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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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Lmao are there really "people" lame enough to not live where they want?
Im 33, I've always lived in Austin, Texas. Went to school and worked 3 previous jobs here, knew lots of people wanted to move here and that we lead the country/world in a variety of areas and knew I was lucky to have all my family live here too. Happened to get a job in a growing industry (semiconductors) and a place about a mile away so a 5-10 commute tops. I've traveled to 7 countries total and now I can afford to do so again. My life is starting to get comfy again.

I made a thread about this the other day but I said Argentina because I could speak some Spanish and the path to citizenship is surprising short (2-3 years).

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Anybody timing their travels to experience some sort of natural phenomenon?
Eclipses, animal migrations, perfect weather conditions. etc.
Let me hear about those special events
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I saw the great migration in kenya. Basically hundreds of thousands of wildabeasts moving at once. It was pretty cool, don't have pictures I took of it personally on this phone.

Do recommend.
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Likewise, timed our Kenyan safari to coincide with the tail end of the great migration—relevant to anyone who wants to see wildlife in a large section of East Africa. Pic related was taken less than an hour after we arrived in Masai Mara NP (big mostly-savanna national park, adjacent to Serengeti in Tanzania; these two parks are where 90% of big cats documentaries are filmed).

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Redpill me on visiting it.
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That’s probably because you’ve only stuck to Galicia, or Western Ukraine.

The American gravy train is about to end and American taxpayers won’t fund the constant repair of their energy infrastructure.
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2 more weeks to Kyiv!
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>That’s probably because you’ve only stuck to Galicia, or Western Ukraine.
I've been as far East as Kolomak and as far South as Tatarbunary. All across the country really.
So wait, you're telling us that the US, from it's $6trillion budget, has given $60billion in foreign aid?
That's 1% of the budget. Not a bad investment for helping to secure resources and trade routes, building allies who become future trade partners and customers, and who keep enemies in check.

Wonder how much of the budget the US spent on fighting Russia in the cold war. Now it's just part of the UN-agreed foreign aid budget, kek.
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is it worth learning ukraine or all oblast capital cities speak russian or some very dialectish ukrainian? everyone says that it's more useful russian than ukrainian in ukraine.
i wanna learn a slavic language and i'm between russian, ukrainian or czech.

Next /twg/ meetup will be held in Barcade in Taipei sometime in November.
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If you're hiding who you are and lying about who you are it doesn't really count. That just means you admit that your core being is repulsive, assuming you're tell the truth and you most likely aren't

But if all you're after is sex then by all means, count it
Sorry, should have responded to you first

There are a lot of women here legitimately looking for actual language exchange, not 'language exchange'. Be honest about it and you can probably find a friend to help you
Im not hiding it though. Obnoxious douche-maxxing as a solid PUA strategy has been common internet knowledge for over a decade. You can find it distasteful but acting like it doesnt work is cope. And unironically doing a "just be a nice guy!" bit is retarded
Lol whatever you say
why don't they just Naruto run onto it

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headed to vegas for two nights early december

please share suggestions for entertainment, food, gambling, museums, tips & tricks, etc. any and all vegas insight welcome
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the only way to get a good room price in vegas is to gamble lots. comps still exist if you play for hours each trip
>thread hasn't been ruined by the you've never been to Vegas schizo

Gambling in Vegas sucks ass unless you player poker or high limit. Poker is about the only thing the strip does well for low limit players. Everything else you're likely to get rinsed.

If you're a slot player only head to some of the older casinos to find actual decent slots. Who wants to wade through 50 different re-skinned buffalo and huff and puff high volatility bullshit. Try to play old school Pinball, Triple Double Wild Cherry, Double Diamond or Top Dollar. Try to find a Cherries Jubilee slot at mgm grand.

Don't play any 6:5 blackjack or the gay blackjack variants. Avoid triple zero roulette. You'll likely find double zero or American roulette right next to it. High limit will have normal 3:2 blackjack and European roulette. But you're gonna pay a premium to play those games.

The books are fun if you like sports betting but it seems like anything is now an excuse to charge for seating.

