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Previous: >>507384612



>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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i wish lili were real
Fuck Leo
I hate Leo
just saw a really pretty trans girl on the tl, maybe that anon is right
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Thread theme..... retard.
So that we could gangrape her?
We're winning Clivebros..
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>*tries to cancel you*
Man why the fuck isn't VF 5 Ultimate Showdown not on sale

24.99 ain't worth it....
So she could be my hotwife gf and I could watch her with black men like leroy
Bruv couldn't even back backdash cancel oh my days senpai
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It's fucking freezing
>no footprints
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All the entries worth playing today, released right next to each other
>best old tekken
>most experimental tekken
>best nu tekken
all aged like milk and are mid
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Dead or alive is fucking funny. Bitches fighting with a skirt and you can see her panties for the whole match xD
Just preordered revo
if ya war revealing cloths you got more mobility!!
games mid I dropped it
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lets be real, VF is doa
bro said he preordered a 19 year old game
I'm gonna spend my christmas on /tekgen/ samefagging to myself about how much of a fucking loser I am
Revo is 16 on steam
blud really said revo
What did they change in revo that's so bad?
i dont even know what that is
You really think Harada and Murray will deliver on Tekken 8 season 2?

VF 6 will survive lol
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dead on arrival
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I'll give it 2-3weeks.
I kinda feel bad for all the people who actually think it's gonna have more than 100players after that.
Everyone knows only the big 3 can survive. Tekken, SF and MK. With the weird exception of guilty gear..
Everything else dies.
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i want to fuck that alisa poster in her hairy asshole
Would you take paper rock scissors seriously and spend lots of hours "learning matchups" and "grinding"?
Then why do you take this game seriously?
Looool fuck off troll
blud said paper rock scissors
literally who? no one plays this game around here
bbc is rent free in tmms mind since they stole his wife and he has to shill namco to provide for his kid who he neglects by playing and screaming about tekken
was the emery vidio good i have no life so i could wash it
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has anybody gotten the santa outfit from the battlepass
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Last Christmas I haven't even played a single Tekken game.
I miss those days.
Shant be grinding murray's fight pass
here's to another year of not playing Tekken
why the fuck are you even here then faggot
12 months since release and t8 already looks last gen
We don't tolerate homophobia here
to keep you company, who else would do that
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game MID i go to BED
that just makes you a good gurl
>TGA Clive trailer reveal live
>everyone says "Is it a mobile game?"
kek Bitrate 8
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rate me steam profile sars
games trans I fucked it
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proof that high level tekken players don't lab against kazuya
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Wish I could spend Christmas with Alisa
i havent played tekken 8 since september
and i wont until they make customization better, kill the monetization and add better characters
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>Up : SHITTEN > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WePNs-G7puA
soulless zoomer garbage
>Down : VIRTUA CHADIGHTER : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x95gXieo3f0
pure soul boomer kino

Simple as.
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the literal meaning of sex
ZAFINA is much harder to play then when D8 started people now know the matchup
A l
F a
I y
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The female Santa boots are from T7 Armored Pants
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i have an interview with vogue australia regarding this customization next week they wanna know what inspired mew
>adjusted color on 3 assets
>thinks they're alexander mcqueen
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good on tekken team for being environmentally friendly, we could all learn from their recycling advocacy
coming back to play Clive has finally made me realize i just do not like Tekken whatsoever. this game is just a collection of coinflips in a trenchcoat pretending to be a proper fighting game
i had this feeling i was not getting something, missing something then i just realized half of this game is knowing a veritable encyclopedia of moves and their associated values and the other half is gambling. gambling whether it's low or mid, gambling whether they'll throw something evasive or not, gambling whether they'll randomly counterhit you or no, gambling whether your combo will decide to readjust due to wall and fuck itself up or no.
i've never played a game where you literally learn nothing by actually playing. the game teaches you nothing, and at the same time if you don't lab for 3 hours every day you get nowhere

so yes this game fucking blows and now i know for sure. there's no "fix" coming with S2 either because this is just how Tekken has always been, people just gaslighted others into thinking it was about "neutral" and "spacing" when it has always been about finding one single gap in the opponent knowledge and beating him with that because he can't look stuff up mid match
Guess what fighting games are
sometimes you don't choose HRT, it chooses you
The fuck am I looking at
why playing dragunov is so fun
When one door closes, another one opens.
Tekken came back during Jive's nadir. VF will take advantage of D8's situation.
My back fat is hurting
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There is no situation, nothing to take advantage of. The top 3 will for always reign no matter what.
They are what WoW is to MMOs. They are unkillable and they kill everything around them.
tekken pros being productive members of society and creating other productive members of society, while you're sitting on your ass shitposting!
I don’t mind when they add stuff back that looks good at least. They’re recycling T8 items too which is fucking nuts
I'll be the first to call out flanderization when I see it, but what are these Paul fans smoking?
They really love this headcanon Paul who apparently had serious stories before 4 and obsess over databook-tier bullshit like Kazuya being his rival or him beating Ogre.
Whats the top 3?
Tekken didn't reign shit between 5 and 7
Wtf who was the woman who married nobi
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SF Tekken MK
They have been since the dawn of fighting games
So you are saying your literally don't have eyes? Tekken is doing great, all the others are long dead.. What a cruel world, making you without the gift of sight...
>your literally don't have eyes
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not to this degree honestly. you're not guessing between 25% of your health power low or 60% launcher every single time two people are standing next to each other in other fighters

i guess you're right. i'm too cis to enjoy this
an example of good recycling
SF is 2D. MK is fucking dead
>not to this degree honestly
Nigga anime fighters are even worse wtf are you smoking
960 hours at this moment, what is tekgen at
if you're going to dress like a woman, why not lose a couple hundred pounds? Nothing that screams femininity like the inability to see your feet or reach your ass or being wary of furniture that isnt reinforced
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Everyone keeps telling me how shit SF6 is and that it's dying (even /sfg/), but I'm not sure I understand why. Isn't it a fun game?
Sf6 is the most casino game on the market right now
Looks like the average America woman to me
In Tekken 8 the biggest culprit for the casino gameplay is Heat
In SF6 you have three mechanics (perfect parry, drive rush, throw loops) that contribute to the casino and they can't do anything to them cause they balance each other
>SF is dying
There already talks about SF6-2 which technically happened to SFV when they released Luke and it's even possible they might jump to SF7 sooner than people think.
SF7 might be the first Switch 2 crossplatform game?
being better than anime fighters is an extremely low bar to clear
OK point taken. BUT it is multidimensional thinking. And isn't everythang multidimensional thinking?
If he had the mental fortitude to be in ok shape, he wouldn't have trooned out in the first place.
Different dimension tgirls
>There already talks about SF6-2
As a different game or just as a game balance?
Ideally when would you see SV7 being released? As in a year date
It wasn't always like this. In Tag 1/T5 you could delete half of your opponents viable moveset with one backdash. 90% of their moveset with two. Movement superceded knowledge checks and gambling. T7 also worked in its own way, defensive tools were strong so the reward for knowing the answer to a meme was high. In a strange way it worked like a RPG where you level up with knowledge. It was slow and attritional which some seethe about but it worked. Tekken has only ever been good by accident 2-3 times in its history, and possibly never again. I would strongly advise against anyone getting into it at this point.
if SF6 is dying tekken is in the fucking morgue
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we need to start promoting beautiful people in the trans/crossdresser fighting game community and shaming those who don't even have respect for their own bodies
can i play dudley in sf6
The most potent of blackpills is realizing Tekken is nothing without knowledge checks. The fun of Tekken is in knowledge checks. That's why Mirror matches are so boring.
I thought SF6 was doing a good job in retaining players...?
Realize this Tekken is multidimensional thinking. At any situation you can:
>sidestep (sidewalk or sidestep block, 2 possible sides)
>walk forward
>do nothing
>micro decision level making at timing interwhals
>use ANY of your 180 moves

