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Cliff Racer Edition

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Elder Thread: >>483175948
Any mods that let me play a filthy, naughty Khajiit whore that gets raped regularly and that pleads pathetically to men not to rape her but she gets raped anyway? With lots of racism?
nah, racism is tasteless and vulgar
Racism is sophisticated and wholesome
Tasteless vulgarities are hot.
That's like 80% of LL mods.
I wish they had more male MC ones to be honest.
Constantly losing control or losing on purpose is not fun.
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Depends on the kind, you have polite modern racism (Imperials)
Caveman racism (Nords/Stormcloaks)
Blatant racism (Dunmer)
50's racism (Altmer)
Pick your poison
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So it's nothing
You can still use old version
You just need that mod
Why would the Imperials give rights to people then be racist?
>completed dragon rising
>level 54
>dragons aren't spawning
lots of people minecrafting themselves in skyrim underground, of all places
If you lived in a place that had multiple caves and caverns filled with aggressive shit and you happen to find an empty one, makes sense to just go there an end it.
even Ju-On is getting in on the action
TBD waifus?
Cosmopolitan utilitarianism
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Victory and conquest > defeat and submission
you ever fap to tesg waifus
>assuming there's no ntr Japanese isekai
Why on Earth are gooks like this?
why not just leave through one of the 200 different exits
That isn't racism though.
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>Skyrim underground
not surprising SU is a giant fuckoff maze encompassing the entirety of skyrim and solstheim
I only fap to vanilla followers (with visual replacers of course) since they have a place in the world and provide some background context.
Renting a room for 10 gold just to plapp Mjoll in the Bee and Barb while Aerin is waiting outside is hotter than whatever snowflake with big witch hat and quirky personality you can come up with.
Leaving is temporary. Hanging your cheeks for every visitor to see is forever.
old rpg soul
if only it had any interesting content in it
never used it but lol'd at Bowels of the World. Up there with Riften, Anus of Skyrim.
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what's with the targeted diss at big witch hats, that's some rude shit

>go in one direction
>giant worms that do absolutely nothing outside of blocking the way but have 3k HP for some fucking reason
>go in the opposite direction
Ye I'd kill myself too
>if only it had any interesting content in it
it's got new enemies, loot, varied tilesets, and interesting little areas
what more content does it need
this is gonna be a cured petrified thread..
got that bussy popped and locked
defeat and submission to guys who deserve it.
I'd rather be hung than slowly eaten to death by w/e is in the caverns or encounter a vampire and get turned.
Your ass is going to rot in a month.
I'd rather be hung too.
Annoying bitches yapping about all the fun gay sex they have with other annoying bitches in their totally not a discord polycule.
>Annoying bitches yapping about all the fun gay sex they have with other annoying bitches in their totally not a discord polycule.
truly no dungeon mod is complete without this
any good mods?
yeah https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9279
All the preservatives they put in Skyrim's drinking water means that asses are seemingly eternal. Which does pose a question about skeletons.
Really depends on what you want
But yes, there are some good mods
true connoisseurs, thank you

t. has never even played skyrim
Then play it without mods and at least understand what you want from the game
The proper term is hanged just fyi
based esl
>t. has never even played skyrim
it's not that hard, man, c'mon.
Think of something you would want in an openworld rpg, and then do some googling.
anon knew what he was saying
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No, but they do represent the Roman mindset, which interestingly is similar to the modern American mindset. "We liberate you from your savage past, and bring you culture and technology. You are one of us now (but not really)." The kind of mindset that was played for laughs in a number of films and shows that took place in the Vietnam era.

Even Tullius talks about how backwards and narrow-minded Nords are, but he comes to appreciate their "rough" and simple culture by the end of the Civil War questline. I still feel he has this general opinion of Nords being "lesser" to the civilized and cosmopolitan Imperials, and that's a boon to the writing team and the talent of Tullius' VA to actually communicate that without making him sound like Hitler. Not saying it's subtle, but it communicates a fair bit about his character when he just says a couple lines on the subject. And that's good.
What are the best netorare mods?
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Updated my town and monster guide for anyone interested:

Town Guide: https://rentry.org/vmtwo6sk

Creature Guide: https://rentry.org/nse6tpiw
me too
>town guide
>vanilla with retextures, because all city mods suck

>creature guide:
>vanilla with retextures, because all monster mods suck
so what was updated?
Like the other anon said I recommend you try maybe an hour or two of the base game without mods if for no other reason than to appreciate what mods do.

After that I recommend either:
A) following a lightweight guide like predcaliber's 100 mod list or something similar, or

B) downloading Wabbajack and picking a modlist that sounds interesting and fun

If you're after lewds then wabbajack is very limited in that regard, and you'll have to install some manually
Do you have a picture of "female riekling"?
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Clearly all the new retextures he added.
There aren't a lot.
SLSF Fame Comments has a multiple marriage settings to trigger dynamic events and the author is currently expanding those.
Troubles of Heroine has a few temple of mara events for male MC.
Then you can go netorase with the follower pimping mods like TDF or PaySexCrime.
uh, I switched from riton to skyland, I guess
What are your thoughts on vampirism in TES? Speaking personally it seems more like a liability than anything. It's like you have to be exceedingly careful to not run afoul of
1) vampire hunters
2) angry mobs
3) other vampires upset that you're predating in their territory
4) random-ass adventurers who have the powers of a god
5) aggressive wildlife that manages to outstrip your power (fucking bears)

And this seems pretty damn difficult unless you're fortunate enough to fall in with a vampire clan that can actually disguise it's nature. But if you can't, you're just another ugly-ass monster that everyone can spot from a mile away. And THEN what once your ass is properly kicked? You end up the buttslave of a rape deity for eternity afterwards with nothing to show for it. It's no wonder Vyrthur was so angry.
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It ain't pretty/waifuy.
Reminds of the complacency of the Empire in Oblivion, that schizo elf glarthir ironically had a better grasp on the situation than the fucking blades
wow it's almost as though being an evil immortal bloodsucking asshole that sees the rest of the world as cattle meant for consumption is isn't really a good thing
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>bunch of gay shit only nerds care about
>live forever
Uh, yeah, haha, must be terrible. Would really hate to get raped by bears or something in exchange for living forever in the company of hot vampire bitches.
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Dwarven Cyborg Collection, Dwarven Modular Automaton, or Dwarven Augmentation
Yeah... hot...
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Does she have a dwemer sexbot
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that's like an Oblivion 9 bro.
Not one of these mods looks like one in screenshot
It all ugly titty bitches
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yeah and it looks like this
When in doubt, blame Caine.
Busted a few nuts to oldfag waifus you wouldn't know of
Sex is for lower being
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What's ES6 going to be about?
Being a werewolf is cooler because you get to turn into a big wolfy boy whenever you want. You're immune to disease, too. Zero negatives, except for the restless sleep.
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ALRIIIIIIGHT more nexus DumpsterDiving

>Retro Skyrim https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38464
god bless autism
>Make every dragonborn line UwU'ed
>Thieves Guild says FUCK every now and then
pretty good but I wish it had more than just 4 lines,
>Fisting is Silent buck- when sneak attack
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+ I may understand scat porn but never this fetish
Tits the size of Jupiter. What's not to love?
yes I will go lower on her being, even to her feet if necessary
You see, when a kid watches too many weird cartoons as a kid...
We need more cuckquean waifus.
The other day I saw some women playing Skyrim. I was quite shocked so see the fairer sex debase itself in such a way.
But all Skyrim players here are women. Men wouldn't be playing dressup with barbie dolls.
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I haven't replaced the vanilla npcs YET...
simply because every overhaul I saw makes them either sex dolls or somewhat ugly/uncanny

pls tell me im wrong and missing out on somethings
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Whys she got her fat tits out all the time then

also is it just me or is she missing a pussy texture
Nah, I tested them all before and unless you like cerebral palsy or 2007 sims characters there isn't anything.
Just get some good body textures and body presets and distribute with Obody
cbbe with bnp textures, TNG, and vanilla hair remake honestly looks better than every npc replacer mod I've seen imo
>found replacer for an NPC that I really really liked
>author only made 1 mod

