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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Anyone else notice that zoo animals have been acting strangely? I saw this zebra looking at me head-on, as if it had some sort of human sentience. They seem to be moving more slowly as if they have some higher level of awareness. I think that they are planning something, the animals. I think they’re observing our schedules and privately working more clockwork-like. This could be the backlash of the animal kingdom
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wdym how would they be in on it ?
I mean surely the zookeepers would notice something was up, no? They have training in zoology so the animals would have to develop a second language
so you agree ?
i mean, do they know? are they helping the animals? or are they as oblivious as the rest of us?
The animals sprayed mind altering pheromones on them. They're goners.

Go turn on satellite imagery on Google maps and report back to this thread with anything weird/spooky/paranormal that you might find, ideally with coordinates visible so others can check it out. I highly recommend deserts or the far arctic, since there's little foliage to cover up cool stuff. Acceptable substitutes include Google street view images of weird stuff, as well as known areas that might not be visually interesting but have a spooky backstory (like the ruins of a ghost town).

Here is one I have found. Why is this millennium falcon out in the middle of nowhere? Why are there boats next to it? Why does it look way deeper than it has any right to be?
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Raytheon facility in Navajo reservation, plus all the weird crop circles.
idk how to use this site i should just go back to lurking
sorry that's actually just me
63°17'51.4"N 152°31'24.5"W
That just looks like Rainbow.

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I have figured out a reliable way to unlock super human powers. I'm talking physical and mental/psychic powers here. I wanted to teach the whole world how to do this, if everyone could do this it would elevate the whole planet. But every time I do it they just throw me in the psyche ward. They can never keep me long term because I'm not actually crazy. But they do everything they can to suppress the powers and now I'm scared to access that state again. I want to, but I'm not going to be any use if they lock me up again. What do I do and how do I spread this information? I have a way for any human to have a direct link to God and supernatural powers. I don't want to do anything gay like start a cult or religion or anything, I don't want to be known for this, but I do want to unlock this ability within others, just without being injected for the rest of my days to keep me quiet, or potentially even killed off. How am I meant to go about this?
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I hope your operation goes well. I appreciate what you have summarized/laid out so far, and look forward to further elaboration. You and things like this thread is one reason I still come to /x/
Is going to probably have it’s employees being fired and laid off. Only because of the fact that I don’t agree with it.
Yes OP eagerly awaiting
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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.

He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more. This is a place for spiritual discussions and help, not drama, attention seeking, or social content; there are other boards for that.

Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time.
None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn, and grow in Truth.

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He said, I can call on the multitude to defend me. But when he was in the garden, and his own frens fell asleep, the angels kept him company. I didn't worry so much about angels, but men who claim to be like the angelsp
Yes anon some people are more likely to give money to an attractive young homeless woman than an ugly middle aged homeless man
I try to be impartial but it'd be easier if I was asexual
Whatever the fuck you did
Probably Benadryl
i could still fucking breathe.
there are better tools out there
everything or death - here i come.
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Last thread is dead, share your knowledge, do queries, exchange readings
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The Lovers, Eight of Swords, The Devil.

They like you and see you as a valid choice, but they feel trapped. Their romantic feelings for you are overshadows by restriction, confusion, and negative influences.
King of swords, nine of cups reversed, seven of pentacles
Someone with sharp features, perhaps an aquiline nose. Short, brown hair. Decent looking, has curves, but not from extra weight.
am i gonna get the job?

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Ryushin Malone is the shapeshifting demon Valac

1- https://youtu.be/Pjog5sn3jsU

2- https://youtu.be/u7rbXMvc2J8

There is a video up on BitChute exposing the various roles he plays too.


Another non-human paranormal researcher in our midst.
Please be free to learn how to shapeshift too. You start by swallowing air. None of us are human anon. You're not human either.

Humans are 332 quadrillion years old and are heavy metal.
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They can also fly.
He is a dragon

Nobody cares about your YouTube channel, shill. Go away.
You're fapping to Emma WatSON right now aren't you. Don't lie again.

