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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

how long will reviews remain mixed
>Righteous Tarnished. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods, but for men.
Ansbach made me like Mohg way more in retrospect.
>kill sleeping pawns
>Moore doesn't invade
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Perfume nerf when
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three cross area has become my favorite to idle in when i co-op, every few matches the sky is a new pretty color
Until guides come out pointing people in the right direction, and also giving them cheesing strategies and broken builds.
Til fromslop balances this dogshit (they won’t)
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Reminder that they were engaged from the start
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Kill hornsent. Behead hornsent. Roundhouse kick a hornsent into the concrete. Slam dunk a horn-blood from Belurat tower. Crucify filthy furries. Defecate in an omen’s food. Launch hornsent into the sun. Stir fry hornsent in a scorpion stew. Toss hornsent into Jagged Peak. Urinate into a divine beast's mask. Judo throw hornsent into Abyss. Twist hornsents’ heads off. Report hornsents to the Shadow Tower. Karate chop hornsent in half. Curb stomp pregnant non-human hornsent. Trap hornsent in gaols. Crush hornsent in the warrior jars. Liquefy hornsent in a vat of scarlet rot. Eat hornsent. Dissect hornsent. Exterminate hornsent in the Messmer's flame. Stomp hornsent skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate hornsent in furnace golems. Lobotomize hornsent. Mandatory abortions for hornsent. Grind omen fetuses in the jars. Drown hornsent in fried flame grease. Vaporize hornsent with microsocm. Kick old hornsent down the stairs. Feed hornsent to golden hippos. Slice hornsent with a katana.
Ass and feet...
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Did Gurranq always leave his room?
>valid criticism towards enemy design in the dlc
>fromsoft fans flood the comments with "skill issue" and clown emojis
How do you get millions of people to suck your dick no matter what shit you do?
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How do I go south
I see land down there but no way to get to it
Do I find these perfumes in the dlc?
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probably my new favorite boss to co-op in, reminds me of a raid
Reminder that Marika's ass is CANONICALLY FAT
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is this viable?

i wanna use it for the memes

HERE'S SOME MAGIC MOTHERFUCKER *pulls out handcannon*
Gotta go past rellana and then south
>the abyss
>oh it's some sort of silent hill horror gimmick
nope, no thanks. not doing this area.
fuck that and fuck those kinds of games.
if it's mandatory then i will just stop playing
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lol, lmao even
>Use mimic tear while in dragon form
>Mimic is a human
>But uses rock heart if equipped to become a dragon
what’s the lowest level and weapon upgrade level an average player can get through mohg and the dlc with?
>dual cold flamberge
This is the most faggy dual wield combo I've ever seen.
Why does that look like you're playing on a CRT
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>mad cuz bad
Release half baked games with inflated difficulty and use edgy themes to cater to friendless retards with no scope in life
Make a normie bait game but hide it under a thin veil of being unique and creative and sticking to its roots

Now everyone will suck its dick and anyone who says otherwise will instantly be named as a contrarian
>reusing Remembrance bosses in a 20 hour, $40-50 DLC
>one of the Remembrance bosses is another Tree Sentinel
>Wyverns, Tree Spirits, unmodified Tree Ssntinels, Death Rite Birds, and other base game bosses are recycled wholesale all across the DLC

This is actually fucking unjustifiable. Refunded. Fromsloppers WILL defend this.
from shadow keep, go to where the lena x hornsent sign was. then look for a ladder on the left. follow the cliffs until you find a catacombs dungeon. go through that and after the boss fight you'll be in this area
this one btw: >>483169619
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I’ll start.
You'll be here all week crying about this shit lmao
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I'm like...so cool you guise like woah
Reminder that if you used skibidis you didn't beat the dlc
Go to your local marika statue in the Scadu verse
any recs? no idea what to do with these health pools
power stancing colossal weapons any good or nah?
does the "great rune was broken somewhere" mean anything?

i was literally just walking
>go out of your way to make the single frost weapon in the game with arcane scaling
>make it so arcane does not affect the frost buildup in any way
>make it a huge, slow weapon so it cannot EVER inflict frost
simply epic
Case in point
I just don't like seeing dual wielded greatswords for aesthetics reasons so I kneejerked, sorry.
If you don't use spirit ashes and skibidis you are playing the game wrong
>expect shiny and delicate arcane weapons, maybe even EDGY
There is a door to the south deep down that was sealed which is now unsealed.
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I do not understand what this does
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>Spawn in THE VOID
>Die instantly
Yes, check npcs for new dialog. If you skipped areas like me, they will no longer be summonable during boss fights
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>The World is FUCKED, don't bother trying
What's the point of this doompilled DLC
It means you can go to the bottom of the map and meet St. Trina after going down a hole and running thru a lengthy sniper-gauntlet and fighting Orphan of Kos on a horse and then Trina tells you to kill Miquella.
Spoonfed enough for you?
Which quests does it actually break?
which one?
there's literally an ice perfume bottle that procs frost almost instantly
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what massacred the hype?
>spirit ashes and skibidis
Game is balanced around skibidis though.
thats literally every souls game
golden hippo is a really poorly designed fight. i don't know what it is about his bites but it seems like they hit 360 around him and have the tiniest dodge widow in the game. only one because i got lucky and zerged him down.
next you will complain that lightning weapons don't scale with arcane either
there are around 3 instance where this and eyes of grace can be used, each giving off different rewards
reminder that Miquella specifically references "our part of the vow" so there was another half of the vow meaning Radahn agreed.

Reminder his boss name is literally "Promised Consort."

Reminder he isn't being mind controlled because he's still doing chuuni shit and Miquella's Great Rune is long broken.
So basically the moral of the story of the DLC is that gays are bad?

Hello? Based department?
you can get cool weapon from the one I found
Bro it says it right there. Get a great rune blessing, lose all your runes.
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>struggling with messmer for hours
>equip dual GUGS, spam jump attack > giant hunt
>get him first try effortlessly
is this really how streamsloppers play the game?
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Wait a minute, with the new dlc does the game imply much of the world's current problems were caused by
>An alien hag with abandonment issues
>A mentally ill shaman woman
>An obsessive gay shota
>A lolbertarian moon witch
Is there a map for the skibidis, thing is it's gay I can't see the ones I already have so I would be running around like a fool
s'all good, honestly tired of this setup but i needed something against all the RoB invaders from last year
>Goal obssesed monster.
He isn't a monster. If he was, he could have done a lot of despicable and easier things to achive godhood.
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I don't get this fight. One time she will be on my ass like a rabid dog and another she will chist sit there waiting for me to buff myself up
Miquella's still capable of charming people, he uses an attack that does that against the player
Tell me about this weapon. I'm a Guard Counter enjoyer and Faith is my favorite stat, but in the wiki's comments it feels like everyone is shitting on this.
dlc is trash
and around spirit ashes
they're just a wider, worse catch fire.
>randomly find Rauh Base after poking around martial art fags grace area
>Follow a shallow river
>Full of flying scorpions against a backdrop of fog
>Venture myself on the small patch of woods North
>Red Bear fight
>run away because no way I'm fighting a runebear reskin until I'm Scadu level 20 lmao
>Stumble upon two other Runebears while escaping
>Get mauled to death

Between this and the Color Saturation Kindred of Rot downstream this entire area can get fucked
Did Miquella even do anything evil?
Here you go lads all skibidi locations
i love it. fuck the haters. it's a cool hammer.
Abandon Trina
Mindfucking Mohg
I wonder if ranni found out about metyr
miquella literally did nothing wrong
Anon the moral of elden ring is marry and reproduce. Either marry the mentally ill shaman goddess or the mentally ill ghost goddess
That's your entire motivation. God pussy. Even if you play a female character you're a yurifag who still craves god pussy.
Can we get a final “Forgive me” count for the DLC?
The red runebear is much comfier to fight than regular runebears, go give it a shot bro
I'd fuck trina tbqhwyfam
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>start game after years
>game starts stuttering randomly every 10mins or so

i thought they just added new content
ur gay
Radagon is there too if you want penis.Oh wait he might have got turned into a sword...
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>get cool item
>start contemplating different build
>get urge to restart
its always like this
No, don't let the Griffithfags push their headcanon onto you.
I tried my hand against the first Red Bear close to Messmer's crib but got owned fairly fast so I decided to just skip it. Maybe I'll give it an actual try thi
Messmer and Midra bare minimum.
This is evidently false.
It says it can ALSO do that. He wants to know what the primary effect is.
I swear to god I can beat every single faggot in the circle except crucible knight
I am gonna rape his ass when I play mage on ng+
Tired of trying to match his super saiyan speed combos with my slow as nail mc
maybe in your headcanon, lmao
Can you finish Ansbach's quest if you side with Hornsent against Leda first? I presume you can't fight Leda with Ansbach then? Does the questline just ignore this part if so or does it just end?
So far I've seen 2 main bosses and 1 npc invader do it
>learn more about marikas history
>she wanted revenge for the genocide of her people
>became a monster in the process

…is it wrong that i want to fuck her even more now? Is that weird?
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>make 100 new weapons
>like 3 of them are cool
>delusional tranny buys a ring and pretends Radahn gave it to him
Radahn wanted nothing to do with that faggotry, hence why Miquella had to send malenia to kill him. People claiming the war was some LARP to appease Radahn are retards
The only question is what Miquella and Malenia's part of the vow was...
>heh... see now you HAVE to be like me and use only Mimic Tear

you didn't need to beat rellana
cross the bridge (close to where the two npc's are) and follow the river under it
No, the DLC also made me love Marika
>make open world game
>dont integrate DLC into the base game open world
can we talk about how retarded this is? what reason is there to lock it behind a shitton of running and forced mohg fight other than to waste the players time?
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have you beaten lord of the fallen 2 yet?
Does anything at all get unlocked after Radahn?
Age of Duskborn

>No one had ever expected the announcement of a new Elden Lord would be so quiet.
>There was the usual wave of emotions -- excitement, fear, skepticism, optimism -- but there was a feeling of... release?
>A feeling of rest, as if a great weight had been lifted off everyone's shoulders.
>The promise that life was no longer eternal and was now finite. Death was destined for all living creatures.
>In the catacombs and tunnels, as if a wind had swept through the ancient corridors, the bones of heroes long-dead finally settled against the cool brickwork.
>The graveyards slipped into silence once more as the death birds dropped from the sky and black feathers faded into faint whispers of smoke.
>Deep under the soil a man, whose hair was once gold and whose name was beloved, shifted in his grotesque, massive body and sighed a breath of grateful release.
>Across the land the man's blight slowly faded, like eyes closing on a corpse.
>In a realm where all the dead go, a woman sang praise to the name of the Elden Lord, who ushered in the true death of dear Godwyn.
>There was death in the Lands Between. Those Who Lived in Death now walked like phantoms, free, boundless.
>The Golden Order, of course, railed against such things but the Rune of Death that shimmered within the Elden Ring had already written its laws into the natural order, ignoring the cries of zealots and priests as if they were whining children.
>Did this solve anything? No. There was still war in the Lands Between. Strife, pain, and fear.
>But death now was a fact of life, no longer a thing to be feared or hated. Death was now a promise for another life. A symbol of one era ending and another beginning.
>A hushed stillness hung over the lands and all the living and all the dead would stand in reverence to the Elden Lord -- if not for just one night
>enemies can straight up cancel out of their spells/attacks to fuck you
For what? Why?
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>Foundational elements good, quests and rewrites bad
>Great runes downgraded from reality-altering to stat boosts
>Dreambrew quest cut, removing NPC dialogue and world interactions
>Malenia's quest removed without replacement
>Omen NPC quest in Leyndell cut, no NPC quests there anymore
Okay why does fromsoft do this? I see so many people say "it got rewritten" no, it got cut. There's so much that got cut
>But it changed over devel-
Yeah, and now there's less. Nothing of that remained. We lost dreambrew, the Lyndell omen quest, environment changing through divine towers, we lost stargazing, we lost great runes weapons, we lost malenias questline, we lost miquellas ending. All that was lost, what did we get in return? Nothing. Miyazaki needs to retire, half the content for shit is done and then he says "nope delete that". Dude is the ken Levine of Japan. Oh and guess what? Even for the DLC?

