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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Wait what am I coping about? Let's be clear, my country is funding the country that is several times smaller than yours in land mass, gdp and population but is still giving you an insanely hard time and butt fucking you so hard that you have to resort to trying to make people think youre doing better than you are on 4chan.

In the mean time, you claim you've only filled 15k civilians in Ukraine as collateral. Obviously bullshit, but let's assume that's true anyways. How many Russian civilians have Ukraine killed in this conflict? We both know it's near zero.

So again, comrade window-faller, no one is buying your koolaid.
>literally the same missile attack launched 2 days ago
truly, nothing ever happens
its been an hour, whats happening?
very shit optimization, frame rate all over the place on my i9 9900k+3070ti combo, has to compile shaders EVERY TIME YOU START THE GAME for some reason, playing around with basic setting requires reset, which yet again compiles shaders, and didnt really help with frame rate
the game itself is decent, but enemies seem to detect me from too far IMO, maybe i just suck
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So nothing is happening except depletion of air defences in preparation for an actual real missile strike in....2 more hours

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>salty anon who has never understood the tech salty it went up when he said it was gonna crash
Relax dude. Future money is cool to me. Im just joking. I bet i have more future money than you anyways pleb
certainly plenty of people do
That’s due to endless printing you can’t print Bitcoin

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Previous: >>489088283
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council, you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition and you acknowledge that the Golan Heights belong to Syria

>Biden allows Ukraine to use ATACMS within Kursk region - https://archive.today/90wAD / https://archive.today/9LF0k
>Ukraine to face power cuts after massive air strike on power grid - https://archive.today/QnCzq / https://archive.today/qxSoK
>Russian forces organizing logistics, ammo delivery in Kupyansk - https://archive.today/nUnwr
>Russian forces storming Kupyansk outskirts - https://archive.today/ssNos / https://archive.today/Pfl1o
>Zelensky unhappy over Putin-Scholz call - https://archive.today/nxKUc / https://archive.today/0zuFu
>German Chancellor Olaf Scholz calls Putin for first time since 2022 - https://archive.today/nfukZ / https://archive.today/5hImV
>North Korea to start mass production of FPV drones - https://archive.today/y28mN

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no it was just gay parade.
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This is what the racial breakdown looks like in 1940"s, we were basically one of the earliest globohomo mass immigration experiment by Bongs.
Add million Chinese from Singapore to form Malaysia while mainly Chinese maoist commies burning villagers alive and things go to shit. Only the sharia ban on genocide were holding back the angry folks and at the peak of a riot the Chinese police fought Malay army in Kuala Lumpur.
Best of luck to westerners, better not let things get this bad.
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>trump is in office and ordered russians to be killed
new eglin narrative just dropped
Oh lmao, that would explain why he was willing to see thru threads for hours. Scammer genes at work

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Who was behind the blatantly astroturfed social trends of yesteryear like "Black Lives Matter" and "MeToo" and "Kony 2012"? And don't tell me "jews".
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BLM is literally owned by George Soros and MeToo was about scapegoating a few bad apples so Hollywood's widespread casting couch policies weren't exposed.
Black fatigue has reached such a critical point that any attempt at another George Floyd or Freddie Gray will be met with instant backlash, it's why they don't even try anymore.
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>Who was behind it?
Some really old Semitic guys.

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WTF happened?
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China's space station is fake kek
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This is what your average christ cuck actually thinks
Do not be fooled by larpers on pol
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shut up kike>>489102480
white people are tired of being plagued by your constant yapping
Normie christcucks are less cringe because at least they acknowledge the shit is derived from judaism instead of self-inserting as the jews
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i would do anything to be in a room with one or literally all of you kikes i would go full rip and tear.

fuck you
is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

>becomes the main antagonist of Western society and the Internet overnight
No one saw this coming, no historian could've predicted this.
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That would be my state which is Kerala.
>t. european who blows their own people up every 50 years
Poos who want fairer skin (all of them by the way) resort to this poop treatment.
Modi built his entire political career around the idea of a Hindu Rastra because his girlfriend cheated on him with over a dozen Muslims. He is nothing like Trump.
He has no girlfriend. Hindurashtra is reaction to Islamic oppression.

Should we revive fashwave? I feel like it's about time the dar right gets /aesthetic/ again.
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Isn't that what fascism is? A fusion between longing for the past with a revolutionary future? After all, fascism was heavily influenced by futurism, and art movement heavily focused on disregarding the past and accelerating future progress.
Yes sure but they have to presented in such a way that they are exciting and "edgy" to ignite passionate support.
Did you see the glowies on /k/ tried to coop this for muh nato wave.

Fuck NATO. They should be bombing orcexico back to the stone age if they were on our side
It never died
>but they have to presented in such a way that they are exciting and "edgy" to ignite passionate support.
It shouldn't. This is only the case because zoomies and gen alpha were raised on immoral youtube slop that also rotted their attention span and appreciation for finer things

When will women wake up?
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7 A.M
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No way. No way that is the same girl.
Never, they're women.
hit up the nursing homes, bro
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idk but she should be careful with that sharpie

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>Like something from a science fiction movie
Say no more.
The person who came up with this ad does so much faggot assfucking on meth that they said, "fuck the car man, show them about my assfuck urban lifestyle man. I'm so fucking high right now." Should these people be put into positions of corporate power?
Elon is icky now they shitlibs have a new company to buy electric car
Real nigga hours. Let's fix this shit now that the degenerate amerikikes are sleeping.

