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We're 2/3rds through the year! Always a time look at one eyed cuties!

General info: https://pastebin.com/FWm01NPB
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love Sal

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Whisper of the Heart tomorrow.
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I said PEAK Goro-kino, not a cursed foray into 3-D that, like the Star Wars sequels and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, was doomed from the very start.
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Previously on /kdg/: >>4356998

/kdg/ is where we share and enjoy kawaii AI-generated anime girls and discuss the latest advancements in kawaii generation technology. Remember to follow /c/ rules.

> /kdg/ Stuff

> Local Install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://rentry.org/comfyui
SD WebUI: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Easy Diffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

> Resources

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Poor girl...
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Previous >>4354930
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Looks like Big Venus wiped out the entire board, time to start over new.
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RIP Emi Shinohara
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15th Anniversary Edition!

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4349955
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The board may have been purged, but Iori's cuteness is eternal!

Previous thread:
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How much does /c/ like K-On?
>The best High School rock band in the world!

>K-ON! Music History's Box (aka the whole 13 disc soundtrack) + Disc 14 (all Instrumentals) in one rar file.

>The K-On movie art archive was recently dumped online for the first time ever too
(Thanks to the anon!)

The Manga Super illustration book

And the Movie Creator Message book

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"You're just a poor imitation of the Third Sorcery. And I use an imitation of my Master, who travels across infinite parallel worlds. So it means I'm a copycat of the Second Sorcery...!"

-- Rin Tohsaka, being amazing, Day 16 of HF

Previous thread: >>4350885
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previous: >>4306698
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anons still recovering from the shock.
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>backtraced it
>calling the cyberpolice rn
Filthy h@x0r gonna PAY for deleting our board!

>itt we reset the board to 1999.
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>Key the Metal Idol
Nice deepcut you got there, anon!

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comfy waifu drawings
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cool thread anon
Not really, there is no topic and OP didn't even give enough of a shit to post 5 images. We already have a random thread and we have a waifu general - this thread literally offers nothing new and isn't anywhere near active as those other two active threads (for /c/ standards).

This is just a shitpost thread that was immediately abandoned by OP after they posted 2-3 pictures less than the minimum to start a thread.

People who bump this thread won't be people who enjoy /c/, it will just be newfags and shitposters keeping a meme of a thread alive just for the sake of it.
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Not that anon but I think OP is also a spammer. The image itself has a link to some marketplace that sells clothes with AI artwork on them.

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It's not #4 because the previous one died prematurely
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Trick question. There's no such thing.
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I've got nothing meaningful to say. I just like long hair.
long hair rei supremacy
Long hair Rei is so pretty.
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