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super based
how does a 15 year old girl hang an adult shit skin?
>Oldest brother, 18, sentenced to life in prison
Spending an entire life in prison for killing your sister's rapist. The state's monopoly on violence is over with, millions must die.
Any pics?

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Should Art be censored if it offends people?
What are the political implications of total artistic freedom?
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Wtf I love Jews now?
If this is true, we M.A.P.S. owe our accepted existence to Jews?
Well now I suppose I have some thinking to do.
You can't just say you have loli belly and not post it
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Now dats what I call art.
why would something natural offend anyone
it's not only natural but also clean and that's why it inspires joy
unlike hags who are filthy and vain and only inspire helplessness and despair

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It usually isn't. But 4chan style right wing politica originated from ironic shitposting of Stormfront content which is the one kind of right wing in the US that isn't pro-Israel. And then zoomers showing up during the 2016 election season got memed into believing that was how all right wing politicians are, not realizing being opposed to Israel is traditionally a Democrat / leftist stance to the extent it happens at all.
Leftists / trannies are anti-Israel because they don't like brown people being oppressed.

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I converted to Islam a while back and after a few months an older guy in my mosque I had made friends with asked if I was looking for a wife. We arranged a few meetings and I got to see her face which she normally veils. She said she liked me and I liked her and the father said I was religious and responsible so he liked me. I married her and gave a modest bridal gift to her in cash. She loves me and is very devoted, she is trim and fifteen years younger than I am. She shaves her body religiously since it is religiously required in Islam and tells me she loves me every day and sings when she cooks for me. She’s pregnant now with our first but I realize my white line is caput now because my kids are going to be brown.

Did I do the right thing or should I kms? I really love her and I think I would love our kid
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The devil is mostly concerned with antagonizing God, not paganism. Muhammad صلى لله عليه وسلم found pagans and Jews, didn’t fight Christians at all before his ambassador to Byzantium was beheaded
You probably don’t know what Asia is but my wife is Asian
Nice LARP. No Desi Wali is going to let some Amerimutt revert marry his daughter.
She’s Indonesian but the Middle East is also Asia
Even if your story was true, which it isn't, you'd be one step removed from being a Dayooth, telling the entire world about how your wife shaves and whatnot.

You can bitch and moan all you want, but in real life NCR always wins.
No Caesar, no Mr. House, no autistic you.
Source: IRL
I thought gays were banned in Russia?
I thought there were no white people left in Canada?
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Except the TV show, confirmed canon by word of Todd, deleted the NCR from existence.

Meanwhile Mr. House is still going strong.

So their plan is to support the Russian oil economy while using electric cars powered by coal factories?

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Christianity is dead in Europe.
Is this a good or a bad thing?
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>Christianity is dead
>shows map where Christianity is still the majority religion
I heard rome died in europe as well
Why is it that Christianity is simultaneously a kiked, nonwhite, civnat, zionist faith designed to enslave the goyim and also a vanguard against kikery, faggotry, and European decline?
jewish hands shaking in terror typed this
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All Abrahamic sects deserve the rope
every single fucking one


Why did we take the Jewish death shot
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I believe the word is coerced and it's still illegal to coerce someone to suck your dick with the threat of firing them.
Imagine being jabbed In 2024.
Hopefully you got boosted recently. If not, you should.
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>noticeable impacts aren’t happening
The average person does not know enough people to notice things immediately. I recently found out my dad, who i dont talk to, had bells palsy/paralysis of face. Same happened to other family. The odds of thisnhappening is 20 in 100,000 and now I know of 3 people with it This happened months ago and i am just now finding out. So when you factor in the fact we are both limited in the number of people we know AND not close to everyone we know it would take at least a few months to even a few years for word to spread by word mouth. I personally am only in regular contact witha handfull of people in my day to day life. Short of any immediate deaths... probably half of everyone I know could be affected and I wouldnt know it unless they told me.

Now factor in vaxtard/NPC denial and outright refusal to attribute ailments to the vaccine ...it will literally take years for the average person to see what is happening at scale in their own life. The only thing that can accelerate this process is the media admitting it, normalizing it, and people talking about it. Make no mistake though, its happening.
Why am I and all my friends still living in rented apartments and not houses we should have inherited from our vaxxmaxxed parents?

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Elon Musk should purchase 4chan. Reddit has occupied several major boards and both moderation and ownership of has proven treasonous by aiding in this occupation rather than working to drive it off. He would delete the most leftoid boards like /lgbt/, /u/, /y/, /d/ and /mlp and clean the entire moderation team while replacing it with Conservative Rightchad Men who would work to drive off Reddit instead of aiding it. The current state of X (formerly Twitter) is proof of this.
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He should buy tiktok if they don't win their first amendment lawsuit
>leftoid boards

4chan boards act as containment zones. The site should be unchanged.
that's why we need a holographic crypto-domain where the site is controlled by whoever has the keys. none of this ICANN registered domain .com horseshit anymore. none of this "static IP" horseshit either. we need to be like tor.
Is that what they're called?
kys Elon seriously

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Something gonna break soon right?
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>look goym, it's increased of 0.1, everything is gonna be fine
Look into 98' IMF interventions in SK and which demographic it affected badly and which generation got boosted from it.
create a technological superiority
create ai-miniguns
watch them mow down low iq-pampers-warriors from outside countries
human population will decline
earth will heal

Details ?

