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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Someone explain finger mother lore to me I dont get it
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Can you imagine?
I hope a patch makes the DLC harder
Fuck the Hornsent
How do you consistently dodge Gaius' charge? Feels like sometimes it works and sometimes I get hit anyway
That could be Marikas sister!
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How did Radahn grow twice in size in between the beginning of the Shattering and when he fought Malenia? Great Rune? SS+GOMAD? Steroids?
Well, the hornsent got it coming, but why smash the elden ring?
Where is the two handed talisman?
I think Scadutree and Messmer Phase 2 could use some more moves altogether honestly
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How do I reach this plateau ?
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What HASNT Marika fucked so far?
She found out Metyr was lying
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Having an incredibly easy boss was really refreshing, thank you Miyazaki.
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>Rellana the evil secret twin sister of Rennala
>she has twin moons and two Moonveils and is the strongest ever
This is so bad
right here *unzips dick*
Doesn't Scarlet Rot affect your size or something like that? Isn't that why everything is weirdly huge in Caelia
marikas mom was the gloam eyed queen.

marika was given maliketh by the elden beast and told to betray her mother and thus be the ruler of the lands between

after the gloam eyes defeat destined death was sealed away into malikeths sword. now the age of the erdtree could truly begin as nothing could touch the elden beast with destined death removed from reality

marika like her mother who shat out godskins marika shat out a legion of aberrant demigods

marika has blue eyes
(you) lmao
His young version is thirteen years old.
Why are you cutting off your foreskin anon?!
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cant get the farum azula wrong warp thing to work... this is hardware dependent no?
They literally did a Zanzibart with Midra.
He was already huge before he got infected with scarlet rot.
me :(
Were Melina and Messmer born before Erdtree and Marika's ascension?
>review game negatively on steam
>N-no! It's not just because I'm frustrated and don't want to use ashes of war!
>I-it's the performance!!
This is why I have no respect for gamers.
A stable relationship and a happy family.
go to the spring and from that higher platform you can see some ruins/railing, these will lead you to elevator and also access to the archer golem
You're thinking way too hard about what's ultimately a gameplay convention.
Does Putrescent Knight's fire attack deal magic or fire damage?
>GW Please send instructions, shit is fucked, Bayle just bit off three of Placidusax's heads and I'm pretty sure the ouer gods are messing everything up
>GW please pick up
And then some random dude sicks the tarnished at her, so that he can become a mother of fingers for like five minutes before we kill him too.
Bayle was pathetically weak
Messmer, Rellana and Putrescent Knight could've been stronger as well
The bosses that don't need buffs are Gaius, the sunflower and the various field bosses
Alien is so desperate to not have been abandoned it becomes schizo. It's children and some people like Marika believe it's schizo delusions.
She found out metyr was lying
Her only non omen son was assassinated
She decided "fuck it I don't care anymore" and did what she always wanted to do.
>build into Death Knight's Twin Axes
>they suck in PvE, their weapon art is inconsistent and the damage is low
>spec into Blade of Ranah
>damage is atrocious
>weapon art is pitiful
New theory is that the Golden Order was never *really* against the Crucible, Marika just hates the hornsent so fucking much that she feels murderous rage at anything that resembles them, such as the Misbegotten, and tried to pass off her prejudice as some sort of divine superiority. The Crucible Knights served under Godfrey and one still serves in Leyndell so clearly it's not inherently evil to them.
I got messmers flame and I'm in the monk area past the scorpion lady getting ready to burn the bud. Is there anything I need to do before I tip this obvious flag?
Is Rellana really more powerful than Rennala though? They were both there to witness the two moons, the spell is just named after her.
so can someone please help me? Why does my MLGS do so such shit damage?
I literally only do 500 per hit on renalla with weapon art, beam does 600 sort of. Meanwhile my katana makes 300, can stagger her, is much faster and bleed damage?

Do I miss something or is mlgs just bad damage output wise?
Sunflower is such a fucking boring boss.
1) if her mother was the ruler then explain the shaman village

2) source for blue eyes
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>This is the most cutest you can make a face in ER using it's facegen
I'd forgive Miyazaki of all his sins if we could get Dragon Dogema 2's face creator in their next game.
She is my OC donut steel, delete this or I report u.
Wait until DLC #2 comes out and reveals

Lennalla, secret third triplet of Rennala and Rellana
She has a triple moon spell and wields three moonveils, one gripped in her teeth like sif. And she does an entire DDR board of attacks that need you to dodge left, jump, dodge right, crouch to avoid getting hit by the sequence and then slams the ground 6 times in a row like a donkey kong spamming down special
And when she dies she says "Forgive me, Morgibart"
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What is this? Does it work in the final boss or something?
>How did Radahn grow twice in size in between the beginning of the Shattering
The elden ring shard made them crazy
this messmer guy seems like a real jerk
holy shit they put jeenine in the game
Anyone using that big black hammer? How are you liking it? Tempted to respec for it and go full guard counter.
>get decent fire weapon
>half the dlc is fire
nice one miyazaki
You sound like a hornsent.
Has to be magic since it inflicts frostbite.
everyone gets a ride except (you)
just like irl lmao
Any new Black Knife or Nightfolk (or whatever the underground race is called) lore?
So is the old hag Empyrean Grandam or Hornsent Grandam? Because I've been seeing both names and those two are very different things
Because it failed to prevent the death of her child.
She carved up the elden ring to ensure death had no place in it, yet her son died anyway.
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>annoying as fuck runback that takes 5 minutes and has enemies you can't run past
>fucking massive aoe ice tornado that lasts 10 seconds and is instant death since it stuns and he can wombo combo with his melee
>retard high damage
>shoulder tackle that goes 10m for some reason
>two-shot multihits up the ass
>everything fucking combos
holy shit fuck this nigger
have you tried cutting off your horns and gaining grace of Queen Marika the Eternal?
Hey just be glad that half this DLC isn't immune to holy damage like the endgame of the base game
The Tower was sealed long before the purge. The Golden Order opposed the Crucible because Metyr had a pliable puppet in Marika and didn't want another God coming around and complicating things. It sealed the Crucible off to ensure no unaccounted for Empyreans could use it, and then later purged the settlement just to be extra sure.
posting from the sewers as we speak
Why the fuck do these niggers have infinite poise
marika realized that the "olden order" was literal bullshit and that the "greater will" gave no fucks about any of them and by proxy neither did the beast or the fingers. so basically everything was lie and when your children are getting ganked by black knives wielding destined fucking death in retaliation for you cucking rennala you kinda blame the big alien creature who had you seal away destined death and start the whole golden order thing in the first place

and then you get crucified by 1000 light spears cause you didn't know it's moveset
what she doing
How did Empyreans exist before Marika?
who were they? Were they descendants of previous Gods such as Placidusex?
>mole under eye in game model
>no eye mole in promo art
FROM's losing their touch.

Agree with your points though. I feel like Leda should be toptier cute.
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I have no experience with other Fromsoft dlc, but after beating this one i am pretty fucking disappointed. The bosses feel like shit, the plot makes no fucking sense, the game ends with a whimper, multiple areas feel like whoever was designing environments nailed it and then the rest of the team just fucking forgot it existed.

I personally would have preferred something more linear and concise, but even with that the story is an absolute fucking let down. It feels like it just throws away everything that occurs in the base game.

What a fucking let down. Even if i had not gotten hyped for this i would have been disappointed. I'm legitimately concerned with how future games are going to be designed based off this.
It seems a simple matter that Marika, as God and vessel of the Elden Ring, is the inheritor and carrier of its "vision". Thus her personal characteristics affect the order itself, such as when she removed Destined Death unlike the order of before. Since Marika dislikes the Hornsent, and her civilization is unified through her vision, civilization itself eventually grew to hate the hornsent too.
Yeah that’s what I thought but I was really hoping it was fire and switching talismans would let me finish off the 1/6th of health I consistently get him to every time before I die.
Not only does it shit on the mother-daughter dynamic of Rennala and Ranni, it more or less devalues the vague mystery of the moons.

I guess the moons didn't choose Rennala and her daughter, they're just speshul gurls.

Fuck me, I loved the Carians before this.
Wait, so if jars are filled with shaman people...

What is with all the jars in the main game?
play ds2 dlcs
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Death Knight was so refreshing after the Lion and Rellana fights. The game really needed a breather.
>Roll through Gaius
>Uh oh you dodged 0.25 seconds before you were supposed to
>Now you take damage from the horns and both pairs of legs at the same time and die
Is this frame perfect or what
How many item descriptions did you bother reading anon?
Leda is love
Miquella is wife
I stand with my cancelled wives
you can use it after getting grab (as the second time you get grab is an instant kill), but it takes way too long to pop, should just be usable before the fight begins to protect you
Those are just the flesh of warriors, the reason why the jars are different and why some of them are still "alive" is because they're shamans and have some sort of special property because of that, being able to meld well with others.
>think Dancing Lion is one of the best fights From has done
>90% of dialogue around it is people complaining about how bullshit it is
Am I so out of touch? It felt absolutely fair and fine to me.
Any idea why Queelign didn't invade me in Belurat?
RANNIBROS WE WON SO FUCKING HARD. WHY? my fiancée agreed to cosplay ranni for me and let me cum inside her too. All she needs is body paint does anyone know any good blue body paint that won't rub off easily?
Are there matchmaking limits for the blessings like the weapon and SL limits?
>The Elden Lord returns to Stormveil Castle after a day of overseeing the reopening of Raya Lucaria (with headmistress Sellen in full attendance)
>Nepheli is overseeing the recruitment of new soldiers for the Limgrave region and Kenneth is... well, Kenneth is pretending that he's wearing the pants in this consortship
>Hewg is hammering out a sword on a worn anvil. He's a little burnt from you having to drag his Misbegotten ass out of the roundtable hold and to Stormveil but he's safe.
>Not a lot you can do about the dementia but he's safe nonetheless.
>Roderika is still practicing her spirit tuning. She's still a bit upset about Hewg but she has a warm bed and she's ever so grateful to you. She cares for him as often as she can and, in some way, Hewg appreciates the gesture.
>Jar-Bairn walks beside the Elden Lord, telling "cuz" about how he managed to fight off a wild dog today. Just like how his uncle Alexander used to do against larger, more vicious dogs.
>After convincing Iji to hide out in Stormveil, as no Black Knife Assassin would dare fight against the Elden Lord who slew their leader in her own evergaol, the troll has taken over as War Counselor for you. In service to one master to another.
>Boggart is making crab boil and he managed to have a contact smuggle in some ale for dinner.
>The Lands Between are still in a state of disarray. Brutality and rot won't be going away any time soon and the Lord still has plenty of work to bring things back to normal.
>But for now, Stormveil is alive with an actual court again and despite whatever choices the Lord has made to get here, they have a new dynasty all of their own.

>Oh and Patches is here.
>Why the fuck he's suddenly a human head on a spider no one is sure and he sprays his Erdtree damned webbing everywhere just to piss you off.
A way to reminisce about the death of her people in an honourable fashion.
But the game is literally performing terribly on PC for a lot of people. I have a 3070 and even on lowest settings it stutters

>n-no! you can't review this game poorly!
>the justified reasons for giving this game a bad review aren't real, it's surely for some other reasons, y-you're just mad!
You can't be this retarded
>DLC #2
This is the last dlc.
GO jars are storage for great warriors to get transported and be given erdtree burial. Otherwise there is a risk of putrid flesh
Same. Then again you'll hear the ones bitching the loudest, whereas people happy with it moved on.
og jars are just fertilizer flesh from fallen warriors. they eventually go to the minor erdtrees to crack open and spill their guts on the ground so the roots can succ
prevents miquella from stealing your heart
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Depends on your play style.
If you're a fist weapon nigger then it's going to be abysmal because you won't be able to see the boss do its moves as the camera fights against you.

Ranged mage? Bliss and easy times.
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Is he wrong tho?
It's honestly the most straightforward plot they've done. NPC's outright tell you the main plot beats.
If you read the thread long enough you'll notice that someone is simultaniously calling every boss piss easy, while another is calling it bullshit garbage.
First week of a DLC always has people getting filtered, scadutree level just makes it even more lobsided because some anons tried to boss rush like a retard.
Surely they'll realize how fucking garbage this sendoff is and do another one, right?
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>dlc additions to the plot actually make the entire thing feel like worse
How did they manage to fuck this up this badly?
Radahn was the most boring and weakest fight, thematically, lorewise, gameplay wise, stage wise. It just wasn't good. I honestly think the main game ended on a boring note too. You have literal three bossfights in a row, no ending legacy dungeon etc. Inside of the Erdtree should have been a dungeon, three bosses in a row was just not how I wanted it to end.
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fucking love powerstancing these things. melts bosses.
Which ending is this
I beat it first try but I have a friend who suffered grievously in this fight because Divine Beast tanked his framerate to a powerpoint presentation.
Blaspbemous blade does tons of dmg and is fire. It does more damage than the lighting weapons you get from death knights, AND its faster, AND it has a better move set.
Most dlc weapons leave a lot to be desired
I hated it desu.
It was just another boss that has a 5 minute combo/5 minute spell casting phase you have to spend the entire time defending against with only a 3 second window of opportunity to deal any damage. Just like almost every other boss in the DLC

The only boss I've enjoyed in the DLC is Rellana though which other people have complained about too
>Dragon dude
>63 tries
What the fuck
People just keep running under it and then complain when the camera spergs out because they're so obsessed with mashing r1 they don't think about positioning and distance management. Dancing Lion is great if you treat the fight like a dance, maintaining your distance and looking for openings.
You don't need summons, just powerstance two colossus weapons and poise break everything. It's not hard.
Think the retard means the Dancing Lion.
damn that finger questline was so barebones its actually laughable.
5 bosses lol the last bit of elden ring is ridiculous. you boss rush through
way too much in that 11th hour and then they made the beast a tank to spite you lol
these dudes killed me more than Messmer
Convince me NOT to post my shitty godfrey x marika headcanons here
>jump L1
>jump L1
>jump L1
Couldn't be me
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>using summons is unethical
The amount of people who refuse to engage with new mechanics and want to treat this game as dark souls 1.4 never ceases to amaze.
Let me guess, ranged build?
It's cancer because the camera is fucked during the fight. It's zoomed in too close, so 90% of the time you're in melee range of the boss it's a faded-out transparent slice of his insides and you can't see any of his movements or telegraphs. Have of his lunging attacks fuck up the camera by having it flip directions every which way.

