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The stream of indictments for democrat corruption is never-fucking-ending.

Politico describes the latest felony indictments of 6 democrats: a powerful corrupt democrat powerbroker, a democrat mayor, and 4 other accomplices as an "atomic bomb"


An ‘atomic bomb’ just fell on one of America’s most powerful party bosses

One of America’s most deeply entrenched political machines is finally coming apart.

New Jersey political insiders struggled to come up with big enough words Monday morning morning to describe what they were hearing: The state attorney general was about to indict South Jersey Democratic power broker George Norcross, one of the most formidable and fearsome operators in state history, on corruption charges.

“Earthquake,” one told POLITICO. “Atomic bomb,” said another.

Norcross ruled much of New Jersey for decades and, at his peak, wielded power rivaling governors — shaping elections, legislation and the political careers of Democrats across the state.

His indictment is just the latest in a series of political shockwaves that have struck New Jersey over the past year. Sen. Bob Menendez, another powerful political boss held in awe by lower-level political players, is in the middle of a corruption trial. And that comes just months after a federal judge struck down the “county line” — a tool long used by New Jersey’s political machines to suppress intra-party challengers — for the 2024 Democratic primary.

Norcross was charged along with his brother Phil, former Camden Mayor Dana Redd and three other longtime associates. The indictment alleges a dozen years of extortion and other corruption by the “Norcross enterprise” at the expense of a downtrodden city located across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. (Another Norcross brother, Democratic Rep. Donald Norcross, is not facing any charges).
“George Norcross has been running a criminal enterprise in the state for at least the last 12 years. This alleged conduct of the Norcross enterprise has caused great harm to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, the people of the state of New Jersey and especially — especially — to the city of Camden and its residents,” state attorney general Matt Platkin said at a news conference — with Norcross, uninvited, sitting just feet in front of him. “That stops today.”

Platkin, who has not run for office before, is among a younger group of progressives like Fulop, Rep. Andy Kim and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka seen as potential reformers of the state’s political system. Although Platkin has not publicly expressed ambitions for elected office, a bill in the Legislature would bar him from doing so for three years after leaving his position.

Norcross lashed out at Platkin afterwards and demanded that a trial start in two weeks.

“I want Matt Platkin to come down here and try this case himself,” he said outside the attorney general’s office in Trenton. “Because he’s a coward, because he has forced people in this building to implement his will.”

Decades of influence without holding office
Norcross, a 68-year-old insurance broker, has never held elective office. But he’s been one of the most influential figures in the state since the early 1990s, able to channel millions of dollars for his chosen candidates and against his political enemies.

Norcross forged alliances with governors of both parties — most notably Republican Chris Christie, who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
And Norcross held huge sway over virtually every member of South Jersey’s state legislative delegation. Super PACs with close ties to Norcross have often been the top spenders in New Jersey elections going back a decade. Meanwhile, his insurance brokerage, Conner Strong & Buckelew, profited from millions of dollars in public work across the state.

Norcross was also childhood friends with former Senate President Steve Sweeney, and virtually every South Jersey Democratic state lawmaker past and present owes their election at least in part to Norcross’ fundraising prowess. That has given Norcross immense bargaining power and a seat at the table for some of the state’s biggest political decisions. His power increased immensely shortly before Christie was elected, when he and Sweeney put together enough votes to oust longtime Senate President Dick Codey, a Norcross foe.

Many politicians feared crossing Norcross.

“He was a guy who never lived a day smiling,” Codey, who retired in January after 50 years in the Legislature, said of his former nemesis Monday.

“It’s about time, and New Jersey is a better place without people like him who think running the government is what they should be doing even though they’re unelected,” Codey said.

Another Norcross critic, for a time, was Gov. Phil Murphy. Murphy, when Platkin was his chief counsel, hired an outside law firm to investigate the Christie-era tax credit programs and Norcross’ influence in both shaping and generating them — much of which is featured in the new indictment.

Norcross and Murphy would later set aside their differences for an uneasy political detente. Murphy even raised money for Norcross’ super PAC earlier this year, and Norcross’ political machine backed first lady Tammy Murphy’s aborted run for Menendez’s Senate seat. But Platkin, who broke with the Murphys when he refused to defend the county line in court against a lawsuit by Kim.
In 2019, when the Legislature convened a friendly committee hearing that gave Norcross an opportunity to push back against the Murphy administration’s tax credit investigation, Altman was forcibly removed from the room by State Police as Norcross looked on.

