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I miss Red War Edition.

>The Final Shape
>Episode: Revenant
>Episode: Revenant | Act II
>Destiny Rising

TWAB (12/12): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid-12-12-24
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/patch_notes_8_1_5_2
Developer Insight - Raids and Dungeons: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/raids_and_dungeons
Developer Insight - Combatant Modifiers and More: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/combatant_modifiers
Developer Insight - Next Generation Armor: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/next_gen_armor
Developer Insight - Solo Ops: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/solo_ops
Developer Insight - The Perk Weighting Issue: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/dev_insights_perk_rng_issue
End of Year 2024 Developer Update: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/eoy_2024_developer_update

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
Recent Articles: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News
API: https://www.light.gg/
Data Explorer: https://data.destinysets.com/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg/
Raid Report: https://raid.report/
Dungeon Report: https://dungeon.report/
Guardian Report: https://guardian.report/
Checkpoint Bots: https://d2checkpoint.com/

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>507425848
It's over
No hope
No future
And soon no general
The Destiny Rising general will be superior anyway
Where is Haloman...
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this fake twab is even more unfunny than the last
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your laughing...bungie is dying and your laughing....
Why did this become a journalist game
It's funny tho.
Are you happy with your Dawning rolls? Anything you're still chasing?
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running around the leaked haloman beta probably
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we'll recover...
twilight garrison would be cool as fun
sorry, warlocks blew the huntdevs load so they cucked Titards out of it. permanently
legendary pve bow status?
This could be real and Bungiedrones would still suck their small cock.
thinking of getting armored core 6 because giant robots and big guns
>me with my Truth (The Dawning edition)
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blessed image
thats super passive aggressive, is ourguy losing it?
is he about to reignite cinders of siva and scorch the earth with fires of warmind?
dumb elf
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It's gonnna get better..
right anon?
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it just might, but if it is it's going to be by the skin of Destiny's teeth
I will defend bungie till the end
its the least that I can do for such mighty developers
total bungie death
its true anon, arent you excited!
the fake twab is funny because bungie will never do any of those nice things mentioned and it will be another painful year of disappointment
Im playing gta v to replace destiny but I have only been fucked in the ass so nothing has changed
How much of a difference does arrowhead brake make on Stay Frosty?
*stabs you with glaive*
Streamers in 6 months be like
>N-No one cares about my contest completeions... no one even plays the game...
>T-Theres nothing left i can do to make money...
dont worry, starting january, bungie total wins incoming
Make Bungie Great Again!
>Diddy directing Marathon 2.