I did him with 0 scadu blessings on NG+5 and after about 4 hours I sweat breath and shit Dancing Lion. I mastered the fight by learning to dodge based on his audio cues because you cannot fucking see. You are not allowed to see. It is a blind fight.

If they fixed the camera the fight would be 10/10 kino but you can't play Elden Ring against it in its current state because your monitor might as well be off.
It's takes until scat tree level 10 or 11 for shit to feel normal.
>Haven't had much issue in the DLC
>Now at Skibidi 12
What's it looking like for Radahn
Freyja's summon is literally required to do her quest you NEED to summon to experience part of the game
The worst part about the Lion is that its breath can bounce off the walls and hit you.
>Most dlc weapons leave a lot to be desired
You say, as if we're not gonna get several months worth of post-DLC balance patches that buffs them.

Reminder that colossal weapons and greatswords were fucking garbo on release. Now they're basically as fast as a regular sword
>Inside of the Erdtree should have been a dungeon
This would have been great. It should have brought you down into the roots of the Erdtree too and have you go through that entire sequence instead of making all that content completely optional and missable for most players
so what’s the lore implication of all the finger stuff?
Kek I noticed that too. Really fun fight too. From is at it’s best when bosses are just larger humanoids with big weapons and special attacks
Its like a frame perfect dodge you need to do. Might be wise to do the equip load physic for light rolls
This was already supposed to be two DLCs that they merged into one.
in the ruins close to the place with the red kindreds of rot
The ending where Miyazaki eases up on the misery porn like he did with Sekiro and lets us save some goddamn people at least.

You have to do a whole questline for Boggart that involves getting spices for his crab boil for starters
Do any Perfumechads know how the scaling on Rolling Sparks works? Does it go off a particular stat? I'm using Lightning Perfume should I prioritize faith or dex or an even split?
Maybe that's the mistake, it's the most straight forward they've been and revealed they have fucking no idea how to write anything.
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Reminder. These are the only objectively morally good demigods.
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I don't get why he's 3 phases when barely anything changes between phases. I'm guessing it's just for first time effect ("haha, the player thought he beat the boss. I'll show him! He also won't expect me to do this same trick twice in a row!")
It's genuinely insane how bad it is, I hated it first time and then I got summoned as a yellow and thought the fight was one of the best Fromsoft has ever made in terms of spectacle, atmosphere, and the feel of fighting something you shouldn't even be challenging
But that's only if you can see it whirling around summoning storms and shit
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Why did Memehackzi ruin her?
It's almost impressive
I decided to check out some rune farming youtube videos since I'm still embarrassingly far from Mogh and it's funny that the rune farming really hasn't changed much since release.
Sekiro was pretty straight forward as well desu and the story was good.
It varies. The dragon lore is awesome, the Marika lore doesn't answer the biggest questions but it humanizes her a ton with the reveal she was once a normal girl being abused by the hornsent. I think the finger lore is great and confirms my viewpoint but it depends how much you bought into the "cosmic god war" viewpoint people had about the setting as it ends up not being the case. Miquella lore is fucking awful and ruins everything
Wasn't it just nerfed?
>But it DOES have stutters!
But that's not why they're upset. They care about the stuttering because they're upset at something else. What ever could thay be?
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Here's a hot take:

Spirit Summons are okay if they're monster summons, NOT human summons (Puppets/Mimic Tear)

Summoning a bunch of skellingtons to attack with you is not the same as summoning what is basically another player without having the multiplayer HP buff.
We don't know enough about Godwyn to say if he was good or bad
>Let me guess, ranged build?
No. Quality build with dragon halberd so nothing ridiculous either
Why is Messmer easier in phase 2?
I beat him in 1 attempt after I realised you can summon Torrent and just run away from him at the start. As long as you stick to him like glue he doesn't do it again
radahn should've had more mohg moves in p1
the phase transition should've been at 50% hp
also why the fuck are the omen horns part of the PC armor set if they're supposedly growing out his body due to mohg being the vessel
>actually Golden Order is based on the ramblings of a defect messenger
I don't think this is good storytelling. Might as well say it was all a dream
Greater Will has abandoned the Lands Between and really doesn't give a shit about it. The fingers were possibly once in communion with greater will but haven't been since the time of Marika at least.
Nah he's great. Did just fine on my Pyromancer and had an even easier time on my strength build with a pickaxe.
Too bad Miquella lore is the fucking main plot of this DLC... it was supposed to be the highlight...
>Finger Mother is the child of the Greater Will
>Entire purpose of the fingers is to serve the GW and act as it's prophets
>GW abandons the world
>Fingers are completely lost, have no guidance, world goes to shit
>objectively morally good
You have a child's understanding of storytelling
It has a very fair moveset but you can't get close to any wall because the camera WILL fuck you. Would've been 10/10 in a Renalla kind of arena so that there's no walls
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Why is an FPS esports champion the best streamer for Elden Ring? No one even comes close.
It's so over.
I'll just pretend the DLC story never happened and focus on the gameplay.
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Somehow a character from a 13 year old game has a prettier face.
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This lil dude was tough, pulled out the OG waterfowl on me
morgott is objectively the best written character in this shitty story.
Sekiro wasn't grimdarkslop
The real lesson is that grimdark fucking sucks donkey cock, even if the entire setting is grimdark the actual story can't be completely grimdark because then it loses all sense of purpose and direction
>waah sunshine baby
A dark gritty story where people die and the place sucks != grimdark. Dark Souls 1 is not a grimdark story.
Godwyn was committing genocide so hard it made dragons pussies wet.
>the phase transition should've been at 30% hp
Fixed that for you. His phase 1 is actually fun to fight. His phase 2 is literal cancer and encompasses everything wrong with modern From.
Dancing Lion is the most fun I've had in the DLC so far. It's the OST that's felt the least bland and dodging the moves is fun as fuck, the only thing I'd criticise is the lightning phase and the off-screen bolts
I feel so vindicated about the GW lore. I always said it was basically god and wasn't around anymore but I got laughed at or ignored.
Where the fuck do you people find girls that are single and like these games? No, seriously, where? I can't find a single one. But so many of my friends have them and even some of you people do. HOW PLEASE TELL ME
The Fire knight colossal sword is pretty nice as well. You can pair it with the fire knight damage increase helm, shard of alexander and the fire spear ashes for some sweet damage + fire weapon buff
It's the only weapon so far that isn't mediocre as fuck
How do I get down the hole that opens in Limgrave after killing Radahn?
Thanks anon
1. He's objectively correct
2. I will still play without summons cause they're lame
3. Stop posting reddit threads you fucking faggot
I refuse to believe the damage on his AOE isn't another release patch cancer dog situation, it kills faster than anything else in the game including bosses
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i'm never going to make it holy shit, it's too tempting to use summon for the second phase but it gets deleted really quickly
Fingers were depicted as senile dipshit retards in the main game too, this isn't really new lore.
I only summon Deenh, it's based. He's like my familiar.
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>realize the weapon I like the most in the dlc for pvp is the big gay red katana
Fuck my life
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Hornsent is the father of Messmer and Melina. And that is why Marika hates them both.
If you have a skill with a parry strike you can shut it down real fast.
Massive downtime after he misses a snake bite
>They care about the stuttering because they're upset at something else
What? No, they care about the stuttering because it harms the gameplay and makes the game unfun. Are you retarded?

>I don't like this game because of this obvious flaw that makes the experience worse overall
>Hm, so you say you dislike this flaw, but you clearly actually don't like this other thing I'm assuming must be true even though the flaw you have presented is reason enough to dislike this game
From software says trans rights!
>dancing lion
>except its death blight
>it also summons basilisks
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Not a fair comparison. Custom crafted face model rather than the wonky face generator. Besides that, Quelaag is one of FROM's prettiest girls.
Can't write for shit, rewrites, cuts good shit while putting Radahn x miquella into the game
>Kami schizos were unironically onto something, albeit by accident
Makes you think
dragon mom in Caelid -> Varre questline -> raven farm should be like 1 hour of work for lvl 80 if you skip all the optional shit (i.e. go straight to Caelid with a blood weapon for the dragon, then only fight Margit/Godrick and rush the Varre quest
I like the backhand swords
tfw got 31 of them unused in my inventory
I wonder the difference from 0 to 13? will feel like
Will playing Seirko lift my spirits? This dlc has ruined the story but I want more dark souls shit without the "the world sucks" ending
am i missing anything cool if i ignore all the npc quests
Unironically the summons don't matter because all of his shit is AoE.

Player summons make him even harder thanks to the even more bloated HP, it's the dancer situation times twenty.
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Details and pseudo-photorealism are unironically bad unless you're willing to put insane levels of work and detail into the faces
It's why the Fire Emblem bitches mostly look fine despite having like 300 poly heads

Morgott is such a tragic character and I blame Radashit
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Romeo... forgive me.
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Messmer was the best fucking thing about this shit and is in the game for about five fucking minutes.

God damn this shit sucks.

EVERYTHING about Messmer was absolutely on point, the plot reveals he gives, everything.

It's not even like the DLC adds new information, you can make the case for the GW being god and abandoning the world in the base game, people refused to believe it for some reason. Metyr just makes things clearer
How is it that people still don't understand that difficulty in a game like this with a billion and one different setups/builds you can use completely affect how you perceive fights?
Especially for first-time experiences when you and everyone else is just fumbling around trying to survive?
And ESPECIALLY in a DLC like this that adds yet another factor that affects your first-time experience, specifically, the scoobydoobydoo blessings.
Just a 2-3 point difference in blessing levels can mean the difference between a painfully difficult fight where you do barely any damage to a pitifully easy fight where you do insane damage and can tank lots of hits.
can anyone do a body/face closeup of the scorpion lady from the DLC? I wanna see how sexy she is
Some cool lore based around St. Trina
they could have put anybody except recycle radahn for the final boss.
this really sucks and is not fulfilling
>marika’s people in the shaman village were getting fucked up by the hornsent (getting stuffed into jars and shit)
>marika wanted to save her people and take revenge so she sought out godhood
>after she achieved this, she sent her son Messmer to genocide the hornsent
>Marika got drunk on power and never returned to her village which she originally wanted to save so much
am I understanding this right?
So answer this for a lorefag that won't play the game.

>Miquella's charms only work because of his Great Rune.
>You can optionally break the Great Rune
>this dispels the charm and NPCs, while they retain their personalities, start acting different

Despite this:

>breaking the Great Rune has no effect on the final boss

So that's 100% confirmation that Radahn consented, right?
>Lion is fun
>Rellana is fun
>Messmer is fun
>Gaius was fun without the gravity well thing and the charge
>Midra was practically just a slower player character
Why did I travel that far and for that long for the most mediocre fight so far
after fully exploring it, shadowkeep is probably in the top 3 of elden ring dungeons.
>turn on easy mode
>game becomes easy

uh... yea? Duh. It's literally just the difficulty slider of other games but as an in game mechanic instead of a menu screen. If you play DOOM on I'm too young to Die that's fine, but I'm going to play it on Nightmare because that's more fun to me.
end of the base game was obvious crunch, the mountaintops are straight up empty so it's essentially a boss rush after Morgott, other than farum azula which itself isn't that huge
Messmer is actually a dog shit character, just like Rellana.

They don't even fit the mood.
What is the Crucible? was it greated by the Greater Will too?
circle around it, there's a spot where you can start walking down with torrent
>Using Blasphemous Blade
>summon Freyja and Hornet just because their signs were there
>summon Mimic as well when the icon appeared
>turned out to be the gilded hippo
>grab attacks me in the middle of summoning
>kills me before I can heal it off
My summoning was justified.
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>Magic damage on a magic boss
I mean, even the chaos flame faction states all came from the "one great" which the greater will separated. At the very least the greater will felt like a BIG step above the outer gods, thanks to him at the very least creating life AND sending in the elden ring
Exactly. At least people will finally get it in their think skulls.
Now the new annoying thing is telling people that Radahn fucking agreed to the vow in his own terms.
>Custom crafted face model rather than the wonky face generator.
Wait, Leda's face was made using the face generator? Why not custom craft her like Melina's face?
No, she did return to the village.
It was just too late.
mountaintops were embarrassing and they should've just cut it out if they were going to be reusing fucking rats and caelid fauna. and then astel two in the snowfields so stupid
last point is wrong: they were all dead already, she put a minor erdtree incantation there to make it look as pretty as it does, put tree sentinels there to guard it, and left
>dlc makes you kill a literal tranny
>makes you kill two gay men
>beats you over the head that you will be marrying marika or ranni in the end
>even if you do frenzy flame it beats you over the head that you do it out of love for melina
Either way, your tarnished is after goddess pussy. Either full god or demigod. Your tarnished is a pussyhound, even if it's a girl. Your tarnished IS NOT ALLOWED to be homosexual. Women lovers won. Marikalovers won. Rannilovers won. Melinalovers won. Gay men and troons eternally BTFO by miyazaki.
Leda won't move from her spot and I can't continue hornsents quest. Any ideas?