It is gambling but it's gambling with 300.000 options at any point in taime
the problem is that offense is extremely easy but defense is extremely difficult. people pretend this is due to heat but this happens outside of heat as well, when every string moves you forward and you have to know exactly the point where you step it and some of them have followups that cover steps or safe highs tto mix up it basically means the guy does two hits and you're being mixed up. it's why tekken feels so miserable to play. offense is totally braindead and there's no reward for knowing how to defend except being -8, while every mixup that lands is a knockdown into more pressure, a heat engager or a launcher
the guy is plus and mixes between a fat low or a hopkick. if i guess right best case scenario i get a i13 punish. if i guess wrong i'm probably dead
Women don’t even dress like this. AGPs need to go
SF6 is fine. It's an awful game but it's very popular in Asia and has a very stable playerbase. Capcom doesn't really know why the fuck it's successful (hence why they refuse to patch anything) and they have almost no cosmetics because Asian subhumans would rather buy shitty avatar skins but no SF game has done better since probably SF2.
You're right and yet VF is even more complex.
brainrot by anime unironically
guy is miserable because he feels ugly. women are pretty. he says i'll be an anime woman but doesn't realize the ridiculous amount of effort looking good is for a woman. decides to go for extremely difficult to pull off outfits because his only contact with woman's fasion and clothing comes from anime. the result is what you see
the biggest redpill is that hot women and hot men are the exact same, every single tranny that looks good was a good looking guy before, both because it means they can put in the effort and second because the attributes are similar. guys like that can at most hope to look like a kindly grandma, but they want to dress like misa amane without looking the part
>have a semi hard on the whole tournament
>loses % of brain blood flow because of erection
>still places third
imagine losing to this guy
the temu goth aesthetic has got to go man, niggas can't dress themselves frfr
VF's stepping system is heaps better and in fact Tekken's extremely inconsistent stepping is the main reason noobs fucking hate it.
It's very common to tell a new player "the way to beat this seemingly overpowered aggression is just stepping! try it out! :)" and then they go and get hit every single time because EVERY SINGLE BUTTON in this game gets stepped in a certain direction with a certain timing and only certain sidesteps can do it but they never get told that. And then they sidestep CORRECTLY but hey lingering hitbox and eat shit anyway. Stepping is not a legitimate defensive option in this game, it's more like a specific countrer to certain moves and you are not stepping stuff correctly until you have like 500 hours in this game and know both what you're stepping and which direction you're stepping it to.
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yep casino 8 is washed
the only thing is washed is my 30$ or whatever the price for sf6 on discount
Hmmm I often sidestep wid Lili but if I think about it it's usually offensive sidesteps so I poke into sidestep. I wonder if there is a sizable defensive sidestep amount I do I haven't really tried to measure it or count in some way. I do think the sidestep is egregiously bad on chracters that aren't Lili however.
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this game is just not fun to play. tifa wouldn't have changed this
lmao forgot about that dumb bitch
lmao forgot about that dumb bitch
Clive: A total success

Very honest character nobody hates playing against him although everyone agrees he's broken
>jabs you
>grabs you

and this is my story....................................
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and this is my story....................................koi
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in anozzer lyfe we woul of been roman conquerers now wiere tkkan playahs explorin the inscrutable deffs of freim deita

>this is my story
S2 DLC leaked
knee was right about scrupman
just watched some juicebox vf
that shit looks insanely mashy, they’re just standing in the middle of the stage and swinging
I thought the niggas dissatisfied with 8 liked backwards movement? or is the “moving to vf” meme only because it’s not tekken 8
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give idea for an Asuka sketch
Christmas paizuri
it's a meme lmao VF has almost no backdashing
people just want anything to put a scare into harada and murray because they know tekken is completely untouchable in the 3d space
but virtua fighter is not gonna be it, in fact that game is going to flopw so hard i almost feel kind of bad for Sega
When you attack Lili, her groans give me a fucking boner
I'm worried about going back to hei going full retard with Clive.
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teggen 8... our time has come
Say It
Thank you BBC
Im surely disapointed in the Teggen8 community. Hard to find battles in Xmass eve.
SF6 is literally the second coming of christ but for Street Fighter
I've put "no restrictions" and have started getting more matches, and less wifi, but now I got smurfs and Clive with his frustrating animations.
I dropped the game in january
Asuka tied up as Christmas gift riding Lili's massive strap-on
you can’t say that on twitch insta report
i'm into men
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I want to find a man under the mistletoe
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it's as simple as
>raijin clive mirror
>its a 270k empath
no rematch
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I shit myself today
>Tekken came back during Jive's nadir. VF will take advantage of D8's situation.
And by that you mean it was the best selling fighting game franchise before that era, but then it lost its crown to MK?
You people are weird
I can't remember the last time I talked about tekken
Jewish Reina
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Don't the mobile phone tier devs realize that abrupt camera shifts into zoomed in faces are extremely off-putting in what was typically a fairly grounded fighting game with a fixed camera?
At what point did Tekken lose its kinographic camera work?
I let a cute Lunakat Mighty Ruler Xiaoyu who had a 14 winstreak in Quickmatch get their 15th by throwing the game :·3
>older Tekken games
Fighting CPU was a blast because of how well paced the fights were

>new nu-Tekken games
Fighting AI is a complete bore due to constant heat and Rage movie cinematics interrupting the flow of the game
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The only phantasy here is yours
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Imagine being married to a guy like Dustiel. I'd imagine literal torture is better.
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someone massage my feet pls
We are saved
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>get denied twice
>suddenly in the IT/Arab queue
Thanks Murray!
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you're welcome, tekken player
i dont know whats more pathetic the mike hollow cocksucking or the virtua fighter ironic fanatics
no one is being ironic in this general
Italians are just Christian Arabs anyway.
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VF is the only thing keeping us going right now
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maybe the empathyschizo has a point...
>mike hollow cocksucking
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qp or comp
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Harada's hair is so ridiculously fake.
>Harada heightmogs Tyler
How short is this league gremlin
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>Saori Hayami was rushed to the Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital in critical condition after being hit by a car. The famous Seiyuu (japanese voice actor) plays many popular roles in anime such as the charismatic Yamato in one piece or Shinobu in demon slayer. Many fans have voiced their distress at the news and hope that Ms Hayami will pull through.
IMO middle aged boomers should just embrace balding. Having the hairline of a 15 year old just looks retarded at 50.
>seiyuu wankery
Death to all otakus and the seiyuus they idolize.
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how do you get hit by a car in japan? wtf?
Don't see anything in /jp/
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what the fuck is that gay faggot shit
>no big schnoz to go with the khazar milkers
Big missed opportunity
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It's probably the last chance for 3D fighting games as we know it before Bandai Namco restructures Tekken Project into another anime arenaslop factory
already did that since 2007
Give me my goddamn multicolor camo Bryan pants back Murray you fucking lesbian looking piece of shit

