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ITT we share /pol/ approved political music
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Sang this track at karaoke last night. Most people didn't even know it was a SB song. Me and my wife pulled it off as she can sound like SC.

Honor - bomby na izrael
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Chill, bro
It's just a Vax Jamz thread
Nobody wants your gayta

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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>90% is just naked women
These "aryans" are all crippled porn addicts
Picrel isn't European.
I'm finding postings in places like this and sending my English resume:

I guess I'll have to make a real Russian resume. If I get really desperate, would you be willing to take on a job as my employment agent and hassle some of these places for me?

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If you think women are bad in 2024, maybe this will give you a new perspective.
It's a discussion from 11 years ago when I was googling around to confirm my bias. It seems like something posted yesterday.

>The average lady I see during my daily routine is staring at her phone screen and/or has headphones in her ears.


Actually, I recommend reading the first comment. It's very interesting.

But I do remember dating was much easier back then. So something must have changed. What is it?
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Divorce Court, Child Support
I don't know anything about zoomer women but millennials were the ones that seemed to be pro slut because it's empowering. It was all downhill from there, especially when social media and hook up sites started rolling in.

Ironically, social media also seems to have brought slut shaning back to the forefront so I could see zoomers maybe turning it around.
also women pretending to be men, in incel threads lmao Jesus Christ
>what is it?
The post-tiktokification brain rot infecting society, especially women
Also jews
So, be sure to run all things through the conman filter.

How much CONFIDENCE am I placing? Do I have cause to trust this person (or ai)?

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Can someone send me the original?
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Hebrew- and Aramaic speaking people of the Levant are semitic. That's what the word semitic means.
But you can run cover for usurers, incestuous perverts and kiddie mutilators while slandering Goering and Himmler all you want. It's very on brand for a philosemite.
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>He thinks nazis gave guns to everyone
Only if they could be trusted to shoot any dissenters and undesirables. Fun thing about fascism is you don't get to decide whether the racist in charge thinks you tick all the boxes. The overwhelming majority will be dead, and then the leftovers who are loyal get to proudly work for peanuts. How lovely a system.
Read "Our Path" by the Nordic Resistance Movement.
yea i agree it's basically utopian vision. if we could firmware update everyone at once to fight until death for their freedom then maybe we could have ancapistan. in reality americans did nothing with their guns when most dystopian lock-downs were forced onto them. monarch who respects his subjects' freedoms would already be a massive win.

What Are The Political Implications Of The 1948 Nabka Having So Many Parallels To Today's Gaza War?

The Israeli Documentary Tantura About The 1948 Nabka, Has An Israeli Documentarian, Israeli People Interviewed, Is Certified By The Israel Film Council, & The Israel Ministry Of Culture and Sport.
So, You Know It's Honest & Not Antisemitic Claims. The Honest Ones Say They're Doing All The Things They Claimed The Nazi's Did To Jews. IDF Admit To Psychopathic Genocidal War Crimes In The 1948 Nabka Of Innocent Palestinian Civilians

>>>/wsg/5522941 Evil Psychopathic Ex-Idf Soldiers Laughing And Smiling When Recounting Their Genicidal War Crimes Against Innocent Palestinian Civilians
>>>/wsg/5550023 Ex-Idf Soldiers Talking About Their Genocidal War Crimes Against Innocent Palestinian Civilians
>>>/wsg/5522937 IDF Fought Civilian Villages One By One Until They Fled, Then Stole The Homes & Land
>>>/wsg/5522935 Ben Gurion Had An Understanding To Ethically Cleanse Palestine: It Was Better For Jews To Eliminate All Arabs To Create A Large Jewish State With Only Jews

>>>/wsg/5550281 Part 1

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Thanks 53 fren
OP, do you have any other good redpill movies to watch? Especially documentaries. Thanks in advance fren
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here have a bump fren

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This day should be a lesson for all of anti-israel faggots and a signal. Never EVER fucking mess with Israel or you will suffer wrath of the jews.
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Jews and Muslims won’t see 2030
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>or you will suffer wrath of the jews.
What is a copyright lawyer going to do to me?
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how's wack a mole going?
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loooooosing silly little Shloooomos
Butthurt Zio loooooooosers
oh shut up kike bot

Why are they so powerful when it comes doing advanced attacks on Iran? But when it comes to defending themselves from Hamas which they have completely surrounded and monitored, they are caught completely off guard.
because kikes rely on the US to do everything for them historically they have never ever been good at fighting
20 different Rabbis admitting the destruction of the US and western civilization in general is part of the jewish religion.

Why jews wants to kill Europeans even their kids ... jews explain why !
nepotism is the only way to ensure your success

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What's lil Timmy gon do?
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>The violent monkey spirit of the nigger
I guess we released monkeys into the wild too early.
it's time to lock violent nigger monkeys back into cages.
>jewish (((doctor))) steroid drugs
>starts getting sick at 40
>dies at 45
Why are niggers so retarded?
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99% of the time niggers pick easy targets because they are weak, insecure and looking for an ego boost. a lot of nigger violence is about nigger insecurities.
Why are french "people" this spineless?

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Whenever some faggot says
>Whites and niggers need to team against Jews
Or some retarded shit like that, that is an instant tell that they're a moron.

If we got rid of the Jews, niggers would still be committing crimes higher than any other racial group, they would still be spreading their filth around, and they would still be dysgenically breeding. Getting rid of Jews would fix none of these problems.
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The niggers would be easier to deal with.
/pol/ brainrot

Precisely, they're also the bigger immediate threat
Nice spam, wanna make an argument or no?