I've done almost everything except kill messmer
why is every enemy an omen
The Hornsent's is too, otherwise he whines about Messmer being dead and he wasn't there. Leda even comments about him being so brain broken that she's not even worried about him anymore
dude is pretty much stated to be the Sanguinius of elden ring, everyone loved him before even demigods got runes
FromSoft does this a lot. They hype up a huge character with all the ads and in-game lore items and it only ever ends up just being a single boss.

They did this with Melania too. All the promotional art and trailers featured her, made her seem like she was going to be some huge deal in the game. She ends up just being an optional boss that most people never confront.
Anyone got his advice for Bayle? I'm stuck on his second phase and don't really understand when his openings are. Feels like he's always moving.
>divine beast soundtrack
holy shit this goes so fcking hard
lore isnt cool, im talking more spells/weapons
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Nope she returned but everyone was already dead. (Minor erdtree incantation)
Because she wears a helmet the whole game and you can only see her face with hacks?
he can still charm you during the battle, I just think he couldn't hold it on that many people at once.
Because, like almost every NPC, they're just player models?
The real problem was that the only source was the Frenzied Flame niggas and well they have a very vested interest in saying the TF/GW is full of shit
Now that we got confirmation from a completely separate faction it's a lot less dismissable as just schizobabble
is the martial arts weapon any good
Miquella uses his charming powers against the player in the boss fight, so he still has his charming abilities
>scumbags using religion to maintain power, to the point of lying about a connection to GW
pretty standard for Miyazaki, should have had patches in the DLC to help kill some fingers since he hates clerics

makes even more sense why the shattering conflict started, you had different fingers choosing champions to try and gain more power
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>Scorpion Lady from the DLC
who? the only one I remember was Najka from Dark Souls 2.
There is something inherently wrong with a player if he dies 63 times to the first real boss of the DLC.
Was he just trying to facetank every single hit while at low skibidi blessings?
I am by no means a good action gamer. But I have never died 60+ times to a boss in any action game.
hyettas lying to you tho. Melina makes it clear you're just burning everything to ash not returning it to the "one great". ffs not the crucible it's a malevolent force with its own agenda
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>Recluse River Downstream

What the fuck am I even doing here, I shouldnt have taken that detour away from the castle
>Put on daedicar
>boss immediately still goes for spirit
stupid game
I think I realized why ER left a sourer taste in my mouth than DaS3 or Sekiro. It's exactly the weakness of the final act. Sekiro and DaS3 have very strong closers in terms of presentation, content and boss fights while ER's is basically not all that.
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>90% of the dlc has almost no connection to the base game
You rike?
>Messmer's phase 2 is like 100 times easier than his phase 1
idk but from what I understood, greater will is actually the god-creator
This dlc affirms that you cannot take their lore seriously ever again
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Dear god, FTH is so much more fun than INT. I don't have that many spells yet, but this is way more enjoyable than throwing blue projectiles all the time.
>2 (TWO) separate gravebird chests
>still no Scaled Armor without the scales
come on man.
>my faggot nigger build was too stronk plz buff boss plox xDD
the one from this dlc man, Redina or whatever, has the scorpion and centipede body
Who the fuck is this old man yapping about pain? Am I supposed to heal him somehow?
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I'm confused by the Putrescent Knight. He has that combo where he jumps off his horse and spin attacks while his horse charges from the side, its similar to Waterfowl Dance where you have to just dodge every move until the combo is over. But unlike waterfowl dance, it doesnt come out randomly, as far as I can tell after 10 runs is that its his main attack. If he spams this combo over and over and over, when do I actually attack? I think I dodged this combo 5-6 times in a row just waiting for an attack opening that never came. What do?
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Why would they do that for the face of a random npc? Funfact her face is the face used for the carian knight in the network test
No because you find Marika's potion and the Godfrey Erdtree Blessing, both made from the dew of the Erdtree. It may have been young and in the age when dew fell and blessed the Land's Between, but it was still after Marika married Godfrey and was giving birth to his kids.
>90% of the dlc has almost no connection to the base game
>The rest of the DLC brings up almost no new lore any self contained lore worth remembering

What did he mean by this?
fth stuff is easier accessible in the start but magic overall still has more than just blue pebbles, it just comes later
I mean aren't they just correct? If all faith and sorcery is ultimately derived from the greater will then that would make the outer gods a part of its being
>They don't even fit the mood
He is the mood retard.
She's not that pretty.
>Marika got drunk on power and never returned to her village which she originally wanted to save so much
She did come home, everyone was dead
Why do you think there's Erdtree Guardians and a glowing minor erdtree there? It's a gravestone and a last goodbye to home.
so where the fuck does sir Ansbach go after I give him the scroll?
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Which of these two men do I blame for the problems of the DLC?
unless someone else is in charge. The worst part for me are the shitty item description. Garbage
>Finger mommy arrives
>Starts giving birth to fingers
>Daddy GW plops the tree down
>"N-no he didn't leave"
>Kids behave yourselves while I phone up the GW

while she keeps calling and asking him to pls respond, the fingers cause the age of the erdtree and the edgy malformed one of the fingers goes and tries to blow the world up
Why does the existence of Rellana piss players off so much?
see >>483188649
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Keep pushing downward into the catacomb, then keep pushing downward. It’s worth it bro
>fetishizes difficulty
>fetishizes bad game design
That attitude is what ruined the platformer and MMO genres, and I'll be damned if I let the Soulslike genre suffer the same fate.
I fukin hate armor and weapon weight. Why do I have to dedicate so many god damn levels to just being able to wear what I want? Whats the point of having all these alternate equipment slots if filling them with gear is going to destroy your equip load?
No cutscene
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Close but no
Backhand swords
kill messmer and leda will ask you to jump him (signs in the same location as he was before) and you can then jump leda instead and help a bro out
>not returning it to the "one great"
No, that's what the One Great is. The One Great is everywhere, it is inescapable, it is indivisible. It's literally central buddhist theology. Everyone is part of the world and thinking you aren't is a delusion, Miyazaki just added fire to the core Mahayana theology that everyone needs to be saved for anyone to actually be saved.
Sorry you're so mad anon, hope you beat it soon
it was on purpose. from devs don't treat the "lore" seriously and half of it is a joke intentionally. I bet you there were many giggles at how the loretists were gonna seethe at this dlc

kek like imagine meeting vaati irl like some of them did I bet they thought he was the biggest fag
You get an opening at the end for like, a fully charged heavy or two jump attacks. He has to reform his horse, which is when you attack. Unless you're talking of a different attack.
I'm ok with weight, but you should only be affected by the weight your character is actively wearing, not all the weight from all the slots you have in your equipment tab.
It’s probably a spacing thing, yoy are triggering the attack by being wither close, midrange, or far away. Malenia has a similar AI
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Day 3 of having to stop every few minutes to turn my HUD off because I found another dope screenshot oppurtunity
>use shitter summons with lots of bodies just to die
>procs each time they die
Legit strat?
Christ I hate PC players who are also poorfags.
It ruins Carian lore. It makes them into a romantic joke. It also eradicates any specialness regarding the moons. It apparently has nothing to do with Ranni being an Empyrean, that's nice. I guess the moon isn't some outer god/intellignece. It's just the moon.
Don't forget GRRM

Co-co’ed with some fag that was holding their curved swords backwards

Where do you get that?
>rennalla's twin sister that was never mentioned
>is a pontiff rehash
>has no lines, no cutscenes and barely any significance in the story or lore
>annoying combos
>multiple attacks that span the entire arena in size
her gear is pretty cool though.
Honestly if half of the NPC you met in Elden Ring didn't end their quests in them dying it'd be a lot better.

I don't want the game to be sunshine and roses because this IS a Souls game in spirit and style, but what's the point of slaying monsters and demigods if you can't do any good? Maybe I sound like a redditor or something
Learning and overcoming challenges is fun. Having your mimic tear kill shit for you isn't really fun. Simple as.
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Shaman = Numen?
Why are all the DLC weapons fucking boring?
If all life came from stars than it's likely the golden stat the Elden Beast arrived on
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He takes half an hour to get back on the horse at the end. Roll with the last spin if you're having trouble taking advantage of it. The timing is very generous I found. Also, if you're using a fast weapon you can roll attack the initial slam and still dodge the first spin.
How much do scadutree blessings actually increase your damage in relation to the bosses?
I feel like it's not a whole lot but at the same time I'm doing chip damage to Bayle and I don't think tweaking my build or getting a new weapon is the answer
I'm probably too far away. Ill try again
this shit was the same with the chinese lion anon. So I don't think she is resistant to magic
MMOs were ruined by the focus on endgame and raids instead of the journey and the world. FFXIV, Runescape, and mcfucking LOTRO are better about it than WoW and the recent PvP focused MMOs. You literally rush through the entire game to get to the end and then drop it because the end is nothing special anyway and you burned out rushing through all the content.
Why is nobody discussing that like three of the main dlc bosses begin with "...forgive me"?

Is nobody paying attention? This is From going out of its way to harass the memers.
this is the same type of thinking that made all the failed frenzy lords get fucked
That's what's weird because I'm running this on a 1060 and an i5 and it isn't stuttering for me whatsoever, even if I'm watching streams at the same time or something.
>Carian Slice does respectable damage in the DLC without feeling too overpowered like in the base game
Maybe I can finally live the Carian dream without feeling like a piece of shit
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Pretty people should just always win
Ymir's propaganda to justify becoming the "mother" of the fingers and usurping the Two Fingers for his own purposes.
You weren't even close why are you raging.
>wish miquella was a girl because cute girls >>>> cute boys
>but also glad he isn't because i wouldn't wanna kill him if he was a girl
>kill messmer and find out I missed the leda/hornsent shit
fucking npc quests, if I cant get swift slash anymore because of this im about to just mod it in
>crucible wings kinda suck ass on non twinblades
even split, but you do so much damage that it doesn't really matter. It gets all lightning buffs, so use perfumer talisman, lightning scorpion charm, cracked tear, ect...
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Reminder that hornsent are literally jews
What? the failed frenzy lords are literally just too weak
a crown is warranted with strength, they got niggered because they suck ass
What a stupid fucking name, I honestly thought it was a joke when I first heard about it
Post settings pls. I'm on a 1070ti and a lot of areas are stuck at 40-50 fps with the rare drop to the 20s.
>Throw a rainbow stone
>It lands fine
Her moon spell was clearly lazy ass filler of some sort, since we could have had a completely new and unique 70+ int spell, but noooo.
Yes, at leas the fight is really enjoyable and not a spastic fest of wombocombos without any breathing room
Am I the only one that thinks that Marika fucking around is perfectly justified? I mean, her whole fucking race of her homeland is dead. And honestly, looking at the shit she saw in her youth and having her whole village genocided, I think it's perfectly fine that she shits out a shit ton of children, no? She's the host of the Elden Ring, capable of altering the laws of reality. I think she's pretty much justified to fuck around. This is a clear point of "too bad shit insane shit happening in her childhood, can't blame her"
Alright then.
>It's just the moon
Ymir literally says this in one of the item descriptions. The moon is fucking nothing compared to the universe/Great Will and you're all chumps for being impressed by it. Now go kill the Mother and let Ymir become god.
Autistic people are easily upset
a font of primordial chaos that was there before the beast landed. the beast most likely landed on the crucible and the tree most likely formed over it
Are these cheating? With rolling sparks they do ~5k damage at 9 skibidi fragments. Its the best weapon ive found by far. I melt every boss easily
>Dothraki live in groups called khalasar
>they are ruled by a khal
>the wife is a khalessi
>the heir is a khalakka
>the guards are called khas, and the guard captains are called khors
The dude talks mad shit all the time but he can't write characters, he can't write intrigue, he can't into worldbuilding, and he certainly can't name
>Nanaya….please….forgive me…..