Watchu listrening to while play RTekken
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together we will excel, into the next kiss (nohomo)
is there a mod that automatically avoids wifi?
i just don't run the game, it solves the problem nicely
is that fucking parallels
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>lose set 1-2 wining the first game
>win the next set 2-1 winning the last 2 games
>game treats me like I just went 3-5 solely because of the way the losses were ordered
overdrive is better
then i'm parallel and you're overdrive
shouldn’t you be close to that with a tekken gawd and 2 emperahs
the fuck is parallels and overdrive
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>tmm loses to a waifu player
>immediately checks their profile for something to talk shit about
>tmm loses to a mishima, bryan, or steve
>glazes them no matter what
why is he like this
because female characters require zero skill to play and mishimas bryan and steve are high skill technical champs dumb ass nigga make a real post
LowTierGod Gets MENTALLY TOUCHED in Tekken and REMEDIALIZED Until He Quits
His gf was fucking his personal trainer for like a year and he didn't realise until they straight up told his dumb ass
remember when mainman went on stream and told everyone his wife was cheating on him and she called him a fucking stupid bitch loser thats not fit to be a father and he told us all this while queueing up with jin in tekken 7? the fuck was that about?
that never happened
it did
same thing that was Aris basically crying on stream and talking about how he fantasized about killing himself all that while a Lei player used +20 yo flowcharts
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Merry Christmas /tekgen/
nothing to be merry about in my mid ass life
stop celebrating pagan holidays
7 and everyone in this general gets laid next year
It's not that good, nor getting married if you're rich already
0 and we all make it in this cold unforgiving life
1 and everyone in this general dies a virgin
6 and I get a job next month
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Fucking hate how my first fighting game was Tekken 8. What a fucking waste of time spent.
I feel sorry 4 UUUU
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Where's Julia
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i'm so sorry, realty.
I'm not mentally well, it was a lie.
My first fighting game was ready 2 rumble boxing on ps1, get over it lil tim
lili can get away with playing like an absolute monkey in this game
Why is Jinnigger still not nerfed? Why does everything he shits out track?
he'll never be nerfed newfriend
Pretty sure I just fought John from DF in unranked. His name was Dark1x. Nasty ass Jin.
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power is everything
Tekken is closer to smash than street fighter. Stop assuming the devs care about shit like balance and gameplay this is a party game about doing cool combos by button mashing
theyre separate accnuts only one emperah tho
>this is a party game about doing cool combos by button mashing
The combos are the opposite of cool though
dropped it
combos aren't cool but casuals love button mashing and getting strings like this is an action movie game
no way ahah, if it's on steam, give us his steam ID so we can send him dick pics
I can't get erect
my nipples are inward and can't get out
I have bigger breasts than my mom and a smaller dick than my dad
My finger won't bend
False propaganda. Jews fear the samurai.
Playing tekken 8 is definitely more fun than sitting here and posting literal shit
my knee can't win shit
If you're an empath Asuka is max rank in 2 months with 0 prior fighting game experience and without knowing that hopkicks are - frames. I'm not fucking joking.
I like xiaoyu but sometimes it's fun to return to asuka and play like an absolute gorilla
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what's next for him in S2?
use photomode to show ling's, lili's and zafina's panties in their alternate costumes onegai.
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Jun is more Asuka than T8 Gorillaka
I'm watching berserk while posting literal shit
uhh that's because Jun got all the properties that were actually good on asuka and asuka got a stupid hat and an install that doesn't fit her gameplan to compensate
Yup the devs really hate Asuka.
should we kiss now
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Asuka is a WHORE
I wish asuka was a whore she needs more porn
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Asuka is ugly and redundant in T8
nigga you're a XIAOYU MAIN you have no place to talk
i think he's right im an asuka main and i play better when i stop thing about frame data and start thinking whats the most retarded thing i can do right now
Final Fantasy OWNS Tekken. Final Fantasy made Tekken it's little BITCH.
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this video has yet to be refuted
I just order some mid weed from the shop
i sneezed
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made it to shinryu with king after 9 month hiatus
Yeah Xiaoyu's carried. Doesn't seem to be exactly an empathy character like Asuka though. She seems more to be a knowledge check/broken character.
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good job keep it up

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i forgot how to do alot of his grabs like sol naciente and kinda dont want to relearn them. doing fine with just his simple combos and strong counters
tekgen is the only place on earth that looks at asuka and thinks "yup she's broken"
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tekgen is the only place on earth that looks at leo and thinks "yup he's female"
Every character is broken
santa didnt come
I understood that reference !
its not christmas yet
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Tekken King - Tekken God tier list
>best nu tekken
Tekken 5 is 20 years old anon...
just got rid of the stupid ass snow and lights fuck outta here with that fake shit
what makes steve with his faggot evasion, faggot safe jab string mash, faggot unseeable guard break, faggot stance cancels, faggot spammable magic 4, faggot tekken 4 throw, faggot clinch coinflip "tekken"
it's known that santa only goes to the rich kids
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For some weird reason, 90% of tekken players are delusional about Steve. They think he's a super hard characters and super fundamentals heavy and really hard to play..
He's just whorerang without feet. The dude is the most EZ mode trash one could play.
legs have more range than arms therefore Hwoarang > Steve
Paul was flanderized, though not in the way his fans think. Since Harada took, over Paul had jokes around him (His ending in Tekken 3 was about him getting a parking ticket and throwing a tantrum over it), what really fucked him over is that starting in Tekken 5 the jokes humiliated him far more, removing any sort of dignity.

As bad as Paul has it, Law is even worse, as he gets even more humiliated than Paul, but since Tekken 4 didn't treat him with respect like it did with Paul, there are less delusional fans talking like Law was a super serious character before.
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>cancer > aids
Doesn't mean both are nasty
game's dropped i midded it
I can see what you mean in a sense but I'm yet to see too many of hard to beat steve players. Usually it's a dry poke battle which is what real Tekken is somewhat about (obviously Mishimas are also real Tekken) but yeah if they abuse their gimmick strings very efficiently I can see your point. I just haven't met more than 1 or 2 that have done so.
my dick was flanderized
chill with the homophobia
when pakistan's numan lost against south korea's T1 Edge, I felt that
i've never seen a halfway decent Paul player they all just find one or two cheesy things about him, spam the shit out of them (usually the qcb3 string) and then refuse rematch when they lose
no other playerbase is more addicted to getting you to jab check something and then raping you for it with raw shoulder or df2
Played for an hour and only ran into 1 clive life is good boys
stop being a fucking faggot geek and maybe I’ll consider a rematch
when you land a death fist it feels better than sex on god
My formula for establishing who's good at Tekken is the following:
Time played accounting for 90% of how good you are, 9% refers to how seriously you try to learn and understand the game (like labbing, punishment) and 1% to how good your rank is.


