my peace of mind and any semblance of serenity. That kind of thing happens so often for me, where I have to choose either money or peace. It ruins this game for me. Everything was going alright up until that point. There's nothing fun about that.
skill issue
Compared to most businesses, 10 minutes is pretty short.
Is there a Japan? They mention a Korean mafia, I remember.
>skill issue
No need to be so aggressive, dude.
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>for a wanted level being put back on me for seemingly no reason whatsoever
lmao you stashed in from of the undercover cop who wears all black denim with a toolbelt
haha you fool! hahahaha!
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>Manage to quickly find the designated animal to hunt of the day.
'twas a Christmas miracle.
Merry Christmas based Red Dead sis! Always brings a smile to me face to see people still having fun!
Maybe a little, after the game sprung a new wanted level on me for doing nothing I should have just gone to the tunnels as much as I don't like cheesing it like that.
It's better than the biker businesses solo, but it was looking to take an extended period of time after this, and I think that, with a business like this, the sale part should be able to take only a few minutes, as a reward for your wait and your performance, but the game gave me a new wanted level for seemingly no reason whatsoever, so what would have been only a couple minutes as I'd have liked was needlessly extended, and this isn't the only time I've had this happen.
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No it was the parking lot sale lol, where you just go to the lot, get a wanted level then go to the alternative drop (the back of a van) and park.
almost 10 whole commas
try to figure out that you can end a sentence after 1-2 hypotaxis
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Alright, well, thanks.
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there's no sarcastic subtext to that by the way Anon, thank you for guiding me into ceasing tardation
No, probs, ESL.

Bizarre shit.
Maybe the helicopter spotted you again after losing it.
Once it is gone it should stay gone.
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I'm not ESL. I think I just type like a retard because you can online, and I've gotten used to it.
Come to think of it I drove past the same parking lot that the sting happens. There were no view cones, but I have to wonder if maybe that caused it. I can't remember if that ever happened the other times I've experienced this problem though.
Just avoid the chopper icon on the minimap. It has no view cone an a lot of range. Subway trick and bush trick are the only viable methods.
I didn't see a chopper Icon but maybe I didn't notice. Thanks.
Kek it's always there. You'll see it next time.
you can go past the lot again or they spot you again
Was supposed to be a fun Christmas, but all my homies are drinking liquor, tears in everybody's eyes. Brothers cry to mourn my homie's homicide.
Another week of these mediocre bonuses and discounts. Hooray
If all you care about is grinding, why not just get a real job that will earn real money?
It feels stale when nothing changes.
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>If all you care about is grinding, why not just get a real job that will earn real money?
Are you the same projecting asshole that berates everyone in this thread how they make GTA dollars? Are you mentally ill? Spending real money on a game? Lmao not a GTA+ paypiggie.
You have fucking snow, and all the snow related activities that aren't here the rest of the year.

