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Dying of cringe edition

Previous >>492844525

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


August 6: Escalation of Freedom Update https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339865428695343823
August 13: A message from the devs https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339866697736692015
August 20: 1.001.004 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/6992487606095723693
August 21: 1.001.005 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4252047773008305837
>1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired
what is it?
sneeddiver status?
Looks like Joel finally realized that Trandor wasn't attackable overnight and fixed it. Too bad it's just another copy of Angel's Venture.
Hasn't been updated since EoF
*sniffs (You)r ip*
The annoucement for the annoucment of a patch tomorrow
Also yeah, can't be bothered to update dead games.

Just gonna leave this here
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i guess the flutenigger finally roped
good riddance
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I miss flutey, I hope he's fine.
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>walked into the door again
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heckin' Joelerino moved the galactic pissfog cloud over Hellmire because fire tornadoes were actually killing bugs
Had this happen to me last night, except it was an Eagle Airstrike stratagem ball that got deflected. Thankfully nobody actually died to it.
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And now a moment of silence for all the regular posters that were killed by swiggers:
>arc jumper
>recoiless retard
>all blues
>essex forma de genocide
>all the unnamed copedivers lost in battle
Rest in piss
Just... Two more weeks...
i think it was just the holiday weekend and school starting again
Hmm I'm pressing play then it shows as running on steam and immediately it stops..
"Thriving game" poster as well, though I think he was unironically a bot.
verify those files buddy
i wish the swiggers understood just how bad "radio silence -> an announcement that there will be an announcement, as we announced with our announcement prior" feels
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but my skin mods
What kind of skin mods?
Those spreadsheets are hard to change, you know? You have to search for the number... Then change it... Then save it! Whew, going to take a month of vacation
So is there a patch tomorrow? Has there been any releases of the content yet?
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>Crowbcat video in the works
armor replacement and sample marker
oh well, has to be done
It doesn't remove your mods and you can just paste them again retard
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>tfw a squaddie picks meta items
>they don't know how le fun it is to go wacky doodly with thermite, crossbow, dagger, mines, strafing run, and napalm strike
whoa buddy, napalm strike is actually good. should've said orbital smoke
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it removed the mods and I'm lazy
it'll remove mods that change files, mods that are just additional files won't get touched
why the fuck would file verification delete files, it just matches checksums
you're wrong and retarded, i bet you didn't even try
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won't be long before music webm anon breaks too
that's not how you spell computer illiterate
>Click deploy
Worrying that I might be playing with "people" who can't manage to do this
on thursday they will publish a blog post explaining some of the game changes they are talking about internally

I'm not telling a joke
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Can AH do anything right?
What? So they will do exactly what? Publish a polished internal memo for potential changes for a future update? So it's just a hypothetical roadmap?
Deserved for playing pubs
Bouncy castle operation modifier retard-kun
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So what's the prevailing opinion on AT being dogshit in the current state of the game?

>Recoilless/Quasar/EAT can't even kill regular Tanks with a direct shot on the heatsink, from any angle you need two shots
>Regular/Spore Chargers and Hulks require either a headshot or a precision eye shot respectively, otherwise you can only crack their torso armor unless you hit the magic back plate which is almost certainly a bug
>Charger Behemoth requires two headshots with non-Spear AT, regular AT can only crack its leg armor with momentum glitch
>all Charger types can theoretically be killed with a shitload of butt shots, but it's fucking 85% durable so even regular bullets take forever
>Bile Titans require two consecutive headshots from non-Spear AT, Spear headshots can't be reliably performed because of the nature of the lock-on, and AP4 to the destroyed bile sacs is stupidly inefficient
>Factory Striders can theoretically be blown up with AP4, but the chin turrets murder anything in front of it so people usually resort to plastering it with red stratagems
>Impaler head only has 300 less HP than its main fucking body, requires either two fucking Spear shots, three standard AT, a full Commando or a bunch of red stratagems

It feels to me like they balanced these things to be boss-tier at D6 and below (and given the lower-difficulty missions where the main objective is just to kill a single big enemy, this probably used to be fair), without accounting for the fact that they become extremely common at D8 and above and players just don't have enough AT to deal with them all. So buffing AT across the board is probably a smart call but I wonder if making the game easier across the board is really the right call.
So now that the dust settled, why did everyone shill the orbital laser on launch?
they have their 60 day plan (of which they are 1/3 of the way through)
on thursday they will have a blog post written by the discord tranny CMs based on the information relayed by the actual developers explaining some of the things they will be changing
just give AT 150 more damage on the initial hit and it'll be a plenty viable option. with good aim you can one shot everything but behemoth chargers (and impliers but they need their HP values looked at because the head has only 300 less HP than the entire fucking main HP pool), and it'll strip behemoth leg armor in a single shot no matter how you're moving.
thanks pileshit
Patch status?
Everything else was dogshit. That's what 6-month nostalgia (lol) fags won't tell you
two more vacations
reminds me, it seems EXTREMELY consistent that attempting to run between a fac strider's front legs just punts you away from them now.
Those are invisible AT mines iirc
It's a throw and forget strat that clears a decent area, plus it's flashy.
they were incendiary mines, it was one of the free strats and another guy had gotten ragdolled there with the beacon in hand
>that clears a decent area
Does he know?
it's one of those things that got nerfed into the ground because people enjoyed using it
you could throw it and it would unfuck even the worst of situations to a substantial extent
nowadays you're lucky if it destroys anything larger than a small base
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>So it's just a hypothetical roadmap?
Please understand
It's a good biome, be grateful it ain't Fog of Hell #492
>ritual posters are all Schoolkids
I can see why people get annoyed by them now
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Magical hellbomb predicted this.
Can't wait to know what's going to be nerfed next!
it never got nerfed, it's always been pretty low DPS, we just had a lot less absurdly high HP enemies. it's 30 damage per tick with 15 durable damage (lol) and pen 6.
i pray for the plasma punsiher, ayyymr, dominator and the laser canon as a final fuck you
They say after the patch it will be the easiest the game has and ever will be.
They no doubt have a plan to increase difficulty without their old "make weapons shit" strategy
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well I hope you don't enjoy the HMG (though I don't think anyone actually does)
Working tirelessly for 4 hours a week before going to a 3 day weekend and after two weeks its time for one month of vacation
I am still upset that every crew member is some shade of brown jewish golem
God that would be so funny if they just want "Fuck all of you, we're making EVERYTHING useless and unplayable, also we're dropping support for the game, fuck you."
I wish there were a mod that fixes this
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The final patch should also break the spear again
>didn't instantly start blasting
deserved to get ghost'd.
Dunno, but they fuck it every patch
>essex forma de genocide
And good fucking riddance
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I would almost accept that because I’d at least be at peace of mind about it.
And the memes would be a nice send off.
In that case
it undoubtedly is what Alexus has in mind and would do if Piles didn't periodically yank his serbmutt leash
>concord hitting the EoS button on the 6th
Go big, or DEI trying. Least AH knew that much.

As a swede I have some insights into the vacation philosophy. July and August are considered "dead months" because way back there were focus on internal and nordic markets which meant the vacations were pretty much aligned. But fuck me, how can they not have any kind of devs on site to maintain potential fuckups? Is there even a COO in place that can foresee "if shit happens"- events and ensure that the vacation schedules do not interfere with their service/product?
at least they get refunded
looks cool, but it's not strong enough to warrant a limit of 3 uses,
especially with players like me who hoards things just in case I'd often bring a laser and only use it once or twice because I was afraid I wouldn't have it when I needed it, and I know a lot of people are in the same boat too when you call extraction and suddenly there's 3-4 lasers popping off because nobody used theirs
>ritual posters
definitely in college -at best-
>but it's not strong enough to warrant a limit of 3 uses
basically, yeah. at this point if they just uncapped it and did nothing else it'd be "buffed to relevance"
Agreed, laser is a staple in my kit but recently I've been looking for an alternative. 380 is pretty great but I'm honestly kind of shit with it and feel bad when I throw it and we just have to sit there waiting if I throw it at a base or something
It was about the only stratagem that could reliably kill a heavy bot base
Nowadays walking barrage does the same job but better, and OPS is better for killing heavies, orbital laser is now exclusively for retards who can't aim their stratagems
120 or walking are more generally useful than 380, 120 for bugs and walking for bots.
380 HE is a crapshoot plain and simple
Nah, shit's fucked. It's supposed to compete with the Barrages but it doesn't do damage, is slow and just gets stuck on a heavy then fizzles out
>But fuck me, how can they not have any kind of devs on site to maintain potential fuckups?
Because this game was never supposed to be this big.
These godless heathen swiggers where making a game for an all time peak of 40k players at best, of which those that stayed would be turbo autists and fans they could gaslight with minimum effort.
That was going to be limit of how much they could handle, like 5000k people a month, paying 10 bucks a warbond a few times a year, while paying peanuts for servers.

They instead got handed the world and never in a million years could a swede handle success like this on a global scale where you do have an extra 200 hands scale.on call at all hours.
When I read Piles' comment about seeing the fire change (the only issue that has fucked me odd to no end) on facebook and how he understood where it coming from but was not iterated enough I lost all hope for development for this game.
I've taken a step back and like many thousands of others am simply waiting for October as the 12th~ is the final day of their begged for 60.

>as a swede
>obligated my condolences etc etc blah blah
Walking and 380 are both good for d10 bot drops/fortresses. You're better off with an eHMG than the 380 though if you're limited on slots.
120mm on a D9/D10 bug breach wracks up way more kills than I expected.
>Stop playing
>Keep posting
Make sure you never reply to my posts
it takes nearly its full duration to chew through a fac strider, yeah, but it also actually tracks shit instead of you just praying one of the rounds lands on a fab. i think its targeting priority could use some work (like having it actually target detector towers), and maybe a 50% increase to damage. or cut its cooldown by a minute in addition to removing the charges
That was about a week ago.
>don't worry there will be multiple updates over the 60 day period
lol bullshit
>the final day of their begged for 60.
god it would be so fucking funny if they drop a post on the 12th
>akshually we meant 60 buiseness days all along, tehe (๑˃ᴗ˂)
yeah people are posting "we are a 1/3 of the way through where stuff?"
but they have not factored in working days, there is like 30~ days left, we are already half way there woah oh blogging on pray
>60 business days later
"Uh akshually, we meant 60 days as in 60 times 24 hours of work!!!"
akshually we meant 60 days like in 60 weeks
As a swede was intended as a prefix as to say that I know about the fucked up vacation policy this country abides by you turboautist.
Other than that, good reply. Kind of see why they have fucked up so bad.
They follow that up with.
>actualy we meant 1440 buisneess hours
it's 60 swedish business days
fridays don't count because they're half days
minus vacations and national holidays
>Helldivers, Pills here with an announcement from super earth
>we have to talk about the 60 years
>it doesnt seem like we can push this to live before my retirement ヽ(ー_ー )ノ
>so i appointed Alexus as my successor
Anyone that still thinks pileofshit will do anything positive for this game is huffing weapons grade copium. He's responsible for some of the most overbearing autistic shit in development and there's no indication his attitude has changed. He ran the show for 8 fucking years(and still does in practice), to think he just did an about face after 6 months is laughable.
>As a swede was intended as a prefix as to say that I know about the fucked up vacation policy this country abides by you turboautist.
And did the ">obligatory etc etc blah blah" as a fucking bit, a joke, a gaff, a moment of tomfoolery. ett skämt my nigga. I was not trying to draw blood you fuckin Swede :^)

>July and August are considered "dead months" because way back there were focus on internal and nordic markets which meant the vacations were pretty much aligned
Is this being reassessed? This seems like something that would cripple an economy making any real attempt at that global markets.
I would like to add that mondays doesn't count either because of post-weekend depression
He was in charge of the big patch that came with VC, and that was the best patch AH ever delivered.
I still have some hope.
>He was in charge
nigga he is the majority stock owner
he was always in charge
>I still have some hope.
Puff puff pass.
>mondays don't count
>fridays don't count
>each day probably has 2 hours of lunch; 1 hour eating, 1 hour recovering from eating
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definetly related to the anti-cheat
>it's the on button
one hour isn't enough for a digestion-enhancing nap and subsequent shitting session tho
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breathe deep my nigga
sometimes miracles happen, like how this game was released fun against all odds
Let's be honest, $40 for what we got with this game is still orders of magnitude better than playing that slop for free.
NTA, but that is true. I even sprang for the upgrade after the fact and still feel like I got my money’s worth.
I’m just upset because this is the first new game in years I actually legit enjoy alot and it kills me to see it driven into the floor.
Why the fuck is there still no voice callout for cannon towers? and why a AT-ATs still just "bots" in the callout?
Can you seriously even ask that in good faith?
That is like item #400 on their todo list.
you realize how much yuri charges for voice work?
hey guys lets waste tons of money on throw away voice lines!
>Is this being reassessed? This seems like something that would cripple an economy making any real attempt at that global markets.

