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Oscar is a faggot 7th Edition.
>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>Where to get this game if you want to try it first:
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=18476t 4th Edition79158&searchtext=rimpy

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>507478390
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First for anime
The scythe in question
babymaking sex on top of a pile of raider skulls with revia
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xth for comfy base builds.
get What's That Mod
ratkin foot smell
revia foot smell
vivi foot smell
female pawn foot smell
You can create lists in RimPy fyi
Works on my machine.
you know it says the source of it anyways right?
that's from Possessed weapons, a mod that adds medieval versions of persona weapons.
sorry, no funny blue text
Allison's a girl. Right?
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rat women
a steel bed couldn't handle this beast
how can baseliner female pawns even compete
Yes sir.
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Are you implying they can't?
Oh that's good.
imagine slipping some luciferium in corin's daily cumshake
imagine the desperate bj's for luciferium pills after that
Yes sir I only have 2 faggots in my fortress, and they're ram-ing each other nightly.
also they're duplicates.
Took "go fuck yourself" a little too literally, huh
Yeah, Teddy was the only gay guy and then when a corrupted obelisk got pissy and spawned an evil clone of him (that I captured and recruited) he fell in love.
>falling in love with your evil self
wtf he's literally me
>letting faggots into your colony
say gex is mandatory
They farm and cut stone blocks, that's it.
Anyone using a mod where an item or two will show up blank in the caravan screen and when you mouse over it the entire UI crashes? I'm pretty sure the items are usually blue and i think they're from the Bori race mod but I can't be 100% sure, however they show up very infrequently so it's hard to pinpoint what mod it is.
nvm it is in fact the bori race english translation patch.
living the dream
I mean, compared to Allison who spends the whole day cooking? I guess.
Is there a way to make colonists always keep stock of something in their inventory? Like I want them to always have 2-3 go juice. I ahve some stock up setting but they don't seem to ever be picking it up.
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So, is there any indication of what the next DLC is going to be about? Any hints yet?
Wasn't it confirmed to be a Tribal and Medieval expansion?
assign tab
drug policy section
go to "edit..."
keep in inventory column
Why did you post this ugly creature
oh fuck that's right
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she's ugly and her boobs are fakee
3D vile creatures please post female pawns so i don't need to bleach my eyes
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Fake is heaven. Embrace archotech beauty.
can't you do anything right anon
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Where and when? Cause if its medieval expansion im gonna nut SO FUCKING HARD
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Female pawns only, please
how do you change to a fluid ideology mid game PLEASE SAARS
look into savegame editing, boot up a game with fluid ideology and see if you can edit your save to put it in, will probably need to delete all unnecessary world pawns and edit your own pawns to have the ideology
just edit your ideology to add/remove precepts
and get Persistent Precepts so that you can add/remove memes too
that's cringe
that's too much work

/rwg/ bros... can I get some actual solutions here??
try adding All Ideoligions Are Fluid
Kill yourself faggot
you're cringe
if you say things like this ill only make the thread even worse
whiny faggot, dont ask for advice then
>enter thread
>the fags are trying to pretend that they like women
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i think this will do nicely, thank you
Well that's annoying.
You're just trying to bait out female pawn pictures. Not happening
nah im laughing at the niggers posting men with tits.
it's literally 3 lines changed in the save file, do you even google shit
What are you talking about?
you should appreciate that someone finds you attractive
Mmmph... boytitties...
boys are flat!
Fake boobs can look sexy, but those lips are too much.
I'm trying to do a deserter run, and I needed to piss off the empire, so I invited them for a beholding ceremony, captured everyone, and STILL don't have -100 rep and a title.
That's a toned, female body
Does every woman need to have twigs for arms that break from picking up 30 kgs?
Reminder that all deserters deserve death or hard labor
>man hunter pack of like 30 fucking dinosaur looking things
>infested ship chunks right after

yeah that's a reload
there's a way to make a fake body look good, with a good surgeon and the right decisions. but a lot of women are retarded
corin is hot, no idea what he's complaining about
she just suffers from a retarded creator
Yes, it's ugly and emasculating for us, normal me, otherwise
so you're saying if I take booby pills and grow tits, I cease being a boy?
no, I mean you're ugly
why would boys want to stop being boys
they don't have sex. most trannies are incels
Wide hips, thick thighs, breasts, narrow waist, smooth skin
Looks female to me, Anon-kun
So true.
>she just suffers from a retarded creator
What makes you say that Anon-sama?
we're talking about boys tho
I'm not trans, I just want some small boobs to better fill out a croptop.
otherwise I'm just a faggot that looks good in a crop top.
just do more bench press

because you're retarded
but I don't want to be buff.
I'm strong enough as is, I don't want more visible muscle.
I don't care what you want, go lift so you have some meat on your bones
Stop being a faggot.
this thread has taken a sickening turn
shut up gay boy
reminder that the people complaining about muscle on women are projecting faggots
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>female pawns stop being posted
>real life harlot posters flock to the thread like flies to a corpse
>thread then is infested by troll maggots
>faggots show up like they always do
/rwg/ truly is dead. May it rip
>MUHFEMALEPAWNStranny is literally talking to xerself because no one replies to xer spam
lmao even
is rimsenal bloat
yes but it's good
if you don't have much other weapon/armor mods, and want some spacertech flair, go ahead and add it
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Female pawns
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There's nothing wrong with real life 3D women. Go outside. Touch some grass. Take a shower. Talk to women.
what are some low tech alternatives
or like industrial at most, I like the look of actual weapons over glowy lazers
I don't think Rimsenal Core actually has much glowy lasers, that's more of a Federation thing.
PYB, tourist sperg
any mods for more blood and more detailed injury textures?
I really like when they try to drag themselves away and they leave a smear of blood on the floor
1. they are all whores that see love as a casual thing.
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>because you're retarded
Anon-chan pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaase explain
So true
Mandatory female pawn post
Mother and Daughter
Try blood animations or gore upon dismemberment.
This is a virgin perspective and a beta male problem.
>men want casual sex
>women want casual sex
>>men want casual sex
cringe, anon. its cringe either way.
this is the problem, men wanting casual sex should also be seen as cringe
Both are cringe
If you don't have only a single female pawn in your life then you're cringe and a sinner and you deserve to be ridiculed
The men yeah
The women I can fix
>incel hours
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I'm a Man. My bodycount is above 50. I am Alpha. I fuck hot chicks. I have spawned 4 of my progeny to continue my Chad existence. Continue to seethe, nerds.
If my muscles from the gym won't defeat you then my handgun will
If they don't have fox tails I'm not interested, sorry
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revia REEK of blood
this, what the fuck is the point if i cant hug her and feel her fluffy tails wrap around me.
I can fix them