And in place? Nothing.
>thought Torrent not being usable would have some lore implication with regards to chaos, melina, torrent, and Miquella backstory
>turns out it was just due to some dev wanting to force people to do the stealth part instead of just riding past them on Torrent
worst part of the DLC to be desu
>"dont integrate DLC into the base game open world"
it's great because the base game world is an empty piece of shit and this time it's at least smaller

[1170900070] I know it would pain old Jerren, but war has always suited General Radahn best.
[1170900080] And certainly far more than any honourable death.
[1170900090] Endless war to invigorate the soul.
[1170900100] As befits General Radahn, the great lion.
All those left/right side of door ambushes, rats, and enemies ripped from BB for a
>a shitty transformation mask
>a flying skull craftable
>focus boosting talisman
>icy perfume bottles
At least the last one isn't so bad. Perfume bottles are fucking cracked.
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Marika gooners are starting to become as bad as rannifags were on release
The goal obsessed monster was for God miquella not normal miquella
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Radahnfags don't want to admit he put a ring on this
can i just skip it? or is there mandatory content
as soon as i realized it was that kind of thing i just left.
Is there something I need to do to get the BAYLE npc summon?
GEQ would've just witch of iza-whatever from ds1 stuck in a giant mound of dead dudes and unable to die, even when you killed her she would've just said sorry over and over
you know it to be true
Wait, you really do kill every single member of Marika's family except for
>Marika herself
I hope she's not too pissed but then again she probably hated most of them anyway.
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Nice game, soulstards.
Next time try playing a real hard game.
Reminder that this entire DLC is fanfiction and Miquella is actually a yandere shota who stalks the Tarnished from a distance chronicling their adventures in picturebooks after giving them a steed whistle through Melina that doubles as a wedding ring.
Yeah, there's a subsection of nighttime called "late-night" where some stuff like that happens.
Just leads you to an optional boss
Early DLC was rough but things have been better since I bothered leveling up Scadutree and found the power of Great Katana + Savage Lion Claw
I literally cannot feel sorry for the hornsent after what they did to Midra and Marika.
Played it on release thoroughly meh game but better than the original release at least
It's just jar cannon but better
Abyssal woods are completely optional. Only stuff there really is the frenzy boss, frenzy perfume bottles, frenzy torch, frenzy fist and one Skadi blessing
but you have to do all this bullshit to get there on a new character

imagine if it was just in the overworld, atleast you could just turn off your brain and ride there on the horse in like 10 mins
Was the battle of aeonia just a fucking larp gone wrong? Did malenia vow to give radahn an honorable death and she fucked it up?
any good miquella lewds yet?
Leads you to one of the better boss fights
It makes no sense for the war to have been a larping excercise, but Radahn could have made a promise and then failed to fullfil it.
reddit jar is meta
or they made another reddit jar?
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You like any of the new weapons? I'm kinda sitting here thinking we had it pretty good in the base game compared to this
They did something to Midra?
Any good lewds of curseblade meera or the dragon priestess yet?
Dragon hunter would’ve been cool if it wasn’t quality
Thoroughly deserved for fucking with the flame but yeah the marika village stuff is a new level of assholery
Devonia's Habba cool. Black Steel Greathabba cool. habbas are cool, simple as.
that's why so many people are seething and they are review bombing it, they fear right wing messaging in media. DLC also confirms marika was in the right, subhumans were subjugating the superior Aryan race and she finally decided to fight back
What makes your eyes turn red?

Endless war, firery war.
That is what General Radahn is. That's a lion.
>he isn't being mind controlled
it is literally a meatpuppet carved out of mohg's remains, no need to mind control it
og radahn is long dead at this point
>backhand blade are cool
>greatsword of solitude is really goodd, decent ash of war, and good strenght scaling
>flame knight greatsword is my new swordfu
>regular beast claws you can get right from the start are very nice
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>DLC about Miquella
>Barely any FTH/INT content
What gives?
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I'm on the red site of graces, how the hell do I get to those other two, I guess they are in the bottom of the valley, but there doesn't seem to be any paths down
It's not though
In DS1, linking the fire seems to genuinely fix things (temporarily)
In DS3 you can choose to embrace the possibility for rebirth after the age of dark
DS1/3 are worlds where everything is fucked but hope yet remains even if it's faint
LotF was awful, I didn't beat it because I just couldn't find a single fun weapon
I'd put DS3, Bloodborne, Lies of P, Nioh 2 and Stranger of Paradise over Elden Ring
>side with Hornsent
>beat Leda with him after she tries to kill him
>take him and beat Mesmer together
>he still betrays you at the end
The actual fuck?
i absolutely vibe with rellana's swords and i hate that there are only 3 light GS total apparently
They impaled him
They should have just killed Midra instead of leaving him half-alive and so agonized that he's able to transform into a chaos lord
flame knight do be aesthetic
It also has the shortest range of any greataxe, zero forward momentum, split damage, dogshit scaling in all stats, and cannot be buffed or infused. It's probably the worst weapon in its category by far.
A lot of item descriptions are pure gibberish, more than usual
Miquella isn't very smart which is why it's just FTH/STR/DEX mixes
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong? Why did everybody hate it?
from the shadow keep, along the cliff edge
see >>483169786
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>I'm afraid Sir Ansbach will be next
Gimme one fucking reason I shouldn't cut down this Yurt-wannabe right now
His soul is confirmed there
Miquella must have been planning on calming him down with endless bussy
Lmao, Marika made it very clear during the shattering that her children either win or be sacrificed bitch is ice cold.
Well I just went exploring aimlessly and now I'm in scadu altus and then suddenly I'm in moorth ruins or something so that's nice
Im like 90% certain they are unironically chatGPT generated
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>That's a lion.
Lions spend almost all of their time sleeping and most of the time not sleeping grooming each other and playing around like the fat cats they are
only larping alpha/sigma males think lions are constantly fighting
If you do ranni's ending it doesn't matter if she's pissed
Also read melina's quotation of marika. She like godfrey was a massive mightmakesrightfag. She may be upset but would be impressed at what you did and simply forgive you.
We know she's into that barbaric ideology, i think what upset her the most about godwyns death was how dishonorable it was. He was a great warrior and son of two great warriors and he was simply stabbed in the back during nighttime. It's an insult to marika, godfrey, and godwyn.
Probably. We don't know Malenia's thoughts on the matter because the DLC never tells us other than repeating the Very Original And Interesting points that she trusts Miquella's dream and rejects her godhood.
Because there is no faith or intelligence where this DLC is concerned.
This tier list pisses me off. Shitty opinions aside, why the fuck did you bother to add an S+ rank and not use it?
bro is still salty about his people genocide
not embracing St. Trina and becoming a cute girl, he was punished for being a faggot
>"Only I am allowed to know. Of your velvety sleep. Its sweetly gentle embrace. So please, smile—for me, and only me"
tfw no yandere st trina ending
Most of the bosses feel really underwhelming. Maybe it's just cause the lore and presentation feel so disjointed. Ofnir says something about all of the demigods and the lore tidbits along the way make you feel like you're taking on a mighty lord in the base game. In SotE they just kinda show up and get killed.
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i like relanna's twin blades and the starlight sword (magic katana used by the demi human swordsmen)
haven't tried other weapons yet but some look cool like the axes of the death knight
Is there no blackflame stuff in the dlc?
I don't get it. Why give him war?! When you are all about compassion?!
I’ll help leda kill hornsent just because he’s useless in the messmer fight
He's mad about Marika and doesn't realize that their people deserved way worse than just being genocided since they didn't get turned into fucking nightmarish amalgam monsters not granted the release of death
We know for a fact his soul is in there. The game says it multiple times. It's why the most based npc is so upset.
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>last time I fought a remembrance boss (putrescent knight) was at skadoosh level 6
>still have everything but that, rellana, and samba simba to fight
I'm not gonna touch those bastards until I'm as maxed out as can be.
The only reason they exist is so that VTubers and women who started playing because of GRRM can beat the game without trying.
And here I was wondering if I was the only one to feel this way. There's something just a bit underwhelming about the presentation. The only boss with build-up is Bayle (and Messmer).
Together with Ansbach you can kill her later
>You like any of the new weapons?
Great Katanas and Martial Arts are cool. Light GS have nice movesets but no poise. I didn't use perfumes. Flame Knight GS is fucking amazing. The throwable shit is good I guess. And I liked the Death Knight Greataxe
I like the anvil, but it does seem like it is just a reskin of the big troll bonker with a new ash of war.
>sickly littler brother asks you to marry him because he loves you are being strong and kind
>say "sure thing bro" because he's a kid and you don't want to hurt his feelings, he reminds you of your horse and cat
>don't realize he was serious
>his fujo sister is now coming to enforce a shotgun wedding with an army
yeah same. coming from dark souls i was pretty shocked how elden ring had basically no lore on the item descriptions. but this dlc is somehow even worse.
>Axe engraved with a smithscript. A throwing weapon created through the smithing arts. Execute a strong attack or jumping strong attack to throw the axe.
wow huge lore
where do you get it
at this point i am hoping for pedodhan to get a nerf at least on the speed he ques actions or reduces the delay between individual attacks, delayden ring really shouldnt be the way to go
Because Miquella isn't all about compassion, it turns out he's only all about getting Radahn to be his consort
Human misinterpretation of animal social behaviour.
It's even in your post, some guy gets wolf packs wrong and now we have to hear all this shit about alpha/beta males.
I love rakshasas armor BUT
>each piece makes you take increased damage
No thanks
Why the fuck is revived Radahn not an omen...
hornsent are vile, disgusting graceless creatures and deserve only being impaled and burned
yeah, like Rennala2.0 having no cutscene or dialogue is so bad
yes, I'm having trouble deciding wich one to stick on but I think it'll be LGS.
I hate to say it but this studio has hit a creative dead in their game design by exclusively focusing on rollslop gameplay. You can just tell they spent 99% of their time designing deceptive enemy animations to rollcatch you and 1% designing the entire rest of their combat system. It's hilariously easy to break the combat if you do anything besides stick to the boss, roll/jump and do basic attacks.
>sprint in and out of enemy range
>watch it combo the air for 10 seconds straight, with some animations specifically designed to bait you to roll at the wrong time
>go in and poke it once or twice before it recovers, rinse and repeat
And that's without getting into all the broken mechanics in the game. I'm expecting From to catch on that people can do this and for their next game they'll make every attack an arena wide AoE so now you're absolutely forced into the rollslop gameplay they want you to play.
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Marika did nothing wrong and she is my genocidal mommy princess gf
Godfrey and Marika were perfect for each other unironically, both are tribal nutcases
I bet they were just as in love as Radagon and Rennala or maybe more
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Oh so both aspects of miquella were yanderes? A yandere shota and yandere loli?
Damn, you guys are making me not want to finish the DLC
He does have some omen horns on his body, they're even there on the armor pieces you get from him
based miyahacki showing invader niggers their place
Yup, i'd say that the three boss that don't get that feeling are Messmer, Bayle (despite no cutscene, the buildup and hype from based Igon, dragonpriestess and the whole feel of the dragon peek really sells it) and Midra, despite his short dungeon, just the fact that we can see and hear him scream from afar, the buildup to his dungeon and his cutscene makes him really cool to fight against
Rellana is the biggest offender in the dlc imo
>trusting a subhuman
almost as stupid as trusting a merchant,
You already put time into it, may as well go as far as you can/want to make you own opinion.
Finish what you started, nigger.
>I hate to say it but this studio has hit a creative dead
The same company that has made the same game 6 times has hit a creative deadend?
Sent where?
Good enough
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Do I need to summon Thio for his quest?
Nah they're on his armor set you can buy which is supposed to be from his younger days
Oh they definitely were. She banished godfrey just so he could come back and heroically save her from presumably elden beast. We even know she tasked hewg to forge a god killing weapon. She fully intended for godfrey to show up rescue her as a noble hero slaying a amoeba dragon thing, and have violent sex like the good old days.
>Lmao, Marika made it very clear during the shattering that her children either win or be sacrificed bitch is ice cold.
Or, she spoke from her own experience - If you don't take victory one way or another, you're bound to end up like my people.
Until casuals get past the Rellana pseudofilter and actually get filtered by the mandatory parry section
Demoralization successful. You are not immune to propaganda
>my feelings say it's for vtubers
>what? facts? who needs that, i have my emotions
Did I miss the fucking quest FUCK
That's what I was thinking. I guess there's a whole quest for the finger thing but you just go to two big, mostly empty arenas and fight nothing and get some +1 talis. I'm sure they had all kinds of ideas about the lore and building them up but I guess it all got scrapped as is the case with much of elden ring
nah, you might as well do it solo all the way and only tell him after
They come out of the flesh on his body
To fucking hell after I am done killing them.
From this grace, go left, down the elevator and kill the group inside. There are two more through a little tunnel in the wall down there too.
Bayle's lore is cool even though he is an optional boss. Everything else is a downgrade from the base game
He literally gets on his back in long-haired spirit form like Serosh, the anchor that Marika put on Godfrey (Radahn's role model) to calm his endless savage battle lust. It isn't subtle.
>two new heavy thrusting swords
>both visually aesthetic
thrusting bros... we won
trina is the plant, the loli is just miquella's child body parts. trina is a ghost that only appears in dreams.
yeah the main issue is lack of gravitas, nothing built up in the main game like Artorias, Maria, Ludwig, etc. Rellana should have been a form of Ranni's original body or Renna, anything instead of "lol Rennalla had a twin sister", Madra should have been tied to Melina somehow. Have to make the bosses relevant to main game otherwise they just don't hit the same coming out of left field
They tried to get players to stop rolling and use jumps in combat by giving every boss a rollcatch but instead of adapting everybody is just crying about it.
it's not fair. INT needs something too
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Got him first try after, ty anon
At this point I think it's less might makes right and more it doesn't matter if you're right if you're also just dead
Her village was right and her village died because nobody strong enough to genocide the hornsent were around
The misbegotten may or may not be right but it doesn't really matter because they can't win against the forces of the Erdtree
Since Melina is a kindling maiden, would Mesmer be a kindling lord? Kindling knight? Kindling prince? The two of them are made of the same stuff
Because the prophecy scroll said he needed a lord to become a god and he decided it had to be Radahn for some reason
Summons are cheating, remember that.
>beat Romina first try with dryleaf
Throwing hands against gods is the most fun shit
One thing I do enjoy about the bosses with presentation is the fact they're all "damn this dude's the next Elden Lord". Messmer wants to arrest your ascendancy and is seething that Marika is choosing (You), Leda and co are scared shitless because they know (You) can and will kill Miquella, Freyja says it's an honor to be remembered as the woman who died at the hand of the next Elden Lord and Ansbach is rooting for you to take the Throne.
Are katanas no longer the go to for bleed builds? Or is it just because my arcane isn’t high enough? It’s at 38. I’m running double nagakiba with one blood infused and the other keen with bfb.
Messmer's Spear tempting me to go DEX/FAI
Age of Stars