Man that Myrmidon if Frenzy dude was tough!
at that point he'd die instantly from a frost+bleed proc since he clears afflictions between phases
I'd much rather they tune the moves to be more manageable. p2 stomps/upheavals should still be jumpable, miquella projections should do single-digit damage, so you can just focus on dodging the last hit that actually does most of the damage and the giant AoE explosion should have a second or so of delay
why does Ymir even get pissed at you for killing Metyr after he literally asks you to do it?
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My thoughts on great spears?
Next time don't jump
I can't imagine taking it this seriously. Where is your sense of humour honestly
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I haven't used a new DLC weapon yet despite just beating Rellana. Where do I find the good shit
>I think it's perfectly fine that she shits out a shit ton of children, no?
Her having a lot of children was never the problem, the problem is that she treats most of them like shit
he still has charm powers and has an instant kill with them you can only prevent by using the shattered remnants of his rune
Everything that isn't an elementless broadsword is cheating
Now all we need is Blaidd chilling atop one of Stromveil's towers and it'll truly be the best ending.
GRRM cooked this slop i can smell it
>I think I dodged this combo 5-6 times in a row
Dayummmm.... I'm too broke to do that
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this is fucking bullshit
they prevent you from putting messages on marika statue? where eles do they do this
Gonna be honest with you, settings are "whatever it came from the store with" because I'm retarded when it comes to changing such things.
that's why when you touch marika your head explodes lol
I never thought it was a problem even before the genocide reveal
Since when the fuck are gods super chaste? When a god doesn't fuck at all or is loyal to their one spouse it's unusual enough that it becomes a major point of their characterization, and this holds worldwide, not just in Greece or whatever. She's a god, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Odin literally has a mind-control charm to get the ladies to suck his cock and uses it liberally.
Unless you're fighting a boss that has a huge hurtbox then you it requires some amount of mechanical skill and timing to unlock, aim down and still get the punish. I don't know if that's cope but it takes about as long as 3 R1s which seems like a no no in this DLC
I actually think its better on a sword like Milady than Twinblades. Twinblades are better for flying throw a group but way worse for single target. Even with rotten insignia boosting multi hit its near impossible to land many hits on enemies that matter, and the animation is so long and anime you easily get hit out of it. The word version is just a nice clean fast chunk of damage.
just do it bitch
>It also eradicates any specialness regarding the moons. It apparently has nothing to do with Ranni being an Empyrean, that's nice. I guess the moon isn't some outer god/intellignece. It's just the moon.
That was a pretty common interpretation before the DLC. Ranni's ending is about removing the interference of outer gods (alongside the obligatory waifufaggotry of course). The moon being tied to an outer god would completely undercut that.
....Anon, Ymir's questline is intentionally ironic, to the point where he is wrong about what he believes of deep space. If his words had any actual truth to them, the moon spells wouldn't be as powerful as they are, and he would have spells far greater. Comet Azur is itself based on a far off nebula, the place where stars are born, and it's 8/10/12 int less than the moon spells.

Ymir's fight is also just another Gideon. He isn't an actual boss. He's just a pathetic finger obsessed idiot. The moon is the most powerful celestial object.
Yeah I did that but he isn't there after I helped him

I think I need to talk to him to progress Freyja's quest
The first three make sense though, those are related nouns which are implied to originate from the same root word. It's like complaining that emperor and empress are similar words.
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>think Dancing Lion is one of the best fights From has done
>90% of dialogue around it is people complaining about how bullshit it is
>Am I so out of touch? It felt absolutely fair and fine to me.

Lion Dancer is only fun when you pay attention to its moveset otherwise it becomes an experience of fighting the camera and receiving and overhead attacks that ignore your guard.
If you aren't dual-wielding Greathammers you didn't beat the game ,cheater.
good morning erg!!
2 years later and you gigafaggots can't even spell her name correctly
i really think that leaks did huge damage to the perception of the dlc. if people found out through the game's story about radahn i think tthey wouild have liked it more
I was summoned by someone doing Godrick at level 25. The other guy was using DLC spells.

Was this just an extreme twink or what?
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anon where have you been this thread's been going insane over them
Kinda sad there isn't a more heavier armor set than Bull goat in the DLC
But thats also cheating because you easily stancebreak everything
Looks like the stone got stuck on a wall, not a floor. Also, protip, if you see water without a floor right beneath the surface, you almost certainly will die in it.
too late...
I think it's up to almost 2x at 20. It's a lot.
At around 10, you'll start to feel it.
>Fighting the camera
Don't lock-on if you're running around/dodging. It's literally that simple.
She never was about removing outer gods. Just faith from the land
Easily the best OST of the dlc
That quest's ending was so stupid. Way to introduce an interesting character with nothing to show for it beyond some duplicate staff. He should have dropped a new spell or something.

> The moon being tied to an outer god would completely undercut that.
Actually no, it does not, since the implication that alien intellects *wouldn't* want to be worshiped, and *don't* want interference, is a valid one. The moons also behave like living beings.
This shit is probably getting nerfed
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All my headcanon
Godfrey and marika regularly got ridiculously drunk and rowdy together
Marika was just as much of a barbarian as godfrey also putting on an act
Marika's bed was made of strong stone so when they had literal floor shattering sex they wouldn't break their bed
Marika and godfrey used the top of the erdtree to spar and whoever won got to be the dominant one in bed for the time being
Marika and godfrey had many kids who died and we never got to see them
The potentially sexual bit of mimic veil's jp text was in reference to marika's sexlife where she shape-shifted to role-play during sex with godfrey
She can use the elden ring to make herself dangerously tight
She got off on violence just as much as godfrey and they occasionally had sex covered in the gore of their fallen foes
Marika during her imprisonment waited for nothing more than godfrey to return to her and free her
Marika wholly intended to repopulate the lands between with godfrey after he returned
Marika began to love godwyn even more after godfreys banishment because of how much he reminded her of his dad
Marika was absolutely devastated losing godwyn feeling like she's lost a child and a physical representation of her and godfreys younger years
Shed be happy for the age of duskborn ending, just knowing some part of her son lived on, even if it's just a rune
Marika would be okay with ranni's ending and would be happy to die and be reunited with her love godfrey
Marika was sex crazed like people meme but it was mostly directed at godfrey
Marika's emotional decline started after godfrey left
Marika and godfrey had plenty of quiet time where they spoke about Marika's village, the badlands, and godfreys old battles
nice headcanon
if the leaked final boss was metyr I would've been stoked. I don't think one person wanted to fight radahn but gay as the final boss of a 2 year long wait
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>if i ever do another dex/bleed build again in future runs
>have to go all the way to lyndell catacombs again and through the catacombs for the bleed talisman

is this the great sin that bleed/katana users must carry? why is it acuall hell to get this one singular talisman? is it because of the nature of bleed builds and how easy it is to cheese everything with?
I mean, I guess? Etymology is rare that cut-and-dry especially for completely nonwritten languages, it almost sounds like they're either recent coinages or the Dorthraki write in Chinese (which CAN hold etymologies forever because it's made entirely of immutable morphemes).
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>spent 2 years watching all the lore related stuff
>now will never give a shit again
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I forgot to mention that I think it's logical she throws omen into the sewer. People might say but those are her children! Children that look like people that literally stuffed her family into jars, whipped them, told them they were born for this and that's their only worth, and then fused them into monsters while they were alive. People can say whatever they want, nobody can blame Marika for ripping the horns out of the children and throwing them into the sewer. Is it just? No. It's logical. Do you think you can overcome such trauma? Doesn't matter if it's her child. Also, she had a shitton of normal children. It's just a pair of omen that were the problem. The majority of her line were humans/numen. Not just godwyn. He had many bastards, all humans.
What's a mimic tear?
The GW is the infinite void of space and shits out stars every Tuesday afternoon, even if we assume the moon has power it's not that big of a deal in comparison, hell the power of moon spells might only be a thing because it's close whereas Metyr needed a fucking microcosm to communicate with the GW in the past
No, it's honest because you're relying solely on your skill to kill everything. No cheesy summons, no magic that bypasses physical defense, no buffs/debuffs, no physicks, no OP armor like the Black Knife Assassin armor, no talismans other than what improve your ability to DPS. It's the only playstyle that makes Elden Ring a Fromsoft game.
By that logic, Marika deserves it over Miquella.
nah, leaks were good cause they gave us more time to cope
>OP armor like the Black Knife Assassin armor

I'm still mad about the final boss getting leaked
So are the cool fist monk weapons supposed to do shit damage?
Ive got them heavy max level and at 99 str theyre damage is only 430~
>If his words had any actual truth to them, the moon spells wouldn't be as powerful as they are, and he would have spells far greater. Comet Azur is itself based on a far off nebula, the place where stars are born, and it's 8/10/12 int less than the moon spells.
Not him but this really doesn't prove much since Thops' Barrier requires fuckall intelligence but is explicitly stated to be on par with the legendary spells of the conspecti. Ymir is THE greatest sorcerer of all time.
Oh. Thanks.
the greater will is not creating astels or the moons or the outer gods fuck off
I don't understand why Ymir has a melty when we kill the finger mother. He says she's a flawed retard he wants to replace, and he gives us the map to go and kill her, we do it, and then he's mad?

I don't get it.
I'm at 8 right now it's seeming like I'm going to have to cut my losses and just come back when I have more. Kinda annoying that bosses are somewhat progression gated unless you wanna slog through a low damage challenge run
Do scadurtree fragments carry over between playthroughs?

I'm never touching this shite again if they dont
Make sure to keep shadows not on maximum because that shit chugs FPS
Also volumetric, keep it on high, maximum eats 5 fps for nothing
>You can optionally break the Great Rune
where is this meme coming from and why is every retard parroting it
the rune breaks offscreen, signalled by a fucking text message, when you reach one of several locations
it's not optional. it always happens. the already broken great rune is just a boss drop that lets you clear the charm status effect you get from getting grabbed in p2
There's nothing logical about that. I can see why she would do that, her being so traumatized that even them being her own children wouldn't happen, but logical? Never
no joke majority is just trash and undertuned
It's not headcanon. He's not a true boss, just like Gideon. Rennala and Rellana are. He claims the moon is lame, and yet all of his spells are even lamer.

How is that not intentionally ironic? It's like the developers wanted to force how awesome Carian women are down your throat even more.

The logic is so stupid there can't be any other alternative. Comet Azur should have higher requirements, but it doesn't, proving that distant celestial bodies are inferior to the moon lol.

It's garbage, but that's just how the lore is, probably because Miyazaki loves the moon and femininity too much.
Before this computer I'd been running something that only had 4 gigs of ram so maybe I'm just immune to noticing framerates that aren't extremely bad at this point.
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Hows the dueling shield / thrusting shield? Are they a nice alternative to just a board and sword? Also which affinity are you guys using with it.
Lock-on is fine, you've just got to commit to positions and not throw out attacks randomly. His ice phase is the only one that was catching me before I beat him.
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So uhh is the DLC a real place or is it just our imagination or something? I was wondering because when I hit this Leda npc she just vanished into golden dust
>Your tarnished IS NOT ALLOWED to be homosexual
i mean if you're female then you're literally required to be homosexual kek
She TOLD Miquella to become god. We'll have to support them both, I am NOT choosing.
I am at skibidi level 8 and hardstuck at the Scadutree avatar
Hitting its head is so fucking jank, I cant even get an attack in before it starts sperging out left and right again
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We didn't have a choice

Prepare to Die Edition was released it was horribly buggy and everyone use DSfix instead.

DS1 was a port of a 360 game that used GFWL, and then later had a generic Steamworks conversion program slapped onto it when GFWL shut down, and then that bandaid stopped working too as Windows and Steam keep going through iterations and change over the years.

The DS1 PC port was so bad that it was delisted and replaced with Remastered.

Amusingly, the Switch version absolutely trashes the 360/PS3 versions of PTDE graphically, since it runs at 1080p30 with far fewer framedips (and with a simple mod it can run at 720p60, albeit with dips like the Pro/X 60fps patches for DS3 and Sekiro). Too bad about that sound quality.

Dark Souls 2's weapon durability glitch. Dark Souls 2 (DX9) and the DX11 edition ran on separate servers so PC players would have to pay money for a patch that should have been free. Scholar of the First Sin was a paid upgrade to DX11.

Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring run on PS4 hardware from 10 years ago. It's a PS4 game and it shows: 20-30 fps and it looks good thanks to their artists, not their engineers.
>finally fight Gaius, the decaying knight and a Death Knight
Ok, how he fuck were people filteted by these?
Death Knight is a standard human boss that can be staggered easily and has a clear moveset, no endless combo shit. Only dangerous attack can be avoided by jumping.

Gaius is honestly a fantastic boss. You can roll everything and will give you plenty of time to punish, even with something super slow like powerstance colossal. He only has gravity magic which is nothing bullshit to deal with.

The decaying knight (the blue one with horse) is the same. Clear moveset, lot of punishing windows, and the frostbite flames can be avoided by simply jumping

None of them even have that much HPs. Like seriously, anything in the DLC aside from Rellana so far has been way less schizo to me than stuff like Malekith second phase
>She can use the elden ring to make herself dangerously tight
kek imagine the Elden Ring warping her pussy around you
Omen aren't all Marika's kids. They're born from the many families of Leyndell; it's only Mogh and Morgott that are her kids.
I'm fighting messmer, when is it my turn to attack?
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yeah they suck hard, wait for the buffs (never coming)
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How do you get this ANVIL HAMMER? I see people just getting it for clearing the mine but i just dont have it, i didnt get it
Metyr is described to be the first shooting star of the lands between and the stars are considered the children of the GW, if it can creates stars it can create a fucking rock
I didn't pay any attention to the leaks and I went in blind, I was even more disappointed.
>secret incantation
>only the kindness of gold, without Order
Goldmask btfo yet again as without kindness
>they crying BAYLE guy in the road
That's cool! They put me in the game!
Modern people just don't like the idea of praising cheaters or polygamers
i paid a jap $50 to translate and explain the kanji of a bunch of items descriptions about marika to see if anon was right about her cheating on godfrey, it's literally never mentioned that she did or even alluded to, with the game hinting at all of it was directed at him which is normal.
A lot of people genuinely make up a lot of shit, outright lying about item descriptions or dialog to make Marika and Ranni seem worse. I really don't understand why some people hate them so much.
just trade hits with power stanced bleed weapons bro
IT still does not explain where Marika came from. Yes she's numen, so Hornsent was torturing a numen village? How did they make it to the Lands Between.

