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Why is Trump leading Vice President pick and current US senator standing in front of a foreign flag demanding money to Israel?
because Americans are slaves to the jew
I don't know about you OP but I'd say its because of JEWS.
Because Israel is our Greatest Ally of all time and we owe them. Plus God says we need to protect Israel and give them aid because they are his Chosen People. Not to mention that bot supporting Israel is blatant antisemitism. I rest my case.
Why won't you MIGA?

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Can someone send me the original?
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Go away Elon you said you hate us >:(
Working for the system is wage slavery. I’ll eat humans when the system collapses.
it is hard to do, but not impossible

again, it requires the people to have the best interest of the people in mind and not their own, and on top of that that their collective goals also align
>Individualism is great until you realize that you get conquered by anyone who is collectivist, and so individualism only works if, ironically, everyone does it.

What individualists also fail to comprehend that families and communities are also collectives and like all collectives they do require sacrifice on the part of the individual members to function correctly. Ancaps are the worst and are still struggling with the idea of children as property.

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Notice anything?
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she's so classy bros
way too many girls
Why are their eyes like that? It’s really really creepy
No Muslims in Christian schools.

Christ is King! Wgmi
Its AI generator you fucking retards, how do people still fall for this its so obvious

So what happens now? How will they respond?
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aircraft is not like a modern consumer-car with embedded planned obsolescence, penaut brain.
As long as it's properly maintained, age of design or unit does not matter.
New helicopters have better security and better things.
>see new helicopter
>get out my flipper zero
>i am in
He, nothing personel kid
They'll condemn the assassination.
and it worked

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>Christian nations have been humiliated by atheism, low birth rates and LGBT ideology
>Sunni Muslim nations have been politically neutered and forced to standby while Palestinians are slaughtered
>Iran has been repeatedly humiliated by Israel and does nothing much while Palestinians are slaughtered

Meanwhile Israel does whatever it wants and makes any moves it wants and nobody can do a damn thing about it except whine on twitter.

The Muslims claim the Jews are cursed and were punished by Allah for their breaking of the covenant. Some Christians likewise claim the Jews are an accursed people who belong in hell.

And yet what is playing out in front of our eyes seems to imply a "chosen people" more than a damned people.

Why are we expected to just keep repeating the line that "the Jews are cursed by God" when all evidence points to the contrary?
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Because Yahweh is not a god, he is a demon.
Satan controls the Earth, it is written in the Bible, and Yahweh is one of his demons.
God is El, which is where Elohim came from. The Jews have you worshipping their baby sacrificing god.
Material, worldly success is not proof of being spiritually God's chosen people. You are thinking like an atheist.
Let's say for a moment that Israel had nothing to do with this. Who's going to believe that? No one.

Now let's say Iran does the deed and launches every nuclear weapon they supposedly don't have. Israel is wiped off the map, but they really didn't actually do it.

Is that still a win?
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They had a short reprieve due to the holocaust story they invented and peddled on television. That’s coming to an end.
Remember these people measure time in millennia.

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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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uss liberty wasn't a false flag
they simply attacked their enemy (US) and took credit for it
not one kike denied the killing of dozens of american troops
They don't have to be that good. They just have to convince the retards on both spectrums that Jews could never be this evil.

They do it in different ways for both sides.
They are sure covering it up. And Bismut is only important in as far as who he leads to if brought to justice.

Sure but how many people will click those links, though. There are important things in these. Better to have them out in the open. It's not like I post them more than once.

oh for sure. Well, if this story dies, we deserve it.
This is the form it should take. Post it everywhere.

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Should Art be censored if it offends people?
What are the political implications of total artistic freedom?
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>"Why do I sculpt?""I simply love it....I just have to recreate life as I see it."-Robert Mileham

All his work is lolis
hebephilia is 10 - 14.
I limit it to 12 but that's exactly what I mean. If you like anything below hebe you're a dangerous individual who needs to be ultra killed
The artist is English you illiterate turk
So, let me get straight: you're posting on an (ostensibly) anonymous imageboard long enough to pick up parts of its vernacular, and you somehow still have not come to terms with the fact that you are posting alongside every imaginable walk of life and alignment?
I don't know how to break it to you without breaking you, so I'll just be blunt:
I am not tje strawman you've constructed in your head, neither OP, a troon nor affiliated with 4chan's gaggle of glowfaggots and jannies, and yet I consider you an insufferable, hypocritical turbofaghot who's wildly flailing as he attempts to reconcile his sexual depravity with his incessant, self-defeating and vapid moralfaggotry.