I like baccarat, sports betting and poker myself. But last time i was in Vegas I didn't see any lower limit bacc outside of electronic anywhere I went.
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love vegas
love gambling
love drinking
favorite place on earth
simple as
*scrolls the thread with this face :/*

What’s the best way to get Las Vegas tutors without getting the principle of involved and getting locked in the detention room?
what is this schizobabble

I'm going to New Orleans in a week. I want to hear brass bands and eat oysters. Where's good? I'm not a "foodie," so I'm not looking for anything fancy or trendy. I just love oysters and don't currently live in a good place for oysters.
As a houstonian living in New orleans in my opinion seafood is overpriced
At least in Houston the kemah and Galveston are great places to eat oysters on the halfshell
Here in New orleans they like their oysters fried on a poboy, whose bun is just a shitty version of a French baguette and inferior to a Vietnamese style baguette
Come to new Orleans for Italian food though, spoiled for choice
Or Metairie for value
Or the West Bank for oriental food
Else in New Orleans be prepared to spend a buck, and if you want seafood, alot more than a buck
Ok how about barbeque?

Old thread: >>2729863

We 're high. Discuss Thailand travel here.
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Just got back from Thailand. It was alright.
What a colorful and cool looking street. Nice pic. Where is?
That's what every alley in Thailand looks like bro
Soi Saphan Yao, Khlong San district. That's where my hotel was.
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Never stop posting this.

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Of the arab countries that are currently possible to visit as a tourist, which one of them isn’t severely inhospitable, dangerous and a complete dump.

Say, if you’re a single white male. Because if you’re a female the obvious answer would be: none of them.
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Heard Tunisia is like a 1980s Morocco. Not overdeveloped, no touts, no backpackers, just a raw North African country under the radar.
Iraq shouldn't be crossed out, it's nothing like what it was years ago, I saw groups of Chinese tourists while was there and I never once felt in danger. It's obviously not Japan levels of safe (nowhere in the ME is) but it's fine now. Oman is probably the best choice, very safe without the superficial feeling of the rest of the Gulf states. Socotra (although technically part of Yemen) is also great, would definitely recommend that if you're into more of an outdoor type trip.
I'm surprised that's the case, I know it used to be a typical package holiday destination for Brits, the mass tourism there must have never recovered after the attack in Sousse.
bro that looks comfy as fuck.
That's actually pretty cool to hear. I think Iraq would be cool as shit to visit. I want to VGH out in Mesopotamia.

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>arrive at hotel
>immediately homesick
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No I absolutely don’t do this. In fact, I come and go so frequently throughout the day that I pay attention to when the cleaning ladies fuck off so almost nobody can see me constantly alone. People start to wonder about you when you’re constantly alone.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and even I creep myself out lol
what about pooping
schizo post
>Do you fags really walk or ride around for 14 hours straight every single day you travel?

This is what people who never travel think traveling is like. Every time I go online while traveling I get shit like "uhh aren't you on vacation, what are you doing posting here?". Yeah, I need some time to rest too. Occasionally I spend a whole day at the hotel, except going out for dinner.
I get this. I’m also an insomniac so travel can quickly get hellish for me. But then again, I’m not comfortable at home either.

>Thailand's Expats Urged to Register with TRD for Tax, Says Expert


>All foreigners clocking up 180 days residence here, or more, during the calendar year 2024 should obtain a tax identification number from the Thai Revenue Department. They should also fill in the requisite tax form and submit it in the first three months of 2025, according to Thomas Carden the Bangkok-based founder and director of American International Tax Advisors. He accepted that the majority of expats would need the help of a tax professional to complete the bureaucracy.

>our advice is to register even if you don’t believe you have anything to pay,” he told 100-plus members of the Pattaya City Expat Club. “If you don’t register, then you risk audit at a later date, maybe years away, and have to prove your immunity. If you delay, the financial penalty screws can become tighter and tighter.”


>*breathes in*


How many of you actually fell for the DTV visa bait?
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No, fuck you, you and your reddit friends can stay in your Thailifornia containment zone. You idiots ruined your own home countries in the West, and now you've ruined Thailand too. Don't go fucking up and ruining another country, you fucking locusts.
>massive influx of locally produced Thai Netflix shows about the "decades of humiliation" Thailand experienced where white men used to abuse innocent and naive Thai prostitutes who could do no wrong
God damn you're probably right here. The judeo-american mind virus is going to do it again.
If that’s actually the case then I’m just going to scamper to the Philippines or Cambodia. There’s always another poor shithole where I can feel like a “big man” lording over desperately poor brown women.

