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Hardcore Debut Edition

Post custom made 3D Hentai structured around music here. Doesn't have to be MMD, doesn't have to contain dancing motions, and not to be confused with HMVs made with already existing 3D clips. MMD clips without music that would cause a fuss in the 3D hentai general are also welcome here.

Previous: >>7919851


>Better iwara browser

>3D SexDance index:

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115 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.
There are like million different websites but I think this was the one I used last time https://www.smspool.net/
Does oreno still work or is it just an ad-ridden hellscape?
Haven’t used it in 2 years and i tried looking up some stuff and results from 2024 did not show up
What does VRC cooming entail nowadays. Is it just private ERPs?
The /trash/ board seems very abrasive
Its all in innercords. The /trash/ thread is abrasive but use it or the /vg/ as a springboard. a lot of coming happens in private/instances linked there.
using google translate, it sounds like he is only giving *early* access to people who used his other elf model before April 20th

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patreon https://patreon.com/happyhen116

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Previous Thread: >>7969830

Discuss all forms of NTR themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc.

Guide & definitions: https://0.0g.gg/?bedca3ad8a4a1172#A5z1AGQ2oXhT7mqYPJw7WzSjRGTsqz9AQM6a3iDrY3St
OVA recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?446cfca32ab56eb4#GQE5Hak9CNfDMYuEbDvVZc69jSADoNso5pgt6kSxa3bP
Smut recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?c309281c91d381b8#3zBp9sCFVKunFVdznViTmBhddWqmiWcBDs9QU1uvtWov
RPG Games List: https://0.0g.gg/?ad1c22e289965ec9#stkeZnFja8tTsPpKtNR7U8m8dRY9CR879NJinrjYdVn
Translated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?75a3e0947ee7b1c4#JyQQrYuexGkvW8ffLLJqTSLBktXDW48JquFNUuTEQ8r
Untranslated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?4e51920cbbe437c4#8VZG1MwUf7mWbC5QQsE6gpVT1EmXyLi4R4pzDesm8m94
Game Devs List: https://0.0g.gg/?f7796007c13bf01e#HsyXuCEemKX2ah1iePzKubTaHTdKQnmMBDgGuxCCQP9t
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Nah, I don't really like partner swapping.
How actually NTR in touhou works when canonically there are no male characters even?
>A new payment method approved by the government to support low-income households, in which supporters receive meat services in return for helping the couple with their expenses.
>A wife who cannot hide her shame about serving a man other than her husband, even if it is for her husband, gradually begins to feel pleasure from stimulating sex...

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Previous >>7841763
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>manga, anime, video games, and other media IP etc. have beautiful strong and powerful female characters
>Said female characters have fans, fan art and of course; porn and doujins made of them
>Some artists choose to make the most depraved, fucked up, sadistic and generally out of character hentai, porn and doujins where the canonically and literally strong and powerful females get absolutely mogged, sexually assaulted and raped into submission
>Majority of the times it's always the "strong and powerful female character gets easily raped and enslaved by cartoonishly weak, fat out of shape ugly man who somehow through sheer contrivances, bastardization of canon and dumbass "blackmail"

Why oh why do artists and fan artists who engage in porn feel the need to do this? At least if the strong females who're be subjugated into sex slavery are either OCs or literal random Who's in a one-off or oneshot scenario or original setting. I can understand and not have that much issues with it. But how come Japanese made doujins manage get away with making beloved strong female characters into becoming easily defeated victims in this most vapid ways possible without being criticized or scrutinized for being OOC and badly written!?

Whereas if it were Western made it would face all the criticism and scrutiny for being badly written fanfics. Again, why do artists do this and how come Nippon-made doujins get a free pass without being scrutinized and criticized as badly written and OOC fanfics?
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>While any "men of culture" and "like minded porn enjoyers" will forever be the minority who has hide their fetishes and kinks due to its aberrant nature and how not-normal it is.
Wrong. They don't hide it because they're a minority, but because it's taboo to talk about sex outside of designed spaces. Normal people don't talk casually about how much they really like the missionary position, while an oppressed rape fetishist is keeping his mouth shut out of shame or fear. Sex is taboo, rape play is just more taboo.

>People regardless will inevitably gravitate to what is normal and socially acceptable.
Very true.