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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NEVERMIND, thinking of something else. Disregard
Man, I just had like 10 lucid dreams back to back after getting full sleep paralysis during a 3 hour nap. Mostly did exploring but there were some parts that felt like an action video game. I fucked some hot purple skinned girl in the ass and the advice from >>37831452 about focusing solely on the pleasure came in handy. The best part too was that even if I woke up, my body would still be in sleep paralysis and I'd just roll out of it and start a new I'd dream. Can anyone tell me how to AP in a lucid dream? I tried saying "I'm going to astral project" and my body got all vibrational amd tingly but I didn't know what to do from there.
The melatonin pills i take each night are 5mg. Seems to work fine for me.
>Count grains of rice
>Find out truly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
>See if there are actually demons in computer chips
You're still present, you just shift your awareness. I check in on my meat suit and listen to it snoring and make sure it's comfortable while I'm doing stuff.

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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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Are tulpas exlusively a horny, lonliness and mental illness thing or can they be used to improve your everyday life? I been thinking about making a tulpa that helps me accomplish my objectives (be more productive, more social, workout more, etc.) but I don't know if anyone has any experience on creating one like that?
If you want a tulpa that will motivate and help you just attach positive traits to your tulpa and work on it.
You can do both. My dommy mommy tulpa is lewd as fuck but also forces me to work out and eat better and not be lazy.
I made mine entirely on accident, but that sort of support role is what she ended up wanting to do. She thinks it's fun to push me to do things I'm putting off or normally would be scared to do in the first place.
Also that pic makes me wonder - are there any other good examples of tulpas in media?
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends may as well be a tulpa show.

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Are you a targeted individual? How do you know if you are being gangstalked?

I don't want to sound egotistical but throughout my life I feel like I am being gangstalked. Things I've noticed

>people out in public shouting harassing keywords at me (it's usually the same recycled things)
>whenever I need to get something done people will intentionally botch it for no reason even to their own detriment and seem bizarrely happy about it
>people randomly attacking me even though I'm just minding my own business
>people from my past randomly showing up trying to be friendly but then immediately try to do something shitty after
>people keep trying to say something different happened when I know what actually happened. they keep lying and lying nonsensically and digging themselves in a hole it's almost comical

These are all just so bizarre and laughable. The first thoughts in my mind is "this must be scripted events because it's all so ridiculous"

I've had these sort of consistent experiences even in a different country are GS really that dedicated lol
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Based. I love to gangstalk him too KEKKK.
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not that anon, but i will explain why the Govt wants autist, or rather, high functioning autists, out of the way, and with current circumstances, going to the point as to have them castrated through the lense of the Trans Agenda.
high functioning autists generally have a higher degree of discerning truth from falsehood and propaganda. they're still susceptible to propaganda, but give them a sliver of the truth and they will unravel the mystery and unveil the truth the government wants hidden from the public.

Have you noticed since the 2016 elections, people are being transitioned at an alarmingly higher rate year over year? that since 2016, there has been more and more conspiracy theories being proven true and actively happening? one more thing I have to add. Remember our good friend Shia LeBoeuf? Remember how 4Chan continuously, incessantly and relentlessly found his flag nearly spontaneously, with an hour of two of being raised and put on a live feed? The Govt sure does. if you don't believe that the multitude of intelligence agencies around the world have not observed and taken notes as to the effectiveness of anonymity, information dissemination and the full-range of the skills of people on the internet. if you havent noticed how stifled speech has become on the internet and the spread of information has become so restrained its nearly impossible to find good, valid information rather than AgitProp?

Watch yourselves out there, whether you're a TI or a Gangstalker. And for the Gangstalkers out there, remind yourselves: you are nothing but a misstep out of line to become a TI yourself, eventually, there will be something you will not be willing to commit yourself to, and if you are more trouble alive than dead, you will find yourself in a shallow, unmarked grave. you know this to be true, these are the terms you agreed upon becoming a Gangstalker.
Maggie is dead
I am part of a group called gang retards

Were you ever put in the category of "gifted" as a child?