Take your meds.
will these disappear if i don't claim them now?
I'm still confused about the faction.
The normal faction's handling is utterly busted.
The thing feels like a brick and if you drive to a curb, rather than the wheels seeming to climb it, it just immediately skips to the elevation of the curb. The police faction that you can test drive that randomly spawns handles great, and the police faction you buy is a different one that has hydraulics, I can't tell for sure, but it feels worse than the test drive faction. Can you get a faction custom that doesn't have hydralics? Is that what it's based on? I think there would need to be test comparisons but I'm pretty sure they are all different. I want to own one that feels like the test drive police faction.
No. I still have last year's clique parked next to this year's clique.
>all the snow related activities that aren't here the rest of the year.
Like what? Snowball fights got old the first few days. Spinning out while driving through the city got old on day one.
same anon here
just experienced the most unfair bs a few mins ago
>claimed both cars for my 2nd character
>switched to main character to do the same but sell the cinquemila first (did the same with my other character before)
>proceed to claim the clique to send it to my penthouse garage but my character freezes in front of the car, can still move the camera around and pause tho
>alt+f4 to tell the game to hurry the fuck up(has worked dozens of times in similar scenarios)
>nothing happens and decide to just switch to another lobby
>clique is gone and i assume the car is safe and sound in my penthouse garage
>character freezes again and i repeat the process with the safari
>set next spawn to my penthouse and go to check the cars in question
>none of the cars are there
>rush to chop shop as fast as i can
>none of the cars made it
>realize i didn't record any of this for evidence
>close the game and pray that everything will be okay tomorrow
wwyd bros?
ehh I'd just eat the loss. urs not worth the effort of reaching out to r*
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Not sure what the Police Faction is based on but it doesn't have hydraulics flags. All police cars have slightly different handling data compared to the non police variants. As for the Police Faction you can find on the street to test it might feel different because it has different upgrades applied that aren't stock nor fully upgraded
I'd contact R* to see if maybe they can do something. I lost 2 cars as well, an asbo, and some other car that had a similar look to it. I never contacted R* about it so they are long gone.
snow killed gtag
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It's Christmas
So what did you guys buy yourself as a Christmas gift? I bought a second Svarn, this one a Apocalypse model, cleaned it up, and removed weapons to make it a nice civilian model.
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who here a donorcycle enjoyer?
I finally did the Lost contract from the Auto Shop, and that was tougher than I expected. Apparently they patched a previous tactic where you could stop by a personal garage during the finale and pick up an armored vehicle. I used the default Tailgater with no louvers over the back window, and got shot a lot. I don't have any LS Tuner vehicles right now.

There are only a few tips I have - one is that the meth lab in the far south can be approached from the back, by driving around the fence. You can jump over the fence and into the meth lab, avoiding most enemies at that location.

Another is not to crash or get stalled/stuck near a road, because the motorcycle guys can shred you through the window in a couple of blasts. It's better to go slightly slower and stay in control (especially on snow). Driving up hills won't protect you very well from motorcycles, either.

At the finale, when you pick up the oil tanker, the enemies do not respawn, so you don't have to charge in and hope for the best. You can work the perimeter and take them out. But don't use the tanker as cover, since it starts taking damage, and the final chase can blow it up if it is already weakened. One guy is actually inside of a trailer with solid doors, and you can take him out by tossing a pipe bomb through the window.

Apparently there is usually a Phantom Wedge truck on Elysian Island during the prep mission where you steal a big rig, but I didn't know that, and used a normal truck instead. A PW would have been easier.
My tactic when going into Stab City, it to do the whole approach while driving in reverse. There is no back window for them to shoot through.
>Take your meds.
How about you take yours which you posted about? Projecting clown!
Wakey wakey loser, you are on bump duty!
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Not on my watch. Here's a GIII map for old time's sake.
still trying to decide between the faction and a second viper
tomorrow, it's happening
>Spinning out while driving
skill issue
another heckin' commercialrino for a game that won't be out for 9-11 months at best? gawd I hope so
I haven't been able to sleep or eat without my dose of moving images on screen
Whats the Speedo Custom from? is it tied to any business in particular? I don't even know how i got it or where you use it.
I saw how bitter and jaded /v/ was about the next 6 trailer so i though id check here. Same story. What is wrong with you, i thought thered be some hype somewhere
Check reddit, they seem to be more your crowd.
I love that moving image frfr
It comes with the nightclub and is your sale vehicle if you're selling 90 or less crates
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>I saw how bitter and jaded /v/ was
>wow so hardcore
>i wish i could be as cool as the unemployed losers who spend all day on /vg/
You'll never fit in on 4chan, cocaine gayface.

But you are here every day from 08:00 a.m your timezone to 07:00 p.m. your time zone every day.

And that is when you avatarfag.

Curious how you think you are above anyone in here when your posting history tells me you spend 9-12 hours every day on 4chan.
it's usually the biggest loser accusing others of being worse anon, he is projecting to cope
based profiler anon
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thanks for the reply anon.
no problem fren
I hope it was helpful
Yeah I've tried to check on the wiki but found nothing that specifically mentioned the purpose, maybe i read too quickly and not in between lines.
Now that I know the purpose I know maybe i shouldn't invest on it.
really hoping GTA 6 has this.