>The Elden Lord was said to be the freest man in the Lands Between, answerable to no one but the Ring itself.
>And yet, in one fell swoop, the Lord had given that freedom to every man.
>The books of a thousand years ago describe the Lord taking the hand of a "doll, fair and delicate, with skin as blue as the glintstones as on its ring and ascending, without weight, into the limitless night."
>For the first time in millennia, there was a sense of freedom. A sense that every person, no matter what they were born to, had a chance at life.
>No more Golden Order, no Greater Will or Gloam-Eyed Queens or Formless Mothers dictating the rules, who would live with grace and who without, or who gets to live and who gets to die.
>The sense of possibilities were as limitless as the stars, those stars that shimmered like the lights that radiated from the windows of the great Academy, that seemed all at once to be things of incredible beauty and vast terror.
>Man could grow and evolve. They could wage war and burn their world to the ground. They could explore the cosmos and expand to become better than they were.
>Whatever choices they made, it was their choice and no one else's. Whatever lay ahead, good or bad, was in the fate of man.
>And to this day, if you were to look at the moon (and put aside the debates if it was truly magical or just a hunk of stone), you could see two stars right atop of it, shining brighter than any other star in the world.
>It is the Elden Lord and his Queen, Ranni of the Eternal Cosmos, looking down at the world they once were apart of.
Are Light Greatswords just shit? They seem to do less posture damage than straight swords.
bayle also has a cool build up stage-wise where the storm is intensifying as you continue to scale the mountain
>and use jumps in combat by giving every boss a rollcatch
the problem for me is that it's not really intuitive when jumping is possible and it's weird that your legs' hitboxes vanish when you jump
giant blasts of flame being jumped over looks weird, this isn't mario party where the flames stay super close to the ground after all
they said the map was the size of limgrave but it feels much bigger than that
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I choose mercy
>boss is internally referred to as "knight of the gloam eyed queen"
kek, Melinafags are the most cucked group in FROM history. All they got was confirmation of being Messmer's sister
Works on my great katana
>almost all of the armor sets in the dlc are locked behind a fight at the end
But why
i wanted to use gaius's one because it looks cool as shit but I lost interest when I got it and saw literally every single move, r1, r2, running, jumping, rolling, crouching, it's all the same exact poke.
Has nobody tried to finish Hornsent's and Ansbach's quests at the same time that can answer this?
>fly men creatures
>moan like men and not bugs
I do not like this
the hammer's problem is that you have to holy infuse it and abuse guard counters and if you want to spam guard counters just get a light GS instead it does them better
plus kekstra shitters are too stupid for guard counters and the hammer is kinda short+one handed greathammer moveset is ass
The Midra fight sucked ass though. Maybe I fought him over-scadu'd but he was definately one of the weakest remembrance bosses. Are there any items that allude to his manor and what he's doing there? There's all this stuff in the world that just kinda exists with no acknowledgement from the NPCs. The whole Miquela thing even seems half baked. This should have been messmer's story but he just guards a McGuffin
So who's the best new npc, Ansbach or Igon?
The map itself is the size of limgrave+weeping but it's like 3 maps stacked on top of each other
turning the severed bones of your arm into swords is cool
I killed this guy because he wouldn't stfu next to the grace I used
based character, Gideon if he wasn't a complete pussy
I really like Igon, but Ansbach did the unthinkable and helped uncancel Mohg and make him more likable than Miquella
Just beat the final boss, and I've beaten all the major optionals. I think in terms of scale, world design, aesthetic, etc, the DLC murders the base game. There is a lot of exploration that rewards you with junk, but stuff like the forges giving you 2-3 weapons a piece is great. Even the catacombs are great, lots of hidden stuff and great density of rewarding loot.

Bosses I think are aesthetically some of the best of the series, but not the absolute best and a lot feel really disappointing. I expected so many more surprise phase 2s and cutscenes and just left.. disappointed with not seeing them most of the time.

Challenge wise I think scadutree fragments are AWFUL. Literal artificial difficulty. There are FIFTY of these fucking things that end up resulting in a massive 100% damage increase/reduction if you get them all. Boss movesets are also awful. From has absolutely tapped out creatively and most bosses have the most egregious "turn-based" 500 hit, infinite stamina, magically tracking nonsense I've ever seen. They feel outright unfair if you expect to play this DLC like a Kn*ght cosplayer with no bells and whistles. This DLC has solidified that Elden Ring is more about build than skill for me.
I fucking love igon's over the top screaming but I'm also a sucker for ansbach's "former warrior too old to fight" archetype
Jumping is possible for some horizontally shaped attacks (but not all of them) and is very generous with hitboxes (but only if you press jump instead of using a move that visually lifts you off the ground) (except sometimes those work too). Hope that helps anon
I like milady, the stance r2 is a charged atttack with range and it can jump over attacks.
fix it then
heal them

who am i kidding, you're just a genocidal psycho murderhobo. you'll kill them even if they don't come at you
Good point, yeah Jagged Peak is pretty cool.
Maybe the progression of the dragon fights too.
Yeah, the approach to Bayle alone is cooler than most of these bosses
Why not both? They were great. I'd say Ansbach simply for being more main story relevant and figuring things out
>killing your hype man
Him just talking shit the entire bayle fight was amazing
The map is dogshit. Compared to the base game, you could look at your map and you'd see locations of interest, paths you could take, different elevation points.
The DLC map is extremely unintuitive and terrible at guiding players. You literally have to just walk around instead of using the THING THAT'S SUPPOSED TO GUIDE YOU. Fuck hard bosses, that's my biggest complaint so far.
>you'll kill them even if they don't come at you
They are former hornsent, so they have to FUCKING DIE
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>Shaman Village
>igon = Aegon
>bayle the dread = balerion the black dread
this DLC feels like a shitpost, Miyazaki didn't want to make it but was forced due to how much money they'd print so he did it grudgingly
He's da Pyre.
the hornsent literally did nothing wrong
This was the only new weapon in the entire DLC that tempted me to replace my Blasphemous Blade.
It can be infused, and the special guard counter is insane. Wish we got more weapons like this.
also coffins don't have a map nor is there underground section (really half the areas could likely be delegated to underground for clarity)
Milady(heavy) with wing stance and Meteoric Great Sword
But I'm partial to Sir Ansbach myself
Well for one, some of them survived.
Yeah I realized but the thing is it's not obvious at ALL at first and I only even realized it was possible after some anons were going on about jumping certain attacks on the game's release
Like it doesn't feel like jumping should remove as much of the hitbox as it does
This, the map is awful, you have to jump through a ton of hoops just to go somewhere that's right next to you, even more so than in the base game. That and the items. Soooooo many fucking smithing stones. Like, hey Miyazaki, we just spent two years buying smithing stones, we don't need this shit.
Leda's letters were shit compared to the cutscnes, roundtable interactions and Melina to serve as guidance
seemed more like a moby dick thing to me. especially considering he fights using harpoons.
Wtf is this scatree shit? Dumb DLC doesn’t explain anything.
you bastard
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Getting bored of my Wing of Astel, lads. Any good int/dex weapons you fellas running from the DLC?
Any good strength weapon in the DLC? I'm at messmer and have yet to find anything good.
I don't understand why they didn't enable an underground toggle like in the original map, especially since there are so many underground areas...
>these little notes of the main theme playing
>the crumbs of lore that put some things into context regarding Marika in just two items (and knowing what's the deal with the shaman & the jars
kino, Marika redeemed, she did nothing wrong
>I expected so many more surprise phase 2s
Gaydahn's phase 2 was very surprising. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced in one of these games.
I genuinely stopped reading them after the first one
>I softblocked myself out of further Ansbach content by not helping Leda kill this cunt
Tempted to abandon this playthrough and start again with one of my other characters. Fuck Fromsoft and their shitty obtuse quest design.
Marika did literally nothing wrong
Put the hornsent into the jars and throw them into the sea
>rominas poleblade has the sword spear moveset
>it looks cool as fuck
>causes rot
>really good ash of war
Convince me this isn’t the best weapon in in the dlc
artificial difficulty

dont like it? go collect the thingies for hours on end! have fun!
Fire Knight UGS is the best str weapon in the DLC by far imo. Everything is split scaling/damage because they expect you to be level 500
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this dlc is beautiful so far, every new area i reach is such a gorgeous sight
Infuse the backhand sword
>two-handed talisman stacks with axe talisman
holy mother of fuck I'm getting close to 5-digit damage
>no skill scrub gets filtered
many such cases

consider >>483173241
So was Mesmer the only reason why Marika even put the veil over the shadow land?
I'm scadu 5, is that enough for the cunt in castle ensis
So who is the cut remembrance boss? Those guys in robes
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Sill should have been Millicent.
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>wowzers the dlc map is soo big it’s like a whole new game!!!!
actual content outlined with red
>miyahacki not only reuses base game enemies but reuses pests, the most annoying fucking base game enemy, and just spams 50 of them in a single open area so they can all constantly spam you with their heat seeking nigger missiles
Is the veil even brought up at all in the DLC? I don't remember that at all
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Anyone smarter than me tell me how to get there?
everything is explained to not illiterate niggers
Putrescent Knight and Gaius seriously need balance changes.
Pretty sure the actual reason was to hide the Crucible

Yeah but there's also a ton of content that's underground so it's like 2x that size
No, the crucible was occulted by her
>beat dlc
Did you even read the post
yeah i fucked her at 3, a lot of people said they pushed her over at 4. you'll be all right
i know we used to be lightless but didnt we get the light returned? shouldn't messmer vibe with us?
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>runebear boss fight
Jesus christ
Based based based
the grace bloat is even worse than the base game i swear to god
go down behind you and then through a door.
Midra is one of the most fun, cool and forgiving bosses in the game, also all the build up until him is amazing
Yeah shit change ngl, the whole thing made so much more sense that way
why this bitch always crying?
yeah, they're kind of a joke. they should probably make it so they aren't retardedly easy to stagger.
Is that the dex one? It's split fire and phys damage?
>come into dlc with Fth/str build
>can't use any boss weapons.
>left fth softcapped at 50, can't even cast Messmer's spell, his spear needs DEX instead of str.
I basically played the whole dlc with great kat and the hammer the new knights use.
Has From ever added items or quests or cutscenes in a post DLC patch before? I know they have in a post game patch (e.g. Vaultr and all his stuff, finishing Nepheli, Kenneth, Diallos's quests) but not for post DLC. Please let me have one last cope.
Putrescent is SUPER weak to Holy damage
Use the sekiro tear and just guard counter it to death, I can break its poise in like 2-3 guard counters and it takes upwards of 1400 damage from each one + 4000 from the riposte
The only good one I found was the Greatsword right at the very start in the Mausoleum
Is there a way to go behind/around the Madness castle to the south edge of the Abyssal Woods or am I wasting my time?