From the UK perspective; parents have on average 2.1 or 2.3 children. But the proportion of childless women skyrocketed.
IMF intervention destroyed their Boomers(1945-1963) and millennials(1981-1993). Someone loses, someone else will win. That is the Gen X(1964-1979) and their kids(1995-2005). SK is just an offshoot asset parking lot. Discount HK and discount JP. They just follow what the westerners do. The west is back peddling on wokism and they're slowly catching up cause of language barrier. Korea is just a checkmate for Japan and vice versa in case they ally with Axis again. Lots of Korean assets are actually owned by Japs and vice versa. China allying with Russia will give them more choice on what they want to do. When the current SK PM Yoon gets out of the picture the pro-birth rhetoric shamanism will commence.

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
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>everyone else is already driving an EV and not paying the gas jew
>We just pay the electric jew
You still live with your parents, huh?
I don't understand the hate, I think it's the coolest car ever with SOVL design (yes SOVL, unlike every modern car it is the only one with a personality), and actual useful utility.
You just learned what marketing is.
these are the """"people"""" buying cybertrucks
It stoped working after crossing a puddle anons, i have nothing against trucks in general but this aint it

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It's OVER.
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Keep waiting, nothing ever happens
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Here's to hoping something happens instead of nothing.
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>I can't help but visit pol every time something doesn't happen: the post
Go have a flog and go to bed ya tight arse, clearly you know everything that happens ever
nothing fucking burger
no one died so nothing is happening

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Lets discuss the topic of dejudaization of american government and parliament.

What are the odds ?

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being poor in this country is a choice
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>if/when the first time home owner defaults then the first time home owner should become the defacto owner of the property they have been living on and all loans and debts related to that property should be forced to be forgiven by law
How does that make any sort of sense? Why would anyone even wait then? You'd just want to default as quickly as possible under that system to maximally cheat your lender out of the money you agreed to pay back.
Yeah, a choice not to be a jewy piece of shit.
What!? /pol/ didn’t jew the system and own 15000 houses? Fucking weak, i’m going back to ebaumsworld.
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Replacing real industry with finance and service was the 2nd biggest lie of the 20th century right behind the Holocaust
Oh lord, my geezer cohort. I wonder if Cliff Yablonski also still hates the good people of Appleton.

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Whats the plan by whites to deal with this?

The issue of white women's bestiality is already coming out of the Anglo community and the whole world is talking about it.
why exactly?
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>1 in 200-300
>not common
what a dumb nigger
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A tale as old as time
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Fuck you and your slide threads kike
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Where is mother/son incest?? I want to know
She's angry.
Leave her man

Im reading about the study of Kabbalah. It is designed to compromise and mind split adherents. Look at this description quote in Picrel.
The fact that kabbalah is designed to be chicken or egg interpretation forces initiates to follow rabbinical slights of hand in circles.
>study the torah first?
>no that makes you think it is all literal history
>study zohar first?
>No you'll only understand it if your rabbi explains it
>study talmud?
>no youre not qualified
The entire purpose of this mystery religion, is to reinforce dependency on rabbis. They don't have to provide answers, and they don't have any, because, like the wizard of Oz, they can always hide the "correct knowledge" behind years more study and secrets.
It is no wonder these people descend into schitzophrenia. The "truth" never shows up, nor any deeper understanding of life, since the whole course of mystery religions is to convince people that they can gain godlike ability of knowledge, like in Darron Aaronofski's film Pi. In the course of this goal, however, adherents do favors for each other, commit various grey area crimes and and engage in schemes of fraud and mischief to undermine the people whom they or their fellows already hate. Therefore Kabbalah study becomes just another sort of free masonry, or perhaps freemasonry is just a form of kabbalah.
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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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That'sblack ppl food
It’s not even 4pm est
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Try harder, shill.
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>It’s not even 4pm est

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Here’s that majority Muslim country in Europe I was telling you
Looks fishy, I would estimate them at around 90
this is one of those fake countries that nazi west created on Serb and Greek land

blood will be on YOUR hands!
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>oh you mean the old people ushered in by cops? LOL
I don't know what median age of Trumptard who were engaging is seditious acts that day as part of a larger fascist Trump conspiracy to nullify a presidential election were to be honest
Your "rules based global order" is over. Time to grow up.
no one could beat trump

trump the best ever
the media spectacle with grandmas? with cops usering them in?
and a guy dresses as a squirrel!?

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