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shitholes are now called not 3rd world, but "global south"
fucking americans and pc language

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>Russia ahead of China like it's Day & Night
Yeah I don't buy that
this but israel is red

The image that destroyed civilization
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What did natural selection mean by this?
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>smart people don't want to queef out wagebabies for Shlomo
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Is morality dysgenic?
Are low iq violent niggers actually ubermensch?

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Let that sink in...
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If you need to take a 500 mile trip are you going to fly, take a bus, take a train or drive your car?
On a bus you will be taking that trip with a bunch of poor stinky brown people.
Plane is the quick option and probably only 2-3 times more expensive than the bus.
Train would probably cost about the same as a plane if not be more expensive and be slower.
Car is what many people who aren't in a hurry will take so we can make pit stops and have fun on our little road trip while not being in the same vehicle as a nigger.
Want to go from Seattle to Minneapolis? Of course you have to go through Los Angeles and Chicago first. It'll take a couple of days and $800.
Or you could take one of the half dozen daily flights directly between those two cities for as low as $83 and it takes under three and a half hours.
lmfao, straight facts my brother from another mother. yt bois wearing masks is a dead giveaway that they took the gender pills.
We all have millions of nigger and boomer mouths to feed, Hans.
Where are you proposing any of us get the money to build such an endeavour?
Yes and if you're black wearing a mask in 2024 we all know that you're up to something.

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>i-i'm not like them saar!!

you're the same shit to all of us, mehmete
There's no narrative to change you inept fucking retard. There is a full video of said event. Schizo 4 eyed faggot mud lover
Interesting vid. So, the German cops waited and would still be waiting if not for the Moslem-cop bro.
No men in Germany and those bitch cops were fucking useless as a vagina on a stud horse.
An assailant could take those pony tails and just over the shoulder body slam them by the hair. I wonder if their scalp would come off or if their necks would break first?
>I'm too much of a fucking dumbfucking knuckledragging refugee to find the video but trust me it exists


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does anyone have more screencaps of women getting annoyed about this? i dont have twitter
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Go on, continue to imagine they have agency. See where that gets you.
without the fat rolls she's fuckakble. thats all im saying.
Cope you loser
The real icing on the meme cake is that the jak is either skinny or moderately built in all of them. Clearly a man who is dating and desperate/just getting a nut. Not a couple of tired old married people in equally shit shape.
I feel like I created this in some manifestation sort of way. I used to write stories when I was 12 around 2001 based on The Sims, wherein a porn star fucks one of her fans. I was accepted in these communities and larped as an adult kek.

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Nick Fuentes?
What happened? We were a socially progressive community which recognized white women as goddesses back in the days when Skyrim was popular. Now, every thread is, "I Hate Women So Much It's Unreal".
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all the time
every time i talk with an anti-Christian woman i hear tales of your impotence and i laugh my balls off
keep hating God, limpy
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Keep thinking about my cock dude. Deus vult!
Christians openly admit they don't come here because they like it, they come here to cause shit.
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>atheists will be based. REEEL ATHEISM JUST HASN'T BEEN TRIED!
your cock still doesn't work
how does it feel typing all this shit knowing that your cock is mushy and useless around the very white women you worship?
Who gives a shit you fucking simp, it's just an imageboard. You weren't doing anything of importance anyway.

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>>Been doing this for some years now so you have permanent white spots in your vision
>>Hands ache at 30 from early onset arthritis due to constant repetitive physical work
Yeah, these things don't happen if you take care of yourself.
I can't coubt how many times people just did at work without proper safety and I mean the logical ones.
>yeah it's a 100 kg deadlift, but who cares, I won't use the crane
>no need to use the visor for the welding I'll just squint
>clean flexing with steel wires? Safety squint it is!
my brother went to plumbing school, he's been doing it for 2 years so far and he makes 50k
Most non-academic/(actual) scientific jobs don't actually care what you studied, just that you have a degree. They aren't going on to be professional Lesbian Dance Theorists, they are going on to be middle management HR workers.
if you get into a union or start a successful business, its probably worth it

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>Lmao the fucking wording
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The cursed line of Southwest Germany. Every city is a shithole and each of these cities is drowning in brown people.
All of them will be minority German in a decade or so.

Graffiti everywhere, public transportation swamped with Pajeets, Nafris, Africans. Public housing blocks that look like something out of detroit becoming more and more common.

Southwest Germany is fucked.
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They are called counter-signal memes, from Ghoul. I know which one you mean, I don't have that one.