In most businesses yes but it's still the general sentiment. That's why there's hardly any that takes vacation before midsummer (21st of June) and then goes on vacation for 2-3 weeks at the start of July and may take an additional 1 week the first or second week of August. Then you save at least 5 days of vacation for the holidays where there's a couple of legalized vacation days (24, 25, 26 and 31 of december)

I've worked exclusively in international corporations so there's another mindset there but if you hava a general manager that lives in Sweden or is Swedish they'll soon accommodate to the general mindset.
>Captcha "NGG4S
Seems appropriate
Bugs 10
i migrated from a dead game driven into the ground within 3 months by their canadian post launch skeleton crew.
Helldivers spammed the sub claiming "join us, its a blast, the developers are in on the joke and really listening" thats how i learned about this game that i then bought in April (after loosing all hope the other title would ever recover)
A minor part was already sour due to the rg nerf but the majority was still in on the larp and the memes, it was a blast. I really thought i finally found something i could play on and off for the next few years, something without gear grind, p2w and ever changing competitive landscape. like Day of Infamy did it a few years back (when it still filled servers).
Can you empathize how the recent development feels like a kick into the ball sack?
It's a problem with any sort of game that gets live-updated long after the initial recordings are done. Valve has the same problem in TF2 and Dota where they add new game features or characters, and then you can't get new voice lines recorded for them because the original voice actor can't replicate the voice anymore or they're dead/retired. So you can only try to get them to record a bunch of stock voice lines at the initial recording session and pray that one of them applies to the new feature you're adding.

What's more unconscionable though is that marking objectives only puts them on the radar map 50% of the time or so. If I can see a fabricator in the distance and mark it correctly, I want the outpost to show up on the map so that my teammates and I can circle back to it later. This should apply to all enemy buildings in all situations.
Come on in!
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3/4 one mo and we go
yea but the catch here is enemies like the strider were in the works pre release and there isnt even a line for the entire category of "tanks"
when exactly did they the recordings, 4 years ago?
fabricators dont show up and thats the reason the GS fabricator doesnt show up too. sphagett code
>They model their mission zones after their own swede chodes
>diver voices where re-titled default diver x
>new voice sets will have better more accurates call outs
>penis that is multiple kilometres long
Walking and 120 are in really good places after the patch. Too bad that got overshadowed by the flame changes.
yeah 120 slams bug breaches
the fucking issue is that reds have programmed spite, so i don't even feel bad for them being overshadowed. stop programming walking barrages to go back 30m to target players
120 is good against everything.
It clears nests, bases, breaches, drops, everything. And it's on a relatively low cooldown.
>arrowhead ID'd flammers and commando's where not working how they wanted in regards to charger killing and fab killing
>hard guts flammers
>makes a separate blog post telling commando fags o count their days
Imagine if they had made that blog about both instead? they could have gotten the expected back lash but i could have used the torcher I wanted but only got to see in dreams
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>you were supposed to be on vacation!
>and that gives you power over my game?
kinda shit against drops because of how they spawn (unpredictable, in clumps that are easily destroyed through other means)
380's better for them
if you have 4 slots for anti-bot strats, you're much better off with 380/walking/EAS/eHMG. 120 is slop against bots. kino against bugs though.
>post-weekend depression
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D10 either
>Joel cuts off every Bug Planet except Gacrux
>Bugdivers refuse to play on the shit Tree planet so they drop the game until further notice
>The few Bugdivers that played along with the carting and went to the Bot front completely avoided Tarsh because it's just Gacrux but smellier
>"Oh shit no one's trying to take Gacrux, no one's playing this anymore"
>Joel now routinely opens up other Bug Planets to keep the players entertained while Gacrux sits there still open in the hopes that Bugdivers finally take it

What a development
on lower difficulties I always use orbital gatling on breaches.
How viable it is on d9/10
Botdrops always come from the same direction and always spawn on top of the flare that called them on a spread that depends on the terrain that's under them.
380 is better, but not by much, especially considering it's up only every 2-3 botdrops in D10, while 120 is almost always up for every botdrop and also clears medium to small bases, AA and mortars placements completely in a relatively fast time, while 380 takes a bit longer to do that, while also being on a longer cooldown and sometimes leaving enemies alive.
120 is good against everything.
eHMG is a worse stratagem than 120 against bots while also being on the same exact cooldown.
If they drop barrager tanks, it's almost completely useless or you are dying with it, and once you pick a position, you are forced to play there.
On D10 at least it feels pretty good. The sheer volume of spawns from a breach and the fact they're more spread out lends itself really well to the 120mm.
>Failed to join game lobby
Full or swiggers? I can never tell
>90% of divers killpower is in stratagems
>make a map covered with trees that block most stratagems
>why is nobody playing there?!?
Nobody at AH plays this game
probably full and the dickhead didnt update count
I still think it would've been worst to release FF then change flames later on. People would've felt scammed having bought a warbond only for it to get nerfed. Whatever happened with flames was a consequence of making primary and secondary flamethrowers.
>Several months of announcements of announcements of changes
>Can't be bothered to reverse the changes that people are the most up in arms about as a short term fix to generate some goodwill
Why? Why choose to leave the game in a state that everyone hates?
haven't they said that they can't roll stuff back because of other changes they've made?

tl;dr - they are inept
so they should have fixed the chargers leg, they have the same MO every bug, nerf the thing taking advantage of the bug instead of fixing the bug, railgun was nerfed because of ps5 host damage, eruptor was nerfed because of overlapping shrapnel being able to occasionally kill a charger in one shot, flamethrower was nerfed because they couldnt be bothered to fix the glaring issue with chargers that seems to be antithetical to what they are saying they want. if they didnt want the leg meta, why is the leg strippable? if the leg being strippable makes it vulnerable to weapons ignoring the armors hitbox, why is the legs hitbox active if the armor is still on?
Giving every weapon a flat damage increase is too much work and would break the game you see.
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>don't bring support weapon in solo D10
>find railgun
>you are now God against both factions
Luv me railgun, simple as.
They can't just roll back the flamer changes without breaking the entire game, or so they claim
AH really are either the most retarded or the most evil devs
which is funny because they keep accidentally reverting shit, like the fix for heavy devs shooting through their own bodies
Does walking barrage kill a Bot Bunker? I always bring 380s for bot bunkers.
I fucking loved Gacrux when the flamethrower worked. It was the perfect map for it and sentries. Chargers are just as vulnerable to tree rape as your own strats so you end up just being able to dance around the majority of bugs.
I would genuinely, never play it with a nerfed Flamethrower, ever. My memories of it when it was fine will remain untainted.
walking, 380, and OPS all use the exact same damage profile (450 projectile at pen 8, 1000 explosion at pen 6), just like how hellbombs and SEAF mininukes have the same explosion. 120 is a weaker round (300 projectile at pen 7, 750 explosion at pen 5) but the tighter clustering and faster firing make it pretty good at telling bugs to get back in their holes.
>OPS has same damage profile
Really? They don't seem similar in practice. And I've thrown many OPS at bunkers without success, maybe because it's hard to land a direct shot?
its likely due to the beacon bouncing of the bouncy castle
i've killed them with near hits from the OPS but i don't know if it took much damage before that. they're all the same round according to the datamine, it's a little out of date at this point (e.g. doesn't have the 120mm's new, reduced cooldown) but there haven't been any balance changes to those stratagems beyond walking going from 3 salvos to 5 and having its travel slowed down for better saturation.
I'll try the walking barrage. Getting close to bunkers sucks anyway so it's great to have something you can just blindly cuck over a wall in a blind spot. 380 is very consistent.
I'm never going to pick anything other than laser for bunkers because it's the only one that's guaranteed to kill it
Fuck gambling with barrage RNG
walking barrage is a guaranteed kill
380 has never failed me.

boots, the only tolerable bot planet
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I feel like bugs d10 is way way easier compared to bots d10 right now. Which is interesting because previously I thought bugs were harder.
What are other opinions right now?
i havent touched bugs since the quasar nerf
That's a long fucking time anon
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Bugs are way less fun because Behemoth chargers suck to fight.
bugs are piss easy and they're also less fun, because the easy enemies are just annoying as fuck (BT/impaler spam)
im not even mad about the incel breaker because that meta only emerged weeks after. Regular breaker was all i ever sneeded.
I genuinely had a good time on bots, provided a stable experience that only spiraled into a drag rather recently
Massive shitter vibes senpai
Engine can't handle people having two mechs moment
I definitely hate impaler, just terribly unfun.
bots are literally just built better in every way and i'm tired of pretending they're not
I like imaplers a bunch actually. They're actually fun to fight unlike behemoths. Behemoths wouldn't be an issue either if the ratio between them and other chargers wasn't 30 to 1
Bugs are typically 1-2 levels easier than bots on average.
Bugs D10 = Robots D8
I don't mind impliers, I just wish their tentacles would spawn facing away from them, so you could get a clue to where the main body is. Otherwise they seem fine, the face is vulnerable and their rear legs can be easily stripped and shot, like Chargers'.
Here's the easiest possible solution to the mechs.
Add another call down (or fuck it. 2 more)
Reduce recharge by multiple minutes.
Have mech despawn like enemies if players are over X meters away.
Dont have even adjust any properties of the mech itself. Just increase availability. Since they wont get over 'muh magazine realism'. Okay. Whatever. Work within the confines of your self imposed rules then. Not that fucking hard.
bot ai is so braindead its like range shooting
Really? I hate being ragdolled around constantly. It's all fine and well if you know where the impaler is and can just kill it right away, but when it's in cover or obscured and you are just getting whacked and rolled by tentacles 24/7, it just sucks.

I mean sure, if you can kill them fast.
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>EAT user was here.
>How can you tell?
While that is true. I would like to point at the dozen plus deaths i know you have of 16+ devastators plus gunships plus 2 tanks plus rocket striders shooting at you all at once.
If their aim wasnt shit the game would be unplayable.
>Not even a single crash in the past month or so
>Join an hdg lobby
I just wanted to play with my buddies...
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>host game dies
>my game closes to desktop with no error 5 minutes later
compared to bugs, where you relax for a second and get mating pressed by a hunter swarm, watching as your live perishes unable to get up again
Depends on the RNG diff. Bots usually have stormtroopers aim but every one in a while can absolutely fuck you up and back you up in a corner. I was stomping bots last night on D10 with a solid team until the last command bunker where we got sandwiched, couldn't kill them fast enough, and couldn't run. Lost 10 reinforcements in a blink of an eye. Still escaped with samples just barely but bugs normally don't and can't do that. Just run away with lightweight build without worrying about being shot or shelled.
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>60 business days later
>woah great amazing sir big patch all buffs thank you for needful sir amazing patch
>people settle down
>the patch after that, the swedish perfidy will rear its head again
Don't be fooled by the kneejerk patch. The patch AFTER the "big one" will determine whether or not these swiggers got the fucking message and got with the program.
Duuuuuude, let's freaking DIVE into the creek again, brooooo. It's like... 'Nam but... SPACE! Like, Space Vietnam and shit brooooooo
The entire planet will be FUCKING GONE
this one was on me because I had a power shortage (fixed now)