Because she does whatever she want
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I use the GLAM replacers, they strike a good balance.
They als come with optional unique body textures which is nice.
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same energy
something smells fishy in here
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nordic faces is the only good one besides eeekie's.
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The "Bijin" mod series replaces specific NPCs, but I dont think it extends that out to every female NPC.
I don't use Bijin anymore cause I've used it all the time, but when I think of characters I always think of their Bijin versions now. I like the Northborne/Nithi etc stuff I'm going with now though, I don't want them all to look beautiful and if I don't like one I just edit them.
The smell of tuna.
those are sex dolls though
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>tfw went from a tourist newb playing with shitty broken mods purely because they were on the top downloads or some ancient modtuber's showcase to becoming a learned scholar/no-life wizard of skyrim modding and modder bullshit, guiding other noobs in a matter of 5 years.
>too the point where all mentioned of "skyrim modding lmao" outside of places like here in /tesg/ or similar is outright cringe to me with how straight up Illiterate and downright misinformed normies, redditors, and /v/tards are.
Is this what it feels like to be truly learned? or is this me becoming a Snob? I'm only beginning to realize that the general public is largely just vapid retards squawking the same old memes without knowing anything else about the subject. I don't even know how to properly use the Creation kit and I still feel like I know more about the ins and outs of modding than most of the retards you see on twitter and reddit
My sister is in that picture. You watch your fucking mouth.
Bros, talk me out of reinstalling the TERA armors for a goofy horny photoset.
thanks, that looks promising
something about Bijin makes me eww, I just really dislike it
You'll eventually pass into true enlightement and start hating it and start playing with 30 mod lists.
what mods are those?
idk if I told you that her follower version is borked for bhunp users, needs 3ba hands and feet meshes and hook them up in xedit or whatever people who create followers use
I think it's same for repanse but she is more broken by the "integration" with vigilants, I had for example all women with female commoner voice use vigilants lines
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>or is this me becoming a Snob?
A little bit this, and a little bit of autism
I'm the same way
For whatever reason, seeing people discussing something I'm very familiar with in a way that's just straight-up wrong, or otherwise portrays a lack of understanding of the underlying subject matter absolutely triggers the shit out of my retarded ass
this is me when anon says potato is a fruit
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>I'm only beginning to realize that the general public is largely just vapid retards squawking the same old memes without knowing anything else about the subject.
Most people are consoomers. Welcome to the club.
I dont even play Skyrim anymore, I just come back every once in awhile to see how many memes and coomerbait pics are being posted, since most people here arent mod devs. I get more discussions about game design when Im on >>>/tg/

Understandable. NPC overhaul mods should fit your taste in aesthetics, and if the Bijin mod series isnt your cup of tea I cant blame you for that.

Pic related
i'm planning of "trying" to fix a lot of shit on my follower one day, i know her sleeves on the first version turn completely gold for some reason. I'm not really smart when making follower desu.
As it should be
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>tfw we still haven't gotten a Northbourne Pale, Reach, and Eastmarch (plus Solstheim)
Does Erekshigal lactate?
Also why isn't her name Ereshkigal, given that that's the actual name of the Mesopotamian goddess?
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Frankly, same
It's funny because I still use the same Nexus account, so I can still clearly see the fact I had tried redownloading CBBE Minidresses 7 times hoping they'd work eventually, obviously without ever realizing that I just needed to build the fucking bodyslide files
Ultimately I became progressively interested in how the game actually works (or doesn't) and so I ended up making mashups/retextures/locations/followers/patches, all the while trying to navigate some of the horrendously outdated information available on how to do some of these things (especially standalone followers, not touching that shit anymore)
A bunch of my friends know of my Skyrim autism, with most of their observations boiling down to "haha you probably fuck cats" or "hehe 16k res peepee mod", but I genuinely don't mind: fucking around in Skyrim has become super relaxing, and it's always fun to think up of new projects or things I could do (without ever actually doing them of course)
It doesn't help that the (supposedly learned) "general public" you come across on the Nexus/Twatter has the blandest tastes known to man, unironically creaming themselves over expressionless plastic dolls and some absurdly bland NPCs (but they're voiced by some chick in her bedroom so it's kino)

It's real bad by modern standards
But it's peak 2014 modding SOVL, so you should still use it
Does it have a 4k version? This is for LE btw.
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All right, we've all seen enough. Put on some clothes.
my wife is UP
>Does Erekshigal lactate?
>Also why isn't her name Ereshkigal, given that that's the actual name of the Mesopotamian goddess?
Because i'm creative as fuck and just slighty changed the name so that's not a pale copy of it, it was either that or Ishtar.
I find her videos actually useful and always download a mod from them, that inn one seems cool.
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This call is for you, Durak.

>it's lonely at the top
you can keep going until nobody understands you
but if you do something useful they'll at least appreciate the magic
This one goes to the penis explosion chamber
That wasn't a mispell
>anon knew what he was saying
This anon gets it.
GM hikaru is that you??
iver all that's pretty good fucking overhaul, exactly what I desire from vanilla look
>be ancient nord
>fight with my fellow humans to throw off the Ayleid elf oppressors and create a kingdom
>this kingdom ushers in an age of prosperity for all men, as well as the beast folk and even some elven races
>look down from Sovngarde one day
>one of my descendants is actively trying to destroy the empire I built
>at a time when a new elven threat is looming over the holds of all men
>he is about to be executed
>he thinks I'm smiling at him
i love my exhibitionist wife
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Look how they butchered my girl Aela
Unless there's some upscale in the last few years with dodgy results, it's unlikely. The source material was as low res as it's designs were ridiculous.
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>my girl
Anon, she isnt "your girl". Shes "our girl" because shes a slut.
I tried this but I couldn't get over the sound of her dwemer bots constantly hanging around. Hot, but I like the surface.
whiterun is quite controversial but the older mods are fine
one thing you should always do with his mods is running the facetints through CAO since they're 2k uncompressed and eat A LOT of space and vram
learn to format a document you clown, my eyes are bleeding trying to read this endless list of bullet points.
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NTAbut there's a tab on rentry that shows you how to format, lol. Just split it into one header per city and it should be mostly readable IMO.
>Throat's getting sore
Looks like it's time for my yearly man flu spell. I knew I should have gotten the flu shot.

Imagine if someone figured out vaccines in Elder Scrolls.
Ulfric would've been 100000x more kino if he was a King Borgas inspired Allesian schizo instead of a shitty confederate
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Despite the shame, this one can't help but stare.
It's called becoming a werewolf
Just drink a few potions of Cure Disease (miller lites) and a few Poultices of Divine Energy (peppermint zyns)

captcha: 0 WAP
snake confirmed esl
Sauce on the right NOW
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All the girls in Skyrim are sluts, especially custom followers
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NICE they came out from their mushroom house
MODDERS of /tesg/
what are you working on right now?
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Sadly I'm not. I'm just bad at grammar, or is it grammer?, and spelling. Always have been.
I'd sauce on both, personally, if it were me in the room there with them. If you know what I mean.
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If you could become any Scrolls race IRL, which would you pick?

I'd be an imperial.
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while we at it
who is The Slutest vanilla NPC?
>pimping out Ben Shapiro
why the hell would you play with ancient ass MMO shit?
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There was that one NPC that was implied to be a literal temple prostitute in (I think) Riften. I cant even remember her name. Any girl working at a Dibella temple is probably also a prostitute.
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Haelga duh, but Hefid the Deaf gives the best handjob this side of Tamriel and Khajiiti crack whore will suck your dick for 15 septims.
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Orcs are Mer, but do they hate other kinds of Elves enough that one using Wuuthrad wouldn't seem terribly out of sorts?
Thank you
I mean, the effect doesn't even affect Orsimer.
What mod for that idle pose with the sword?
>Gets captured and locked up for being the world's first sentient non-human.

Good job.
Yep this.
I was actually wondering which AI voice LL mod I installed when hearing her dialogue with Svana, turned out it was all vanilla.
Interesting. Was the change so complete that their being recognized as a "beast race" is actually apt?
only one with a confirmed body count of at least three men
Classical dibellan harlot
>infinite money from fucking desperate white women from tumblr
I'll get Saul Goodman on the case
Imperial because it's the closest thing to me irl
And I'm definitely gonna marry Argonian
which has the most OP racial buff
Ooh, flexing so much like I'm a Redguard raider
I'm a cliff racer, go HAAAAA on my haters
Are those fake yeezys? Bitch you broke, see you later
Skrrt, scoot, do me a favor
>The babies still pop out human because that's how genetics works in ES.
Not so clever.
>locked up
Altmer, duh.
Orcs aren't even considered Mer by other Mer, they are shit spawn after Trinimac was shat out by mephala and was turned into malacath
>Orcs aren't even considered Mer by other Mer
nobody cares about what knife ears think
They don't come from actual Elhnofey stock if you trust the lore.
What do they need babies for, it's all in the spiky cock. Guys too now that I think about it.
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you just know this ho fucks every man in riverwood (stump included. In fact, stump especially) to get back at lucan for being so overprotective
Probably imperials. They can make people obey and they naturally find money anywhere. Physically speaking the Argonians can heal like Wolverine, so they take the prize for combat.