>And no one, NOT EVEN ANYONE in this thread or in the porn boards will EVER publicly or openly defend or justify the existence of your rape fetish and kinks in fear of public scrutiny and saving your public image. You will have to say yes to and agree with everyone else that anyone who enjoys rape play or rape scenes for porn and fetish reasons are "horrible people" instead of saying otherwise just to save face.
Wasn't there a guy that tried to form a pro-rape movement a few years back? Pre-covid. An american guy was the leader, i think, he tried to organize a pro-rape rally in Canada but it aborted. They didn't have the number, so they were afraid to get their shit pushed in. I wish they had gone through with it. It would have been especially funny to see pro-rape advocate being raped.
But yeah, putting aside the crazies, you're right, nobody is promoting rape directly. Directly. Direc-tly. Di-rec-t-ly.That word is making all the heavy lifting. Don't believe me? India legalized marital rape a few days ago. Yep, real horrendous shit.
>Defending and justifying rape scenarios for fetish and roleplay will forever be an uphill battle regardless of whether it is the leftwing or rightwing who're the dominant force in society.
Uphill battle? What are you talking about? We won already.
Who's going to stop me and my wife to enjoy some rape play in the privacy of out bedroom? Is the gov monitoring your porn or your hentai?
Anon, we live in a world were dudes go outside wearing ahegao t-shirts, and the worse thing they get is weird looks, or mockery. A century ago, that guy would have been jailed for pulling off a stunt like that.

Porn itself is rape tho
>Uphill battle? What are you talking about? We won already.
In your dreams. No, regardless of how many wokeoids are out there and regardless of how many like minded men-of-culture allies are also out there willing to help you out. Almost all the non-conventional porn (hentai and other gnarly shite in /d/ and the rest of the internet) FOREVER will be an uphill battle to defend and justify to normal people regardless of the "its-just-fiction" or "its only a silly fetish between me and some tightknit community/partner" justification. The left-leaning sjw wokeoids can disappear the following day and you (and the rest of us including myself) will still get scorn, disdain or outright hate and ostracization for the hardcore rape, guro and scat fetish some of us may or may not enjoy and fap to. Its just not normal, its aberrant and sometimes can come off as simply outright evil and malicious and hateful towards women. As mentioned, you think a rape victim or anyone who had a significant female figure in their lives who was sexually assaulted would look at you as normal good people!? They would hate your guts and wish you to be thrown in jail and even doxxed in hopes of being punished severely.

Though I guess to lessen the "moralfaggotry". I do believe or am willing to believe the reason for the current shitty state of porn or hentai as a whole is sometimes there are just way too many people in the industry and or "hobby" participating in it. In the older days, porn was occupied and run by a select number of people and professionals or dedicated people that was not too few or too many, while also porn not being to widespread. But ever since the internet and more modern technologies, there are far more people now than ever who actively and openly engage and participate in porn or making of porn art/hentai. That may be a good thing because more content and material to fap to. But at the same time it is also a bad thing because now there's too many and too much content, and some of that excessive content that has flooded the market is made by plenty of people who're just shitty and bad artists and bad writers. And some probably are plain bad people with evil malicious thoughts (rape, ntr, guro porn artists), at best they're probably just meanspirited and hate-filled assholes who're envious virgin incels and hate people who have happy successful and loving relationships. Thus, they create NTR and Rape to project their malice with very little to no thought for actual sexiness and eroticism.

Previous thread:

Older threads:

Welcome to the gangbang thread! Enjoy and share any and all women who believe the more cocks the better! Or women taken by force by a group, whichever you prefer.
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Is it from some VN?
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Yeah it's from the Motion version of the Nightmare project band games - where three of them got an official English 'uncensored' release.

vndb link to the first game in the series. https://vndb.org/v27385

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I'm dreaming of a cunnilingus
Just like the ones I used to know

>hetero only
>no 69
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Any progress on this?

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“Girls taking vanilla creampies. No Cheating/NTR*.
Human on Human** interactions only

*For the purposes of applying the rules, cheating corresponds to any and all sexual activity outside an estabilished romantic relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancées, marriage, or anything else). Sex between people who don’t have romantic partners constitutes the sole exception of this definition.

**By human on human, understand the characters gotta look 100% human, even if not human in their lore. The only exception is if the girl, specifically, has one unusual characteristic and everything else is normal, or if she is a -mimi girl. In the latter case, use the Nekopara cat-girls as a border of what is acceptable ─ anything less human looking is no longer acceptable (no girl from Monster Musume would count, for example; nor would Albedo from Overlord).

Thank you.”
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any tanned/brown and/or dark-haired girls?
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Post your doodles, and let the singularity take over.