Mating press
nothing to fix, that's a good thing
This, but mouse ears.
M*usekin shits need not apply.
foxfags are insufferable, any good snake mods
blood animations seems good, anything that changes the blood filth texture itself to be more impactful?
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my fav female pawn is the one in my head. The one who projects her Being into the souls of all the other lovely female pawns in my playthroughs. Her body, personality and soul may change from save to save, but the very basis of her ego and the construct of her existence remains the same. That is why I feel no regret about liking new pawns I find or create. For they are the same one who has been with me since I started playing rimworld...
I still SEXOOOO post like all other rational residents of /rwg/ though lol
Imagine getting enslaved by the Kurins and your sole purpose is to clean poop off their tails. How gre....I mean terrible that would be hahaha
Kurin are conscientious and would never leave their tails filthy
She's a sub waiting to be dominated
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I love ratkin so much...
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Their room is nearly done. There're still a few girls who need to choose their beds but they will when they want to.
That staff is cute.
Also ratkin sex.
for me? It's Siro
It's criminal that there is no mod yet that lets you either
A) Conveniently compress ~10-ish bodies into a compact cube of meat and then send it back to the retards who sent the raid
B) Have it so you can put dead bodies in a plastic bag and put them in a hydraulic press and send the pulped raider back to the retards to sent it
C) A mod that lets you have public execution by hanging or firing squad so captured raiders and your own citizens know never to go against the ideoligion
it would be criminal if the game were actually capable of reacting to what you did in a meaningful way
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i have one I've taken across games, she was originally from skyrim back in like 2014 or something
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Imagine the smell
Aome for me then
How do I warcrimemax and hatecrimemax? I already have my abhuman leather farm and moyo blood harvesting facility.
Which mod?
leave me in that room for one night and all of them will wake up pregnant in the morning
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kemomimihouse , make sure you get the hardworking mod too so they can do work. They're all really good workers and since they classify as pets they only need normal training.

Miruko is down because she had carcinoma on her foot adn a doctor removed it.
she's missing a cig though
>doesnt need HAR
So are they animals or what?
>make sure you get the hardworking mod too so they can do work.
Seems hardworking has some RJW problems tho..
>Smoking while sleeping
She's going to die young
Who's going to tell Domenico to do something about her smoking problem?
>not addictionmaxxing
What is the mod for this I must know
Any thoughts on anyone that's tried this out?
>pig raid
>darkest dungeon - return to the warrens starts playing
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They classify as pets. Some of them can be found in the wild and tamed, others you hatch from eggs, which you get after doing the respective research. You put the egg in the nurturing pod (requires 2 int) and after so much time (depends on the girl) they come out. The mod also includes the beds you saw, which count as pet beds.


Same except it's infestations.
randy does this if you didn't know
Don't call my wife a pet
I think my colony is a little too... close.
it's fiiiiiine. She only has two failing kidneys, no biggie
he knows that and he also knows that he can't do anything about it. Not with his tongue left intact at the very least...
I have the opposite problem. Got like 4 trade caravans arriving one day seconds apart. It was winter though and they all fled before they even got to the island
good, lots of configs
>he doesn't have the more frequent traders mod
You DUMBCUNT!! Where is the mod list??
I had been a good boy the entire year (this counts for next year) HUH???
Fuck it ill risk it.
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checked out rimsenal and the core weapons looked lame
only pic related pack look somewhat decent
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A-anon im really not sure if you're trolling or not
This is like the third time you ask for the same playlist (It's still Metal Moon playthrough, i haven't played since (yet) because anomaly is bleh)
Wow wtf rude
Are there any mods that might conflict super hard with Alpha Biomes? My game refuses to load to title screen and crashes silently with them enabled.
Frontier Rifle... My beloved
what mod for angled walls what mod for flags
alpha biomes
hahahaha see what I did there
Frontier rifle is new bolt action meta - easy to get, 20 round mag, hits pretty hard because its 7,62mm NATO round.
Annahabi flags for flag. Or something like that.
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>what mod for angled walls
Diagonal Walls 2
>what mod for flags
Amnabi's Flags (Continued)
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I really love the style packs this guy made.
His Urb and Murrica shit was great.
i-is he gone forever
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>20 round mag, hits pretty hard because its 7,62mm NATO round.
Yeah Anon!
nope they are for 1.5
Shhh anon, we have to be accepting towards the developmentally challenged.
I meant the rimsenal mod author
>Run a test of 20 v 20 identical armor and clothing
>7.92x57 vs 7.62x54 vs 7.62x51 vs 5.56x45 vs 7.92x33 vs 7.62x39 vs 5.45x39 vs 4.45x49
>Full sized cartridges work really well until pawns with intermediate cartridges get within range
>Kurz and 4.85 for some reason seem to be most survivable of all, though 5.56 is significantly more survivable than 5.45x39
This is why I only use Kurz or 4.85 in my colony as God intended
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This is why I don't use ammo mods
As in, they kill the enemy pawn quicker, so the pawn using it survives?
I just shoot people till they die.
He seems to be active okay.
Kurz and 4.85 seem to have the best accuracy and stopping power for what they are. It seems the low magazine size and general uncontrollability outside specific weapon types is a hindrance to full size even if they have initial benefits over intermediate cartridges. I haven't tried .280 but it might end up being a better alternative for a large intermediate. I have rechambered all the guns I use to run 4.85x49
For me it's running military trials and choosing the winner as my service rifle
As an addendum to this I think the strength of the full size cartridges seems to be first shot, not follow up shots, which makes it quite powerful in semi-auto/bolt-action guns, so it falls off where intermediates pick up.
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Fatal funnel
>Kaitlyn nearest to the shootout
Good i hope she catches a stray bullet
Average american living room.
>every Rimworld SOS2 playhtrough on yt is either "watch bazilion episodes of standard ground colony and two final episodes in space" or " i start in space but i land at once"
I hate when they do it..
>everything made of wood
>not a single fire countermeasure or firebreak
how does he do it?
Ground is just safer and easier to get food.
Then dont call it a fucking SOS2 playhtorugh.
Or at least be original and do like a two colony run with normal colony and ship with materials and pawns ferried between them or something.
propaganda spread by the vanilla expanded crew because they released a mod with an identical concept
no it's stable
my modlist has an incompatibility with it, but my modlist is a mess moving from 1.4 anyway
>Kaitlyn nearest to Archie
you just know she's giving him a handjob under that pool table
>how does he do it?
probably cheats, good luck, firepop packs or a combination of all of them.
Any issues with my modlist?
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Do you guys see any problems with this trap corridor? I was gonna do a kill box on the other side but it cuts into my crops.

Red: walls
Brown: Fences
Silver (inside the walls): Traps
Silver (outside) Door for: colonist

I need more defenses though that the small one I have now. There's a few turrets on the other side which will be upgraded but I feel like they go down too fast.
proofs of this serious accusation?
you provide proofs that rimefeller is 'buggy as fuck', since that was the initial claim
none needed
there are sufficient proofs of other things that you can just hate the VE crew
Fagskar has been talking shit about Dubs when VE Chemfuel dropped but people told him to fuck off so he chilled out but still probably seethes because its that kind of a weak fag cunt.
oskar is poolish. That's all the proof I need
VRE - Sanguophages, blood harvest. My go to is wasters
sussy alert
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The only casualty was the septic tank outside
no one was injured otherwise.
The buildings in the colony were recently updated with ceiling mounted firefoam poppers. There's at least one in every room.
additionally we've had firefoam grenades as well as a looted firefoam pack in the inventory for a long while now
The grenades have been used on one occasion in like 5 years since buying them; when raiders dropped into the nursery and started torching it while we set up to retaliate. Otherwise the closest time fire has been to the house was when raiders set the front porch on fire.
>you just know she's giving him a handjob under that pool table
Maybe Archie has some standards so he doesn't do it
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no u
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I was hoping others would post theirs quickly, but oh well.
Okay so, fun fact.
Loading a pawn into a cargo yeeter from Vanilla ancients expanded DOESN'T WORK.
Throw the raiders in, it's only fair. Rimvore helps, don't know if there is a default execution/punishment.
>Vanilla ancients expanded DOESN'T WORK
most of us already knew
pirates is buggy too
mechanoids is also buggy, but not as much
>pirates is buggy too
Pirates still have that fucking ideology flipping bug and its been two fucking years now..
patreon dollars hard at work
Doesn't Oskar just outsource his coding and has minimal support past release? It's annoying because a couple packs of his add things that are really useful but 90% of the mod is shit
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Always love it when you have to save your dumbass kid because I'm too lazy to set up safe zones.
I enjoy pirates (for the bonus factions, honestly the only reason because I don't use warcaskets), and mechanoids is fun but I should just replace it solely with Igor as he's literally the only thing I routinely use from it (I do like the other mechanoids once I get an OP pawn tho).