“It’s a little bit of a sad day for Camden. It sort of proves what we knew all along: The people of Camden were far down the line of constituents who were considered when these plans were being hatched,” Altman said. But, she added, “it’s an opportunity and a moment for change in New Jersey, for accountability in politics, and to replace old party structures and old power with people committed to the public good and public service.”

“It kind of confirmed that we’re not crazy. For years, people just thought we were doing some conspiracy theory stuff, but funny how lately every so-called conspiracy theory is actually true,” Dickerson said, "It's like they throw around that term to discredit investigations into their wrongdoing."
Good clearing out the Mafiacrats is good for the country.
If only we could excise the entire mafia gone political.
>If only we could excise the entire mafia gone political
>Trump had dealings with the Mob
They got Gotti:
Teflon wears out y'know, Don. July 11th...!
A Doomsday Device of Republican Destruction: >>1305166
Yeah das rite we democrats are corrupt and you’re not gonna do shit about it besides whine online lmao
Does anyone really care that a campaign LLC received donations and spent them on campaigning tho
Well, the Repubicans have hitched their rickety red wagon to a golden heifer on a hill they want to die on, so you tell me. Also...:
>Does anyone really care
...your reply. So again, you tell me.
What mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with? I'm genuinely curious
>What mental illnesses
...what meds-needing rightists with mental illnesses say when confronted with those who dare go against their precious opinions
Now watch it say 'No u', 'You're a schizo' or anything else...!
ngl democrats are corrupt af
ngl republicans are corrupt af
>Thread posted about DNC corruption

>proceeds to whine about GOP and engage in whataboutism

I love this board so fucking much.
>engaging in DNC whataboutism
It's what so great about this board, the triggered party of law & order bots and felon enablers whining when their own side's wrongdoing is exposed
>the triggered party of law & order bots and felon enablers
So, republicans?
Good post
Good posts
Bad post
W-what? The sodomy-loving, baby-killer communazis aren't actually the good guys?
I don't believe this article exists!
It depends on if you're far right enough to call Chris Christie a democrat
Good post
What's the gag here? Are you blaming this on Christie?
And the infighting is pretty intense. Are you OK Democrats?
The gag is modern conservatives claim to dislike democrats but they don't even know what a democrat is. They think anybody left of Trump is a democrat. The democrats in their head are like comic book villains with no grounding in real life.
How did you get this indoctrinated?
Additionally, this isn't relevant to the topic at hand which is Democrat corruption case number #99,999,901.
>Asks a question
>Gets an answer
>Has no argument
>"Oh, well, this isn't even like, relevant anyways..."

Enjoy your L
>Democrats do a corruption again
The loser is you. You can't even enjoy seeing politicians indicted, without the law being change specifically to target them, just because the have a D next to their name, because you have a D down your throat.
Enjoy your D, faggot.
>Enjoy your D, faggot.
Faggot Repubs have dick on the brain. They're obsessed.
>Norcross forged alliances with governors of both parties — most notably Republican Chris Christie, who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
>Enjoy your L
Really???Please explain where the "L" comes from.
The thread is titled " An "Atom Bomb"of Democrat Corruption " but you post about what you think Republicans think a Democrat is and you somehow think you've won an argument that nobody but you is talking about.
Please stick to the topic of the thread and not the crazy unrelated fantasy going on in your head.
You are not living in reality, I suggest you either stay of the internet or go and speak to a psychiatrist. For your own sake.
Just so you know,The Democrat party is corrupt and so is the Republican party. I wouldn't vote for any of them also Trump is a fool and so is Biden. None of them have my interests at heart.
its time to start breaking bones of democrat voters
>Prieto’s defense attorney, in requesting his pre-trial release last month, argued that the federal government had not presented adequate proof that his plot wasn’t more than fantasy
It's time to deny Rethuglican terrorists of their right to have opinions. Just ask one such subhuman just like >>1305289, Mark Adams Prieto. That thing will probably be leaving prison in a box: and for the crime of having 'just a fantasy'. Good. The '...in Minecraft' meme status: destroyed.
It's time to deny terrorists of their rights: just ask those in prison after 6th January 2021.
>>1305289 the schizo needs meds.
>New Jersey political insiders struggled to come up with big enough words Monday morning morning to describe what they were hearing: The state attorney general was about to indict South Jersey Democratic power broker George Norcross, one of the most formidable and fearsome operators in state history, on corruption charges.
Even the article clearly describes this corrupt man as a Democrat
Then you aren't reading it well enough.
george norcross was like a boss in new jersey. now he became a piece of shit , the democratic party of new jersey getting fall down maybe?