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>he changed his text formatting, capitalization and interpunctuation. all after being called out, because I could always tell which posts were his
Everyone press F5, 4chan just got a massive upgrade.
>1 - 25
when does killing become overkill?
I have a bug where all trains and planes are in the wrong spots and one actually hit me into the water when I was trying to do a stunt jump lmao
>A trailer for a game where almost everyone we know of value has left the company
I unironically saw someone say
>Well just because they left doesn't mean they weren't replaced by the right people
And then I had to explain just how rare that is
Did we get an update today or is the week the same as last week? Also, if it is the same did the priority FIB file reset? I don't see any videos about it so I'm assuming the week stayed the same and I'm away my computer so I can't check the game myself
especially with all the modern "inclusive" hiring practices
>muuuh EGI and dye-varsity boo gay w*maaaaan

Meds. Now.
said the drug abusing underage scarface clone
>muh scarface boogieman
kek how mad u are, cannot see the haters if you are not perma online
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>Did we get an update today or is the week the same as last week?
No and the bastards did not reset the cooldown on day 8.
>goy spend millions
>goy sorry 1 week is now 2 weeks
Sorry, goy, adjusting a simple tunable is very hard work. Please understand, we are only small startup.
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Send the 2KB file already to my machine!!
So true.
So the game straight up deleted my heavy sniper rifle. Why???????
Held together with paperclips and chewing gum.
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>Ayo nigguh We finna end this purple nine prollem, but you gotta pick up my bro and fight 20 on 2 with bats for some reason
>*nods head*
Playing whilst wearing my stockings :P
AGP behavior
Transferring 240 GB/sec while playing :3
Are you AGP?
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Hnnng nonny~ Hot <3 What is your setup and what are you sending on what uplink?
Yes, that's how I know.
Claude is a chad autismo.
So, no christmas present?
Cheap multi-billion company basterds.
Sorry, goy, but you have to buy a multimillion dollar business and work for your "gift."
You got a free boat, if you remembered to claim it before the time ran out. And 2 claimable free cars at the chop shop.
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Didn't claim it, prefer the boat icon greyed out.
ur mom got grayed out last night and she loved it
>He doesn't own a Marquis for comfy sailing
Cute please marry me! We can be AGP together~
That's comfy exactly once.
I've been wanting to play Vice City on my PS2 but my disc is fucked! I don't remember what version of the game it was, there were 3 of them IIRC and the one I had was the best. Shame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAgS5LJv-4g
It is what it is. I hope the game gets better, but I don't think they care all that much for it.
>I hope the game gets better
>After 11 years
Some people never learn.
I haven't been playing for 11 years to be fair. Mainly the last 2 years. I'm not optimistic, but if there exists any good will at all on their part there are easy changes to make that would improve the game drastically and demonstrate an interest in what players actually want. I expect no overhaul or reaching of the game's initial potential.
>send support ticket about heavy sniper gettind deleted
>they give me 300k
>go to amunation
>accidentally buy a worthless 400k precision rifle
It just had to be this way, could never have gone any other way.
Now I'm demoralized and hate this game once again. Why why why why why.
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Sorry to hear that anon, hey take a break go do some pizza missions they pay almost 50K a complete delivery before they go cold and you can get a bike and modify it to do it even faster.
Or you can just idle some Acid and chill while you get those 300K easily back while you also relax the mind a bit.
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How is he alive?
They really should fix his rescue event to work properly.
My chance is gone since a cheater crashed my game and teleported me in that session where I took the screen. Cannot have shit today.
Is there a way to check the individual car if I forget I bought the missle jammer, like in a menu or something?
The chance was basically nil anyhow. Rockstar refuses to fix the bug that keeps him from working. They're too busy patching away the ability to put masks under helmets.
Everything is flooded with lvl 8000s and cheaters again today. Had 5 level 8k in my session and there were idiots dropping money and rage hacking.
Not surprising. They are off school this week.
I don't know. There are guides on youtube that you just steal the van and then he works for you. I only want him for completion. Not even interested in hiring for the Diamond Casino heist. But my friend needs to be free :(
EWO yourself
And hopefully perma band by new years eve.
There are no AC updates anymore during live gameplay and i feel after winning the battle Rockstar got lazy and let them reinfest the game.
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Should I just fap and sleep or edge for some hours in my costume?