Some attacks like Godfrey stomp, Radagon floor, Rellana moons, and Putrid Knight fire are blatantly designed to be jumped. Other moves are also jumpable but you actually need to read the hitboxes and decide if you want to jump or roll
No, I think it's pretty obvious she's trying to hide how she achieved Godhood and how there were different cultures before the Erdtree.
>waaa waaa it counts because uh just because okay
literally learn to play the game
get on a rock and kill it with ranged weapons. fuck runebears
To the left of you by the big room with scorpions there is a bunch of rubble pancaked on each other.
I’m not reading item descriptions. They intentionally make them vague and not worth the time. They should be big boys and use their words to convey what this item does since it seems to be integral to the DLC.
He's the male version of the annoying 'nerd girl' actress. He's crying because he isn't her.
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bomboclaat tarmished in search a tha elden ring an ting
Nah she still cheated and had a bunch of bastards going back to godfreys days thanks to jp descriptions and dialog we know this. I don't hate her anymore but I'm never doing her or ranni's endings. All the way for goldmask and the flame of frenzy
>and Putrid Knight fire are blatantly designed to be jumped
This one took me some time to figure out because the fire itself is MUCH taller than you are even when you jump
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black anvil greatammer or greatsword of solidtude I'm done being an intsissy
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why does this have different requirements on PC and console?
can you jump bayles fire shit comes out so fast
I killed one ogre and this dropped, is it good?
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>elden ring is an unoptimized mess that averages out at 45fps on my r5, 16gb, 1070ti machine
>elden ring is an unoptimized mess that averages out at 45fps on my 32gb, r7, 4070ti
Messmer did nothing wrong
fuck the hornsent
different man insects, buddy
idk why i read this in little jacob's voice specifically
>bro just do the exact same boss three times in a row bro
>also here’s 2 more ulcers and another fallingstar beast XDD
how are these retards getting away with this
I would say me beating the game counts as learning it bro. Why are you so stupid
Sure, anon, the "Oh fuck we forgot to add anything to the southern region of the map" patch is coming any day now.
Yeah but you're just supposed to figure it out because it looks like the sort of attack that is designed for you to jump instead of roll :^)
uhhh do you not understand symbolism and mystery? you're not a brainlet are you
Wow, Commander Gaius is really fun, I hope shitters don't force FROM to nerf him.
>Charges you immediately so Summonfags have to work just a bit harder to get Mimic out
Why this good?
Marika is just as guilty as the hornsent
What she did to Messmer was awful, and what she did in the lands between worss
That one is weaker than the iron greatsword and it's heavier
I want to know too
They already got their 10/10s from most journos, any issues and complaints will be yelled down as "skill issue" by zealots, the lore will be into some inane Vaati video - why bother?
Nooo. I only beat gaius by havel tanking and spamming L2, don't take it away from me.
>thanks to jp descriptions and dialog
You keep saying this but post neither of them
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>still trying to twist it into Marika being le manipulative bitch
>still shilling Goldmask even when Metyr makes the biggest buffoon possible out of him
Goldmask lost.
He has Omen horns growing out of his arms and he has Mohg’s Bloodflame Talon
The Age of Cunny and Bussy was the only way to save the Land's Between. From was too afraid to follow through cause they're jaded boomers with families, but I will always know the truth.
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>he wasn't into Marika until the DLC
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me like to unga me strength
anything for me in dlc?
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My first act as elden lord will be taking Nepheli as my lover and turning Marika into a cuckquean.And then I'll make them swap.
>evil women

>evil men
>I sleep

Many such cases
which spirit ash summon is your favorite?
mimic nerds are not allowed to reply
only thing i would nerf is damage to torrent or reworking how long you're supposed to be stunned after he's killed, alternatively give some iframes on mounting so he doesnt instadie after
one of the attacks, i think the heavy, does multiple bleed procs in one hit triggering it instantly
My first act as Elden lord will be dragging Ranni out of her tower kicking and screaming so she can be publicly stoned to death
>It makes no sense for the war to have been a larping excercise
It's literally a large-scale version of the Radahn Festival.
Hornsent are unironically jews
He means the Mimic Veil which implies that Marika may have been using it to fuck randoms (but the word "can" mean sexual mischief, it also gets used for normal mischief like that a high school boy might get up to)
He also conveniently ignores the JP of goldmask's rune which is basically "throw away emotions bro they're terrible and the problem" after an entire DLC dedicated to telling you how bad that shit is
I am a Rannichad thoughever
You softblock bloodbro if you don't side with Leda?
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I've spent the last 10 hours working through dungeons and then not killing the bosses at the end. Got
>3 Blackflame Dragons+the one before Bayle
>the Magma Wyrm in Dragon's Pit
>the giant bear
>the Mariner
>and 4 Ulcerated Tree Spirits
waiting for me
Yeah, but that would have taken the shine off Ranni. Malenia would have had the most intimate interactions and longest questline. There'd be more Maleniafags than anyone else and people would bitch about the lack of a Malenia ending.
Why does this nigger have an ARC tax? what were they thinking?
Its Ash of War is decent and it has very good Guard properties so you can kinda use it in place of a shield or with the new physick tear
Do the Shattered Stone and Rotten Winged Sword talismans stack?
>ANOTHER dead bird
>ANOTHER drake
>ANOTHER fallingstar beast
>ANOTHER tree spirit
he was forced to fight messmer without a summon
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IF ranni did love your character and is lovesick as it's implied carian women tend to be why did she have her dragon attack you? That dragon you fight serves as her loyal knight after she kicked its ass.
Was the whole thing meant to be like some fairy tale story she probably read a lot of where the brave hero defeats the dragon then proposes to the princess.

Is this what you actually want rannifags? Because if she actually does love you she's a fucking cheesy nerd.
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Never post my wife's non-canon alter ego again
How do you dodge Messmer attack where he does that multi stab flurry thing when he flies past you?
okay so
>The Gates Of Divinity = The Cruicible
>The Hornsent stuffed Marika's people into jars
>Marika slutted and tricked her way to the Crucible, most likely with the help of some of the fingers nearby
>The hornsent are cursed by the Shamans - with the selfish ones turning into horrific ever-suffering Fly creatures, while those with pure hearts
>She ascends to divinity, but her people are already gone
>Begins revenge rampage
>As revenge for her revenge, her children are cursed to resemble Hornsent, and unable to look at them, she banishes her children to the sewers and begins Omen discrimination
barefoot and pregnant is so simple that any woman can do it

fixing an evil man seems like it would be much more complicated
lots of women cream themselves over evil men anon, Messmer has quite a fanbase already although i wouldn't say he is that evil
I want to have threesome ending with Miquella. He will breed my children and Radahn's.
Dung Eater. I want to find the one for those big rock ogres he is cude.
Hope you like hammers
Oh based. That will get nerfed though.
My first act at Elden Lord will be spanking Marika until she's gushing between her legs then impregnating his hard masochist freak of a queen until I have enough kids to replace all the ones I murdered on my way to power.
your Flame Knight Greatsword??
>ancient twat sessenax
just give me a target lock on his fucking back legs. fuck I hate dragon fights so much. not even bayle is this annoying, he's just tanky as fuck.
You fuck albinaurics
fucking hate magma wyrms
>bear boss

This is the second time I missed the fucking runebear fight.
>cheesy nerds
you lack romance
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>Japanese: "The foot of the Shadowtree"
>English: scadutree base

>Japanese: "The Evil Serpent, Messmer"
>English: base serpent messmer

>Horny man says he found "a new cross" and marked it on a map
>gives you a map with 6 crosses on it

>pic ESL gibberish

The translation is pretty bad this time huh.
That's just because he has a somewhat conventionally attractive face, him being evil (or not) doesn't factor in at all
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It makes so much more sense logically, narratively, and thematically.
Stop touching his butt you degenerate
i unironically never want to see this fucking faggot brought up in pleasant conversation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lhy9QnBHmo
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YES. Finally. There's only room for one Moon Knight.
Didn't they say they added new steps to Sellen's questline? I cannot find this detail in the patch notes. I don't know if I imagined it or what.
>have 7800x3d and 6700xt
>only have frame drops when I use night mist, worse when online but only lose like 8 frames
you take 2-3 times more damage and deal 1/2 to 1/3rd of your normal damage
fix this using blessings from fragments
there are 50 total
Does anyone know if using Scadutree Blessings puts you in a higher invasion bracket? I want to gather goodies on my RL1 invader but don't want to fuck myself.
you have to be below it, there's an angle under him when he's floating that it doesn't hit.
that's a dex/fth weapon
what was going through their head when they penned "scadutree"
How do you get there?
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Anime website
>>Marika slutted and tricked her way to the Crucible, most likely with the help of some of the fingers nearby
where do we get these infos? Her being called a strumpet, and maybe some of Ymir dialogue? Anyhow I think you got it summarized well, what happened to those with "pure heart?"
So, are the GEQ and the flame of frenzy the only remaining actual mysteries?
Yeah and /erg/ acts like evil Miquella isnt hot
guard is maybe the only factor
lion's claw etc deals around 20-25% more damage than the ash
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>pic related
That's actually fine, if archaic
"to spend entire" is a bit different from "to entirely spend" but both are TECHNICALLY correct
Siluria's tree carried me through the dlc
Messmer is genuinely ugly. And he's built weird.
>playing online at all
evil miquella was edgy unnecessary retconned garbage when we know from cut content he was supposed to have a good ending
run backwards
the first few stabs will miss you
roll so you iframe the last few stabs
??? It's a good hammer either go holy or str both work
It would have made her look really bad sacrificing her loyal dragon like that.