L = Skill in Tekken
T = Time played
S = Seriousness
R = Rank
t. speedkicks
I was the monk that caught heihachi
But labbing is 90% and playing the game is 9%.
>yes I will play a lot of matches surely I will learn that this punch that hits me in the groin is actually a duckable high and that I can step this move that clearly hits in a arc towards the right to the right
my seriousness variable is measured in the trillions I am one of the greatest players on earth
TEKGEN will give birth to the next luigi
I hope harada one day becomes CEO of bandai namco he deserves it
You're out of your mind if you think Asuka is weaker, Jun's playstyle literally doesn't even apply to tekken 8. She would be a god tier tekken 7 character but Tekken 8 is all about gorilla mashing and constant pressure with armour, that's Asuka
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has torgal eaten his own poop, yes or no
finna eat my own poop
finna mash when im minus
aint finna lab anything
societal expectations will not take my freedoms from me
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no torgal! don't transmogify yourself into a female dog!
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sic em torgal
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the face of NA Tekken
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Happy Christmas losers!
>asuka has to land a launcher or d1+2 (launch punishable low) or CH magic 4 or parry to earn 1 attempt to pressure people
>still no top 8s, 50% winrate at best online
starting to think this place isn't the best source of tekken knowledge.
Sexy Azu
Its merry christmas asshole
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most people get it twisted, it's more asuka never has to block and therefore can pressure you from her minus frames like yoshi
he'd be handsome if he dropped 100 pounds
that's fair actually I will mash the fuck outta stuff while minus and it usually works out
thanks, you too
playing against a kazama is just like playing kekken 7
>opponent is -9
>can't risk doing a low poke due to low parry which gave a full combo
>opponent is -9
>can't risk doing a low due to can-cans which have jump status on frame 5 and give a full combo
Having lows with damage and armour moves already makes Asuka better than Jun without going into anything else
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I'm not saying she's the best online all I'm saying is if you're an empath with no game knowledge she's your pick.
My empathy levels are down the gutter today. Random flowchart fluctuations are affecting my performance greately.
Xir, youre mid has arrived.
i want out of the $18/hr cage
im applying and even get some interviews but havent been hired yet it beens like 2 weeks what gives
this is all murrays fault
if you dont put josie back in the game im stealing your job and your life murray you have until new years to respond
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take it, it's yours
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3 months
>another nigger beats me 3 times in a row and starts getting upity only to get destroyed and not rematched

Love beating up upity empaths
Is it also merry holidays then?
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im ruinning this thread but it's the only way i have to communicate in a very meta way i find that rather unfortunate
kill yourself
i don't think i'll feel truly alive untill vf6 releases
i only enjoy playing king
kill yourself
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rate my empath
reina player is the dumbass for not just hopkicking if you're spamming whiffed reversals
>hworangutan beats me (obviously)
>consider not rematching because obviously i'll lose again
>rematch anyways to not be a boosted selective rematcher
>he doesn't rematch

what fucking stage is this? what the fuck?
kyofu oshieterayu
Say It
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jama o suruna
lee's tranny house
I try to play Asuka like Asuka would play Asuka
LowTierGod Twas The Crashout Before Clapmas Marvel Rivals, Tekken 8 & MK1
But BOY did we clear it
We should have known sooner that Clive was taking about the Tekken franchise in this voice line
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Selective Lilichud vs BryanGawd are my favorite matchups I'd say.
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Cute russian boy
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>mfw no Negan in 8
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Clive is the closest we'll get
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this entire genre of game is just 5% actual skill testing and 95% guessing a 50/50
It's never been more over
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>it's over when i say it's over
Based on my stats should I drop the game?

next stage should have this music and make the entire screen flash constantly, anna rage art should last at least double the one of clive and she should be able to use a bazooka projectile at all time like alisa
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who cares about stats, drop the game if it's no longer fun
or start watching higher level azucena players (watanabe, pekos, galgonge, kaizur) if you want to get better
if you’re asking that question in the first place its always yes
should i date women if all i like is massive COCKS?
you shouldn't drop the game just because you're a noob. if you're enjoying yourself and improving why would you drop it
you should drop it regardless of stats, there are practically an infinite amount of other things you could do with your time, there's no reason to stick to something like tekken
Why are you here faggot?
To keep you company
Obsessed faggot why are you still here everyday
already answered that, next question please
Harada ruined my Christmas...
Murray ruined my New Year
Nakatsu ruined my Hanukkah
eating pupusas and salvadoran tamales, thoughts? lmk if you wanna know who i main, my weight and height
That is extremely cool anon, what is inside the tamales? I would also be extremely interested to know your weight and who you would main in Virtua Fighter.
thanks. im at my computer cause im having crazy coughing fits, no idea what this could be. i main king and i weight 240lbs and im 5'11''. i have a strong build so i dont like my weight, i have zero belly. chicken inside the tamales
why is there no snow on the winter stage
Why doesn't the sand move
no snow here in aus and murray listens to me
why is Lili naked
is anyone here actually straight
It's not gay if he's fully shaven and plump in the right ways
ive convinced myself im straight. when i had sex with a female for the first time tho, i didnt really feel pleasure and im not kidding. i had to finish myself off after 30 minutes
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me seeing that Leo pic where he lies ass first on the bed
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ive never played it. im a tekken8 only chad
please give it a chance :(
yeah, is there someone who plays like king?
What am I supposed to do to law/steve?
I can't press anything unless I want to get ch
my life has lost all meaning
high crushing lows
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She* lies ass first on the bed
Play Clive and f1+2 him to death from range 3
This matchup is miserable as Steve
tb h i like king cause of his cat mask i think its funny and cool. wolf looks lame, hed be cooler with a wolf mask
this game is much less fun since they added clive. That's a problem because it wasn't very fun to begin with
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Now imagine how much worse it's going to get over the course of Seasons 2 and 3
nah i think we hit the peak of mountain kusoge. can only get better now.
Is Reina a braindead scrub character?
People who hate Clive are mashers who spam while running moves and now realize against a defensive character they were just frauds
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I was Kishin and tonight i legitamately had to fight 9 hwoarangs 1 Steve 1 Raven 1 Zafina 1 Jin 2 Heihachis and went all the way back to battle ruler, I just suck at fighting hwoarangs and thats all thats they are giving me tonight, currently in the middle of fujin trying to climb but everytime i make progress they throw me another hwoarang, I am actually gonna have to lab this shit bro....
i am of the perspective that you cant quite lab hwoarang hmmm but i did lab him 6 times so i cant say what im saying has any validity like throwing glass stones off off a glass houses
no i just want to press buttons without getting spaced out from range 3 by nonstop safe attacks
for me it exposes me as somone who likes to dash block and sidestep (so move in general) you cant move against that character
*Takes Leo's clothes off
*Sees big ass breasts
*Sucks the living shit out of them
*Pushes Leo into Doggy position
*Long ass doggying till the next morning
that little sex doll of yours isn't leo
post an image next time so your post is filtered
Nah i was just kidding. There is only one direction for tekken.
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>10 minutes befoe christmas

Cant play more tekken gotta go downstairs
filterposting is cringe and unfunny
i don't give a shit
I think it's funny
honestly i haven't really been paying attention enough to have an opinion either way
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Will this game always have weak players? It sure seems like it. T7 had players I could beat when I tried it.
I just lost to a Panda that meme'd on me with weird ass bear moves and janky hitboxes
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My dick was full mast whenever I played Leo with her bikini on and I strongly believe that it enhanced my performance in the game.
but what does Pakistan think about Clive Rosfield?
That's he's cool
That's a boy
I hope the next character is from call of duty and has a sniper rifle if we're going to keep makign retarded ass guests characters that don't fit tekken playstyle
it's here
my sources on the inside tell me that Ryu or Evil Ryu will be the next guest character in Tekken 8
there hasn't been one fitting guest yet
closest was negan but he uses weapons
Brudda..... get some fucking glasses
just fucking shoot me already
Geese could have fit really well but for some reason they are extremely auts about injecting gameplay mechanics from other games into Tekken even though they are fully aware that it ruins the game balance
Nah I don't think Capcom is stupid enough to lend Bandai a hand
Wouldn't surprise me if they give Virtua fighter a character for a collab