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Seriously what's with the Russian simping? I get not caring about Ukraine but why worship Putin so hard?
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>hurr durr if I copy paste corpo smear stuff again that will do it
Retard no shit they are going to smear him when his videos crush their whole narrative where you born yesterday?
Yeah, Putin might be calm and rational, but kind is the last word I'd use to describe him.
In America Jews rule through deception whereas in Russia they rule openly and with the support of the public. They do not need the illusion of democracy, whereas here they do.
Also Americans hate our government while Russians worship their government.
>fake ass troll
Did you have a look at Biden and his bunch of stooges lately? Or any of the Euro dumb fucks like Macron, Scholz, Starmer?
it's ok anon I've already confirmed with this >>489100862 that in fact there's no "neo" nazi in Ukraine and we can safely glass that entire hellhole and the nazi to hell, finally, fuck going easy on these literal subhumans by their own definition.

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Poor guy is having quite the hard time over at Bluesky. I hope he feels better soon.

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>triggered jew
apologies, I meant to say he needs your ovening
Is that actually a Rob Reiner troll?
Nigger I said he's been irrelevant for 30 years, and I hope he's able to step away from Hollywood and recover from propaganda

You're the kike that deserves to be shot in the back of the head for not understanding the points other people are making. Learn what greentext means and what it's used for, learn how to comprehend words that you read, and then literally kill yourself
Even Kenny Hotz is losing it on jewtube, calling his fans fascists and worshipping trannies. A timely reminder that there are no good jews
just release it...
you know...

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Is college actually worthwhile nowadays or are skilled trades better? I'm leaning towards a trade but it seems to me that every tradie secretly seethes because they have no degree
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Truckers get all the anonymous gay sex they can handle
If you have to ask, then no college isn't worth it. Here are some reasons for post-secondary schooling:
You want to pursue a profession that more or less requires a degree (medicine, engineering, law, etc).
You are passionate about research and want to pursue academia.
Your parents are rich and you want to kill time while hobnobbing with other rich children.
You are athletically gifted and got a sports scholarship.
if you can get a free ride go. If you cant then its not worth money at this stage.
im on my second free ride curtosy of the australian tax payer. wagies are paying for me to read books and relax in student accomodation with free access to roasties. I thank God every day
A stem degree combined with some other type of degree like finance or law is the super combo that will get you rich. You still have to apply the knowledge though and do something with it. It takes a long time but this is the path to true wealth. I own my own business, make.my own hours and am making more money than I've ever made.

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It is jidf, go into trades comes from jewish conservatives like prageru
nurse is literally a tradie job, upper tradie but tradie anyway, nothing academic or CEO-businessman type shit going on for nurses
Our bodies literally evolved to chase down prey, and bend/kneel down gathering food and materials ALL day, fucking dipshit enjoy being semi crippled at 40 from working a sedentary job where you sit around rotting all day.

Fucking retard.
It is? Oh.
Well, my brother also got accepted into University a few years ago. He dropped out though.
This is officially a faggot thread.

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There is no evidence that anyone living in Anglo-Saxon England ever described themselves as a "pagan" or understood there to be a singular religion, "paganism", that stood as a monolithic alternative to Christianity.

These pagan belief systems would have been inseparable from other aspects of daily life. Anglo-Saxon paganism was "not a religion with supraregional rules and institutions but a loose term for a variety of local intellectual world views."

In Anglo-Saxon England, neither paganism nor Christianity represented "homogenous intellectual positions or canons and practice"; instead, there was "considerable interdigitation" between the two. As a phenomenon, this belief system lacked any apparent rules or consistency, and exhibited both regional and chronological variation.

Anglo-Saxon paganism was a "world accepting" religion, one which was "concerned with the here and now" and in particular with issues surrounding the safety of the family, prosperity, and the avoidance of drought or famine.

Anglo-saxons were simply "not Christians", the Pope in the early mididle ages, teamed up with Charlemagne in the Frankish territory and they then started persecuting Anglo saxons. Politically, this was necessary for Romanizing the Germanic people through the adoption of Christianity.
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le "anglos saxon king if you convert to Christinatiy you get some hot sexy loans from da pope