Not feeling like playing anymore today, but tomorrow. Can't give a rat's ass rn.
Why am I getting insta one shotted on assault on cayo perico?
Nope lol
Whoops didn't mean to reply to that post lol
skill issue
I'm on console and they are using either assault rifles or mgs.
1. If the car has a jammer available but not installed, the game should issue a notification the first time you drive that car during a session. But this doesn't always happen.

2. The only way to be sure is to drive to the Agency and go into the workshop and check under the menu.
night ....
Try to lock onto the car with a homing rocket. If it's been applied then it won't lock on if hasn't been applied it will lock on. That's how I tested one of my cars to make sure. You can lock on to your own empty car.
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All good
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...and would you believe it fit in my pocket?
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Alright bros, just finished 100%ing GTA3. Thinking about downoading Reviced for the Vice City run. anyone here have experience with it?
Is that a five pound largemouth bass in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
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Reviced is good and more vanilla like if i recall little to new content compared to Vice City Extended Features mod which got a patch that adds the everglades.
Also forgot to mention Reviced has enhanced textures too.
Well it turns out the guy who made the modlist deleted it
Well, I mean, it's actually about a dozen different fish in there.
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Got you senpai.
If i sell a car won through the podium/prize ride at the Car Meet, does the one who buy it pay only for the mods applied or will pay its full price anyway?
full price
>can't outjew the jews
Thank you fren
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this game is the number one killer of men aged 18-35
>It's another stealth section where the shitty guns that drop fire all the time alert enemies
This shit is getting real old.
For gta V is there any way to make the M and KB controls for helicopters not shit or am I gonna have to get used to it
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Swap to your controller when flying.
>just use controller
Yeah that's what I figured
It's over
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watching a livestream and got jumpscared by a damn hog
Man, it's funny shit like this that I can't wait for when E&E comes to PC.
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Skylifting the thread away from page 10.
I'm accustom to using my keyboard and mouse for flight, most of the time. I do keep a flight-stick connected, setting to the right of my mouse. For the rare times I with my number pad was analog. I use it for the OppressorMK2, for the Deluxo, and sometimes for boats. If the game is forcing me to use a force-forward-facing aircraft gun, than I pretty much have to use the analog stick for that, but it doesn't happen often.
Is that even supposed to happen? I feel like GTA VI will be out by then
so do you guys believe the 27th december theory shit or nah just bullshit?
Who cares. Not buying into hype and pre-orders anymore since 2012. I wait for low-subscriped independent magazines and youtubers not on a pay roll to review after GTA VI releases. It will be mid slop merely okay enough to buy discounted from a Chinese key reseller after the initial 6 month honeymoon phase wore off.
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Will Trees Be Destructible in GTA VI?
I picked up a little pussy today
Won't even spawn for me in a full session with snacks and 10k+ money.
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Is the game engine powerful enough to generate a dynamic dirt layer? Eg, if you crash a plane into the ground, it will create a crater in the ground texture?
>pic rel
might explain why i keep playing this shit
though figuring things out doesn't make me feel as good as people say
What you want is mud and snow pileup and physics from RDO and RDR2. It will be possible in GTA 6 easily.

My condolences for anyone anywhere on "the spectrum".
really, in front of the cat?
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cats love to watch
Time to be toxic in public lobbies.
>reviced patched the dock glitch to get to the second island early
Damn, I was hoping to just get all 100 hidden packages early
Trevs Nuts roasting on an open fire,
El Rubios sanity hanging by a wire.