On the other hand, I was meaning that loading a pawn onto a cargo slingshot doesn't yeet you to another vault like I expected.
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All me
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>forgot I could build traps out of other materials

I've been building nothing but steel traps and just leaving the blueprint there after they got activated, meanwhile I have over 10k slate blocks just sitting there.
But all that Patreon money should be able to pay for coders to occasionally review the mods.
Probably living the high life instead.
Honestly I need to see about getting hired on, if I could make $500 a month that'd put me in the green...
What terraforming mod do you use?
would set off a dozen tox grenades and forbid the doors
stone traps take forever to build
Like flowers?
Just a minor nitpick, the third trap in from the new entrance will probably never do anything.
>only use pirates for warcaskets
are these bugs relevant to me
yeah it's two tiles wide
just put a door in the wall between each pair of traps
Let's make our own Vanilla-like mods with blackjack and hookers.
So is Anomaly actually worth the cost? It looks kinda like hypersleep. At least it doesn't appear to add anything to anything I'm trying to do.
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Fucking hell Ev almost got some unscheduled open heart surgery. Remember to wear your body armor kids
no anomaly was absolute flop as indicated by the complete lack of mods for it
you play with it once and that's it
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I have a pass through for my colonists. There's a security door and a double uranium door.
I actually solidly like anomaly, I'd argue it's about on par with royalty, it's just everyone is used to ideology and biotech they never expected another royalty.
Pirates Ideology bug is that the hired pirates are flipping your main ideology if there are more of them than your colonists because in all his retardation fagskar simply coded them as additional pawns and didnt use the already existing code for temp helpers/guests. Plus when their term is up they just walk to the edge of the colony and you dont even lose control over them, they dont vanish from colonist bar, they dont go "blue" like the vanilla temp pawns leaving etc.
So that bug is of no concern to you if you use the hiring feature to grab one or two heavies to augment your forces.
VE deserters still not having fallbacks accouting for Rimatomics nuke or CE offsite artillery is just peak fagskar.
>VE deserters still not having fallbacks accouting for Rimatomics nuke or CE offsite artillery is just peak fagskar.
best part of royalty is all the psycast mods
you need at least Choice of Psycasts to make it not stupid
Anomaly doesn't seem to be such modding material
the side doors are for resetting the traps and collecting loot
there is literally no reason to make your trap corridor two tiles wide, that's just going to result it traps getting bypassed and they're already kind of shit anyway
>VE deserters still not having fallbacks accouting for Rimatomics nuke or CE offsite artillery is just peak fagskar.
hilarious, does it account for his own nukes from mechanoids?
It's an actual scam compared to every other dlc. If you're not doing an entire playthrough dedicated to it, you will only be able to use less than 10% of its content. You can experience everything it has to offer in a single playthrough, after which there is no reason to ever do it again.
Royalty is always present and available in vanilla playthroughs and the revamped quest system it brought has more than made up for its main feature's mediocrity.
>traps getting bypassed

You know animals and raiders will route around the fences right and colonists use them to weave in and out of the traps. That's how literally every trap corridor is built.
anomaly is shit because it ruins my scifi colony with magicshit
this but royalty
kill yourself, nothing is more kino than this combination
Deserters main quest line literally bugs out and has to be debugged ( either reset or dev mode finished ) if you use either Rimatomics nuke to kill the target ( both the entire site AND on map tactical one with a spotter ) because fagskar cant program simple "target is no longer in game ergo quest succedees" fallback so when Dubs Nuke uses vaniilla "destroy" rather than "deal X damage" it goes tits up.
Same for CE off tile artillery - quest site/event site destroyed by fire from artillery doesnt count ( altought at least there you can send a spotter at least ).
No idea i never tried but i wouldnt be surprised if it didnt work given how Mech nuke cant even be used against most sites AND unlike Dubs nuke doesnt affect the relationship with anyone.
>So is Anomaly actually worth the cost?
Hell no. Its a trash DLC that completely doesnt fit the Rimworld theme, relies mostly on mystery so its practically one time use and iirc it ruined the performance even more.
It's got a lot of potential surrounding the alternative research styles, but I doubt we'll get anything.
True, while anomaly does lack anything major, it does have a few fun little tidbits, such as the aforementioned research change and Bioferite
Is there a Work Manager that ignores learning rate/passion and prioritises work speeds instead?
that's shit too
the fuck are psycasts? just give me more gun types you faggot, there's 300 other things to fix before magic

*mortars you*
there's only two voting mods and one adds too much bloat shit I don't want (psychology) and the other is just shitty and lacks options (vote and leader)
Counterpoint, I want to do a fantasy medieval type run, which both anomaly and Royalty are needed for (certain rituals are impossible from vanilla)
we need a communism mod for KINO war crimes and gulags
you are a persona AI core watching from above and issuing commands, there is no democracy here
I just want some DLC that does nothing except make the world map feel alive
>Deserters main quest line literally bugs out and has to be debugged
Almost makes me feel bad for anyone playing deserters
just install vanilla world map extended bro
Off yourself Humbertofaggot. Hope your fags die of aids.
Anakin, the Empire is evil!
But that would make rimworld into a 4x game, anon. Haven't you read the book?
if only, then the empire would be good

seething :3
Stop, you've already sold it to me!
h-haha that would be terrible wouldn't it
I'm the guy who needed it explained, simply because I'm doing a deserters run.

Alas, I need to figure out how to get 2 fucking intels...
We need a mod that adds systems of governance. It can just attach to ideology.
I want voting, I want monarchy with heir succession, ect.
It's not the worst thing ever made, but the pricing is criminal. It's worth maybe $5.
If there is ever such a mod it will portray communism as a utopian form of government. You know this.
Is there a mod that maeks all my colonist go and eat so they can get ready for combat?
this, but also add style packs for every governance type and limited researches and items

utopian how? I want the cold war aesthetic
>Alas, I need to figure out how to get 2 fucking intels...
You wait for rng to have mercy on you and throw a deserter quest your way. Then you build scrappers and can snowball a bit.
Colony Leadership is very simple mod that adds some of those things.
Best we can do.
What happens if someone makes one that's realistic?
no retarded westerner can make anything realistic
What if an Eastern European were to make one?
It will be removed from the workshop. I've seen it in my dreams.