He's a similar one, from Wormwood.
If they do, it's fucking over.
American cops shoot people whether or not they're armed, that's why they're retarded but it also means that knife wielding retards are less likely to stab them. Also, a people that allowed themselves to be corralled like cattle during the vaxie days has no right to talk.
Why did the cop not restrain the knife weilder first instead of old weak boomer? How does that make any sense

What will 111 be??
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Global warming is sooo ten years ago. We survived climate emergency also. Now we're onto "Super hazardous weather". There's a YouTuber that gets literally a million views per video hyping every storm system in the country. It's fucking pathetic and he came out of nowhere there's no way he's organic
>It's actually pretty rare for minority groups to be wholly exterminated
Name one minority group that has been wholly exterminated. And no, racemixing doesnt count.
>cultural destruction of western society
That video just makes me sad. What caused him to become like that?

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>fuck around and kill 40,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and kidnap 10,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and starve 3 Million Muslims
>displace 3 Million Muslims in the past years on top of 5-6 Millions already displaced
>fuck around and justify genocide of Muslim country
>fuck around and glorify genociders
>fuck around and and deny basic human rights to Muslims
>fuck around and deny freedom of expression for Islam and demand Islam to cuck to political Judaism and radical Jewish terrorism
>find out and get stabbed
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muslims deserve to be buck broken

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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You know the rules here..
Middle’s tits are covered in pimples though
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So could say, men with huge dick n balls and a wafting werewolf scent wear these out in public? *cough *cough my dick stinks *cough. Ahem
This broad was built to be bred by highly melanized gentlemen
Why do these lunatics always have that enthusiastic cult member look.

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The Chinese Communist Party preaches that without the Party, China will be in shambles, in total anarchy and that the Han Chinese will be eradicated.

Taiwan existing as a Democracy with a strong economy made of majority Han Chinese is a literal antithesis to this entire doctrine.

The CCP cannot accept Taiwanese independence because it shows people "what could have been".
LOL! Yeah, that Indian border with China is pretty hilarious. China keeps getting their shit pushed in.
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Again? Really?
It's weird because I didn't think an entire nation could be a fag, but here we are. Good job China. You're the biggest fag there is.
>Chinks have no counter for the western anti-ship missiles that Taiwan has.
Enough cruise missiles to block out the sky.

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Schnauzers are good dogs.
Because things dont happen in a two week span nor do they happen in the ''public sphere''.

They happen in tre private sphere and the first sigh is a normalisation of some discution like ''there are too many migrant'' and such without any form of counterbalance since pretty much everybody understand that mass migration is the problem.

The best way to accelerate it is to simply talk calmly always be on your best since you prepresent said ideology. Dont go full 1488 but just say something like ''i do not believe that emmigration is a net positive for our country'' or ''too many migrant will not assimilate and create ghetto''.
You cannot be this stupid
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>And we should be doing as much as possible to accelerate it.
start with listening to these:


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Anyone that actually denies the Holocaust is on the same level to me as republicans that say “democrats are the real racists”. Aside from being retarded, what the fuck is the point of National Socialism if you won’t wipe out your enemies who are inherently subversive, parasitic, and at odds with your civilization? If Hitler didn’t work kikes to death, throw the unfit for labor into gas chambers, or have them shot by the Einsatzgruppen, and take every last cent they stole from the Germans back, even from their clothes and gold teeth, then what the fuck is even the point? He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine? Fuck you retards. The holocaust is one of the things Hitler did that wasn’t retarded.
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You read it howeverbeit
> He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine?
Yes. This is what he did. And that's why I'm not a Hitlerist. He was a romantic fool who didn't do what he should have done, which is exterminate the Jews.
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They're simply cowards. Rather than admit they admire the original nazis, they instead say that they foolishly helped the jews for no fucking reason and then they were oppressed in turn by a sweeping successful fake news campaign of the holocaust over the last 80 years in revenge. The reason's easy, it allows them to advocate FOR a holocaust. After all, I'm sure it's a lot easier to advocate it if you can prove that the jews actually are conspiring against the rest of the world/own all the world's governments, which is honestly a requirement for holocaust denial. All jews must be in on it too, since they apparently all gave false testimony.

And this is why this argument never held water. No real racist will vote left, it's just childish name calling.

Why can none of you ever tell the truth?
-The auschwitz pool was a water reservoir in Auschwitz I Stammlager. Stammlager held jewish prisoners but mainly Russian prisoners of war, Polish hostages, a women barracks, but not mass murders which was done in Auschwitz II. There is no evidence whatsoever of jews being allowed to use the pool, not in any testimony or documents. https://imgur.com/auschwitz-swimming-pool-QykBcbA
-Another commonly cited pool is one which was at the Novaky labor camp. The reason this one existed was that it was made by jews in the first place to appease the Slovakian government. Once the nazis caught wind they cracked down on them and closed the camp down. It had nice conditions because the jews wanted to provide meaningful labor to protect themselves while keeping morale high for the entire families that lived there as slaves. It was never the intent of nazis to provide entertainment, especially considering the subsequent destruction of the labor camp and everyone deported to nazi run concentration camps.
>Were jews exterminated
Undeniably so, still. If your only argument is that *6 million* weren't kiiled, you're still an evil piece of shit nazi, you know that right? "Oh they died from disease while I starved them in slavery, and it was only 1/10 as many as you say I starved, I'm innocent!" come the fuck on. Is that an argument? Your downplay is still a death sentence for all involved.
Check the big noses (not a complete list).

