It’s that time of year again, birthday of Kaname Chidori and Teletha Testarossa! Let’s a have a FMP thread! It’s been over 25 years since the first light novel, and the franchise continues with the Family sequel novels…Wild isn’t it?All girls welcome; let’s leave the debates and such for /a/
return of the queen
She's just like meee~
>>4397526Cute dummy!
Pleinair Thread: 第56.2Previous thread: >>4357114
As leaves blanket the earth leaving trees stripped of their splendor, autumn's prelude to winter wonderland is laid.Previous thread: >>4357565
Happy Birthday Sasha!
>>4398676Eila and Perrine are so cute together
>>4399319I would love an Eila-Perrine episode some day where Eila teases Perrine relentlessly in the first half, but they pair off in the second half and completely trust each other and take down a tough Neuroi as a team.
Post cute idols.Previous Thread: >>4357187
Thread for Artoria! Please keep it to the female characters named Artoria from the Fate series. Other variants than Saber can and will be posted.Let's start the new year with an awesome thread!>>4357123Previous thread
Gonna be doing this regularly cuz I love my onion. Sakuna and Aqua both welcome!
we're so back
I fucking adore Asushin
Yuki Miku, anyone?All Mikus welcome, of course!Previous>>4357535
I missed Miku Day...I'm such a FOOL
Sorry for last thread jannies I'll try a better one. Including more images to get it going
Just a little bit of winter left before spring comes again.Previous thread: >>4356906
a thread of worship to the most beautiful witch who casts a spell with her beauty ATSUKO KAGARI!!!
welcome to the unanticipated 271th thread of Yui!! the Yui must go on!!!previous thread: >>4331439
>>4357698Does anyone have this image of Yui with angel wings, if you do mind sharing it? I can't reverse image search and find it.