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Storytelling? Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>507350904

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
Storypad — Novel-style UI Reconstruction: https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Special Christmas Theme Event is over! Links in Recap: >>507394318

>(12/20) NAI releases NAI Diffusion V4 Curated Preview: https://blog.novelai.net/release-novelai-anime-diffusion-v4-curated-preview-en-ca4b0b11e671
(12/20) Emacs Update: >>506976774
(12/09) AR Dev Blog: https://blog.novelai.net/dev-b-log-4-alpha-onions-543e4ffa67e9
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Look at me.

Pull the trigger.
I keep promising myself not to gen more but it keeps happening.
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DeepSeek trained on slop.
Funny pic, we haven't had a meme as the OP in a (been) a while.
I love you
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I thought NAI had removed artist tags from their imagegen?
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To what kind of people a NAI shilling general is supposed to appeal to?
They never removed them from animegen; the furry model never had them to begin with.
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aaah what are you doing??
I seem to remember something about that, though. Something about them scrambling them or something.
You're misrembering and/or hallucinating.
I like this artist tag, but I wish the hands looked better with it because I find it pretty unique.
Shut up, BR.
OR version is broken and you can get V2.5 or something else.
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Hey, here's a fresh prompt: https://aetherroom.club/7490
>So far, I've never really thought about Brett that much. He lives on the same floor as me, we've interacted in a pleasant matter, we've helped each other out... you know, I figured were were neighbors, maybe acquaintances. But when he asks me to pick him up from the hospital after a heart transplant, there's something different about him. Something that has changed his perception of me. And perhaps that changes how I see him as well...
Got asked to do a prompt involving the concept of heart transplant recipients at times exhibiting personality changes that are in line with the donor's personality. So here's that, with the gay.
What's the appeal of a NAI shilling general?
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Just hide them! this is noobai
>I seem to remember something about that, though. Something about them scrambling them or something.
What you're remembering is the hypothesis that NAI scrambled artist tags in their e621 data, which comes from the concept that you can simply enter "artist:asfasda" or the like as a tag on the furry model and get some degree of consistency in art style, at least more than usual. So if the model has some knowledge of how artist tags work, but the artist tags you expect to work don't, the idea of the existing artist tags in the e621 data being turned into something scrambled is a possible answer.
It's all conjecture though and we're never gonna get an answer from them about it.
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Yeah, I remember that conversation.
From the furry model? Nah, but there was a strange ability to produce consistent results with fake names. But no artists hiding in there. Except some odd non-artist tags like "Don Bluth".
Any semi-working artist in the 1.0/1.3 Furry models was solely bleedover from Stable Diffusion.
That consistency is nothing weird. This stuff is n overcomplicated function after all.
I take it you like the artist tag?
I just want it to work well in v4 too. Won't be as easy to tell until vibe transfer is added though, since they really helped "support" the consistency more.
And I hope artists mix better in the full v4, because it's kind of disappointing so far for me in that regard after how god damn good it worked in v3.
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It's good. I never bothered with artist tags because I don't know any from the boorus.
Embrace the comfy
Brazilians like it, apparently.
A cool guy made this site that can list danbooru artists by number of posts for quick browsing and testing. Just clicking their name copies said name to your clipboard.
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I really liked this one.
Looks good.
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>playing random music
>having fun with image gen
>enjoy looking at other's images
Getting something vaguely lewd from the curated model is kinda fun.
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I'm going to bed. Here's to a resurgence of comfy storytelling evenings in 2025.
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I keep going back to my same prompt about the new human recruit getting persuaded into screwing his anthro shipmates.
You've just gotta huff the fluff, don'cha know!
>>507730590 (me)
With NovelAI, of course.
I know, it's surprisingly fun
Hey, save some dingleberries for the rest of us!
Nobody's preventing you from sharing storyposts you've made with whatever your preferred service is, buddy. I hope one day you find people willing to tolerate your presence, so you have something better to do, than waste your holidays feigning anger toward people who use a service you happen to dislike for nebulous reasons.
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This is one of GayAnon's prompts. I did a bit of editing and tweaked it for fun. Leo's still staying with Gene and Gene's allowing Leo to mooch off of him. But In my version Leo is completely straight and they have an arrangement going where Leo can stay with Gene as long as Gene gets to fuck him. I put some heavy emphasis on Leo being reluctant to do so because of his sexual orientation. And, at the same time, Leo knows that he'll never get a better deal than what Gene is offering. He can leave at anytime, but to him, the living arrangement is worth being Gene's live-in fleshlight.
- feat: dynamic model. Switching between Erato and Kayra randomly (inspired by AIDungeon)
- feat: make a backup with `novelai-duplicate-story'
- fixed words in the word lists
- fixed lorebook key search; we now consider word boundary when searching
- fixed smaller bugs here and there
- drop the idea of auto fix for'sloppy output; shiver will be sent down your spine and you will love it
- a lot of internal code refactor ft. chatGPT
- commit: cadf251c9a856f800f0d6e084f360e4dadba438c
Emacs update & forgot link. Fuck.
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This is from my 'I Wish' prompt. It has the same orientation play vibe as my version of 'Knowing Your Value'. It's nice to see that Erato can handle three other characters pretty well. But I still stick to having sex with one of those guys at a time. However, I've had success with multiple sex partners in my 'Somewhere Beyond the Sea' story.
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Here's a snippet of my hypnosis prompt. I've got, like, 114 versions of this same stupid story but I haven't loved it any less. Maybe I'm just sentimental because it's one of my first prompts. Anyway, that's what I've been up to with Erato.
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I want to use NAI to fill out custom dialogue for my characters in the Elin game. How should I do this? I've never used the text generation.
I would start it off with a description of the example's personality and then copy that table in script format. Then separate with a dinkus, come up with a description, and then start to put in the table
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sorry for chatfagetry but cute pic
Actually, do you know where the translated example is? I was kinda curious about it myself and I kniw it exists out there somewhere.
nvm, I found anon's version that's translated
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What does any of that mean. I'm writing out the personality, but where do I input it, how would I convert the table into script format (what is that),where would I input said script. What's a dinkus.
Give me a while, I'm setting it up myself to see if it even works
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I appreciate the effort and if you can get a full automated system going that would be very cool since there's a lot of characters I want to do. Messing around with it right now and it's doing decently already.
model and prompt? tentacles keep showing out of frame from below, behind, radiating out from subject, or otherwise random places NOT wrapped around legs
If you want it in japanese, you may have to replace the examples I set up though
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god i fucking LOVE it when fox girls bully me
that's fine but now I'm getting very bad results in my attempts, I got excited when my first gen was exactly the format I wanted but now it's just doing whatever the fuck, writing a story setup instead of just giving some dialogue examples, using English, doing a completely different character
>voice barely above a whisper
>inches away from your face
>hips swaying from side to side
>your face
Anon, you're not still using 2nd person, are you?
>2nd person
that particular line shows up constantly regardless of the perspective, the repetitive garbage is the same no matter what. i hate normalnigger porn writers so much.
Post an example of your writing, please.
Erato isn't a slop, schizo.
>use placebo writer, chud!
>write better, newfag!
>aktually, Eratoslop is common in books and good!
This works decently well, just leave the examples I set and scroll down to the bottom and fill out a name and a character description. Don't hesitate to edit or reroll.
Just click import and import this in.
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Ghetto Recap