That would've been better than what we got. Really there are so many ways they could have made Millicent's questline and her tie in with Malenia more interesting / have more payoff. It's almost like they intentionally just ball teased us getting her into the haligtree, right next to Malenia's arena and then ending her quest without any real explanation for her plot threads there. I'm largely convinced that this is how they do most of their quest lines actually, they just try to find new ways to disappoint us while they laugh evilly.
You vill fuck ze twink
where did her army come from
10/10 game mechanic
Based Miyazaki.
Since Malenia popped these girls out of her bloom, are they all just clones of a young Malenia?
It's pronounced shadow tree.
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Marikafags and rannifags are a blight on this general and I'm doing my part to wage war on you subhumans. Your waifus got off mostly free while miquella and malenia were butchered from how they're characterized in the base game and their cut content. You people are aids.
Do I need to use npc summons on bosses for quests or no? Did Rellana and hippo without summons, I didn't fuck anything up, right?
oh maaaaaaaan id haaaaaate it if miquella's bussy landed on my dick id be soooooooooo mad
scuddies have no impact on pvp at all iirc, the stats don't apply to players
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If I want my incantations to do more Holy Damage, do I use the Edtree or Golden Order Seal?
Are they still using Frognation this time?
No way it's this big of a deal? I've got 30 in my inventory, haven't used one because I want to see how long before I hit a wall
That sounds huge
Git gay, faggot
Interesting. And he has a nice voice.
>go through shadow keep
>make it down into the area with pot monsters and flame monks crossed with sanguine nobles
>cross the bridge into rauh
>get away from the scorpion pit
>fight the hammerhead crucible knight
>have a few souls before I can level
>try and cross the bridge and die
>faggot wicker man spams the fucking flame vortex and kills me
>souls disappear and cannot be seen
>check below on rauh base
>still nothing
what the fuck is this?
I'd have to farm the stupid fucking flame shit until he kills enough of the ghost nobles to get them back
I would say he would still do questionable stuffs but at his heart he still retains a sense of morality when electing Radahn as his consort instead of Mogh.
i thought it was pronounced scibidi bi
is the DLC going to gatekeep future games for us?
>Ranni's a fanfic reading nerd that got Adula killed to live out her shoujo fantasies
Kinda based
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holy fuck. someone tell me if this is worth it.
Are Bayle's incantations worth it?
They have a high arcane req
Also are they counted as cult or communion?
it's just north of where you start the DLC from, just follow the road. can't miss it.
They didn't really do much to Malenia tho
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is the poison perfume the only bad one, I don't see the use for it
>beat rellana
>the bear is filtering me
Cloth bros... We're so back!
I am an omnigirlfag I just despise goldmask niggers most of all because none of them have any arguments except constantly complaining about woman moments that we now understand is nothing of the sort
>Your waifus got off mostly free
Nah Ranni comes off as a genuine moron now that we know the GW has never been relevant and the moon is a literal rock
It's implied that they're aspects of her humanity that she lost when blooming. Millicent was her pride and humanity which is why she's trying to return to the Haligtree to restore Malenia
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Cheers anons
>Hope you like hammers
I killed bayle with only one heal. The only time I had to heal was when I tried to summon Igon for his quest, and he kept sniping me before I could.
I give up. If i set myself to offline can I cheat? I've been on this final fight for hours and even when summoning people they dont last but 10 seconds into phase 2.
>Putrescent Knight can stagger
What the fuck
>despite melina being so against Chaos she has nothing to say about a literal chaos boss
its a shit spell
They missed a chance to make a staff made from the Scadutree and call it Scaduceus
I agree, but fangirls clearly don't
It's not my fault they took GRRM's drunken ramblings seriously, Anon
just do the flower fight and you get his broken great rune to take off the stack (good luck finding time to use items tho)
Age of Compassion is the true ending Mikezaki said so
>caring about souls
are you still leveling up or something? You should have farmed everything you needed from cooping mohg before the dlc launched
>unga bunga neko
that's a mood
oh right it got cut off
It's mentioned that the Hornsent who took care of others and weren't massive assholes got to live.
> When the weak were infected with the dreaded fly sickness, they perished well before the metamorphosis could take hold. Oddly, those who cared for the infected and made certain they were given a proper burial were never afflicted themselves.
divine pussy to seduce a few local warlords, not that hard
figures... fucking FROM, giving us cool shit but no time to use it.
marika tongue my elden ring
Neither one changes the damage output, they just scale differently
Erdtree Seal is better if you have a shitton of faith but no int
Golden Order has the best scaling if you are int/faith or pure int using some faith spells (but only "beats" pure 80 faith Erdtree at like 65/65 so it's still much less efficient)
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If I remember correctly, they changed it because they didn't want to lock people out of fighting one of the best bosses in the game. I for one would have been fine with Malenia being the secret superboss hidden behind a quest. They locked multiple bosses and locations in Ranni's questline after all.
Did you get all the skibidis? Are you using a greatshield? Is your mimic tear +10? Are you using a bleed weapon?
>are you still leveling up or something?
yes I've been leveling END to be able to wield most shit
i went in at 125 and am now almost 150
why wouldn't I level more i'm being handed souls out the ass
I'm more annoyed that they still keep putting these stupid things everywhere
>at his heart he still retains a sense of morality
which is worth jack shit if his actions don't match
>when electing Radahn as his consort instead of Mogh
not what said election includes bewitching and using mohg and even desecrating his dead body
why does everyone think it's fine to genocide the hornsent
what the fuck, guys
Using one blessing gives 20% absorbtion
I read all of Metyr's items and remembrances and I don't know how an anon thinks that ruins the goldmask ending.
Who the fuck is that boss remembrance with the fat and slim hooded figures?
It does enormous damage over three hits and the last one is a knockup but it takes 1000 years to cast with no hyperarmor so good luck with that one
Players can also jump the damage if they're not caught by it which means they'll jump attack you and get you without taking damage, unlike Explosive Ghostflame or Burn O Flame
Curseblade Meera is my WIFE
Shut the fuck up hornsent sympathizer, I am going to fucking impale you and throw you into a burning basket.
Browsing this subreddit, I’ve almost only seen posts about the game being overtuned. Every time a post is posted about a boss I loved, it’s only because they are ‘bullshit’, not because of their immaculate design.

I don’t understand this at all. The DLC is obviously tough at nails, and I’m getting my ass kicked a lot, but it all feels incredibly fair and beatable to me. I’ve been hearing so much about one shots, but apart from the occasional two shot from a heavily telegraphed attack from a boss I’ve always managed to roll away and scrape by even when getting hit multiple times.

So yes, the DLC is incredibly difficult, and definitely harder than the base game, but not unfair at all. And even when you feel like something is truly unbeatable, in Elden ring, you have a lot of options to make it easier. You can:

A. Try to go another way and level up B. Skip it entirely (sometimes) C. Summon all the help you can D. Respec into an overpowered build to exploit the weaknesses of the boss

Maybe I’m yet to encounter a true bullshit boss, but the two remembrance bosses I’ve fought, and about which I heard a lot of complaining, are actually some of my favorites and felt totally fair.

So, where does this sentiment come from, exactly? Why is everyone acting like the DLC is so unfair
they started it
Are you the guy who got so angry while shitposting rannifags he shit himself? https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/482847845/#482850623
You've also been seething about the erdtree lore for a while https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/image/t8dhpDis_FdcB9qfoDD3hQ/
To be fair to her that was iji's thing being anti gw. She doesn't really mention it
>which is worth jack shit if his actions don't match
Yeah and so many other people in this game are saint huh
>bewitching and using mohg and even desecrating his dead body
Nothing of value was lost
They confirmed her being a retarded simp I suppose but even that‘s in the base game
dude what the fuck
uncalled for
dlc feels like fanfiction and barely relevant at all to the main game
So what are the good remembrance options? Or are they all underwhelming?
>> When the weak were infected with the dreaded fly sickness, they perished well before the metamorphosis could take hold. Oddly, those who cared for the infected and made certain they were given a proper burial were never afflicted themselves.
Where is this said?
>Browsing this subreddit
Go back my friend

>genocide someone
>they genocide you back
>oy vey ids annuda shoah
you niggers are getting off easy, Marika isn't potting you
more like
>shaman were doing weird shit petitioning the outer gods
>GW responds by sending meytr
>marika listens to fingers who guide her to godhood
>return and hitler the hornsent
>hornsent retaliate by invoking fell god because hurr durr crucible fire holy, marika's bloodline cursed
>ranni goes schizo and niggernukes her brother
>malenia goes schizo and AIDSnukes a contnent for boipucci
DLC deserves mixed. Sure it's somewhat of an improvement on the base game open world's emptiness, but there's still so much repeated content and the vaunted weapon additions ended up being far, far smaller than first thought. They repeat forges, ruins, gaols, all this shit stacks up to such a shallow world experience. Rest seems okay though. So mixed is warranted.
Lol it's the same glitch as the code vein shit.
oh shit, I started on my 150 character and just spend shit on rope (there's finally a rope bell bearing) and crabs. I bought a bunch of sleep boluses anticipating a sleep swamp but it never happened, nothing in the game sleeps you afaik. I have lost 1M runes at various points not giving a fuck.
Man where is this village.
>field of wildflowers
>blinding gold spot around the tree
>elden beast theme on harp
honestly the best part of the DLC, pure SOUL. FROM needs to get back to stuff like that rather than anime bosses, the environment and overall aesthetic feeling were what made the games special. St. Trina's garden was also good
>Canon fujo
>Attack dog for Miquella
>Blew up a country because she tried and failed to kidnap a grown man so that he could peg her little brother
>Literally got so hot and horny thinking about Radhan fucking Miquella that she unleashed aeonia
The fly talisman, I think, the one that boosts resistance to the last status affliction you got
new colossals doko
That’s what it’s looking like. I saved him against Leda and did as much as I could with Ansbach's quest, including giving Freya his letter, but he disappeared and there’s no invasion symbols in the library where he should be.

I think you can only choose to protect one NPC per playthrough.
what happened
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Apologize for doubting Ranni's plan now that you know all the other gods deserved to die
Metyr was before Marika, way before even as it's the first shooting star in TLB meaning she might even predate the Elden Beast
pretending that you love and care for all in age compassion is kinda hypocritical while desecrating your half brother's corpse to bring back your childhood crush
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>nothing in the game sleeps you afaik
Bro your fissure?
>Yeah and so many other people in this game are saint huh
no one argued that, disingenuous faggot. and no other character in the game is claimed to be a saint, either by themselves or anyone else, only miquella.
>Nothing of value was lost
so miquella is just like the others and remorselessly uses those he sees as beneath him, thank you for establishing that
The fact that Miquella mindraped all of his followers should tell you he would be a horrible God.
How he used Mogh, how he tried to use Malenia, all the different groups of people he manipulated and abandoned, he's honestly looking worse than Marika
>stragglers posting on here
Marika should've finished the job
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holy fucking shit this was like 150 tries I think

nothing in these games has ever felt this good

mimic/summoning/status/magic chuds get BTFO'd this how we strength CHADS roll
>retard fights radahn on skibbidi level 2
>summons players who get scaled to his shit skibbidi level
>"wahhh summoned people don't last"

Just write your bad review and refund the game, smoothbrain
give me a single reason I should fight a single one of these elemental Hornsent in Enir-ilium
the hornsent put Marika's people into pots
There's even a hornsent ghost whipping a shaman corpse telling them to know their place
the fucking jar abominations you fight? yeah that's what remains of marika's people
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Millicent my beloved.
I uniornically think the fanfic stuff people speculated on with GEQ and Godwyn was better than what we got. Fucking Radahn? Really?
Their too afraid of a generation of gamers empowered by the prospect of an Age of Cunny ushered in by Miquella which will turn everyone into their cutest and funniest state possible. They want to shoehorn us into an Age of Fire ending, perpetuating the purgatorial cycle of hag worship.
bro your skibbididoda skibididay?
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Unironically a psyop lol
>nothing in the game sleeps you afaik
I found enemies that sleep you, those big goblin fucking things you see messmer soldiers fighting, there is a sleep spit variant and they also have a sleep melee buff on their weapons
>If I remember correctly, they changed it because they didn't want to lock people out of fighting one of the best bosses in the game
they could have still had you fight, basically you get a warning and maybe an item but she'll still fight you if you persist
why does messmer try to kill you
He's just a well meaning but naive child who's never actually been told no before
shamans were probably the old culture that built all the greek shit and the megastructures. they'd likely been cooking the fingers shit way before marika came along and actually passed their quest or whatever.
18 scadu
tried a greatshield + mohgs build, I cant get used to blocking attacks, havent done it since DS1.
Using perfume lightning dex + faith
why is everyone seething about the expansion
and why am I having fun
There're several implications

>He was corrupted by his great rune
>He wanted to protect sellia
>He changed his mind and told miq to fuck off
He's jealous because he thinks you have Marika's love while he doesn't
Does any NPC in the base game talk about anything in the DLC?
Does getting Miquella's rune from the Skibidi tree brick anything?
lmao how do these people breathe when Big Air could be infecting them with tranny genes

This magazine interview basically confirms that the Radahn/Miquella marriage wasn't planned right? This commentary makes no sense with what the DLC said Malenia's whisper was.