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>When the dripfeed slow as fuck and everyone stopped giving a literal fuck
Just because the NASDAQ opened again today? Nah not going to happen with Europe stock exchange closed. Would be a waste to publish a trailer today.
>because the NASDAQ opened again today
if you are this low effort to ask, I won't even bother to break it down for your iq
Too ugly to get Goosh'd.
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>3 minutes past the hour already
Nothing ever happens.
Yeah i think its fake
Bummer. I heard Coke put out a banger of a commercial. Might go watch that to get my advertising fix instead. I love advertising so much.
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I'm a Pepsi consumer, like the only good President. Cola didn't even own a fleet of warships. If you want to be a GTA style CEO you'd be Pepsi.
I'm more of an RC guy, but a good advert is a good advert.
RC cola? That stuff is good if they ever sell it at restaurants. Easy to get in stores though.
>Same cars as last week.
>It took ages to reset it and they didn't even change them.
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Reset, goy? It's a 14 day double week with dogshit! Enjoy buying a worthless storage hangar with no active vehicle slots for millions next week and a shitty C-130 plane and a useless Cargobob clone which is a bit faster and hooks a bit better. I'm guessing 3 time 2 million each purchase minimum.
True but that's a pain in the ass. I did make a big list so right now I'm just checking the list.
This is a good idea but I'm not sure that a homing launcher will target a vehicle with nobody in it but I'll test this out. Thanks.
>not betting max 2,500 chips
>win less
No new content before 2nd Jan? Not even a New Year's Eve event?
Fuck my life.
I need my chopper
I need to have sex
Maybe you two can work out some sort of exchange
You fucking piece of shit. One of you in here is a rat.
Can you fucking stop?
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>canadian is posting out characters on /pol/
No fuck you and several of them are me
Thanks, it's my first time ever winning a jackpot that wasn't just something like 3 cherries.
But I did bet 2500, otherwise I'd have only won 250K.
I told you before there is a guy on pol who is a schizo who thinks repeating digits in license plates mean someone is a government agent. I want him to play GTA. He takes pics of peoples license plates IRL and posts them and claims they're gangstalking him.
I have some plates with 666 in the plate on GTA and etc. I'm going to take screenshots and post them to troll him eventually.
>a canadian leaf is in here
>it is defense of being a pol tard
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Suddenly the very aggressive anon being around at certain times makes a lot of sense.
>But I did bet 2500, otherwise I'd have only won 250K.
am borderline blind.
I see you won 3x1 diamond and max win is 3x3 diamonds.
Then again i always play the pharaoh one where you must roll the pharaoh mask.
well yeah if you post anywhere else on this site other than this thread and /pol/ you're a massive faggot. SORRY.
I'll have to give that one a try sometime, though I suspect the win rate is uniform across all of them. I just prefer the diamond one because it fits thematically with the casino.
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Third time I steal this fucking car.
Is this talk I see of gta online being shut down when gta 6 comes based in anything at all? I wouldn't be surprised if they did it, but if they do I will have to lash myself 50 times with a belt for investing time in this game for it to be whipped away immediately. I'd give the game 10 more years bare minimum if I were in charge at R*.
I really don't think they're going to do that
Rockstar might shut down PC, but they probably don't have full say over the XBox and Playstation editions. You can still even play GTA4 Online on Xbox.
Probably not. In actuality I will just have to accept I was screwed over by my engagement with a live service game.
>You can still even play GTA4 Online on Xbox.
It still works? I went on there and it booted up and I was in the game, but there was no-one in so I just assumed that maybe the basic functionality wasn't reliant on multiplayer servers.
Yes it's just personal preference for me, they are all the same, the two top winning of course. I just like the lines when you lose.
Sands bury you!
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You can do a rollback to GTA IV on PC and get online functionalities again, they were removed in an update but technically since (and im willing to be corrected if im wrong) it was all p2p and you would host your own servers on your machine for your friends, hell i remember playing GTA IV MP on a lan session with friends once.

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