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ad buy an
>ZvZ finals
shan't be watching
>game2 of that match
disgusting. zerg is OP.
whoops, i meant game 2 and 3. zerg OP.
>throws game 4
it's ogre...
Fuck, missed it again.
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whens next gsl?
after dreamhack dallas
whens dreamhack dallas?
>snow v soulkey game 3
i thought only TvTs were supposed to last this long.
and that zvz game
theres no zvz games today
dang, poor snow. zerg is OP in every regard. can't wait for a 1hour finals match this season.
can't wait to not watch a zvz finals
thousand cock stare on the thick one, plastic surgery face on the one in the green sweater
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>no sc grill friend to fry my meat
Not that liking or disliking starcraft is some sort of defining trait.
Not that I'd even get a regular girlfriend in the first place.
Not that plastic surgery can fix my shit personality.
Now when I think about it, not that it's worth living my life in the first place so no point in thinking about it.
Both semis were won by the players I didn't want to win...
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we're back baby
>Wifetosis better than Artosis
>you know it
What did he mean by this?
nothing probably, we all know he's interested in fresher meat
you little tossbabies have had your fun, now its time to get raped with the big zerg cock
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arty is shilling david kim game
>go on leddit
>waaaa why isnt this starcraft3
i hate starcrumps who cant accept there are different styles of rts than shitty sc2.
"paradigm shift" is ripped straight out of that sam hyde ted talk
is there any actual information about the game in here or is it just a waste of time
teaching african refugees to play starcraft
was your post meant for the aoe2 thread?
fucking lol
starcraft guru feardragon69
what are we watching tonight?
steel division 2/warno/aoe2 videos.
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glad to see him back
wish the saudis would throw them off a skyscraper
When do the playoffs start?
The literal who stage of the tournaments are always snoozefests
i dont care about anything other than gsl / asl
gl to Skilous
But it's a guy.
Must be weird casting it, though they are there willingly.
its not weird to them; they genuinely believe it.
literally nothing wrong with feardragon's casting
ayo reynor is in gsl next season?
>they genuinely believe it.
Big if true.
Yes, he's in Korea already.
literally no one genuinely believes it
>45 minutes to say "I beat some guys in a qualifier"
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When is ASL?
>player does commentary on his qualifier games
>i-i-it's a bad thing, o-okay?
You don't even like the game, do you?
Reduce the starting worker count to 6, add in 3-4 player maps, and kill Feardragon and SC2 will instantly become a much better game
we need to kill a lot more english """"""""""""talent"""""""""""" besides feardragon to make sc2 good.
you gotta start somewhere
bro the game is dead, new "talent" is not going to come
that's a good thing
return to tradition (brood war)
Remember when zombiegrub announced that she was going to quit starcraft 2 then nobody called her for a new job and then she deleted the announcement and came back after one month?
>You don't even like the game, do you?
i dont want new 'talent.' id prefer theyd either use the current guys who are good or just have no casters at all and just use an observer with ingame audio.
The talent they should hire is
>Harstem and Lambo (because they aren't going to win anything as players)
>Wardii can organize the tournaments but he's not allowed on camera/mic
>Caster Park
>an AI chatbot that sounds like incontrol
>Harstem and Lambo
Surprisingly a great duo, shame they don't have more stuff done together.
But I like to see them compete as well. Sure, not the top dogs, but very good players nonetheless.
they do a youtube show where they try to guess the MMR of people submitting replays
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ASL Season3 is great! I hope Shine wins. plz dont spoil the end.
i also like state and gemini compared to the other english casters.
I forgot about State because I stopped watching GSL when Arty left Corea
bros arty is so fucking mad right now
about what? i cant watch his streams unless he's doing casts/NAPL due to how bad tts is.
If you mean the guy, who's currently casting with Tasteless, then he seems alright. I'm bad with names, so not sure who's Gemini is, but will look up later. I mean, I've heard the name, but no face pop up in memory.
state casts with tasteless in GSL, yeah. gemini is a substitute if state/tasteless cant make it and he's not bad when you have the rest of the english scene to compare him with.
would be alright if he wasnt a t*ss player or a pedo
Moletrap when
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FLASH IS GET 4-POOLED BY SOULKEY. ASL Season 3 is something else!
zerg OP
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Was Soulkey just lucky that FlaSh built his buildings the way he did?
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hammin it up as usual, i see.
When is ASL? I'm scared to check liquipedia because it might have already been decided.
the finale is on the 27th.
soulkey won
>soulkey beating flash
no way...
