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Merry Shallowmas

>Season 14 Trailer

>Winter Wonderland Brings More Holiday Cheer!

>Director’s Take: Happy Holidays

>6v6 playtests in Season 14

>Latest patch notes

>Comics, short stories and music

>Dec 10 - Season 14 (incl. New tank, 6v6 playtests, Venture skins)
>Dec 17 - Avatar: The Last Airbender collab

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports

>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>507405618
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first for the kirikofriend
Christmas sex with Raven Team Leader
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
(Meirry Christmas /owg/!)
Marvel Rivals............... won.........................
The fastest halving of its player count award
>queue all roles for 6v6
>4 minute queue
>queue dps only
>less than one minute
what the hell
kiriko bbc
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tranny spam
any mercy mains want to play with me...
God I love overwatch girl cock
carried my rein as support and after we won he said he hoped I got cancer, what did he mean by that did he want to carry or something
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only if you agree to not call me a slur at the end of the game anon :3
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I can try my best for you...
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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the kiriko dance
thank you <3
krispy kreme? dunkin donuts?
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Sir, you be's replying to a bot.
Bots live among us now, make peace with that.
Amelie Lacroix

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damn. all she had to do was put the gift in. for some reason, i really wanted the video to not be porn. sadness
I'm so tired of bad porn. It's been a long time since anything good has been put out.
prophet issa's, ʿalayhi s-salām, birthday
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beaner flood filter
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>filtertard is also the unfunny slop jeff poster
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I'm post whatever fits.
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I think it's funny.
It stinks!
Anal with Sombra
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i love overwatch christmas!!!!!!!!1
>i love overwatch christmas!!!!!!!!1
>overwatch christmas >>507604534
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Is rein ligma actually broken as fuck in 6v6 or am I retarded
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wots ligma?
6v6 coming back has confirmed that yes zarya is fucking retardedly designed
kys brianlet giganigger that is not viable
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ligma nuts lmao gotcha
So just shoot the bubble, singular and then her. She has no hp and no armor.
don't shoot bubbles is the retard silver take, the 420 IQ take is don't shoot bubbles unless you've got enough damage to pop it and kill her, it's not complex, just don't poke the bubble mindlessly
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not again....
Dumb lena
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>the healbot Mercy gets all the endorsements again
Being Illari is suffering.
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Much like being bisexual you're seen as being greedy if you pick a damage dealing support.
Calm down Gunface
It's a fair trade. Instead of pumping heals into my inting teammates so they can live 2 seconds longer I help them get kills and stop the enemy from shooting them.
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good night kirikofriend
Is Hazard a crutch character?
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Good night Kirikofriend..
Sleep well
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you too
you don't wanna become a braindead healslut bro
why not it's fun, I just went 1 - 37 - 0 with 8 rezzes and 3k damage boost on 6v6 junkertown
>be the only support to put out pressure because mercy is just yellowbeaming
>mercy carried illari kys you need to heal more
it's just so tiresome
Mercy Illari is barely above Mercy Zen in terms of healing, if she wasn't yellow beaming your team would fall over and you'd blame her anyways
that's just regular post-marvel-rivals overwatch
Happy holidays anons!
If your team is proactive enough the pylon and maybe a bit of extra healing are enough sustain until the enemy team is crippled. I had good full holds on Illari Zen where the enemy team was never able to stay in the fight long enough for their sustain advantage to matter. Healbot supports are partially responsible for getting their team into situations where they have to healbot. The problem with Mercy is that her damage output is reliant on a good pocket dps, so she can't control it very well.
Hazard needs nerfs.
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As Mauga I eat Hazard for breakfast.
Or maybe Torbjorn needs a buff
>evades you by climbing on high ground
>assassinates your backline
>walls you off
>blocks your sustain while dealing damage
I don't play Mauga but Hazard sounds like a bad matchup.
Torbjorn is great right now but some utility would not hurt.
For example using the hammer on friendly omnics to heal them.

I mean in a 1v1 scenario, my backline dying is their problem, not mine.
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I think his area denial could be slightly more annoying. I guess OW chose to move away from that path long ago but it seems like with how much mobility gets added to the game over time we could also go back to having "sticky" characters that just lockdown an area really hard

