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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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I just finished Chapter 6 of Shadow of the Torturer, I’m completely immersed. It feels like I’m actually in Urth looking around, I literally saw the library in chapter 6 like I was in Elden Ring or something. So far it’s 10/10 for me, going to read probably 2-3 more chapters today.

That being said, I wish there was a place for uneducated adults like me to talk about the books we are reading. Shadow of the Torturer is literally my first book I’m reading as an adult and for enjoyment, would be nice to shoot the shit with people like me instead of everything having to be some mega mind academic argument.
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You are doing what I’m planning on doing, tonight I read 3 more chapters. I wait for like 12-2am when my home is dead quiet, even unplug my router so I don’t hear the fan. I’m going to go to Walmart and look into a very dim reading light, I’d like to drop the brightness 60% during my reading sessions for immersion.
>Urth of the New Sun
Read it at your own peril, but if you hate it remember the publisher forced him to write it.
I see people being negative about urth a lot and I never really got it. I’ll admit the opening was a bit boring but I don’t believe any of the answers it gives diminishes the previous books in any way. It’s just different and doesn’t pretend to be a direct sequel like the previous books
I’m about to read my book!
Thank bros.

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how can the native speakers of the spanish language ever recover from the harmful words of their singular muse?

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This is your favorite author, /lit/?
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>The 16 year old child
The fact is that the majority of men find 20 to be the peak age of attractiveness. People pass as a range of ages and as 16 year olds have gone through puberty, some of them will be in many peoples strike zone. Pedophiles are attracted to children, childish traits, and childlike features.
I feel about this much the same as I did about the Alice Munro story a little while back - the fact that he has lived experience of the morally grey things people can do probably helped contribute to why he was such a great author rather than detract from it.
>t. bad artist
t. a good artist
Say that to Melville.
You are not even an artist, you are a simple fag. There is a difference.

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Stephen Hawking argued in his book ‘The Grand Design’ that the laws of physics allow for the spontaneous creation of the universe. Where do you stand on this debate?
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That's how science works. We discover new things by the day. It's understandable to not like something that changes. Most people, religious people much rather have a set law of the world that never changes, or, most people follow Religion for it's moral teachings rather than an explanation of why the world, the universe, etc is what it is.
In 1.14 God declares that he will make lights מָאוֹר in the firmament. In 1.15 he makes them. Then in 1.16 it specifies what they are, two great lights הַמָּא֤וֹר and the stars כּוֹכָב. Then in 1.17 it reaffirms he sets them in the firmament. The stars are light. They are not being confused.

That precipitation comes from clouds doesn't answer the question of where that water comes from. The clouds balancing has nothing to do with water cycles, its the physical conception of balance, as in how he keeps these objects suspended in the air.
which is why science is gay. anons will shit on you but this is a correct answer according to science believers. if the how never answers why, then science is not the answer to the fundamental questions of existence and reality. these laws of the universe aren't actually laws either. they are how we make sense of what we perceive as reality and they do explain a lot of how's, they also allows guys like Hawkins to hand wave away the idea of a grand architect from his high horse, which is wrong. the universe is not science. Hawkins knows science but he can't tell you why about shit, but he makes you believe he can. I believe in science but I also believe in the mystery and possibly of the great architect.
>It stretches incredulity
Because people in antiquity never believed in anything incredulous, and i'm not even dissing religion with that statement.
>The stars are light. They are not being confused.
You're giving me the runaround now. The book of Genesis doesn't quite say what you said back here >>23982067 Specifically, the firmament (atmosphere) is where the light OF the stars are placed, not the stars themselves. That would be a really dumb misconception, anon, to confuse the light of the stars with the actual stars, considering they both have their own word. The light coming from the stars, sun and moon are a separate noun compared to the objects themselves. That's part of what I've shown. The light of these objects is what is made to appear in the heaven, i.e. from the perspective of a viewer/witness who is watching at the surface of the earth. Based on how this conversation is going I take it that you also do not know about the time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 either. Even though it is readily inferred. Oh well, anon.

>That precipitation comes from clouds doesn't answer the question of where that water comes from.
That's all it needs to answer, anon. You were saying biblical cosmology requires that the windows of heaven be a solid dome firmament as if they did not know that clouds carried rain when that's obvious. When they refer to the windows of heaven, it's an equally valid way to refer to the process of condensation followed by precipitation. The air can hold quite massive clouds, since (in a sense) it is "strong," but if that vapor starts to condense due to reaching saturation, you know what happens. Genesis chapter 1 and Psalm 148:4 (quoted before) describes this as the waters that are above the heaven, and is correct to do so. The firmament is created when the clouds are separated from the ocean in Genesis 1:7, with the air between them being "firmament" or "heaven." It's really not that complicated to understand.

The empirical method is fine for what it does but as you point out, it completely lacks teleology. The matter of teleology or the question of final causes, is left to other philosophical pursuits. I personally believe that everything that exists has a purpose, a "telos." Some are more proximate than others, but the highest and ultimate final cause is the glorification of God, so I hope we have accomplished that here.

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"Plant Chorus" edition

Previous: >>23970146

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.
(And maybe double-space your WIPs to allow edits if you want 'em.)