But I'd consider going elven for that sweet 1000 year lifespan.
Why not?
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>1000 year lifespan

I thought that was only if youre also a master wizard
>be disgusting mix of every race
>eat piss elf cum and let them stop you from worshipping your ancestor's god
>think that tiber septim doesn't agree with the stormcloaks that the empire is shit and gay now
People say this but ignore that Dunmer (Chimer at the time) rubbed that fecal matter all over themselves the same as Trinimacs followers. Also not sure when covering themselves in what was left of Trinimac = they were what Boethiah shat out after eating Trinimac. Lack of reading comprehension?
>be disgusting mix of every race
Tiber is literally Orcish blood.
Wuuthrad works on racism, because Orcs are not treated as elves by most people, it doesn't affect them.
But of course, this is """fixed""" with the shitty unofficial patch.
So? Nords and orcs are friends. Nords and pissmer aren't.
>disgusting mix of every race
... are you thinking of Reachmen?
>Katisha's face briefly wore the envious, wistful look humans got when contemplating the thousand-year lifespan Elves had been granted by the gods. True, few ever actually lived that long as disease and violence took their respective tolls. But they could. And one or two of them actually did.
No, Imp*rials.
>tmw the emperor of all mainline games was part orsimer and part dunmer
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She's never been pregnant, duh. You can fix that THOUGH
Got her soul back. How long before the hair returns to a natural colour? Maybe she should just go bald.
I guess its up to TES loose canon, other sources suggest 200-300 years
Cat, I'm a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance
why is sid's hair gray like a granny??
Tang Mo for those son goku memes.
Khajiit :)
I'd smell that smelly Nord merchant
sniffa da toea
a very low-res Dwemer urn
Hope Todd doesn't find you
>what if [dead meme] but elder scrolls?
imagine paying for this
Serana soul trapped part of her essence which degraded her physical abilities.

Is Ysolda Todd's waifu or something?

This one does not know what the fuck you are yapping about
Todd really loves cats
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Dead memes are the next cool thing
Oh to be a young shota pawing at his (much older)wife's massive mammary
Hopefully not as much as Shane Dawson. But if we get more cool Khajiit in TES6 like J'zargo and M'aiq then I'll be happy.
Should I try modding fallout 4 while waiting for any interesting skyrim mods?
if you think skyrim is lacking in interesting mods, then you're going to fucking hate fallout 4
Imagine the cellulite
it doesn't really need a lot of modding desu
Its tucked somewhere in the vanargand animations pack.
But it's something new at least
Besides after show release fallout 4 modding is looking pretty decent

I want those molag balls in my mouth
How do these women all manage to have the same exact face
>But it's something new at least
on account of the insane asset recycling, and the fact that all the art assets are pretty bland from the get go, Fallout 4 stops being "something new" after you've cleared like 4 dungeons.
>Besides after show release fallout 4 modding is looking pretty decent
literally the only decent thing that's come out in like the last year is degenerate dak making OC guns and a couple of armors that strike a nice balance between tacticool and lore-friendly.
Tumbajamba is back churning out vanilla armor kitbashes which is fine I guess, but again, vanilla art assets mostly blow cocks, so just rearranging them into something else just makes them blow slightly less cocks.
idk dawg
Think NPC replacers but it's make up trends
I'm tired of AMidianBorn and mods that use that as a base for everything. Any thoughts on "Project Clarity"? It's that mod that unblurs most of the game's vanilla textures by upscaling them.
If you compare them side to side, they look literally the same if not worse because of upscale/compression fry.
I'm going to delete all my mods, my game, and restart from scratch. I tried a wabbajack list and the fucking thing crashes every 15 minutes
Are there any solid alternatives then?
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I was thinking about picrel and other mods like Sim Settlements
embrace the handmade <100 mod grindset
I dunno, I like aMidian
I don't think there are any comprehensive armor retextures
>I tried a wabbajack
what led you to this unfortunate event?
I used Aurora for Wabbajack and then threw tons of mods on top of it with no problem. Currently at 200 hour save.
Based on what?
I played vanilla fonv and it was meh
then tried fo3 and it's somewhat of the same thing
so is bothering with 4 worth it?
Can a mortal hero anally rape a Daedric Prince?
>so is bothering with 4 worth it?
if you think that constantly picking up garbage off the floor counts as a satisfying gameplay loop, then yes.
fo4 has a stronger base than skyrim
but you still play it to shoot random shit and read notes and not any plot or gameplay coherency
Based on milk output.
4 is just a broken game that was never fixed. I had fun with it until I realised the settlements I built are lifeless because the engine can't handle more than like 10 NPCs.
Vanilla fallout 4 is utterly broken
Literally unplayable without mods
Yarti, Bosmom, and Synthia all have big fucking milkers.
bosmom poster doesn't like lactation tho
If you lower your modding expectations fallout 4 is ok
I wouldn't play it without Sims Settlement 2 though
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so I tried >>483189867 and to put it simply it's not worth it
everyone has something on his head and it felt "overly clothing" as if it's winter
I guess Common Clothes is the only choice for fresh looking NPCs
But she can still lactate a lot.
>as if it's winter
This is Skyrim. Realistically anyone that isn't a Nord should be freezing their balls off and dress like a Skaal to deal w/ it
Yarti's are medium at most
But there have been pics of bosmom lactating
Bikini armour sluts would disagree
so does skyrim?
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I almost considered making a voiced follower, the first of its kind in tesgeeeee history
But then I was reminded of the last time I interacted with the CK, and immediately moved on: the actual audio files wouldn't even be an issue in the slightest, but having to set up topics and appropriate responses would likely make me throw up
I'll still keep the .txt file with all the lines and flavour I've thought up, but I doubt they'll ever see the light of day

Akshually that's an ancient nordic urn
>doesn't loop
Stupid dog.
F4 is worse
Bikini armor sluts that aren't Nords or Reachmen are non-canon
OH shit
what's his (or her)/ name and race
back story?
guys im gonna play some skyrim
dubs decides my character
female knight afflicted with bikini armor curse
Redguard who hates redguards.
crazy how I can easily tell it's a xitterfag/reddit/vee/young zoomer/marriedcuck simply by reading 2 sentences
as this what wizardry feels like
Orc Bard
Take your medications son
according to whom
a Sload
I'd make a killing off all the soap I've otherwise spent in the last two decades
isn't Busts-His-Nuts voiced?
>the first of its kind
Dunmer so I could grow a mushroom tower to fuck my daughterwiveclones in and plan the annihilation of my enemies from.
>There are anons picking R*dguards
Best human race and I want to have a dark skin.
got a problem with that?
Sneaky Fisty
Fat lazy high elf milf that conjures minions to fight for her
Nord and Imperial women were literally built to take BRC
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because then nothing changes, except I get a once a day boost to energy
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They're exotic like elves maybe?
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On some four separate occasions lately a player ragdoll has collided with an incline in motion and become inescapably stuck
I don't know who I upset exactly
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Play an unarmed peasant.
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Stealthy two handed hammer bonker
exotic how?
guys if you click the zenithar altar during the load screen when making a new game it crashes your game (vanilla)
But anon, we all play unarmed peasants IRL.
Dwemer artificier named Arkhgnthol West Tamriel Zung-Freksbane.
it's code for irl redguards
they possess the gene (BRC gene)
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Tes did a good job of making it into the cursed existence it's supposed to be. Too many stories came out over the past few generations glorifying vampires but it originally was a bad thing to avoid.

Everyone hates you until you get killed by someone who rightfully hunts you for the the safety of society, at which point you go to the setting's equivalent of hell.
Food and drink taste like shit, you hurt in the sun, you're constantly hungry until you harm another living creature, and we have Serana tell us that the world feels dull and grey and dead even if you are otherwise sated.

eso had a chapter about vampires, in which we learned that most of them don't want to be vampires, they were infected against their will, many times even accidentally. Most vampires are pretty weak, they're still just people they just have very minor power but it's mostly just an added curse of hunger. You kill droves of them in skyrim, and half of them are just feral people basically. The powerful ones are older who are part of bloodlines or turned in a ceremony from someone powerful, rather than infected. So even if you're a vampire, you have a high chance of being a weak one.