Let Harada and his stupid team rot in hell
>yeah let's just remove everything about his character
I don't get the people who see Leo as female, such a boyish face and voice its impossible for me to see anything but a pretty boy, I would have gay sex with leo 100%, 100% straight btw.
>Nah I don't think Capcom is stupid enough to lend Bandai a hand
yeah haradas little bitch ono is gone, at best i see another snk character
the most honest t7 newcomer. they would ruin her if they brought her back, you just know it.
trannies are just delusional my nigga
they see a cute guy and want to corrupt him
one of the worst aging harada videos
still a lot of unused assets from the unfinished tekken x streetfighter game, they're going to go with bread and butter fighting game characters after the clive debacle
it's here
The cost of development has increased drastically in the year 2024 alone. We need to price our 4 character season pass at 60% of the game's value for our studio to survive. Please understand.
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>Harada has said
Will season 2 be 6 characters or 4?
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Lingbros I made it...!
In response to the negative reception Harada believes Tekken fanbase wants less characters so season 2 will only have 3 characters (one of them is a guest of course to fulfill contractual obligations)
xiaoyu bikini sex
i dont plan on playing anyone but king, should i get the season pass just for the maps?
The honest truth is that I really started taking Tekken seriously in Tag 2 and the accepted consensus back then was that Leo was a female owing to the fact that she had the bikini costume in that game and of course the gender reveal video. I was looking for a new character to main now that I was playing the game seriously and I really liked Leo's fighting style, plus the idea of a 19 year old German tomboy who tries to dress like a guy but looks extremely feminine and can be stripped down to a bikini costume made my cock extremely hard. So you see, it is a foundational part of the character's appeal for me. In fact I believe if they brought that back into the spotlight, the character's popularity would increase drastically.

What you need to understand is that the concept of "femboys" was an extremely underground thing back in those days and didn't make its way into the mainstream until a few years later. So anybody looking at Leo's face and scrawny body in a game like Tekken where all the guys are hypermasculine came to the natural conclusion that she was a female. Tag 2 solidified that. Then Harada got cold feet and wanted to keep up the gender gimmick purely for his own personal amusement and so he veered hard in the other direction for Tekken 7 by giving Leo the mustache customization options
For season 1 or 2?
Don't do it anon
why cant i just buy the maps :/
Buy the fucking pass we need your money
you can buy the stages on their own
in fact, even buying the pass doesn't give you the heihachi stage lol
only if you add armor king
oh really? i havent tried it, but is this even worth it
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Why wasn't this turned into a game mode

Does anyone here even fucking play Tekken Ball?
i'm of the opinion that there aren't enough sexy girl outfits in Tekken 8, and unless they step it up in that department, the game will continue to flounder
You can buy the stages individually

But you shouldn't because it is extremely poor value. They are selling Tekken 8 stages for the same price they sold Tekken 7 characters. Don't pay these jews. Anybody who bought the DLC for this game has an extremely poor valuation of cashmoney.
shut up bitch
It takes these fucks a whole month to port over Tekken 7 costumes with AI upscaled textures to sell in the shop, or to adjust the frame advantage of a move from +3 to +2, and you expect them to pump out a stable, working game mode based on that story mode section?
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I posted that to make YOU mad LOL
how the actual fuck do you fight lili? Every lili player acts like a fucking baboon hopping around the screen with unreal move priority i fucking hate this bitch man
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clive is the best character in 15 years
how long before they confirm eddy's parents didn't die to further make kazuya a jobber
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>implying they remember that plotline
none of those characters are coming back
does AK play differently from king?
>high chance
>mokujin, ogre, bruce, roger jr
>characters who skipped tekken 7, when even fucking ganryu made it into that game
>kazumi, jinpachi
>literally dead
>>kazumi, jinpachi
>>literally dead
so was heihachi
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where is torgal going?
AK used to be the better poking character in exchange for worse grabs/oki/gimmicks compared to king
then they buffed AK's grabs (chain grabs) and lows and ch tools like crazy in 7
Katarina is coming back for sure. She was the character Arlsan used to win the last ever TWT for T7.
to the nearest white woman
that was the worst TWT to watch ever
still better than the kuni mirrors we had at evo that year, but arslan only brought out katarina because noctis sucked against her (he can't downjab from standing)
What? I never was under the impression he was popular in all the years I played T7 I saw maybe 3 Miguel players I never hear any buzz about him either, is he really popular?
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Character Idea
Name: Saint KlSpecial Mechanic – Naughty or Nice Gauge:

Saint Klaus "judges" his opponent with every successful attack.
When the Naughty Gauge is full (earned by aggressive play like counter-hits and mix-ups), Saint Klaus gains access to bonus moves and damage.
A Nice Gauge (built from defensive actions like parries and blocks) gives him temporary health regeneration during Heat.

Sleigh Stance (1+2):
Saint Klaus leans forward with a sack over his shoulder, prepared to launch or trip opponents.
Key moves:
Gift Swing (1): A mid attack with knockdown.
Chimney Kick (4): A sweeping low that leaves a trail of snow.
Sack Slam (f+2): A heavy overhead launcher.

Reindeer Dash (3+4):
Saint Klaus charges forward, creating a snowstorm effect.
Key moves:
Comet Crush (f+3+4): A mid tackle that wallsplats.
Blitzen Blitz (1+2): A shoulder charge with Heat properties

Winter Waltz (b+3+4):
A spinning stance that evades attacks and transitions into combos.
Key moves:
Candy Cane Spin (3): A high-hitting spin kick.
Icicle Sweep (4): A low trip that creates Frostbite.

Jab Strings:
Santa's Cheer (1, 1, 2): A quick jab string ending in a mid with plus frames.
Mistletoe Strike (1, 3): A high-mid string with a mix-up option.

North Star Smash (d/f+2): A safe mid launcher.
Gingerbread Hook (f+3): A slow, powerful mid punch that crumples on counter-hit.

Stocking Sweep (d/b+4): A fast low poke with good range.
Snowdrift Slide (f+4): A sliding low that transitions into Reindeer Dash

Gift Wrap (1+3): Grabs the opponent, spins them, and slams them into the ground.
Chimney Drop (2+4): A back-turned throw where Saint Klaus lifts the opponent and drops them headfirst into an imaginary chimney.

Rage Art:
"Season’s Beatings"
Saint Klaus pulls out his sack of gifts, whacks the opponent multiple times, then tosses them into the air. As they fall, he winds up and delivers a massive uppercut, sending them flying into a glowing Christmas tree explosion.
he's pretty popular, at least among tekken 6 newcomers
and nobody else in tekken fits his "untrained street brawler" fight style
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>average 150 moves
>4 DLC per year
>In 2 more years we're gonna have to memorize 1200 moves worth of frame data to keep our emperor ranks

thats like a dictionary...
you didn't even read it :(
I really really really REALLY hope we get Michelle instead of Julia this time. I love Michelle so much :(
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I don't need to read it. I just know your idea won't fit with Tekken.
Hafiz Tanveer memorized the entire Qur'an, 1200 moves is not that big of a deal
Remembering frame data in Heat 8 is the least important its ever been since like Tekken 3
this game is just forced 50/50s and sometimes labbing a character's one or two specific games lol why the fuck are you skimmas studying frame data in this kuso
I just assume if the opponent is in heat and they hit me they're probably plus
if i ever as much not know one string my opponent is doing i lose 1200 points
>friends with an Alisa