This was honestly the most one-sided d10 defense i've ever done. At no point were we pressed
You're one of those. One of the 3 bugdivers who, instead of just enjoying their preferred faction, yell from the roodtops
how did you conclude that? both factions have their bs deaths, its a matter of preference but in a different way
do you want to play static range enemies or do you want to play closing in mele enemies
I've been fucked up by hunter swarms before. It's still a night and day difference between the two solely because bots can spawn rape and bugs can't.
>play against bugs
>raped by hunter swarm
>avoid that direction
>can chuck nades if they do swarm me
>play against bots
>raped by gunships
>powerless to take down gunships without support weapon
>raped by gunships again
>literally try running anywhere or take cover
>raped once again
Good luck bro, that entire encounter is mission ending in the blink of an eye if you can't take them out fast enough.
lol bot tribalists are the ones constantly trying to peddle their bullshit when they are just as easy, get real
The only reason bugs is easy is because they won't nerf incel breaker and the other faceroll shotguns.
>won't nerf the nerfed weapon
Bugs are just easier. Most people aren't even using the incendiary breaker anymore (because it was nerfed).
for that sole reason i ran ac sentry for multiple weeks. that thing rapes gunships on a rather short cooldown.
I also order my team to save mini nukes for the gs spawner, because if late in the mission and close to the border they will spiral out of control.
Blitz missions are a different breed of bullshit thou, same poi density and spawnrate as a huge map but a third the size
back in my day we would just hug a rock and break the entire charger ai, then qc of cooldown and BAM. Easiest heavy in the game
>back in my day we would just hug a rock and break the entire charger ai
hell i didn't bugdive until last month and even then bugs were still piss easy, I even cleared a bug super nest with it's garrison solo while 3 randos were doing the objectives
>Blitz missions are a different breed of bullshit thou
The problem with blitz missions is you are supposed to blitz them but everyone wants to clear the full map. Yes, I understand we will get less stars, but really, we can just rock Commandos and Spears, punk some fabricators, and go home.
the charger collision box is huge, i dont know now but they used to get stuck on placed rock entities and had to take a wider corner radius than the player (as all bugs)
slalom between placed entities is how you can quickly gain distance between you and bugs
Incel breaker was nerfed to death and most people moved on. I use the JAR5 for bugs and Scorcher for bots. Both are way better and harder hitting and will probably be nerfed soon.
I mean you can plan for anything in this game, on D10 it can go to shit in the blink of an eye. I've been spawn raped by gunships so quick I couldn't even get a stratagem off. Bugs don't have anything of that caliber, maybe 2 impalers and a bile and some stalker swarms.
It's easy if you can't aim at all because you can just faceroll your shotgun.
If they nerfed those primaries, you'd be pissing yourself just like you do with bots.
>Incel breaker was nerfed to death and most people moved on.
It's still the best bug primary
>but really, we can just rock Commandos and Spears, punk some fabricators, and go home.
Or 4x 120mm orbitals in the same spot. I literally just throw and keep running to the next hive. Blitzs are a joke. There's a reason why they have that gone in 360 second achievement.
Fact is, they need to nerf all the primaries to the same level as the Liberator, which is also pretty strong but not too strong.
>I mean you can plan for anything in this game
the thing is you dont need to. Its just the gs spawner that is A. randomly placed, B. a threat in itself, C. immune to stratagems
Its a kind of unholy trinity that no other objective comes close to
There are legit spawn locations where you rather ignore it altogether
reminder: if you don't play solo your opinion on game balance and difficulty does not matter :)
But bots are more fun.
And of course shotguns dominate. It's not about bad aim, it's about hitting multiple targets at a time. That's why the shotguns excel, they give you saturation. A precise weapon is still always just hitting one target at a time, I need something to street sweep with.
Bots give massive bonuses for precise aim because of headshot damage and getting past their armor, but bugs really don't reward precision, so naturally people use weapons that have other benefits.
i dont play solo and i fully agree
Oh and pushback/stun. Very important for bugs, especially with the new red warriors running at a sprint 100% of the time.
Shotgun hits multiple targets, delivers high damage on soft targets (most bugs), stuns/pushes back, and has good ammo efficiency.
There's no way I'd ever touch Incel Breaker again after switching over to Dominator and trust me anon, I've been using Incel Breaker since day 1. I can empty an entire clip into a Brood Commander with Incel Breaker from a few feet and still not kill him. Dominator will absolutely maul them in a few shots and actually has stopping power. Pretty sure Arrowhead had a stealth nerf for Incel Breaker even after the major nerf. It just doesn't feel as legendary as it once was.
i play solo and i fully agree
What are you running? I'd run the Dominator but there's one billion bugs on screen and the dominator is not going to clear them efficiently.
>Dominator, Revolver, Impact w/ B18 Light Gunner armor
>Eagle Airstrike, 120mm, ORS, and Autocannon
Arrowhead made sure you can't play hero shooter with any of the weapons so you can have to spam stratagems to clear the battlefield. This build is good for 300-500 kills per run. Incel Breaker isn't gonna clean up on its own anyways. Does shit damage now. You can click all you want, you might kill some scavengers with it.
What do you need the dominator for if you are already running the AC?
well if you can make dominator and ac work, then so can i
>hitting multiple targets.
What is this nonsense you're blathering? With the Liberator, you can just whip your aim from one enemy to the next rapidly and kill entire patrols in seconds. Shotgun is just a braindead weapon for those who hold down the trigger in the general direction of the enemy, which exists purely so bot players don't get buttraped by scavengers.
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thanks for the stellar run, until next time
lmao get some fuckin friends loser
GG's sisters.

Suck me from the back please.
I played solo D4 and had to kill 600 enemies. The devs must think we all just solo D4 when they made that bot kill MO.
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GGs as usual. Finally broke the spewer streak.
And another thing. Bot players always piss and moan about the chainsaw bot saying it's unfair that something tries to melee them. On the bug front, that's just a normal warrior and there are hundreds of them.
This is a sci-fi game, stop posting your fantasies.
>Bot players always piss and moan about the chainsaw bot saying it's unfair that something tries to melee them
no one does this
ive literally never seen anyone complain about zerkers, they're one of the more fun bot enemies imo
also, warriors have 1/10th the hp
They did a few threads ago.
I've been saying for a while that bots are too static. Zerkers are a mere inconvenience due to being bullet sponges with microscopic head hitboxes. Bots need the cyborg attack dogs from the first game.
I can confidently said after doing D10 bugs and bots for awhile now. Bugs are infinitely more annoying and bullshit to deal with. I can walk away from bot ships all day but boy, you grab the attention of a hunter seed?

Good night.
No, they both have 150 head hp, but the warrior can attack for a bit without its head so it's more dangerous.
Who the fuck complains about Berserkers? They're perfectly fine and have never been a problem.
325 hp vs 1000 hp, zerker heads are much harder to hit, they're also faster than your walking speed, higher range, and warriors die in <2 seconds to fire if you hit them once with your incel breaker
zerkers aren't even hard anyway, not sure what you're on about
Ah, of course it's a dirty shotgun abuser who thinks the berserker has more health than the warrior.
Because AC is more thirsty than an A10 warthog. Dominator is there for stopping power and crowd control.
I suppose. I just take my cookout so the AC is only for the big stuff.
literally why would i not use the most fun anti-bug weapon in the game
There's 2. Where is number 3?
because using the most effective items is... le bad
your gameplay is invalid unless you pick the absolute bottom barrel objectively worst choices available.
Damn, a single zerker is more threatening than a hundred warriors? Bots realy are the hard faction, a single bot drop can spawns the equivelent of a thousand warriors at once.
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Because he's retarded and can't comprehend that people use the good/fun guns that lineup well against the faction you are fighting.
The only complaint I've seen about berserkers is too many of them rather than what they actually do individually.
I tried the cookout just last week for a few drops and it was pretty decent. Definitely pick it over Incel Breaker if you want some flames. If you like it and are comfortable with it, keep using it. But the Dominator just fucking slaps hard man. There is no substitute. I think Arrowhead low key buffed it or something. The recoil isn't as bad as I remember.
>too many
the more there are the more fun it is to throw an impact grenade
the other common complaint is that they're bullet sponges
nothing fun about an enemy that will bother you until you pay the goy tax mag dump
zero challenge involved, literally only exists to wear down your supplies, and maybe run you out of cover if you're that stupid
>bullet sponges
their head pops like a fucking balloon
>the other common complaint is that they're bullet sponges
I think this is more a function of their head hitbox being seemingly smaller than it should be.
>can literally be oneshotted by a secondary weapon with infinite ammo
which is completely retarded and should be changed
They're the same enemy, but bot players start pissing themselves when they see 2-3 berserkers while bug players easily dispatch dozens of warriors every fight.
They should give Chargers the ability to jump at you like hunters can.
I'm serious.
I have great aim and miss their heads often enough, if you headshot close to 100% of all zerkers regardless of distance and weapons equipped then good for you but AH's design intent is clear, and it's plain bad game design
>all the replies from crying botfags insisting they're hecking experts at the gaem
Oh come on, it's like 3 bullets from the Liberator to kill a zerker, you can hit 50% and still kill it in half a second.
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>"bot divers hate bugs because they can't aim!"
>when bots have all the mechanics that actually reward aiming and bugs have massive head hitboxes and almost no weakpoint mechanics.
What level of mental gymnastics is this?
>dive to get out of the way on flat surface
>ragdolled by small rock for over 5 seconds
>red warrior that was 20 metres away has all the time to catch up
>2shotted by red warrior while I'm still recovering
hot take: both factions reward good aim
however, if you only play bots, you'll never learn how to move right because they simply don't pose close quarters threats, unless you count them dropping factory striders on your head
I wish jump pack was as good as in Helldivers 1
The ragdoll + get up stunlock is why I've stopped using light armour all together on bugs. All the movespeed in the world doesn't matter when you're stunned because of a ragdoll for 5 seconds and have no I-frames during the entirety of it. I'd rather be able to tank the damage during the stun than pretend I can run away from super helldive bugs.
The fact that bot players think berserkers have more health than warriors is proof that they don't aim.
Do you rike it?
Red warriors are just shitty design. Lazy color swap enemy stuck in their already existing rushing down behavior, and makes shotguns or any weapon with stun/pushback even more appealing then they already were.

It's just completely different factions. Trying to translate back and forth is dumb. The kind of movement you practice against bugs will get you killed vs. bugs and the same is true for bot movement vs. bugs.
They play different, you use different weapons and tactics for each. Bugs are about eating more spastic and sometimes smaller enemies that are fanning out in all directions, while bots are about hitting a pinprick point of an enemy walking or running straight at your face.
I'd say bugs are more like snap aiming while bots are more like hitting bullseyes on a paper target. Hitting hulks on the go is pretty rough though when their tiny eye hitbox is bobbing up and down.

Berzerkers have more hp and a smaller concise head hitbox while warriors have such a huge headbox it's almost impossible to miss. Once again, not comparable at all. Both are also rarely ever a threat unless the other more scary enemies are pressuring you into bad positions or rag dolling you around. it's like arguing which jobber grunt is more scary than the other, why care at all?
Lmao, let me find out one of you are a stinky pajeet in my lobby. I'm banning and exposing you.
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If I manage to drop by myself, then I don't crash and others can play with me. But if I drop alongside other people, I crash to desktop within 30 seconds EVERY TIME.

Before I crash, when I hit tab, it looks like all my teammates have the exact same strategems as I do (visual bug). Also sometimes their strategems (turrets and backpacks) appear as purple question marks (another visual bug).

I've tried every conceivable fix. I have an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti and Windows 10. I've updated Windows, updated drivers, re-installed Game Guard, re-installed the game itself, deleted Steam download cache, re-verified file integrity in Steam about a dozen times over, disabled screen scaling, deleted the shader cache, turned all graphics settings to medium or lower, disabled motion blur, disabled v-sync, disabled depth of field, disabled HDR, disabled anti-aliasing, and disabled screen space global illumination.

What else can I possibly do?
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you're still aiming at beserker heads?
what CPU are you running anon
>both have 150 hp.
>cope changes to how big their heads are.
They are melee units, you can just wait for the berserker to get closer if you can't aim.
The middle torso is better than nothing, but still not as good as the head.
I get way faster kills at the head with the DCS than I do magdumpung at the middle spine
browse to C:\users\(YOU)\appdata\roaming\Arrowhead\Helldivers2 and delete the user settings cfg. This will reset every setting and keybind you might have, then verify files again just in case before launching the game. Also check your SSD for errors and your OS for corruption.
Brother, how about temperatures on both CPU and GPU?
Works on my machine

Just write a mean letter to AH and make sure you call Alexus a faggot/retard and the rest of them retards/faggots
Oh, and if you have a 13th or 14th gen intel it's probably your CPU legitimately dying. It's a thing
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stopped bothering after the tenderizer go buffed so now I just buzz saw them. On that note, laser/plasma cutter when, mid damage (like 65-70) but can decapitate limbs and breakpoints easily and has enough AP to to chop through charger leg armor and hulk limbs
Well yeah, it's not like anyone actually struggles with them.
>plasma cutter
Sure. We must continue Plasma weapon superiority.
I'd take this just to slice up alpha commanders and to bully heavy devs and shoot their guns off
God, I wish.
But it seems that in Arrowhead's infinite wisdom of making a massively overcomplicated damage system, they never thought of implementing a way for weapons to deal bonus armour/limb damage.
What's the drawback to using a Tenderizer over the Liberator?
Less boolet per clip, less ammo overall. That's it.
Really? I thought people said lasers did bonus limb damage.
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I still can't wrap my head around this disaster
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I'm running an 11th Gen Intel Core i7-11700F @ 2.50 GHz. But that shouldn't be an issue. I used to have zero issues before the Escalation of Freedom Update. Since then, I've been having issues. Plus I only crash when I drop with others. If I drop myself first, then others can join my game and I don't crash.