and also can i know what kind corruptions and illegal activities he has done recently or before?
>South Jersey Democratic power broker George Norcross
Oh I think in reading it quite clearly.
No you really aren't
>Norcross forged alliances with governors of both parties — most notably Republican Chris Christie
Really gotta say, this thread is like Fukushima with all the libshits meltdown happening
You say this every time you lose an argument.
Who is supposed to believe this?
all the imaginary libs in your head melting down about a literal 'who?' mayor in a small city being stopped by actual progressives instead of equally corrupt co-uniparty republicans
Taking credit for things done by progressives is a standard conservicunt tactic though, so you're running your playbook correctly. You get your shilling credit.
If you could pause on your melt down for a moment, this is politico describing this as an "atomic bomb".
It's apparently a big deal despite your attempts to downplay it
>this MSM site that I usually insult is calling it a bombshell, you should care about it!
I don't give a fuck the opinions politico or other MSM websites inject into stories.
This is a story about progressives taking out corrupt uniparty members identifying as both democrats and republicunts.
But you see bombshell, D bad, and your monkey neurons start firing and you chimp out about a story you don't understand. Because you're a shill.
Wow. you need to take a breather anon, calm down
>George Norcross
Reading about this guy, he's actually a member of the DNC. Not just a voter, but an actual committee member of the DNC
So is Chris Christie according to you
I think you need a doctor. I've never come close to even implying that
I'm not sure there is a "gag", reading the thread, I think they are going off the rails here
Lmao this guy's actually a superdelegatehttps://ballotpedia.org/George_E._Norcross,_III
He's one of the dudes the DNC uses to help rig their primaries
How does one even become a "superdelegate"? Do you have to win some sort of corruption contest? The whole purpose of superdelegates is to overrule what the voters want, I'm amazed democrats are in a party with this sort of mechanisn
Or just a retard
The thread title proves you wrong
The "gag" is the guy worked with both parties and Chris Christie, as the article says:
>who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
The rest of this thread is chuds kneejerking about "democrats" when it's literally just a mayor and a lobbyist
Or he's right
>The thread title proves you wrong
The thread title says nothing about Chris Christie you bot
Holy shit you are dumb
>when it's literally just a mayor and a lobbyist
The dude was a fucking member of the democrat national committee and a superdelegate.
This isn't a *literally nothing* like you are trying to spin it to be
Good luck trying to spin the mayor of bumfuck new jersey and a lobbyist into being "Democrat corruption", I'm sure a boomer somewhere will believe it.
>The thread title says nothing about Chris Christie you bot
That's the point, moron, if the op wasn't a disingenuous republican faggot desperately trying to spin a bipartisan crime into being democrat corruption then this thread probably wouldn't even be here.
Retarded Bots
Maybe you should send your opinion to politico and tell them why these "atomic bomb" corruption charges don't matter
The man at the center of this is member of the DNC for fucks sake. Everyone arrested is either his relative or a democrat politician.

You are doing a shit job into trying to spin this into a bipartisan problem.
Facts aren't opinions.
The man at the center of this is Chris Christie
>>who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
>Facts aren't opinions.
Then I guess you better tell politico you are right and they need to update their article with your version of events
>The man at the center of this is Chris Christie
Once again, I guess you need to contact politico with your version of events and tell them to update their article and put Chris Christie at the center rather than George Norcross.

Maybe you need to contact the doj as well with your expert sleuthing results and tell them they charged the wrong person with a crime
>>who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
Read it over and over until it sinks in.
So.. Chris Christie is not accused of any wrong doing here? It's seceral democrats who are accused of wrongdoing?

