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what THE FUCK is muslims problem?
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fake mossad theatre
you're jewish
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Muslims are the scum of the Earth.

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As Israel loses more and more support around the globe, the Zionists are doubling down on the God's Chosen People Schtick.
A plan that requires an act of God is a lousy plan.
Magical thinking during a crisis never ends well.
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With jews, you lose. Simple as, even jews know it now.
supposedly iran was next but something went non-kosher
the iraq war was initiated by jews in the PNAC crowd, specifically to defend Israel

>[Zelikow said] the ‘real threat’ from Iraq was not a threat to the United States. The ‘unstated threat’ was the ‘threat against Israel’, Zelikow told an audience at the University of Virginia in September 2002. ‘The American government,’ he added, ‘doesn’t want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell.’

yes, really
this board is crawling with fucking jews
like filthy cockroaches
running in and out of their rape tunnels

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Just so long as it isn't Palestinian life.
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Shit I think i see one in the back there watch out op.
In his defense, I don't really care about shitskins either. But it's good to reveal to everyone how shitty kikes are.
Palestinians care even less about Palestinian lives; they brought war upon their obvercrowded ramshackle nests.
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sometimes ya just gotta genocide a bunch of filthy goyim
wtf i like Mike Pence now

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Trump paying for his crimes finally
where’d coomerpole go
Do you think being less than 1% of world population picking fight with rest of the world is a good idea?
Luckily you’ll get stabbed my a migrant before any of us die.
I left cancerfornia in August 2021, I'm much happier in Fuckoffwerefull now

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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Is this the same “British Intelligence” that said Saddam and Quadaffi both had weapons of mass destruction?

Until relatively recently the UKFCO had NO RUSSIAN SPEAKERS IN IT.

Just let that sink in.

They had also not even had official contact with Russia for at leat a year.
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looks like I win again by default with dogshit genetics retards giving up the fight

they're not designed for combat or intelligence, sad, they don't have the tenacity to carry it on no matter what
Kys, rusnigger shill.

There's just no point arguing with a turd who spams the same shit and declares victory with no logical argument. You are no different than a liberal with TDS.

Time to shut down HAL.

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Lol Globohomo is in deep shit
1 week before the EU election this was the worst timing for a mostly pissfully Migrant to chimp out
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Hilarious how Hohols and Nafo Trannies are hiding behind the Z flag
Because the police are your enemy.
Those two officers did everything right.
>First policeman moves in on terrorist, but see the guy in blue jacket attack the man restraining the terrorist
>First policeman points towards blue jacket guy, directing second policeman to stop him
>Second policeman tackles blue jacket guy, but the terrorist has already broken free, forcing the first policeman to step back so he can draw his firearm
>First policeman doesn't have a clear shot and moves to the side, but the terrorist has already managed to stab the second policeman in the neck before being gunned down
Those two officers acted quickly and correctly, while 7 other officers just stood there watching. Those two officers weren't even the first ones on the scene, yet they jumped right into it doing the right thing.
Abra abra cadabra, I want to reach out and stab ya.

How do you chuckle-fucks keep falling for this shit?

Adderall is such a terrible medication. How come a YouTuber as big as this one is allowed to advertise it to kids like this?
Are there no guidelines on YouTube that prevent shit like this from happening?
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I was also a CS major. My interest alone got me through for a while. I was absorbing the material when I managed to study but I simply couldn't get through as much as my peers. At least not until I started taking stimulants. It's been a decade since then and I haven't stopped.
what stimmies do you suggest and what dosage? right now i have modafinil and caffeine in my blood. i'm an occasional smoker and sometimes ingest 2mg nicotine gums for microdosing. no "dust" or any form of meth/amphetamines yet.
god i talk like a junkie
Most retarded political shit on the internet is fueled by adderall and amphetamine psychosis
>why is the court eunuch allowed to do the bidding of the court

are you retarded? do you really think the 'top' youtubers are there because they are talented people making heckin content? They are ALL paid shills. Their job is to shill.

Yeah it's horrible

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What's the song they used in that YTMND with the secret Nazi forest with the swastika trees? I can hear the song in my head but the lyrics were always just a blur of random words.
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Spic here living in the US. I hate immigrants, I own guns, I pay taxes, I like football, hot dogs and drive a NA V8. Sadly my parents brought me here and I’m a stranger in my own country but someone would do the same in the US and sing a song in English about expelling immigrants, I’d gladly join them. I’m American, I identify as American. I love this country and its values, my wife is American, I know about American history and ideals. Nothing irks me more than seeing fucking other immigrants hanging their stupid fucking flags in their cars and saying shit like “Que viva Mexico!” Or “te extraño mi Tierra Colombia” if you like it so much and miss it so much then go the fuck back.
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Reddit is better than this website by miles

The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.