No dice. I deleted user settings cfg and didn't fix it. Also I verified files constantly and it either says successful or fails on 1 file (likely the NGuard itself).
Okay, but temps?
less rounds, not a problem on bots but can sometimes bite you in the ass on bugs.
First I'm hearing about this.
Yeah, but since each bullet does more damage it works out mathematically to be better than the Liberator at everything.
I can't think of anything the Liberator does better. The Tenderizer even has a better feel being able to one tap scavengers and two tap hunters/warriors.
Did you use DDU to uninstall the gpu drivers in safe mode with your ethernet unplugged? These issues are rare but not impossible so it's worth doing if you haven't.
you could also sacrifice your system to the indians and see if win11 would help. There shouldn't be anything wrong with win10 but you might also have hit some software/hardware amalgamation bingo that fucks everything up.
or force dx11 through steam's launch settings, you never know with this fucking game
Oh yeah I definitely agree. Just laying out the objective differences, but Tenderizer is just better.
Strafing run is actually pretty comfy for solo D10
What's in the pouch attached to the Liberator Carbine?
pb&J and some orange slices
It's a Diva's stash dude. Full of that jungle grown ganja.
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CPU maxed at 88.5 degrees C
GPU maxed at 85 degrees C

Fuck no I didn't do that lol. That's insane. But if I keep crashing after the next update, then I'll try that step. Thanks for the advice.

Again guys, I want to re-iterate that this only started happening after the Escalation of Freedom update.
>>Factory Striders can theoretically be blown up with AP4, but the chin turrets murder anything in front of it so people usually resort to plastering it with red stratagems
shitters, you mean. shitters resort to red stratagems. the chin turrets have pretty really low HP so any AP4 support weapon that can kill the eye can kill them very quickly. Factory Striders are really pathetic in how easily they can be de-fanged.
The challenge of factory striders are not getting killed by team mates
>defang the chin turrets and then approach while trying to dodge all your team mates useless cluster strikes to get in close and impregnate it with your AC
Drop the namefag shit dork ....it only adds on cringe to you already being a whiny bitch who doesn't know why his computer sucks

Names are dumb. You're crying for attention with it
This. With a Spear at the turret and an AC round for each of the chin guns, factory strider is rendered irrelevant in 3 easy shots. Just need to clear smaller enemies around it, then mercy kill it.
Runs hot but not shut down hot. I don't know what to say man. I usually have that type of luck. Unironically, try reinstalling windows.
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Threadly reminder, Alexus is your Dark God. He will own this game like he owned Hello Neighbor 2. Rajeet and Pilestadt wont be able to stop him. TOTAL SERBIAN SUPREMACY! Only those who pray for MORE NERFS and MORE BROKEN BUGGY SHIT will be satisfied. Embrace the kino of "balance" join the prime-time 500 players online death cult today. THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER WONDERFUL FIX ALEXUS!!!
It's not that insane, plenty of people experience driver issues that occur from simple upgrades and such. Your temps shouldn't be the issue here, it should reduce your framerate to keep the temps in check or shut off your system if it's running way too hot, not cause strange bugs like this to occur, though those temps are pretty high. I'd keep an eye on your cpu/gpu hot spot temps. If it's over 105-110c you might want want to repaste and ensure you get full coverage. Again this probably has nothing to do with the hd2 issues but is worth keeping an eye on regardless.
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do you know who yet lives?

>w-what, where the fuck am I, who are you people... I don't understand, I nerfed all the things the discord trannies told me to! What are these cables on my balls? What's that SMELL?
>oohgghh ffufcckk, HRRRRKKKGGHHHHH
>w-whhhyyy? the players can't even access it let alone complete it, WHY DO I HAVE TO PLAYTEST?
>but it can wipe a chaff patrol in one shot if I'm lucky, this is imbalans-
>just a sidegrade, i-it's not so ba-
>very good, now that we've established a baseline, for your first Inner Circle of Hell run you'll be using the base Liberator with no support weapon and level 0 stratagems, have fun!

laziness is not death, they rise upon the third day Pilepatch
>CPU maxed at 88.5 degrees C
>GPU maxed at 85 degrees C
Good lord, it's not just AH who's cooking :^)
>don't verify your files in time
>pub AIDS gets malignant
Many such cases!
Always verify after a session. Wash your hands. Stay safe, or the coof will ruin your HD2 experience forever.
Buggy game sucks, but all the whining scrubs who think the game is too hard are pathetic.
impotent bait
>some schizo actually typed this all out

don't talk about your dick like that, have some self respect
gitgudfags are as numerous as cockroaches and invade every fanbase, but members of the triple digit IQ club know that this game is on the easier and more forgiving side of the difficulty spectrum.
Still waiting for a difficulty that's not just
>10% more enemies than the previous iteration, 10% more of the harder variant of variant enemy types

Reminder that the jump pack bots from the trailer exist, they're just a diff 6 and below exclusive. Only ever seen them on 10s inside very specific outpost layouts. Cringe that we don't get variety.
i lost my shit when this pasta got namedropped on the discord when they were talking about this general
i'd pay money to have someone read this to alexus out loud and record his reaction
They are one of the best enemies too, that sucks.
We need more missions like Meridia.
needs to be voiced out by one of those trashy Shorts spamming memetubers in the DreadAnon clade, that'd give it enough reach to hit the devs
How many more days of this 60 day shit? I just want a patch.
the announcement of the announcement to what changes they are announcing they are working on has been announced for thursday.
>counting in days
bad news, anon
maybe like 4 more months
they only just now got people to play their test build that they should have been playing themselves
Uhh well christmas is coming soon...
Open your lobbyy right now
d10 lobby decides front
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D10 bots feels perfectly difficult now, but it will become a joke with those new changes they were talking about. Those mega base small cannon turrets are pure cancer though.
I might have gotten the initial day wrong, close enough.
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>body type can change the color of your armor
sweden, i..
pick the green electricity resistant light armor and look at the thighs as you change body type
join ASAP
>almost halfway through the 60 days with nothing but nebulous comments from pileofshit that will likely amount to nothing
Man I knew it was going to be over but this is just pathetic.
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humina humina *jaw drops* i'm looking alright
Electricly insulated diapie.
>No lobbies
Dead game
Dead general
the thigh pads, you coomer
what thigh pads?
also the little metal bit on the bottom of the shoulder pads is clipping on the interior of the arm

the green ones that are missing from lean but appear on brawny
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damn, i knew people were getting sick of the game but this is wild
My issue is that things that are 'ok' get overlooked and wont get changes until everything else power creeps.

Jetpack doesnt do anything special, its not awful but not good enough to get a quick patch to fix. So now we have to wait months until other items power creep and jetpack gets left behind then people complain and then maybe the devs look at it and fix it.

How hard is it to actually play a game as a developer, write on some paper what is and isnt strong then fix it? Like come the fuck on, its literally just number changes. A little speed up here, or damage increase there. Or in jet packs case another charge so its more usable.
Its still about 50k a day with ps5 which is its main audience which is pretty huge.
Hoping for less than 7k players tonight. These swedish jackasses deserve it.
>How hard is it to actually play a game as a developer, write on some paper what is and isnt strong then fix it?
These people do not play games. They don't want to and they will not unless forced. There are very few people on this earth that actually play and enjoy games but, using hd2 as an example, can only clear difficulty 4 or 5. Even console shitters can do better. But not Arrowhead, because they don't actually play games. They're not alone in this either obviously and that's why any decently sized studio needs actual paid QA + playtesters.
funny because the game sold more on PC. shows that console players will just eat slop because its all they have
they don't exactly have a huge selection of games to play and just lost another game today
That's going to be the peak in 2 days
Reset modem. Idk y but this fixes a lot of the odd bugs
Detector towers, probably.
Is the Peak Physique medium armor in the shop a good substitute for the ones in the warbond?
Buying the entirety of Viper Commandos to have the passive seems like a waste.
Anyone got any mission impossible or close call clips? The kind that really make you feel awesome.

I've been trying to record some of my own but it's a bitch sifting through them and then getting the filesize down.
if it's the medium one it's the best one, light and heavy armor is a meme
The speed/survivability tier is just nice to have as an option for MMG and Stalwart builds, I find. Since you're going to be mag dumping a lot, so you're going to get flanked sooner or later and when you do get flanked in light armour it's pretty much always instant death. Not as much in medium armour.
do you wear medium armor?
if so, take it
if not, get the warbond

you're gonna buy the warbond eventually, though. nothing else to spend your SC/medals on.
Never really gave railgun much of a chance myself. My aim is shit and I've seen spewers eat it up and shit/puke it back out at me, plus it's shit tier as a horde weapon and doesn't do much against chargers (with my shit aim) or titans (after the patches),

I have seen niggas do great stuff against bots. Didn't think it was that good on bugs though.
Thanks, I guess I'll buy it and whenever this games fixes itself enough that we can play it for fun I'll eventually get enough SC to buy the warbonds for this and fire.
Alright, I wanna learn to draw armor JUST to draw a diver with a fat ass now
Pilestadt will save us
Trust the plan
It 1 hits about every bug smaller than a charger and takes 3 hits to strip the leg armor on a charger. It's definitly better vs bots though.
In a month when the game gets barely over 5k concurrent players?
Jump pack has an extremely strong niche:
>high mobility
>jumping over obstacles, stiff terrain, holes and rivers and allowing routes that aren't possible without it
>infiltrating bot bases, especially the airbase and fortress
>cheesing enemy AI by reaching high ground or jumping over water and making their aggression pointless
The issue is that, even while all of that is genuinely amazing and extremely strong, I wish it was better, simply because it just doesn't feel fun to use.
It's actually an extremely powerful ability, but it doesn't do anything powerful, it's only a multiplier for skilled players, not something anyone can pick up and do well with it, because it a full utility stratagem with an unique playstyle.
It's a single mega jump on a very long cooldown.
And we've already got to experience the better version on Meridia, which had
>way lower cooldown
>higher jump (enough to jump on top of a BT without high ground)
>burst damage on jump
But it's not going to be released anytime soon at this rate.
So yeah, sad that it's boring so far.
Against bugs its main use is to 1tap alpha commanders and hive guards, can also be used as an emergency tool to open up chargers and kill them from the front. It also blows up warriors, which is pretty fun to do.
Against bots it's just god-mode if you have other tools to deal with tanks and factory striders.
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Just start drawing and most importantly, have fun with it.
Shut the fuck up, Andrew Loomis
The problem with the jump pack is that it's not actually fun to use. Give it charges like in the first game and maybe people will actually use it.
Meant for
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Start drawing now, thats a threat!
Yeah, the remainder of the stuff in the warbond isn't all that hot, and despite everyone saying that the booster is "top tier" you're just as likely to have a random teammate pick it, so you don't have to pick it yourself. Vitality Booster is about as good anyway and doesn't cost anything.

The only other balance-affecting things worth noting are the Bushwhacker and Lib Carbine. The former is niche but not must-have, while the latter is considered a meme (I like it though, and I wish they would give it the One-Handed trait so you can use it for carry objectives). I also like Test of Conviction, though less than Thoracic Collision Exultation Maneuver.
*sucks the barrel and moans "do it daddy"*
Stop picking HSO for the love of L*berty we can just call down a resupply
Never. I play with randoms and don't want to blow the entire reinforcement budget every time one of them dies.
>I play with randoms
And your opinion is irrelevant
Stay quiet and let the big boys discuss
>big boys
>too scared to venture outside of your little circle jerks
Crossplay makes one of my testicles bigger than all of your body mass combined.
okay I'll take the fire hellpod instead
>you play with /hdg/ to experience the sublime fullclears of D10 with minimal hiccups
>I play with randos to get better at carrying and solo clearing what the boys would clear for me in /hdg/ lobbies and because the last lobby I was in I ragequit in a hissyfit
We are not the same.
What other booster is better than HSO since it is pretty much a set thing someone else is bringing stamina/vit
It's not like there's much else to choose from
Dead game
Dead general
Muscle and Infusion
Now that the game is dying, new update to add big titty anime bridge bunnies?
Remember Scout Striders? I miss those fellas
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>Even the content creators that defended Arrowhead are shitting on them now.
I honestly have to give it to Arrowhead just how badly they have fucked up.
So dumb they decided to replace all scout striders with missile ones above 7
>never used the railgun
>never used the breaker
>never used the flamethrower for cooking charger legs
>never used the incendiary breaker
>all the stuff I do use keeps receiving buff after buff
>feel fucking good man
I don't know what you're all bitching about, the game is in a better place than its ever been for me
t. is literally autistic
The only "must have" booster that's recommended beyond those three is Experimental Infusion. I hate how it yellows the screen though so I try not to pick it.

If you want non-standard suggestions, Localization Confusion can be handy, especially when breaching the big bases on D10. I also like UAV Recon Booster since it marks enemies on radar from much farther away and gives you and your teammates much more leeway for choosing when and where to engage patrols.