Jesus Christ
celebrating hitting Fubrawler

Welcome to 2024 tekgen
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my main is asuka!
rank inflation isnt real btw
this is literally green rank tekken 7
I could get to Fujin by midnight, but I just don't feel like it
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keep seething i'm gonna win evo
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>this is literally green rank tekken 7
That's it?
t-the xiaoyu...bro! w-w-w-worked rlly hard to get f-j-j-ujin! Ithink we should... congratulate them instead of.... diminishing what he accomplshed... we werea lll fujjin once in our liifes... i was one too....
There is no reason to be alive, if you can't reach Tekken King
>this is literally green rank tekken 7
season 1. i should have clarified
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These videos show that Murray's plan worked. Carry every player to blue ranks for free to make them feel like they're good at the game and increase engagement. Thus increasing the likelihood that they will paypig for Murray Coin shop items. And that's exactly what this subhuman did.
Not true, I use Blue/Ruler rank players to eat the algae and waste off of the glass of my fish tank
ranks were already inflated to hell and back and the balance was fucked by season 3 you 2024er fuck
is this where the duck meme came from
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Savior in Tekken 7 is equivalent to Tekken 8's Bushin
what actually ends up happening is that people get bored faster and then just stop playing altogether
3rd dan in tekken 7 = god of destruction in mash 8
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bone chilling misery when celebrating these holidays
How many characters do you main?
I would agree. I truly believe that T8 Fujin is equivalent to T7 S1 Brawler. Raijin = Warrior, Bushin = Vanquisher, Destroyer or Savior, Tekking King = Mighty Ruler, Emperor = Fujin...

It really feels you like a hit a ceiling or roadblock the further you get into T8 blues because there are simply not enough ranks to effectively separate players of varying skill levels. Hence why they had to resort to the half assed solution of Prowess-based matchmaking; because their ranked system is completely fucked now and wouldn't match people of the same skill level anymore.
In no world are T8 Tekken Kings anywhere near T7 S1 Mighty Rulers when even hitting Genbu was novel. Maybe S3.
It's been a while since I played t8 properly so I think I am out of touch on the current state of inflation
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u wouldn't last 2 rounds against me buddy
it's always the king players lol
>me and my opponent down to like 20% hp last round
>haven't used b2, 1+2 the entire game
>buffer a giant swing using b2,1+2 to throw this cliveshitter to the wall, closing out the match

remarkable too how everyone below tekken god appears to just mash immediately after this move too
I would not know. I block all King players.
For me it's f1+2
Nobody expects King to have a +ob move
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I wonder what christmas surprise tekken 8 has in store for me! Can't wait to log in tomorrow
Clive is like a social experiment like:
"Can an Emperor rank Lili trying to play Tekken defeat a Teal rank playing Clive?"
The answer is obviously no
Lili players are carried so not surprising
"Can an Emperor rank Lili beat a Green rank who's using the new character Clive from Final Fantasy XVI?" on voice comms, guys joking around "ill do the fullscreen sword move hahaha" "fuck you nigga youre a douchebag" "I'm here with my friend dave who's been playing Tekken for 5 years and mains Lili at a pretty high rank Emperor, "How are you feeling bro?" "i dont know man I've heard Clive is pretty busted but I'm sure my experience will give me a fighting chance" "Lets see my man" "Haha"
why come u can duck electric
why is this the only place where you faggots refuse on using the reply feature? so fucking annoying i hate you all
not true, I do this on /coopg/ too
blud getting (You) withdrawals
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I'll be that monkey
why does this game have "heat"
because "*character name* in heat" sounds funny
Heat has been a core gameplay mechanic since 1 chud
Lars Clive Clive Raven

Dont play on Christmas at 2AM this is where the actual subhumans come to play
>What am I supposed to do when Clive
plug the loading screen
What am I supposed to do when Lars* does his high crushing 40 damage hellsweep in d1+2 that high crushes and does 40 damage? I can't react to 25 frames online.
>I can't react to 25 frames online
Why are you even playing fighting games
gonna test if i can react to it on p mode
barely even offline like 1/4 at most, maybe need to practice who knows

best low in the game online for sure, no ones reacting to that
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>it's a mirror match episode where I try to 10 frame punish the moves of my character I know are safe

Yep. It's time to logoff.
American Tekken, folks. They're here and they're posting among us.
df1 a lot to mid check him
kingbeeno should come back
it’s 1/1 between na and eu, we had bushnell you have that leo that lost to 1243 over and over
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you people lost the 10v10 and twt
If there's no Eliza, why bother?
How do I punish someone throwing out launchers in this game? I don't even understand when to use mids or highs.
Highs when they aren't ducking, mids when they are ducking.

Learn whatever your 10frame and 12 frame punish is a do it after block
what are kings 10f and 12f punishers?
Did you lose to a Paul?
Why those numbers specifically? This game is incredibly confusing. Half of the time I can't tell what input did what, and I only ever win because Clive is retarded, but I'm playing him because I think he's cool. I don't know what I'm doing at all.
How did you know it was Paul? Are you Accel? Is he known for having a lot of launchers? Every time I tried to use Clive's kicks on him I was launched, but I didn't know how else to hit him since I was trying to hit his legs.
just mash thats how people learn dont use your brain and dont punish the most effective players are mashers
our emperor ranks? bruv I already demoted to battle ruler
Are you joking or being serious anon? This is my first Tekken game. My understanding of fighting games comes from Street Fighter, but I'm sick of the drive mechanics and throw loops.
In tekken generally your fastest attack is 10f (usually 1, left jab) and it gets higher from there. There are exceptions to that rule (Yoshi's flash, Xiaoyu b1), but most the time your quickest move is 10 frames.

When someone attacks into you and you block they're typically* going to be minus frames, meaning you can act before they can. If the recovery for the opponent is 10f or more that means they're -10, you're now guaranteed to be able to hit them with a jab because they can't recover for 10 frames but you can attack within 10 frames. That's called a block punish. Typically the punish ranges go from 10f to 15f. At 15f you can probably launch someone for a full combo which means you want to know your 4 or 5 punish options. Realistically as a beginner you're probably fine if you just learn your 10f, 15f, and a 12f or 13f punish.

If someone is hitting you with the same shit over and over try and block punish it. At low ranks people are just spamming cheesy strings and that's usually super punishable. Try and launch them when they finish, if that doesn't work try a 12/13f punish. If that doesn't work try a jab punish. Even if it's not block punishable you might get lucky and they press while -5 or something and eat your move anyway.
being serious just mash for 500 games at least
This game does a shit job of explaining things to new players. Especially important things like get-up options that is only available at a menu on Arcade Quest or something
Left jab is 1 right? I guess I'll try pressing it more often.
I'm not an instinctual player anon. I have to know why I'm doing something.
Isn't that just all fighting games?
funny image too bad it's fake
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Left jab is 1, right. Go into training with your character and do punishment training and it might make more sense. If not there's 100000 videos on youtube explaining punishing. You should probably be pressing 1 a lot anyway. Jabs and dick jabs will snuff out a lot of people that love to press while they're minus.
Okay, I'll do that tomorrow. How do I beat King? It feels like I'm fighting a boss character. I think the only reason I'm even interested now is because I didn't really think any of the Tekken cast was cool. Sacrilege I know, but I didn't play the games growing up. Well, except I played Tekken 6 once, but the only impression it left on me was that Lili looks incredible in her wedding outfit.
what are kings punishers?
I don't even know what that means. I usually either get armored or grabbed to death and barely get to press anything.
king is weak to side step right and you can punish a lot of shit random kings will do. learn to duck his basic string and block and punish the other braindead ones like the multi low kicks.