Plus Reddit lets you sort comments by popularity, that way I'm always guaranteed to see nothing but the best content, as chosen by the community.

Here's it's just "first come first serve" like some disgusting rural cafeteria. I want my web content catered and curated, thank you very much.

4chan is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.

You probably all come here because you're failed Redditors who couldn't get any upvotes with their r*cist trash content.

As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.

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Rousseau didnt really ever answer the question. What does pf think of people who are born to 2 european parents, 1 is western european Christian, the other is ashkenazi jewish (the father, not mother so not jewish). The child was baptized at birth, looks and acts white, is a Christian, has never seen a torah or talmud, believes in pro white causes and advocates actively for them and identifies with european traditions and culture and thinks israeli dual citizens should be sent back to israel. Would a person like that be allowed to live in a pf america?

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there wont be a civil war
its all just a isekai for frustrated right wingers were they get to finally win after years of loosing on every front.
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That's a kike.
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you're right. It's going to be extremely uncivil.
yes it was very good however i wouldnt call it a isekai
The point of modern isekai is to transport the mc from his gay lame real life into a fantasy world were he is a untouchable master of everything that collects a harem.
In this way its similar to the rightoid fantasy of what the civil war will be were just like commies believe they will all be poets the rightoid believes he will be a rambo turbo killer.
The corporate media constantly promotes the idea of civil war in America. Most Americans intuitively know that the federal government in Washington DC is the source of most of the problems regular Americans have.
A civil war that consumes all of America and all of the pain, despair, misery, death and destruction it would cause would not address the root cause of our problems, the federal government in Washington DC.
America has laws against treason and corruption.
We simply need to enforce the laws America currently has to protect our Constitutional Republic from traitors and corruption.
The Biden administration and the US Congress have lower approval ratings than King George did before the American Revolution. US States and counties increasingly pass legislation stating that they will not enforce any federal law, regulation or executive order that infringes on Americans 2nd Amendment rights.
The vast majority of Americans hate the depravity, deceit and corruption that they see in the federal government and Washington DC. The federal government has lost the respect and consent to be governed of the American people. The crooks and traitors in Washington DC will deny this reality as long as they can.
There will be no civil war, no matter how hard the corporate media promotes it because no force of any size will fight for the corrupt traitors in Washington DC.
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I had to google this you weeb faggot kys

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just stop being fat and get good, newfags. This government has declared it, thou shalt eat fast food four times a day.
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they openly lie everyday and nobody cares kek
>bakes low effort thread
>expects others to carry discussion
>no link
The newfag is you.
Your brain is degenerated. YOU as OP wants bumps and attention. So the minimal effort is not to much to ask.

This and checked.
>safe and effective
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you fags got your link, are you gonna cry about it ALL day?

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Would you rather live in an all-white country with an ultra pozzed government (gays/trannies/feminists get all of their demands and the population supports this)

Or a country with your ideal government and social values where everyone besides you is brown and black?
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The problem is that race is a pretty good indicator of behavior. So a country with only brown and black people that would feature my ideal government and values would have very, very few citizens since black and brown people struggle with building and being part of something greater than themselves and generally not pillaging, raping, stealing, destroying everything in sight all the time.
The second one obviously.
Niggers and mudskins with halfway decent politics and social values worship whites.
They'll make me emperor in a fortnight.
My first action as Emperor of New Europa is to banish all non-whites to Florida with constant video surveillance to watch their shenanigans since the faggots canceled Cops.
Second action: Nuke Israel
Final action: Nukes Florida
>How important is race to you?
Define what you think "race" means in a rigorous, scientific manner, and I'll let you know.

I'll wait, OP. Go ahead and try to find a scientific definition.
Earth should be inhabited only by white people. Then make a country for each ideology. Wanna be a fag? Go to a fag country.
>implying if only whites were left on earth homosexuality wouldn't be eradicated in the first month

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This poor trans child has to explain herself in front of a bunch of old, white, christian men because you guys are out of touch from reality.

Let. People. Be. Themselves.
It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
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explains why there are so many redditards now.
That is one brainwashed kid. Those parents belong in jail.
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In most blue states, health insurance, including government health insurance, is forced to include "gender affirming care."
CPS should take that brainwashed kid away from those mentally ill parents.
There is absolutely no reason to promote any hormone use or surgeries for minors.
I don't care if a kid dresses up weird.
If a 4 year old is 'explaining' their gender to anyone then they have been groomed. There might be a sub 1% case where children who feel 'trans' are completely fucked up, but it's not worth 'affirming' unless you can be sure of it.
Modern doctors don't get to make that call. The individual you're interacting with does.