Thanks for clearing that up
>and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
Norcross wouldn't have been able to do what he did without Chris Christie's help. Understandably this contradicts your failed narrative about the corruption being only from democrats, but facts don't care about your feelings.
All your arguing is that someone passed a law which this democrat broke. That is exactly what your text says.
>who was arguably his closest governing partner
Sure chuddie
He's not accused of wrongdoing by anyone except you, schizo.
The article accuses him of working with Norcross to invent an exploitable tax credit system. You can cry about it and call me schizo all you want but it won't change the facts of the article.
So once again you claim a Republican made a law and a Democrat broke it
Thanks for clarifying that yet again
>corrupt uniparty representatives are caught and being charged by new progressives
But any reason to say DEMS BAD like a good little robot, huh?
The Republican made the law specifically for his friend, the democrat, to exploit. Watching you try to spin this into "Democrat corruption" is hilarious though, keep trying.
>The Republican made the law specifically for his friend, the democrat, to exploit.
Source? Nothing in here says he made it for "his friend, the democrat, to exploit"

It literally says he made a law, and then a democrat broke it.
First of all it wasn't a law it was a tax credit system. Secondly, Chris Christie and his administration made the tax credit system in such a flawed way specifically so his democrat friend could exploit it. I know how desperately you need to find something to blame on democrats, but you need to look elsewhere since republicans are just as responsible for this story as democrats are.
>Norcross forged alliances with governors of both parties — most notably Republican Chris Christie, who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross and his allies to design the tax credit system that Norcross is charged with exploiting.
>Christie and his administration made the tax credit system in such a flawed way specifically so his democrat friend could exploit it.
>"Democrat power broker and DNC superdelegate indicted for felony fraud" really means it was a secret corruption plot by Republicans
Only on /news/
>The indictment alleges a dozen years of extortion and other corruption by the “Norcross enterprise”
Is Chris Christie the mastermind behind the Norcross Enterprise?
>, who was arguably his closest governing partner and whose administration worked with Norcross
Since he co-invented and enabled the tax scheme he took advantage of, literally yes he is.
You better let the doj know your schizo theory, they are missing the real mastermind behind Norcross Enterprises
Tell it to the guy who wrote the Politico article OP posted, which you apparently didn't read.
In reality, nothing you are implying is supported by the article.

The point you could make, which is supported by that 1 sentence blurb cherry picked from an entire article is that Christie, while governor, was lobbied by Norcross and then Norcross later broke the same laws he may have lobbied for.

At the end of the day, even if your unfounded conspiracy theory is true, it only accounts for up to 8 years of the "dozens of years" of corruption by Norcross
Nobody is accusing Christie of wrong doing except you.

Ffs, you literally said that Christie was the mastermind behind Norcross Enterprises. Take your conspiracy theories to the doj if you think they are founded.
you should retake lying 101
Conservative shills are getting BTFO in other threads so they try to ressurect this badly spun story.

It must hurt them deep down that Progressives and Democrats are behind the push to charge Norcross. Republicunts wouldn't do it because they're part of the Norcross-Christie scam at the center of all this.

Go Progressives and Democrats, the hero of this story and the only one with balls to actually take on corruption. Republicunts taking credit for Democrat plans can go fuck themselves.
Lmao you are retarded anon.
There were 6 people indicted here for corruption.
How many were republicans.
They were all democrats!? ou don't say...
Libshit headcanon is wild.
Tell me more about how Chris Christie was the mastermind behind the Norcross Enterprises.
Do you have one of those diagrams up on your wall with everyone's picture and Chris Christies in the center with pins and string making a web?
Name one Republican in the article that supports indicting Norcross.
Everyone behind charging him is a Democrat and a Progressive.
>closest governing partner
Considering he was governor for 8 years and the indictment names "dozens of years" we are looking at at least 20 years where Christie had nothing to do with this DNC superdelegate and his corruption.

Also, nobody has accused Christie of wrong doing except you
>nobody has accused Christie of wrong doing
Keep taking credit for things Progressives are doing, chud
Republicunts don't prosecute corruption. They nominate their corrupt. If you're corrupt and a rapist you can even be their presidential candidate.
Oh please, you idiots would blame it on republicans if the article said his wife's closest gynecologist was a Republican

There hasn't been a single republican implicated or charged for any of this, just a DNC superdelegate and all of his democrat buddies
Yes you are trying extremely hard to do that.

Let me give you some advice. You are desperately trying to spin a story of a DNC superdelegate and 5 other democrats being arrested for corruption as some sort of "republican plot".

Nobody will ever believe you.

You are better off just saying something like "I'm glad corrupt politicians are being arrested" and then moving on to posting some stupid culture war article about gay monkeys or violent immigrants, or whatever the hell it is you post to distract people from important stories
why are you pretending you're against corruption? your preferred candidate is a felon
You're trying desperately to make this an anti democrat thread.
You're cheering on progressives.
Thank you for being more liberal. This board needs people like you.
Now *this* post is projection.