"Content" "creators" are loyal to one thing only, video clicks. If it gets them more video views to serve ads, they'll do it. Shameless, the lot of them.
If you pick Loc Confusion in a /hdg/ lobby we'll laugh at you until you leave the game
any lobbies?
I'm jacking off to EX-00 Prototype X lean body type ass please wait 20 minutes
>"Content" "creators" are loyal to one thing only, video clicks.
Based and the intelligent move. Being a glazer for a game clearly on its last legs just makes you look like a capital retard.
>HD2 falls apart over months of abuse
>ROR2 breaks the game entirely with it's DLC retroactively fucking the code
Third time's a charm, here comes Space Marine 2. Lord, please smite this video game too as a reminder to all gamers that modern gaming sucks, even when it looks good.
>doesnt refill your stims
>doesnt refill your grenades
>doesnt refill your ammo
good resupply when's the next one?
no please I just want a fun brawler shooter in the grimdark campy schizo setting don't do this
sabre will ruin it in time, just like World War Z, but it should be kino for a month or two... Also warhammer fan autism will keep it alive MUCH longer after that! Assuming, of course, they don't add FEMALE MARINES at some point, then I guarantee refunds and possible studio concording.
*Plasma Punishes you*
*Autocannon plaps you*
*calls my big brother in to shove a 5 yard long missile up your butt*
It's gonna flop, or should at least. The only thing it has going for it is the graphics, and surely that won't cut it. It plays worse than SM1 (look no further than the thunder hammer showcase) and the devs fellate themselves over how much research they've done and how bulky and EPIC the marines are while showcasing gameplay of a space marine twirling like an jrpg twink with a sword. Fucking hilarious.
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you severely underestimate the warhammer fanbase's autism and propensity for AASLOPPAA
>I-44 Salamander
>lean body
>femdiver voice
>SG-451 Cookout
>GP-31 Grenade Pistol
>Stun grenades
>Supply Pack
>Shield Generator
>110mm Rockets
Time to carry some shotadivers on diff3. Might swap out shield gen for a walker if the shotas ask nicely :)
How are you doing /hdg/?
>0 ZERO lobbies
game is dead
I'll always pick it when someone else doesn't, I don't waste time with waiting 20 seconds for a 50% call-in resupply
Found the one countersniper using psychopath
let me known when pileofshidt has made ARs and rocket launchers viable again, as well as mechs, and I'll host lobbies again
>fire resist armour
>no ground fire
What did arrowhead actually do wrong with escalation?

Ignoring the fact that flamethrower doesn't pierce multiple enemies, because that seems like a bug.
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>because that seems like a bug
According to Arrowhead, everything is a bug.
>Nerfed a weapon? That's a bug.
>Buffed a weapon? That's a bug.
>Release texture is different from trailer texture? That's a bug.
>Changed the appearance of something? That's a bug.
>Forgot to disable collision box visibility on a new map? That's a bug.
>Servers are shitty? That's a bug.
>Having fun? You can bet your booty that's a bug.
>Joel gives the leftover players still playing this trainwreck an unloseable MO because its determining factor if it's a win is entirely about player percentage instead of player numbers. Meaning even if the game had Concord levels of players, if 70% of them worked on the MO then it would be a win.
Pussy DM.
Enemies introduced are either buggy as shit and annoying, or lazy reskins that are super annoying. They have given us no notable new toys since the Commando, unless you want to count buffing/fixing barrages and the Spear. The last 3 packs of have not had a single worthwhile weapon in them, much less one that is actually different from existing weapons and gives you a new experience. They failed to squash even a majority of the major bugs and introduced new ones. The megaforts and nests aren’t really interesting and also exclusive to D10, so a majority of people aren’t even seeing them. All of this is despite them advertising it like it was going to totally refresh the game. EoF was billed as them trying to win back the community that they’ve been gradually losing and pissing off, and it delivered fucking nothing.
>"I'm I fitting in yet?"
It's the escalation of tedium.
>more spongey enemies
>more armor
>more ragdolling
>more one shot explosives
>more poorly telegraphed enemies
>more smog
>more fog
>more fart gas
>even more fart gas
And that's not even touching the fire nerf. What the fuck were they thinking?
>oh also we nerfed fire which every single terminal bugshitter relies on
lemme hear your votes, what will be the daily heights once space marine comes out, and then readjust for when forever winter comes out
>DEImarines 2
>forever winter
>space marine sloppah
>Forever Slop
>Space marine sloppah when female marines are shoved down everyone's throats
esl reading comp
No, I understood it perfectly. Your inability to comprehend my answer is a sign of double digit iq btw.
Huh, would you look at that, it's 9 AM in india. Just about time to start shilling SM2 again, Sanjay?
On Steam, High: Around 20k
On Steam, Low: 6k to 7k
I've got an idea. Support weapons can't be refilled by boxes/bricks, and limit their calldowns to two. That would bring them more in line with the power level of other stratagems like the walkers, rather than it being a necessary main weapon pick.
Genius change Alexus, put it in the next patch!
>Play D10 because you want more enemies
>"Umm I'm a shitter and need fewer enemies okay?"
If you want less enemies you need to go back to D6 and stop making the game even more boring for everyone else
>B-but no one laughed at me
No one will ever tell you to not take Increased Reinforcements either but it's common courtesy already
>and limit their calldowns to two
And limit their entities*
If there's already a support weapon on the map then you have to find it because your stratagem gets disabled. Tough luck!
Are you ready to read the annoucement for the annoucement tomorrow? I,.personally am estatic.
It won't be anything in specific and you know it
>We buffed this that and those
>These should, maybe, possibly, be fixed
>...and much more to come!
Terrific! Worthy of a short extra vacation for the staff too!
What stocks do you think are going up so I can short them?
Literally everything. From the way they advertised it to the content they added. Everything in the game was affected and nothing was done intelligently.
Judging from both the gameplay itself and public opinion Space Marine 2 is going to go big. They've already sold well for preorders which the devs said.

You cant watch a tiktok video of Helldivers without comments saying 'its dead, move to space marine 2'
I've been running that GL build that one autist was talking about: HMGe, GL, supply pack and eagle and my conclusion is basically
>HMGe is amazing
>Supply pack is amazing
>GL is mediocre
I don't understand why you'd run the GL over pretty much any other non backpack strat like AMR or RG, killing hulks is a pain in the ass and the crowd control while nice doesn't really justify not being able to efficiently deal with large swathes of heavies. I mostly just used eagles and the HMGe to destroy bot drops, the GL didn't do much. I've been memed
Plus GL has no impact on the bots accuracy unlike the MMG/HMG which even if you miss makes them shoot like retards
>he actually believes in suppression
I'm sorry.
Nah ive tested it and it does work, you just never really notice because everything dies so quickly that 'firefights' dont happen
They need to buff enemies so they don't die and we can get firefights.
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>never host a lobby but wanted to
>afraid anons will laugh at me and silently judging me for being a shitter
I dont know how you could possible get fire fights to work in a video game without accuracy on both sides being dogshit
by now we were supposed to have the napalm gl
you're only going to make enemies if you're overly aggressive towards other anons or do shit like revenge tks for accidents
They did this on purpose knowing SM2 is coming. They're going to hold everything back for a big escalation of freedom update in an attempt to bring players back in two weeks
If they add some bots that dive shoot you and have some code that lets them identify cover to dive behind, that might lead to something.
>implying AH could figure out how to program AI that can read the procgen terrain to know what is and isn't cover
Only dickhead I've seen is an anon that got pissy over samples and hiw we weren't helping him pick them up from the other side of the map after a full clear.

Yeah it's fun to imagine though. Could just do a line trace from 8 points around it from the ground to a helldiver, then if line trace is blocked, dive at it, if none blocked then dive shoot anyway in random direction. Wouldn't have to be smart with all the other enemies on screen.
sadly it doesn't hold up on the bug side either
any MG will serve you better if you need a non-backpack weapon
autocannon fills the same niche as GL on bug side without being inconsistent and painfully range limited
Sounds like a problem that could be fixed by increasing the the mag size and total ammo count

Look forward to the trailer for the announcement for the precursor comment on this in 6 weeks
the guys here who scream "SHITTER SHITTER" likely never joined any /hdg/ lobbies
>6 weeks
Optimistic aren't you?
>Could just do a line trace from 8 points around it from the ground to a helldiver, then if line trace is blocked, dive at it
wish granted, all units on both sides are now constantly scanning the terrain. the diving units don't dive, nor do the non-diving units. the game's framerate has been reduced by 40% for the sake of this non-functional system.
Thank you, based monkey paw.
This is false. GL is stupidly good against bugs, enjoy never having to deal with Bile Spewers and being able to lock down bug breaches with minimal effort.

>b-but muh autoc-
Forced to wear a backpack that gives you less total ammo than the Supply Pack, which can also restock stims and grenades and keep teammates alive and stocks so that they can also kill bugs.

>b-but if your teammate does it then-
It's a team game. If you care only about your personal kill count you're playing the wrong game.

>b-but muh extra stratagem-
You have no fucking clue what a force multiplier is, do you?
Na, its shit. Objectively just a bad AC.
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Helldivers, we hear you! The Grenade Launcher is clearly overpeforming, so next patch we're reducing the armor penetration on the explosion to 0 to match the projectile. This better matches our vision of it being used for trash clear against basic bots and bugs. We won't touch any other stats on the weapon!***

Happy Helldiving!

***Somebody tripped while opening a can of surstromming and hit the 5 key while the field for the grenade launcher's ammo was selected, that computer was too stinky to use so we had to ship it to live. We'll announce how we're planning to announce our plans on announcing the fix for this at a later date.
>Almost less than 3k PS5 players online.
You think this game's dead on Steam, it's already a corpse on the snoystation at night hours.
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Finally this shit got back in rotation.
Is this one of the better designed armors in the game?
>has a good theme
>stays true to original color scheme with the yellow trims
>looks rugged, worn, fitting of a veteran and hero
>helmet matches with a lot of other armors
>berets are cool
>When 99% of them don't even survive 2 minutes on a mission, let alone make it past the age of 18 when they are enlisted.
You get what I mean, the chance of one being a veteran is still greater than 0%.
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I like rocket striders more, they really put the fear of god into you.
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Spacemarine 2 is not a replacement for helldivers 2, fool.
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But it's being hyped up by the public as such. If anything, it's a more honest horde shooter compared to Helldivers more unique drop-pod millsim genre. The real danger is when SABRE puts female space marines in the game and the shitstorm that will follow.
I would wager there not a single player with a death count of 0 on their profile that has played more than 10 missions.
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>But it's being hyped up by the public as such.

Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the ramblings of the ignorant plebeian. Spacemarine 2 will be a great game but it will not be a replacement for HD2. Nothing can replace Helldivers 2.
we should do hardcore dives, no respawns over an entire operation. It would be pure cancer aids, but the swede would be smiling upon us for the mill-sim autism we would need.
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Until someone makes a better one, yeah. It's a massive SWEDISH failure, but it's also the birth of a new genre that the public is obviously hungry for.
Helldivers 2 can replace Helldivers 2 if only the Pilepatch can deliver
I'm down. Lobby doko?
You guys call reinforce so fast it'll be funny when you do it by accident.
don't think we have four availible. Will need the THREAD ELITE and a lot of patience. I'm down to clown, but I demand a full lobby of fine autists.
I'd say I was pretty close to that number until they released Viper Commandos and I started killing myself in order to be white
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Show death count.
Friendly TKs for accidentals are 1000% justified, especially in /hdg/ lobbies where people are supposed to be mindful of other anons, and especially if the person TKing doesn't say or type "sorry".
If you go for a squabble over getting tk'd after tking someone and not apologizing, then you are a niggerfaggot.
NTA but I wanted to share too.
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>more bot kills than bugs
I kneel
Space Marine isn't going to release updates which makes people hate it while Arrowhead have repeatably shown they can't run Helldivers 2.
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If daddy games workshop tells them to put the female space marines in the game, they're gonna do it. If I am not mistaken, this is Sabres breakout game since World War Z (which did reasonably well). Are they gonna take a stance and go back to making Snowrunner games? Fuck no. It is a dark future I have forseen, and I wish the best for Sloppmarines 2... But...