Simple guides on writing:

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i'm kind of there too, like just strip things down to something more basic

oh, like have it be like a more direct punishment and follow the story from there.
How do you receive feedback to help improve your writing if you write a lot? It takes a proofreader or friend some of their spare time to go through and find errors before presenting their critique. So how does this work if you are a machine, cranking out thousands of words a day, or multiple practice pieces/ short stories a week? They won't be able to keep up unless they have no obligations and are constantly around to help.
try something like https://www.scribophile.com/
or chatgpt...
I wake up an hour and a half after my alarm goes off, knowing I’ll miss my class but wanting to spend the day on campus anyway. It’s a rainy day, the first of the winter, and the roads will be wet and dangerous. I hydroplane throughout my hourlong commute, my car lurching and shuddering every few moments. I find a few books of interest in the library and determine to stay there reading until closing time, eight hours later. After 45 minutes I get a text from a girl. She wants to know if I made it to campus okay. I tell her I did, and that I’ll be in the library if she wants to say hello sometime. She comes up, and tells me to come with her to the college’s science club. I let myself be dragged downstairs into that room of false friendship and half-smiles. I sit down next to the 28 year old blonde with half a dozen mental disorders (that she’s disclosed to me) and let her talk about herself for the next 5 hours. I hold onto her for dear life, like a man lost at sea clings to a piece of driftwood. Once we are ushered out I go back upstairs to read for the next hour until the library closes. I hydroplane back home through the dark storm, make myself a sandwich, and lie in bed writing this, vaguely disappointed and absolutely drained.
Does anyone here have experience uploading to royalroad? I was wondering if my formatting actually mattered if I'll be copy pasting it into their website later anyway.

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Are old Playboys actually /lit/?
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Nigga there's no magazine anymore, it's just online pics and videos like Femjoy, MET-Art, etc.
Nigga sell them on eBay and make some scratch.
Believe it or not, I used to go to Playboy to find who was being interviewed and who were writing the articles; usually the top people in their respective fields. The rest of the magazine was secondary.

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So like, what are the Buddhist books? I've read Journey to the West and I've watch all of Dragon Ball.

Fun books? I don't give a fuck about philosophy, morals, religion, history, facts, fuck any of that intellectual shit.

>pic related for example
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This post is hilarious
Oh huh, this guy actually used Swedish-German as a pejorative in a bit. Here I was assuming rightoids loved him for some reason other than that they simper over famous people paying them the tiniest crumb of attention at 10x the rate of any liberal.
Norm was not a rightoid
He was a radical centrist and a chaotic neutral agent who pretended to pander to any audience as long as it was funny
Rightoids are less likely to pick on that subtlety so they adopted him
By modern leftoid standards he was very much a rightoid and his disdain for limpwristed egalitarian butthurt and puritanical DEI cancelations was palpable. Does making fun of women, gays, blacks, and retards not make you a rightoid?
Is that how you define a right winger lol

All people read today is vapid romantasy crap. Or I should say all women because men apparently don't read anymore. They just play video games, listen to podcasts and wank.

Where are the Hemmingways? The Pynchons? Where is the Dostoevsky of the digital age? Looking back it was kind of a short run and it makes sense. The age of the writer was sandwiched between the invention of the printing press and the internet. We have Mark Twain to McCarthy and that's it.

The only contemporary writer I like is Murakami which may signal (just like in film) a cultural shift to Asia as the American empire fades.

It feels like the end of an era.
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He looks like he hides 70s kiddie porn zines I'm his desk and hires teenager male prostitutes.
Latins and Germans kneel to the Greek übermench
>Britt said that the state police and the FBI were after them at one point – McCarthy feared being found guilty of statutory rape or in breach of the Mann Act, which criminalises trafficking
He could as well be. Has been writing very mediocre books for a really long time now. What was his last great one? Mason and Dixon?
>motel pool
based nigga writing his life into his books

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>(Wonderstruck, calls inaudibly.) Rudy!

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are you patrician?

>favorite prophet
>favorite composer
>favorite poet
>favorite novelist
>favorite philosopher
>favorite playwright
>favorite director
>favorite painter
>favorite architect
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>And I think Wagner has missed his calling, he should've been a symphony writer.
Retarded Tchaikovsky opinion.
>favorite prophet
>favorite composer
>favorite poet
Don't have one
>favorite novelist
>favorite philosopher
Rothbard, Aristotle
>favorite playwright
Don't have one
>favorite director

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>favorite prophet
>favorite composer
>favorite poet
>favorite novelist
>favorite philosopher
>favorite playwright
>favorite director

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I'd smoke a cigarette with you.
>favorite prophet
>favorite composer
>favorite poet
Wa—alright, Petrarch
>favorite novelist
>favorite philosopher
>favorite playwright
>favorite director
P.T. Anderson

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hello frens, is the canterbury classics edition of shakespeare's collected works (picrel) adequate for a first time reader of his plays / poems? if not, is there a /lit/ recommend edition?

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Is he a sociopath?
No. Chirag had it coming.
pretty regular middle child.
it's probably seems self-centered because its a personal diary.
whats the argument that he is one?
He's like 12

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Nearing December means nearing the new year

Anyone planning anything specific for 2025? Any deep dives? Rereads? New books?
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Plutarch‘s Lives is probably going to be a big focus for me
I've got a couple of Buddhism works and some classics for the start of the year but that is about all I have planned
Making my own game. That is more free than books.
Wanted to reread Septology around Christmas. It was the best book I’ve read this year and it takes place around Christmas

On Christmas Eve I want to read Gogol’s short story of the same name.

I’m going to reread Proust soon

I want to reread Joyce in a straight D-P-U line and then maybe tackle the Wake

Probably half of my reading is rereading these days. New books I mostly choose on a whim so I don’t really plan those ahead
I'm hoping crypto continues to skyrocket so I can retire in a few months and be set for life so I can read as much as I used to during lockdown.

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