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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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Why don't you just buy your books from Amazon?
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Even Barnes & Noble is better for readers (and writers) than Amazon.
Because Amazon is spreading globohomo throughout the world and seeks to destroy all culture and replace it with AI slop.
Because I buy them from Thriftbooks for a fraction of the price and receive rewards points for doing so. Anything I can't find on Thriftbooks I buy from Amazon or download from libgen, though.
Amazon is just a marketplace with a bunch of stores and usually you get a good price. Just saying
I like the excuse to get out of the house and peruse the bookstore downtown

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If your domestic ideology leads you to lose a war and causes such controversy that it effectively discredits right wing political movements for a century or more and you look large in the minds of most modern people as the pre-eminent bad guy of modern history, I’d call that a political failure.
Outside of everything else, I've always felt communism was doomed to fail for one simple reason: it's bad at long-term propaganda.

Even working at its best, communism is a system that encourages people to blame a single party - the government - for absolutely everything that goes wrong. Not like in America, which (rightly or otherwise) diverts blame between the public sector and hundreds of different private actors.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out which one is going to build concentrated resentment in the long run - not just from the little people but from the ones directly running the system, too.
they all look so american, whats up with that?
You don’t know any Americans personally, Hans. Stop lying. You have never been outside continental Europe.
That book seems out of print unfortunately. I guess I’m gonna have to pirate the thing.

Post your favorite art edition
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It's okay, Preston is writing it for us
literally who?
Is George's legacy cooked if this shit remains unfinished? Or can this series stand on its own as is?
Said it before but I strongly believe this is the best fantasy series ever written even in its unfinished state. Nothing old or new compares and I think it will be a very long time before something else comes along that's as good or better.

I don't care if it gets finished, but unless George dies in some horrific car or plane accident then I don't see it not being finished. People can make all the jokes they want but it's clear he is working on Winds and he's got another 10-15 years before he's probably too old to work on Spring.
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>Still, though a name can change, blood can't. And The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring were A Dance With Dragon's only trueborn successors. Until they weren't. On his deathbed, George the Unfinished forever earnt his epithet by canonizing all fanfiction, from the lowly erotic AO3 slop to the great schizo theorycrafts of noble YouTubers, including Preston Jacobs and David Lightbringer. Fittingly, George's last act was to thrust himself into the fandom and feed and seed chaos.


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The U.S. publishing industry is driven by celebrity authors and repeat bestsellers, according to testimony from a blocked merger between Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster. Only 50 authors sell over 500,000 copies annually, with 96% of books selling under 1,000 copies. Publishing houses spend most of their advance money on celebrity books, which along with backlist titles like The Bible, account for the bulk of their revenue and fund less commercially successful books.
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Money is tight for a lot of people these days, so spending upwards of 25$ on a book that may or may not be good is a risk a lot aren't willing to take. Combined with cheaper audiobook services, many are moving to those sorts of platforms.

Myself, Ive made a pact that I won't buy a book that I can't otherwise get from the library. Its a patient business but the amount of money Ive saved in the year, combined with the amount of books Ive read has been monumental
Before I got into "the business" of books I used the Library system.
You can get almost any book if you can just wait a little bit. Most states have large college libraries and such in their library systems and they will snail mail (or whatever they do) any book in the system to your local library.

Small local libraries have pathetic collections typically, but have access to the entire system's reserve of books.
I know most of this is because everyone is illiterate now but it certainly doesn't help that publishers are now ultra woke racists that literally won't even read your manuscript if you're a white male. Not publishing good books AND only ever marketing books for women effectively destroyed 50% of the market (men). If sci-fi was still held to basic standards I think it would do a lot to stop the perception that reading is only for women
I'm guessing 99% of the best sellers are genre fiction, self help drivel, YA and kid books.
yes selling is lying and manipulating. The only thing which counts is the PnL.
This is why a society base don commerce like democracy is going to shit.

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"AI hack seething" edition

Previous: >>23306393 (Cross-thread)

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ (embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC (embed)

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Simple guides on writing:
>[YouTube] Improve your Writing: Show, Not Tell (embed)

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How many of you write while collecting unemployment?
Legitimately evident as compared to falseably evident, what might appear to be evident but in reality is not.
As well, denial is a relevant reaction to most anything real or fake.