Recap Script:https://rentry.org/aidscap


What's That Over There, Is That The Script? >507356234 >507356343 >507614510
Boot To The Head >507369391
Give Her The Shaft >507370150
Reversed Roles >507370591 >507371191
Sometimes You Need To Enter The Realm >507550625
Ballad For You >507443461 >507724130
Always Stay Hydrated >507672486
Actual Kuru Conversation >507675815
DeepSeek Bender >507713480 >507713927

Notable Posts:

Merry Christmas, /aids/! >507375514 >507375748 >507375996 >507376160 >507376280 >507376624 >507377481 >507527430
>507495172 >507495634 >507496068 >507496082 >507496851 >507497861 >507507472 >507520642 >507524343
Goo In The Moo >507370901
That Predatory Nature>507614048 >507614521 >507374754 >507502267 >507504787
Goku Evans >507473785
Average Party Comp >507403462
QvQ What's This? >507484115
DeepSeek? >507572224
Oh Deer >507572797
Average Bozo Party Comp >507618935
Return Of Whine >507681215 >507681456
Do Not Open >507712646
Fluxbros... >507718065 >507718390 >507718462 >507719829 >507719476
Slimey Fox >507721457 >507721978
the truce
Even if everyone else ignores me, at least the Ghetto recap anon will acknowledge my existence.
I meant to include more Pokemon, but I accidentally deleted the first recap without saving it.
I was a bit worried for a moment, but it's actually just unbirth.
Thanks man
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People like lolis here so what do you guys think of the girl from no I'm not human?
DeepSeekV3-Base... please.... someone host it....

