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If you think women are bad in 2024, maybe this will give you a new perspective.
It's a discussion from 11 years ago when I was googling around to confirm my bias. It seems like something posted yesterday.

>The average lady I see during my daily routine is staring at her phone screen and/or has headphones in her ears.


Actually, I recommend reading the first comment. It's very interesting.

But I do remember dating was much easier back then. So something must have changed. What is it?
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i would totally abort autistic children or down syndrome ones, anything that has a mental illness that will impact the rest of their lives and will need constant care for the rest of its life

rape babies too since the last thing I want is the genes of the rapist being passed down
The right to an abortion should be the father's because if the woman keeps it he has to raise and pay for it.
>Ive never heard a good coherent argument for abortion. Its usually:
A woman that would murder children (such a nigger) should never have kids.
>Just stop being a loser
This. Women have never had lower standards in all of human history. If you can't find a woman, it's because you are not a man.
This is the autism board
>down syndrome
>rape babies
They already have included it in the law.
Add in Rheinlandbastards and we are done.
>This is the autism board
i'm talking about actual autism, like aspbergers and beyond
i've worked around them for so long that i pity their parents, it seems like hell honestly

it's like all the negatives a child could have with none of the pros of it, forever.

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>shoot down chopper
>hit it again as rescuers show up
We have seen this in the failed state known as the "other israel", aka Ukraine
Fuck off mossad under leaf proxy
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It's foggy
>sandpeople can't handle a little cold

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My Bulgarian friend made this list, did he miss anything?

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This never fails. This right here is Aladdin's key
Top of the list should be "not a virgin".
"The ick" is a purely female behavior. It's always some random ass bullshit like wearing brown shoes.
How to stay a kissless virgin until you are 30: the list.
Whats wrong with a woman having another mans child ? Thats not a problem unless youre not a REAL man

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All the world's a stage Shlomo.
Don't be a vulnerable butthurt
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Ever wonder why Shakespeare wrote the "merchant of Venice" Shlomo?
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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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the optics of that would be demoralizing for israelis.
for one, cracking a protestors skull that wanted to stop money flow to israel makes eliran a hero. and two, he lost a brother who fought for them and was also a hero, and then he died fighting for them.
they can't let the retard face justice, they put him there in the first place.
diplomatically this is a fucking nightmare for the shabbos zog.
when are they going to make this a fucking GENERAL, already?
I don't see how they are going to be able to cover it up though. It's all over the internet.
Yeah you've been preferring that one since the 60s. Now is the time for sniper bullets, not words.
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at the protests, be on the lookout for (((Green Hats))). it's a Mossad cover that's linked to a jewish law firm.

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How do we fix women?
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i dont believe any woman who says this. these cunts are getting abused yet they stay with the abuser? they just enjoy it
Single moms aren't bad if you're older and have kids of your own. I wouldn't touch one with a ten-foot stolen dick though if I was under 35.
>How do we fix women?
you don't.
remove the garbage, delete them, do not reproduce with them.
enslave semi-redeemable ones, produce children, educate them correctly.
only white, of course.
delete jews in the end
>No, cruelty is never right. Just bullet in head or her choice of euthanasia
>A maiden should not survive her shame
>premise: the girl shouldn't live any longer after having been dishonored, and by staying alive she reminds him of his grief
I try to understand this but it puts me in such a gay fucking loop, which probably isn't my fault because I am thinking with sentience and evolution. On one hand the perspective of men in these ages with this outlook are a little gorilla tier in psyche, but then again the abandonment of being kind of a fag in this line of thought opens up women into being what they are so I feel like I'm tripping over myself... eh.. I hate people.
This. You don't fix a lifetime of trauma, brainwashing, and bad decisions.
You have to raise them right and delete the ones pushing propaganda on kids

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Why were Gen Xers whining so much back then?
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They were also legitimately disillusioned by boomers because boomers betrayed tradition & virtue, went full materialism & hedonism, and all because they took the abundance before them for granted. Indefinite optimism. "I bought a house for 5 dollars, routinely smoked weed and had casual sex, and everything turned out fine - so too will it for you, little X".

But I still can't figure out why booms betrayed the ultimate virtues, beauty and truth. I don't really get it.
2nd pbp
By the lat 80s we already identified the jew and moved our tastes accordingly.
By the late 90s the kikes had changed their programming and the nigger and gay loving millennials lapped it up for the dogshit it is.
every single time
Because we were face to face with men who sold the world

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!!!!!!!!!THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!!!!!!!! W W 3 HAS JUST STARTED !!!!!!!!!!



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Depends on the era
>jews are making jokes about inflated death numbers now
>knowing anything about humanity
hilarious joke
And here I am, donating all of that dry ice to my local synagogue because I thought you wanted a nice little peace concert. It's always something with you crucifiers!
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Anyone else tired of all these feral cats literally everywhere? Can't even go to an island anymore without it being infected with feral cats. It's impressive how they destoy more than rats and feral hogs out together. It's also illegal in alot of places to just kill these pests. My neighbors have been feeding this huge colony of feral cats. It's so ridiculous and animal control refuses to do anything about it. Won't even spayed and neuter because there are so many. It's always old women or beta males feeding these pests and defending them legally. I've seen atleast 20 cats on the side of the road squashed by cars. I can only imagine the large birds picking off these cats. I don't get why anyone would want a cat to live like this.
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I hope that neighbor goes full John McAfee and the local cops refuse to investigate
>cats take care of rats not the poisonous bait traps all over our major cities
Panthers don't tend to attack people. Florida hasn't had an attack in over 100 years.
Cat can go a lot of places a trap can't.
>All of Europe has a feral cat problem.
Cats are native to Europe. I think there has never been any clear difference between wild and domestic cat, they never got domesticated in the real sense.