How is Moon a god if it does nothing? How is Ranni's ending possible if Moon is just a celestial object?
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>he thinks he gets a turn to attack
I did that shit with a fist weapon and wanted to kill myself
the dlc basically fits entirely in the middle of the lands between. The scadutre and erdtree are the same in both, the mountains are connected to Caelid, ect.
It's just the lowlands of the lands between that got yeeted out of existence to hide the gates of divinity
I need to know, do you get to St Trina through the purple fields? Some phantom mentioned a coffin but I scoured the whole place and couldn't find one.
Thop's Barrier's only requires 18 intelligence, implying it was just something the sorcerers refused to entertain.

>Ymir is THE greatest sorcerer of all time.
He clearly isn't. He doesn't even drop a Remembrance, like Ofnir, since they aren't truly powerful beings, lol.

They stopped caring half way through. Someone probably thought he was a threat to Carian women supremacy and had them turn him into just another lame Gideon Ofnir encounter.
Silences your footsteps so you can sneak past enemies instead of fighting them. It's for speedrunning zoomers only.
You've asked this every thread since release dude. Just get it and try it out yourself.
Guys, how do you beat Wickermen? Even after I stagger them it takes forever to beat them.
He is one of the less aggresive bosses in the DLC
>80% block
>less stability than 2h greatswords
unusable trash
The moon is an outer god
kill drakes. behead drakes. Devour drake hearts with a shoody fork. dungeater ritual drake corpses
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don't bother with it in offhand. two hand that shit put some grease on and then mash eveything to death with block frames. the carian one is better also. i'm just using it standard affinity-- doesn't make a big difference with my shitty 40/40 quality build and u loss some stability
This is spot on. A reoccurring meta-theme in both the base game and dlc is the concept of the unreliable narrator trope. Go look it up. Coupled with the trope “history is written by the victor,” you are supposed to take everything you hear and read in item descriptions with a grain of salt. This is what’s causing loretuber’s heads to continually explode in this dlc. They can’t fathom that the devs would drop them into a world with remnants of a prior victor civilization. The item descriptions are now conflicting with themselves because they are written from opposing perspectives. Until now most of the item descriptions were taken at face value as a message from the devs themselves with an unbiased motive of informing the players. Now you have propaganda and misinformation sprinkled in and it makes the lore harder to decipher.
Creating a microcosm apparently only take 42 int.
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melina's brother
>She can use the elden ring to make herself dangerously tight
...you do realize that that hurts, right? it's not pleasurable, it's painful
>since the implication that alien intellects *wouldn't* want to be worshiped, and *don't* want interference, is a valid one
Apparently not in this game, since, off the top of my head, we haven't seen one that acts like that. I guess the GW could qualify if you want to open that can of worms.

I wonder how that would be accomplished in a land where outer gods are constantly interfering.
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DLC done
Level 195
Scadutree 20

Blasphemous Blade weapon art spam still good
theres multiple mines anon, go for the lava one
so there were things in the lands between already. things living there to see the shooting star. so did the greater will create them too lol

if the greater will created everything why is everything not golden and ordered? why do outer gods exist? why do the moons exist? why does the beast or the tree exist and why does the beast need a God and a lord to finish its vision.

the greater will is some faggy outer god like all the rest
lmfao as I suspected. It was literally all the headcanon of the exact same nigger who's constantly seething about Marika being mentioned on /erg/.
Cheating I despise because it's breaking a promise that you willingly gave
If you can't stay monogamous than don't tell someone you're going to be for them and them alone

>implying it was just something the sorcerers refused to entertain
Thops' Barrier explicitly is something that is worthy of an entirely new conspectus
Your cope is insane
>Not a fair comparison. Custom crafted face model rather than the wonky face generator.

Fromsoft just has a sub-par character creator.
It's really weird seeing people try their best to dismiss lore that doesn't match their headcanons. I don't fully believe him either but holy shit this reminds me of the coping miquellafags were doing a few days ago
>Scadutree 20
now do it with 0
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Beat Bayle 4th try without Igon. I beat him first try with Igon, even though he yells and shoots 24/7.
Also realized afterwards that this fucking armor is a glass cannon set lol. Bayle is more fun with Igon, he’s a lot better than the ancient dragons at least.
>Putrescent Knight > Divine Beast > Rellana > Bayle > Hippopotamus
he's better informed than carians, accept the correct lore
The veil over the shadowlands is held up by the divine towers.
You didn't beat the DLC
break stance thrice to make him fall then riposte his head, repeat once, yes it's that tedious
you get to st trina by jumping down the big hole at the very southern tip of the map
the only coffin ride i'm aware of is the back exit to the shadow keep
So what's the deal with Midra?
>Becomes Lord of the Frenzied Flame on the spot
If it's that easy, why doesn't everyone just do that
If there's a suitable place nearby you can throw fire pots into their heads
No don't ask me why the giant fire golem is weak to adding more fire to a fucking fire tornado
None of that proves that the moons aren't the greatest celestial object lol, it just proves that space is productive.

They also had the opportunity to give us one of Metyr's spells, but they didn't.

I am quite mad.
hornsent are torturing him to try and awaken him
She's a numen who are not from this world. SO WHERE? WHICH PLANET? PARALLEL UNIVERSE?
looks like a sulky fag
I just finished Gaius as well, with a slower weapons my punish options were pretty 50/50 whether I got punished by a quick attack after, but if you roll a lot of his magic attacks in phase 2 it's a big hit for you. I enjoyed it.
>who are not from this world
This is literally never said
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I also wholly believe that marika could take on both of these forms if she really wanted to and likely did for fun. Minus the blue eyes on the right I completely believe marika fucked godfrey as a sexdoll and unhinged milf
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that's mohg's body, notice the omen horns on his arms
I don't get why the character creator for this game makes all women character have a double chin / mouthbreather jaw, while male characters look great
this doesn't explain why the NPCs turned to dust when you hit them
I think, beyond gameplay purposes, you could look at Thops' Barrier implications similarly to something like the information revolution. It required genius to achieve it, but the result is making all that came before it obsolete by being accessible to basically everyone.
he made contact
he got punished for it
however before his sentence finished his jailers fell to madness themselves
all he knows is that they won't relieve him of suffering
>phantom near the waterfall talks about being taken by a coffin to reach a purple realm
>you actually have to jump down someone
Actually retarded devs.
Thats unfortunate
I found one nice thing about them though, in that the palm blast ash of war seems to have fucking infinite hyper armor even when its just charging (Ive only got 47 poise and I tanked a zweihander R2)
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What's the best strength scaling fast attacking weapon?
The problem is the walking mausoleum. One of the women states that they house Mariko's unwanted bastards.
No, it's illogical to think that anyone would go "oh yeah, I understand that you are not responsible" she probably puked and raged when she birthed Morgott and mogh and immediately tried to stomp them to death and only Godfrey stopped her lol. Again, read what the hornsent did. The sewer is a paradise in comparison.
bro it's in the top right
so what exactly is the scadutree? is it the real tree? why is it still flowing sap?
Well guess Il'l try it out then, I heard you can keep the shield up while light attacking. Also they they say the blood tax WA work on it to heal chip dmg so it sounds viable.
I was hoping the DLC gives us a free/reusable larva tear.
Ouch, Mohg really got the short end of the stick, huh. Miquella really is cruel
want to use the light greatsword milady but cant find the perfect AoW
what are you using?
Not that guy but it's literally on character select
>The face of the Numen, supposed descendants of denizens of another world. Long-lived but seldom born.
This isn't a turn-based RPG, kid! Block and counter! Stun him! Do whatever you can to hit him as he's hitting you!
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see pic rel
>Do DLC on NG+
>Bosses suck
>Think maybe it's just me, haven't played in a while
>Decide to back to the main game to take a break from shit DLC boss design
>NG+ So I'm still making my way through the game
>At that knight boss on horseback that guards the entrance Leyndell
>Was always my least favorite boss in the game when I cleared it first time, remember why I stopped here before hitting DLC
>Beat it
>Realize this boss is more fun than almost every DLC boss

I'm at Messmer now and have done msot of the optional bosses. This DLC was such a huge letdown. I honestly thought maybe after not playing for a while I was just rusty and that all the bosses were always this unenjoyable, but nope this DLC just dropped the ball. What a shame because the base game was my DLC and favorite game for the last 2 years
There's an entrance to that area considerably southeast in a completely unrelated looking area, hilariously enough. Near a lake that looks like an upward-pointing triangle.
Everything Marika did was to protect herself and those she loved. She specifically sets the world up so that those she loves cannot truly die. She commits numerous atrocities to get to this point but in her mind it's all okay because now everyone she cares about can just be resurrected by her. Then Godwyn dies a true death and Marika loses her mind because she realizes everything she did didn't matter, Metyr was lying to her, and she can never ever get her son back. She shatters the ring and is crucified by EB for doing so. Marika recalls the Tarnished in one last desperate gambit. Metyr tells the fingers to manipulate the Tarnished into gathering the runes and repair the ring for the EB.
>Death Knight
He's a darkwraith. Nobody knows how to beat them since they steal your life.
not telling
He's better informed and yet much less magical or powerful, what does this tell you?

None of this is headcanon. We know that deep space spells are still lesser to the moon spells.

How is this hard to understand? The moon bias in these games is incredible. Physicists would refuse to play this game.
his lore is nonsense, forget about him
Thanks for the advice.
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>"One day we'll return to our home. To our home, bathed in rays of gold."
Marika did nothing wrong.
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>mfw there's actually a secret passage ahead
DLC Radahn in in Mogh's body
it's the real tree, withered and dying but still leagues more powerful than the illusion of a glorious golden erdtree
Which twinned blade is best for crucible wings? Should I go faith or quality with it?
I'm fighting omen, when is it my turn to attack?
>just beat the DLC
Overall a 6/10 experience marred by awful balancing that clearly expects you to summon.
10/10 the environment design and art style are impeccable
9/10 bayle and ledas theme are among the best video game music in this style
5/10. Awful balancing and a lot of “when is it my turn”
>final boss
1/10 it’s literally everything wrong with this game combined then multiplied by 10
Lmao/10 this dlc is nothing but character assassination
>The face of the Numen, supposed descendants of denizens of another world. Long-lived but seldom born.
You literally get that in character creator
No, there's nothing logical about hating your own children to the point of wanting them dead or imprisoning them in a sewer. Trauma is not logical.
does the DLC lend itself better to a single GUGS style play or to a light greatsword with shield guard counter style play? wanna respec but not sure into what
Wouldn't it be cool if Fromsoft with their literal billion dollars from Elden Ring teamed up with a studio who had decent asset creation staff?
>numen who are not from this world.
can the Shadow realm be considered "not of this world"?

Also Marika's Village is called "Shaman Village" and it's north-east of the Shadow Keep
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Savage Claws or Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker for Beast Claws?
It works because she's the god and has the elden ring. it's that simple
Carian Knight Sword
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well we found out marika's rune is in the dumpster of a random castle with all her dead friends.
>Get baited by message
>Get wise
>Haha no way there's a secret passage
>There is
>Now I have to attack the wall regardless of how much I trust the message
>Thops' Barrier explicitly is something that is worthy of an entirely new conspectus
So? Stars of Ruin was worthy of a conspectus, and it's lesser to Comet Azur.

Conspectus spells are just lesser versions of the real primeval thing, so anything that came of a Thops conspectus would be inferior to the real thing.
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Don't forget to go grab this from trina after the last fight. Not sure if it's different if you did her quest, i managed to miss it due to missing a fucking path with the required npc even though i did every thing fucking else.

Not that it fucking matters, fuck this game.
>cut all bosses damage in half
will that fix the DLC?
Understandable. I wish I could go back to the days of getting 25 FPS on a shitty laptop and thinking it was fine sometimes. Knowledge is a curse.
Messmer is not as aggressive as people think.