the throws though, you're probably cooked. some of his shit looks like it should be a 1 or 2 break and it's not. you just have to guess. i just mash 1+2 against king and hope for the best. his running throw is always a 1+2 break iirc

if you want to beat every king up until tekken king rank, learn to SSR his 121 string and launch him, duck df12 and launch him and learn to deal with the leg kicks and the low dick punch ff n 2

he's really linear and if u learn how to side walk/step right you'll beat the dog shit out of most kings
what are his 10frame and 12 frame punishers? im trying to learn king
you crispy critter
you bullet ant
>How do I beat King?
Sidestep, he can't do shit
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10f - 1,2 or 2,1
12f - b1,2
Alright I will sidestep. Uhhh, when you guys say to the right. You mean my character's right, right? Like it doesn't matter what side of the screen I'm on. It's always my character's right. I don't know what ssr is supposed to mean. Oh wait that's sidestep right. Okay.
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I want to learn Clive but I know for a fact he's going to get his ass fucked by nerfs relatively soon, no way he will stay this power level for too long... right? There's just too many things in his kit that you can point to that make absolutely no sense for them to be safe.
what other punishers should i know, also what grab chains are a must need?
Yes always your characters side when people talk about sidesteps
yeah your right. if you're on P1 side that's tapping the down button and tapping up for P2
That's a good point anon. I'm ass at this game, but I can tell the guy seems kinda broken. I don't really want to abandon him because I don't really think most of the characters in this game are cool, and someone as bad as I am needs to stack everything he possibly can in his favor. Darn, I guess I"ll probably stick with him even if he's bad. The other characters are either boring looking, gay looking, or have electrics.
Thank you anons, you've been helpful.
you didnt answer my question about king faggot
Honestly, I don't think he'll get gutted or anything, but he without a doubt will see several frame data and/or tracking nerfs. They probably won't gut him because he's a guest character and they like them to remain strong, if T7 is indicative of anything. I just don't know how much I want to learn a character that in my opinion will 100 percent receive nerfs in the coming future. He looks so fun though....
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>newcuties thinking they'll nerf clive
he'll get nothing but buffs
im a man you fucking homo
well anon's addressing me, a 26 yo girl
He's way too overtuned. He's definitely going to receive nerfs I don't even think there's a question that he's top 1 in the game, his kit is just so fundamentally broken. And I rarely ever use that term in fighting games.
correct on all accounts yes

10f - 1,2 or 2,1
12f - b1,2
14f - b2,1 (very optional, could stick to just learning i12 punish)
15f - uf4
long range (eg. vs pushback) - f2,1

11f ws - WS4
14f ws - WS2,2
15f ws - FCdf+2

>what grab chains are a must need?
If you're brand new you can put off learning these for now, but once you start the only ones you need are the crouchdash ones (f,n,d,df, 1+4/2+3). If you assign the ki-charge (all four face buttons) to a shoulder button you can simplify the commands for the 1-break and the 2-break options for both routes by either using
>1 break - 1, then mash ki-charge
>2 break - 2, then mash ki-charge
This way you only need to learn the 1+2 break routes for both CD throws
thanks bro
I don't know anythinga bout King except that he beats me every time I fight him. So I couldn't answer you if I wanted to.
I just can't help but worry they'll break his legs and cut his sword in half or something. Hopefully this game will get another guest I like in case that happens. Looking at the cast it's hard for me to find someone else I like. I mean, someone seriously designed Bryan and thought this was a cool character? He looks like a raging homo. I suppose I don't get the appeal because i didn't grow up with the characters, but only Jin and Kazuya are cool to me. Maybe as far as the girls go Nina is cool too, but that's only because she uses guns. I hear she's too complicated for a newbie to learn though.
I didn't do anything.
Clive will see very minor or no nerfs. He's fundamentally anti-tekken but the devs don't care about that. Victor was also a long range sword bitch and we learned to live with his french ass. Clive is 100% one of the least fun characters to fight against though
They're going to nerf his f1+2 and that's it. Broken characters get buffed in temu 8 (see yoshi).
Viktor was never even that good. People just struggled to fight him because he was new. It's not the same thing with Clive not even close.
What is the f? forward?
>How do I beat King?
King-only main here. As others have mentioned you can side-step right (two taps down if you are left) that will get away from the neutral jabs, d/f+2,1 can be ducked on both even after hit and even on whiff you aren't safe and a delayed follow up will hit. Depending on your level of King player online his low game will either be d/b+4,3 or d/b+3+4,4,4,4 (ali kicks) or d+3 all of those need to be crouched and ali kicks can be parried with d/b+4,3 the 3 is a mid so you need to stop ducking for it. Grabs are still a 50/50 and you basically have to guess and watch out for all plus frame ending strings since those can be used to buffer grabs usually giant swing, tijuana twister or muscle buster. A good King will mix them a lot and even use the less regular ones. For armors and such its b+3 and u/f+3+4 which you can both sidestep right or press back to block while the armor animation happens that will usually block the move.

If you or anyone else got any querstions about how to beat/play King feel free to ask. I am literally only playing KIng and I don't know shit about other characters besides stuff I can do to them as King.
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>mfw realizing Jun is more Asuka than T8 Asuka
you sound cute man, god i want to fuck your rancid shithole so fucking bad
jinbros, bryanbros, volcelbros....
hey guys just wondering what does
the only thing about clive are his lows like the leviathan sweep that is a ch launcher and the one from pshift
they are genuinely unreactable
the first one because the hitbox has the same issue jin's d2 has where it starts before the animation actually begins and can be registered by the human eye

the low from pshift you need to have a hard read or guess and pray
I want someone to stretch and spread my shit filled ass pussey
clive main btw
Wouldn't that make a lot of the cast broken? What about Shaheen? Is he any good? The idea of having a charge move sounds nice.
Thanks anon. You'll probably see me again, but right now I don't know enough about the game to know what to ask. I just wanted some general ideas for now.
No thanks.
>playing fighting games
ok cunt just shill your onlyfans or some shit
that's what you're probably here for
No worries. Coincidentally PhiDX for some reason decided to make a video on how to play King 5 hrs ago. Its 25mins it basically shows you what a proficient King player is going to do.

Besides that to add to my previous text. d/b+1+2 is that red muscle up move that basically makes King tank all damage is also good and when Kings do it you either do an armor crusher/tornado move or a low so you don't get hit by the heat engager 2.
Who is this game even for? It's intentionally made to piss of casuals and hardcore players alike.
>queue up
>lose to some dogshit Law with 100k prowess more than me
>whatever cancel rematch
>fight Clive with 100k more prowess than me
>clearly he's dogshit because he's taking this game a lot more seriously than me and I still win
>cancel rematch
>fight another much higher prowess Clive and demote his ass back to Bum Ruler or whatever it is
>one and done, it is what it is you're subhuman I'm not rematching a Clive and you're clearly shit
>fight Hwoarang who's on promotion
>yeah not happening buddy you're eating these Azucena knowledge checks and random df3 in the middle of your string because I don't understand your character and getting one and done'd while I make you wait 10 seconds it's evident that you're a mongoloid otherwise why play Hwoarang
>accept French wifi mongoloid Asuka
>lagging his ass out, game is slowing down and stopped for a second twice and I didn't get an offer to no contest the match
>plug in the 2nd round of course I'll take the 2% no problem