Take the advice you were given, bud
No, we're two fellow progressives against DNC corruption, cheering on the Progressive Attorney General Matt Platkin and Democratic Governor Phil Murphy taking out the trash.

Surely you're not a conservicunt who didn't read the article? An ignorant faggot programmed to say 'dems bad' pretending that their party has taken any action against corruption?
Anon, one of you was calling this a republican plot and stated Chris Christie was the mastermind running Norcross Enterprises.
>another anonymous poster was saying things!
say you're a tourist without saying you're a tourist
Ffs shut up retard.
A powerful fucking democrat and all his buddies got indicted for decades of corruption schemes.

Deal with it bruh
keep chirping, tourist
>exposed as a redditor
>tricked into supporting progressivism
All you're doing is digging the hole deeper
Is this what happens when you libshits run out of debate? You just go off the rails?
You really need to stop posting dear. You're embarrassing yourself.
You seem to have nothing left to say in light of a major DNC superdelegate was indicted for corruption with all his buddies.

How does it feel being the party of corruption?
This conversation is literally what happens when DNC shills run out of script
no we start making threads with made up article text. oh wait, that's you.
I'm proud of the progressives in the article that are tackling this corruption, but you're ignoring that because you're a tourist shill.

Its been explained to you that the article points out the tax credit scheme Norcross exploited was created by Christies administration at Norcross's request, which you dismissed because you're a tourist shill.

Then you got BTFO exposing yourself as a tourist, and you're raging out and defaulting to your programmed 'dems bad'

This is a story about Progressive victory over corruption with both D's and R's. As a progressive voter, I'm winning. But please, keep celebrating progressive victories. You're still welcome despite being a retard.
Chris Christie
>autistic screeching intensifies
Chris Christie
>autistic screeching intensifies
Chris Christie
>autistic screeching intensifies
dont care, still voting biden
>How does it feel being the party of corruption?
>prosecuting corruption = corruption
deep thoughts from retarded shills
Good post
The libshit is melting tf down
This is truly a pleasure to witness, lmao!
>Prosecuting corruption = lib meltdown
I don't understand how you managed to make this sound like a win in your head
I'm also going to give Old Scranton Joe another run. You don't change horses in midstream!
Anon, any time 6 political scumbags get hit with corruption, it's a win.
That's why I'm glad this DNC superdelegate and his buddies are all indicted on felonies
>Anon, any time 6 political scumbags get hit with corruption, it's a win.
Well, its a win for liberals, not for conservatives. Everyone gets to watch conservatives enable and support corruption while they watch liberals cut it out of their party in real time.

>That's why I'm glad this DNC superdelegate and his buddies are all indicted on felonies
Literally nobody disagrees with you.
Everyone can celebrate a Progressive/Democrat victory, even Republicans who didn't participate in building the case or indicting Norcross.
Now *this* is spin lmao
ok but Chris Christie
>Democrats find corruption
>Democrats prosecute corruption
>Conservatives find corruption
>Conservatives nominate corruption for president

A small child could follow this chain of logic
Illiterate ESL?
Its literally the article
>Its literally the article
The fact that a DNC superdelate and 5 other Democrats are being indicted for decades of corruption?
Yes, it is in the article.
If he did anything illegal, I'm sure he'll be indicted as well. Not sure why these proud progressives wouldn't indict a guilty conservative as well
>If he did anything illegal, I'm sure he'll be indicted as well. Not sure why these proud progressives wouldn't indict a guilty conservative as well
This story smells like oppo research on a theoretical Christie campaign someone was saving just in case. But for all we know Christie himself was a corroborating witness, the grand jury isn't going to tell us.
Well, the tax scheme was created by Republicans and signed by Christie.
And it was a Democrat who broke the law and is going to jail.

I'm all down for Christie going to jail as well if he broke any laws, it just doesn't seem to be what happened tho
Republican-enabled Democrat, but don't let that stop you shillbot
No ones arguing with you. This is a progressive victory.
>American Monster Party looses one of its top mob bosses
Let justice be done though the heavens may fall
I'm at least happy that the conservatively-biased justice department are cleaning things up
good, I live in NJ and all the dems and anti gun shit is just part of the political machine. notice murphy is only going after the fucker now that he is at his term limit since it was norcross who got him elected in the first place

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