He just has long combos
No matter your weapon you get a hit after rolling them, unlike assholes like Bayle who'll jump away after half of them
Just take a second to learn his strings, some of his attacks you have to roll in on, but his healthbar will melt once you get in the rhythm, it's a good boss
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Why are you people like this?
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I'm going to cry
Wait wait wait WHERE do you find this?
>The problem is the walking mausoleum. One of the women states that they house Mariko's unwanted bastards.
What are you talking about?
It's not bad, a bit gimmicky, but it does pretty well in the dlc imo. also u can riposte with it
I mean it's not logical TO EXPECT people to just go like "get over it bro"
So what in your opinion is the best ending for Elden Ring? What is the worst?
>this cutie is a murderous psycho who killed all of miquella's knights
what was her problem?
no, they'd still teleport around so you can't hit them and have 40 hit combos with hyperarmor and virtually no openings
You are retarded. I will not explain anything because you are retarded and it would be wasted effort.
pro tip. everywhere you go have mohgs or morgotts shackle on you. they reveal doors in a huge radius when used
>game clearly expects me to engage with its mechanics
>6/10 i shouldn't have to engage with game mechanics.
You're thinking of it the wrong way, the GW is not an Abrahamic god but a celestial force. It created life by bringing order to the primordial chaos of the universe and initiating the Big Bang.
I would guess it's because you're burning out his remaining fuel faster than he can handle.
Isn't that pretty much what Scadu level 13 does?
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Here's the thing, it's perfectly fine taking things at face value, the problem is asserting it's 100% truth. It's just as annoying as people who assert their headcanon as truth. Miyazaki wants people to have fun interpreting and making their own views up on the world. He wants us to mimic piecing together and drawing conclusions of the worlds he makes to give us the feeling he had as a kid reading English books he barely understood. He legitimately likes reading and seeing peoples headcanons too, it seems like it's one of the things he enjoys the most about these games. It's all C0da and always has been. Treating it like some serious historical debate and seeking actual undeniable truth is antithetical to how and why the lore is the way it is. This is why loretubers are the biggest fags around, that and them stealing people's theories. It's not just vaati that does it btw.
So what was St. Trina, was that ever explained? A part of Miquella, yes, but how and why?
is it a consumable? talisman?
Should I pop a larval tear and respec to dex?
They get all the cool stuff seems like while all I got was the solitude sword which has a shitty AOW and the glass meteor whatever sword which has a good AOW but is ugly
Huh, I actually never knew that thanks anon
wing stance and piercing fang
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The ghost is here, by the way.
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Do I need to complete this dumb cunt's quest to get her armor? My sword arm is itching.
if you stack on strong armor and all damage negation buffs along with the shadowlands buff, is it theoretically possible to reach 100 percent negation now? at least in physical
This might be the best "learn the mechanics or die" boss From has ever made
Literally ALL you have to do is JUMP instead of ROLLING and occasionally break lock-on, and it becomes a cakewalk, yet it keeps filtering thousands
This DLC would have been leagues better if there was more main game reactivity. A few lines from Malenia, the EB spazzing out if you've killed the finger mother, Ranni having dialogue about the gates of Divinity, Renalla starting at phase 2 if you wear Rellana's set...

Fuck, man.
If St. Trina is the female version of Miquella, who is the male version of Malenia?
I'm going to agree with anon. Ymir's fight is so pathetic he just can't be the most powerful wizard.
You'd do better arguing Azur and Lusat since they cannot actually be killed.
Or maybe it's Miquella now.
Would dick fix her or make her worse?
she's the only quest that you can't fuck up
so its a primeval celestial force that created life itself but then also retroactively decided that it then needed to send beasts on shooting stars to Golden Order everything?

that's retarded my dude
The other perfumes don't do the same kind of damage?
It's not logical to hate newborn babies who have done nothing wrong to the point of wanting them dead or imprisoned in a sewer for life, especially when they're YOUR babies. It's an (understandable) emotional response, not a logical one.
no retard, diminishing returns
some castle the is in the south east of the lava mines, you drop down a well and you'll find her rune on a pile of corpses. Probably all the dead shamans. I wonder if its metaphorically she died there when her people died. Or if its her real corpse before she became god
No. You need to cut all their combos and shit down to a minimum of 3 or 4 attacks instead of 20 attacks.

Also after every combo they need to have a downtime of more than 3 seconds. They get 20 hits in when I can't even get 1 hit in without immediately having to roll away? It's just unfun. The bosses are playing this game more than me
>New boss
>Get them down to 30% on the first try
>next 10 tries I struggle to break into phase 2 if I even make it there at all
What kind of brain condition is it that causes this? I need to know.
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trying my best to enjoy it but this DLC has all the things i hate about ER
>extremely annoying to navigate clusterfuck map with stupid tunnels and roundabout ways with cliffs everywhere, useless map
>got punished for exploring non-linearly in a non-linear world breaking like 3 quests despite doing my best to talk to all npc's when things happened, ansbach disappeared, moore disappeared, broke thiollier's quest due to moore disappearing, got punished for defeating dryleaf (locked out of his clothes)
>map is empty in general, only few new weapons/incants/sorceries
>with bosses you can choose between an unenjoyable easy by picking a specific ezmode build/summons, or unenjoyable hard against a delay-attack 10 hit chainspamming whirlwind
>soundtrack has no sovl
>nothing feels like its going to be memorable
>visually its boring
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I meant these right here. The commonly used porn depiction of her and the slightly more haggard version. I think both are wholly accurate and with the elden ring or mimic veil she just swaps which she wants to be depending on her mood.
I can always kill her on the spot without bothering with quests.
its a headpiece, it puts a little flower in your hair
i like piercing fang as well
wing stance looks cool but the setup feels a bit too slow for me most of the time
Do not tell anyone, but I used colossal weapons to kill the bosses because it felt like ez mode
the new high def/poise armor set is a nice change, but it still feels...soulless, looks like it's made of plastic
I just wanted a Leda ending.
This last fight sucks and I'm cheesing it.
so Shadowland was not infact in Lands Between and Marika after her ascension literally brought it here. If Marika being an outsider makes no sense
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How do you get to that Golem and the building past it? I've been looking everywhere but I can't find a way up there
her quest is literally the main story so just do that and you will get her armor eventually
>i managed to miss it due to missing a fucking path with the required npc even though i did every thing fucking else.
its the same even if you do the npc quest properly, all you miss out on is thiollier's gear i think
you can always dual wield the big hammers and just jump atk 3k dmg every time.
it's the center of the lands between. the missing part of the map
How did you all handle the hippo spamming the attack where they jump ontop of you and then sommersault around the entire arena 2-3 times?
He kept spamming it back to back at 50% for the 10 tries it took me to beat him.
Seek grass
That just says unwanted child it doesn't mean bastard.
Take a break and have some calming Anxie-Tea.
Anon, how could Miyazaki actually justify the moon as grander than the thing that makes stars?

It's not spot on, it's stupid. It's clear Miyazaki has a major bias issue with females and moons.
I mean the description on the rune just says she personally granted that one to a warrior. Not that it's her personal death rune.
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>Kill Bayle the Dread, Immortal Dragon on my first try (with Igon)
>Killing a fat man riding a pig take me like 20
The intern who designed this boss needs to be fired.
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It's a fucking hat.
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The Shadowlands is the missing chunk of The Lands Between
Is Midra resistant to fire damage?
Feels like I'm healing him with Messmer's spear.
I know but why is not considered part of the lands between?
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But I want to have big sword like Gattsu
she is
it's a rune given by her, not actually HER rune
>Golden remnants of the grace personally bestowed by Queen Marika to the heroes who joined the crusade for her.
i think you have to go west from shadowkeep and run along the very long wall there, you're on the right way if you kill a flame witch at the end.
Like every other boss with a gay moveset, I just waited for an attempt where they didn't use it!
lion boss also resists magic
you respect the bosses more on the first try so you're more focused on dodging attacks rather than doing damage

turns out that's actually a better way to approach fights rather than aggressively trading everything because you think you've seen it all
>Romina is easier without the Dane summon than with
Worthless martial arts poser
You actually find a few of them, think i found at least 2.
If Ymir was Rellana's instructor... then this implies he is her (and Rennala's) superior.

I don't know what's so hard to understand.
I just used a shield
I understand that but would that not be considered part of the Lands Between? Is it justifiable to call Marika an outsider? Did all Numens come from there? Why is it called "another world"?
Just beat Yoda and I kinda want to use his spirit summon now just to see it in action lol.
I love Melina
Guess I will do frenzied flame and cure myself because fromsoft didn't add a better ending
Yeah. Headcanon. Just like how people who disagree with you are going by their own headcanon. There's little actual fact and mostly interpretation for these games' lore. If you don't realize that by now you never will
Okay but that's very cute and sad that such a small thing is the only thing remaining of her
Of all headcanons, this is is literally possible, she CAN shapeshift. Not just into radagon, but into any form she wants. She has the rune of the unborn, she can use that to transform herself into any shape she wants.
summons never recovered after the mimic nerf, they all deal pitiful damage despite revered ashes or what else is there
I like the meteor great sword moveset with the poke and weapons art. But like you said it isn't the more practical looking one. Maybe one of the great katanas you can go for heavy? I heard the dual wield great katanas also have new moves.
Worse. It would ABSOLUTELY make her worse.
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any level 1 bros
how's your progress
i'm a melee fag and i don't have so many options
But I'm not tilted on like the 2-5th try.
I know I'm tilted because I start accidentally crouching and fail to sprint or move properly because of it, and then throw my controller at my girlfriend's head.
Her entire body is down there, it dies when miquella dies
you dab on the legs until they posture break 3 times and then do that again cause they have 100000k health
no pupil has ever surpassed her teacher im sure
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>i was one of the people calling people fucking retards for believing the leaks
mfw i fucking see radahn for the first time myself
If he was truly more powerful than the moon girls, why wasn't he given a proper boss fight? Why?
How is it headcanon? How? It is implied. Ymir does not drop a remembrance, and his spells are lesser.
Get on cliff, throw big pots in head, engaging gameplay.
Yes if you avoid a certain ending.
There's multiple Marika's Runes you can find
It's funny that I could imagine ER characters having sex but not DaS characters. Like I'd imagine DaS to have some weird esoteric form of reproduction where they grow babies from trees or something. I mean, their marriages literally involve stabbing the the face of your partner.
How the fuck would ever work out what gesture to use in front of Marika's statue to open a new path? The clue is vague as fuck
I have an rl1 all remembrance file that's ready to go, but I'm doing a run on my main file first
the new stat boosting gear is pretty exciting
there likely is a higher ground, throw hefty furnace pots, you need about 3 pots per furnace to kill it
wack at the legs, jump before they stomp, repeat until you knock him down and hit the head.
Dont fight them on a slope, cause the head can be a bit too high if they fall and you won't be able to crit them.
use high posture damage attacks/weapon
is that what he did? when he fought me he was saying how he will be "the only finger mother."
i think he wanted us to kill her to open up the job for him
I'll do the DLC on level 1 eventually but first I'm finishing my normal run
it's like forgotten history. it's been "excommunicated" from the lands between
>There's little actual fact and mostly interpretation for these games' lore.
Anon, who's more powerful? Logan or Gwyndolin? The answer is obvious.
So how are the lorefag youtubers coping with the pozzed lore? They're actually going to try and defend this aren't they/
You should still probably take a break now, for your sake if not for your girlfriends. I mean, what if she parries your thrown back into you and it turns into a Phantom Ganon-style projectile parry duel?
>extremely annoying to navigate clusterfuck map with stupid tunnels and roundabout ways with cliffs everywhere, useless map
Was fun at first but now I fucking hate the DLC world. I hope they never visit open world again and goes back to heavily interconnected worlds with large and intricate dungeons
>Get to skibiditree avatar phase 2
>try to hit it
>it uses gap opener
>starts using ranged attacks
>manage to walk to it again
>another gap opener
>more attacks
>get to it again
>it starts doing 3 charges
>out of range again
>have to hit its fucking head that it keeps moving constantly
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>miquella shows you the entire fucking process on how to become a god
>there is absolutely nothing standing in your way to do the same
>your only choices are still to become bitchboy to some other god/vessel of a god because ????
I highly recommend everyone return to the base game after finishing the DLC, the terrible DLC boss design makes the base game's bosses seem more fun in comparison. Base game bosses are so much more dynamic, you can damage the boss while focusing on avoiding their attacks at the same time. It reminds me why I liked this game so much in the first place, and reminds me what the DLC took from us
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When Bayle does his firebreath DIRECTLY forward, for a couple seconds, how do I dodge that? Sometimes I double roll, and it misses, and sometimes it hits. Sometimes I run, it misses, and sometimes it hits. I'm really confused. Does anyone have a reliable way to dodge it? Am I just fucking up timings?
Die, gooner
Vaati is absolutely going to defend it.
Poor thing. She's like the only one I feel sorry for in this entire sorry mess.
i think messmer did the same emote when he was cursing/begging for his mother? Seems like he was just left there to be forgotten when Marika is trying to deal with the land's between.
Thanks, anon, this was the point I was going to make but I already had a novel of a post. But this is what I was getting to. The point of the unreliable narrator in item descriptions is to help stimulate the player to come to their own conclusions (like how the moon sorcerers are obviously more powerful than every other sorcerers despite what ymir says). Yes loretubers do a great job aggregating and sharing the lore, and some do a decent job stimulating the viewers to come to their own conclusions. But too many loretubers try to use the item descriptions to build these airtight, lawyer-esque headcanons when that is the opposite of the developer’s intention.
Snipe the faces with a greatbow.
Wtf is nobody summoning for Margit?
I've been sending far and wide for minutes and nothing, I got a avatar in weeping peninsula instead
>try out all the new shit the game offers
>dual Giant Smasher jumping is still stronger and mofe satisfying than anything I find

I almost went for the throwing hammer, but God the damage it does even at +25 is ass considering how long it takes to launch it
Because what he says is implied too. Most lore is based on one's interpretations of implications where even item descriptions rely on the "unreliable narrator" trope making even them interpretation based. Lorefags weren't getting this fact so they tried hammering it home with this dlc.
i could say that there probably is something that would reveal dev message (or there already is and is unnaturally high on endorsements) and you bother checking it
No, she fucked that up pretty bad.
The golden order is Marika's order, not the GW's. The Elden Ring/Beast is simply a tool and vassal but there's nothing indicating it acts on its own. The GW doesn't give a fuck what anybody does and it's not even golden, that was a lie the fingers made up
Why not just put it back in there?
You're not an empyrean, anon.
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Ok so how am I doing right now?
Currently stuck on midra and bailed on hogrider
Kinda want to fight orphan of kos 2 on horseback
Fucked up by killing mesmer before even going to the blue flower field
Haven't even reached red flower field
were you one of the idiots going
>i-it's a mod!!!!
while ignoring all the signs pointing to it being real as fuck?
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>stop letting "leftists" live in your head rent free?