The model understands "white goo" so its pretty easy.

I think I'm gay for my roommate
I think you should write a prompt to vent that homolust.
I've never done gay smut before. What do you write about? His pecs?
Start with whatever features you find attractive on your roommate and any sort of feeling and desires they bring out in you.
I like his hair
Is it thick, luscious hair? The kind you'd love to run your fingers through? Does the thought give you a warm feeling?
I bet it smells nice
thanks a lot man, it's been working great. just threw in some "in japanese" and made the first example JP and it picks it up fine.
Great, glad to hear it man
yeah man
You know it, man.
I want to fuck my cum.
Liquid or solid?
This is just too cute.
He is balding...
Luscious toupee then.
well there's no accounting for taste I suppose
>Cummoner, I wish to learn your arts. My reasons are my own.
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behold, a lorebook actually it's just the hobbit, some smut and a wikipedia pageI made a system for detecting story elements that should be really good once I full flesh it out, it creates template embeddings which are then compared against the incoming data/lore. It's surprisingly waaay better than I thought it would be, it can detect things like time skips, scene transitions, sections that focus on world building, etc. excited to see how it holds up to more complex templates, though there's still so much to be done
I like it when the shorter one needs a stool to properly kiss, but the bend over technique is cute too.
I wrote a character in anticipation of AR during the summer. Got tired of waiting and put it into the new deepseek and it was pure kino. I am contend now, having fully explored all the ideas I had written down back then. Might just never touch AI writing again, lest I fall into the usual cycle of noticing the AI's flaws the more I use it. I'll just cherish this memory and explore different hobbies.
Same. I subbed to OR and revived my ideas from CAI. The past years with NAI is a good memory, but since they abandoned text gen, I'll abandon them as well.
It's a very cute pose when it comes to shorter anthro characters and taller humans.
Would you look at that, random doomfagging and hyperbole.
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The new RTX 5090 is rumored to require outdoor installation due to its size, doubling as a high-performance graphics card and a makeshift air conditioning unit. Leaked PCB photos suggest that mounting it on your window frame might be the only viable cooling solution.
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This post just made me realize that I didn't measure my PC to make sure the new GPU I'm getting will actually fit.
Has anyone just dumped one of the old creepypastas into a prompt and let Erato take over? Did you lewd it up too?
Erato is unable to comprehend copypastas. It's too much of a slop
No, but I should. It's a little hard to find a good pasta to lewd up, though.
Not your fault. Aini already left. Tab is saying that he'll leave too. Kuru is nowhere to be seen despite V4 dropped.
He's like a little bee.
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I tried it with 'The Thing Wearing Mommy's Skin'. It was a quick test.
>"Having another man's heart? I dunno, sounds kinda gay to me."
The hospital released him in the evening? After dark? Couldn't be any hospital I've ever dealt with, they always try to release people in the morning.
Insurance covered it? Incredible luck there. That and actually having a donor organ available. Last I knew, there's usually a waiting list on those. Must be some latent Christmas magic lingering a day after for that.
I would think it'd be difficult to outright ask if he's been feeling gay. I might have led into that by asking if he has romantic prospects and whether he feels differently about them. It feels slightly like it falls into place a bit too easily there. But that's just me.
>Aini left, bro
She posted this month. >>504839845.
Furthermore, just because a person doesn't post with their trip on doesn't mean they aren't posting and browsing without it.
Still grammatically corrected.
>implying Aini is SA, TA, NTA, WF, Claudefag, baker, and NAIshill (free slot)
Please off yourself.
But everyone here is gay...
>a lot of internal code refactor ft. chatGPT
Ah, I see you fell for the meme I shilled just to spite you (because I'm not man enough to use emacs, and I'm bitter about it).
Did it help? I hope it didn't, or I will spite you even more.
I generated it with NoobAI. I see you are also a non NovelAI cha-
Wait, how the fuck did you get Gemini to go along with THAT?
The irony here is that Llama is notoriously bad with Japanese.
It did find a bug and suggested refactors to simplify the code.
Erato, however, isn't.
Erato is notoriously bad with everything?
If 400B tokens was enough to do anything Erato wouldn't be slopped.