That or let Torb and Sym wallclimb.
Area denial is still useful for objectives.
>I mean in a 1v1 scenario, my backline dying is their problem, not mine.
That's like picking Zarya into D.Va when she has all the freedom in the world to just melt your backline instead.
It's useful but I think has gotten a lot worse over time
They already buffed his fucking turret and his hammer. Fuck Torb.
Fuck Torb? Fuck you
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the kiriko dance!
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the kiriko brought you diabeetus
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Hi handsome!
Hope you slept well!
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kys jose
Let me be Tracer in peace.
I deserve love and affectionate human touch....
you will get Moira's decaying claw
I miss illari
Does her cape count towards her hitbox? Just shoot the cape then.
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Cinnamon Slut
>was aged up because of porn expectations
>MR dva is straight up 14
chinks don't give a fuck
>MR dva has the same voice as kiriko
>suddenly chuds don't care about shit voice acting
>MR dva is straight up 14
She's not, she's very specifically aged up to 19 which I guess explains why she looks like an ugly goblin.
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why do you know that? you haven't actually installed that chink spyware on your pc, right anon?
She's actually somehow much more annoying than Kiriko. I guess her personality isn't worse but the voice acting is like bad PS2 JRPG dub bad.
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Could they not afford the Spiderverse Peni actor?
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Mercy Christmas...

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Amelie Lacroix

never ever
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People who grind ranked are all rape victims. If you play and get mad at games you too have been RAPED!
Sigma in 6v6 is broken as fuck there's a reason he's the tank that got the least changes going into 5v5
There's even an argument to be had that he's the reason we got 5v5 at all
Her boobs will freeze.
But I don't get mad at games. I have fun gradually improving.
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Stockholm's syndrome. You too have been RAPED!
Tracer can't get raped. She just blinks away.
yes that's true
She can also reverse time to cancel any unwanted pregnancy.
/owg/ - MKultra rape victim daycare
b-but the abbreviation doesn't match?
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That's because you have been RAPED and can't think clearly!!
Am I wrong to enjoy this game? According to youtube I am supposed to hate it.
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only the finest artisanal least funny forced memes on /owg/
Negative feelings are better engagement bait than positive ones so you shouldn't be trusting e-celebs who's job it is to farm engagement on anything.
loved the part in the comic where these two sat next to each other, one laughing and blushing at the othe- oh wait
But everyone else parrots them. Social media was a mistake.
Those people are easy to ignore. They're also like 13 years old on average anyway so there's no reason to interact with them.
>unreal engine garbage
>players getting banned because game stops loading at 99%
>streamers reporting having major memory leak issues
Yeah bro, winning
I want to IMPREGNATE Lena
Marvel Rivals are for straight men while Overwatch are for trannies...
>are for
Why do Brazilians always make this specific grammar mistake?
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win or lose, they stomped us, people still type in match chat if i play sombra
get stomped sombratard
She could be an absolute throwpick and people still wouldn't like the invisible assassin who can interrupt their abilities.
Is learning Tracer worth it? I am getting bullied by everyone.
Yes, she's broken as shit in the right hands and you bully healers
Just stop walking in straight lines at people so they can line up shots on you. Either come from awkward angles where they have to turn to look at you or have better movement so they can't just let you walk into their crosshair.

Tracer doesn't have anything unique that you shouldn't be applying to other characters. It's pretty much all fundamentals except you get an undo button.
I'm not using "they/them" on Venture until she uses "we" instead of "I"
Just play in your native language if it's so confusing for you in English.
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>demands people use pural pronouns for her
>can't do it herself
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>illegally immigrate to mexico
>get a statue for it
liberal future
>Tracer doesn't have anything unique that you shouldn't be applying to other characters. It's pretty much all fundamentals except you get an undo button.
Now that you say it, she technically only walks and shoots. Wicked.
Nailing a simple kit is exactly why she's praised so much from a design perspective. It would be so easy to make her kit bloated or give her some extra ability she doesn't need like they almost did to Moira when she briefly had a debuff CD in the OW2 beta.
But Moira is seen as a failed design, even if she is simple. Does a low skill floor just not work with simple designs?
They got one glimpse of that ass and immediately deemed her a hero
Moira isn't just low floor but low ceiling too. The world's best Moira and the 500th best Moira will look pretty much the same plus the way her kit works she can't even apply specific pressure or open up plays for the rest of the team like say Reaper can. Moira is like a Bastion where all the character does is push numbers in 1 position.
Does Mercy have a higher skill ceiling than Moira?
On paper yes but you're never going to use 98% of her movement tech she can do in a real match so in practical terms they're about the same.
Yeah actually. Moira can be effective but her depth is shallow.
lmao why keep playing this trash game when you could be playing Rivals instead?
come on man at least pick a better fotm lol
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just read the new christmas comic
is there literally any reason whatsoever as to why roadhog and junkrat are playing volleyball with hammond and queen? the last time we saw them together junkrat and roadhog were robbed blind by them and threatened to be killed if so much they did anything to stand out, hammond went and metoo'd the company responsible for anything space about the setting and that made him what he is and queen is preparing to put junkertown on a flying ship to go wreck null sector's shit. they could literally not be any more divided besides maybe hammond and queen.
i'm giving too much thought to just a shitty promotional ad aren't i
will I get banned for calling people autistic in chat
Haven't played since last season, played a few games of 6v6 and it just feels like tanks havent been nerfed at all since 5v5.