I will when they are no longer running the country into the ground and sterilizing kids with puberty blockers. Until then: git gud, scrub. People with victim complexes in souls games quit after destroying their big screen TV by throwing their controller at it full force.
Because you'd have to give up control of your Tarnished well before the final boss fight.
>first time fighting scadutree
>kill it 2 times
>it respawns a third time
>almost kills me
>keep fighting
>I almost kill it
>it starts charging up its explosion again
>it explodes 2 more times after the initial explosion
wow, bravo myazaki, now I know it can do that, now I can beat it when I try again!
Okay, so why isn't Ymir an actual boss like Rellana then? That alone implies she is more powerful than him. Just like how Gideon is implied to be weaker than Rennala.

Just fucking deal with the fact that women are better magic users in these games/lore.
You, the Tarnished, are not an Empyrean. You are just a Lord, same as Godfrey and Rennala and Radahn.
His servant says you've "wounded him irreperably" with your actions and he wants you dead.
My chosen undead.
>have all the whetstones
>shit works fine
>after buying the dlc
>can't change weapon affinities anymore
I think my game just shit the fucking bed
Miquella can do it because he's an Empyrean, we're not
I felt kind of bad for Moore, bro just wanted to sell shit
>The Leda fight
Haven't had that much fun since the Radahn festival
So now we wait another 6-7 years for the next From game?
>Just like how Gideon is implied to be weaker than Rennala.
It, uh, isn't implied at all. Gideon doesn't get a remembrance because none of the human characters get one, they're not etched into the Erdtree. They simply lack the history to be.
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>mfw (miyazaki's face when) skibidi memes pick up before his DLC release, but after all the dialogue was already recorded and he couldn't change it
Yeah but at leaat we have MH Wilds next year
the lighting literally look like dark souls 2 lighting and in one of the videos radahn faces the direction of the player with no animation
how does poise actually work in pve. is it 11/51/101 and nothing in between or is having more than 51 still useful?
Are the Divine Beasts and the Hornsent in any way related to the Ancestor Spirits and the Ancestral Worshippers?
are fromcucks the only playerbase that gets mad when people choose to finish a game with easier methods?
I kneel.
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Today I did the Abyss region.
Aesthetically it's one of the coolest regions of the game. Big fucking trees, eerie atmosphere, and a feeling of unrest.
Gameplay-wise it's one of the worst regions of the game. No torrent, forced stealth, and teleporting enemies that will instakill you when they hear you from 50 meters away. And it drags on for tennish minutes. Meanwhile they themselves are unkillable unless you parry their instakill grab.
Midra's Manse was a very cool legacy-type dungeon. Aesthetically very nice, has a nice and simple layout that doesn't overstay its welcome, and the challenges within are alright.
The boss is my favorite in the game so far. Great buildup, great cutscene, and feels challenging in a way that isn't a massive pile of bullshit unlike other bosses. That said I still mimic tear'd because this DLC as a whole can go fuck itself if it thinks I won't at this point.
Put the confessor chestpiece on with it. It looks very nice.
maybe the a-team is up to something
This is the correct answer since Logan uses the player model and the player model is what outplays Gwyndolin.
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Yeah, was any one else?
The real question is when did the GW leave? Were Empyreans picked by the mother of fingers? Because it seems like GW may have fucked off right when Marika formed the golden order, or possibly even before then.
>it's not even golden
>the gold tree
>the gold space arena with 1000000 gold trees
>the gold crucifying grab
>ebs gold space skeleton
>ebs golden sword
my dude
This DLC is honestly pretty garbage so far.
nigga you don't even fight Rennala, you fight Ranni's projection of Rennala
Rennala as she is would lose to Godrick
what the fuck was marika's problem
the fact it had the music from the end of the story trailer playing in the background should have told you it was real
in what way does this ruin Rennala and Ranni? Rellana and Rennala parted ways in their younger years. She played no part past Rennala's childhood. Her being a Carian princess affects nothing. Rennala loved her sister, and she loves her daughter.
>"You wish to have sex? How will this assist in our mission?"
>"Ah, Kind Miquella would have us show compassion to each other?"
>"Hmm...you are not wrong. Very well. I shall you my blood-crusted inner self."
>"Ah it's you. Thank you for last night. However, I have thought on it some more, and I realized from your thrusts that you are of the Erdtree. Therefore, I must pierce your heart with my sword. For Kind Miquella."
I've seen very few people besides the guy that did the pale blood hunt and and hawkshaw do the former. It's almost always the latter.
I am absolutely livid at the amount of useless spells and incantations in this game.
There's 150+ and only like 4 are usable
Holy fuck
How many times can you press L2 before you enter Did Not Beat The Game territory?
nah they absolutely have been in pre production after ER was done
most likely 2-3 years max
Can’t have a weapon that’s +2 or higher for Stormveil. Leveling also fucks it up since everyone knows about Greyroll and the Night Calvary free runes.
Why are yellowcels such cocky faggots? Every single one of these shrimp niggers thinks they're hot shit because they spam spells in 3v1s until they fuck around and find out
I just use the legs and gauntlets with Rellana's chestpiece, it just werks
No, what’s spot on is that the anon I replied to came to his own conclusion based on his own observations. The point isn’t to be the one person/loretuber who cracks miyazaki’s secret lore cipher. The point is to let the lore and your observations enrich your experience.
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did I miss something, or is this place just a rando enemy and a shitty talisman?
Skidoosh Frags ruin this DLC. The bosses are actually fun, but you need to find a sweet spot of how many fragments make the fight fun versus how many make the fight too easy. Presumably some people will make a comprehensive guide on how many fragments is the sweet spot for each boss (in my case, 14 was one too much for Putrescence but doesn't seem quite enough for Bayle) but even when that happens acquiring the fragments sucks.
Fucking annoying that people are defending the fragments as exploration. Exploration is fine, but who the fuck defends exploring every corner of the entire map before fighting any boss but Hippo?
Their release schedule is way faster than that, it might be 6 years until "DS5", but I'd expect at least one other game in the mean time
And I'm honestly glad, the DS style has kinda run its course and I enjoyed Sekiro a lot more than ER overall
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>tfw you will never have a cute magma blob/slime as your pet and companion and your partner in crime as you go on adventures around the world

It's a curse I tell ya.
Marikas only redeeming quality is bareing Morgott
Do staff bonuses stack with 2 equipped at once?
I think it's not a creator in christian sense (creatio ex nihilo) but more in on of the greek senses (god who used pre-existing eternal matter)
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Your thoughts on the martial arts weapon? Feels kinda clunky n shit to me
The DLC and base game both expect you to use ash summons. This idea that you are not supposed to is entirely made up and propagated by a minority of unhappy people that don't even enjoy playing the games anymore.
>make a guide
you guidefags are insane
Godfrey is canonically stronger than her so no, I'd imagine the only worshipping that went on between them was her worshipping his uncut Elden cock.
My bro hyped me up for commander gaius being the absolute worst boss there is so far, and I thought he was fun. Is my bro a pussy or do people actually hate him? I thought it was a breath of fresh air to have a mounted boss that can actually deal with torrents movement and you need to actively dash dodge + dogfight with
>It, uh, isn't implied at all.
He loses to Rennala if the fight is set up. He's also a late game enemy, and she's early game.
>They simply lack the history to be
This implies that Ymir should have gotten a remembrance as well, since he is older than the moon sisters. But he doesn't.
Oh, so the real Rennala is still more powerful than Ymir, eh? Got it.
It ruins the mother-daughter dynamic as someone else said lol, and it removes the possible implication that the moons chose Rennala to produce Ranni
The only version of rennala you fight is her with the egg. The rennala boss proper isn't her. Remembrances are not the equivalent of boss souls. It's why radahn gets two.
Dryleaf Arts is busted beyond belief and you are completely wrong
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Do these guys drop their armor or am I wasting my time farming them?
It's hinting that Ranni has a twin sibling just like Rennala and Miquella that has never appeared.
>believe in the erdtrees lies
>do erdtrees bidding
>your children get murdered because of it
>they were murdered with a weapon you were specifically told to seal away by the erdtree
>ancestral trauma from your homeland being massacred makes you attempt to kill god
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this has the same poise as bull goat
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How many Souls games have you finished?
Now I feel bad about crystal darting him and making him kill his buddy :(
Worse than Star fists in every possible way
>just a rando enemy and a shitty talisman

Yeah that's it really, and a statue of some woman, but that's just lore. Die or warp, no other way to get out of there.
Wait does Gaius' set not have legs?
Am I actually bad or are the DLC bosses just not good?

I loved the base game, cleared it on NG+, loved most of the bosses with a few exceptions. DLC rolls around, everyone always says FromSoft DLCs are the hardest (never did any of the Dark Souls DLC, just base games) so I knew to expect a more difficult game, but I can't tell if I'm not enjoying it because it's too hard, or it's because this "difficulty" is actually just poorly designed bosses.
they are yeah, i initally thought that each would drop one piece but it's just farmable, same for the shield
I hated him, his armor set is cool though
How so? Everything but jumping r2 feels like it does no damage
zero because I summoned
Okay so you're implying that the real Rennala is more powerful than Ymir

The fake Rennala is also more powerful than the real Gideon
>He loses to Rennala if the fight is set up
>Malenia can kill the Elden Beast
yeah ok nice one dude bringing in gameplay
Oh you're that fag who's been whining about rellana since the leaks. Alright I'll leave you to seethe I won't try to talk to you like a normal person.
I think the fingers are still immensely powerful beings capable of choosing god candidates, they just aren't speaking for the GW like they're pretending to. Metyr is an immensely powerful celestial being that completely mogs Astel in her boss fight
I don’t see how they can sustainably make Dark Souls 6.5 more difficult
they do
When you leave the area through the back exit you find a person riding a wolf who drops them
I assume it's like most of the other imbued key areas from the base game,
but fagstralife says they aren't ?
You can go to +3 and still be able to match with +0's though
>He loses to Rennala if the fight is set up
Kek, you're one of those retards who takes NPC fight videos as lore. Opinion discarded.
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I have no idea what lore this item description is implying
Dunno what to tell you I've got it on quality scaling and it is just annhilating every single thing I come across
Are you making sure to two-hand it?
Thanks bros
The only boss that has legit complaints is Radahn. Every other boss is completely fucking fair and just requires you to explore for skibidi's. People are just bad at video games and can't take it so they complain that the boss is unfair or some shit when in reality they're using a shitty build, haven't collected fragments, and don't know how to look for openings. All of the complaints being leveled at the DLC bosses, outside of Radahn, were also leveled at the base game bosses by the exact same people that believe the only way to play the game is roll+r1.
The GW a lightless void, Metyr isn't golden and she's called its daughter. Gold is just one of its many aspects, it's just as much int based as it its fth
Just admit you're a Carian simp.
He's the joker, baby
apparently, they are dropped by the albinauric rider not too far after his boss field
the overall open world/dungeons are really nice too explore (althouh some legacy dungeons are too short, and some part of the open world map is confusing to explore when using the map, it should have had at least one toggeable floor for the more underground arena.
bosses are a mixed bag, most of them lacks presentation, and some are overdesigned.
lacks of some interactivty with the base game is such a shame too
Yes. And rellanas moons show that the moon shit isn't special at all. The carians are indeed the snowflake faction. Look at how much attention is given to them and ranni especially. She's the second most important character behind marika. Miyazaki is just a carian simp and wanted to add another to the dlc and wanted her to be badass and have two moons not caring about lore implications
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Fromsoft is so fucking stupid for making lore powerful characters mechanically weak in game, and if they actually cared about this issue none of you would be having these arguments ever
You are looking at the golden order, not the greater will. The elden beast is the elden ring itself, and the elden ring was turned into the golden order. If you did the dungeater ending when someone comes to kick your ass and fights the nu-elden beast it would be a shitty poopoo monster.
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>get Romina's blade
>finally a new ARC weapon
>and it has rot buildup neat
>rush it to level 10
>the ARC scaling even improved twice nice
>the total AR is over 100 points lower than Mohg's spear
>the moveset is kinda mid
disappointed again
back to Mohg's spear as the definitive weapon for ARC builds
>The Scadutree is the shadow of the Erdtree. Born of dark notions that bear no sense of Order, that twist and bend its stock, rendering it brittle.
>Sorcery of those who abandoned the practice of incantations after devout faith rewarded them with only despair.
>The image of the misshapen Scadutree is an edict: Spurn all that exists. Wound all that exists. For we have been abandoned.
>The image of the twisted Scadutree is an edict: Denounce their ways. Do them harm. For they have abandoned us.
Where did the Scadutree even come from?
Intelligence is not the same as knowledge. He happens to live on finger ruins.
Also Rennala doesn't put up a fight either, her daughter's magical trap does.
And what he says is confirmed by FF side
>did the entirety of the Thiolier and St. Trina questline
>even summoned him for Putrescent Knight and the Leda fight
>he's no longer in Trina's room
>he's not in the arena either
That's 90% of what the DLC lore is, incomprehensible.