It's not all bad though. Verandis Ravenwatch created an order of vampires who realize that mortals probably could wipe out vampires if they ever made an organized concerted effort to do so, so he makes various rules about not being assholes basically. Which basically boils down to asking to bite people and not doing it if they say no.
And of course we have Serana, who helps you kill all the bad vampires and is happy to be cured.

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Could have stayed sneaking, you get the 2x multiplier and the normal animation is pretty much the same vertically
It also works with roll -> critical charge as the roll input counts as sprinting, it's fun and covers a good amount of ground
>everyone has something on his head and it felt "overly clothing"
This is what too many horny mods does to a nigga. Pic related, some historical outfits.
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>first era nords built the Mede empire
For some reason two handed power attacks miss point blank when crouching in first person.
One handed work just fine.
I tried different animation sets in the comprehensive overhaul mod and just roll with it.
Those are two different statements
he was saying that it looked like everyone was dressed for winter in addition to the fact that everyone could afford a hat
The Returned and the First Empire of the Nords had nothing to do with the Cyro-Nedic Alessian slave rebellions, Reman Cyrodiil, Hjalti Early-Beard except by vague association to Ysmir Wulfharth, and, forgive me for including him, Titus Mede.
Note: this post will elicit one of several trained responses
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Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
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>Downloading 30gb of textures from nexus without subscription
I'm a superstraight sword supporter.
>discovered hot to flip uvs in nifs cope
I can finally use this mod
I always saw it as he's practicing his martial arts
retard moment
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It's not about how much extrinsic deviation between two points a sword has, it's how you use it
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Kek, I can see that. Just a chill moth dude focusing his chi.
Cute cow
She is, isn't she?
tired curvedcel cope i'm afraid.
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>Download time: 9 days
Should I just give up?
I think they're best when they get wider before tapering back down.
The best thing is you know they'll look like shit in game lol
Which replacer is that
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The other cow is dibella's blessing, I really like it
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It's alright to have a type
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It's not the shape that counts but the size
Thanks, I'll use both
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He's been available to tesgee for a couple of years now, was even on the site for the longest time (then I dunno what happened, I wasn't around when it got nuked)
I even have a pretty decent explanation as to why he'd join the player's world for a while, but his "voice" wouldn't be an actual one, just so we're clear
Still, it's all just a vague plan because I suspect putting down 300+ lines in the CK equals to suicide

Ah I didn't know that, I just assumed he was a simple and crude joke follower
Welp, I guess it's not that unique anymore
we need a witchy goblin follower and a shaman goblin follower

both shortstacks of course
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based, enjoy
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Childhood is siding with the Imperials. Adulthood is realizing that siding with the Stormcloaks makes more sense.
>adults making retarded decisions
Fits with electoral trends, true.
he said goblins not tiktok users
Do most tiktok users have gocks (goblin cocks) the size of their own forearms? I didn't think so, faggot.
Above room temperature IQ is not doing the shitty civil war questline.
Cringe connoisseurdom is downloading Rigmor and seizing the empire for yourself.
why are vegetable midget fetishists unable to draw the line there, instead choosing to continue into increasingly worse nonsense
>Banned Talos Worship
>Let a foreign nation invade their nation to interrogate, torture, kidnap, and murder their citizens for 26 years
>Let a foreign nation weasel their way into positions of power in influence in the Empire, the Embassy, your guilds, and all of your vassal lords such as your Dukes and Jarls (for 26 years btw)
>Already lost Hammerfell, Morrowind, and Summerset Isles.
If you side with the Imperials you're low iq. You're only doing so because they're nice and not racist (which isn't even true lol)
Best mods to make map more readable? I hate how every fucking thing on the map is white and sometimes it's really hard to see where the objective is.
The Imperials are emasculated weaklings who, for over 26 years, have let foreigners ban their religion and torment their people. The Imperials insist that this is part of their 5D chess plan to beat their enemies

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Should i go for completionist lotd modlist or roleplay based modlist?
Conversely, nord dead make for better thralls to fire ice storms through. It's a difficult dilemma and your supply is considerably more limited should you ally with the Ruby throne.
nah too long
try again
It does in the sense that imperials literally want you dead within the first 10 minutes of the game. He’s also right about the Thalmor. But his movement pretty much dies with him and if you’re playing as a non human race (that isn’t Dunmer) I don’t see how you can justify it since almost every dialogue in the game makes it clear that he doesn’t like your kind and wants you gone.
>b-but I’m one of the good ones!
Yeah okay

my main character sides stormcloak every time as a Dunmer though because muh fair combat, fuck the mongrel dogs of the empire, and also she has degradation fetish
>>483325998 (Me)
*ally with them against the Ruby throne.
Time for my wakeup drink.
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You niggas are telling me that the Dovakhiin becoming Tiber II and uniting tamriel isn't your cannon ending?
>nah too long
>try again
The Imperials are cucks who let their enemies fuck their country raw with no lube
>they still fall for the confederate narrative
literally lost cause of the stormcloaks
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I'm uniting humanity and none of you can stop me
Realistically speaking there's no issue because none of the provincials actually want to live in Skyrim that much besides the Hl*alu
I kneel
An Imperials vs Stormcloaks argument? Awfully adventurous of you, /tesg/.
it's a peaceful life
13 years no mainline release makes you argue about kindergarten depth game narratives
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Just finished the Civil War questline for the first time. Boy was that underwhelming.
On an imperishable monday evening, no less.

Also, it's up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122597
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Vanilla or OCW?
>modded CW
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It's up and so am I
I am proud to share a thread with so many anons with such fine taste in pubes.
not the anon but what's so funny about that?
What's in the sack, Snake?
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Random assortment of treasures he finds on his adventures. Mostly potions, gems and ancient jewelry.
Giant Toes, Giant Testicles, and Bonemeal
I had to dredge this up. That's a fucking javelin you fucking retard. You throw it. It isn't meant for close quarters combat.
Forgive him, he's never seen any sort of poon before
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Given the black soul gem and daedra heart up the ass, this dude is definitely ebonarm
What causes the squished tits sticking out of the top of a some clothing?
CW is unfixable and every attemp is just more clusterfuck added
T.tried all of them
it's a slider setting
What is even the point of fixing it when it'll be the same crap underneath anyway
okay how do I adjust npc sliders?
Stealth archer.
great house redoran sends its regards
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helping a friend out who wanted to set up a modded skyrim. He just wants skyrim with slightly better textures and visuals and so far he's been satisfied.
>willingly traveling with Serana
>Serana fully dressed
bro what are you doing with your life? or is this an evil play through?
Its a platonic relationship, curing her of her shitty STD and leaving her at post dawnguard Volkihar so she can chill with her mom.
Cause I wanna be bros 4 life with miraak, serana is boring trauma baby that you have to fix while miraak is an absolute bro if you spare his life.
>can't fuck the vampire out of valerica
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its amazing what a single mod can do to a game, conjuration is fun again
>captain save a hoe and the perennial nigger is his ideal adventure group
I also did a little switcheroo with serana, cause she may be cured but I'm gonna keep my royal vampire blood, gonna be totally platonic bros with miraak for 2000 years.
any mod creators here?
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so ridiculous it loops back around to evil. might as well be playing as miraak yourself.
good you said which mod it is
transwhiz may be around
I dont like the usual hanging spots in discord.
can't ever joke around because they are all alphabet people
it's clearly a bound spear spell.
>underwear.dll was causing a ctd while loading main menu out of nowhere
>disable it
>now infinite loading on new game
Welp looks like we're starting over today boys.
I use them for tech support but reading the personal chats is pretty cringe like dude keep it in your pants
What are you using to let her get cured while also having her turn you?
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I’m drawing Rosa holding an ebony war axe enchanted with paralysis
That you are.
But why?
If your waifu was a pizza what would be her main topping
OCW doesn't feel that much better
can you draw hilda with BIG TITS holding the mace of molag bal and with smug face?
Everyone has the same answer
Short answer: because I can
Long answer: because the reference image was a woman resting a sword on her shoulder and because Rosa’s hair + narrower shoulder frame, I couldn’t rest the sword on her shoulder so I settled with a war axe and ebony shit is the most aesthetically pleasing Skyrim shit
You'd eat a cum pizza? That's kinda gay not gonna lie
No, I’m gonna draw Marley wearing Dragonbone armor while duel wielding dragonbone swords enchanted with absorb health and chaos
Cursed blood of the dragonborn, I just switch on vampire lord after those ass dawnguard blood checks are over and done for.
who the fuck is marley? bob marley? thats not from pokemon.
The dog from Marley and Me
OCW I guess. Mainly because you don’t even have to actually play the civil war to see the effects of it. It was kinda nice seeing towns get taken and retaken without any involvement at all.
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One of the more obscure waifus
do DAWN then but she has the DAWNBREAKER and she's KILLING this bitch whos a draugr
What are some mods to make world less empty?
Skyrim Unhinged
only if it's yours
what part of the world feels empty to you?
There's a (thing) every few dozen meters
>want to try installing a bunch of mods and OStim to make an immersive sex sim
>just know im gonna jack off once after spending days downloading everything, and never touch it again
what do i do bros
jerk off now
Learn how to edge
hand placed enemies, nature of the wild lands, whatever patrol mod you want, ancient land, lux orbis
Keep it for emergencies
At least you aren't deleting it
burger jarl
"My hold may be empty, but my stomach is not."
that's specifically the motto for the markarth franchise.
The one guys little town mods. search Granitehill and just click his profile for the others.
lol yep RE and Skyrimmods discord
was killing savages for gold and silver and missed your comment, sorry
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>keep a savegame with sexmods enabled for jerking off
>disable sexmods for questing save
>Actually adds new quests
Any good overhaul for cities?
Without bunch of empty buildings, just make them look better and more like cities
thank you for this informative post. I don't play eso so I always appreciate your lore summaries
There's redbag's overhaul for falkreath that I really like. The arena is a nice way to earn extra cash, train, and it fits cause it used to be part of cyrodil.
Capital Windhelm is good, I would just use SREX for Whiterun and Riften, Enhanced Solitude is usable but not stellar imo. Markarth is fine as is although it's a shame that vertical markarth mod never really took off.