I assumed they'd do this since they clearly want 6v6 to be unfun so they don't have to admit they were wrong, but I'm still disappointed
unironically it just depends on how many people report you, what you say has no bearing on it whatsoever
They got over it
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What is the minimum graphics card I need to buy to play Overwatch in 1440p, 165fps, on medium-ish settings? I don't really play any more demanding games
Literally anything, it's not a demanding game at all
I currently have a RX580 and it doesn't make the cut.
Because faggots think sombra and widow are broken and feel like they're top shit when they beat them. They're too stupid to understand that if you or your team suck, a top pick or OP hero won't change the outcome. It's like saying a bronze will perform the same as a GM as long as they pick X. Skill actually matters.
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I meant as in anything that's being manufactured as of today, not almost 10 years old
Any 4060 or RX7600 can do that no problem
But I don't want to drop $1000+ bucks. I'm specifically asking for the bare minimum to cover my wants because I don't want to buy a brand new one
>to beat the widow you have to become the widow
Shit game design.
Christmas sex with ______
At least I'm not a hog!
4060 is $300. consider getting a used card if money is tight (repaste it if you do though)
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Reindeer Orisa
The artist didn't want to waste more than one panel on a throwaway faction.
Can someone please release some good porn again
yes I am literally asking for a used card suggestion. I know I can buy used cards, that's what I'm asking!!
All the porn artists are jumping ship to rivals. Psylocke is your new queen now.
lol no rivals is relying heavily on ai slop because none of the characters are new
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Sloan Morrison
>teammate is inting
>Kiriko teleports to them
>now they both die
Why do they do this?
Fuck you're right.
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the most fun I have on kiriko is playing with hyperaggressive suicidal dooms
Kirikos and 50% of mercy players just straight up have no sense of self preservation
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are tomboys good for you?
only if they love me unconditionally. if she ever showed signs of disinterest or disappointment in me, I would break it off immediately to prevent myself from being hurt.
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They are the best. The best!
They’re not real
Do you need to do aim training as DPS or is improving by playing enough?
just play Sym and Junk so you don't have to aim
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You can do vaxta or whatever but i wouldn’t bother grinding it more than 5-10 minutes a day
My Ashe is nasty when I'm locked in, but I am terribly inconsistent.
I do 5 mins of VAXTA and a QP game as warmup.
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Angela Ogundimu
If it's just inconsistency then yeah it's mostly down to playing more so the game doesn't feel as fast. Some focus methods like chewing gum or having a toothpick in your mouth or something like that can help if you're not taking recreational adderall.
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>Some focus methods like chewing gum or having a toothpick in your mouth or something like that can help
I will try that. I sometimes catch myself just shooting at the enemy instead of focussing and aiming to kill. Like lazy suppressive fire instead of actively aiming for the head.
peanut brain
>soldier 76 sprints so I can feed faster
midwit brain
>soldier 76 sprints so he can stay alive on the flank and be super annoying all game
big brain
>soldier 76 sprints so you can return to spawn and switch to a real hero faster
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for the win
What makes him bad?
balls deep in french woman
Nobody actually likes black heroes, as a Mercy main I'll absolutely just let the feed fist die over and over until he switches rather than touching a negroid with my beam
In 5v5 he doesn't do enough damage. in 6v6 he is good.
he's not bad just aggressively mid, I'll still play him into certain comps but even when I do well and we win he feels like he's from the wrong game, a call of duty starter loadout in a hero shooter

he also sucks at actually confirming kills unless you're really good at helix rockets
Why would you play him over the other hitscans
He's the only hitscan with self sustain if your supports are shitting the bed
Consistent tracking damage output.
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Kiriko Shimada
Jose Kamori
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I'm obviously the most precious.
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>4k people watching skiesti play mercy/juno
she won
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Still hoping for an answer for this. I have an i5-6600k CPU since apparently that is also a bottleneck. I may have to upgrade that too
Now that I think about it, it might actually be better to bring back mystery heroes in arcade and reinstate role queue for qp. Need a way to filter out the sweaties and arcade did that to some degree.
inb4 “She”
I didn't know emongg transitioned
Olivia turning down my love letter for someone else's money.
You can be an autist and a girl without transitioning anon
Her stare is upsetting
The resemblance is uncanny though
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>makes a ton of money from doing what he loves
>in shape
are you jealous of samito?
Why 1440p? No point in going over 1080 with this type of game.
>literal who
>look it up
>feminine voice
>nothing about gender on her media
>butterface masculine with goblin body
I can see why people can't tell her gender
ah this explains it
because I have a 1440p monitor and I'd prefer to use it as such. besides, playing on a lower resolution than the monitor causes problem, I've heard.
I'd love to help you anon but I went straight from an RX470 to a 7800XT that's way overkill