This DLC actively made me not give a shit about the lore any more.
Does Radahn resist magic?
Gaius is fucking garbage, the Hippo is a mid fight, the rest were okay.
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Thanks anon there they are. And a lore reason at that. kind of cool.
You are aware that malenia can kill most bosses right? You saying she's objectively one of the strongest on the game? Even moreso than her father and elden beast? When what little we see of her actual in lore fighting she got her arm knocked off twice.
If I were a Carian simp I would be LOVING Rellana and her two boob moons you idiot.
So you agree that the logic is absolute horse shit.
I'm >>483190624
Yeah, your bro is just a shitter
Drop torrent and fight on foot, just roll and punish
You're either not getting enough skibidi's or are just bad. The only suspect fight is then final boss everything else felt completely fair so long as I had enough fragments for the boss I was fighting.
They just need to tune the hitboxes and hyperarmor. I’m getting hit by empty air half the time and when I see a punish window it’s usually just a hyperarmor leading to another 10 second wombocombo…..
all except ds2
I never got saddled with the impression that I needed to be using ashes, but thanks to the DLC I'm just full of piss and vinegar.
It makes me glad that that miserable little faggot of a boss was a cripple. Fuck commander Gay-ass.
you can summon him for the final boss. iirc his body can be found in the arena after you win
You're still arguing that Rennala is the top dog and the moon is the greatest celestial object, and looking into deep space requires less brain power for some reason.

That's all I am getting at.
New headcanon. The elden beast for age of stars is the moon presence from bloodborne. Tarnished and ranni are sitting on the moon with popcorn watching everything happen because they got insanely bored.
>somewhere a great rune has broken
What's stopping me from beating her and fucking her again?
>Gaius is garbage
Skill issue, I killed him on the first try with back hand blades. Don't know what everyone is complaining about.
You're just bad (and not using all the tools you have)
The ER players on the more competent side are beating bosses in <5 tries with conventional builds and no summons/ashes.
New thread

Presumably it works like all the offshoots of the Empyreans. Originally part of the Erdtree, but separated to purify the Erdtree into a higher form.
she'd fuck godfrey as the left and hoarah loux as the right
thematically significant
I also killed him first try, doesn't make him any less garbage
previously blocked paths have opened up
spells cast onto NPCs have worn off
nothing, Miquella did it
you change order because you change the ring itself because you slay the beast and then reconstitute it inside marikas womb into your own choosing with the mending ring starting a new order with a new tree. the beast is the vassal of the greater will, it is its servant and it is doing what the greater will wants it to. everything was running smoothly until the night of black knives. the gw has no orders to give because it's order is what's being done. the fingers can't ask it shit because it doesn't have any other orders other than do what they're meant to do. ranni fucked all that up by releasing destined death and killing marikas children.
>we got albinauric lore
>but not GEQ lore
feels bad
I never said it wasn't. I've been agreeing with you since the leaks. My point is to just remember the lore is made to be hearcanoned. It always has been. Always will be
Considering that literal Winter Lantern's are in the forest I would not be surprised if the different worlds are related somehow.
I just beat it about an hour ago, and man, these bosses are just a chore I never understood the sentiment until this dlc about bosses being overly spastic. I never understood the camera gripes until I fought the Hippo. Im beating the bosses, but every new one has me rubbing my forehead and sighing in frustration seeing all the bullshit they do and how they DONT. STOP. ATTACKING. It's mentally exhausting. I beat the Lion with a Claymore with piercing fang as the ash solo and I just felt.... nothing afterwards. Yeah i was learning about half the moves and telegraphs, but the other half was bullshit I couldnt make sense of or even see half the time. The lightning aoes on every attack are particularly egregious as I couldnt make sense of any pattern, it was like

>just dodge the attack and hope you didnt land in a lightning patch or that if you have to roll again, the boss hasnt qued up another attack that'll catch you.

The ive was horrible too, because I couldnt even tell what was knocking me down, the ice, or the attack. Sometimes I'd get smacked, sometimes I didn't. Didnt take but 7 tries, to include the 3 I gave the boss before I knew how important the blessings were, but fuck. I'm not really having fun.
why did they have to ruin the twincest for me
Did the people of the tower deserve it? Did they deserve worse?
dryleaf art just sad compared to Nioh 2
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He did nothing wrong
Yes, Marika was tame as well, she should've bbq'd their babies and ate them while the rest of them burn in the wicker men
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>made a Leda build
>her sword never goes above d faith scaling
Where do I even go from here on this character
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I hope you guys chose the ash instead of the edgelord katana with broken scaling so you can turn it in for the duo.
>Okay so you're implying that the real Rennala is more powerful than Ymir
nta but how? Explain the logic step by step
Malenia is supposed to be in the top.3 of most powerful beings retard
All except BB and DeS remake.
Fan artists trying to turn Miquella of all characters into some hashtag relatable quirky character is weird
Age of Fracture is you just getting to the throne like Marika wanted and becoming her consort. Whatever you do in between earth-shaking sex with Marika is up to you now because you're the Elden Lord

Age of Order has you kick all the gods and demigods out of the Golden Order and make it so that no one can fuck with it again. No more milfs messing with death, no more Carian nerds trying to go to space with it. You make it so that no one can ever cause this nonsense with the Elden Ring again.

Age of Duskborn has you return death back to its spot in the life cycle. People can die again instead of living on as grotesque monsters or skeletal zombies. Godwyn can finally die (or something) and be free again.

Age of Dung Eater is just once everyone becomes a Dung Eater, no one will be.

Age of Stars is you and Ranni fucking off to space to do shit with the moon and the stars (which may or may not be magical). You make it so that no gods inner or outer can ever fuck with the Elden Ring and thus give freedom to the people to make their own choices.

Age of Frenzy is you burning it all down and maybe starting again. What matters is that you wipe the slate clean and begin again.

Am I right on these? Or am I missing something?
The base game did a poor job of incentivizing it so in the DLC they pushed it harder.
It's obvious. Ymir's spells cost much less, and the moon spells cost much more. He isn't given a proper boss fight.

The game also follows mythologic (the Lands may as well be the centre of the universe, and the sun orbits around it) and the moons may as well be more significant because of that; because of how close they are to the Ring
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>The dragons got the most fleshed out lore in the dlc
he really didn't
he did his best to be a good boywife to his gigachad husbando and I can't fault him for that

Why would you do this, brother?
why all statue of marika decapitated
Frenzy doesn't intend there to be a start again.
I was really hoping the last fight didn't have any of the issues the other sword faggot fights had
But it ended up being someone from basegame + all the issues exacerbated


I cannot believe I spent hours searching for this faggot just for him to be the phase 2 of some lame ass character's fight
>Ghostflame Dragon
this is fucking retarded. what were they thinking? were they thinking at all?
If you drop someone a +10 does the upgrade stay?
It was on sale, it works, and I haven't had problems running things other than dragon's dogma 2 which doesn't just shit the bed in terms of performance, it projectile diarrheas all over the hallway.
I was asking about the logical implication (inference), not your headcanon. The way you summarise what others say is just wrong
'what were they thinking? were they thinking at all?'

New motto for describing these games
Because everyone left in the Shadow Realm hates her fucking guts
What I don't understand why there are statues of her there in the first place
broken scaling like its op or broken like its actually busted?
awesome ty anon
How is it headcanon when it's in the game?
Broken scaling in that it deals magic damage but has zero int scaling and only dex scaling.
>Age of Duskborn has you return death back to its spot in the life cycle. People can die again instead of living on as grotesque monsters or skeletal zombies. Godwyn can finally die (or something) and be free again.
Pretty sure that just happens once you kill Maliketh. I'm not sure what that ending is about desu.
Frenzy is more of a fundamental force of nature. The chaos to GW's order. Frenzy Flame wants to remove all order from the universe not start its own thing.
>Age of Fracture
the elden ring is probably still broken, needs a mending rune
>Age of Order
certainly getting rid of the gods like marika, but unclear what it means for the greater will
>Age of Duskborn
Nah, the zombies are going to become even more important.
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h-how do I get to the green place BEHIND the castle? I read something about a "back gate"? I don't want to comb thru the legacy dungeon, please someone just spoonfeed me im so tired T^T
Nah the Frenzied Flame is just another outer god. Nothing compared to the GW
Exactly what it says. There's a back gate past the giant library section in the back of the castle, and a second secret exit too.
ok so after the library somehow, gotcha, ty anon
You can get to another section of the storehouse by entering with an elevator from the church district, from there you can get to the back gate which leads to both the orange area and the green one through a hidden exit behind a Marika statue.
It's pretty small scale all things considered, if TLB is just one planet among the infinite universe who cares if it goes up in flames, life can continue elsewhere
When is it my turn?
You get a note in one of the camps that says you can 3 shot them with big pots
whats the secret exit?
Wrong. The frenzied flame is the only other entity to have fingers and therefore a finger mother. As far as we know the outer gods don't have fingers of their own. Only the flame and GW do. GW is a fundamental force of order so in the cosmology the opposite of order would be a force of chaos. Hence the two and three fingers.
Thry also break the Cairns, the locked spirit springs. Feel kinda bad doing it, but Im tired of searching for shit to play this fucking dlc. I just wanna see the cool shit, stop hiding how to get to it.
The frenzy flame is attempting to destroy the order the GW creates everywhere in the universe all at once. They are fundamentally opposed natural forces of order and chaos. It's not just some minor cosmic entity and nothing in the game supports that conclusion.
>frenzied flame has a finger mother
Whenever you press an attack button, if you're an STRchad.
>minor cosmic entity
its an outer god. those are all minor compared to the greater will.
whats the STR equivalent of when is it my turn?
You're fucking nuts.
They did a very good job establishing that the Greater Will and frenzy are counterparts. Every other Outer God has to jump through hoops to even just vaguely challenge the Greater Will's lesser vassals, meanwhile Frenzy can just bruteforce shatter the Golden Order and consume the world.
The game's exposition sets it up to be the GW's direct counterpart, while the GW shattered the One Great and instigated creation, the flame of frenzy is the leftover pieces of unformed existence, the uncontrolled vestiges of the One Great steadily receding all creation back to its point of origin.
after fighting midra, i now fully believe melina is capable of killing the lord of frenzied flame.
statue of marika that you need to use the "o mother" emote in front of
What a buncha maroons
Nigger there is a three fingers in Leyndell locked away and the DLC tells us that all of the fingers come from finger mothers. The finger mother we encounter is said to report to the GW and we know the GW and frenzied flame are in opposition already. Where did the three fingers come from? The flames finger mother that was at one of the three ruins. Probably the one right next to forest full of frenzy shit. Use your fucking brain.
>consume the world.
a world. the greater clearly doesn't give a shit what happens to the lands between. the frenzied flame isn't shit to the greater will.
>Moons planning eugenics
how the FUCK did you make that fanfiction up?
...... im being trolled.
Nigger the game contradicts you. If the GW sent Metyr and Metyr birthed the two fingers then where did the three fingers come from? Dumb fuck it came from another finger mother sent by the FF. There is literally a frenzy filled forest right next to one of the finger ruins and we know Marika captured and imprisoned the three fingers already and we know that Marika was operating off of what Metyr told her. The game explains all of this shit to you and you stubbornly refuse to accept it because you're a god damn retard.
Guys I love The Land of Shadow
Nigger the game literally explains to you that FF is an opposite fundamental force of chaos seeking to revert the universe back to a soup of nothing. The DLC straight up tells you this and you refuse to accept it like a dumb fuck retard.
you have more headcanon than rannifags
Kill yourself. Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Your parents will finally be happy.
Nigga just slap Sacred Order on your favorite weapon
Strangely found it easier to not use summons on this fight. They make him spastic and less predictable. Just in front of his face jab him. The corkscrews attack is fucking cancer though.
2nd phase, lightning just run and roll til he's done, ice just spam jumping attacks the ice aoe usually won't touch you, wind get really fucking aggressive or he'll spam tornadoes.
Pretty easy.
Easier than the solitude nigger right at the start anyway.
What's wrong with it? Killed it first try. Was hoping for something different.
There will be an Elden Ring 2.
too much trash around him
Jump attack.
>base game Hyetta and Shabriri literally tell you that the frenzy flame seeks to undo the ordering of the GW
>base game has a three fingers being guarded by Mohg
>DLC shows us that all fingers come from a finger mother
>DLC shows us the finger mother of the Two Fingers but not the three
>Haunted frenzy forest right next to one of the finger ruins
>Haunted frenzy forest tells us there was an inquisition implying that the three fingers was found here and then imprisoned after being captured
>No other entity in the game besides FF and GW have fingers whatsoever
>FF is the only entity specifically said to be in opposition to the GW
You didn't play the game or are too stupid to bother speaking with any further.
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This just ruins shield builds. it's so stupid and so good
what the fuck, fuckin where? I tried the one in the church, and the one in mesmers room
The one immediately before Gaius.
the three fingers are a twisted two fingers, like how rot out god originated from a twisting of the sacred buds of that church, and the formless mother was formed similarly of their god in the +5 arcane talisman, the three fingers is likely just a two fingers that's been twisted by suffering.
There is absolutely nothing in the game whatsoever that says the three fingers is a twisted two fingers but there is a ton of evidence for FF being the opposite of the GW. You're the one doing mental gymnastics because you can't accept a yin-yang dynamic in the cosmology.
>liking Gaius more than Midra
Retard alert

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