I would have thought the most issue would have been taken with the latter half of the passage.
Cripple. First story so I had no idea how to properly structure it. I also wanted to do one of those long webnovels to just get as much experience as I could before moving to other stories.
I've written a few short stories on the side and won two small contests, so this isn't the only thing I've ever written.
No harem, and the MC wasn't isekaied into another world. Though, there are other beings who did come from another world.
Also, no litRPG crap. It's just a fantasy story.
If what is evidently something can actually be something entirely different, then it was not really evident at all. And "falseably" isn't even a word. You can't just make up your own vocabulary and definitions and expect people to pick up on the fly.
One can be mistaken on the matter of evidence, to describe evidence as legitimate assures it over the illegitimate or mistaken.

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What's the point of philosophy? Aren't you just reading the opinions of other people?
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You’re supposed to create your own, but I think you lack the insight to do so. Good luck, though.
>I like reading the opinions of other people if they’re worthwhile, that’s why I read the Economist.
One day we'll convince them.
>anti-white cat

I don't want to hear your opinion on philosophy anymore.
it eventually evolves into something useful. it is hyperstition. it brings itself into existence
Yeah. But a lot of other people have interesting opinions that you would have never conceived on your own and can change your entire worldview and daily behaviors.

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Does the Quran just resonate with people better? Christianity is dying while Islam grows. Does this settle which holy text is does it's job better?
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>three hundred million
>one thousand
>one thousand three hundred millions
3*10^8 * 10^ 3 = 3*10^11 = 300,000,000,000 = three hundred billion

you're the retard, retard
This is bait. Islam is not growing, it's getting eviscerated by liberalism. Muslims in Western countries are completely whitewashed, they identify more as being Arabs than Muslims, hence the hostility towards Pakistanis. The Qur'an resonates with no one who has read it and possesses a slightly above average IQ. Unfortunately for the Muslim world, inbreeding is rampant and it has made them unintellectual brutes, so Islam survives. The Bible is beautiful, the Qur'an is the work of a rambling schizo who blatantly contradicts himself at multiple points because of "abrogation". Utter meme religion.
Islam is not a serious religion
One thousand three hundred million is 1300 000 000. That's 1.3 billion.
nigger what the fuck? explain who you got that by writing it out in powers of 10.

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Elephant anon here,

I was at the donation store and found an old looking bookcase that had the original key.

I took it home for free and did more inspection and cleaned it up.

Turned out it is a Berkey & Gay glass fronted barrister mahogany bookcase (1895-1930) based on the maker's plate on the inside.

It cleaned up really nice and there's still more restoration to do.

What did /lit/ find this week?
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Collecting old books sounds cool, but in actuality is sadly extremely gay. Congratulations with your find.
Nigger the story was first published in 1908
You’re not the Dunsay autist from the forums are you? If not he’s going to have a fit because he doesn’t own this.
I’m in bed now.
What forums?
Human foreskin
>gets made fun of for having shitty shelves
>makes an entire thread to post about furniture he found at Goodwill
Holy shit you're insecure.

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He is constantly proved right by history, how does he do it?

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Look, I’m a Redditor. This is my first day on 4chan.org.

I did not know which board to go to so I picked the one that seems to be the least racist and the most peaceful, Literature Board.

I have been seeing a lot of pictures of Hegel on here and as a Redditor and a communist, I know he is very important to our movement.

I want to understand him more deeply and his philosophy.

