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Jones would submit + elbow him to oblivion.
Jones is having difficulty submitting paperwork these days.

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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Disc golf is like the least extreme sport imaginable, at least in regular golf there's the possibility of braining someone with the club.
I play regular golf too, I take regular golf more seriously so it’s not always as fun. Disc golf is purely for fun so it’s always really enjoyable.
discs heavier than 150 grams are banned in japan. rumor has it someone was killed by a frisbee there a few years ago

also anthony barela is mentoring cupcake this is going to end badly for us
Neither are extreme sports
great go tell the janny to take the thread down then

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I just wrestled with someone 10kg heavier than me. He was up against a wall
>He had old man strength, couldn't even trip him, he would wrap his ankle around mine to limit my movement
>Nothing was working, it's incredibly hard to do anything to someone resisting being taken down
>Go for a "high crotch" (learnt from: youtube.com)
>It works!
>Grab leg and put it closer to armpit then drive forward, he falls to the floor

Wow, this makes me realise how gimped and overcomplicated judo is as a grappling art

Wrestling just works.
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Judo is good but judofags are pretty insufferable. Judo is best taken supplementary for your wrestling/bjj but for grappling or MMA I wouldn't make it my focus.
What are retarded statement, how are you still alive and not sticking your fingers in electrical sockets?
Calm down ESL friend
its my esl friend

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Wytebois be thinking that this is an extreme sport when it's just a regular day at work for a Chinese construction drone.
Climbing tall buildings attached to a rope isn't extreme. You'll just look like a larping hobo
Pussy cope
what is the sport to this?
I would argue it's more similar to chess in the sense that yeah it's not physically demanding, but it's more about the mental aspect and needing a solid clarity to not fuck up and even once or you die

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If picrel hadn't happened it wouldn't have been so one sided. He basically wasted 2 rounds because of that shit
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Maybe holloway tripped him out, he has weird movement
He's been ducking since WSOF and even in Wittman's striking instructionals he does that even while demonstrating basic footwork and Trevor has to correct him not to duck. At this point it's so ingrained and honestly it's a huge weakness. In his last fight with Poirier Poirier tried to punish his ducking with roundhouse but Max got to be the first one to truly capitalize on it
justin "I block with my face" gaethje has never been known for his technical prowess. He's just a guy that's about it and will throw down and that's why he's always fun to watch. He entertains to his own detriment
I disagree. IMO he's the best pure striker in LW before Max happened
Eh, I still think Dustin is better technically, more efficiant. The highkick that put him out was a great move, but it wasn't a complete outclassing.

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Do you think the rising average age of female gymnasts has effected the expected skill level?
Are people expecting higher skilled but less physically demanding performances now? Or has the change in training resulted in the peak performance for women reaching a later age?
too tall for a gymnast
Yes they're not as good now. Girls have to peak for the olympics right at 16 otherwise they will miss: Either they compete too old, lose to 16 year olds and 14 year old chinese with fake documents. Or they are too young in olympics year, ineligible because their government won't lie about their age for them.
nah olivia dune is perfect as she is presently
At least when it comes to some of the events, like rhythmic, there's quite a few 20+ year olds that take the Olympics and the world championships.
Both Russians in rythmic in 2016 and 2020 were 20+, for example.
And Sanne won the balance beam at 26 years old, and Jade won the 2020 at 20.

Overall the winners are getting older too it would seem.
she's a fake blonde with doodoo eyes just like my mother

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What is this guy's secret? is there any training routine that makes someone able to knock anyone out just by a mere touch? or is it more about genetics?

he also destroyed ngannou's record btw (not that i believe that ufc powercube)
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don't get it confused

karate is the correct most efficient way to fight, whether you study karate formally or not eventually you will arrive at the same conclusion if you study how to make your fighting most effective
it's convergent evolution

karate is the only street fighting striking art, and while MMA is not street fighting it's closer to street fighting than something like muay thai is for example, and so of course MMA striking will always bias towards being more karate-like in application
hand low, weight over the hips, knees relaxed
>karate is the only street fighting striking art
This board is way too slow to be laying out premium bait like that
I think he has an bit of Taiwanese blood in him honestly. The biometrics of his arm snap line up too well methinks.

This is some high quality b8, right here.
Great bait. Sounds like you're talking from 1985. Only a few MMA fighters like Rob Whittaker and Wonderboy use a karate inspired striking style.

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A place to discuss zorbing and zorbing accessories. A misunderstood but globular extreme sport. Limp Bizkit once wrote a song about this
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lol okay
I heard zorbing is going to be at the Paris olympics
Feels so crazy that they're actually bringing back zorbing at the Olympics, it's been so long. Did anybody honestly think they'd do it?
No fucking way... Zorb bros, we are going home, at last.

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With Sean O'Malley being a open side counter merchant i.e stand in opposite stance and wait to counter opponent's rear hand with his own.
Would a follow up rear leg kick (like leon edwards did)/knee work to counter this counter?
I know theorycrafting is useless but one gotta spend time outside of training to think about stuff to try
especially with bigger gloves in kickboxing this would probably work even better with the body knee

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What do you do?
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I give her a loaded glock.
Why do people do this
Emasculated society
bjj with penetration as submission. this is the origin of only 30% of pegging cases, despite what you might hear from a sensationalist.
Divorce law duh.