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Zelensky unironically
his term is expiring tomorrow
>not the republican guard

Everyone knows these things are always inside jobs
doesn't even matter if they did it or not, they are going to take the blame 100%
Control of gain?
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60 minutes just basically announced his death by uploading an interview with him like they do when people die.

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*destroys Twitter single handedly*
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I think about this often. I work an office job that could be done by a robot if not now than in the near future far better than me, a productive worker. Let alone the fact that every woman on my team manages to do 1/5 of my output or less. On the one hand I’ll be sad if robots take my job, on the other hand every worthless office cunt deserves to be fired.
Did the butthurt leftoid class forget they kept saying he would kill twatter?
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Maybe AI isn't the reason coders can't get jobs, maybe they took a hint from Elon, or maybe he knew what was coming since he was on the board of OpenAI
Yeah, but Twitter is full of racists now. Think of the children

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What countries of europe do you want to see nuked ?
I'll start
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is this the eurovision thread ?
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Cope & Seethe nigger
Cover the entire world except south Africa in nuclear Fallout.
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The fuck Pedro ? what have thy snowniggers of the north ever done to ye

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>What is Bronze Age Mindset?
The book centers on BAP's ideal vision, the eponymous "Bronze Age Mindset",[34] which he defines as "the secret desire…to be worshiped as a god!"[31] and which he calls a state "of complete power and freedom".[34] The book's main theme argues against the concept of human equality.[31] BAP discusses classical figures, including Alcibiades, Periander of Corinth, and the heroes of the Homeric epics.[35][17] In particular, BAP argues that the historical figures of the pirate and soldier of fortune are heroic ideals and asserts that classical education is wasted on both (social) liberals and conventional conservatives.[35]
>Who is Bronze Age Pervert?
Bronze Age Pervert, also known as BAP or B.A.P.,[1] is a pseudonymous far-right Internet personality, associated with the manosphere. The media have identified Costin Vlad Alamariu[2] (born May 21, 1980),[3] a Romanian-American, as the person behind the pseudonym.[4][5]

>Bronze Age Mindset PDF:
>Carribbean Rhythms with Bronze Age Pervert Free Podcast:

>Other Useful Links & Reading material:
>Homer - The Iliad
>Plato - The Republic

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>that grew up Orthodox Christian
fucking doubt it, as if the jewish parent would ever allow that
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sad the image didnt fit

Incel simply means involuntary celibate and not whatever you believe it means. Nietzsche was too much of a pussy to ask the woman out he liked and asked his friend which cucked him instead and Schopenhauer was bitter and hated his mother
Mankind's only value is the divinity which inhabits it. Biological quality is absolutely missing the point, because even superhuman gigachad aryan ubermensch will be devoured by entropy eventually. Rather, the value is the ultimate law of the universe itself which allows these things to arise in the first place.

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Should Art be censored if it offends people?
What are the political implications of total artistic freedom?
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and funny too
The only reason I clicked this thread was to see if/when the uohhh posting started.
I've seen enough child pussy to know that artist representation is accurate.

I'm a dad.
Anon... it never stopped

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Bongs, what the fuck is going on over there?
English monarchy and house of saud will intermarry... problem fixed
>It's seems like a joke, but it's not.
But it is. UK is a joke.
>what phenotype is this?
What nationality is this nigger?
I hope England's new brown elite will be more humane then old white freemasonic pedo plutocracy.
roll for pashtun

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calling all leafs edition
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If anything pops off (two more weeks) the sexy, short poojeetas must be captured alive.

They can be sold at a later date, this is the future of the Canadian economy.

Breeding barns of beautiful, tiny poojeetas and brothels too. It would be heaven.

I want to buy a poojeeta that friend zoned me and moved to Canada.
She's almost hit the wall though so my continued pining will expire along with my trade offer.
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bro i'm trying it
This is the most accurate map I have ever seen
Sad. Kys.

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based, can we get the war started already?
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they came in force, imagine all those police officers right now smoking cigs and kicking dirt about 50 meters into the fog and darkness
20 different Rabbis admitting the destruction of the US and western civilization in general is part of the jewish religion

Why jews wants to kill Europeans even their kids ... jews explain why !

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Previous: >>468527866

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT

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>Don't really care, as long as ukrainians get killed.
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>You have no people to kill us.
then immediately says this
>Ukraine still has some people who kill russians

Are you by chance a kike?
Why is Finland full of you tankie faggots

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Jews are innocent. The Romans kill Jesu---
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She can have a fucking 20-pound baby go through that pelvic canal.
Does it make you feel good to put people down? Get a life, loser.
we know most of the people here aren't actually white, you don't have to tell us, bluegum
Christ dying was a good thing though. It cleared humanity of sin and made it so we didn't have to sacrifice shit to God anymore. It's also why you don't need to get your foreskin removed anymore. It really doesn't matter who killed Jesus. What matters is he sacrificed himself for all of humanity and we should all love him for it.
A baby was never born sinful. That was a lie. No one had to save us from a sin we didn't do.

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It's okay to be a National Socialist
germans confuse the hell out of me. if you don't want to go to war with russia you are a nazi now.
i think this reality is just a troll simulation to trigger me. it's like everything is illogical and absurd. i try to not feel anything about it anymore, because trolls win if you care.
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That helps Hitler was right.
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the final revolution has begun

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