>Anglo-Saxon paganism only existed for a relatively short time-span, from the fifth to the eighth centuries.[40] Our knowledge of the Christianisation process derives from Christian textual sources.[50] Both Latin and ogham inscriptions and the Ruin of Britain by Gildas suggest that the leading families of Dumnonia and other Brittonic kingdoms had already adopted Christianity in the 6th century. In 596, Pope Gregory I ordered a Gregorian mission to be launched in order to convert the Anglo-Saxons to the Roman Catholic Church.[51] The leader of this mission, Augustine, probably landed in Thanet, then part of the Kingdom of Kent, in the summer of 597.[51] While Christianity was initially restricted to Kent, it saw "major and sustained expansion" in the period from c.625 to 642, when the Kentish king Eadbald sponsored a mission to the Northumbrians led by Paulinus, the Northumbrian king Oswald invited a Christian mission from Irish monks to establish themselves, and the courts of the East Anglians and the Gewisse were converted by continental missionaries Felix the Burgundian and Birinus the Italian.[52] The next phase of the conversion took place between c. 653 and 664, and entailed the Northumbrian sponsored conversion of the rulers of the East Saxons, Middle Anglians, and Mercians.[52] In the final phase of the conversion, which took place during the 670s and 680s, the final two Anglo-Saxon kingdoms to be led by pagan rulers—in Sussex and the Isle of Wight—saw their leaders baptised.
>why does the word "God" come from Odin's name
It doesn't, the word god comes from IE ghuto, which means "to call upon", so a god is someone being called upon.

>and why are the days of the week named after Norse gods
Because of 19th century romanticism.
shutup jesuit agent, you are the one believing fairy tales. The pope poisoned all the Kingsof Mercia minds in the 7th century, then there were drunk irish monks why would the english believe drunk irish monks
A claim so retarded that it's easily refuted on its own grounds. England was the birthplace of Thelema and Wicca, you might think both religions are gay but refutes your gay ass
Why are the names of the week and the word for "God" from the Norse pantheon?

Why don't you convert to Judaism if you want to be ancestrally Jewish so bad

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Okay people like to shit on Jewish or black culture but can we a tleast admit that white culture is equally as fucked? Like what is with white people getting on a plane with a sniper rifle to murder random animals and shit. Like what benefit does murdering a giraffe do?

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>that's what he got from my post
I explicitly started and ended with my thesis: Glorifying individualism in our ancestors is a trap way of thinking because it undermines the collective tribal effort that went into accomplishing tasks like killing a deer.

Thinking a caveman would be impressed by a rifle is obvious. But thinking that the caveman is some kind of Rust tier god who built an entire base and killed hundreds of animals all by himself with 0 help from his community is so abysmally retarded that it's unfathomable to think of
Good hunt sir
Guess what? The meat they produce rots and the hides they produce deteriorate. Each killed animal has a shelf-life of usability. However, if the gratification of killing an animal provides you with motivation that surpasses the shelf-life of the meats and hides it produces, how could you call that waste?
White culture:
>The English Language (best language ever designed)
>Classical music
>Comedic banter/riffing
>Sour Patch Kids
Shut up OP
The benefits include, but are not limited to: the local community receives hundreds if not thousands of pounds of meat, the government that authorizes the hunt gets paid a shitton of money. Money that is likely much stronger than their own currency. A good chunk of that money goes to the game wardens that are in charge of the area, who protect the local animals from poachers that sell pelts/ivory on the black market while leaving the carcass to rot.

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checked who cares about this dumb nigger lmao
>Science rules!
>No I mean science should make the rules!

Where can I find an honest man? Has anyone seen an honest man?

Plz tell me Dolph didn't get vaxxed and hates trannies.
Nobody has cared about this faggot since he had that jewish woman sing that "sex junk" song on his show.

Dogs used to be cool because their owners werent complete npcs. Like 1 in 10 people had a dog. Now everyone and their mom has a dog, and you cant go an hour without hearing these neglected animals barking, howling, growling, whining, crying from every direction.
Their flouridated owners could not be more unaware of anything around them.
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They should be illegal in cities
Yeah, dogs used to be novel and well trained. Now they're everywhere, poorly trained (my neighbours bark most nights into the early morning) and increasingly dysgenic. Most "pets" should be killed and, especially the ones in the cites and suburbia. They're meant for ranches and rural living.
ive learned that i dont hate dogs and children, i hate owners and bad parents. Both dont have boundaries for the thing theyre responsible for, and society is gonna be a more sociopathic shithole then it already has become, its gonna get so much worse when kids who bang on walls without being told to stop but also arent being taken outside at all by their lazy parents are gonna end up turning the gears of society.
innawoods and dying by bear seems like the noble end.
It's because Aayyys are cats.
There really should be some mental tests and licences to own a dog
Most owners are retarded

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Jay Leno beaten nearly to death, and the interviewer was immediately there to force his eyepatch up for the humiliation ritual.

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Guy has left the public attention for quite some time. Only semi salvage his reputation and relevance with his car show. Now if you said he was in debt I would believe you l, but a handler. Nope
You posted this gay shit twice. I think you might be projecting because there's zero relevance to politics and it's not like Leno is some high up politician, but sure let's just keep bouncing kike and jew back and forth so you can slide the threads on actual issues. Fuckin Rabbi Dildowitz. I'll be sure to call you a fag on your other equally irrelevant post
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Oh, looks like it slid. Can't wait for this one to do the same.

Herbed and snitched on. Faggot.
>guy in his mid 70s falls

damn Clinton hill got some mean slopes!

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