Maybe like, a used 3070? I don't know green team very well and red team is eating shit
The more I google around it seems like my CPU is a bigger bottleneck than my GPU. What do you have for that?
I've been using AMD CPUs since first gen ryzen and have no complaints, I've got a 7600X right now and intend to upgrade to a 9800X3D in a year or two when they go on sale for the 10000 series launch
>doing what he loves
Dude is about to pop a vein screaming at his teammates every time I stumble over his stream. This can't be healthy.
I play on console
That might be what I have to upgrade then, but if I do than then I also probably need a new motherboard and if I need that, I might as well buy a whole new damn computer lmao
as long as you have fun it doesn't matter :)
hes playing a character
No, because liking them makes you a faggot
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1. Is he?
2. Does the body care in terms of making the angy stress chemicals that ruin your shit? Does pretending to be super stressed pump cortisol?
I don't think the body does honestly. Also some form of chaos magik is definitely real where if you act and pretend something is a certain way it tends to materialize itself in the real world.
>Also some form of chaos magik is definitely real where if you act and pretend something is a certain way it tends to materialize itself in the real world.
this is just "the secret" by and for BPD stepmoms
I mean whatever you want to call it. Performative versions of things do make them more likely to happen and I don't think your body knows the difference between pretending to be angry and actually being angry. Someone who pretends to rage at games 8 hours a day isn't secretly super chill and mentally well when he turns off the stream.
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my aim is an earring? herring?
what is he saying?
If you queue for snowball deathmatch right now we could play together, still need the cheevo
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Why play Reaper?
she's unironically autistic
Unerring, without error, "I aim good but I'm too Japanese to speak plainly"
the enemy keep walking at me in a straight line and fade would be nice right now / I am very tired of this monke right now
How can I become Symmetra's personal assistant?
he is very powerfull. special move, honestly is one of the best in the game and so he comes equipped with these two revolvers and only takes about 3 or 4 shots to actually execute a kill so it comes really in handy specially when you come from the side.
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>I am very tired of this monke right now
Is reaper even good into monkey after all the tank buffing and shotgun nerfing?
so this is the game that ripped off marvel rivals right? why do yall plagerize all your characters? widowmaker's such a rip off of black widow and cassidy's clearly a rip off of vigilante. You guys even ripped off gorilla grod.
>diffed other teams dps in damage and other teams support in heals
>lose because our ball doesn't know how to play ball
like what more can I do
you made the same joke yesterday
mercy sex
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How are you outhealing them if you have a ball and they are healbotting their Orisa from all your junk damage?
we had ball/zarya they had ball/jq and our ball did fuck all
>complaining about 6v6 QP
no I'm complaining about ball players that need to have their heads put on spikes
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Playing with a good ball is fun. I don't have a tank to heal and can frag as much as I want.
pity sex
good day remember that having a deaths per 10 above 10 should be instantly and permanently bannable
Then heal me sissy. That's your fault.
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Game needs more boys
We need a male Kiriko
can't out heal bad positioning
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Who's getting the next Mythic? If it's no one I care about, I might buy the Rein one
As someone who doesn't play comp how long would it take to get enough comp points for a weapon skin
You don't set the pace of play, you heal those that do.
>team is deaf, dumb, blind, can't hear voice comms and can't read chat
>Reaper just farms them by walking in a circle along the same flank route all game
what do you even do here other than sit in spawn and plink reaper while he walks behind your entire team for the seventh time
If the pace of play is you dying more than once every ten minutes I don't heal you at all, why would I waste valuable resources on an inting deranker, there's almost certainly 3-4 other teammates who need it more
This is some smooth brain shit right here
We need an actual sword character
you didn't actually answer why I should chase down your dumb inting ass to pump a couple hundred heals before you fall over in their spawn again
We do not need more melee heroes
Why not? Melee champions are fun.
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Whatever you say, champ.
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Just downed two tallboys of beer, a meal for two from Whataburger, 44oz of Diet Coke, and a muscle relaxer. It’s Overwatchin time.
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you sound satiated, but are you happy?
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>overwatch fag brings up playercount to dunk on another game
This is the video game equivalent of an aids-ridden faggot dunking on someone else for having aids
No, it's more like someone dying from aids dunking on someone for going to the clinic to check
Of course not :)
remember when the marvel rivals poster said he'd leave when it came out and he never did
same bestie :D:D
>get free number from google sms
>send verification text directly to your email
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Remember when it was supposed to be to be The Finals
yall gonna die real soon when this new overwatch killer known as concord comes
battleborn won
Apex will finish the job
>grape based fps
Wowee I sure hope it's good!

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