Do you have myopia, allergies, asthma and/or migraine headaches?

Is your head larger than normies?

Do you have autism - extra math processor - in your head? Or hyperlexia?

Do you personally identify with Kaczynski?

Were either of your parents psychiatrists?

Were either of your parents in the military?

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I am on medication now. My experience was that these symptoms were caused by medication. I am being stalked since 2010. And I started to take medication in 2010, and the strange things stopped immediately. And after a while my situation got worse, even my life was in danger.

And after that my psychiatrist started to give me more medication. I don't know if the medication is not affecting me or what is happening.

My current symptoms: I can't go outside alone. I hear strange sounds around me

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I've decided that the metric by which schizos may be redeemed is intelligence.

Intelligent schizos at least try to maintain reason even if they aren't good at it.

Dumb af schizos blame whatever they saw most recently on facebook and end up drinking cum potions to cleanse their kundalini of satanic trans jew thetans or some shit like that.

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No, but OP said "schizos" like three times, including in the title, and then went on to describe psychosis
Just using the common parlance of /x/. Saying "psychos" instead of "schizos" would be colloquially more confusing even if it's technically more accurate.
Psychotic and psycho mean, like, two separate things.

That doesn't contradict what I said? Thank you for your unsolicited pedantry.

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>no mass die off
>no 5G nanotechnology that turn you to a zombie
>no computer chip
>no Within 2 weeks the vaccinated will begin their ascension to a 5G giga consciousness
>no nothing
>still gets inorganically and massively shilled by the establishment for a meme virus
So what the fuck was the deal /x/?
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I was given the choice to either get the vax or get fired from my job, but even without that ultimatum, I would have gotten the vax because I didn't know better

Now I know better, regret getting the two doses that I did get, and haven't gotten any more. Am I going to be okay?
I honestly hope so man. It seems to be a gamble. No one knows or is open about the deciding factors. They're only now admitting that some factors exist.
Half of the illness lives rent free in your mind actively eating away your soul. That doesn't mean you have to neglect the other half
I lost my folks to this garbage. I really thought they would have been smarter, especially since I warned them that something wasn't right about it all. The only thing keeping me from burning down Pfizer et Al with everyone involved inside is a lack of resources. Demons in human skin, the lot of them.
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You’ll see.

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It's ORTHODOX EASTER and nobody cares.
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Blessed be Eostre!
She has calleth OP Gay
She thwarts the ugly hag
And laughs at OP who is a Fag
Хpиcтoc Bocкpece!
Cristos Boscrece? what is that

Inb4 retards start conflating Easter with Ishtar not knowing everything pagan similar to Christianity is just a demonic distortion of the archetypal images every human being has instilled in them from the beginning of time, the images that were given their true meaning with the coming of the Saviour. The devil cannot create anything new, he can just distort and mix the Truth.
Bloated Skyler White

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Bored mystic 2 electric boogaloo
I have a treasure trove of occult secrets and shit posts
Feel free to AMA
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See, I'm interested in this, then. I don't see how a bridge could ever be built..but if a bridge can be built, I am deeply interested in how. Like, religious zeal-level of interest.

Read the thread click the links
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If you can’t see the creativity and poetry in number your lost if you can’t see the number in art symmetry beauty you’re lost
Complete Charlatan bullshit.
I am a deeply spiritual person, but even I realize the physical world around me is not some kind of mirror of the soul. It is place I inhabit - but deeper truths have no shape, no angles, no geometry. They simply are.

Stop selling your abject bullshit and get a job.

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Gnosis is fake and gay.
False gods with little g's are fake and gay.
The demiurge doctrine of demons is fake and gay.
The falsely so called galactic federation of light is fake and gay.
The end is near, my future brothers and sisters in Christ.
Less than 4000 days remain until the End of Days.
I hate the champion of humanity, the Antichrist.
The Satan will burn in Hell fire and scream.
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The Lord of Lords and King of Kings has a sense of humor.
soooo...who is the antichrist supposed to be? Nick Fuentes? HAHAHa

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