Time's Change.
And yet you're not shitting and pissing yourself over women in Helldivers 2, instead shitting and pissing over something that isn't going to happen for SM2. Keep your tranny tier delusion to yourself.
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Just realized I have more TKs than grenade kills.
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Sure, here's my dogshit stats
>inb4 lol sub 100k total kills
My friendly kills are also probably inflated tenfold because one of my friends is a dipshit who thinks it's funny that the two of us waste reinforcements on killing each other in every match
But it says only 45.
Anyway I was saying anyone who had played more than 10 matches almost certainly has died at some point.
Anyone with a death count of 0 probably refunded the game or stopped playing very quickly.
Women in helldivers make sense in the setting. Warhammer has a severe amount of autism that has defied that and set a precedent. My tranny tier delusions are based in previous game workshop attempts to force DEI into their product when their product is primarily consumed by extremely autistic white people with deep pockets.
you're the faggot that throws eagle cluster bombs at literally everything, aren't you
>Women in helldivers make sense in the setting
They're expendable pieces of meat used as weapon delivery platforms. What's delusional about that?
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I actually think clusters are a garbage red stratagem that does literally nothing, and I very much prefer strafing run over it.
I run a big variety of teamkilling stratagems, and the main offender is probably the Airburst rockets launcher + intrusive thoughts combo.
It's satire failing in the name of ideals. Warhammer does the same thing: "The imperium is a cold, cruel, expansionist fascist empire that does all sort of horrible shit...but the Admech respects your pronouns and women can be generals and aren't just delegated to their important task of minting the currency of the empire."
Not him, but it never makes sense to send your baby factories to the front lines. Especially since they have the c-01 form procreation system. I don't mind since hearing women scream feels good on pp, but it really doesn't make logistical sense in heckdudes.
45 is a lot for me because I almost never teamkill. I don't take risky stratagems like barrages or gas and I'm very mindful of my teammates. Outside of my friend being an ass, my teamkills were usually an eagle airstrike coming in at a retarded angle or a pre-nerf Incel Breaker pellet grazing a teammate across the map and instakilling them.
But yeah I don't think anyone has played more than 10 matches without dying. I say I might have been "close" because when I actively played the game with friends (discounting that one TK fucker), I finished almost every single mission with 0 deaths and have ended up being the last one alive either at an objective or in the entire mission more times than I can count. But since VC dropped and ended up mediocre, my friends stopped playing completely and I barely play anymore. I'm pretty sure my kills haven't even gone up by 20k since VC launched meanwhile my deaths have kept going up as most I do in the game is farm SC and accidentally die while farming SC.
You are right that it does not make sense to send your baby factories to the front lines. However, you (2567) are flawed in believing the C-01 procreation form is to your advantage. If they wanted people to fuck freely, they wouldn't regulate it. They're believed to be suffering an overpopulation problem, and throwing pieces of extremely patriotic meat at their problem is gender-neutral. Though, I would agree with you (2447) that it's something of a cop-out in the name of ideals.
It's not failing.
We see that happen in corporations all the time.
They are literally that setting 1:1.
Truth is, leftoids, trannies and antifa are extremely more authoritarian, cold and cruel than chuds.
That's why they won the war against them.
you cannot actually have this asinine opinion unless you've never seen what the autocannon does to spewers
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D10, whatever.
People are too worried about meeting their work quota, not starving, not being death fuck raped by some cult, not dying in the battlefield, not getting brainraped by a daemon during a warp jump, not catching giga magic space aids from the hobo who doesn't wash their ass, not getting burned on a pyre for saying the corpse starch rations you get taste like dirty vagrant ass to worry about things like "muh pronouns".
Regarding female soldiers in 40K, if you can hold a rifle and shoot it then you are good enough to be sent in to die en-masse.
Is the C-01 a new thing in the lore or have they been doing this since HD1? It could make sense if the population exploded after the first game and they just now introduced the form to curb it as well as starting a new war to send humies into the grinder.
That specific one is HD2, permits for other dumb things were referenced in HD1 though.
3/4, GET IN!
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I would but I'm waging, please send a barrage this way
Sending out an orbital strike!
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how kill bile titam
shoot them until they die
as I understand it Super Earth has trillions of citizens
this isn't 40k, the galaxy is humanity's personal space to fuck around in and therefore getting fresh young recruits is very easy
I mean, the Helldivers are pretty effective at what they are doing.
You need 1-14 total to complete a mission that would normally take an entire brigade (2000-8000) to complete with most likely more casualties than 14.
If we compare KIAs then helldivers roughly taken out 42 times more enemies than they've taken casualties.
With such few casualties there is most likely trillions of meat to throw into the grinder and women aren't needed to be regulated to babymaking.
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Forgot picture, KIAs currently.
Weird, I have only 36 friendly kills.
I kill people on purpose.
Now let's see your deaths
462 deaths.
>try out something new and give a new weapon a chance
>it's utter dogshit
every single fucking time you stray away from the obvious community favorite picks it turns out to be fucking useless
fuck you crisper
Protip: Don't try to use it to set enemies on fire :^)
The setting is only like 200 years in the future and Earth's population is barely growing in the real world, perhaps even shrinking. Colonies supposedly only have 30 million inhabitants, and Super Earth itself might have 10 billion people at best.
So if we follow these lore numbers, then 2 billion dead helldivers has likely broken Super Earth's back.
But it's been 100 years since the first galactic war, so it's possible that Super Earth purposefully increased its birthrate dramatically. They could have exponentially grown their population in those few generations, depending on how fast they can build their infrastructure to compensate. But it still seems unlikely that 2 billion is a number they can casually tank.
Ya sure man. The satire is toothless you don't need to reiterate my examples.
3/4 again, get in please :)
Trillion is a ridiculous number. With how barren every planet is, I'd be surprised if the human population was above 14 billion.10-12 billion on super earth, 2 billion or so everywhere else.
I eagerly await the day flamethrowers are usable again. It may never happen, but I can still dream. Had the Flamethrower nerf not happened the Torcher and Crisper might've actually been good.
Imperial Guard are still the elite in the 40k universe, with rigorous training and years of experience in a Planetary Defense Force prior. Sometimes they're forced to use conscripts, which have a worse statline than the basic guardsman.
There are definitely female soldiers in the Imperial Guard, but it depends on their homeworld's culture and how big a tithe they're called on to provide by the administratum, who can put out very demanding figures depending upon how dire the need is, and women are often arranged in all-female regiments. But most regiments are going to be all-male, probably like 99% of them.
It would be funny to roast chargers with a pistol. That's probably why they nerfed it first.
Jesus, what happened to the player numbers?
Reminder they could have left fire alone and the update would have been a success but they just had to fuck it
Funny thing is I used to see flamethrowers used all the time before. It was genuinely good and Arrowhead had no idea why it was so good. After that update I have seen zero flamethrowers at all. No support weapon flamer, no Torchers, no Crispers. No one uses flamethrowers anymore, they use the Incendiary Breaker, the Cookout, and incendiary grenades if they want on-demand fire.
People were playing for napalm, they refused to release it, people rage quit (for space marine 2 tomorrow)
I found it kind of annoying to use the flamethrower because Hunters would still jump at you while on fire and you had to constantly dive backward to avoid burning yourself.
>9,827 players online total.
>6,772 players on Steam/PC.
This is it. The game's first drop from 5 digits to 4 digits. It's Joever.
based, sub 5k players soon fellow diver
>start game
>get a fraction of my typical framerate for no reason
>restart game
>it works fine

these chucklefucks will never fix this game.
God, I hope. This game needs to Concord at this point to teach these swedes a lesson.
Chargers leg bugged, flamer hurt leg, fix bug, good patch

t. Highest IQ Arrowhead employee
>friends and recent players tab no longer works
What other games you guys playing? I’m really sick of how poorly this game is coded.
It's not gonna teach them anything. Even if the studio would shut down tomorrow, they'll get new jobs somewhere else and do it all over again. You think those concord fags learnt a damn thing? They'll release similar shit games again in the future.
One of the ship master's voice lines says that the vast majority of planets that are under Super Earth control will never ever be visited because they'll never be under attack. So extrapolating from the galactic map, there are probably at least thousands of properly prosperous planets that only have Super Earth citizens and entire surface metropolises. And given the size of the galaxy alone, this is an underestimate. Hell, for all we know cloning or mass test tube birthing was used to accomplish this.

The news scroll at the bottom of the Super Destroyer TV spots say that the current birth rate as of HD2 is somewhere in the 1.4% range, which is an extreme of what actually happens with super wealthy societies (longer life expectancy and well-off people wanting to enjoy unmarried life means a country's birth rate drops, though usually it only falls to the replacement rate of an average of two children per two adults). It's fully possible that there are tens of trillions of humans in the galaxy, and to prevent overpopulation of currently settled planets until more are discovered and able to be terraformed/settled, the C-01 permit is required. So ultimately, billions of Helldiver deaths (plus probably tens of billions of more SEAF regulars) might not even make a dent in the human population.
I think something Arrowhead doesn't even consider something they should be worry about is the deathspiral of there simply not being enough players online for matches to even fill in less than 5 minutes. I guess it's not a significant problem if all players are able to match into each other no matter their region, but given the Japanese playerbase can really only match into themselves, they actually do experience an even smaller playerbase and longer queue times, which results in basically that entire server's death once it hits a certain level low players. Not that I imagine this game was even that popular in the Japanese community.
Flamethrower does not look cool anymore, and that's half the reason anyone used it.
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>trust the 60 day pla-ACK!
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I have faith in the 60 day plan
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>pajeet CEO came out in the first week to say that there would be updates during the 60 day towards the fixes they promised
>already backtracked on that to say that it would only be an announcement of what is planned
>first update after the fire warbond had a flamethrower change which was supposed to fix the flames being blocked by objects/bodies/corpses
>instead it fucked with the flames further and even flaming chargers asses doesn't work the same as it did
>edited their patch notes to delete any reference to the "60 day plan" once they realized they fucked up flamethrower even more somehow
good morning I hate sweden
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>timbs and gold chain
>no wife beater
cute pic as usual
3/4 again, please come back if you can.
I hope they generated enough spite from their failure to this game that it motivates people enough to place every member of AH studio on a personal blacklist and treat them as lepers
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FUCK, why didnt i think of the wife beater.
They'll get jobs at other nordic developers. Only the deck gets shuffled in the end. Same shit, new label.
An anoucement is an update to be fair
but it aint a patch
I fully expect clone babies to become a thing if the birthrate remains shit.
However, there's still the issue of building infrastructure for the extra population, so I'm not sure if humanity can balloon from 8 billion to 10s of trillions in 200 years.
poo in loo
that's why I said every member should be treated as lepers. even if they moved to other teams their names would still be listed, and that should be enough reason to avoid that studio's games. Their failure will infect that game like a disease
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So when do we get the Illuminate?
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>see new announcement in the discord
>art comp bullshit
A month before EoS
30 minutes
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>leading your fans on with "le 2 more weeks!" teasing when your player count is going down the toilet
Space Marines 2 looks boring, why do people keep comparing it to helldivers?
do they even fucking know it's broken?
like not just shitty to use, actually legitimately broken to the point where it literally does not apply its damage properly or at all.
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All weapons should feel like the throwing knife.
Should've gone prone.
Humanity went from barely two billion in 1950, to 8 billion in less than 75 years. And this is exponential growth on only one planet. If you factor in space travel, multiply the living space a few thousand fold, and include mining minerals from asteroids and uninhabitable planets, there's more than enough raw material to build entire cities on planets on a galactic scale. Space is really fucking huge, humanity at its greediest is more than capable of consuming it all.

Obviously AH never actually thought about all this since it's just silly backstory in a funny video game, but given that it's space, the numbers are quite possible.
Your fault for playing in first person
GGs to the entire graveyard shift.
same experience some games back, guy just exploded next to me
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Yeah I'm thinking it's over
unless the thursday blog is based
>60 days for a fucking announcement
>we are approaching "snow" season in sweden
its fucking over
Because it looks fun as fuck and hd2 is fucked
This dev team doesn't have two more weeks. Let alone two more days.
>look at the message that is being replied to
>it makes zero mention of them needing to be looked at because they LITERALLY DO NOT FUCKING WORK but only because hey "feel weak" and goes on to suggest stupid fucking gimmicks like weakening or stripping armour when that's not what thermites need to be useful
I have 0 hope that nay buff they give thermites will actually fix them
See, there's actually some extra context to that image. Because when people went
>"omg omg this means a thermite buff for sure!"
Shams immediately replied with
>"Lol uh idk how thermite or anything is like in the current build because I only use impact grenades, but i tried out thermite in the test build and liked them"
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>less than 28 working days left
oh... oh it's actually over
How are thermite broken? They work 100% of the time for me.
Stick em to the turret of a tank or a normal turret, wait a few seconds, it dies, 100% replicatable.
>he thought they meant regular business days
>he didn't account for 60 swede business days which is more like 6 regular human months
Turrets and tanks are one of the very few enemies where they work consistently and as expected. Go try throwing them on a Hulk, a charger,a bile titan, or hell even a fucking berserker, and watch it be wildly inconsistent in how much damage each grenade does and how many grenades you need to kill. It should be 2 for the hulks and charger, 4 for the bile titan, and 1 for the berserker, by the way.
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>stunned charger randomly survives a direct OPS hit
>the OPS breaks it out of the stun and then it slide-stomps me to death
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Like look at this shit. A berserker has 1000 main health and thermites do 1000 damage to the main HP pool with 100 damage for the explosion on top safely putting it at 1 grenade to kill, yet this fucker took FOUR. They are fucking broken.
Oh yeah, and it was only very recently that they started working against tank turrets. Before the patch that fixed them bricking the orbital cannon objective they only damaged the hull of tanks and throwing them on the turret could make it take as many as 5 in my experience
He should reply to that in 2 weeks when it's not fixed. I would but I'm too much of a negative nancy (racist bigot) to post in there.
So that's the reward for liberating Vernen Wells but not quite reaching the kill count.
>Chuck it on a zerker, takes all 4 to kill
>Chuck it on a dev, takes 2 to kill
>Chuck it on a hulk, takes 4 to kill (no matter where I put it)
From personal experience of doing nothing but chucking them on enemies, they really only have consistency against tanks, turrets, and walkers.