>When she confronts Radahn, Malenia is already fully wounded, but she recognizes the enemy and stands up again. This explanation of the situation alone will always lead an exaggerated performance of "exhaustion or pain".
>However, considering her background and thoughts leading up to the battle, she is not a person who shows pain and hardship.

>The scene where Malenia thrusts the sword at Radahn was one of the later cuts we worked on, but the abstract expression "We want it to look as if she stabbed the sword as if she were praying" was reflected with empathy, so I felt that the ideas that we had accumulated were shared.

She was praying, not saying "FUCK MY BROTHER RIGHT NOW."
Tarnished sent to the lands between to become elden lord
Marika keeps him in the shadow realm.
Marika favors rando tarnished over her son, even though they lack grace.
This makes him mad.
igon is the best character in the dlc
Does anything apply sleep? That boomerang guy sure doesn't. Did I miss a hidden side path? I just fought birds, laser rocks, and fat fucks in there. Oh and the recycled Lionine misbeggoten kek
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Just ran through a dungeon full of jars, No idea what was going on in there but its not good.

Going to wait for vaati to tell me the story (theories)
>enagefags don't even have their own memes
>forced to badly photoshop 3HChad memes
i'm so glad unicorn overlord killed that franchise
So far the best thing about the dlc is that it made me replay the base game
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>want to replay the DLC on a new char
>want to get the weapon I want early
>have to fight radahn, mohg and mesmer at level 30
what the fuck were they thinking
Marika WAS a shaman, the shaman village is where she was born and raised
+18 scadu
using perfume lightning, I cant get used to blocking, I havent done that since DS1
His sole purpose for his entire life was to eliminate those without grace
He may be upset about being tossed aside like a broken doll, but he's basically been programmed to do his job
I wonder how they'll swing her storyline. On the one hand, it's mostly a gag manga. On the other, we have had character deaths and they're treated seriously without humor (like Irina).
the entire golden order he's trying to cement was revealed to be a fucking LARP made up by the fingers. Surprised more people haven't pointed out the fingers = Littlefinger scheming with the GRRM connection. They are a bunch of plotters picking people to try and gain more power over each other. My guess is that in GRRM's lore they are just a regular group of people, Miyazaki then made them literal fingers
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justify this shit, fast!!!!!
Praying for Radahn to fuck her brother
Her plan is predicated on the gw being in charge of things and it's not.
Marika is also proven to not be as bad as we thought. Even her "slutiness" isn't really confirmed with no sources to back it up. Infact cut dialog with godfrey and ACTUAL jp item descriptions imply her and godfreys relationship was a lovematch and they stayed loyal to one another. We also know that a god needs and elden lord and we know that a godfrey was banished by marika so he could come back stronger alongside his men. Putting two and two together as well as how she insults radagon it's likely she didn't "cuck him with radagon" but was forced to marry the guy. Much like ranni a LOT of people misinterpret marika and want her to be worse than what she was. I genuinely think most marika and ranni hate comes from people misunderstanding them or because they're popular and the only marriage options.
Marika fucked hundreds
I think anyone who actually canonically dies will die desu
>but Godrick
Godrick's a demigod so he'll come back to life anyway
Oh really? I think I never even got hit by them? I'm p sure I was over-scadu'd and just two shot them all.
Happy Halloween
She deserves to die just as the rest.
>Bayle at Blessing 9
are you batshit
I think you may have autism
>i don't like you
>therefore murder
who does this
but i can see the grace
I never doubted her in the first place
>absolute kino lore implications (Shaman Village)
>fanfic tier garbage (Radahn and Miquella)

>amazing bosses
>overtuned bullshit with wonky hitboxes

DLC quality is all over the place.
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kissing Milli on her scarred cheek and making her blush
Now that most normalfags have reached radahn, what’s the verdict?
zanzibort.... forgive me.....
Kys shill
do you have a non-gif version of this
>while desecrating your half brother's corpse
The brother that you didnt know and never interacted with
> to bring back your childhood crush
The one that was kind to you
Sound logical to me
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0 poise but lookin' fine
Most people think it's a kino fight
Some are a bit confused
Worst area in the DLC. It's just fucking huge and empty. Literally nothing there.

This is my biggest complaint too. Miyazaki said something like "striking a better balance between open field and legacy dungeon" meanwhile the legacy dungeons in SotE SUCK and there's a fucking million giant open empty areas. It's even worse than base game.
What's the new pvp meta
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You assume a lot. And you're reaching based off of GRRM. Metyr got signs from the greater will.
Controversial take but I think the Skibidi power up system worked really well. There was no reason for me to level up my character and you just hit soft caps with stats the normal way so this was the perfect solution to reward exploration and still have some scaling while letting you stay at your desired level.
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The fact that they're such clowns makes their deaths hit harder.
Controversial opinion: The smithscript weapons should have scaled with Arcane and been visually closer to the Marais Executioners Sword.
Actually I'm kinda pissed we didn't get any more telekinetic weapons in the DLC
Is scadu supposed to be shadow in an ancient language or something
So does the shadow land exist in the same timeframe as the lands between, or is it in the past? I can't figure it out...
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You forgot one added by this dlc. Procession means orderly movement btw, this is saying that the movement of stars will ultimately lead to doom, and the guy in pic related tried hiding away to stall it. It's incredibly possible radahn was just trying to protect everyone and died for it. It fits with his new characterization that miquella was so enamored by his kindness he refused to have anyone but him as his elden lord.
when does he say this by the way
>Metyr got signs from the greater will.
What's the Japanese because the next sentence looks a lot like she was waiting in vain for a message at all
Besides Radahn's body looks in shape with less omen horns curse. Miquella made it look good so I wouldn't call it desecrating.
what the fuck i'm running literally the same weapon and armor
Sceadu is Shadow in Old Enlglish yes.
When he dies, either when you fight him with Leda or when you summon him against Radahn.
>bayle is the enemy of the ancient dragons, and ancient dragon priestess literally sends you to kill him
>is bayle counted as ancient dragon cult?????????????????????
Nobody actually fighting Radahan is saying it's fucking kino, bro.
>Nah Ranni comes off as a genuine moron now that we know the GW has never been relevant
her story doesn't change regardless, the fingers needed to be eliminated. It actually makes her even more justified because it turns out the fingers were doing shit purely for their benefit rather than following GW orders
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didn't beat the game Lothric and Lorian 2.0, used fingerprint and bleed great peepee, spammed it like a nigger from the shield and even topped it off with Vow Of the Indominable AoW on his meteor summons to middle finger his spam.
My first playthroughs of DLCs are always "how much bullshit can I use to counter the bullshit of the DLC", without directly summoning or just hypermode magic setups.
Honestly, now the game feels like Dark Souls Frontier, where the attacks are AoEs which make your framerate shit itself.
They should just add something even more retarded like a literal Armored Core boss, Bayonetta shit, platforming mid fight where you have to jump over bullet hell laser patterns or die, wipe mechanics, enrage phase if you take too long, other fucky shit. Just to push the things even more.
Yosh is cooler than any of the remembrance bosses
The dlc is awesome but I kind of wish there was a way to enter it earlier so I won't have to play through 70% of the base game that I've already beaten like 40 times if I want to redo the dlc on a new char
>that one panel where Roderika is just one-handing the gugs
hilarious desu
>tfw out of estus with no health left and igon snipes bayle for the last hit
homie saved the fucking day and got his revenge
Another message. But she still got signs to work with.
>The brother that you didnt know and never interacted with
oh so it's fine if it's a complete stranger's body, okay. some "age of compassion"
>The one that was kind to you
wow, what a great justification. it's okay if he treats people he doesn't care about like shit, he did it for the people he likes, truly he is miquella the kind
It's supposed to be the center of the Lands Between/where all of the dead end up. The tower in Gravesite Plains gives a sentence of lore about it.
>Now that most normalfags have reached radahn,
they all refunded after Rellana.
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the manga turns Fia into a Godwyn fanboy lmao
I guess that explains why she fucks him
Is that low? I've no idea how many there are and how relevant they are anyway.
>no other character in the game is claimed to be a saint, either by themselves or anyone else, only miquella.
Thats Saint Trina and people wanted her sleep to be the soothing end, I can see their vision.
>miquella is just like the others and remorselessly uses those he sees as beneath him
Yes just like in real life, at least he was gentle in his bewitching method.

You speak as if everyone can make out of this shithole alive without ever harming anyone and there is supposed to be some moral high ground.
>start game
>talk to varre and kill mogh
>sprint to caelid and beat radahn
you only kill 3 bosses and do little progression before the dlc, you can get it fast
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I can't believe the best modern adaptation of Captain Ahab showed up in a Fromsoft game

Backhand swords are king in this DLC if you don't count the absolutely broken mess that are the Paco Rabanne bottles
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so will randomizers also have the skibidi tree fragments in the loot pool? i guess your ability to push the DLC content would be tied to finding the fragments everywhere else
>she kept waiting for another message to come
You do know that means it stopped messaging her right? That's what the anon was saying. Please read the entire description. At some point it stopped talking. We don't know when this was however. It could've been recently or right after marika founded the order. Either way it stopped talking.
Messmer has an Oedipus Complex re:Marika and hates (You) because he thinks she loves (You) more than him. He's very upset he got exiled to the Land of Shadow to genocide the Hornsent while (You) become Elden Lord.
>the fight with Leda and her allies vs you and yours
>the music
>the dialogue
Unironically peak kino
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Is it just me or does it rain very often in the Shadow Lands?
Damn, before there was tree, there was tree.
>Marika is an Aryan who fought back against subhumans literally trying to make her people live in pods
this DLC is so fucking based
>""fan translation"" with no source text
how the fuck should we know? maybe there'll be a setting for it
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Can we agree this was a bad decision that muddles the perception of the dlc as "too hard"?
We didnt need damage negation bonuses we needed proper balancing for people who have beaten Elden Ring
He has a kind and compassionate side until he had to discard it to become a god, if anything, I don't think his age of compassion is just as bad as others.
Should I summon the various npcs for bosses? Seems like they actually react to it
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rate the drip
So what even is the Land of Shadow and the Scadutree?
>used the crutch armor
That's true but I have a profound dislike for Varré and his gay aidsblood club so I usually kill him the first thing I do
do the weapons have any descriptor for their stagger damage in game?
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How's the manga? I'm hesistant to pay up on it since I already bought the game and DLC.
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I like to headcannon that the only thing that keeps things from degenerating into Road to Erdtree's kookiness is the Tarnished's muteness. In the other manga, the Vagabond can't communicate and the events play out exactly as they do in game. So yes, the characters in the manga are canonical to their game counterparts and would behave exactly like that if they were stuck up against someone as dumb and insane as Aseo.
>You speak as if everyone can make out of this shithole alive without ever harming anyone and there is supposed to be some moral high ground.
no i'm not, i'm pointing out that miquella did not "retain a sense of morality" in his heart after all he's done unlike anon claimed. follow the conversation, faggot.
I'd also like to add that gw not contacting the fingers doesn't mean it wasn't contacting goldmask. We really don't know if it was or if he was a schizo. There's evidence for both.
Total (((hornsent))) death.
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>tfw enjoying the NPC bosses in the mausoleums more than the remembrance bosses
Decided to test the Divine Beast AoW on Dryleaf Arts and it's feeling very Sub-Zero. Might have to make a build out of this.
This was cool at first but then the stealth sections are fucking terrible unless you equip the no sound talisman in which case the lanterns are blinder than MGS soldiers and exploring the zone is pure cancer