The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
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They like it more than men but are too retarded to understand themselves because redditors that never had sex tell them that female orgasms are supposed to make you comatose with pleasure

They have more nerve endings by a factor of 2, or 4 if you’re circumcised. If women ejaculated and not men, the roles would be reversed — no man would truly know they’re enjoying sex or orgasming.
It should clue you in on the fact that marriage is not a mere ecomical trade in which you get beauty and loyalty for financial security/status. Marriage is about finding a like-minded partner who will raise a proper family with you through good and bad times, which is really hard. You can either take this as a black pill or a white pill.
same happened to football player Kakà, christian, rich, handsome. his wife left him saying "he is just too perfect".
but it is something that happened even to the most handsome and rich man in movie industry. Vittorio Gassman was a tall, chad, cultured, former sports persone, who talked ancient greek and made millions with his movies yet he was a literal cuck who grew another man's son. Idris Elba is considered one of the sexiest black men in the world yet he was cucked in the most painful way: he found his baby was not his when he was born.
This should tell all you chuds and incels that *maybe* your incel theory of LMS is not working and a relationship should be nurtured on the long term.
>be woman
>[anything] happens
many such cases!
I don't get it, Gisele is mid. Yeah she's skinny and that counts for a lot in 2024, but she has small tits, no hips, and kind of a man face.

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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Don't care, still voting Trump.
Morons. You're gonna waste your vote over ideology. Please DO THAT

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I fucked a fattie.
but enough about ur mum
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I've never had sex. I'm almost 26.
Was it like the plapjacks going around?
Before we feel pity , are you white?

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remember you can post on 4chan when you're 65 after you're a grandparent and spending your teens and twenties here is probably the worst use of your time because those decades are important for meeting other people and starting a family. every week you waste posting here is one more week of youth and vitality you will never get back, and every political position you have is completely irrelevant unless you can manifest that into tangible change - which you can't since only a few rich billionaires get that luxury. this entire website and board makes money from you viewing it and engaging in it, and exists simply to give passive income to some japanese neet who is right now at a champagne bar licking some thai prostitutes toes.
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Sex (Anal), Gape then Evacuate
>everything i dont like is jewish

are you a greek philosopher?
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based bush enjoyer

Also I fucked this greek chick in my class, was a 7/10. nicest girl ever.. she tried apologizing because she didn't shave but yeah the bush is hot.
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believe it or not this did happevjkmn back in the 00's

It turns out all that "Chinese gutter oil" collected from waste was actually exported and bought by Amerimutts for the past decades

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How will you know its not gutter oil?
if it says kosher
I dont use cooking oil but i filter out the waste motor oil from my cars and lawnmower to use as fuel for my diesel pickup
Probably safer than the shit sold at grocery stores, if you can remove all metal contaminates
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Not my problem.

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Are niggers the weakest race of all time?
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They are physically, and intellectually lacking compared to the rest, yes. Maybe except mexicans. They have been heavily enabled by the plantation politics and strategy of tension by others, however. Rest of the world has a bit of a problem with usurped America atm. In most civilized nations, criminal population would not have been allowed to exist beyond a generation.
Unfortunately, Cold War dynamics and spread of communist-leftist agenda from early 20th century has agitated some anti-social trend and normalized it.
A lot of DEI hires in the government that really shouldn't be there if you want to restore this country. From the perspective of advanced 1st world nations, our country atm is morally and socially a burning dumpster fire.
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Yeah, you niglet bitchfagot, YOU USED TO. You are getting low T, people are upping their game to compete to BETTER your faggot old-timer niggers, other races are coming in and are studying the game with better training and body composition, medicine and nutrition knowledge has improved, and now you're getting your shit rocked and nigbitches like you are getting obliterated at EVERY opportunity and every faucet that you thought you were le alfa jeans in. You are a nobody.
Debatable. I would say niggers or kikes.
no that goes to pajeets, followed by most asians. physical strength is one attribute to blacks but they have no resilience and no real tolerance for pain. they are like wild animals, once the prey strikes back they flee
Yes, niggers are pathetic, stupid, and incapable of anything other than subsistence without white guilt. They need to be sent back to africa and left to themselves for the rest of human existence

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Russian antiZinggers, pop off a couple of nukes, to prove Zing wrong. We both know, (((you))) won't.
Pre revolutionary flag, I think
Yep. Not so common these days mind
Joy, more government in exile nonsense
If abbot runs for labour i vote tory simple as

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Why or how is Technology showing divisive content to people, then showing different User Generated content to either Women or Men underneath it which is further devisive?

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this thread is sponsored by skillshare
because tiktok is a jewish app larping as a chinese apo
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>social media
Why no one ever initiates criminal proceedings against Jennifer Psaki...
She basically violated all of my rights and intimacy with the help of her friends and didn't tell me about asylum there is a stamp on her passport around late September 2022...

I thought the anonymous hackers of this forum were le hecking awesome and she has information that willead to the arrest of the real perpetrators.
post a picture of yourself with user ID and timestamp and I, Jennifer Psaki will confirm your allegations with tits and timestamp in return. xo

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