Just grab this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3221155630
no retarded zoomie can make anything realistic
Include both a fantasy True Communism, and the USSR as it was.
It should be in vogue again to hate the USSR.
Gen X and Millennials are still alive, anon.
you have a false dichotomy in your mind
the USSR was a totalitarian dictatorship and that was a good thing
it only failed when traitors started to liberalize
they should've run them over with tanks
Kaelyn is seething
The ONE thing that makes Anomaly worth keeping turned on is the zombies. I think zombies are cool.

Unfortunate that I need to mod the game to fix their names though
the righteous will never die, at most they'll be suppressed by the reactionary masses
the music is also more than alright
>totalitarian dictatorship
>good thing
I also like the sightstealers, they're neat when they show up.
On the other hand, fucking fleshbeasts.
Another nice one is the Obelisks, namely the Corrupted one so you can duplicate some random colonists.
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I have brought
And security to my new empire
They are not hostile, spare them!
Save them!
Many such cases
As an Ardent Follower of INGSOC I can tell you that I've cultivated a modlist that allows me to do all of this and more. The people yearn for INGSOC, brother.
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Those were Androids
It had to be done.
Who's the big bitch with the tail?
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Androids, like mechan*ids, will turn on you sooner or later
They might act human but they're anything but.
You turn your back on them and they'll strangle you without mercy. It's us or them.
>Androids, like mechan*ids, will turn on you sooner or later
Mechanoids only turn on you if they get controlled by signals from the rogue mech hive.
Androids can turn on you, because they're people like any other, and suppressed ones at that.
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Excuse you. Don't talk about Anon's wife like that
She's our exotic xeno, Drakonori
Question, can any mechanoids in vanilla biotech and Alpha Mechs clean pollution?
sallenbach my beloved
Does anyone know of a way to control where prisoners can go and/or a mod that adds a pole a prisoner can be tied to for firing squad executions?
>preaching about the dangers of androids while he has some freakshit dragon waifu
that thing should be in a cage
>form caravan
>days of food: 5
>add a few animals
>days of food:0

I don't understand this
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i accidently installed 3 more mods today...
animal food restriction?
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oh my
tested, and my newest modlist does not have this issue
I'll have to dig through old modlists to see which mod was a problem
or maybe a mod update fixed it
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>Mechan*ids only turn on you if they get controlled by signals from the rogue mech hive.
You need to constantly control them and keep an eye on them else they'll go murder mode and butcher you, your family and friends
What does that tell you?
>Androids can turn on you, because they're people like any other, and suppressed ones at that.
At best they're sleeper agents. They might not even know that they're sleeper agents. They'll just snap one day and will backstab you during times of great struggle. They're sent by mech hives or God forbid arch*tech to make sure you fall and fall hard
Good to see you friend
Not aware, sorry Anon
Alpha Genes
>that thing should be in a cage
Contrary to the popular belief, Gerathian Empire is not strictly Xenophobic. Certian Xeno races that prove they can work alongside Baseliners are welcome. These dragon people are very scarce and are useful to the Empire.
Also Magnus (Anon) is a pretty important figure and he decided he wants her
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>seemingly fix all the compatibility issues
>notice that I literally can't make any operation bills
did you read the book?
We at the Hall of the Blood Knights would like to welcome the new empire, they seem marginally better than the purple empire we deal with constantly. Fuckin Stelarch and his stupid janissaries.
>What does that tell you?
That there's a mechhive in the vicinity putting out strong psychic signals to control loose mechanoids.
mechlets really be seething that they can't control robots with their minds
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Mechan*ids answer to Mech Hives first. You just temporarily hacked them
>Hall of the Blood Knights
Sounds cool
Post em
t.mech hive
>have colonists all carry go juice
>always forget to use it
mechlets really don't know how to greentext
me but with every drug ever except beer and psychite tea which are scheduled
i am so close to just dumping all the oskarslop in my modlist
literally every single red error i get is caused directly by various mods of his
>enemy psycaster casts that shitty frozen zone thing in a bad position?
>here's your out of bounds index spam bro
>colony pet tries to nuzzle with insanity enabled?
>red error and the interaction doesn't work
>start a new game with social interactions expanded?
>immediate red error
>using archons?
>here's your random other faction raid breaking because for some reason they tried to use the archon raid type
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>big man hunter pack
>entire colony is gone on caravan

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I think one of these mods is breaking rimefeller
time to find out which one
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bet one of the animals opened a door
happened to me a billion times with carrier dryads
Don't worry, we don't bite first.
Had to get Rowan to take off her helmet (it's somewhat ugly on her).
Those in actual plate are the blood knights, while those only in Hauberks are the workers and caretakers of the Cove.
Reika get's out of the dress code because I've not quite modified the builders jacket to be compatible with the Hauberks just yet
They looks really cool, Anon
Love the aesthetics, especially on the big dudes with helmets
I forgot to ask why there's a naked child there, though
Dress her up, Anon-kun
Sale is a simple Strigoi (he's the cove's guard as he is literally incapable of any and all skilled labor)
Mushinto is a Malakai-Barkin, he's strong but he's held back by lack of psychic power, which Rowan has a LOT of.
Zaitsev is currently lacking her vampiric bloodline, but she's going to be a bruxa when I can get one.

She's only naked because I fucked up the uh clothing rules and forgot to include child tribalwear and so she stripped. She's back in clothes already.
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I found a solution. Now anti-revolutionary revisionist scum and x*nos can be liquidated in a much more humane and timely manner.
what mod for the poles
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Nice exposition. Good theme Anon
How's the story? Any goals? What's the endgame?
Also, old squad post so the post doesn't feel too barren
What's that mod? I feel like i'll need it in the future
Cool outfits
BondageBedTorture Furniture Add-on 1.5
It requires BondageBed Torture (Continued), and VFE Medical Module.

