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How dangerous is head squish by a very strong man? Would it work in a real fight?
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>lol, maybe if you're playing with the KO'd body
What if someone is mostly immobile due to being on the bottom?
If a man strong enough to crush your head like that gets his hands on your in a fight, he has many options that are much simpler than squeezing your skull until it pops. I'm sure it's possible, it just isn't very practical.
How are you so bad? Ass
> I'm sure it's possible
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surprising this womans man hands werent' the ones that did him in

Terrified of heights but I'm going to force myself to go skydiving next year. Convince me I won't die.
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What's swooping? Is that birds flying into you? Do skydivers ever die from birdstrikes?
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Whatever tickles your pickle, ya meathead.
swooping is basically initiating a turn low to the ground to gain as much speed as possible before pulling up. If you do it right you can go 40-105mph across the ground

If you do it wrong you can do 40-95mph into the ground

video here:https://youtu.be/zJf_ZL5nPuc?t=44
Any fun jumpers in here? Any good boogies coming up?
lmao the dude who crashed the hot air balloon high as fuck on ketamine

Did we jump timelines again? How the fuck is this actually happening? Am I being fucking bamboozled?
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Yes...and no decision either. KO or go home...
Just as an aside, tyson fought with 18oz gloves for most of his professional career. So 16s ain't shit.
they will dance around each other like a couple of fuckin fairies for 10 rounds then collect their fat checks. No one will get knocked out. Jake Paul will continue to be a twat. the end.
>Jake Paul
This guy is low IQ and has a hair lip right?
I'm not the only one that notices this, right?
Guy seems like a righteous retard, although not as half as bad of a scammer as his brother.
You say this like I’m gone going to pirate it like every other fight lol

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Was thinking about Strickland’s remarks about Road House being accurate in that 90% of fighters wind up as bouncers after their career has finished. What /xs/ sport career has the best base for post retirement
This thread has also been made in mind that it seems most MMA fighters have a shitty afterthought of a career post-retirement. That Jake Shields has to resort to posting Holocaust denial for Twitter engagement for money just tells me how desperate things must be after it’s over. Francis was right to go for the bag
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Colbozo btfo
He's very wise to go for the bag. He was elderly and aging. Should have just retired after that fury fight and left boxing fans buttflustered for years to come. But hindsight is a bitch


Open you own gym?

I've noticed a lot of nobodies get picked up to coach specifics like striking or grappling. As long as they had one or two ammy fights they will be in demand. don't know what the pay is like though, I imagine not much.
>going after the bag
Ultimately, though there’s some joy in seeing Dana getting btfo and asshurt over it, Francis was completely right as an independent fighter to chase after fights with more money and those so happened to be outside of MMA.
You’ll look back on his career and wonder what the fuss was about (he really didn’t have that many at UFC level) but he made the right decision for himself in the long run.
>should have retired after Fury
I disagree with this and desu I thought pursuing AJ was a very smart move. Especially the £20m payday he got from it. He could’ve fought a comatose bum like Hellenius for an easier fight. The way AJ exposed him will be interesting to see who he matches up against next
>coaching etc
This seems to be it but the pay must actually suck unless you’re training with elite talent. Though even that is an unknown in terms of what they pay these people to spar. MMA just seems more depressing after retirement. Plus most retire younger than most boxers (who seem to go on for longer despite the damage done)

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No Flow Edition:
Discuss the times you slowed down to scope out a line, then realized you needed a lot of speed to hit anything.

FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
>a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike

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>He fell for the warranty Jew
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>I guess this is what I get for oopgrading
No, this is what happens when you don't ask for shit here before swiping the card.
>>fork still broken
Probably its csu creak, you could've asked and locktite would've been the solution given
>>new MTX pads vibrating like crazy after bedding in
You can ask here and you'd have been told to put mastic tape on the calliper, or just stick to shimano pads. If sram, changing brakes to something that brakes helps
>>$40 replacement hanger doesn't even fit correctly
You could've made a greentext post about the bent hanger and we probably would've told you to use hammer or a wrench to bend it back, fixing your problem
Bumping dead thread by saying you most certainly can buy a good, used mountain bike for under 500. I bought a cube analog 2012 ltd for £180 a few years ago. Probably just before covid.
>csu creak
That comes later. It was brand new with a massive air leak into the lowers. Warrantied it in case it was the chamber/shaft itself and turns out it must be since they just did an air spring service and didn't bother to test it right
>bend it back
Indexing still feels off, I'll take a file to the new one next
>mastic tape on the caliper
Where? There are no fins rattling around, instead it feels like the rotor is super warped. maybe it is, haven't looked into this one yet
New mtb season, new thread