Seek help.

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Britain ‘may not be fully prepared to fight full-scale war alone’

>Britain may not be fully prepared to fight a full-scale war on its own, a general has suggested.

>Maj Gen James Martin said the Army was trying to get “back on track” after years of focusing on counter-insurgency, which had left it in “in the process of losing the skills” to mount an all-out campaign.

>Decades of fighting insurgents during wars Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan meant the Army’s focus was on those campaigns rather than major conflicts between states, he said.

>With the war in Ukraine and the threat of Russia to the rest of Europe, the Army has shifted its focus to readiness for war, and this week thousands of British troops were in western Poland as part of Nato’s largest military exercise since the Cold War.

>Nearly 2,400 British troops took part in Operation Immediate Response, which culminated in a complex river crossing involving more than 1,000 vehicles including Challenger II tanks, in 24 hours.

>It was one of several exercises as part of Nato’s Exercise Steadfast Defender, a war game and the largest deployment to Europe in 40 years, involving over 40,000 personnel including 16,000 from the British Army.

>Speaking at the end of the operation, near the small town of Drawsko Pomorskie, Maj Gen Martin who leads the Army’s 3rd Division, told The Telegraph: “After 20 years of counter-insurgency campaigning, we were losing this [war-fighting] capability... I think we are now very much moving back on track.”

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### Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
1. **Grandiosity:** Individuals with NPD often have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are special or unique.
2. **Need for Admiration:** They require excessive admiration and seek constant validation from others.
3. **Lack of Empathy:** A significant lack of empathy for others is a core feature of NPD, making it difficult for them to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
4. **Entitlement:** Individuals with NPD often have a sense of entitlement and expect special treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations.
5. **Exploitative Behavior:** They may take advantage of others to achieve their own ends, without regard for the other person's feelings or well-being.
6. **Arrogance:** They often display arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
7. **Envy:** They may be envious of others or believe that others are envious of them.
8. **Fragile Self-Esteem:** Despite their outward appearance of confidence, individuals with NPD often have fragile self-esteem and are very sensitive to criticism or defeat.
shes not cheated on me, shes a shut in and ive got nowt wrong with my willy but I'm afraid to ask a ballpark number but ive got a suspicion its going to be a horribly high one
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qrd on drive shafts
### Key Distinctions
- **Emotional Instability vs. Grandiosity:** BPD is characterized by emotional instability and a pervasive pattern of unstable relationships and self-image, whereas NPD is characterized by grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.
- **Fear of Abandonment vs. Need for Admiration:** Individuals with BPD often have a deep fear of abandonment and may go to great lengths to avoid it, while those with NPD seek admiration and may feel entitled to it.
- **Self-Destructive Behavior vs. Exploitative Behavior:** Self-destructive behaviors and self-harm are more common in BPD, whereas exploitative behaviors and using others for personal gain are more common in NPD.

A comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional, often involving interviews, questionnaires, and observation, is essential to accurately diagnose and distinguish between these disorders.
its the kid who wants to put weight on and is thrashing gym

>No, Ukraine didn't start the war. Putin ordered his forces to invade Ukraine.
because ukraine was allowing / enabling the persecution of russians living within ukrainian borders in certain areas and rubbing shoulders with NATO to the point where it was posing a national security threat to russia
simple as

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If you hate America so much, why don't you leave? You are free to go anywhere else in the world. Why do you choose to live in a country infested with niggers and Jews and run by Zionists? Oh that's right because other countries are shitholes and this one is rather nice and you like living here.

Christ is King you retarded incel.
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because i have to kill you first, kike
This will go unanswered. The fact of the matter is that you cannot have a 'representative government' and a private central at the same time. The bank has effectively infinite money to corrupt the government, which is what we see now.

i can only hope that they fuck up things so much that they get eaten by their own monster, as in, get overthrown by pajeets if things continue as they are right now
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picrel; this is a slide thread

/pol/ is waking up, OP. Does it frighten you?
Jesus is a faggot and I look forward to killing you and your family.

