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So you can't say proud to be white because white people are clearly superior? hahahah
Not true at all
White people brought technology, reason, logic, law and morals to the rest of the world, and often not through conquest like all the other races, but through trade. Yet somehow we're the bad guys?! Bullshit! You just want slavery back, don't you Anon? Is that why you're hating on whites?
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can you tell the ethnicity that made this comic?
Bullshit. Every race exploits others. Whites just came out on top, and now we're not allowed to be mad because we're superior. Seethe harder, undermen.

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Have to keep this quick and get back to work - just an aid to someone important. Here’s what’s happened so far.

>Iran’s Supreme Leader died in a helicopter crash this morning
>Reports coming in Iranian Satellites were jammed to keep communication offline allowing the ground team who hit the bird with shoulder operated AA to exfil
>We don’t know who did it yet but our intelligence is showing a Special Operation conducted by the IDF is high-very high likelyhood
>JSOC intel coming in stating the Iranian rescue teams engaged with the ground forces who were heading toward the mountains and the recuse forces were wiped out.
>Emergency meetings ongoing within US/NATO intelligences - all hands on deck as a massive power struggle to take the reigns has begun
>Irans military has been activated and being split based on power struggle, some heading to protect the capitol
>Depending who takes power, massive regional war could start
>Don’t know if the truth will be made public or made to look like an accident to save face
>Confident we will tip the scales per usual, but instability incoming
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>why memeflag? are you from IL?
>Illinois? Lol no.

Only an American would think IL is Illinois, so there's one piece of info.
>Not very bright.
Why does it bother you where I'm from?
Only an American would assume this.
>Not very bright.
kikes definitely shot down that helicopter because kikes never think ahead, they are schizophrenic

if people even more pro-war get into control in iran they're gonna use all their resources to attack israel

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Alright /pol/, time for some history lessons. Romans weren't white. The Roman Empire was a melting pot, stretching across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. They had people of all colors and backgrounds in their ranks. Just because Hollywood likes to cast Romans as white dudes doesn't mean it's accurate. Deal with it.
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Romans were absolutely white. The people of the Roman Empire were many ethnicities.

The more threads I see like this the more I am convinced that shills have a large presence here.
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Roman's were pheonecians you fucking nigger.
Bait. This is a jidf post. Ignore them.
Whiter than you paco

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That's an idiotic chart. Skin cancer, or cancer in general, has been getting overdiagnosed in modern times because scanning methods have been getting more sensitive. 100 years ago, the average person didn't travel as much as we do now. 100 years ago, there were no tanning beds. 100 years ago, children grew up in the sun and not at home playing video games. There are actually studies that have shown that children who spent more time in the sun have lower rates of skin cancer.
Actively tanning is not the same as "just enjoy the outdoors bro". Deliberately baking in the sun is obviously bad for you. You don't need any study to tell you that.
Essentially everything is electrical fields. Your body has electrical fields everywhere.
There are things that are commonly known such as tall building sickness, happened during covid too. Where people who get locked out in a tall building without getting outside for weeks got mysterious sicknesses.
Going outside daily for 10 minutes is usually enough.
You actually breathe in electricity and not oxygen. There aren't any way for the oxygen molecules to get into a blood stream and not anything else.
So, you basically reset your electrical fields (including your nervous system) back to factory when you go outside and touch grass.
>>study suggests
ok I believe it
More like this: >>468542556

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calling all leafs edition
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kek do you really love your boyfriend?
No questions. I'm proud to be white.
Hole’s gonna roll
This guy is a classic
Professor Shekelstein (calls you an exploiter, has been the biggest parasite for the last 1000 years)

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Since no one has said it yet, I will.
No one forced you to take it, vaxie.
This narrative is so easily broken. No one who hates trump that bad will ever admit he influenced them to take the shot. Their whole world view would fall apart.
Idk, if their TV told them they were victims, they were forced, and orange man bad did it to them, they would believe it. It's already started here. The shills are shifting blame from the individuals who willingly took by saying they were "forced". The reason the vaxies haven't already came to terms with poisoning themselves is because they refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. That's why if you post that pic I just posted and say "No one was forced" shills lose their shit. They're trying to make the vaxies feel like victims instead of willing participants. As soon as they can get it in their heads that they were victims, then they will find someone to blame. I think Trump will be the one they pick to be the perpetrator to all these "victims".
whats up with mutts and trump shots? you realize this was a globohomo scam, right?
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Trump didn’t force you to take it.