(Japanese Kickboxing)
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Sometimes you just have to bang,I don't remember but there's a dutch kickboxing drill where you go head to head and spar in just that range without clinching. Also work your borxing bro
You’ve put me down a rabbit hole thanks for these, I’m starting to get these videos from Rizin and Breaking Down which are pure kino

i mean the range where I can see what my opponent is doing so I can guard, slip, parry, is much more comfortable for me. And how do they just let each other into range like that?
meant for>>192680
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If you want to keep delving, I can also recommend KNOCK OUT

They have some absolutely kino fights as well. One of their more popular guys is Ryusei who is very fun if you like cool technique combined with just being a little retarded sometimes.

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In terms of knock out power and versatility in a fight, which one is superior? A palm strike or a punch?
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And looks like he hasn't trained or worked out a day in his life.
>if you kick with your shin you will break your leg
Somebody tell Thailand
Depends on if you have gloves or not. I could teach you to effectively palm strike in a few days. It would take a year for you to be an effective puncher. Punches easily are more versatile. Knock outs require precision which also favors the punch.
>knock out power and versatility
punches by far
This. If palms were actually stronger than punches everyone would use them all the time. The only advantage a palm strike has is that it’s less likely to break your hand.

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Even taekwondo is better than sambo, catch wrestling, glima, sanda and lethwei

If there's no gym that teaches a martial art anywhere near you, it's not a good martial art for you. There's much higher chance your town has karate, taekwondo, bjj, judo, aikido, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, krav maga or even slightly obscure things like freestyle or Greco Roman wrestling, kung fu or Filipino martial arts than some local stuff nobody knows outside of the country of origin. A wimpy art you can train is better than a good art you can't train.
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>watch almost any MMA match and see BJJ techniques
Yeah, the absolute simplest shit that children can recreate through basic mimicry. For any BJJ submission there is pretty much always an analog pathway to it via wrestling.
>gloves make subs way harder
Outing yourself as a larper dude. MMA gloves are open palm & there are ways to wrap hands that don't hinder grip at all. Anyone who uses this line 100% has never had their hands wrapped for MMA & has never used MMA gloves. This is total bullshit.
Not that headbutts have anything really to do with grappling or are unique to wrestling, but yes, there have been many changes since the beginning that have served to artificially make submission grappling safer.
Theres a lot that would fuck up grappling, but that doesn't negate the need to have a grapple game. If you're gonna get into some hypothetical self-defense debate, let me cut you off, because wrestling would still be great for moments when grappling is appropriate. But in self defense situations, Judo might be king. No one is pulling guard on concrete or asphault so BJJ is totally useless at this point.
Larping. Remove gloves and you would see even more RNC. Any retard can tell it's harder to snake your hand around someone's chin with a glove on. Try it yourself. Fucking retard.

You also ignored getting reset by rounds. A grappler can fight to a dominant position and sub for an entire round and then have it reset, completely bailing out the striker.
Keep your doing your gay "brazilian jizz juggling"with your fellow plebs.

I exclusively train in Wallachian toe-grappling.

Elite martial art.

Can't find it? Not my problem.

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*slams u on the ground*
*puts u to sleep*
*snaps ur arm in half (twice)*
heh, nothing personnell, bjj-bro...
Senegalese wrestling is rarer than every martial art you mentioned, yet a Senegalese wrestler beat a BJJ hall-of-famer.