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Vaxxed to the maxx
if only every single leftist didn't listen to him and take the trump injections
>Trump maga vax shot
i thought boosting and suddenlies are over, well, no refunds

My mother and grandparents moved to Jew York in the 70s and I grew up in Ohio. I've never been to Italy, however my uncle invited me to visit our family in Calabria next year.
My mom wants to move back to Italy. Is it better than the JEW.S.A?
Fuck no, please get me out of here. I'm so tired of all these niggers.
No. I hate my italin """ancestry"""
i guess if you like making 1500 a month
Literal nigger from the south
You'll be right home among all the niggers just like in jewsa

The issue of white women's bestiality is already coming out of the Anglo community and the whole world is talking about it.
why exactly?
It’s a psyop, one of stranger ones
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>Be me
>See hot Goth girl walking a large Lab
>Male dog
You just know...
>Get half a chub and order a Nine Inch nails album

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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Realistically, ukraine never had any chance at winnint a war of attrition against russia. Anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet.
>mossad or cia killed the iranian president
WW III is happening isn't it ?
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So the same as in the Ukraine, except you can actually leave
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we now have mid whores brehs
chug won
Both sides are losing as a result of the Jews trying to drag out this war for as long as possible.

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Here we go turk bro. Didn't want it to come to this but I'll see you at the battle of izmir
Send directly to NT, Let them sort themselves out
No we won't, I'm in my 30's with health issues and Justin so spineless that he won't enact the draft.
Nothing ever happens, Mehmet
Cyprus is a British outpost mate

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We all agree whore women are gross, but what about men that have high body counts? Don't they deserve the same ridicule, disgust, and negative stigmatisation for how promiscuous they're.
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hi rabbi2
fuck off rabbi3
fuck off jew
now u lying

you woudl fuck all of them
married men pay the most
followed by boyfriends

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calling all leafs edition
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Leafy afraid I'll steal his job

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>pic very rel
What are the political implications of having God on your side?
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>God is the mossad
Where was God during the supposed Holocaust?
God works in mysterious ways, presently he's clearly on Israel's side but it can always change.
There were thousands of individuals leading efforts and building networks of resistance.

Small effort because god people don't get rich and powerful in a world of money laundering and embezzlement schemes
Hess dreamed of German cities on fire and tried to persuade decision makers. Hitler was too consumed with other passions to have the dreams himself.

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The german economy is in free fall and my job was in a solar panel company in Dresden but they are now closing and moving to China.

Any tips?
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They don't like you if you are nonwhite.

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This is in America and he looks like he has a strong immune system, partially because he is out in the sun.
I'm too white so I'm literally unable to get any tan no matter how long I stay in the sun.
this is due to the vax fight against our dna...
I'm not sure how we slept on the Earth without our backs being all fucked, that part sounds retarded, but I can see benefits to just laying on the ground, people do it all the time at public parks.

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Is Hanania jewish perchance?

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My dad only ever gave me one piece of advice. I was bullied a lot for being weird and he said "Why don't you just stop being like that?"
It was the first time someone suggested regulating my behavior in regards to social interaction. I was polite, got good grades, etc but I was a spastic theater kid dweeb and had never considered how flambouyantly retardedly annoying I was at all times. Mom always encouraged it because I was "special" and dad worked out of state so he didn't have to deal with my mother beating me bloody every time she stopped being manic, so I had never gotten frank feedback on my atrocious mannerisms. I shut my mouth and started wearing normal clothes and POOF, bullying stopped. It's not hard.
Nah I bet they did nothing but petition the schools, which is worse than doing nothing. It accomplishes exactly the same things as doing nothing, while signaling to the world that you are a slave and you would rather your child die than break your bonds.
how christian if he was black or arab you'd be crying your eyes out
Sick sad world. Reminds me of the swedish girl who killed her rapist and got put in jail.
I only see Norweiggans or Icelandic Pagans, also christcuckery is gay and jewish

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