They're a noob trap regardless. Impacts or stuns are a lot more bang for your buck, and you should be bringing stratagems with some form of AT anyway.
we're gonna fucking need that napalm, take a peek at this fucking shit. It's only 6 off a max level incursion.
New orbital napalm barrage
>3 minute cooldown
>Area is somewhere between 120 and 380
>Fires three round bursts
>Fire lasts a LONG time on the ground
Seems pretty decent
>already close to liberated
wait, you didn't know? I've been diving squids for the last four hours lmao.
>the exact same image being circulated around
>looks fake as fuck
Copedivers are getting desperate...
I wouldn't worry all that much. Gatria is already almost fully cleared with about twelve hours to spare, with a level 38 invasion. Phact bay will be weaker than that, with about the same amount of time. We'll almost certainly defend it, it's just a matter of how much time to spare we'll have.
>W-We let you h-have orbital napalm for awhile, please log in agai-
No. Enjoy your sub 30k highs in the next two days, faggot swedes. It's only going to get worse from here.
invasion level??
what the fuck are you guys even talking about
imaginary numbers joel uses that has no actual bearing on reality, now get with the program and start diving chud.
Verification NOT required.
Gatria is 38
>D6 solo
>5 impliers at the same time with 2 chargers
>kill 3 of them
>followed by another 2 impliers and an ion storm
It just means that the Phact Bay defense has 1.7 million HP, which is less than the 1.9 million of Gatria. Gatria is going to be successfully defended after a total period of around 36 hours, which is about the same amount of time to defend Phact Bay when that finishes up. If the Blob does its job properly, it should be a piece of cake.
>orbital fire barrage only kills chaff, chargers, spewers and bt don't give a shit
Does it close bug holes?
So you're telling me it doesnt even crack armor? I guess it's really just like the normal airburst.
Needs direct hits and multiple ones.
It's just eagle napalm as an orbital.
I see. I want a stratagem to clear bug holes so I don't have to nade every one.
Just use the air strike or ops
Walking Barrage is what you're looking for then. But it'll only close perhaps 3 or 4 holes out of 10, its main use is clearing the nest of bugs and then opening the way for you to walk in afterwards.
>eagle napalm
>but only one charge
>longer cooldown
>smaller area
>call orbital napalm on a bug breach
>instant 50 kills

its good doe
Arguably, cluster is more damage, bigger AoE and instant with more charges.
But in truth Clusters is a TK machine, Napalm usually kills more and doesn't risk TKing
>any orbital barrage
>doesn't risk TKing
come on now
asking for an embargo break, is the napalm a case of *shit gun* or is it genuinely just "ok"
Just use the autocannon for everything like Pilestedt indented
Sorry, I've read eagle napalm.
>Drop napalm
>Drop EMS
>Drop 120
>Overlooked by rocket sentry
>Freeze, connection error, crash
I discovered a new combo last night.
>OPS + Stun Grenades >>> ORS + Impact Grenades
90 second cooldown vs 210 second cooldown. I do loose 4 tiny explosions from the impact grenades and it's a bit of a gamble with OPS timing but I get more than twice the big bang in the same time frame useful for mobs AND heavies. Use stun grenades to lock chargers into place and let the OPS rip. The only enemy that poses a threat are biles and ATAT walkers but just have someone on your team bring a spear or you yourself bring it. I normally rock autocanon and backpack. This is the setup that is perfect for anything and has good coverage all around.
Firing gas strike
Damn how new are you?
>>Drop EMS
why, that shit's worthless, take fart in a shell like real man
I've been using 380 and it seems to clear 5/10 and often even completely clears medium nests.
I probably should. I've been using MG-43 but the AC would have a lot more utility like killing spore spewers, shrieker nests, and bug holes.
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I've got the terminal!
>fumble the pipe minigame for 15 seconds
>there's a diver watching me
go back to front to hide your retardation
Yes, you can throw one stun grenade and OPS to kill a charger or group of enemies. That's why every other grenade/throwable sucks.
I hate sweden so much bros
>throw napalm on a big breech
>lasts a decent amount of time, obliterates it
>"oh, neat, I might use th-"
>3 minute cooldown
Welp. Another for the pile.
THREE FUCKING MINUTES!? I thought it was the same as the airburst?
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would you rather
>a grenade that can barely kill a bunch of chaff (3)
>a grenade that can barely kill a bunch of chaff instantly (2)
>a grenade that takes forever to kill individual armored targets
>a grenade that reduces your visibility
>an individual anti-chaff
>the grenade that can stop time
Real head scratcher that one.
Do our ship modules apply to the free stratagem?
>3 minute cooldown
why do they hate fun? Didn't they just say that they'd change the priority from difficulty to enjoyment? Why are swedes like this?
>3 minute CD barrage that can only really lock down an area, kill chaff, and cuck breaches
>90 second CD strike that can lock down an area, kill chaff, cuck breaches, and destroy every structure in the game
gas chads win once again
No, not because it is free but because the swedes forgot to add it to the list of affected strats. Even once they release it for unlock it will still take a month before they even acknowledge it and then another month or two for it to be rolled into a larger patch and released to live. This patch will also break the Spear again.
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>free orbital
Perfect time to solo D10 with the Stalwart and throwing knives.
Does that mean the cooldown will be shorter and such once it's fully released?
>The setting is only like 200 years in the future and Earth's population is barely growing in the real world, perhaps even shrinking
it's gone up like 33% since I was born
Yeah, that's not really enough to reach a population of trillions.
pretty sure it does, it probably has the same 4 minute CD of the 380mm barrage and its being brought to almost 3 minutes like 380 does.
Gas can destroy structures?
>I got the terminal!
>falls asleep
if the shell that delivers the gas hits it then yes it breaks anything that isnt gunship fabs or the big gustav cannon objectives
Hey, just checking in for the week. Developers learn anything yet?
wrong general buddy our devs dont do that here
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>ask for a lobby
>anon post lobby
>don't join
nope come back next week when we're /sm2g/
I'll let you know when I have my announcement ready next week for the blog post a week after.
Daily reminder to disable the Camera Shake
>stratagem to clear bug holes
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I want to like space marines but I don't have any physique issues.
I mean yeah. You can kill any enemy with it.
doesn't work on spore spewers, at least not just one hit
Do people really think 3 minutes are that long? You need to rely more on your primary/sidearm/nades and support weapons methinks, you shouldn't even need red strats to handle breaches
light armor, extra stims, crackstim booster, grenade launcher, jetpack, and my favorite edm playlist. Yeah im thinking bughole blitz
It's more about effectiveness at stopping bugs/bots vs cooldown than it is the actual length of the cooldown itself
the strats worthless against bots when other orbitals exist, and against bugs long cooldown strats feel awful in D10 from my experience. it might slot in to sometimes as a 4th slot pick since thats my usual flex pick of whatever.
Its most direct competitor, Eagle Napalm, can be used three times in those three minutes.
120 also fills a very similar role with a shorter CD with the tradeoff of being worse against chaff but (much?) better against everything else.
we should start playing with the no duplicates modifier. That way, only one person as OPS and we all get raped (consensually) on d10 bugs. It would be fun
Probably too much health for the shell alone. Bot structures like detectors fall over when anything has the pen to break it like the gas shell
>dive to make distance
>end up 30 metres away from bubble plants
>end up launched into orbit and dying to impact damage on landing
>end up on small rock and ragdolling for 4 years until the bugs reach you and 2 shot you
>end up diving off a cliff and ragdolling for 20 years until an enemy from the other side of the map reaches you and oneshot you
>end up activating 1st person bug
>10% chance of actually making distance and not dying
Honestly, I was originally a bit excited to get it, but now that I actually see it in action...
I don't see much of a use case for it. Unless you're really, really shit at the game and pulling a fucking massive horde, there's not many situations where you want to cover that big of an area with ground fire for that long of a time.
did they fucking messed with the stats? i'm very sure i was close to 100k bot kills
iirc there was one patch that fucked with some numbers in the career page but I don't remember which numbers
Im looking at the values on the companion app, wouldn't it be smarter to take Partion (1M hp) to stop the attack happening on Phact Bay (1.7M hp)? Or is the 2.5 regen too harsh to compete against?
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i frequently death match other helldivers on quiet extracts
It'd theoretically be easier, but good luck convincing The Blob to co-operate on a large enough scale.

Besides, planet defense operations doesn't have any bullshit modifiers and are more fun to play.
The way Helldivers do operations has got to be hard on morale. If you get deployed at the start, you probably won't survive the mission.
I guess if we played seriously, we could probably get through an entire operation with no deaths by cheesing everything. Then again, a better AI could probably do a better job at killing us.
Sure, but keep in mind that 99% of the active playerbase doesn't know or use the app (and they shouldn't, it's fucking retarded that you'd have to look at a third party app to get any real information) so that's never going to happen. They'll go by what the MO or the ingame map tells them.
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You guys don't have enough melee kills, what gives.
i had 0 melee kills from launch until shortly after Freedoms flame accidently meleed a rat ass scav trying to punt a friend for fun and got my first kill, havent cared since and have a small amount now
No bayonet, no melee killing
Me when Im sleepy on my desk.
I only use melee as a stagger for enemies that get close, which is rare because I'm good at kiting.
Melee is also extremely boring in this game.
The day they add a melee weapon I'll convert.
they could make one of those tactical assessment messages to advise going there, though knowing people it would just divide the blob and achieve nothing
You can't even kill a Scavenger with peak physique, why the fuck would anyone deliberately use melee for anything other than staggering headless bugs or interrupting flares/breach calls
You should be able to punch chaff and smaller enemies to red paste with peak physique. Their disconnect from the playerbase is staggering
I don't know what made them so goddamn afraid of giving the VC armor passives some actual edge. Even the other buff (weapon handling) was completely useless when the warbond launched and it took them a while to concede and make it useful. And even then it was unceremonious, you could tell they were seething over it.
>there had been illuminate incursions on the southern front from months now but SE has been censuring it
Too bad I know this is not the case and someone just accidentally released the squid code
Just aim for their heads.
It's retarded. You are giving up some pretty good perks to just punch harder. Melee is risky as it is anyway. Why not reward it with one tapping chaff and snaller enemies. On that same note, why are they releasing armors with only singular effects. Looking at you arc/flamer armor. I'd understand it, if it was immunity or 99% reduction in damage, but the 80% are also a fucking joke. There is no reason to ever take these two effects
Weapon handling seems awfully good right now. It probably would be fine with less.
Melee is a bit disappointing, I can't really tell that it helps at all. Maybe it should add more pushback or something at least.
What has 80%?
I see 95% arc damage resist, 75% fire resist, and 50% explosive resist.
The explosive resist comes with another perk, so it's really just the fire resist that looks oddly lacking.
Ah I mixed up. The 75% of the flamer armor is trash. You're better off with the stim armor
Whats a shame is they could've made the melee buff more interesting by making the knife able to do higher damage melee attacks, or treat the throwing knife as a melee attack, then make the melee armor boost the knife even more.
I still don't understand what they wanted to accomplish with the throwing knives. They are an actual wasted slot
The biggest cope i've heard is it goes through shields, which means when illuminate come out it can bypass their shields.
>implying we will see the squids in this decade
There is a good chance we won't see them until the playerbase actually plummets under 3k total.
Yeah, it should trigger a cutscene where you eviscerate a Hunter that just leapt at you. You just have to press melee at the right moment.
I've seen multiple sources saying squids are practically finished. Probably the next EOF tier update will be for squids.
are the "multiple sources" in the room with us right now?
if they were this close to releasing squids they have done a shit job, EoF was released too early because they were scrambling and the release of squids will set a precedent that they can release major updates at a cadence they are unable to achieve
Nasty diver. Report to your democracy officer for re-education ;) right now!
It's true. They have an elite light infantry that's immune to stuns and has a fat energy shield that would take two mags to chew through, but a single dagger would go through it and kill them.
Predict the player numbers actually fighting squids on a regular basis
Heard they're even more cancerous than bots so I don't think they'll fare well
10% of the playerbase, so around 600 people
around 2000, and 5000 on MO
>"Sir! Our guns aren't doing anything! Their shields are vaporizing our bullets! Even the shells and rockets!"
>"Don't worry! My metal knife will do the trick!"
on a MO 30%
hey man, if it works in Dune
Non-Newtonian Shielding, hard when struck by very fast objects, soft/non existent at slower moving objects
i see you multi thread drifting mahjongfag
>illuminate briefly appeared on the galactic map
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D-don't tell my Democracy Officer...!
Clearly they read Dune right before they designed the squid shields.
>they're syncing the big balance patch with the illuminate release
two more weeks, trust the plan
Any among you who trust pileofshit, I will return in 36 days for you to kneel before me when the game has not been saved and you are left with nothing but another announcement for the announcement of the next 60 day plan.
Seeing how horribly they fucked up the implier I dread to see how bugged the squids are gonna be
lol, how do you even post in the wrong thread, I have like 3 open right now
>game broken as shit
>insane player drop
desperate as fuck YES PLEASE pile even more shit on broken shit
They gonna fuck up the squids so bad. I am taking bets on what will be broken on release.
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Nobody is expecting the game to be "saved".
We just want new tools and new stuff to play.
The game is dead, Jim.
We just hope Piles can at least deliver 1/3rd of what he promised.
>illuminates soon
Did Joel fat finger it or was it intentional?
Reminder that it will be "mandatory" as training wheels, because they literally vaporize you with all units, and even with it, you'll still end up dead after 2 hits.
RRbros... Our time will come with the next slow cooked patch...
trusting piles? the only reason pos had that ama is because the troon team, after weeks of radio silence prepared a literal two more weeks statement.
And tomorow the obligatory