I use COTN for everything else. I simply don't care if it's slop or jank or whatever, they look good enough for me. And I like the goat pen in brina's oddments.
try edging

what does /tesg/ think about shota MC's
>not playing quest sexmods
They’re old but I like immersive patrols and extended encounters for things like civil war npcs. The second one also lets certain npcs be encountered while you’re walking around. Teldryn Sero once saved my ass on solstheim because he just happened to show up while I was getting my ass beat. Bro saved my toon from getting raped by a reaver with some god weapon.

There’s also skyking’s granite hill which is peak comfy, a bunch of people made the other missing settlements too but I don’t really use them much.
I think they're handcrafted for josou seme.
and mods like daedric shines, wintersun, and lux via add little shrines & stuff around to stumble into
what can cause guards to have invisible torches?
Any mod that makes it so the invisible durability on torches also applies to NPCs, as it normally does not.
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JKs adds clutter and a few buildings, usually shops and blacksmiths in towns that miss them.
thanks anon. I didn't even think of that.
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Not again
why did you befriend them?
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Accidentally clicked the option to befriend them instead of the one to kill them.
Is this still relevant? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21524?
redbag's solitude is enhanced solitude but actually functional
I don't like his docks and how low the walls are.
What could possibly go wrong
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>install some armor mods and retextures for staves and book covers for mod added books and spell tomes mid playthrough
>I now suffer from infinite loading glitch everytime I try to leave solitude
>non of the mods mentioned are even relevant to solitude or the general region
>they're just ESLs of single armors sets, Praedy's staves retexture, and BURPs + spell tomes
Does one of them have an injected leveled list?
I had an issue where getting within range of a khajiit caravan would cause the list to overflow at 255 entries since it was set up wrong and it was annoying to pin down
especially since it only started awhile after going in and out of areas
hmmm, might be onto something, Bash deals with leveled lists, and the only mods my rebuilt patch seems to require are 4thunknown's Dwemer armor (I have xtudo's patch installed) and BURP Spell tomes, I've checked the modpages of both and the latter seems to be buggy, plus the normal BURP hasn't been updated in years. It's probably the cause of the error, though nothings solid yet.
should i play a nord or an altmer
bashed type synthesis lists are usually fine, it's injection that can fuck you up which is why it isn't used meaningfully
Followers go on a trip
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>the parallels between post-concordat empire and post-Versailles germany
imperial nazis for TESVI?
That would be even more boring than the current Empire/Dominion
its a lot more of a blurred line doe because both sides are genocidal
so i dont have to feel bad about being a naz-i mean imperial sympathizer
they dont look like that
I only mentioned bash because it's good at detecting mods with Leveled lists
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what mods that makes pic rel rape my waifu?
We need more Altmer husbandos
post rosters
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Why did she do it?
accused of a crime i did not commit and thrown into cidnha mine i turn around to see an orc brute greeting me "bend over" just as i hear these words the brutish animal grabs hold of my arm and forces me down on the ground and begins to thrust his eager manhood into my anus, screams and roars mixed, the nightmarish orc pounds harder and faster with each turn "ahhhh fuuuuuck" reaching climax he unloads a bucket of semen into my belly and continues to violate every hole in my corpse
I don't use buggy mods that are compatibility nightmares
What bugs does OCW has (inb4 read le mod page lmao) or incompatibilities would it harbor when it's just a bunch of fucking vanilla forts?
OCW is probably the least buggy thing to touch the civil war and that includes the vanilla civil war
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Yeah sure
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I gotta update some shit but lazy.
Gym must’ve just opened
Wasn't he travelling?
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I need to update mines.
Holy shit that Synthia looks ugly as fuck
that's from 2022/2021, calm down.
hes right, even nu-synthia looks like shit
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here's a bunch of boring, irrelevant shit
banana milk
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cheesed to eat you
>Obvion mods: All gameplay
>Fallout mods: All gameplay
>Skyrim mods: All titties
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Who is the best follower and why is it Teldryn Sero?
Thats because skyrims gameplay is almost perfect
Lyriana clears
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Devilishly sultry goggles.
show me the titty
dunno if it was posted but IT'S UP
>elf ears
Holy shit anon, censor that before you get banned.
what robes are those
Isn't it interesting though how the largest Dark Elf populations exist in Stormcloak territories?
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thats the stuff
That's the wedding dress
Morrowind is physically on the border of the Old Holds in Eastern Skyrim and two of the main ports are in Stormcloak holds as well
>gay flags everywhere
yeah I don't think so
radiant raiment fine clothes remodeled to the wedding dress by artefakes and retextured by rustic clothing lol
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Trying not to listen to my best friend and his girlfriend discuss their respective porn addictions in the next room so I'm going to boot up Skyrim again for the first time in a couple years to distract myself. Playing a crusader. Should I be a Daedric cultist or dedicated to the Divines?
u shud bee urself ^_^
What in Oblivion is THAT
>one of the better voice acted characters
>one of the only vanilla followers with actual perks attached
>one of the only vanilla followers that has lines for almost every location in the game
Woman moment
you should listen to them and keep us posted
because her uncle wasn't chad and she married a furry
I used to stop myself fast traveling all the time, but these days I'm so familiar with the map that instead I just stop myself from fast traveling until I have a horse. What about you? Do you fast travel? Y/N and if not why not?
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>trying to play dawnguard quest line without fasttravel
humiliation ritual
Listen to what they're saying and install a mod for each specific one
then go on a purity crusade
>playing dawnguard at all
looks like an Orc
Never do. I like walking.
I've only managed one full playthrough with a strict no fast travel rule and it was pretty fun but I doubt I'll ever do it again.
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Are huskies even good war dogs? Why would the Dawnguard use those instead of the Irish wolfhounds that seem to be so common in Skyrim?
Not using fast travel just makes the game more tedious, taking more time just walking to the quest and back than doing it. Sure, there's some random encounters, but between saving ten minutes of my life or "fighting" two wolves, I'll just fast travel.
holy cringe
Huskies are generally friendly retards but wolfhounds don't look cool enough to fight vampires I guess
Well they should have tried for a different breed then, like a Tibetan mastiff or something.
skyrim just wasnt built for no fast travel imo
i tried survival mode again about a week ago and it was just tedious not like FO4 or any other game
no fucking way in fuck. i hate going up the 7000 steps for per alt
I don't unless troubleshooting
journey b4 destination etc.
its a world where theres dragons, giants and magic but the line you draw is the breed of dog in a dlc
That's radiant quest system for you, Fallout 4 is much better for no fast travel, especially with the radio.
0 horses since 2011 when that one guy had horse genital mods ready to go with a jury rigged oblivion modding kit
why did i bring that up? thats how/why no fast traveling
It’s comfy sometimes. Travelling with your party, hunting, camping, exploring, playing the lute badly by the fire, getting mauled by werewolves in the middle of the night and then watching your husbando helplessly turn into one after being infected. Testing werewolf animations…
The only time I fast travel is if I’m doing dawnguard or going up to high hrothgar. Otherwise I’ll never get rid of that bitch Serana.
>0 horses since 2011
yes Pete Hines, it is
>Otherwise I’ll never get rid of that bitch Serana.
You make a strong case.
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my sister is level 30 and still hasnt even returned the dragonstone
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fuck this im deleting everything

every reflection at 1pm just looks... brighter? bloomy? I had nothing but Community Shaders and the only thing that fixed it was installing weather mods (they all suck one way or another)