Freakoff Parties at Bungie confirmed. We now know why every major DLC was delayed. Because of the coke and orgies.
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>release new exotic
>looks fucking amazing
>looks like an old fan-favorite (litterally has rocket booseters on the back)
>name it something that sounds like it would rocket propel you in the air
>Its a dogshit meme exotic
Late entry for best middle-finger from bungie of all time
it's fun enough for what it is but goddamn is it ugly
I would have definitely preferred back-mounted rocket pods instead of the melted turd it looks like
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>8 years ago
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>need 240 raid tokens for anarchy
>only have 60
it would take two weeks to get what you need from solo checkpoint bots
Fuck the faggots that sent that dev death threats
not because he didnt deserve them, but because it means we're never getting what we want
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>one-two capital G retards send death threats
>whole community was denouncing these fucks
>devs decide to collectively punish their playerbase and villify whole fucking community of millions
>>devs decide to collectively punish their playerbase and villify whole fucking community of millions
They're PNW liberals, what the fuck did you expect. There is literally no demographic of human beings more petty and spiteful in America.
I love this event.
Warframe won.
No game made up on 99 percent chinese and indian mobile users will ever "win."
As usual, /pol/tards ruin everything. That's why bungie should have immediately excluded them from the community instead of tolerating them, because then they always get comfortable and start polluting the environment.
I've never met a single Asian in Warframe, whereas in Destiny2, tons, especially during Crucru
>This is real
Holy fuck I thought this was a shitpost. Bungie is literally saying they don't actually listen and the diehard fans still think we're in the wrong for claiming they don't listen to us.
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Who the hell is Ghostfucker
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Where's the lie
Savathot uploaded Uldrens memories into the Crow, so he managed to cheat the unspoken rule.
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The fact that his personality did not change at all when that happened just makes it seem like he watched the memories like a movie. Uldren just doesn't exist anymore in any capacity
It seems that way. It also could be that Crow was a fully fledged character by that point, set in stone with his new morals, that were forged by experiences he had since being revived. So there are 2 distinct tracts in his memories.
>he wasn't there
i got filtered by this cunt on contest
I was and wasn't. If my clanmates weren't dogshit and stopped dying to a fucking redbars, we would have gotten him easily.
Our side was perfect. Others not so.
Left side tower was kinda cancer to deal with on contest honestly
>left tower
This is the one me and my mate occupied. We started in the middle, but eventually swapped to left, as the other duo really struggled there.
I've heard more people on right complain about the ogre than the left tower.
At least in groups I was in I guess.
you can get like 100 a week without interacting with another person
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On the 12th day of doomsmas my spiteful dev gave to me
12 eververse updates
11 empty promises
10 shitty twabs
9 shitty characters
8 shiny new cars
7 shitty devs
6 shitty activities
4 blue sparrows
3 bundles of silver
2 doom of chelchises
And the death of the Destiny IP
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I choose to ignore the avalanche of bugs and instability as well as the rapidly hemorrhaging player count. More of the same is just dandy for me :)
It's also less of more of the same since they're halving the number of dungeons.
What is it about this game's characters and dialogue breaks that makes it all so hard to listen to? Every time I'm forced to listen to Mithrax or Eramis my eyes glaze over and I end up skipping the dialogue.
It's an RPG, you are supposed to care about them and to find them interesting.
it's a lot words to sit around and listen to when they're not saying much of anything
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$500k or chess with Zavala?
I like my strike bosses to just be bullet sponges that can take uninterrupted damage as opposed too bullet sponges with immunity phases. Leave that f9r raid and dungeon bosses
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Is it possible we will return to explore golden age ruins? So sick of pocket dimensions and dreamlands.
We're abandoning Sol entirely in June, so no.
Destiny 2: Beyond Over
We are abandoning the game entirely at this rate.
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>have done 5 10 wave onslaughts
>not one single fucking tonic material
thats it im done. see you all next episode
They said that tonics will replace focusing and crafting going forward. It won't get better next episode. It won't get better ever.
you have to do the 50 waves instead.
also you have to do the fieldwork missions for better chance at materials.
I was getting plenty before this week. For some reason it is now not dropping them at all. And 50 wave just guitars me. this game is so fucking dogshit
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just you wait anon, in january we're getting the game fixed haha!
I stopped using tonics entirely desu. The seasonal weapons are bad, and the "tonic has expired" message pops up all the time for no reason.
new subclass blocked my golden gun on dul and I straight turned the game off
the pulse rifle feels fun because of jolting feedback, but its not a good gun overall.
bitter/sweet shoots too slow to be worth the godroll.
everything else is beyond dogshit
120 SLOPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>primary ammo
Crafting discourse is funny cuz its 2 groups of people who enjoy loot in destiny for entirely separate reasons shouting the same 4-5 talking points past each other and never actually listening to each other.
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>Warframe players are having fun
Erm just play the hour long version, it's the intended way your supposed to play :^). No don't ask why there's a 10 minute version chud, just play the game.
>seasonal story is about sympathizing and finding common ground with an alien species that is ontologically evil and hates us and is actively trying to kill us
>xur gives me caliban/liars
I got syntho/sev on my titan today. literally no reason to gamble ever again
xur is very generous, he also gave me apotheosis/stareaters on my warlock.
maybe one day i'll hunt for titan's
Surely the player count is at least in the twenties right?
I got six of the same hunter marks in a row on different days and different attunements. I earned a god roll.
Adding class items to xur was such a good idea
makes grinding them actually feel pretty good
I know every former notable decision-maker of any kind no longer works at Bungie and the workforce has been reduced by 60% and most of them are working on Marathon and there is no QA team anymore and there is no budget to create new assets or activities and there is nobody left working on the game who understands the engine or code anymore and most team leads have been assimilated into Playstation already and the playercount has reached all time lows across all platforms but 2025 is going to be our year and Frontiers will save the game.
now make Xur permanent and I'll stop bitching
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instead of xur bring random curated rolls he should jsut bring the weapon and let you slam strange coins down his throat for rolls of it like how you can buy gamble on exotic class items
Im desperate for a good roll of Truthteller
Xur should be in the tower all week and reset on friday. the coin stack being fucking 99 is atrocious especially since they only come from dogshit like strikes and red minigame. if you fill up no reason to play. AND ADD MORE FUCKING COIN SOURCES IVE BAKED 1000 COOKIES TO GAMBLE
I just sketched a drawing of my sunbreaker oc and her ghost
>Im desperate for a good roll of Truthteller
Why? The Echoes reissue removed ALH
The old one from arrivals, that has alh and whatnot.
You can only get it from zur
now draw her taking BHC(Big Hunter Cock)
Take the Rousseau pill: All living beings are naturally good. It's the environment (political, economic, ecological) that makes them bad.
Top kek.
bottom kek
Yeah that's fucking bull shit
the irony of these player retention mechanic's is that it pushes away players.Bungie is squeezing sand with their hands and wondering hwy they keep losing players

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