Also thanks, aiming for that 1984 (1984) cinematic Oceanic drip
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Fucking hell, those god damn turtles are like tanks. Luckily the trade caravan showed up and was able to help deal with them. Bought two more colonists with high medical skill to help out the injured girls but I don't think all of them will make it. I had all the doors forbidden so I can't even fathom how they came through the front door. The only way to get into the base was a super roundabout way, past the trap corridors, so the girls could move about without agro'ing the turtles. I was trying to deal with another shitshow with the damn caravan and missed exactly what happened.
>How's the story?
Rather good actually, started out with just Rowan after escaping from an empire prison (Sanguophages are illegal after all) and the majority of those here joined willingly
>Any goals?
Kick the empire off planet, we've already got a neigh impenetrable fortress (just air raids).
>What's the endgame?
The VFE-Deserter story line, though we just got started. I need to get 2 intel before I can take the first hit, and at that point we're good to go.
forbidding doors is not reliable as it doesn't apply to mental breaks or visitors, not sure about pets
use zone restrictions next time
also get Locks and make sure all your external doors are set to forbid visitors (right click the lock icon when door is selected)
Ugh, I always get that wrong because it doesn't look right.
nigh impenetrable.
>>colony pet tries to nuzzle with insanity enabled?
can't believe this still hasn't been addressed
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doing gods work
That sounds fun
Gl and HF, Anon
Do you actually use the mod? If so, how do you make elections work? I just tried it and nothing happened. Is it because I'm adding it in mid game
I've only ever used it for the monarchy and housing inequality bits. Sorry.
democracy is a joke even in rimworld
it's Beta Traps
Highmate Fucking.
Which is to say, Highmate oral sex. Or anal, if you're a disgusting sodomite.
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would you really fuck this thing though
Sha- I mean, Hello, fellow Baseliners
I've noticed some unnerving development in this fine thread concerning our political views.
Remember that any governing structure besides democracy always ends in totalitarianism and brutal rule over it's people and that is why we must maintain our beautiful democratic values of freedom of speech and choice
We decide what we can say (except hate speech) and what we do with our bodies #mybodymychoice
The Empire is evil and is very oppressive to it's people and even more so to the outsiders all the while treating a lot of xenotypes like dirt
I say no! In diversity lies our strength. No matter your gender, race, color or xenotype, everyone is welcome to fight against dictatorial rule
Under democracy let us all unite!
that's a very male looking body wtf
>Oskarware Highmates
No thanks.
this but unironically
>Oskarware Trannymates
Yes please.
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I am pleased to report that this bug persists even in a very minimal modlist.
Dev quicktest, god mode, try to place pipes, doesn't work.
Thus, it is not an artifact of my insane modlist.
someone please report this bug to the author of BetaTraps
I can't, I'm just a pirate
If Democracy is so great why are the most effient homes Commie blocks and not suburbs? Checkmate, revisionist imperialist scum. BB!
based, democracy CHAD. The will of the People shall rise like a phoenix above the ashes of the despicable empire
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No thanks, I'll stick to anty.
yet the US won
imagine the power of capitalism and democracy with commieblocks and good public transit
>democracy always ends in totalitarianism and brutal rule over it's people
>dictators have to resort to taking things out of context
Many such cases...
Everything other than God's rule will always end that way.
ESPECIALLY those who falsely claim to be sent by God.
it's healthier if your society alternates between the two every now and then
>Settlement Descriptions
this isn't vanilla yet, is it?
why not?
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Caravan FINALLY made it back. We managed to scout 3 solar panels, a bunch of batteries, 2k toxmelons, 160 ambrosia and a bunch of medical equipment so it was well worth it.
Is there a way to multiply the amount of stuff that Ideology sites have?
The logging/hunting/foraging camps.
Real Ruins I think adds stuff
ah good, finally, something to take care of my infested ship parts.
the problems can solve each other (I'll still have to kill the mechanoids, but they're easy with the assassinate psycast)
Whatever happened to that mod that adds visable roofs
architecture of the rim?
I lost a colony due to those fucking ship parts. I didn't know so many of those little green cunts came out and there was nothing we could do.
yes, I NEED all 347 mods in my modlist
I probably don't need 400+ mods either but they're there. Anytime I go a remove a ton of mods I just go an add the same amount, or more right back. So if I keep my mod list where it's at then I'm not tempted to keep adding shit. I only remove stuff if I really don't like it or it breaks my game in some significant way (like the bori patch).
I just farded
What happens if you remove a clothing mod mid game
Bad things.
This isn't Minecraft or Factorio, you can't remove content mid-save.
You can remove stuff mid game but there's no middle ground. Either it'll be fine, or it'll completely brick your save. Clothing should be fine. Remove the mod, but keep it installed, then try to load the game. if it works you're set and not just reneable it.
Should be fine if it doesn't have any C#. Make sure you unequip and delete all of them before removing the mod
Need some good gothic mods, structure wise mostly
I want my next playthrough to involve spooky dark archotech shit and vampires, already got weapons covered
Use pphhyy's Lightless Empyrean as your biome, it's perfect for what you want to do.

More enemies?
Things that are reasonably tough and make sense for a spacer to fight and not instantly wipe it.
Bugs, mechs, spacers, etc.
Big heavy "vehicle" animals if possible - vehicle framework doesn't have enemies, but animals with ranged attacks have been made.
But not one of the uber mods that laughs at vanilla balance and wipes you out.
Its uhhhh... very blue
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I don't think you know what gothic means.
I do not
she's perfect
I want to place my nose onto her butthole so when she farts it vibrates my nose like a kazoo.
(What I use for my blood knights) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3292190756

These 3 are buildings you might enjoy.
Personal touch, toss in this for a grimderp faction with a lot of gothic vibes: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3017163907
to answer my own question
Halo - UNSC Faction includes rebels as a hostile faction
in addition to the Blue Moon Corporation, Rimsenal Spacer, and Rimsenal Federation I already have
I'm considering Outer Rim
Very noice, especially the house and the grimderps, as I was already using possessed weapons, particularly for the scythe
is there an alternative for Draftable Animals
it's buggy, even with the newest update
I just want something easier than changing zones and marking the areas
or even, an easier way to do that
combat animals are difficult without this mod
I see a lot of s*reamers have the elevation setting (the one that makes the area around the water red) why is that?
Be aware, House Sanguin doesn't show up as a faction unless you use Medieval overhaul. BUT you can be it instead otherwise.
If facial animations made elf ears wiggle, it would be so fucking over for me
Any of these let me make a WW1 style trench?
I want the feel of verdun.
Do people really not let their pawns drink as much alcohol as they want?
I have everything set to unrestricted, they're free to do as they wish but so help me god if they fuck around they're gonna find out
>Recreate female pawns on this bpard
>Put them all through a sex fight ring
what are you even talking about, zones are for non-combat animals
Early tribe, what's best way to stockpile booze and fulfill recreation need? My pawns are pretty hopeless.
And is there a way to boost research? Making a nice lab?
>6859 textures
ooh boy this is big
Uhhh I got Vanilla factions expanded - Security for that, but the Medieval fortifications one has ditches and reinforced ditches for that.
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There's a mod that allows a little dueling ring where pawns can spar, it's cute. I bet you could make a lewd mod for it.
Why is this game so fucking ugly? It looks like a 2007 flash game
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security has trenches I use to reinforce my only land border with the dirty revisionists up north.
build recreation things, table with chairs, harp, and sculptures, I have never bothered with booze
for research, a lit room with good temp and a clean constructed floor
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God, but it's so fucking bloated, especially since i'm a filthy CE fag.
I'm pretty sure Oskar has an aneurysm if you dare suggest he chunk up those mods
Real answer? Because a lot of sprites are overten years old. He admitted he used the pawn sprites from Prison Architect as a 'placeholder'. The potato sprites are from when he was throwing shit at the wall from his zombie game, same as the aiming sprite and medkit. Some are from the abandoned harry potter/hogwarts game, some are from Eclipse Colony, Rimworld's prototype.
You fucking better not
Yeah I know it's bloated, but honestly I like the stun batons and tazers...
I don't believe it, you better post proof
Link that mod. Now.
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It's not the most bloated mods he has, fortunately. You gotta pick your battles with the content we get. I've considered making some mods to remedy this but ugh.
Shit like the flash-tier cartoon mg nest drawn by someone who has never seen a gun outside a newspaper cartoon and the 'ammo crates' piss me off, and cherry picker's gone.
I heard it breaks sieges too, because Oskar.
Yeah... I have so much of VE's shit that I don't even mind the bloat and buggyness.