So, typical Elder Scrolls player
That's how you're supposed to play
Meanwhile I'm still level 1 and haven't increased a single skill in over 2 years.
>youre not supposed to unlock the core mechanic of the game until youre already halfway through
its obvious that there's momentum up until after you kill the dragon, then a lull where you do that shit
are you retarded?
am i retarded?
>Modding Skyrim since it was released
>don't even know how to use FOMOD
>just install everything manually
is that uthgerd mod any good? that authors writing is so cringe
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We're all retarded here.
>Community Shaders
Shouts are boring and dragons are annoying
If it isn't just copy & paste and done, then I don't bother.
play oblivion
is she hot? pics?
It's better than Mjoll's at least
it gives her a pointless sob story about being bullied

shut up
Dragonfags talk a lot of shit then fly away when they start losing. I've no respect for their kind. I would kill Parthunaax except Delphine told me to, so obviously I can't now.
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What no thots does to a motherfucker
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>no 3ba patch for mihail's handicapped citizens
this community disappointed me
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How the fuck is map empty now? I don't get this argument, never did. Everything is so fucking close to each other it feels like a theme park. Bandit camps are right behind city walls, you can't move anywhere without stumbling upon next city, village, person, grove, fort or a dungeon.
It's not even possible for modders to add new content in sensible way, because almost every spot is taken already. They need to constantly cope by sending you to some pocket oblivion dimensions, because there is no room on map to do anything. Can't enlarge cities either in world this small and cramped.

I wish map was far bigger and less cramped. Fuck, I want 1:1 scale now with no cut corners anywhere.
He might mean stuff like more neutral NPCs of which there are a lot of options for (populated, patrols, lawbringer, etc) which also applies to cities and interiors
>tesgeneral.com has nothing for Oblivion
Not a mainline TES game
yeah few nights back anon was looking for a place to put a home, which got me looking at the map with all markers on. shits full aside from a very few places.
Agreed, map too cramped. Total Conversion of Skyrim to increase its size to Daggerfall when
>early game i used archery for hunting and getting an alpha strike on someone
>have two enchant slots now because of a mod
>rarely use archery now
what do
I just want an actually minimal mod list. Looking up controller mods just returns lists of unnecessary bullshit that changes the menus to some custom garbage or introduces jank.
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carry weight
You stupid fuck

so rosters are just an assembly of your characters you thought we gave a fuck about?
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Speaking of archery, what's the most satisfying way for you to play a ranged character? To me stealth archer seems like a meme. Hit and run skirmisher style "combat archer" seems a lot more exciting to me. Crossbow makes this playstyle easy, but using a regular bow and arrow is intensely satisfying. I'm also developing an appreciation of throwing spears thanks to that one mod. Excellent for a sword-and-board looking to get in close after the initial knockdown.
how new?
cuh got the whole squad laughing
>I'm also developing an appreciation of throwing spears thanks to that one mod.
which one
Stealth Archer.
yes to ensure you dont offense posters by calling them somebody else. better memorize it.
nah its sneaksnipe
morrowind is borderline required, you getting stunlocked is easy as fuck at all levels
oblivion when that level scaling kicks in (unless you never sleep) its also required
skyrim same thing, sure you can resto/craft loop to gigathad levels of archery damage but nah

sucks but even when doing archery casually you dont really do enough damage without going balls out
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here's your Khajiit overhaul bro
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I look like this
chex with judith
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bros i dont know what to enchant as a breton vampire as my second slot. one hand damage is a must

>carry weight
after im done crafting i will dump msot of my weight and i also have serana to carry stuff
>destruction damage
also a solid choice since vampire drain is solid
thinking about this since my conjuration weapon mod has damage scale based on your magic pool
>never used scaled armor before
what race best suits?
You can't
destruction damage is good, whenever I have a slot without an obvious enchant to take I usually just go with health. It's always useful in every situation and realistically spares you from dying to cheap bullshit which makes the game much more enjoyable in general.
>watch the fallout show
>the entire begining is all about sex sex sex
Toddbros ... our hope and dream for tes VI ?
You'll be playing Sonborn in search of Fatherborn
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not inclusive enough
Actually, it would be "childborn" and "parentoneborn"
So a redguard themed game? OK
yes i can
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>fallout show
iis it >>483387605
so high rated because it's extremely mediocre (or slightly lower) but happened to be released in 2000+24 therefore it sets it above all or is it actually that good?
sorry I used your picture again
It's bad in every way and I don't know why everyone loves it so much
Even putting aside all those lore issues it's just horribly written and action is just trash
TES has always been heavy on the sex and sexuality. It only started to tone it down for consoles with the release of Morrowind, but even then you could find it in the books (since they didn't expect many people to actually read). The only literary example of censorship was Barenziah and given her status and the location it's sort of understandable why. Even now TES is less "shy" than most games when it comes to sex being explored in lore, and who knows? Maybe someday we'll see it make a full return considering the success of a game like BG3, where AFAIK (haven't played, don't really intend to) there are cinematically implemented sex scenes.

PS the one thing I found funny about the Fallout tv show was that it was more explicit concerning sex and nudity than the fucking game. Used to be it was the reverse.
Good Luck with a Lack of existence
Elf girls with mohawks make me really horny for some reason.
Is there anything I should know before modding SE? I heard they updated the game this year and it broke mods.
There are three different versions requiring different mods
You probably want to downgrade your game
runaway while you can
it's a blackhole with no escape once you touch it
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Teach me how to move shit in CK
I just realised there's no LGBT+ propaganda in Skyrim. That's pretty awesome.
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What fucking joker thought a rick roll on "sex mods" link was funny, what the fuck else would I even look that guide up for? It's worthless you fucking idiots. Where are the sex mods????
i dont need luck
You can marry the same sex and sex is coded as 1 and 2 not male and female
It's kino https://youtu.be/6kmqy0-rwi0
Define "propaganda". Is it just same-sex relationships because that's in there. But most of the LGBT+ stuff is in Morrowind and Oblivion anyway.
My comment was honestly half assed but I basically meant like in Starfield where every gay person grabs your ear unprompted and screams "I'M GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!".

>Is it just same-sex relationships because that's in there.
Besides the relations the player can make? I never noticed any dudes sharing a bed in Skyrim.
There's that one dead couple on Solstheim.
It's background fluff. There's a dead gay couple on Solstheim, victimized by the madness Dwemer gadgets can apparently induce.
You mean sodomized not victimized
>went destruction
>mods didnt effect vampire drain
>didnt save
>feel good
fuck it im just go with carry weight and take what the fuck ever whenever we will be together ill be there youll be near my dear
please get a real job
whats a real job
custodian at a fortune 500 company
How do you know they're gay?
play the game
Please stop with the self replies.
So they're just friends? A couple buddies who raided a dwemer dungeon together so they could put food on the table for their wives and children?
Play the game (you won't)
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She seems averse to opening her eyes in dialogue but I don't want to be offensive and ask about it directly
that and the height is certainly something
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>thought fuck it im at 49 enchanting might as well test out extra magicka from the mod
>half gear enchanted
>fight a troll
>takes 5 hits to take down
>console in potion of +100 extra magicka
>takes 4 hits to take down a troll
and i still need to enchant 3 more pieces of gear with magicka and 1h damage.

thank fuck for quicksaves
It's not gay at all they are just homies
that's how i did with Moth gro bagol i married him because he was my homie and it feels so good when you return home after killing imperials only for him to give you a big smooch and a nice hot meal
homies for life
A pair of good old mates, who'd been through thick and thin together. They were like brothers, such was the strength of their platonic friendship.
There's a note in the same location that talks about how they sodomized each other until they could take the mace of Molag Bal inside their asses.
All they had to do is ask Serana for some tips.
help im a retarded argonian and google wont be invented for like 50000 years:
whats a common damage health ingredient after red mountain flowers?
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What hair mod? Please and thank you
My ass hurts
There are concerningly no Redguards or Bretons living inside Windhelm.
They left on account of the stinky Dark Elves
There are a surprising amount of High Elves and Dark Elves. More than most of Skyrim. People say Whiterun has a lot of Redguards but at least that can be excused for the Saadia quest. Meanwhile, all the elves in Tamriel just gravitate to the shithole of Skyrim for some reason.
despite all the dumbmer crying Niranye seems to do well for herself while being a High Elf
makes you think
>flies attract to shit
I guess that's that
Not sure if its the mods i have but holy shit Bound Bow is strong. zero archery mods and its doing decent damage
the amount of Dark Elves isn't surprising because Windhelm and Riften are the closest cities to Morrowind.
In Solitude and Markarth there are no Dark Elves on the other hand.
Niranye runs a stall and has a house. Nurelion runs the only know potions shop in the entire city and is generally respected
>"Good thing you did for Nurelion, returning that phial for him before he died. Man was obsessed."
and a High Elf couple owns the stables right outside of the city.


