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WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump on Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

Jackson was elected to Congress in 2021 and is one of Trump’s most vociferous defenders on Capitol Hill.

Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, has made questioning whether the 81-year-old Biden is up for a second term a centerpiece of his campaign. But online critics quickly seized on his Saturday night gaffe, with the Biden campaign — which has long fought off criticism about the Democratic president’s verbal missteps — posting a clip of the moment minutes later.

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment that Trump took includes remembering a list of spoken words; listening to a list of random numbers and repeating them backward; naming as many words that begin with, say, the letter F as possible within a minute; accurately drawing a cube; and describing concrete ways that two objects — like a train and a bicycle — are alike.
Trump later said that he had to remember and accurately recite a list of words in order: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.”


During the same speech in Detroit, Trump also referenced a video clip widely circulated online in Republican circles where Biden is seen during the recently concluded Group of Seven summit in Italy watching skydivers land with flags from different nations.

A cropped version of the video shows Biden stepping away from the leaders, turning his back and walking in the other direction. He flashes a thumbs-up but it’s not clear who he is gesturing to. A more complete angle of the same scene, however, shows that the president had turned to face a skydiver who has landed.

Trump nonetheless seized on the video clip, falsely describing Biden turning around “to look at trees,” drawing laughter and hoots from the crowd.

The Biden campaign issued a statement dismissing the clip as misleadingly cropped and accusing those disseminating it as “tampering with the video to make up lies.”
>Johnson appointed two hardline Republicans, Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Ronny Jackson of Texas, to the powerful House Intelligence Committee earlier this month. The move quickly sparked backlash, as some view the two lawmakers' blemished records as posing disqualifying conflicts of interests with the committee that bears heavy influence on national security and foreign policy.
>Most people think Biden is senile
...but more know that Trump is retarded. And Knowing is Half The Battle.
literally fake news
>A more complete angle of the same scene, however, shows that the president had turned to face a skydiver who has landed
>Trump nonetheless seized on the video clip, falsely describing Biden turning around “to look at trees,” drawing laughter and hoots from the crowd
Satan comes up... ahem... trumps.
Trump conspires with the Russians, of course he'd conspire with Satan.
Hell, he's a near perfect match for the Anti-Christ.
I am voting for convicted felon Donald Trump and I'm willing to bet most other people are too.

Trump got 72 million votes in 2016. For four years all we heard from the media was about what a crappy job he was doing and how he was the worst president in history. Four long years of this.
So he got 82 million votes in 2020.
He will get 90 million plus this time around.

We aren't being fooled by the media.
Also literally fake news: 1304752 (and yes, I do know how to use '>>' before the retard responds in its usual retarded way)
No (you) soup for you, retard.
We aren't being fooled by a subhuman Trumptard that uses a Reddit space in its post.
>Getting 10 million more votes after he destroyed the economy and killed so many people with his failed Trump Virus Response
We were looking at voter fraud in the wrong place.
yeah, you are correct.
Trump got 62 million in 2016 and 74 million in 2020. So the increase was even greater than posted.
Nope, you are being fooled by your own willful ignorance. As Trump called his followers, useful idiots.

Trump told you just last week “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote.”

He keeps telling you he is using you, if you don’t see it at this point it is on you.
>Pretending like Trump's moral character or deeds as president have anything to do with the reason people vote for him
B-b-but that's out of context! It was only a joke!
Of all the things that are going to end Trump’s career, this is the most likely one
>it's a "Bidenshills pretend everyone can't see Biden isn't a walking vegetable 10000000x worse than whatever cognitive decline Trump has" thread
>pretending trump had cognition to decline from
Many such cases.
still the better candidate
>Trumpfags not realizing how much of a dunk it is on orangeman that a walking vegetable managed to pass 10x more pieces of legislation and go more than a week without one of his inner circle being fired and charged with felonies.

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