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The silence is deafening.
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That that's it's any of your business faggot but my great grandfather was a German-American and was sent to the Pacific for that reason. That and it was mostly Soviet zerg-rushes that defeated Germany, not America.
"go back to mongolia"

There. Fixed it.
>turkey, eastern europe, iberia
It's when the rabbi sucks a child's dick after having cut off his foreskin I think.
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Not really lol
Without the advancements in science and philosophy by jewish people we would still be stuck in the dark ages

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Previous: >>468533209

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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>Montynigger I demand your commentary on recent New Caledonia chimpouts
>(Random country)
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You can demand my cum behind your cheek after your recent fuck up, pidor. Bring out at least 5 proxies to reply to yourself before you beg for my attention next time.
total holol death
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>You can demand my cum behind your cheek
Troonsisters, when will the Crimea Beach Party be hosted?

blood will be on YOUR hands!
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no he won vs hitlery and blow
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you mean best

I could vote for
based leaf

how do canadiens handle the man v bear question?
Ever wonder what glowies feel when they know the kike they're working for is splashing filth and degeneracy in their kid's faces and laughing at them. Especially the Feeb glowies. How's it feel to call parents who stood up to the school boards for pushing that trash 'domestic terrorists' when you wanted to do the same, but were silenced by fear of losing "Muh salary, muh pension, muh mortgage" was all you could think about?

Glowies have no understanding of history; they should ask what happened to the goy police in St. Petersburg Russia in 1920 after training their Bolshevik kike replacements. A hint: They didn't have to worry about salaries, pensions, or mortgages, ever again, after hearing (said sneeringly) "Thank you for your service" followed by a pistol shot to the head (if they were lucky). What the kike did to his goy servants who helped him murder millions 100 years ago will be done again to his present goons. Learn from history, or *become* it, glowies.
Trump is jew controlled op
we get that rabbi
when will you trot out mike obama?

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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I'm trying to label this piece but I can't find info about the anecdote, it's a soldier apologizing to Philopoemen, do you know anything about it?
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hohol spelling

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Iron Turtle tanks look stupid, but they do work. The Russians could use it to force their way through Ukrainian defenses and end up getting out alive.
Because the Ukrainian army doesn't have more than enough heavy weapons to destroy this crazy wasteland tech.
> there a better anti-drone solution
Yeah, not invading ukraine
staying at home and drink vodka

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Give me one reason I shouldn't go to the Ukraine RIGHT NOW. I could walk down the streets with a 10/10 hoholina in each arm (new ones every day) because whenever I'll be stopped, I show the impressment gangsters my US Passport, scaring them away like garlic on vampires.
Seriously, if all Ukrainian men are dead, wounded, on the front line, or in hiding, this is a paradise for Western men who want to take advantage of the situation.
I wonder how long/how many women it will take to find a wifeworthy hoholina.
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>I could walk
stop dreaming, they would rather take an amputee than your fat ass
>Give me one reason I shouldn't go to the Ukraine RIGHT NOW.
Why go to Ukraine, there's a war there? Come here instead, half the women in Ukraine is here looking for a husband. I have two Ukrainian women going right now.
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they found new Russians from the African homeland
Ukrainian women still think no man is better than an inbred obese amerimutt landwhale from alabama
All the pretty Slavina pussy fled to brothels in Amsterdam

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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My take on this now is anyone downplaying the problem is simply wrong, and the harshest most sever blackpill is usually right.
"Demoralization" is a tactic used against a country that actually has the means to fight. The only people who care about demoralization are fundie losers with families who still have stakes in the dying system and refuse to see its internal failings and blame the decline exclusively on external threats.

We're so past this.
Maximum FUD, because at some point it's not demoralization anymore. It becomes, "You fucking fools, panic already."
What is the true redpill let alone blackpill?
Why do you think this board exists you retard? If we all just kept our opinions to ourselves we wouldn't be here. That fat insult is so far out of left field I have to assume it's projection.
I don’t see it happening in our lifetime but I’m sure the people at the end of the Roman Empire said the same thing. I think larping about the collapse is a fools game we need to establish ourselves in our local communities make those communities depend on us and try to play a political game. We shouldn’t abandon our birthright and burn everything down just because the kikes suck. We need to take power and force the normalfags to be free. Hoping a magical collapse will do it is pussy defeatist bullshit. There will not be a collapse at best you will get a military coup and they will run shit. I don’t want so the political game is the best shot. I used to be an accelerationist but that is only as a means for someone with our politics to fix things. No one is gonna do it for us we need to do it and that starts on a local level. You should have 10 guys you trust at this point. You should be working to have real tangible power where you live and them make a power play with it. That’s what I am working towards. My life is fucking great I have everything I want a qt chick a good job a nice place to live and it’s just a matter of time before I have kids and something real to leave them. I’m not giving it up for a bunch spiteful faggots that want everyone to die because they can’t figure their shit out. People need to stop being faggots and get their shit together because the jewish neo liberal order is way more resistant to collapse then they want to pretend. All that said contingencies are always a positive and no option should be left off the table
Yeah, the reasons and how severe the bullying is does change whether it's white-on-white or blacks/spics/arabs-on-white, that's pretty clear. In both cases tho the children are in prison like conditions with little to no escape from it and I don't know what the solution would be other than allowing the children to just not attend to school if they don't fit in? It's still just hilarious to hear everytime he says stuff like "maybe you deserve to be bullied to suicide" and then proceeds to tell that he was bullied for no reason.