Not the greatest mod, especially the weird anime shit, but looks better than the ss13 sprite wiggle. The duel spot helps stop people getting bored.
I just want to have my colonists duel eachother aaiiiee
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sorry, i'm tired and fucking retarded. it's sadly an inextricable part of this.
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Does RJW have traps/femboys?
Why are they using medieval-ish weapons in space?
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It's fun!
How the fuck this guy managed to cut through their armor when laser can't >>507758484
Lasers are complete dogshit at cutting and penetrating.
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Lost all my good clips/images, so short answer: Space opera
They also use crossbows sometimes.
Yeah, the main effect is 'just flash-superheated the moisture in your flesh, retard'. 40k Lasguns are like being hit by a .50 IIRC.
Honestly wish Melee wasn't such a suicide choice in rimworld.
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>Honestly wish Melee wasn't such a suicide choice in rimworld.
At high investment and some "cheats" melee can be very kino
>ABF: Artificial Beings Framework
Is this any good?
As far as HAR stuff goes, that is.
Modmaker might be a genuine bad kind of severe autism, be warned
Already did a 'framework' he torch and burned.
>Honestly wish Melee wasn't such a suicide choice in rimworld
it's not though? all you really need is 1 or 2 traits
you don't need cheats at all, the biggest investment comes from decent armor and 1 or 2 genes which isn't much
heard about that, that's why I asked
If you want Robot and Android Tier, Red Mattis made his own version using B&S Framework. The guy stuff are really great when it comes to Biotech and he also knows performance stuff as he made the egg performance fix.
Eh, too late-gundam funneru for me.
Now, Bernie engaging the Alex Gundam...
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These look a bit memey. Honesty I loved the original androids series because having dumb laborbots around was interesting, then the mod maker went all fucking autist primadonna.
I just want cool old dumb workbots that are two months out from some catastrophic failure beloved by my tribe, rusty and old.
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But Funnels are cool. I also made some gun platform backpack like Charge Cannon and Incinerator tho.
He also included his own Biotech Android Tiers
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I will die a stickler for early OYW jank, clunky melee and all.
Luv' Me Zaku
I just wanted a 1.5 update for the old mod that wasn't broken to fuck, instead of all this bloat
Can turrets use cover from barricades/sandbags?
Not in vanilla.
I'm tempted to use dev mode to unfog the mountains in my map to find more resources, but I feel like if I did I would feel bad afterwards because I cheated.
You can always refog it
If I wanted to play on a dead world, where my colony is the only settlement, how would I go about doing that?
most of the faggots here are cheating
Disable all factions, you can also use devmode to delete all their bases after generating the planet.
I'll just unfog, mark the resources, then refog then. I don't wanna make everything look like shit by strip mining.
You can, uh..just toggle vein mining now, anon.
Hate it that there aren't that many spacer vehicle mods.
>4 kiiro housemaids
>8 kiiro refugees
>4 paniel laborers
>8 dragonian laborers
Oh yeah we are fucking cleaning right now alright. Just missing the empire's laborers because I don't like royal titles.
I mean to find the stuff, you gotta mine through the mountain to find the different resources
sup, annabelle?
What do you want, an ARLO or a Zollig? Modmakers buy too hard into that gay space western shit.
I wanna hit JOss Whedon with a rake, that cunt
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Mine gently
the fuck are those
What biome is that, looks neat.
Mixed media always makes me think that weird mid 00's aesthetic we had going on in flash games or stuff like Courage the cowardly dog, it's so stark
If I had to guess, cubed cars from a compactor.
I distinctly remember a miner mining slate and different materials and automatically getting blocks instead of chunks from it. is that at a certain level or was it a mod?
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This guy just joined my colony and while I don't know much about him I do know the first threat that pops up he's going headfirst into it.
The fact you can't just say 'no you're not fucking joining' to people has always been a bizzare feature of rimworld
I wish you could at least view their stats
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It's what compacted machinery looks like with Minerals SK
This is a temperate forest. That space is just the dug out area directly next to the base. Recently I had it plugged up and corpses are now being dumped in it. The entire space is mined in preparation for the inevitable infestation.
I get what you mean. That's why I tried to find a ground texture mod that is at least a bit close to how Minerals SK looks so at least the natural environment looks relatively similar compared to everything else like buildings, pawns, etc
Is that the quarry mod then? how do you like it if so?
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It's time.
I'm not using the quarry mod.
In fact I'm not using it because I have Minerals SK. It's much easier to get chunks and mined resources with it. That space was mined out for building materials mostly. There's other rock outcrops that have been completely removed from the map because I mined them away for making bricks. I plan to start another under mountain mine soon.
I want more spacer enemy factions.
Why is it hard to find them?
I would expect there to be like a dozen at least, each with a small amount of weapons and apparel.
Rimsenal has Federation and Spacer Factions
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>turn off the game for the night
>decide to watch movie to relax before bed
>somehow the game is back open and I'm still playing
I just learned that birds have nostrils
it makes sense, but looks weird
then again, noses look kinda weird in general if you stare at them
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A new little girl has been born. Unfortunately for her, she is cursed.
What a way to find out. I forsee some changes in the future.
>new female minchos join
>one's pregnant within 48 hours
>Anon puts his dick in the ice cream
he's holding his future wife, no worries
>another infestation

it's like you hate free food
rotty giggles behind the screen while her finger furiously plays with her own rat clit
My colony has a ton of free food. honestly if my colony wasn't doing so well I would have made another one awhile ago. i usually play with bugs on like 5% but random start doesn't have that option, and I'm on a mountain base so it's to be expected but like fuck that seems like the only even I get.
Imagine if the next DLC is dealing with space, you can make space stations, orbital miners, orbital guns, etc. basically Stellaris but the only world you fuck with is your own.
Every time you add or remove content mods mid save no matter how minor they seem there's a chance for some insane shit like all the mountain rock on your map disappearing
So SOS2?
Time for a sacrifice.
Paul about to catch some hands
or maybe a bullet
Is there a cheat item or something I can use that - very easily - gives a colonist 20 skill and double passion in everything, and a set of traits?
Just *stamp* it on new colonists, with minimal clicks.
Character editor..?
People get pissy when rimworld does anything too sci-fi (taking away from their 'space' western I suppose), so I'm not surprised most are industrial/real vehicles
but fewer clicks
unless there's a tool I'm missing
theres dev mode tools to max all passions and skills at least
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Thank you imperials for pathing through my fucking base yet again to attack raiders.
Real cheater hours.
Oskar poorly traced the face so no
corin having sex with monke girls!
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revia killed my dog
how could this happen to me
Dev mode should allow me to grab my entire colony, base and items included and plop it down somewhere else, like cut and paste
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Corin has good taste
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>rat ghost walks into firefight
>gets hit
>starts sobbing and leaves the map
Searchable Menus.
Install it, right now.
Among other things, it makes the scenario editor so much better.
Why are RimNauts and SOS the only mods to add space maps?
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Anon are you really going to let this all happen?
Pic related
Son was having an affair with his own mother and decided to kill off the father
Anon kun....
Only in New Gerathia.
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What does it mean by "topologically"?
Does it consider the mods' contents, or what?
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Kinda reminds me of a heat hawk.
Man, I want Zakus in my colony now..
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Colton has broken the news to everyone in a trial. Everyone agreed that Paul should be dealt with for his horny antics.
It remains to be seen what will become of Kaitlyn.
I have a Plasma Axe in my mod if you are looking for that type of thing
Thanks for mentioning it. I guess I can upgrade from scenario searchbars.
To be carried out by Colton himself. Having Kaitlyn do it could also do. Having the cursed child is probably the worst out of all the options, since she wouldn't have any emotional attachment to Paul and Paul would probably be under anesthesia during the procedure.
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Paul's new accommodations.
This cell block was attached to the hospital. No more luxury living for him. His new room is nothing but cold stone.
>gotta wait for
>let me just
>I need to do
>real quick
>need to wait for