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after analisys of over 300hours of video it was found that 96% of fights are only punching in the face/head

learning boxing is the most important skill for self defense

do not let anyone get close to you either, if you lose control of the distance atack first.
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>be bigger, stronger, fitter
Unironically invites trouble from people that want to proce something, specially with alcohol inbolved.
I didn't think anyone takes "self defence styles" seriously
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>96% of fights are only punching in the face/head
You could have asked us instead of wasting 300 fucking hours. Everybody know that.
Just STFU retarded macaco.
The only real martial art is getting a gun license or other means of real self defence, everything else, from boxing to judo to mma is a sport that has about as much carryover to self defence as bodybuilding or rowing or tennis.
Actually even less carryover because it teaches you tunnel vision in a fight.

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why is skiing culture like this?
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we actually had that happen here a few years ago where someone tried ripping off a bunch of stuff from ski shops and got caught instantly once they put it on ebay
I'd imagine a nonzero amount of thieves either rent their equipment or don't actually even use any, so details fall to the wayside.
black guy immediately thinks of stealing.
>nog's first out da hood experience
How long will this last?

>banana weight so weak even the ring girl coild win
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no way lol
Wikipedia agrees
>olympic lifting results in pounds
Nigger what the fuck is wrong with you?
Joe rogan is so fucking short.
He looks 5'4
Is this the contender series? why is he wearing his uncles basketball shorts?

thoughts on bullfighting and other bloodsports???
Mexican here, been to 2 bullfighting events in my life and leaving the animal cruelty aside (I literally don't give a shit, I love steak), it was THE MOST BORING fucking thing I've ever attended. I get it has 100 layers of rules and traditions and culture and all that fucking bullshit, whoopdy fucking doo, who cares if the event is a complete fucking snoozefest? It pisses me off knowing there are people who give a shit about it. Absolute braindead motherfuckers. And my state (Aguascalientes) is one of the biggest bullfighting state in the country. Fuck my life.
savagery for people with moorish ancestors.
Running with the bulls is better
okay now what do you think of cock fighting?
large cultural tradition, seems interesting. Bulls are stupid as fuck and they use the meat afterwards from what I hear anyways. Anyone have a video or something of a Matador killing the bull, like in the final act? I'm curious to see it, can't find footage anywhere. if you search you only get matadors getting gored by the bull instead.

Can I be still be good at martial arts if i have a bad knee?
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Fix your knee. How is it bad?
>Illegal below brown belt

Most gyms now a days start training leg locks at blue.

My own gym starts at white, once they can prove they're done spazzing
It's just a holdover that then became a cope
Judo said no more leglocks because in 1890 there was no such thing as arthroscopic surgery or knee replacements
So the Brazilians didn't learn leglocks because they were removed from the syllabus before it got to them

The end result is Brazilians were bad at leglocks therefore BAN! And make up some ridiculous cope that they're 2dedly4u even though they're no more dangerous than any other submission
Unlike a choke, twisting someone's knee never killed or paralyzed them

Leglocks are non-fundemental so they can wait for later on that front. But no reason you can't introduce them to someone within their first year
>good at martial arts if i have a bad knee?
of course

Is it possible to just never get good at a sport?

I always wanted to drift. I used to rip the e brake in snow and dirt but I just suck at it. I bought a simulator setup and been using it for years and I never get better.

I can barely drift around one wet corner. I just don’t think I can get good at it i never know where the cars gonna go until I hit the throttle and I’m already sliding out of control.
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Of course you are going to fail at first but keep going keep practising fuck the simulators just get in a car find a place with not much people and start to drift, thats how i learned to drift using my brothers car my brother allowed me to drive his car as long as i put gas in it but he didn't know i would occasionally use it to drift too
driving is not a real sport
it's the same "sport" as darts, video games and chess
just find an arcade version of Sega Daytona USA, the drift mechanics of that game is the best of all video games racers.
find a teacher dumbass
I love that game!

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/HEMA/ General - Yes capo no cap

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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Does anyone make safe steel sparring fokos?
Larp foam or something
Are you retarded?
bump limit

new thread
Thanks, I've been reading up on smallswords and adjacent subjects, looks like a very financially dangerous collecting rabbit hole. Any pointers on which $200 antique is going to have the best handling characteristics? Any good reference materials for identifying smallswords?

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