Rules and suggestions:
>No stickman. AI doesnt recognize what they mean.
>Use colors, to help the model understand the doodle. (If you want monochrome, just put it in the description)
>Drawing good proportions is incredibly important. The models dont modify the position of articulations a lot, so take care of body ratios
>Draw background. An empty background makes hard to distinguish things like "laying down" from "standing up", for instance.
>Description. Tell us what it is that you draw, so we can modify the prompt to adapt to it
>Try your characters to take at least 60% of the image surface. The smaller it is, the more likely it will be messed up
221 replies and 172 images omitted. Click here to view.
https://akuma.ai/canvas is somewhere you can try this out quickly. You can also download krita for free and get this free plugin for it https://github.com/Acly/krita-ai-diffusion
I've NAI and pony, just haven't played with controlnet much and the results itt seem pretty good, extremely true to the OG and yet very refined.
feels like neither img2img nor controlnet would achieve it by itself but maybe im just behind since I last used cnet on 1.5
I am using this on 1.5 too anon. honestly not that bbad. I wish I could run sdxl fast so that I could get the instant lcm generation like i can with sd1.5. But I guess this'll have to do.
I get decent speeds on forge but only when using euler a. dpm seems to take ages
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Time for some justice. No bad ends here.
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Always great to see the evil being overrun by horny men that just want her body and nothing else
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??? how is she a villainess?

Old thread: >>7856969

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
230 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
Installer has this weird quirk where you need to compile it on the operating system you're exporting for. So I'd have to bust out my steam deck for native Linux support. Not sure if it'll work with wine or proton easily.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Could you just share the original python script for now? Linux users have python and can install the dependencies anyways.

I uploaded it to GitHub. The 4 py scripts are needed. They should be put in same place the executable was
bless you
I second with that for the poor Hentai Videos i really don't know why the Japanese culture it gots really awfull in the present like i usually like watching doujinshis and the quality are really awfull (even some of you when posts the images in the reply are awfull i don't know how you get turned on with those kind of awfull drawing but meh)...

Even that there are some good new Hentai Videos wich could use as Fap Hero materials (The short hentais one of the Detective, the one of the dude with a lot of girls in a tent, some hentai ova's of a couple where the girl start to turns out like a huge lasive slut (no ntr) etc.)

And im not against blender animations even im not against OW or DOA but if you look at Bastasti last proyect or even Q's Final Faptasy some animations (the ones of Resident Evil or Tomb Rider) are really awfull and for me those cant turn me on because the style of the girls or the scene for me its not so hot...

But meh i dont want to critize all of the authors because they really do a good job keeping up the scene in the present so for me each new Fap Hero who comes out im really glad that they still are people who enjoys doing this!

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Misa-nee supremacy.
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Can't go wrong with Alter or Ques Q, they are still the best figure makers nowadays.
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I love vanila
I love tall women
I love darkskin/lightskin
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I got the goods. Granted now I need to ship it back to myself and then find the time to scan it so it will still take a while. I had to set this pic up to post on the buyfag thread on /a/ and I don't feel like taking it out again to take more pictures. I have to travel a fair distance to mail all this stuff off
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Based beyond belief.

Because psychically active, sport playing teenagers are well-known for being very horny.
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Ebino deserves better artists. Not even Shiwasu no Okina was able to capture the sexiness she displayed in the source material.
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as a manga reader, one of the best things about the adaptation is getting more porn. Can't wait for izutsumi
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>no doujin of Laios fucking girls of different races for research
>none of the girls want to admit they like it but are willing to continue in the future
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On it boss!
They must be shown, kitty is for lewding
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Agreed, it seems some Twitterfags are getting pissy about it
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>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

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190 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
I like it when people who don't like and don't understand something spend long hours rationalizing instead of just asking.
Extra funny to think that people like you two piloted Exstasy and drove the project to the ground by a pride too strong to try and sympathize with something you don't understand.

Anyways in case you actually DO want to understand why Gacha games are so popular allow me to illustrate you
You can just open a browser or open an app and play them within seconds
>Short gameplay loops
You get to decide how invested you want to be, be it the type who clocks in with dailies or grind likes madman
Like it or not, people love gambling, love the thrill of suspense whenever you roll the Gacha. It's a bit closer to trading card game where you're not trying to get monetary value but a sense of personal value.
>tied to a brand that you like and often expands it
A continuous live service is often the best way to expand on the world of a series, particularly when the primary medium is a game that
Even games that have original characters and storylines the focus is often on world building, which a lot of poeple like for the sake of it.

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Never understood why you’d have a brainwashed Shiranui then nerf her by giving her a significantly worse weapon that goes against her skills..
Is it possible to extract CGs and JSON files even when I don't have the character unlocked?
Keeping her identity hidden from nosy taimanin intruders I assume.
Orc Cum: Strangely nutritious

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