There is a legit chance that snoy boots them over the fuckup and AH lacks the funds and IP without someone backing them.
I'm probably the only one but illuminates were my favourite faction in the first game. If they ruin them with their autistic heavy armour obsession I'm going to be upset.
>Squibs are already in the game, they're just using sneaktech to creep up on Super Earth
You will be upset
>they change the Illuminate's shields
>they now need a very large burst of damage in a very short period to break them
>antitank becomes mandatory as its the only thing with that kind of reliable burst damage
I like the grenade that barely kills a bunch of chaff, because it makes my primary feel good when it guns them all down
I really wonder how AH will handle the arc armor. Knowing them it will either be mandatory or useless against quids.
They'll introduce a new damage type and code around it for months. It will make arc armor useless. The remaining players will complain of course. Then pileshit tells them it cant be changed without breaking the squids damage
the new ceo is a pajeet? holy fucking grim, arrowhead will be totally replaced within the end of the year with more currymuchers
Helldivery, we hear you like the diversity loadout checks bring to the table
>illuminate phase shift field make them invulnerable to kinetic projectiles
Melee is fine, it's made to be used to knock shit off your.

What we need is a dedicated melee weapon, with higher armor pen and just slices through shit. Throw down smoke and just use the cover to completely fuck things.
he is the ceo but piss is still the owner and can probably boot him within a month.
Its not like a public traded company where the stock owner have literally no say
Laser weapons should go right through them.
Fire for bugs, arc for bots, laser for squids.
They'll make it so it one taps you, but arc armor will leave you with like 5 hp. Basically what they do with Tesla and arc already.
Except all 3 sources of arc we have suck on bots
I know, my point is simply that ballistics should be all around weapons, fire should be strong vs bugs, weaks vs others, arc should be strong vs bots and weak vs others, laser should be strong vs squids and weak vs others.
They should make illuminate negate 50% of explosive damage, or the first source of high impact damage. It would shake the meta A LOT if they were less durable dependent and required more pinpoint damage.

Regenerative health would be good too, it'd make DOT stuff still strong against them, and would again cull explosive fire and forget tactics.
lobby doko
I'll be on in an hour or two sissy. Calm.
I will be back home in 5ish hours, then we can play and talk about boys and stuff.
Knife should've been a dual melee/ranged throwing option.
I like alpha commanders. They actually made brood commanders intimidating along with alpha warriors.

I also think impaler design is really good, having an enemy that is weak to something besides AT is great, especially when it has such a high HP pool. Issue is that they chose to give it durable resist so you can't use anything besides grenades and AC against it.
They also break kite meta.
Arc thrower is great against t3 bots.
meant to say t10 but that's kinda funny
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>don't fully release orbital napalm
>Give us a chance to test it and call it dog shit instead of just being disappointed when it's released

Good job AH
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I've been playing with Sickle for now, but what are other good primaries against terminids? I'm looking for something against hunters mainly, as my support can handle both chargers and spewers.
why do I find this image erotic?
Your thoughts are extremly undemocratic, the DO should send you to a freedom camp
>thinks they'll actually make Illuminate use arc weapons
They'll all use plasma guns, and maybe one heavy enemy that uses arc (but the damage is so overtuned that not even the armour could save yo
Lets see.
Punisher is great for hunters if you're looking for hunter killing alone. Any of the single reload shotguns as they've got great stagger. Even the plasma punisher.
This also helps a ton against stalkers which are basically a stagger check.
Incendiary weapons are good too, as nearly everything will be low HP due to explosives, and a single tap of fire will kill any hunter/shrieker.

Otherwise liberator is pretty solid for warriors.
X-Cross bow paired with aoe weapons and impacts do great work.

If you're having problems with commanders, you can use stagger weapons, or something with medium pen as their head is armor class 2. It can also help against bile spewers, but you want stagger for them.

Basically just bring anything that staggers.
It's really just that.
Punisher works well against hunters, almost always one shots them and stuns them if they're survive, can also clown on stalkers with the stagge
You must be one of the new guys in my lobby that uses the sickle constantly. I don't care for the weapon personally. I like the dominator and really all the shotguns. Blitzer is fun too.
Highly depends on your support weapon. If it's an all rounder you can bring a utility support weapon. If it's a niche support weapon you can compliment it's weakness with your primary, or just overlap it if it's explosive to make it more ammo efficient.
every shotgun will solve your worries, Breaker just has ammo issues and Spray and Pray has damag issues. Other 4 are all serviceable but Punisher and Cookout are my favorites.
Spray and pray is great against hunters specificly.
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I'll try both Punishers then
Admittedly I could use something against Stalkers
Nah, haven't joined hdg lobby ever, didn't even play for a week 2bh
Most of the time I'm running GL because FUCK SPEWERS
Isn't S&P just dogshit in general? I've already used it and doesn't seem that capable against anything other than the most basic trash, dmg is so low it takes ages to kill most of the stuff

Thx champs
If you actually want a hunters deleter, pick either the incendiary breaker, the regular breaker, the cookout, the blitzer or keep playing the sickle.
it sucks because you have to shoot at them for so long that they all end up splitting up and flanking you by the time you've killed three hunters
They're fine until you're taking a meganest and there's 10 of them just hiding somewhere and sending an endless stream of red warriors at you.
That, and their heads are too durable. Primaries do fuckall against them, unless you like staggering them with the punisher.
I guess the incel breaker does decapitate from point blank, but then you just get hit by their homing death attacks.
If they were either huge bullet sponges or summoned red warriors they'd be fine, but as is they're very frustrating to fight if there's multiple.
Napalm barrage fucks.
Feels like what the 380 should have been.
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>Equip heavy fire resistant armour
>Walk in to incendiary barrage
>Get caught in the explosion of a bomb and near instantly die
Still trying to find a real use for this suit.
Anon... it can go full auto, just magdump the group.
Does anyone know whats different between brood commanders, and super brood commanders?
It lets you escape destroyed mechs easier.
The swamp.
It stops you from dying to those sulpher things or whatever they are, they are probably the number one cause of death in that biome.
Basically if you get nicked with flames you don't have to stimm immediately. If you're running any flame weapon it's highly recommended because you need to manage your stims a lot.
You don't need to stim if you just dive. Diving puts out flames.
>stimming through fire
You still take about 50% of your HP if you get nicked once by fire and instantly dive. If you insta dive with flame armor you'll still have 90% of your HP left.
>if you wear this useless armor you stand a better chance at not dying when your useless mechs dies to spiky plants
I don't see how that's an argument

>stimming through fire
Dev approved way of dealing with fire as shown during the EoF livestream
Yeah. I just want people to know that you should dive before stimming if you're set on fire. I've seen lots of people get set on fire, and try to stim but die in the process.
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Bugs 10, Phact Bay because bugs in sandstorm is kino.

Now's your chance.
>He doesnt steal mechs for their busted melee damage
Mechs can melee chargers and impalers to death pretty easily.
that's a no from me buddy
We gaan!
man, automatons are badass
an entire army of terminators and war machines that exist only to kill helldivers
cyborgs are seething and malding so fucking hard
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>Pajeet my son
>You may play on lower difficulties and be able to use your primary
>but the moment you use a red strategemn / support weapon you will have nothing to shoot
>You may play on difficulty 10 and use nothing but red strategems
>And your primary will take 4 seconds to kill one enemy

Seriously though why doesn't this thing have armor pen 3 yet. There is NOTHING this gun is good at (against bugs) besides MAYBE killing shriekers, but every long range gun kills shriekers.
Theoretically it should just take 1 second to cut off legs, but that's way too much focus fire to deal with something that any other gun would kill 2 head clicks.
Higher damage than sickle, and no wind-up just requires you manage ammo better. Great vs hunters
Easy stagger and kill vs hunters
>Cookout/Breaker incin
Easy stagger and kill with dot
Chews through hunters and has infinite ammo/requires little aim
God tier vs hunters, and especially stalkers
Yeah, it saturates an area really well. I can't tell if its the napalm AOE or the salvos just hit in a tigher spread than a 380 though.

How's its damage vs chargers and bile titans?
Can't say.
But it's gotta be t3 pen because it doesn't break shrieker nests, that or the damage is much lower than any other orbital.

I'll test some more though.
(Might honestly just be a repurposed napalm shell)
I like the automatons because the idea of a rage fueled robot army pissed off at us for taking over cyberstan from the first galatic war is really cool. Plus the music swelling while swarms of murder robots fill the map is cool.
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>Easy stagger and kill vs hunters

>God tier vs hunters, and especially stalkers

Is one of those supposed to be plasma?
Sorry anon, I meant the pummler is great vs hunters and stalkers. It's my go to bug weapon.
Okay nevermind I was just hitting the wrong spot.
Paired with impacts it does solid work against spewers. Still needs better pen so it can cut alpha legs reliably.
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>requires Polar Patriots
Kinda bruh moment
>X-cross bow
What the fuck do you think the X represents
>Change fire to deal damage to all of the targets body parts simultaneously
>nerf it's damage by 2/3s
>All continuous laser weapons set fire to enemies after 2 damage ticks on the same target
I used the X to shorten down explosive.
>Change fire to deal damage to all of the targets body parts simultaneously
yeah exactly
even their music sounds pissed, like it wants to stomp you out of existence
Plus they have war chants. Despite being a robot army, they feel surprisingly organic.
Cursed thing is that you basically bring up the problem with primaries in general.

It's not that primaries are weak, it's that EVERYTHING else in the game deals damage to main. And primary suck dealing damage to main HP.
If explosives/DOT's ticked down weak points and softened them up a ton primaries would feel dramatically better paired with other tools.

That or primaries should just do twice as much damage to main HP pools when spilling over.
Yeah the warchant stuff is cool as fuck.
Feels a lot more flavorful than just "termintaros"
I hope the illuminates get a similar treatment that bots got. If the first game was us engaging merely the outer remnants of the illuminate empire, have this game feel like we're fighting an incomprehensible galactic superpower, that sees us as nothing more than arrogant caveman who got lucky 100 years ago, and need to be humbled completely.
The S&P should just be made into an AR dressed like a shotgun already, like the Cerberus+1 from Destiny.
Strong up close, and a bit forgiving at range, with a bunch of ammo
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>the ai chants are neat
>yea the war chants are nice
>i hope the ayy lmaos also get war chants
>yea exactly, the war chants
>yeah the war chants cool
I quit because of the extremely negative vibes surrounding this game. Has sentiment shifted from anger to depression?
warchants are cool
The squids should by all means be more difficult than both bugs and bots but I'm afraid if they make them too difficult the rest of the playerbase is just going to disappear for good..
Not that I particularly miss the absolute fucking AIDS that was fighting the Illuminate in HD1 but it at least makes sense that the dimension- and spacefaring hyperintelligent alien empire is more difficult to fight than literal bugs and angry commies.

New and free :)
Someone made a new thread.
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JOMMING on yo lobby
thanks for gaming lads

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