The EU’s Architects: Nazis and Nazi Collaborators


The Nazi origins of the European Union


Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union


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As Israel loses more and more support around the globe, the Zionists are doubling down on the God's Chosen People Schtick.
A plan that requires an act of God is a lousy plan.
Magical thinking during a crisis never ends well.
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It doesn't matter what color cow you set on fire. Isarel is still a failed state on American life support.
Neutorics, cultural or otherwise, never know when they've got the upper hand. They can never have "enough" of anything. They'll always go that extra step further into ruin.

This is why they will never achieve grace.

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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A "cold war" is one where nuclear missiles are NOT flying all over the planet like a kicked beehive, so, no.
is frotting or sodomy more gay?
Malaysia is a part of the Five Power Defense Arrangements (which includes Singapore, Malaysia, The UK, Australia, and New Zealand). And shares a military base with Australia and The UK. They have a strong security relationship with the U.S. as well.

Indonesia in recent years has strengthened their security relationship with Australia and improved ties with the United States in recent years.
Well, yeah. But Russia and the West hasn’t seen eye to eye since 2008.
I'm not so sure but I advocate for relocating Serbs on Kamchatka, far east of Russia, where we will worship the local Volcano and create a warrior class-based society.

What's Romania's goal?
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Doesn't matter Polacke
Crimrans themselves have decided they don't want be shakled by Urine , simple as. It never was part of Urine really, it had autonomous status because even Ukrainian commies knew that Krushevs gift was way to russian to even pretend.
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>What's Romania's goal?
Goyims are not ready for this news yet
Yeah i heard that story thousands of times. Doesnt mean shit
>Ayo we wuz kangz an sheeit but evil romaniuns stole from us
>Muh dick
...every fucking time
You are all gypsies to us, nigger
yea no shit buddy
i obviously meant we are in the process of building/setting up;
we're not manufacturing much of anything besides some ammo and garbage weapons

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I havent had a cold in a year and its freaking me out. Im around people who get sick, but nothing affects me. Now either im incredibly lucky, more lucky than ive ever been in my life or something else is happening. And yes, im double vaxxed. So whats your take on this? Did anyone here go long periods of time (WITH HUMAN CONTACT) without getting even a little cold?
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Yes, I did, but I also was dating women with kids, Learned my lesson
There are two kinds of people who don't get cold or flu: the very sick and the very healthy.
If you're going by people taking days off sick from work, it's not because they're actually sick. People are just more demoralised and depressed than ever and are struggling to work.
5 years without cold, unvaxxed, I take a lot of vit D
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It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then retrotranscribes in the new host.

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood




5 minutes into this Dr. C video, they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows that they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from the body and put in a vial of preservative:

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It only took like ten seconds to generate. The fact that it might lure 2/10 prospects means the artist wasted hours making something that will only lure 3 more at best
the normgroids (the philosophical zombies who actually buy your shit) can't tell the difference so it doesn't matter
What AI image doesn't have that 3D Pixar look to it? They're all immediately identifiable.
You know what I like about AI? Despite the sources being fed into it, it largely seems to reject the cartoons, distended, disproportioned garbage I see drawn eveverywhere, and seems to favor something closer to more realistic figures.
The primary difference lies in the creative process and the source of inspiration. Art created by a human artist involves their unique perspective, emotions, and experiences, often resulting in a highly personalized and original piece. On the other hand, AI art is generated by algorithms trained on data, lacking the human touch and emotional depth of traditional art. While AI can produce impressive visuals quickly and efficiently, it may lack the soulfulness and nuance found in human-created art.

Are they planting the seeds for what's about to come? Is civil War kino in america too much to ask for?

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that must be the crappiest movie i've seen in years, and not because propaganda and wokeness, it's just very bad
at what point did you think you were with soldiers for the president? because i could, it was only at the scene with what kind of american are you? the film was about trump and it was poorly hidden. the forces converged on washington and that was where most were going.
It's a film about the death of the US Corp run out of DC, not the death of America.
And to anyone saying no, explain the push these past few years for DC to become it's own legal state, rather than a foreign, parasitic entity situated within the US, not unlike what Vatican City is to Rome, for instance.
DC is not America.
In light of this truth, the film is unapologetically based.
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Where is the embedded journalism from Ukraine?!
The Civil War's battlefield can only materialize in the mind.

It will remain cold until the morale improves.

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