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If you interacted with a femoid, had sex with her. Have friends or a social circle. You DON'T FUCKING BELONG HERE. Don't get it you fucking nigger? This place was a paradise for people like me, who were rejected by society, unwanted and abandoned. This paradise turned into hell when all of you sex-having, relationship-having normalfags invaded it and tainted it forever. You parasites don't belong here, you hate us, we hate you. Stay away from our domain and don't bother us. We don't want your normalfaggotry here.
Everybody can change their own circumstances.
Based and brutally blackpilled
NORMOID piece of shit. FUCK OFF SEX HAVER >>>/normie/

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Hello, Jihadis of /pol/. We just killed one of your leaders. We will continue to kill your leaders.
Fuck the east
Signed: The West
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Forgot the part where Israel pushed the boulder lol
It's missing the part where the giant still needs to live in the human civilization despite being superior...... for reasons.
kill yourself, schloymo
(((The west)))
Back to the desert, abdul. Parties over.

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Iran said it was 3 helis holy shit no way three crashed!!

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




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>Fully loaded Grad destroyed by Lancet in Kharkov region
>Two hohol volunteers in Chasov Yar talk about how it is difficult to convince the population to leave as they await "liberation" by the russians
>Iskander hit AFU storage facility near Odessa
https://files.catbox.moe/pu2wz9.mp4 (aftermath)
>BTRs Engage UKR infantry in treeline amassing for an assault.
>"what are Russian speaking Ukrainians fighting for?"
>Fast and Furious: Kharkov Drift
https://files.catbox.moe/nmrwat.mp4 (BobrPOV)

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▶/chug/ Art, Logo Repository, Templates & Important Archives

▶/chug/ NEW CLIPS Archive

▶/chug/'s MUST-WATCH videos

▶/ourguy/ Patrick Lancaster


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Thanks for the bread and for your great efforts OP! Keep doing the good work!

I'm taking this chance to denounce the talmud, and shills are kikes.

Having said that, I'll proceed to bless this thread, and everyone on it. Be it fellow /chug/frens and shills, because the love of God is for everyone, but everybody has to take their time to realize the love that the Lord gives us.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
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My cool boss let me drive around town with him in his Cyber Truck for the day on a super early preorder, I was stoked. We pretty much just drove around, stopped into whole foods, went to get his hair cut and then we stopped into chick fi lay. Dude when I tell you people were GAWKING at us I am not lying, they were mobbing us outside of ANYWHERE we are at including the Chick Fi Lay, some people laughed, others were admiring and taking pictures. I truly felt like a celebrity because people in other cars were taking pictures of us while we were driving and stopped at the light, even some girls complemented it when my window was down, it was awesome. Not everyone has a boss that will do this for their guys, I am blessed. I understand this is only because it's fresh and new but an experience I won't forget, the attention was intoxicating
As above, so below.
reminder that elon musk is a big time glowie asset frontman who appeals to morons while deploying dual purpose civ/mil tech such as
>communication satellites
>bunker tunneling
>EVs for use in said bunkers
>failed mindreading tech

and the vegas loop was one of his stupidest endeavors. you might call it a PIPE DREAM hyuk hyuk
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Saw one driving around my town a few days ago. Ngl, it did look a lil gayyo.
Does Vegas loop still exist? It seemed pretty dumb from videos, it’s probably more of a sales pitch for his cars than a subway replacer. So that people could sit in one without having to go to a dealership and test driving it.

It might work for freight over longer distances, under an interstate highway with sprinter van sized cargos (or whatever is efficient, or a mix of sizes, whatever, maybe even actual train system, and in track power/no batteries.

Without the vacuum tube and super high speeds it is still a cheaper way to build a cargo transportation network layer under our interstates, meaning no trucks on the surface interstate highways too

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>translation: sources said the pilot was a mossad agent named Eli Copter
>eli copter
this is a joke lamo
take off ur memeflag yahudi kike
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>spook adjacent.

It's a strange lifestyle choice. I guess they get to be in the suuuper-sekret big boy's club, and get to know all kinds of things, then they go crazy and die bad.

My father went ugly. Engineer and designer, went total autism in his 50's, died in diapers.
When he died nice young men in very sharp suits took every single piece of paper and every piece of electronics from the house.

It came back in shipments of a few boxes every month over the course of a year.
it says the pilot was a mossad agent called Eli Copter(or Eli Cobter in arabic)
nah arabs really fell for it

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Would you argue that picrel is pozzed or not?
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Wait was he really a member of the Ra EL alien archon club lol? Kanye was right?
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They are front man faggot Elon's people, not mine. Never associate me with mk LARPers.
Kanye is too. No such thing as outside saviors, as you very well know based on your image.
Also, 4chan is falling way behind because it abandoned "the core principles" which made it work.
It's mostly become a shill and demoralization board with less relevance and less finger on the pulse than before.
There are too many operators here with agendas, and no real substance. 95% off all threads are just repeats and filler to keep the page moving.
Yeah but was Elon in that group?

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