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>rogue is back
>trap back soon
when's maru go to the military
>maru goes to the military
>terran does horrible
>'balance' council say terran is still OP and needs more nerfs
>even more zergs than now
I'm not even meming when I say this but EMP should be moved to the raven
ghost has way too big a power budget
Thank You Artosis for keeping me alive when my son passed away last year.....i watched all sezons with you on sc2allcast ...thank You for keeping me alive and finding some enjoyment in this cruel world.
>artosis has to act like a retarded clown and listen to constant infantile tts spam every night but he's rich
>tasteless has to shill for random games, do sponsored gambling streams for a tiny chat and is poor but still manages to keep more dignity

Who came out worse after SC casting work started slowing down?
Artosis by a long shot
the 1.2k to 1.7k manbabies who can stand watching arty i guess
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ourgirl is laddering
that's not Nina
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I said girl
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who is going to win the dilation match?
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who the fuck is wayne
Wayne (formerly Ratata (formerly Vanya))
All in on 'stem.
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sc2bros are eating good
im not eating
MC is playing BW now?
i assume the american tranny derby is on at a similar time
NAbros... why is our region like this
North Americans know that trans rights are human rights unlike those chuds in Europe.
something something water something jews
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damn zg looks good in that
he looks ftm
>be finnish conscript
>have to do shitty tasks like shovel snow all day, clean latrines, etc while getting shit pay.
>while this guy just has to go into a room and play computer games all day
i know i wouldnt be happy
read ender's game and you'll understand what they're doing
>tasteless has to shill for random games
I honestly thought it was a joke when I saw the hellofresh ad. Then I remember that he'd hustle anything and everything.
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what the heck is this
>feeding so many ultras that your ghosts run out of energy
Interesting tactic from Bly
If he didn't start teching and just continued to trade game 2 would have been his. Clem was barely scraping by.
that was it?
sc2 is dead...
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I just pre ordered the new gamestop exclusive kerrigan funko pop!
It took you eleven years to realize that?
SC2 released like 15 years ago
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kek how does this happen?
I'm in the bed with my gf watching chink ESL
if it's not a kgf I don't care
she's close enough
Why does maxpax even compete if she refuses to go to offline tournaments?
Benis :-DD
i remember hearing ESL even penalizes the prize money he gets from online stuff
too much coffee
zsisters...we're getting dabbed on
About 7 hours and 25 minutes until the ASL 17 finals, 2 hours earlier than usual.
Who will win? Will we see a late game ZvZ?
reynor v cure in 30 mins @ afreeca
That's what being sponsored by US airforce looks like.
we're so back...
Love to see it.
immaculate set of dentals
>land few fungals agains't Maru as Serral
>everyone loses their mind and screech for nerfs
>MaNa rapes his way back into the game with storms
>that's how the game was intended to play
zerg good
protoss bad
>no argument
>ebin meme
you sound upset
zero space looks like it's running at like 20fps all the time
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He's barely changed since 2005
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This map pool is a joke
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unironically a skill issue, kid
yeah it's an issue he can do that with skills of a metal league zerg
keep coping, sister
idk about Brood War but destroying protoss as zerg in SC2 is easy as fuck. Open 12 pool, this stops pylon blocks/cannon rush etc. 12 pool can also straight up win the game in the beginning if he fucks up. Scout with your overlord later. If he is going to air, mass hydra ling off 3 bases and go kill him. If he is going ground, mass roach/rav/ling off 3 bases and go kill him. I love seeing toss pop up on the loading screen
>Open 12 pool
Giving such an advice is just mean, frankly.
terrangutans will see this and complain
zerg needs a buff
whats a zerg
but a miserable pile of secrets
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Zerg who?
HeroMarine might actually 3-0 Reynor... Damn, what a time.
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I like today's bracket, Eurobros.
I like you.
>watching the affirmative action yuropoor cup
i shiggy doooooooo
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>affirmative action
But it's the US that props the trannies.
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Spirit 3-0'ed Die Mauer. :O
I could imagine Elazer dropping 0-3, just because his strat every game is to drone up and pray, but all the other series going 3-0 too is a bit unexpected.
Now it's Clem vs Harstem and I'm worried.
Best of luck, I guess.
total stem domination incoming
poor little french boy not so tough after being raped by dutch captain
Ahoi, the rape ferry is setting sail.
spirit showtime was the only match that shouldn't be a 3:0
Don't tell me you expected the 3:0 in Reynor vs HM?
I did considering the ping disadvantage
how are we feeling 'stemsisters
it's so fucking over stemsissies
got clem right where he wants him
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That game 2... Hate to see it.