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In a few months from now we will be facing each other on the battlefronts
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sir we are nato we'll be on same side
Turkey. Aren't you on our side?
Hello fellow cranberry sauceonian!
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Yeah. It's kinda weird that a supposed Islamic nation will be fighting for Israel and international zionism.
But I guess you're already used to doing that in Syria.
Fuck Mehmet, you made me hungry for another lunch.

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>Pakistani apes rape a a girl in Kyrgyzstan
>Locals don't take kindly to it and attack Pakistanis
>Pakistanis flee the country
>Pakistanis are crying on Twitter declaring war on the "Ummah" because Pakistan first saar
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in terms of skin colour i never said i looked facially like john abraham low iq MUJEET...........
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Shut up you brown turd. Show your skin colour because we know you look like pic rel LMAO
Kyrgyzs hate arabs and pakis and all the arab looking races like Italians and turks, they have ZERO problems with Indians, Nepalis, Sri Lankans

Indians have been too kind with Pukis, we used to send them food, even allowed a Puki girl for heart transplant here, with all the Hindu hate they have been trying to insinuate near our borders.

They deserve it and every Muslim should beat the living shit out of them, it will be the funniest thing to watch.
Holy shit. He is more manly than entire poopistan.
See? Told you this is the these guys look like

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is this true?
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Fuck G_d
Hohols will pay for this...
Except they don't and won't be able to prove it.

Israel has almost completed their ethnic cleansing of Gaza and still Nothing Ever Happens™ to stop them, and they laugh in the face of "condemnation".

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Bongs, what the fuck is going on over there?
English monarchy and house of saud will intermarry... problem fixed
>It's seems like a joke, but it's not.
But it is. UK is a joke.

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The mainstream media in India just published the truth about the covid vaccine Covaxin, and that many Indians suffered bad side effects from it. This is the mainstream media in India, not some conspiracy websites. Also, only 2 or 3 weeks before, the same mainstream indian media was exposing the OTHER covid vaccine known as Covishield as being linked to blood clots and sudden deaths. So, 99% of indians took the covid vaccine, either Covaxin or Covishield, and both vaccines have been fully exposed as deadly in the past 30 days.

Not feeling too good, indian bro...




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she is probably vaxxed
Even better
if you dont mind getting vax aids
so deadly their population still is highest in the world. It is fucking boring nothingburger with these vaxx. Yeah they have advese effects that can result in death. As have many other drugs. It was not poison that would kill 50% of population because evil depopulation agenda. It was just shitty drug, that was not tested enough and killed some people.
>and that many Indians suffered bad side effects from it
oh no some indians suffered a booboo on their arm arm for a couple of days

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calling all leafs edition
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Fucking kek. Literally every racially charged protest. 99% white people chanting end racism while they block a diverse crowd from getting to work.
le rules of nature
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>Trolling the nuclear command
Goddamn, anon got balls
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So why was Trump permitted to interupt the Bush dynasty?
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wow got nothing huh so you post like a tranny? lol hope you die in an avoidable traffic accident, all fields
If you say so. All 3 are city states.
May God save your soul even with you not offering it
Nah, DC is considered part of Virginia by the Work a day software package
Which is fucking hilarious as the city is built in Maryland
fake christian? checks out
Truth is a lie in the synagogue of satan

What would happen to the economy if planned obsolescence was banned?
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just say it's a non-automatic weapon, it'll be fine
Stop being a faggot with your false equivalency bullshit you fucking nigger retard.
Our government would rather it's citizens carry 50 cal snipers on their back than drive a reliable car.
Didn't answer the question. How do you stop engineers from engineering things to fail?
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That was a manipulated crash by jewish financiers who pioneered the idea of market manipulation. Boom and bust cycles are just wealth extraction pumps. Jews use inside knowledge to get out before the crash or just short sell before the crash. Then they buy everything up for cheap and start the process again. It's like jews who brought niggers into the cities to crash the property values so they could snap it up cheap then gentrify the area. Every economy is centrally planned. Ours is planned by jewish finance for their benefit.

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Fresh classroom photo from Hungary.

Do you notice something?
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Ratio of boys to girls.
damn, are you the one with the long benis?
most are chubby and ugly.
most have been deflowered.
I want women to remain virgin till marriage
Slovakia Leader Robert Fico Wins Jewish Tolerance Prize

European Jewish groups will honor the prime minister of Slovakia for his “commitment to tolerance.”

Premier Robert Fico is expected in Brussels later this month to receive the European Jewish Prize for Tolerance at an event organized by 17 Jewish groups, including the Rabbinical Centre of Europe and the European Jewish Community Centre, according to an announcement released Wednesday by the EJCC.

In March, a delegation of rabbis from the EJCC and the Brussels-based European Jewish Association lobby group met with Fico in Bratislava and thanked him for his role in designating Sept. 9 Slovakian Jewish Holocaust Memorial day.

“Preserving historical Jewish sites in Slovakia, including synagogues and cemeteries, is integral to the country’s heritage,” the EJCC quoted Fico as saying.

During the most recent Sept. 9 commemoration, the head of Slovakia’s Catholic Church for the first time acknowledged “wrongdoing” by church officials during the country’s main Holocaust memorial ceremony.

They all troonsitioned

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Is there anything more Globohomo than blue jeans?
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>The only better pants are long cargos with a gazillion pockets.
Last time anyone got a bj wearing cargos was back in Nam my guy

Do you have any idea how much of a spastic you sound to everyone else?

Only tight fitted suits are Globohomo. Old fashioned baggy suits are based as fuck.
여기에 이다혜 올리지 마 이 더러운 미국 놈아. 더러운 흑괴병 숭배자.

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*destroys Twitter single handedly*

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