Genuinely had fun with a bit of Tekken today. I'm telling you if you play ranked just think of literally everyone you face as a worthless animal and you won't get stressed.
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all asuka players are heroes
It's made for people that don't play it
I'll look into it, thanks anon.
>fight Clive with 100k more prowess than me
>clearly he's dogshit because he's taking this game a lot more seriously than me and I still win
Anon I can't help that I'm dogshit. I was always feel so self-conscious about playing fighting games. Knowing that I'll always be bad just makes me kinda depressed if I let myself think about it.
Clive-sama... my wife awaits you
Anyone notice that every Tekken video is 20 to 30 mins long.
Like imagine you have work, who the fuck has the time to sit down and spend that long on a video just to learn this fucking game
I think only photo mode mains are genuinely happy about Tekken 8, as long as they don't do anything but taking pics.
How else are you going to know what a duck and launch punish looks like if I don't do a 25 second combo heat + stage hazard interaction every single time?
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speaking of asuka this just happened in my match
For context when I say proficient I mean someone that knows how to play Tekken but isn't a King main since majority of King mains don't play like Yaseen, Lil'Majin and co. There are a few errors in the video and also Phi plays him really fucking slow.
why the fuck are the game's cutscenes more than half of this game's size?
it took a lot of talk to make Jin believe in his heart
I don't know who any of those people are anyway anon. It would still give me more than I have now. I'm the type who only plays fighting games on alt accounts, and only top 100 on my main account. I'm just too ashamed of being seen playing thousands of hours in a game I'm going to be bad at for the entirety of those hours.
Thanks for being my only friends & Merry Christmas
merry christmas to you too bro hope it gets better
>plus frames into parry
He had the right idea assuming a female character would press a button there
Where he fucked up was forgetting it's a Ling player who would've tried an evasive button instead

Goofy option that didn't pay off but honestly I see where he was coming from
It is already good. I figured out that I don't want friends.
VF bros. Check Emery reigns latest tweet.
We safe bros
I'm dropping nuggets rn
>queue with yoshi
>just want to have chill games
>everyone is a sweaty cunt
>heat smash into rage arts to not play the game
>they play passively
>they lag the game
>they cheat
>they kicharge and bm
>forced to play optimally
>dont have fun
i am not saying to mash like a monkey but damn at least play the fucking game
I think something broke my quickplay. Why am I fighting a 16dan? I'm a beginner.
>everyone is a sweaty cunt
nigga this game is a year old there are no beginners left
i am going to assume you're just making a mockery of the average retard who only consume tier list videos from ytubers
Aw man. I somehow nearly won against the....Shinryu? I think that was the word. Yeah Clive is probably going to get nerfed.
I've been fighting a lot of beginners anon. I don't know how, but this game has a ton of beginners. It's why I'm able to enjoy it.
Lil'Majin is the guy that made US Tekken popular by being a really good King player and YASEEN is the guy that basically made all King combos that people use online lol.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xigqvY-XoK8 here is his most recent video

And don't feel bad about being bad at Tekken as long as you have fun its all fine and dandy. We all start somewhere and we all have our limits in those types of games.
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Do they have sex in the game?
No one is getting tekken 8 for christmas
Quickplay is unranked, no rank restrictions
Play ranked if you want to play similar ranks
getting T8 for christmas would be more like a death sentence than a gift
I was considering getting it
I got money from my parents, enough to buy it
But I decided not to lol
Oh okay. Thank you anon. I just can't help get hung up on the fact that I'm unskilled. It will always bug me, and I will always try to find ways around people knowing I put in so much work for so little.
90% of the time I only run into people up to 2nd dan or so, so it must be taking my rank into account to a certain degree.
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So why is she naked?
how did you guys get started in tekken?
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knee was probably grossed out kissing a woman for the first time
her child is a grown ass kid lmao
The music. Tekken has some banger soundtracks. Found it and was interested in the game.
I press play on steam after connecting my controller over bluetooth.
Clive. Tekken has Clive from Final Fantasy. Saw him and was interested in the game.
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Indoctrinated as a young boy at the age of 3 by parents who allowed me access to this addictive substance
i got a psp for christmas with DR about a decade ago
only t8 i started to actually trying to understand how the game plays
Yeah its okay if you get hung up. Just make sure you have fun. I got a lot of friends that suck at tekken and will get beat by me playing any character besides King and they still have fun even when loosing. Its the mentality that makes it. And honestly even if putting in much gives you a little you can be proud of that anyway. You are doing good anon.
Tekken 8 looked cool
I bought the game because I've been playing a lot of fighting games lately and wanted to try 3d. I then realized the only characters I liked required electrics which I couldn't consistently do, and dropped it until Clive showed up since he seemed cool.
pretty sure you aren't allowed to say that here

Goddam she is flat
I can see her areola
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Thanks anon. I'll do my best.
she's the type to get pregnant in high school, methinks
New tekken character
I have avoided playing this game since Clive released, so I am still in the stage where every time I see footage of Clive I am in utter disbelief of what I am seeing on screen. Range 3 sword attacks launching a dog at the opponent making azazel crystals burst out of the ground and growing wings and shit
why are we, the fgc, supporting women of ill repute such as this?
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rate my empath levels
are you really making a fool of yourself in ranked just to ragebait /tekgen/
Yes. Merry Christmas.
What do I do against someone spamming crouching light kick? or whatever it's called in this game? crouching 3?
what a funny asuka poster
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>wedding card has the groom playing with an arcade stick on it
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would you believe me if I told you this is just how I play tekken and it usually works out
Knee is like 39? Tbh that's probably the time people will get settled nowadays.
It's hard finding a bitch. Dating scene is horrendous.
What could the Dragunov player have done differently here?
yeah but alisa is genuinely broken aidscancer
I don't want a woman, I want a man.
That's a low move right?
i do it on any waifu
Does this outfit not have a cap?
You can certainly tell that that’s knee, but the female cartoon could be anyone. They really didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
Knee having sex and pumping his girl right now
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his man you mean
yeah, but raijins are literally green ranks
you're overwhelming rookies
I noticed there was no Jinposting this thread
OP must have scared them off
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Just had a Lars kill himself while all I did was stand in Libertador stance. He tried a high, it didn't work, tried 3 lows it didn't work. Maybe he would've tried a mid if he had had enough life. Did he really not learn by Fujin about this stance. Shieet.

I'm an invalid at this but I need to learn how to edit without names showing so I can go trending on twitter, reddit and of course /tekgen/. I hadn't laughed this hard in a while. Having fun with Tekken.
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Jin is celebrating Christmas with his one and only
Is that a cake? This bitch can't even cook!!!!
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>really trying this hard to boost his ego and farm clout because some scrub wasn't a GoD on a smurf account
Luigi was absolutely right; You fags really only try to farm a false sense of accomplishment with this shit.

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One and only rival, Hwoarang? Of course
let him have his fun anon, it's christmas, why so rude??
>I'm an invalid at this but I need to learn how to edit without names showing
Just download Webm for Lazys. It has very easy tools to obscure names. Also use Nvidia Shadowplay or Steam's own built in recording feature.
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But telling it how it is, is MY fun!
she's taken already
>Steam is the only platform where people buy Dix
>still got outsold by Tekken 8 despite being on "sale" for literally the whole year
stop replying to yourself, it's Christmas
as long as she loves me...
Anyone who has Dead or Alive 6 know if the online is still active?
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internet only still cares because he is attractive move along

Is it separate? Which battle pass lv?
I can't remember but is either free or premium in the first 5 lvs
I'm on PS5. I recorded it there. Got it to my PS App then sent the files via my phone to my PC. Looking at the thing you suggested. Hopefully it's not long before I'm viral.

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