Can you explain to me to the best of your ability, the importance of Hegel and his book the phenomenology of spirit and its impact to philosophy. Thank you.
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As much as /pol/fags seem to hate him for no obvious reason other than he has a speech impediment and hardcore leftists hate him for his politics his work is essentially THE reading of Hegel for most of continental Europe today. Like it or not the man is a respected academic with influence and as long as you steer clear of his obviously pop-philosophy books you’re in for an extremely lucid rendition of Hegel. It’s only Americans that read Brandom and Pippin and subscribe to their bastardizations of Hegel.
>no obvious reason
other than his obsession with cocksucking soros and greta thunberg, and his absolutely retarded, supposedly communist dream of living around racial strangers completely alienated from everyone as if that isn't already the de facto experience for anyone living in a big city.
But when it comes to hegel I have nothing to say.
TL;DR Consciousness itself is the sole subject of history. Subject/object is a a false dichotomy, it really is just consciousness/consciousness- reflected into itself. You/me, slave/master, being/nothingness, thing-for me/thing for itself are similar false dichotomys and all contain an impicit or hidden third term between them which disolves their dichotomy
I don’t like him because he sniffs a lot and I autistic audiosensory issues so I refuse to engage him. That’s life, I guess.
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Start with Beiser's German Idealism, then his Hegel book.

After him, there could only be two kinds of philosophers: Humeian philosophers and wrong philosophers.
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>I just gave an argument for why you should doubt the existence of a physical body being responsible for your sense perceptions
That is completely irrelevant to the issue of phenomenalism, we are not discussing objective realism.
Instrumentalism does not posit the same principles of phenomenalism, non-observable, non-perceived entities are completely fine in instrumentalist view, they are justifiable in some way, whereas they are not in a phenomenalist point of view.
>implying experience is "assumed"
Experience is simply experienced, and is only made possible by this presupposition of causality. Spiteful twat.
I’m the one arguing against Hume’s phenomenalism, but what are you talking about? What is presupposed in an immediate sensation?
>That is completely irrelevant to the issue of phenomenalism, we are not discussing objective realism.
Phenomenonalism is the claim that our domain of knowledge is restricted by the senses. I gave an argument that generally undermines knowledge that isn't obtained by the senses while preserving some knowledge obtained by the senses. It just so happens that some knowledge that is claimed to be justified by the senses, like the existence of separate objects supposed to be causing our sense perceptions, are also undermined. Nonetheless the phenomenalist thesis that our knowledge is restricted to the senses is maintained.
>non-observable, non-perceived entities are completely fine in instrumentalist view, they are justifiable in some way, whereas they are not in a phenomenalist point of view.
Instrumentalists don't believe that the success of scientific theories sheds any light on whether any non-observable entities posited by those theories are true, which is a position a phenomenonalist can also take. The justification for non-observable entities in scientific theories for the instrumentalists is that it is useful to posit these theories, not that these theories indicate what is true.
Again, the hypothesis of the brain in a vat is an issue concerning the metaphysical problem of the correspondence of perceptions and the elements of these perceptions as they are in themselves. The issue here, however, does not regard these elements as they are in themselves, it is not a question of the transcendental cognition of objects, but simply of what is not observable yet is in experience. We do not observe, we do not have the perception of electrons in what is given as the sense perception of light. But these electrons are separate objects, not from experience (in themselves) but separate from what phenomenalism gives as the only justified knowledge, the images of senses.
> success of scientific theories sheds any light on whether any non-observable entities posited by those theories are true, which is a position a phenomenonalist can also take
Phenomenalists have no reason at all to consider scientific theories concerning non-observable phenomena. But instrumentalists can justify them by their reference to what is observable, it is a very different take.

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Hegel? Heidegger? Plato? Aristotle? Who?
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>It’s funny because your take is the low IQ take. The triune God and Christian theologians overcame every philosophical problem that’s ever been posed, including modern ones
This is explained by Augusto del Noce. In short, pre-Christian theology solved the problems of the pre-Socratics onward and the of post—Christian modern philosophy is actually not a refutation of Christian theology but is rather just a refusal to engage with theological questions, a mere choosing ignorance as the epistemological basis of philosophy, which is obviously a game for midwits.
very interested in Kierkegaard, where should I start
What is "world working" even supposed to mean
Madhusudana Saraswati is probably the greatest

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How we dreamed of all the great things we would do? Where did it all go so wrong bros?
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Get a life
Poor little dream keeps trying to come true.


It's over for most of us here.
stop dreaming and start planning. stop complaining and start doing. it's never too late to walk the path you were born on.

Aside from academia, what daytime jobs do authors usually have or used to have?
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short-order fry cooks

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