They should have made the lanterns killable and given you torrent back after killing the boss
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why do people still pretend armor don't matter in this game? It clearly does. Fashion souls is a long lost meme.
how do I access the "cathedral"? Like... what part of the map is it connected to? I've killed Mesmer and done all the sidestuff I can think of (Bayle etc), but I havent happened upon anywhere that leads to that part of the map.
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poor abandoned loyal murder puppies
I will comfort and marry them
did you know that upon finding out he had sex with his own mother oedipus blinded himself hmmmmmmmmmmmm how curious these parralels truly george double R martini is a genius
Do the hornsent have any redeeming qualities? Because so far they do in fact appear to just be some weird beast-worshipping savages...
>I'd also like to add that gw not contacting the fingers doesn't mean it wasn't contacting goldmask
>there's evidence for both
INSANE fucking cope, what evidence is there that goldmask contacted the GW when neither Metyr or the elden beast could
>scadutree isn't the shadow of the erdtree
>it was the shadow of the haligtree
haligtree confirmed real tree, erdtree is an ethereal tree and the real one's a stump in the radagon arena.
Why is Florissax so based?
>pay up on it
You don't need to pay, what? just read it online it's pretty good
edgy fairytale critter/10
looks like he'd have some cool lore
>some CGI contractor's headcanon
into the trash it goes, Malenia simps are retarded
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>if you help hornsent get his revenge, he invades you in rauh
>if you don't, he invades you as part of leda's ganksquad
Is there any way to save him?
Once you get past a certain threshold your stats give you much more defense (150+) compared to any armour (most defense from armour is only 45)
how much str/fth are you running with that build, anon?
>please make the DLC even more unplayable early
No fuck off
Do we have a checklist of shit to do BEFORE burning the tree?
read up further in the thread, there's a scan from the magazine.
Wait, there's another manga?
If Ymir is correct it stopped talking to her even before the fingers were born since he calls them unhinged from the very beginning, so it must have been a long, long time ago
And my point is that while the fingers were making shit up at some point since they don't know what to do about Radagon, I think it's a reach to assume that the fingers made up the part about the golden order since Metyr received some instructions and signs to begin with.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

cope harder
The dark souls 2 seal of quality: boss room is a poorly lit square room devoid of assets

How many shadow of the erdtree bosses come to mind?
Nta but, its because goldmask is better than them. He actually seeks to improve and fix things, to bring further order, instead of following pre programed instructions like a bot. He is WILLINGLY trying to better things unlike marika or ranni.
Just get a bow, 99 arrows and rush the Mohg questline to get to his palace early. Then use Torrent and gun for the grindspot. From there shoot arrow at birb on other side of the ravine, let it run off into the ravine and die and rest at grace (which is in the same spot). You get 11k runes per kill and that easily stacks up to over 110k runes per minute.

You should be able to get to Level 120+ pretty easily.
Can we talk about how absolutely fucking garbage the itemization in this game is?

>zero new pure strength colossal weapons or even pure strength weapons in general
>retarded amounts of INT and DEX weapons
>more colossal weapons with INT requirements than not

I could go on but why bother. I hate the shitty fucking itemization in this game and the DLC only made it worse with retarded stat requirements like they want to force people to stupidly high levels, which would be fine if there was a real level cap so you wouldn't have to worry about locking yourself out of multiplayer groups but there isn't. I just feel like so much of this game is negatively affected by shitty design. Whoever was in charge of the mechanics and itemization is literally retarded and just about anyone else could've done a better job with it.
a shitload of midra's attacks can be crouched under if you're hugging him. hilarious
>Suppression pillar not at the center
Uh nuh
You play it after you beat the game
Not even one?
Has there ever been any explanation as to what happens to the rest of the lands between after you pick up the reins? Like, what's stopping you from jamming the new needle into Malenia? Why is Messmer so fucking mad when you could easily relieve him from his post? Why cant I just work with Miquella to come up with solutions?
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Ok where do I get the hammer?
because a lot of you niggies do randos and i've never done them yet, i was holding out for the DLC so i'd be able to have the widest breadth of content possible
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>left their hearts frail and
What's the best Ash of War for the Fire Knight's Greatsword, Savage Lion's Claw?
>thiollier, Ansbach, I, and, and latenna vs Leda
It was pretty cool
every masoleum boss
NG+ exists for a reason, or alternatively have a friend drop you it
>what name do we give this boss
>grab a boss from the main game and flip a couple letters
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Yeah, but Road to Erdtree is better. You can't get a lot of character interaction with a guy who can't speak.
>INSANE fucking cope
Most of the speculation about this lore is cope, you just don't like this because you probably don't like Goldmask
Flame of frenzy
Leda and co at the end
Pretty much all small dungeon minibosses from this and the main game
>oh you want to use this cool DLC weapon?
>sorry no can do go play the base game that you've played for 10 times for another 100 hours with the same shitty old weapons
Yet another quest where the game tricks you into thinking the compassionate choice is the best outcome.

Killing him with Leda is way more beneficial to you unless you want a subpar AOW.
name one boss
Why is every boss arena a big featureless circle or rectangle now?
Difficulty is not a valid criticism and it never is, im better than them at the game and have no issues with boss design, therefore the problem is with them and not the game.
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Bleeding boss to death seems wrong, like I killed Renalla in 1st try and sure as hell I didn't get gud at that fight
I guess I'm stupid, because I only found the first two chapters.
the lines in question are quoting From cinematic director Takaaki Yamagishi.
do you think melina also a snake inside her
You can summon for base Radahn and use the despawn to kill Mohg. That gets you access to 90% of the weapons aside from rememberances
because this is a roll slop kill everything rpg not a talky talk i make the main villain kms himself because i have 18 charisma rpg
Hey guys, I designed a new Elden Ring boss:
Go to https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime and get sub 200ms 100 times in a row, restart if you miss it once
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I get him
there are other spirit ashes you know
there's a whole selection of them, just like there's weapons other than the claymore

you can try new things
I didn't summon him for the messmer fight. But he makes it pretty plain that he hates the erdtree faithful
Rellana and Messmer is a hilariously random injected plot point
>Rennala has a sister who fell in love with this son of Marika no one fucking knows about who is fighting a super secret world
>She somehow got there
Kek what the fuck
I mean it makes sense, they're sisters.
Only severely mentally ill people care about levelling too much, the average qa guy at from was probably rl 200 at least.
You said there was evidence both ways so what the fuck is the evidence? We already know making new mending runes is apparently piss easy and requires no involvement of gods, outer or otherwise, since poopaface does it literally by stuffing people's testicles up his ass
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>Scadutree Avatar drops Miquella's Great Rune
Thing about the midra boss is that the model actually looks decent quality and has custom cutscenes. Its the weirdest one
That's also true but he's a literal troon and schizophrenic
Oh yeah I completely agree with your point too its why I said we don't known when it stopped, we just know it did a long time ago. It would make sense that they were in contact during marika's early reign and stopped sometime during it. Note that marika has dialog of her and her followers trying to understand the golden order more. We also know from melina's other quotes she has some resentment towards it. Piecing things together I assume she realized she was being duped after a while and grew resentful.
That absolutely ruins the base game though. I just wanna get a cool weapon from the DLC and then play through the main game and DLC with it
it does basically nothing tho
you know they could easily retcon all of this by saying it took place in a parralel world or some shit. i almost kind of thought it was with characters from the main game showing up but being different, like moore looking like the LOATHSOME DUNG EATER but being nice
>but, I see the vision
He'd be the only one then
it's never to late to drop it
That's...also Metyr, Metyr is just asking the GW for instructions on how to do it
Nobody willingly makes shit worse for everyone and none of the main players are following orders like a robot, not even Metyr since Metyr's entire reason to make fingers is to schizocope that daddy will notice her
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>Why cant I just work with Miquella to come up with solutions?
Same reason why none of the other demigods want to work with you: you're tarnished/guided by grace. Your very nature makes you an enemy to them.
My main issue is that it makes the DLC absolutely unreplayable for me without Cheat Engine
Open world busywork was the reason I didn't replay ER as much as the other games and the DLC doubled down on it
There's a potion? Also she dies after beating Bayle, since her life force is what went into the item that you use during his fight.
>which would be fine if there was a real level cap so you wouldn't have to worry about locking yourself out of multiplayer groups but there isn't.
Before the DLC I got invades in <2 minutes at level 220 and most of them were neither ganks nor tryhard duelists but enjoyable fuckfests
You're just brainrotted
Mogh body looks better, stop it Varre.
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what do you guys do with souls when you dont want to raise the level?

Just got half millon souls from the big ass dragon (that for some reason is more easy than the small dragon before him that still could not beat) but want to keep the character at 150
I heard it prevents Miquella from making you gay in the fight.
It says she used to receive messages and kept waiting even after she broke and was abandoned.

So she did function for some time, but then she stopped working and the greater will gave up on her, but she kept waiting.

The translation also inserts a lot of random fluff that isn't in the Japanese text. "The crux they form" and "from the beyond of the microcosm" is not in the source text at all.
The Golden Order of Goldmask is all the good parts but without the gods' plotting, though.
Why sould never had a boss that's invincible and actively stalks you over the entire location until some way to kill it is found? Would it filter soulsperms way too hard?
>Killed Bayle before dateraping her
Based Ranni doe?
>Miyazaki said Rykard was his favorite character
>not in the DLC at all, not mentioned once, not even alluded to
He won.
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whoa these new ER bosses are so hard dude!!!!!
i accept your concession
art looks like some chinese/korean comics
How much copium is this guy on?
bit east from where you start teh dlc
If i didn't use lions claw, I used star fists
I beat the game
Marika separated from Radagon so FROMSOFT can bullshit a plot where Miquella fuses with St Trina.
WRONG, I'm the ELDEN LORD. If anyone can appreciate that, it'd be Radahn.especially (but he's fucking dead so) If Ranni can do it, so can they. Hell, Godfrey is tarnished and Radahn loves that nigga.
first grab makes you bicurious
second grab makes you gayme over