It's Joever
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Harsten will run back through the losers bracket. I'm definitely going to win this one guys
Lower bracket W will go to:
All 3:0, of course.
Fair enough, but 3:0 is still too much, imo, and it's not like HM relied on window mines a lot or anything, he's a tank guy and ping doesn't matter that much when Zerg needs to deal with siege tanks.
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How does reynor get worse every year while serral gets better every ear
Serral is fighting for his country against Russian aggression
Reynor is just a guido
putin won
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doesn't look like it lmao
the BSL twitch chat was funny
broodwar fags are funny
Post a scREEnshot or it's fake news.
Although the valkyrie can't target ground, it can act as a damage absorbing 'tank' for group of marines, now you might think just use a BC instead for that, but the valkyrie is fast and can disengage from trouble, repair and come back to continue tanking, and saving ground unit lives.
damn if only you could repair bcs
thinking about reinstalling sc2 and cheesing every game
every fucking time
wish i had a gookfu bros
not even hot girls this final
>artosis casts the finals during his family vacation
tasteless would never do that for us gamers.
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finals were meh, but what more could you expect from ZvZ.
didn't even watch LMAO
When's ASL18?
Tasteless said october but don't cancel your monthly patreon subscription
Any news on our boy, the cryptolord Flash himself, joining the next bout of ASL?
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what's the group of dead?
Kinda shit finals tbhwyf
Can't wait for Reynor to lose to Hero and Gumiho.
bro reynor is going to win this season
screencap this post
get back to work, reynor
reynor has been on fire since he's in korea
he even destroyed cure 4-0 in the showmatch
hasnt the guido lost ro16/ro32 the last few times he's been in GSL despite (supposedly) being a great player
>reynor has been on fire
He fucked up in regional qualifiers.
I do cheer for him, but everything can happen.
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we are watching zg play the new rts
manor lords is not an rts it's a comfy city builder for WHITE MEN such as I
doesn't it have total war style combat segments
It's a very buggy EA that is low on features without any sort of roadmap and has a large marketing campaign.
What other red flags do people need?
Also there are 3 other threads on /vst/ about it.
don't you ever fucking reply to me again
guys do you think i'm too aggressive ?
I don't go on /vst/. cringe board
I'm a /sp/ /int/ chad
What's wrong with watching Artosis

What is a superior form of entertainment according to you?
Artosis is not that bad you just have to mute it sometimes
watching tasteless shill the latest hit gambling website
I was excited to see some SC2 games on one of his cast channels but he doesn't mute the TTS during those casts and it makes me close the tab immediately
not artosis this week he's in california with tasteless again
are they shilling for david kim again
>God, I miss you like hell
>I was wrong, I can tell
>For the heart can be blind and frozen!
>Now I live with the pain
>Every night, every day
>As I read those letters you wrote me!
[ ASL Match Begins ]
The only one that sticks.
for me it's
>if you want it then you gotta take it yeah heh heh yeah heh heh
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kek what was he thinking?
i wanna play sc2 again but i wanna play an older, less bad version of the game
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How the fuck can I only be knowing of their existence just now. The lungs on that guy. I can't stop listening to them.
Bro that's an ok power metal singer, nothing uncommon about his voice. I actually saw them live when they were supporting nightwish
He's just an OK power metal singer, you say. Fuck, that's awesome.
Tarja > Floor > whatever the second singer's name was
i'm beginning to think tasteless has some body image issues
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He did used to be quite handsome
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But he embraced that ogre gamer life
His ogre mode also looks okay.
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we eating good SC2bros
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Endurance match. :O
>at least 5 Serral games
It's basically a feast.
If I find a job, I'm traveling to be there in person.
anon.... it's in saudi arabia. i'd have to recommend against going since they will throw you off the electronic Sports building.
zvz finals
Bwchads what about us?... they are going to announce another showmatch this year, right?
yeah, it'll be me vs you. i hope youre ready for me to show you my skills ive trained in compstomp for a decade.
artosis said the reason he didn't join the last one was because of wrist issues iirc, so he might be back or might just give up
imagine if artosis never discovered broodwar and stuck with being a basketball fan and held the same reverence for some basketball dunking pavement ape that he holds for flash

imagine how gay that would be
my theory on why flash hasnt come back is that he hasnt gotten back to peak form after getting out of the military, and he doesnt want to return until he's back in GOAT form. if he came back and lost to some loser, his reputation would be totally dead (more than scamming cryptofags).
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whom are we rooting for, fellow /sceevees/?

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