Human writing is slop, simple as.
I like this cope. It has the 'you will eat ze bugs and you will be happy' about it.
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Good shit. It gave me an erection.
Let's say that a single generation for NAI take 5 second. So there are (60/5)*60 seconds * 24 hours * 30 days = 518,400 generations per month.
Let's say that each context is 8k, so we can send 8000 * 518400 = 4,147,200,000 context per month.
That $25 for Erato.
So we have 1,000,000 * $25 / 4,147,200,000 = 0.00603 per 1M context at the most autistic level of usage.
A more realistic usage is to send context for 6 hours a day, everyday. That'll result in $0.02411 per 1M context.
In comparison, this price tag gives you around 13B or small models (albeit with larger context size.)
So, Erato is chep for 70B.
my wife tanks with her CHA stat
Llama 90B is free.
this, running it on my 2060 for free
this, running it on my commodore 64 for free
I agree
It has been a decent while since I've written a new prompt. So here's a delayed christmas gift.
New team. New style. Options. Smashing. The style will take for sure from the getgo.
Have fun friends.
Is there any way to mix artist tags in NAI V4? It was one of the best features, I really hope they didn't remove it unless it'll be in the full release.
NSFW being pulled out is probably harming a lot of artist tags right now, so hopefully they'll work better AND mix better in the final model.
I do agree though. v3 artist mixing was really consistent, and in v4 I've barely found any combos that are either consistent or even seem to mix at all.
On the bright side, fake names seem to be working okay. Without vibes though, its hard to keep those consistent yet either.
For $25 you can use DeepSeekV3 so much you die of dehydration.
>fan screaming at madison beer (meme)
I've never heard of this, but its a strong tag.
>The hospital released him in the evening? After dark? Couldn't be any hospital I've ever dealt with, they always try to release people in the morning.
True, that's definitely one of those "well if I want the story to go this way then I have to do this" sort of deal. I mean, I could've had him get picked up before work and the meetup take place after work, but eh.
>Insurance covered it? Incredible luck there. That and actually having a donor organ available. Last I knew, there's usually a waiting list on those. Must be some latent Christmas magic lingering a day after for that.
Yeah, the contrivance was working some overtime on that one, though I guess that was sort of built in with the whole part where I'm writing a prompt about a heart transplant.
>I would think it'd be difficult to outright ask if he's been feeling gay. I might have led into that by asking if he has romantic prospects and whether he feels differently about them. It feels slightly like it falls into place a bit too easily there. But that's just me.
It's a bit of one of those classic shorthands, yeah. Just get that big g-word out there a bit so the AI knows where to go with it. It could have been done more naturally, but eeeeeh.
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2.0 Flash Exp and Exp 1206 are a lot less censored than older Gemini models, which is kinda based. Gemini got a lot better at Exp 1206 but still isn't as good as Sonnet. Slightly better vision I think.
Don't bother trying to use Gemini from OR, aside from rate limit on exp models, OR can't set BLOCK_NONE to safety parameters like ST can for direct Google.
She wants you to brush her tails
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I already have one to take care of, can't handle any more!
can you guys please take your schizo back, he's pissing all over our couch cushions because he wants offline-nc in the /aicg/ OPs all of the sudden
Sex with kemomimi shotas
Come on she can't have that many dingleberries stuck in there.
>he's now pushing it for chatbots
Sorry. He's been at us over that UI too for months, but the thing is the UI for it is clunky as fuck.
Pity the jannies/mods don't do anything about him. Break as many rules as he wants and nothing.
Kill yourself faggot
He's sat here trolling multiple threads for two years. Do you think we have any control over him? Let alone the mods or jannies?
Gemini also isn't available if you disallow training on your conversations, so I'd rather stay away.
This mix has remained very consistent (as I've posted multiple results so far). It's mostly SFW artists so this is probably why.
he's back at it in the Elin threads too, it seems
Is he really the one in the Elin threads? Because while the "belongs on /vg/" posts are very him, the person spamming scat and banning people left and right for posting the threads was a rogue janny.
That looks exactly like khyle's generic style
example using only artist:khyle
there are basically no differences in style

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