But why did they never leave if the residents treat them like shit? Go to Solitude or Markarth or something with zero elves.
A goon-knight of Sanguine, naturally.
Just installed 8 mods adding random stuff all over the world and downloading more
Ultimate adhd skyrim
Bound weapons start off pretty well due to their baseline stats but they fall off compared to physical weaponry because their limited improvement capability. At the start they're pretty killer.
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>Sexy redguard chick wants to talk to me in private
>Tells me to kill some guys
>Say yes while talking to her boobs
>Go to whack some dudes
>They seem like nice people
>Fuck it, I want some choccy milk
>Murder them all
>Go back to talk to her
>Boner is raging in anticipation of imminent boinking
>She just says "Thanks" and fucks off.

Lesson learned, I guess.
how do I get the kirax mods to work? they look installed correctly with mo2 but I can't find them ingame with help bdo 0 console command or additemmenuse
tried a couple different item names too the mod folders look exactly the same as other armor mods that work
i guess both ways you can complete that quest lead to that same lesson. ib4 you can do both. i know.
Shor's ballz, finally a handsome man in Falkreath
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Behold new tes6 race
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*improves your modding experience*

but enough about your sex drive
vietnam flashback to when some idol show had a woman with vitiligo on and tumblr hambeasts made billions of ocs because they realized they could fetishize it and then got mad it was fetishized
>ugly ass cow skin and black colorless eyes
If only we had characters with two skin colors in TES before... Imagine if they had two sexes too, lmao. Imagine the outrage.
>But why did they never leave if the residents treat them like shit?
They're literally ghetto poors, travel is only convenient for the PC. In lore it takes much more time, cash, and risk.
She’s cute. I would kiss those lips all day.
>no amorous adventures
skill issue desu

>Aventus Arentino
>Nord child

Uhhh… so his mother a Nordbunny?
This doesn’t look good for us Nordbros. Even in Windhelm, the chud capital of Skyrim, we can’t stop our women from miscegenating!
got it working but they suck, the textures are broken and white and they don't really fit 3ba body
surprised how difficult it is to find some decent conanesque barbarian/viking gear that's tastefully sexy that's not just a bikini.
>Primary skills: two-handed
>Clearly using one-handed
Pelagius is a nord child when you meet him. How did he grow into a big strong mad breton, I wonder?
fuse literally has a set called red warrior
>Pelagius is a nord child when you meet him. How did he grow into a big strong mad breton, I wonder?
Tiber Septim CHIMMED him for shits and giggles, trust me.
Braith and Alesan are correctly recorded as Redguards.

Francis and Samuel are correctly recorded as Imperials.
>>483405112 me
Oh yeah and the previous High Kings literally guaranteed them autonomy from Skyrim laws and religious freedom, plus they granted them land.
It's most probable that the current situation is wholly Ulfric's and his daddy's doing like the Argonians.
His mother is clearly an Imperial, his father a Nord
I looked at the mod page and didn't see any Saadia content.
Daggerfall questions.

Where can I find a mithril mace? I found a mithril dagger in the store, but the mace is better.

Secondly, how to fight with magic as a mage? Destructive spells consume a lot of mana, only enough for one fireball - and then I have to go to sleep.

Third, are there any mods that improve sim aspect of the game? Like marry, start a family, etc.
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>N*rd surname

Smartest snowback.
Ctrl F failed me, it seems.
Probably one of the same people that thinks Hhalti Early-Beard is a Breton name.
Tiber Septim is an Argonian name
Are there brown Orcs in TES?
Do you guys really install hundreds of mods manually while futzing with load order and conflicts? Like I thought it'd be like back when I modded Oblivion, this shits absurd. Feels like it'd take me a few days to possibly get everything installed and working.
Yes anon, that's the point. His mother was Naalia Aretino, an Imperial. He bears his mother surname, presumably because his Nord father just fucked her and left.
the game is mostly radiant, you find shit randomly
magic sucks in df, they didn't figure out a good system until morrowind, you're gonna have to cheat to make it work
daggerfall unity only has a few cosmetic mods, not a big modding scene
>deadbeat fantasy projection
His mother was a Nord.
Manual as in manually? No, MO2 is preferable. If MO never appeared I'd still be doing so manually though as all the alternatives have pretty much most of the disadvantages of mod organizers and manual installing at the same time. If you mean while making it all play nicely together and downloading things oneself, yes.

There's the occasional pretty dark skintone that isn't that far off, not sure I recall any what I'd directly call brown off the top of my head but some closeish enough examples.
Where can I see the info for the proteus combat styles, I have no idea what warrior vs berserker does
I've been manually modding fnv for like a week now. Probably not even going to play it because I'm bored of it already. At least everything is set up for next year.
>Feels like it'd take me a few days to possibly get everything installed and working.
Anon it takes me that and I've been doing this for half a decade and that's with known mods
Naalia (Natalia) is a Latin name
The only canon mixed race relationship with children we see in the entire Elder Scrolls series is the one in Dragonbridge with that Redguard father and Breton mother. His entire family, by which I mean his wife and children, share his surname.
Well he only mentions his mother and not his father.
It's entirely possible his mother was the child of an Imperial father/Nord mother pairing as well, however.
You'd think they'd have automated the process a little. I don't think I've ever modded a game like this,
And here I thought they were just meme'ing on me back in the /v/ threads.
I thought I was being overdramatic, the fact that I was actually lowballing it is terrifying.
Naalia sounds like what a bunch of Americans think a Nordic spin on Natalie would be.
There's so many moving parts that any shortcut inevitably tends to lead to disaster because you've got no idea how any system works. Most games don't have the same level of access or community size and, if they even have what you'd call modding worth a damn, pretty drag and drop or are a single cohesive overhaul that changes so much you still won't make it play nice with other mods. Getting started on simply getting an install going isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, long as you've got a pair of eyes and a willingness to not give up on the first minor stumble. Whether or not you end up with hundreds of hours in the CK a decade and change later is a different story but one step at a time.
>I thought I was being overdramatic, the fact that I was actually lowballing it is terrifying.
TBF a lot of it is downloading because Nexus gives you 3Mbps for free and some of these mods are in gigabytes but real proper testing also takes a while.
You know, even with weather mods you need to spend like 4 mins a pop at least loading and screenshoting and there are tens of them.
Plus there is all the LOD genning if you want, settings thinking, patching, etc etc.
How does one fall into worshipping Sanguine instead of Dibella?
>you're gonna have to cheat to make it work
I won't. For now I fight with mithril dagger and heal with low-mana spell and it's fine. Maybe, if I level up intelligence, I'll have more space for destruction spell.

>they didn't figure out a good system until morrowind
Nah, Morrowind is boring.
>Nah, Morrowind is boring.
>filtered by the best game they have made
tough, that's like saying you prefer demon souls over dark souls
Okay so I had patience and was rewarded. I have just as much CHIM as Talos. But the Skooma so sweet make me dreams. In dreams, the cat for all seasons comes finally to rest. Oh, burn me in ebony.
likes to fuck but also drink and drug
Morrowind is really boring after first playthrough
99% of quests are just fetch shit with sometimes interesting text
>NOOOO you MUST love the games that are praised by journalists, not the games that you genuinely like
I just remembered alive that there are places in Skyrim to live. I would like to live near Whiterun.
all multiracial children in Skyrim are of their mother's race
so if he's a Nord and has Imperial name then most likely his parents were Imperial man and Nord woman


Clinton Lylvieve and his sister (Bretons) - Redguard father Breton mother

Evette San (Nord) - Breton father Nord mother

Kaid (Redguard) - Nord father Redguard mother

the Old Hroldan kid (Nord) - Nord mother Redguard father

Sapphire (Nord) - Breton father Nord mother

Minette Vinius (Nord) - Imperial father Nord mother
why does everyone feel compelled to install 500 mods before they've even turned the game on for the first time
just download some shit that looks cool + its dependencies, and slowly expand your list over time as you find more stuff you like. Makes modding much easier and more manageable. None of this fucking nightmare shit where you follow the most beefed up guide you can possibly find that has you fucking with dindulod mesh mask rules and obody before you even understand what you're doing.
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literally this.