Make Kaitlyn kill him.
I was hoping the modder doing the Lob Corp mods would do more
Gear from this game would be a neat mod
Anything else?
I know about Rimsenal Factions and HALO - UNSC Faction.
Outer Rim and KOTOR Factions are too big and a bit out-of-place.
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anon, it's an animal
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that can be fixed
>did two ratkin anomaly playthroughs
>forgot about this thing both times
I even kept a rat one time but I forgot to make the medicine
Ratkin? More like BRAPkin.
both of the Star Wars mods are rather big
Outer Rim is big
the KOTOR stuff is huge
For you
>Only in New Gerathia.
That was an expedition cut off from the rest of the Empire
Some wild things happened there
Very good.
yeah maybe someday I'll get a better computer that can stitch textures faster
already have an SSD
What threat scale do you niggas play on? I guess difficulty if you aren't doing a custom one is fine enough an answer too
>Eccentric Tech
Any other good spacer mods or mod series like this?
SOS2 playthrough.
Strive to Survive so 100%
losing is fun
a few things tweaked to be easier
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the cheats have arrived
>mining yield multiplier 1000%
>mine 15 steel and you get 150
Might be funny to do a challenge run where you set these to 10000% and don't use any storage mods
some of those are already in custom settings
youd just do the same things but less at a time
i was going to say the same, but setting it up in the scenario lets you save it to use like a preset which is pretty nice
storyteller multipliers also only go up to 500% iirc
I hope not.
My intent was that you always reach the cap.
I'll see when I generate a world.
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that's no good
this is another reason why I have Scenario Amender
...it doesn't work. Save button doesn't do anything.
Oh well, that's what Character Editor is for, bring those rolled characters over!
assuming you also buffed global work speed, this also means that your TPS will go to shit the moment someone works on something.
from what im told, rather than run a function every second or so with global work speed affecting a multiplier, global work speed affects how many times that function will run in a second.
im not sure if this is true cause this is territory knowledge, but given tynan's track record i really wouldnt be surprised.
that absolute hack
there are bugs with both warcasket traits randomly appearing or disappearing from pawns, the warcasket weapons not being CE compatible despite saying they are, and the armor themselves sometimes breaking, leading to pawns that cant do anything without being overpowered in combat
Female pawns please?
Any female pawns posted beyond this point will die in their sleep.
what the fuck??
Any female pawns posted beyond this point will not die in their sleep.
A violent death it is.
Female Pawns posted beyond THIS point will not:
>die in their sleep
>die violent deaths
>get forgotten in cryocaskets never to be waken ever again
That sounds hilarious
Why are you like this?
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the rat sister blesses the thread destroying all evil anon curses and providing holy protection to all hereafter
Thank you Rat sister
won't protect you from getting bullied
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>infestation finally happens in the corpse locker
>room is mined to hell and back
>bugs spawn in, wander around for a few seconds
>one triggers a mine
>half the room cooks off
>all the bugs and hives die instantly
>most of the corpses are vaporized
>some of the 1000 HP rock walls are blown out
Jesus, just had a tiny beirut in there. I got everyone posted up in case we needed to do some bug clean up but gg I guess. Wasn't expecting those IEDs to be so effective.
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*curses you again*
evens-continue current save
odds-start a new save
zero-uninstall CE and cleanup modlist
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The room actually took so much damage that it became non functional as a secure indoor area. We have to plug the holes now to keep future bugs from getting out.
Future cookoffs will probably bring down the whole mountain eventually.
Realistically if I want to build a full self-sustaining colony with no outside help and with a military strong enough to repel any would-be attackers what do I need to do and what chains of logistics do I need? A city?
I can fix her
This won't protect you from 200 men firing full auto 7.62x51 machine guns at a distance of 30-60 tiles
>psycasts you
It's that easy.
the blessing uninstalls your ammo mods as they do not fit lord sylvesters divine vision
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There was a trial to hold Kaitlyn accountable for her role in having an illegitimate child with another man. She was to be stripped of her duties and enslaved, made to nurse the existing babies until they were old enough to walk.
However the rest of the colony did not agree to these terms so she has simply lost her role as Counselor instead. That role has gone to Colton's firstborn, Ruby.
He's not thrilled with the outcome and his relationship with Kaitlyn is at a breaking point.
Meanwhile, Paul is still imprisoned and is a few days off of no longer being considered worth banishing or executing. His ultimate fate is unknown.
My curse uninstalls your anime mods as they do not fit Lord Sylvester's divine vision
>ammo mods
name something more autistic
Anime mods
Vanilla expanded
what's an anime mod, facial animations?
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RimWorld is anime though
why does the blue one have a low quality jpeg of a black dildo glued to their head tho
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Goddamnit everyone always points that out about her
It's a horn gene, i swear I'll upscale it next time I play with that race
nothing like rimworld's shitty blurry graphics clashing with modded hairstyles
>Goddamnit everyone always points that out about her
because it's a low quality jpeg of a black dildo on her head, how the fuck are you supposed to ignore that
now it looks like a nasty dry turd lmao
>he doesn't have a black dildo glued to his head
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Stop making fun of miss Alboio
Smells BAD. Has no (natural) nose. Is FUCKING DEAD
>Smells BAD. Has no (natural) nose. Is FUCKING DEAD
But enough about Setsuko
Setsuko has a natural nose thoughbeit. And is UNdead.
She smells like sake and blood.
>started in space
>want to play mechanitor
>cant get the mechanitor quest to fire
Of course, fagskar never fixes bugs he just releases next slop for patreon paypigs.
Rookie numbers desu.
>guy just barges in into your colony
>incompatible everything because of ideology
>still cant tell him to fuck off without making all colonists sad
It shows that this game was made by canadian cuck.
but enough about foxes

