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The board may have been purged, but Iori's cuteness is eternal!

Previous thread:
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Hard goods edition!

Remember that tertiary wealth cannot exist without secondary and primary wealth!

Previous thread
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The latter IMO; she doesn't seem the lusty/thirsty/sultry type, more the playful (and possibly kinky) type.
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I said and...not or :D
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How much does /c/ like K-On?
>The best High School rock band in the world!

>K-ON! Music History's Box (aka the whole 13 disc soundtrack) + Disc 14 (all Instrumentals) in one rar file.

>The K-On movie art archive was recently dumped online for the first time ever too
(Thanks to the anon!)

The Manga Super illustration book

And the Movie Creator Message book

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"You're just a poor imitation of the Third Sorcery. And I use an imitation of my Master, who travels across infinite parallel worlds. So it means I'm a copycat of the Second Sorcery...!"

-- Rin Tohsaka, being amazing, Day 16 of HF

Previous thread: >>4350885
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previous: >>4306698
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anons still recovering from the shock.
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>backtraced it
>calling the cyberpolice rn
Filthy h@x0r gonna PAY for deleting our board!

>itt we reset the board to 1999.
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>Key the Metal Idol
Nice deepcut you got there, anon!

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comfy waifu drawings
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cool thread anon
Not really, there is no topic and OP didn't even give enough of a shit to post 5 images. We already have a random thread and we have a waifu general - this thread literally offers nothing new and isn't anywhere near active as those other two active threads (for /c/ standards).

This is just a shitpost thread that was immediately abandoned by OP after they posted 2-3 pictures less than the minimum to start a thread.

People who bump this thread won't be people who enjoy /c/, it will just be newfags and shitposters keeping a meme of a thread alive just for the sake of it.
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Not that anon but I think OP is also a spammer. The image itself has a link to some marketplace that sells clothes with AI artwork on them.

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It's not #4 because the previous one died prematurely
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Trick question. There's no such thing.
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I've got nothing meaningful to say. I just like long hair.
long hair rei supremacy
Long hair Rei is so pretty.
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This time, with more cute
last: >>4352770
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An undying love, forever and ever.

Previous thread: >>4351315
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As the days get colder, the best way to warm up is cuddling with your waifu.
I doubt it since in her series she could become one by being a demon, but she
One of her fellow hashira even said "Growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life." so I assume she shares the sentiment
We wouldn't really worry about fleeting time, but we might have to worry about money, although since she's a hashira she's not really too worried about that since they get paid a lot
She spends a lot of her time fighting demons so I doubt she has much time to worry about weather beyond what to wear
butterfly by smile lol
You would do anything for your waifu, but what wouldn't you do?
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I don't think she'd like it if I got too jealous or angry at her citizens.
She said specifically she would never want to live forever. I think I understand her sentiment,
death is a part of what it means to live.

It's hope for the future but also cherishing every moment. She's still chasing after a cure for her condition but at the same time she's learning to live as herself.

One last summer image before the cold arrives!

Apart from some songs in her game, there's some anime OPs or EDs that I associate with her, especially if there's a romantic tone to it.


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The world's cutest diva
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As autumn befalls rainy days closer, summer giveth its remainder sweltry air until.

Previous thread: >>4338961
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Apparently the 2000-year cycle just wiped out all of 4chan. But Nanachi shall endure, so post buns again
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