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What's your favorite martial arts movie?
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Wushu doesn't get as much credit as it deserves. It's not a bad style.
The movies I like are The Protector and Ong Bak with Tony Jaa.
Who Am I with Jackie Chan, that rooftop fight scene is spectacular.
The legend of The Drunken Master with Jackie Chan is also good. Original has better kung fu, remake has a better and more cohesive story.
IThe One from Jet Li. It's kind of silly but I enjoy it.
The Quest from JCVD is a personal favorite of mine.
Red Belt is pretty good. I like that it shows the backend of what running a school is like.
Broken Sword Hero is another good one.
>The Quest from JCVD is a personal favorite of mine.
That movie doesn't get enough love. It's the best Street Fighter movie we'll ever get.
100% agree.
Kung Fu is bullshit, but Jackie movies fights choreography and stunts are amazing
fpbp, watched that shit so many times as a kid.

five deadly venoms, raging bull, kung fu hustle, clan of the white lotus, 8 diagram pole fighter, enter the dragon, crouching tiger hidden dragon, drunken master 2

teenage mutant ninja turtles
Animated features ok? Kung Fu Panda is my shit. I basically am Po.

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I never see e-sports threads on this board and this puzzles me. As an immortal ranked Valorant athlete and semi-pro Valorant coach, e-sports are arguably one of THE most extreme sports. Imagine keeping laser focus, all your senses primed, for 40-80 minutes STRAIGHT. Chad thinks he’s the superior athlete because he has bigger muscles, but I know I have 100x the focus, coordination, reflexes, and endurance by virtue of my training. I literally need to eat 3000+ calories a day just to support my brain energy.

>inb4 just post to /vg/

/vg/ is full of casuals. Is it too much to ask that my sport get the respect it deserves on this board? By that logic, martial “artists” should post to /fit/ instead. Brawling like an ape does not make you an athlete, Chad McNeurotrauma.
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OP here I’m trans btw
Valorant isn't an e sport game and takes no skill
No, they don't. E-sports and gaming is a waste of your life.
the worst time of my life i would stay up for hours drinking whiskey out the bottle and playing league of legends
i was hard stuck silver
same but I got to plat at least
i fucking hate league

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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts. And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi, just like you did in no gi
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Maybe on the Internet, but many if not most Jiu-Jitieros IRL are very open about cross-training in other grappling styles as well as stand-up. I'm a judoka and currently do Muay Thai; the BJJ guys who show up at my gym openly acknowledge that their takedowns need work and even recognize that much of BJJ stemmed from old school judo. BJJ is judo and catch wrestling that was built specifically for one-one-one Vale Tudo that emphasizes ground techniques.

Ever deal with the newbie that shows up wearing Tapout gear and thinking that judo and wrestling will automatically submit to BJJ? I remember this 1 cocky asshole who got humbled big time when the Marine veteran who wrestled in college and was a judo brown belt used a modified kata gatame to smother him.
BJJ it's the most honest style, instead of theory, demos and "philosophy" they just go and fight masters and they won the vast majority of cases
I hope you're not taking the Gracie challenge matches seriously. They're notorious for imposing a bunch of rules and restrictions for the matches and then throwing a tantrum when it doesn't go their way anyways.
Practically all grappling styles are honest; you can't bullshit your way out of drills and practice. You can't learn to do proper leverage, technique, set-ups without being thrown and how to roll on the ground against a partner whose doing their damndedst to do the same to you.

The only thing I dislike about certain elements within BJJ is the pit boys; thugs who use their skills and attack in packs over machoism. BJJ actually had a VERY bad reputation because of fights like this at clubs; judo was seen as classier and held in higher regard.

I do respect how BJJ constantly pressure-tested itself in challenge matches and Vale Tudo, but on the other hand, that kind of dojo-storming gives martial arts a really bad rep. I hate McDojos and black belt factories with a passion, but that kind of behavior doesn't fly outside of Brazil. Even the Gracie brothers were guilty of this when they ambushed and ganged up on Rufino Dos Santos. Or ghow Gracie propaganda videos try to always market "GRACIE JIU-JITSU OWNING JUDO, WRESTLING, SAMBO!" when most of those instances are invites to compete or train together.
You remind me of that 1 time when Robin Gracie got challenged in a seminar by Damien Riccio. It's alright when the Gracies dish it, but they can't take it.

I still have a lot of respect for all the pioneers and innovators of BJJ (which include Japanese that Gracie propaganda doesn't want to acknowledge like Geo Omori, Takeo Yano, the Ono brothers, etc.), but Gracie challenge matches kinda ruin their brand. I mean, it's a great marketing tool but do that in civilized nations with actual court structure and lawsuits, it's a seriously bad idea.

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>Counters brazilian jj
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Was it the dude who kept making the "catch and shoot is the best style of boxing" posts? Every post reeked of somebody who had only started training 3 months ago and had just learned how to parry.
you mean /gif/ but yeah
The kind who's still seething about the result of UFC1 30 years ago, I guess
you mean /gif/*

>nothing beats a well placed pipe bomb
How about two well paced pipe bombs?

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Is grappler's chance a thing?
No, because it's rarer to see a grappler who has an X-factor like ability to finish the fighter with grappling, compared to a guy who has a puncher's chance meaning he is so capable of knocking you out in any exchange that you are basically never safe unless you avoid exchanging completely. When you get a guy like that, like Palhares maybe, it's not a sudden, random chance sort of thing, it's the guy being very good and very fucking strong, working his grappler diligently and finishing in ways that you can see coming before they happen, as compared to a big punch seemingly out of nowhere.
A lower chance, but yeah sure.
The opponent would just have to make a pretty bad mistake for it to be considered chance and not skill.
>bad mistake

It certainly is, but one you see fairly often is someone clearly winning a striking exchange just shoot out of nowhere and do fuck all with it.
Ironically Chael was probably the better grappler overall, it’s just that he had some massive holes in his game (IE he doesn’t know basic BJJ), hence why he wound up jobbing to a white-belt level triangle choke. If he’d just kept both his arms in guard he would’ve won the belt EZ PZ.

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