There’s plenty of runway left. I’ll scamper across the globe if I have to. I studied enough in Thailand so it is what it is. But Thailand has its mystical ways of bucking globohomo while on the surface paying it fealty. You never know
>I think she was on drugs, but in a cute way.
What does this even mean? Cute drugs?
I mean she was high but a fun high not a fucked up manic spaz high.

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>travel to Japan
>have fun enjoying temples and shit during the day
>in the evening want to go to a nice bar to enjoy drinks and meet people
>turns out there are three options:
>(1) izakayas where everyone comes in groups and nobody wants to talk to you,
>(2) izakayas full of old men who will chat to you but are weird as fuck,
>(3) foreigner bars full of loud Americans on their first trip abroad making a fucking mess.
Where the fuck do I go to drink and chat with fun people?
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did u smash tho? this is weird
go back to Facebook, faggot
sounds fucking miserable
yeah it really is miserable to enjoy young girls at their very prime of beauty, fitness, and sexuality
stick to your wrinkly roasties
i'm good not "hanging out" with literal children and meeting more mature women 25+, no thanks, already did that

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I have never been to north africa but judging from aerial views on Google Earth, pretty much all cities in US could be mogged by cities in Canada in their city sizes except for New York and Chicago.

Am I correct?
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Who cares? They suck
french signs are by law
if you stick to anglo friendly areas like downtown or mile end it will be fine
even elsewhere you just need to ask parle anglais? and it will usually work in montreal
the real french areas of Quebec are elsewhere
Yes we will, learn the language or don't come
How similar are the other anglosphere countries compared to America. As an American, are any of the other anglosphere countries even worth visiting.
>canada = America but cold?
>britain = America but old?
>australia = America but bold?
>new zealand = America but whatever?
If it's just the same, then why bother? America is the best.
Canada is a disgusting shithole, nothing like the USA. Some third world country larping as a first world country. The UK is the only one with anything worth seeing but it's in severe decay.

Going for 10 days with my bro. Thoughts?

Day 1 arrive in morning - go to atitlan
Day 2 atitlan
day 3 atitlan
day 4 transit to antigua, chill
Day 5 - Acatenango overnight Acatenango
Day 6- Finish hike and descent to antigua, chill
Day 7 - Antigua
Day 8 - go to flores/tikal
Day 9 - tikal
Day 10 - Tikal?
day 11 - go home


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Thanks! Do would you recommend another full day in atitlan instead of having a full Antigua day? I get the impression The transit day to Antigua and the afternoon after Acatenago would be enough for the town itself.
A lot of cartel towns are like this, calles lined with historic buildings yet devoid of the usual Hispanic street life. Everyone either glaring suspiciously at you or refusing to meet your eyes. IME you'll be treated better going with a friend to these insecure regions versus going alone.
Atitlan, Panajachel and Antigua were amazing. Extend time in each of these cities.
Rent a car in Flores and drive to Haiti, one of the
Antigua is safer than NYC

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Tell me about Alaska. Why shouldn't I live in picrel?
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I'm in Southeast, I took pic, and it's a rainforest. You've probably heard the term "Soaking Wet" what you may not know is that there are several levels above that. "Marinating Wet" for instance or "Flooding Wet". So if there's a forest up here you are going to get wet.
>Where the hell can you go from Anchorage for a decent fare?
DOn't they have direct flights to Asia and Russia?
The good parts of living there is that it's beautiful almost no matter where you go in the state. Summers are glorious and there's no shortage of outdoor activities.
The bad is that anything that's not salmon or berries are going to be fucking expensive. It's not the cold so much as the dark that will start to bother you in winter and people start getting crazy in February. Domestic violence and spousal murders spike around then.
The state is immense, so YMMV on a lot of things. Winters in the interior can reach levels of cold you would not believe are possible, but are quite mild in the panhandle. In most of the state, you have more to worry about from bears and moose, but Anchorage has become the dumping ground for other states' crime problem and it's always been a place where people on the run go. You mostly have to worry about things getting stolen or your car being broken into rather than JayKwon and Tyrese deciding to bop you. Attitudes to new arrivals in the state range from indifferent to hostile. It's a great place to go if you want to be left alone. There are very few old people, especially around Fairbanks because it's impossible to live there at a certain point if you have certain health conditions. They tend to move to Seattle after a certain age.
I can't speak for the job market since I was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, but would imagine that you're good if you have a background in petroleum, mining, or maybe hospitality
No way there still are direct flights from anywhere in the US to Russia
You are mentally ill. Holy fuck. I hate you.

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