use it while bicurious to return to straighthood. The only issue the fight is so busy you can't use it
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>the spectral steed is frightened and cannot be summoned
>can see the vision of gay propaganda
imagine my shock
What the fuck? Ansbach didn't show up in Leda's squad for me, I only got horn guy and Dan. Ansbach just disappeared from the game.
If Ziostorm has a redemption arc and is the only soulstuber to call out the lore as slop that'd be fucking hilarious
Relanna looks like thry made a some kind of miniboss carian knight and then called it Relanna. For such a relevant character by association you would expect her to a least have a decent cutscene and good dialogue
>Like, what's stopping you from jamming the new needle into Malenia?
She wants to fight, she's already corrupted by her rune and the rot god inside of her. All she wants to do is fight and wait for Miquella
>Why is Messmer so fucking mad when you could easily relieve him from his post?
Messmer is more willing to embrace the serpent imprisoned in his body than he is to accept you being his lord. He will not suffer the indignity of being spared by a tarnished bereft of gold. Also he committed massive amounts of genocide you probably shouldn't be associating with that guy
>Why cant I just work with Miquella to come up with solutions?
If you haven't learned from the Schizos of the Hawk fight, Miquella is not someone you "work" with
It's some East-Asian webtoon artist if I recall right
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do all the fire golems give useless crap like this?
But the Golden Order was designed from the ground up by the gods plotting. The Golden Order was FORMED by Marika removing the Rune of Death after the GEQ's rebellion/war/whatever the fuck. Marika's will was instrumental in it, and the age of the Golden Order is arguably NOT the age of abundance under Godfrey judging by the celestial dew talisman's description
radahn arrows
kek, Rykard is also made way more based after all of this fuckery. He watched Radahn get rotted and Ranni have to kill herself to be free of these freaks. After that he fed himself to the snek to get revenge for them. Carians did nothing wrong
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>the spiral is a normalized crucible current that will one day reach the gods
What does it mean
If you're using an infusable weapon with scaling like this on a Faith build, is it better to Sacred infuse it or keep it standard so you can buff it?
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Does this actually just boost all of my damage if I’m two handing? That seems a little insane
Stop it bro, you’re putting more thought into this than the writers did.
That's the single Fire Golem crap that's useful
Save it. You can get puppets from certain corpses. I think that one gives you the bowlcut fucker who invades you constantly.
Radahn and Ranni were both in on it.
Does Florissax dragonbolt blessing give you a hardness of 2 like the regular dragonbolt blessing?
>people in this board mocking the radahn boss and how easy it is
>Some cant even beat relanna
>Radahn is actually batshit insane hard without mimic
it means they got uh ai to do the item descriptions
yes, the new tears are dogshit. One only heals your multiplayer allies but not you lol
Rykard is unfortunately a tremendous fat retard now though.
I think it's saying that the spiral is a way to harness the Crucible to become a god
>which spirit ash summon is your favorite?
Tricia, but I haven't found any dlc ash yet.
I used bleed greatsword with savage lion’s claw and summons
I beat the game
>Like, what's stopping you from jamming the new needle into Malenia?
>Why is Messmer so fucking mad when you could easily relieve him from his post?
> Why cant I just work with Miquella to come up with solutions?
Because its From where every ending has to end in the worse possible way. About Miquella, we could have easily beaten Radahn and become his new Elden Lord but no you have "kill" Miquella too just to follow what Trina says. There are hundred ways to pay it better but the game has to shove the worse options to you.
Two hand needed something compared to Shield or Dualwield builds
a yo the crucible is the hornsent using regression and meat to become gods
so messmer is the hitler of elden ring?
>A smaller imitation of the furnace golem's visage. Material used for crafting items. Exceedingly rare to find. A stone mask surrounded by curled horns, depicting the fell god of fire that haunts the sagas of the hornsent.
So the Hornsent knew about the Fire Giants?
golem smith
lil faceless bugger
then just cheat it in
why would you want to?
the fun part of the game is exploring. the boss fights are there to provide extra motivation to explore. sure you can memorize the entire boss pattern to the point where you know exactly when to dodge if its shoulder twitches but why do that when you could just have fun exploring the beautiful world
Yes, it's very good.
Unconfirmed, but it’s looking like you have to help Leda kill Hornsent for the next part of Ansbach’s quest to spawn. If you don’t, he’ll disappear from the game and Hornsent will still invade you later anyway.
rellana was unironically my hardest boss. I spent hours. Rest of the game was easy except for that beefy as fuck ancient dragon before the real one
Ranni is all about rebellion against rules and freedom of choice or at least the illusion of it. It's why she frequently gives you options to just fuck off and leave her but you never do.
It's still a shit fan translation by a retard who couldn't even transcribe simple kanji, the supposed transcription is missing stuff like the 満身創痍 and the stupid fuck has no idea what 認識 means
In-character the Tarnished's canonical goal is to become Elden Lord and doesn't care about anything that isn't that. The only reason he considered Frenzied Flame is to save Melina. He's horny for a god-wife. Miquella isn't willing to put his asshole to the cause so the Tarnished shanks him instead.
Furnace golem I'm pretty sure are built by Messmer/Marika to punish the hornsent
I, by being the Elden Lord, can imprison all of them until they see the error of their ways. I am more than capable of subduing them by any means necessary.
Rykard's faction is now pure seethe against an omnipotent creator god that hasn't actually communicated with anyone in millennia. He's a delusional retard.
Theres a divine power in the planet itself called the crucible, its presently subjugated or imprisoned and inferior to outer gods but the text is indicating one day it will rival the outer gods or become one
Marika is the hitler or elden ring, but also if Jewish people wiped out his childhood town and used his friends and family for experiments

>The only reason he considered Frenzied Flame is to save Melina
not canonically stated and I don't imagine the Tarnished is stupid enough to fall for that when you can find Vyke's maiden fucking dead
>Ansbach didn't show up in Leda's squad for me
He's not supposed to. You can save Ansbach from Leda during their quests. You have to give him the Sacred Rite Scroll from the Library which will activate his quest.
>have to do tight timings to get any benefit whatsoever
>if you ever fuck up the timing it's instant death
>instant death if don't notice the picosecond it runs out and try to block
why the fuck would you ever use it instead of just dodging?
>Also he committed massive amounts of genocide you probably shouldn't be associating with that guy
hornsent aren't people are deserve all of it

The outer gods were exposed as not really existing in the way loretubers (retards) were positing
So what's the level cap going to be for multiplayer now? I started dlc at 110 and I haven't finished it yet but I'm around 165 now after just exploring normally and not farming or anything
The Land of Shadows was once actually physically part of the lands Between, connecting Altus, Caelid and Limgrave. The Fire Giants and Hornsent were both indigenous to the Lands Between before the Golden Order, though it's not exactly clear what "haunts the sagas" here actually means beyond the fact that they didn't like each other.
He is literally Japanese you fucking retard.
Goldmask isn't contacting anyone you retard, he's figuring out the broken programming code and fixing it and removing the admin privileges given to the idiots who keep fucking things up.
they probably did, they are doing this shit now as well
>normalized (crucible) current
Japanese version says 整流 which means rectification/commutation in the context of electricity
You can just hold the block and get a regular block which shouldn't mean instant death unless you use some small shield or whatever at which point you're making it risky yourself
Being temporary is pretty shit though, they should have made it baseline in the DLC, it's the kind of option you need to deal with some of this shit
>Day two of being stuck at Radahn

Ahh.. Bliss..
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People here saw Radahn get cheesed with a meme mimic build and decided he was easy. Meanwhile this is how easy Malenia looks with a meme mimic build.
>If Ymir is correct
If ymir is correct you can become an alien finger mother by filling your shirt with hand monsters

If you dislike the boss difficulty you just suck ass like asmongold.
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how the fuck do I acess these 2 parts of the map?
Top right you have to go east past the ruins, then east past the jar town and then north.
The second the spell breaks they start wanting to kill each other. If anything that is a clear instance of bewitching being a positive thing.
>if you're not obsessed with this genre and play anything else or do something else with your life when there's no new content you suck ass
well I can live with that, might not even buy the next game if they keep going in this shitty direction, they should make something different like Sekiro, they've hit the limit of the souls formula
Testing this more against omens in the sewers and it's ridiculously fun. I combined it with the tear that boosts poise damage and the tear that gives you perfect blocking. It feels extremely rewarding to perfect block with my fists then counter with a frostbite-inducing punch. Combined with the AoW for big punishes when they're wide open.
>he's figuring out the broken programming code
Proof that he figured out anything except his own ego? Any at all?
>durr the tree glow again
changing the color of the tree doesn't mean shit and "perfect order" can also be read simply as "perfect tense order", it has no value judgement
Man frognation really fucked up hard this time
manus' arena was pretty featureless too
In japanese Radahn's title is
>Promised Lord
>Elden Lord of Miquella
The translators decided to change Lord to Consort because they really wanted to let you know they're gay.
It's not a manga it's a korean webtoon
>have to go full shieldcuck with a giga ultrashield, the buff, talismans etc
what's the point you're already blocking everything for free at that point aren't you?
The datamined textdump says "left their hearts frail and pliant", I guess the box for the text just isn't big enough
idk but i lost 130 million souls from some fuckin birds yesterday
>just get banned
anon, that's a lefty trying to parody a rightoid
>tight timings
Not in my experience. You just tap block the moment their attack is about to reach you. And if their attacks have even a slight window you can spam tap block to multi-deflect. But yes I agree the limited duration is crap. They could have at least made an Incantation version that requires little FTH so you can reactivate the effect.
It turns guard counters with heavy weapons into fucking instant crumples you moron

Combined with the two-handed talisman and the crumple talisman and say a ruins greatsword you can crumple bosses instantly
>The outer gods were exposed as not really existing in the way loretubers (retards) were positing
What does that mean? Greater Will is the only big G God?
bro i dont get it, past what ruins? the moorth ruins?
No he's not he's a larping white boy
Who are you quoting you triggered moron
See the spiraltree seal and the dialogue from the ghost leading up to the final area. It's metaphorical and referring to the tower which is some kind of magic god device leading up to the gates which turns people into gods.
you either have to help her or do nothing at all; however there won't be a prompt to help ansback against leda and vice versa.
Hey the chaos lord sword makes it sound like you get a special effect if you land on an enemy with the weapon art but I've tested it a lot and it doesn't seem to ever happen, even when I land a hit it just does the default damage and I can press the button again to do the AOE which the description says is for when you miss, am I missing something or is the description just wrong?
Yeah, you can drop down
It seems Marikas crusaders used fire giant iconography to further scare and insult the hornsent during the war
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underground passages
oh, its another one of those 100000000m falls that you just SURVIVE for whatever reason
This game is so fucking stupid
what legs are those?
No they're just caves you moron
>getting mad about stuff you dont even know about
>being wrong about it
I regret spoonfeeding your retarded ass
it's a grab
only works on player-like enemies
It's a clockwork universe, the GW fucked off ages ago and the other gods are just powerful creatures, no divinity
all magic and life is the (passive) blessing of the GW, Marika got her power from the gate of divinity which is just a massive mound of corpses where the blessings meld together and concentrate
My game isnt' doing the thing where new items have a ! sign in the inventory
Turn it on in the settings
now that's just a silly thing to have off by default.
shut the fuck up fromsoft apologists
thats a MASSIVE fall with no indication its safe
>with no indication
there's literally a message telling you to jump off
oh sorry I must have missed it in the ocean of other, unfunny playermessages, and bloodstains at the edge, indicating that it was a fatal fall.
The crucible is a spiral tree, hence all the spiral tree imagery in the game. From this spiral there emerged a single, straight "column" tree, which is the Erdtree.
I regret ever trying to help you losers with advice, just suffer and die.
Dev messages are uniquely shaped
shut the fuck up faggot, stop defending poor game design lmao
ty, i'll make sure to keep an eye out for that <3
Radahn is the last boss
I keep getting millions upon millions of runes, but I dont want to bloat my characters level any further. What the fuck do I even spend them on? Just endless smithing stones?
That, and crab and flowers.
Oh wait, you thought that was some sick spoiler and got me. God you're fucking seething
Bro get a life lmao
Why don't you regret CONTINUING to reply to me? Stop posting bro, its ok.
>Stop posting bro, its ok.
Zero self awareness, go play the game that you got stuck on bro
>Radahn buckbroken
>Miguella a cunt
>Marika also a cunt
So who is the real winner of DLC?
Me for enjoying the gameplay
>keeps replying
jfc, I'LL do the grownup thing, and stop, this is my last reply to you. Feel free to keep trying to get back at me
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That has got to be the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen. And I stepped on it.
>t-this is my last reply
Everyone who posts like this stays in the thread they're shitting up. Go back to Elden Ring you mad little man.
>The Elden Lord returns to Stormveil Castle after a day of overseeing the reopening of Raya Lucaria (with headmistress Sellen in full attendance)
>Nepheli is overseeing the recruitment of new soldiers for the Limgrave region and Kenneth is... well, Kenneth is pretending that he's wearing the pants in this consortship
>Hewg is hammering out a sword on a worn anvil. He's a little burnt from you having to drag his Misbegotten ass out of the roundtable hold and to Stormveil but he's safe.
>Not a lot you can do about the dementia but he's safe nonetheless.
>Roderika is still practicing her spirit tuning. She's still a bit upset about Hewg but she has a warm bed and she's ever so grateful to you. She cares for him as often as she can and, in some way, Hewg appreciates the gesture.
>Jar-Bairn walks beside the Elden Lord, telling "cuz" about how he managed to fight off a wild dog today. Just like how his uncle Alexander used to do against larger, more vicious dogs.
>After convincing Iji to hide out in Stormveil, as no Black Knife Assassin would dare fight against the Elden Lord who slew their leader in her own evergaol, the troll has taken over as War Counselor for you. In service to one master to another.
>Boggart is making crab boil and he managed to have a contact smuggle in some ale for dinner.
>The Lands Between are still in a state of disarray. Brutality and rot won't be going away any time soon and the Lord still has plenty of work to bring things back to normal.
>But for now, Stormveil is alive with an actual court again and despite whatever choices the Lord has made to get here, they have a new dynasty all of their own.

>Oh and Patches is here.
>Why the fuck he's suddenly a human head on a spider no one is sure and he sprays his Erdtree damned webbing everywhere just to piss you off.
Whats the cheese build for Radahn?

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