Stop being such a chuddy bigot you stupid chud
That's literally all TES games since Arena nigga
what fucking journalist talks about morrowind
making shit up goofy ahh bro
Any good mods that improve dungeons and camps?
Ryn's stuff is good but causes too many compatibility issues
If you look in the archives I tried that shit last week. With 100 int/wis and x3 magicka multiplier and 100 destruction you have enough magicka to cast 5 spells and 3/5 of them will be resisted because everything has some resistance of some kind. Battlemages don't work in the game. In the same time you try to get an actual spell to not be resisted or absorbed or reflected you could have just beat them with a weapon and been done.
What always happened was I'd encounter 2-3 enemies, manage to kill one with max magic, then the other two were there and I was out of mana, potions aren't frequent in the game and there are dozens of enemies per dungeon, you can't just 3 potions every single encounter then rest after every single encounter. Quests are timed, resting frequently will fuck your game up if you have to do it too often.
All of that headache can be gone if you just cheat, then either you can play the mage you want, which will still suck because you can't out cheat the 50% chance your spells fizzle but you don't have the headache of magicka upkeep.

Imagine if stamina worked like magicka and you had to chug potions and rest after 5 weapon swings.
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Thinking about it there's an awful lot of Male Nord/Female Redguard pairings in Skyrim. Probably more of that than any other interracial pairing.

1) The dead merchant couple on the road to Dragon Bridge
2) Rustleif and Seren
3) Vekel and Tonilia
4) Brynjolf and Tonilia
5) Beirand and Sayma
6) Lars and Braith (if she gets her way and Lars ever successfully interprets her bullying as her having a crush on him)
That's what I'm thinking of doing, honestly I just want slightly nicer graphics to go with the better faces. Some expanded cities and stuff would be nice too.
this anon has played daggerfall
I've reverted from 1000 mods to 100 lately
the most common interracial pairings in Skyrim are
Nord male x Imperial/Redguard female and Imperial male x Altmer/Dunmer female
Mer women like human men but don't care for male Nord BO. They're willing to take Imperial male body hair as a fair trade-off. Interestingly I can't think of a single Breton male/Mer female couple.
Merbros are doing fine
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Do you think she makes him roleplay as a Sinistral Mer?
My thu’um sounds like thchunder! Is this a mod Skyrim?
fun fact: if ESO was canon the total number of Redguard male x Dunmer female couples would be 5 which is higher than any other human male x Dunmer female pairing
>what fucking journalist talks about morrowind
Like giving it Game of the Year award.
Zoomers don't know...
both are black and racist and abbrasive so it makes sense
>if you just cheat
Then what's the point of playing? Just read the wiki to know the main plot.
hey fellas i want to get all steam achievements on a single run in skyrim
is it possible? will i have to load saves here and there? can i lock myself out of certain achievements?
can't imagine playing skyrim without tgm and player.additem f 1000000
Bro daggerfall plays like dungeons and dragons where mages can cast 2 or 3 spells then have to rest after every encounter. You're not meant to rely on spells, it's intended you fight normally with a weapon and toss an occasional spell out as an assist.
i remember you could still do achievments with mods back in the day lol
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>Battlemages don't work in this game
You're just using them wrong, rather than shooting shit at enemies just buff yourself into a god.
My favorite is buffing my speed like crazy and my sword arm becomes a chainsaw.
That's not even bringing up boosting your personality so everyone gives you godlike prices.
Take the buffpill.
>so everyone gives you godlike prices.
Is there like any use of gold in this game? I have not yet seen one thing I actually want to buy.
Enchanting is one hell of a money pit. I used my personality made gold to fund my 100% spell reflection armor. Ontop of a second layer of resistances to make sure that if somehow it does get past my spell reflection it wont kill me.
I guess you replied the wrong post. I play DF and I'm okay with it being a 3D roguelike. However, that cheater is not okay, apparently.
>mod adds dunmer npcs
>they don't have red eyes
should be illegal
unhinged and out-of-touch take, I actually feel bad for you.
dunmer having only red eyes was decanonized by Todd Howard in multiple games he directed and produced (like Skyrim and Blades)
>he pays attention to game award shows and game journalists
I actually laughed so hard at this that my tea came out of my nose.
>DF bros on suicide watch the moment MW is mentioned.
It really just zooms, doesn't it?
>player face sculpt resets every time I load the game or change zones
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you just know
daggerfall ogs are on their deathbeds in 2024 so yeah
Its up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101627
but you do have parents you mention it in dawnguard
also author is a racial phylogeny pleb
I clearly recall that it was hyped in 2000's (hype is created by journalists) and Morrowind in my Steam library is called "Game of the Year Edition". You figure it out.
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boy oh boy I wonder whats the next edition
>a nord name
Based mouthbreathers.
>since you are fatherless
More like MW are on suicide watch when DF is mentioned, because this guy >>483408692 had to upvote MW when I asked only about DF: >>483406561
HDR Khajiit edition >>483384543
I only mentioned MW because that's when Elder Scrolls finally let you use destruction magic as a playstyle instead of an assist. If it had happened in Oblivion instead I would have said that.
Daggerfall itself is a whole other kind of game compared to MW OB SK.
You should thank Morrowind, if it wasn't as successful as it was Bethesda wouldn't be around any more.
Fuck ghosts
... and nothing was lost?
t. arondil
>We might never see another Daggerfall, where the devs put naked women in the base game.
>We might never get an unmodded TES game where there's naked prostitutes in the temples of Dibella.
>Daggerfall itself is a whole other kind of game compared to MW OB SK
That's what makes it good, because later games in the series are generic garbage.
anon please
i get you want to be different but arena and daggerfall are the definition of a generic rpg of that time
Not me, because I only like DF.

No one had beaten DF open world
>No one had beaten DF open world
Ok? It's still an ubergeneric dungeon crawler of that era lol
So say it has a good world instead of pretending like it's unique
the days when nu-male devs have enough of intrusive political takes in gaming for good boy point and finding that sex, indeed, still sell can't come soon enough.
>finding that sex, indeed, still sell can't come soon enough
Then why aren't the actual hentai devs making more good games reeeeeeeeeeee
>It's still an ubergeneric dungeon crawler of that era lol
That's why it's so lovely. I love bobblers of that era, just wanted something with one character without party. DF fits perfectly. And open world is so vast that's insane.

Of course, it's not for modern gamers who can't do anything without direct commands, i.e. quests.
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When the last sidecut trannoid is dragged from its lair shrieking about use value and patriarchy, and hacked into cubes of quivering gelatin to be swept into the sewers. When the last red-nosed tumbler illustrator is tortured for a confession and hanged. When the last worshipper of ugliness and degeneracy is blinded with hot irons, and put to the knife.

When, and only when. Then, and only then.
>moving the goalpost
bro i can't take it anymore
This is an ideological thing, they know that sex sells and they are even ready to sink their companies just to not give the straight men what they want.
>exact same time as always
what Edition guys????
since all game and non-game discussion here is the same shit every day, maybe just repaste the op
So what's the attraction of MW/Obl/Skyrim above DF, except graphics, much smaller and shallow world and narrower roleplay/skillset and that they killed procedurally generated quests, therefore immersion?
Zanzibart MCO edition
Feed and Seed edition
they're fun :thumbs-up:
>mw/ob/sky have a more shallow world than df
you can stop baiting now
total zoomzoom deth
l o r e
potato theater
pretty mods
>potato theater
What's that?
they are more shallow
because every minor df cave goes to the center of the fucking earth kek
>Armor Mods Edition
Maybe, I'm not that familiar with them because they are boring, so I played them for several hours max. But I couldn't figure out anything better other than graphics. They are felt like maximum generic RPGs while DF feels like something really grandiose and sandboxxy.
Well your here, so something would be lost.>>483419526
>Not me, because I only like DF.
Yet your here, hmm...
This but mostly because it breaks the game

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