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My princess
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Is it weird that she's one of my first anime crushes

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Nano Desu
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Would be a shame not to have one.
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It seems to be a general for the series.
Alya's sister and Yuki are pure wife material, but also mucho sexo.

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>Previous thread

>/a/ threads archive

>/c/ threads archive


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Post girls from the Monogatari series
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I don't know how to describe it properly.. I think it would be like doomer + eastern russia + anime, it's been a while since a topic like this was created, I think you can understand what I mean
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2, unfortunately i only have these images

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Blue Archive, Arknights, Genshin Impact, etc
Rerolling Edition
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Just what is moe?
It's hard to define, but OP seemed to be thinking of 2000s style stuff like this.
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My To Heart general was lost in The Great Oopsie of 2024, so let's just have a Multi thread because I love her.
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>original file is 24 MB
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Her design is supreme.
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Previous: >>4357048
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emmers bigcoat
JK bowties will never not be cute.

A thread for our king, Artoria Pendragon, simple as.
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lmao yes I remember seeing that one violet schizo in every thread
Cool, so then maybe you or whoever posted random other characters won't continue posting random other characters like a retard. God damn I hate you zoom-zoom nu-Fate fans

gotcha senpai
take it easy
how tf does autocorrect change it from "senpai" to "senpai"
you can't stop retards who refuse to read.
Fill the fucking thread with more Artoria if you want to kill it faster.

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