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Gokou Ruri/Kuroneko thread #84

Prev >>4299955
Prev >>4336229
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Board may have died, but she didn't see it happen anyways.
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lilly oh God I'm begging you help me please I can't live knowing she's not real this is painful this is too much help me please I love lilly I don't know what to do
so beautiful I dounno what do
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I feel the exact same about Rin, sorry anon falling in love with a girl who isn’t real is a cruel fate
I wish you well in your romance with rin. despite being into lilly, I too can sympathize with you and your strugglels. I want you to find peace in your life and if you feel like pouring your emotions out, I'm always here because trust me I know how much it sucks when you're hurting but there's no one around to comfort you and help you with your katawa romance. I always check for new posts in this thread brotendo!

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Just what is moe?
It's hard to define, but OP seemed to be thinking of 2000s style stuff like this.
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My To Heart general was lost in The Great Oopsie of 2024, so let's just have a Multi thread because I love her.
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>original file is 24 MB
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I mean we almost hit 150 before the board got nuked
Can't go too long without a bun thread

Previous thread: >>4323719
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I am!
I'm doing my part!
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we're so back
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which way, gamidustri man?

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Her design is supreme.
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Previous: >>4357048
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emmers bigcoat
JK bowties will never not be cute.

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Previous >>4346501 got wiped
let's restart
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>that one was still alive from back when the show was still airing
that sounds incredible
do threads on /vip/ really last that long?

do you have the thread number? I'd like to check archives..
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A thread for our king, Artoria Pendragon, simple as.
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lmao yes I remember seeing that one violet schizo in every thread
Cool, so then maybe you or whoever posted random other characters won't continue posting random other characters like a retard. God damn I hate you zoom-zoom nu-Fate fans

gotcha senpai
take it easy
how tf does autocorrect change it from "senpai" to "senpai"
you can't stop retards who refuse to read.
Fill the fucking thread with more Artoria if you want to kill it faster.

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Zombie idols!
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This isn't a zombie idol, try to focus on the girls from the show.
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Pleinair Thread: 第56
Previous thread: >>4331599
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