>having colonists that care
cuck roleplay
Made to get brutalized and executed by me.
Is there a proper mind control or hypnosis mod out there? I heard that oscarware psycast had something like that, but couldn't find a decent description of the ability anywhere and it also sounds jank as fuck
made for cuddles after tearing 27 traders apart
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Beautfil trait
She's a good xeno, it's okay
>Smells BAD
No no no that's not true
She CAN make herself smell bad and leaves more filth behind compared to a Baseliner but she smells quite normal otherwise
>Has no (natural) nose.
That's true. We are fixing their species. Please stand by.
She died a hero. For the Empire
Please don't rub in her death
I really liked her.
>Made to get brutalized and executed by me.
You know that's funny because this kind of talk would probably get them off
>could shit herself on command
Is this a hero of the Gerathian people?
>letting pawns die instead of just resurrecting them
>he can't tactically shit himself on command
wtf is a gremlin
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Look at the pic again Anon. She got evaporated by a Optical laser mechan*id
Magnus couldn't get her out of there because he was frozen by a mechan*id sympathizer
No, it's a little more sophisticated than that, having little spots on her body that would release the gas to disorient people
No shitting
Bottom left of that pic, the ones with wings
It's from Reinforced Mechan*id 2
Basically close range mechan*ids with pistol like weapons or emp lightning weapons that could jetpack to you to close the range between you and it
>having little spots on her body that would release the gas to disorient people
Wait so she has little assholes all over her body that she can fart out of?
>little spot on her body releases noxious gas that disorients people
uuhhhh... mmm yes quite pungent
>Carriers of this gene have a storage airbag that allows them to release a mixture of rotting gas and blinding gas to give themselves extra protection
That's the description. Make of it what you will
>Basically close range mechan*ids with pistol like weapons or emp lightning weapons that could jetpack to you to close the range between you and it
very messed up that the archotech made something like this
>nose loss
I'd let her oviposit her eggs into my ass
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I remember, there was an Anon some months ago who modified his Anty install to remove the forced Asexuality. Anyone know how to do that?
Look at the image again
She had her nose restored
It is.
Mechs are evil.
pinging @all on discord with chatbots
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This ant doesn't look like an adult. Are you sure you understand what you're posting?
thankfully in rimworld the archotech nanites make everyone an adult the moment they're born
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Christ, a guy can't gen an ant with (small breasts):1.2? There, is this better? Now please assist me, thank you.
flat chests are superior
>no mod to gain or lose traits during gameplay
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I think a Vanilla Expanded mod does that. I know for a fact some mod does that, because it was happening to me a year ago with a notification and everything and it used to piss me off. Don't remember that it was though, but I am pretty sure it was VE.
Tbh most of the traits arent something one could gain or lose.
Sex and impregnation both of them
But not at the same time. I'll chose only one because choosing 2 would mean that i don't love a single one truly. And relationships just for sex without true love are not worth anything
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How about this bee?
And answer for my question? I was gonna root around again myself today, but I am exhausted after work. I don't even think I am gonna play RimWorld, I've had it open for the past 2 hours but not even loaded my save.
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I thought lust provoking images were supposed to get me replies, I learned this from /pol/. ):<
>lust provoking
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>>lust provoking
My question may be disregarded, I had ChatGPT do it for me. Apparently the racial information is kept in PawnBaseDef.xml in 1.5\Defs\Antylike\body
I would not have guessed that, that seems very schizo.
>Starship Bow quest is on timer
Well shit, seems like im not leaving this Rimworld on my own...
>I would not have guessed that, that seems very schizo.
Isnt forced asexuality comes from genes?
Anty can be played without Biotech, and unless I am having a fit right now, the trait isn't forced by their gene, it's forced by the mod, among some other traits. I am unsure why there is Biotech integration and what purpose it actually serves.
>sperm extraction mod doesnt recognize futas as valid target
>gave my dog girl a small penis futa gyaru gf
I love rjw
cute :3
Is there a mod that converts prisoners and visitors to your ideology when they have sex with your pawns?
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Why isn't this +20?
Because unlike you dude isnt a faggot.
Female pawns
>no strapon mod, can't run a femdom colony
because femdomfags are subhuman
meanwhile raping a girl is +20 :3
I love female pawn femdom
female pawns are BANNED
Actually yes, RJW Ideology Add-on, or something like that. It had missionary sex.
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Female pawns live like this and see no issue
but it's actually futadom
How is that schizo? Do you even know what you are saying?
Open the mod folder and look at where all the shit is, it's all over the place
>forced traits
Looked at the xml. There is a lot of similar/relevant info in that file. Now how is that schizo? Bit weird file structure maybe, but that isn't what that means. I wonder if they used another as a 'guide'. Rimworld is weird not having good mod guides. It is easier to just copy shit from other mods and adjust them to learn than use the wiki guides
>white woman
The fire isn't the only thing keeping that hovel hot and steamy at night
Whenever I start playing this game it goes on longer than I originally intended and always ends in seething
I haven't played much with Anomoly since it came out, how do you actually capture a shambler and keep it alive? I can down them and carry them but they still expire after a few hours, the tooltip says captured shamblers can't move so they don't decay, do I need to build something further in research?
Imagine a corporate job except you have to play rimworld for 8 hours a day. You spend most of your time at your cubicle tending to your colony, and every few weeks you have to gather data about the progress of your pawns, how many crops you're growing, how many supplies you have and how much money you make from trading and stuff like that. You have to present it at a meeting with a slideshow and answer questions.
Bro your holding spot/holding platform?
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What do you usually do with clones?
Female? Another waifu to impregnate
Male? Kill
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How do I use dub's analyzer to get a general overview of what's taking up what resources, kind of like task manager? I don't give a fuck about how many ticks pawn jobs are taking or pawn pathing. Everywhere I look everyone just says "join the dick sword" but I'm not fucking doing that shit. Why the fuck do you have to join everyone's fucking discord just to get an answer to a fucking question these days.
Ok, tranny.
open the harmony patches tab
keep game running at speed 3
look at averages
Thank you.
Make a burner account.
didn't have one built yet I think one of my map gen mods was preventing a monolith from spawning I just manually added one in and was able to start the research now that the anomaly tab is open
Is psychology worth it? How much does it actually change interactions, doesn't make the characters feel more like they have actual personalities or does it still just seem like random chance
I've got a bug that makes all pawns idle around not doing work unless I reload. Happens irregularly but not within 30 mins of loading a save. Anyone know whats up?
Yup that would do it lol. If you aren't playing ambient horror, you legit need the monolith since it is the focal point of the mechanics. Like trying to do mechanitor stuff without a mechlink
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molest them

ninesomes with clones
Is it cheating if you fuck your wife's clone?
I have an account but I'm not going a new fucking server every day when you have to:

>acknowledge the rules
>react to 20 different fucking things to get access to the channels
>deal with everyone using that stupid fucking wave sticker to welcome you even though you're gonna leave in 5 minutes
>then crawl through 200 search results of people asking the same question to either get no response or get told "use the search" or "read the faq"

It's so god damn stupid the amount of hoops you have to jump through just like old forums where you had to "you nned to write 10 posts and wait for mods to approve your post" type shit.
I dont think you have to do it on Dubs shitcord tho.
It's basically the same person and it's the person i love
I'm sure the wife would understand as well. It's literally her
Speaking of shamblers is there any mod to cure/enslave them yet? Sometime I have qt naked ones show up I'd like to keep around as more than just statues....
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Anyone see anything wrong here, I sure don't.
say gex as seen here >>507697734
>colored mood bar
make sure you're using the one from crashm
the others are all incredibly slow
>nature's pretty sweet
jesus christ, remove
this is one of the biggest performance killers ever made for rimworld
>deep storage
replace with adaptive storage
literally has no excuse to be patching the pawn renderer when it's already using HAR, remove
replace with simple camera setting
>vfe classic
remove, or unpatch that method and don't use their tents
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Is there any mod that changes the femalebb clothes to actually have pants? The thong looks dumb on some of my characters
>replace with adaptive storage
>replace with simple camera setting
they're faster
they also work like shit
works on my machine
>replace with adaptive storage
but I just installed LTS, what other mod adds a lot of different storage types for adaptive
Does anyone know what mod allows me to search for a specific tile combination on the world map? I used to have it like five versions ago and now I cant find anything similar.
Adaptive Ideology Storage
Reel's Expanded Storage
QSJ's Adaptive Armory Storage
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Any way to cut out the bloat in VE: security? there's some stuff in it I want but some shit that is dogshit annoying.
those THIGHS
take your pick

cherry picker

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