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Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
When and why did you first start Judo? How's it going so far?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Learn left handed techniques and come in on their left. Seriously, if you can get down even just two left sided throws like Osoto or Tai you'll be leagues above many of your opponents for the simple fact that many people don't anticipate an ambidextrous player.
I can do Kata Guruma from both sides, maybe I'll add Osoto, but it'll take a long time to develop. What about gripping? I'm uncomfortable with 50/50 grips hence why I use my RvR gripping (inside bicep, collar) as it really shuts down their offense.
What about RvL? The only one I know is when we both have each other's lapel with our dominant hand and just fishing for the sleeve grip in the typical Kenka yotsu fashion.
Use the same bicep grip technique you use conventionally. Just mirror your techniques. I like to shoot for an under hook with my left arm and over hook with my right, to perform a left-sided Osoto or tai Otoshi I'll just throw my right under and my left over.
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luv sasae simple as
It's definitely in my top five, where exactly in the top five depends on the day.

Old thread: >>191222
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What's some good pool skating music bros? I am going to be learning it this week if the weather is good and I need some tunes to keep me pumped.
I'll listen to punk, metal, country, disco...anything really.
nobody cares
>What's some good pool skating music bros?
your trucks grinding the pool coping
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This better be bait boyo.

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Power rankings edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>191535
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All rikishi got banned from social media because one rikishi slept through a meeting? Doesn't add up.
do you not get jokes or do you not know the context
I only know about his tied up photo thing and I think there were some COVID breaches or something?
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This nigga changed his name to "Showtime". I think I have a new jonidan favorite.

when will this faggot fight again? I like his style and he definitely beat Sean, but when is he gonna defend that title against the Bugman?
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izzy mad cus hes actually african
Is UFC finally bringing in the Titanweight Weightclass?
I hate Izzy and and think that he's overrated, I also love DDP, but he absolutely drops DDP because DDP is sloppy. Izzy is a master at counterstriking.
He was, but after getting KO'd he's gunshy now
No he really isn't, unless Dricus bombs him pretty fast, he's going to win and be champ again

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Grappling causes skin infections
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because you're paying for a service, just like how you don't need to wash your own dishes at a restaurant or the toilets at school
Doing that it's part of the "martial art" experience
No it's part of an ego tripping hierarchical grift where a business owner brainwashed paying customers to maintain his property
Doing chores is strictly reserved for people who aren't paying so they bartered their time to be use as currency instead
Such as a club where everyone is there pretty much on a volunteer basis, or whatever modest dues collected are for purchasing shared equipment or renting the space

Not when it's a fucking for profit business
Start your own competing business that holds higher standards and run the non mat washer out of business
>he’s still crying about cleaning mats

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>motocross is so dead there isn't even a thread for it on /xs/
its so over
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>motocross is so dead
posts supercross picture
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>posts supercross picture
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Does not even ride buts posts in motocrycle thread
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No Battlebots thread? Champions II is airing right now.
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DCMA'd I'm afraid.
Spectre was the chink show, in BB it's Quantum
No, Spectrum is the name of my cable tv provider.
They let you watch some episodes whenever you want, but they screwed up the order so I accidentally watched the finale of the bolt thing first.
Just don't tell the Jannies.

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>Be me
>coaching wrestling for young kids
>getting aid from parent of kid in class cause he’s helping me wrangle the kids and make sure no one’s goofing off
>do a test exercise for the kids to see if they can push through it
>about 6 minutes of jumping jacks no stopping, if pointed at then you shuffle to me and back
>waterbreak after
>parent comes up to me
>starts telling me it was too hard for kids that age group
>Tells me it’s more about trying to keep them interested and having fun cause of their age
>start to understand what he’s saying
>genuinely good advice at first
>”These kids aren’t in competition. Most won’t even make travel teams and become good. There’s no need to push them.”
>woah wtf
>think that’s such a shitty reason to not make them work hard for a bit

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Smile and ignore his advice.
if its just one parent with one kid then just bench that kid the whole practice

Welcome to coaching kids OP. There’s always one (or more) parent that wants everything to be done their way
I has job security because nobody had my skill set
So like for example I had a group with 20something 7-11 year Olds in it and I made them all stand in a line at the beginning and I said there's a lot of you in here and only one of me, so there won't be any warnings, if you don't listen you're out and that's it
Well 2 seconds later 2 boys are wrestling on the ground so they were made an example of and banished immediately

Then their affluent Karen moms complained to me about how its unfair and they bring there kids here specifically for class and they're working moms and they're just kids. And I said you know who else are kids? The 20 other ones in the room that listened to what I was saying

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.
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Clueless idiot award
Couldn't modern oly fencing go back to it's classical fencing rules thoe?
yes, we should have women's fencing require dresses again. also instant red card if your hand comes off your hip
damn bro, got him *tips fedora*

Ameri-do-te edition

discuss martial arts here

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/8Vw9d7j

What to look for in a martial arts gym:
>Physically conditioned, fit participants
>Trainer with certified professional record and a training history with at least one athlete who competes successfully
>Sparring, "aliveness" in training
>At least one participant competes at amateur or professional level
>Physical conditioning part of training
>Clean facility with mats that are frequently cleaned

What to be wary of:

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They never been in an actual fight.
Apparently the only secretion you know is your own cum
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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
I only do it because it's trendy edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What kind of amenities should a gym have?
I think there should always be a bowl of oranges on the front desk for anyone to have
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Craig Jones is bullshit
>random fat girls no one has ever heard of
How about olympic gold medalist vs. BJJ guy?
>pulls guard
>guy is sitting on his butt in front of you and you still manage to give up your back
>referee standing there to ensure you climb into his guard willingly or you lose the game

- What is ESSENTIAL to have and to understand regarding Self Defense?

- What is the best Martial Art or the combination of Martial Arts for Self Defense?
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This is a moot, misleading question. And everything lies in asking the right question.

And the question here is "what martial arts best suits ME AND MY BODY?". Get it now?
Random bullshit and road rage violence can happen everywhere. Don't fool yourself
100%, absolutely fair. Just to be clear, in no way am I saying "don't train" or "it's OK to be complacent if you're middle class". I'm just saying that managing lifestyle risk factors is way more effective than fightin' good.

In regards to road rage stuff specifically, have a quality vehicle with good suspension, good brakes, and plenty of power. Keep it maintained. Have a CCW and a high quality holster. Put a couple thousand rounds through it. Attend a Shivworks course. All this has a significant (but not insurmountable) economic barrier for entry.

I dunno, I guess my point is just, don't underestimate the scope of the problem. Learning to fight good and owning weapons is awesome and everyone should do it, but you're still gonna get got if you live near trouble. People buy a gun, drop in the glove box, and think they're safe. Or they train up to be a pretty good boxer or whatever and think "boom, done and dusted, I am un-victim-izable".
Most countries don't allow concealed carry. Tbh I wouldn't even worry about training half as much if I could just carry a small Glock or pepper spray/ shotgun for home defense

Yes a lot of it is situational awareness, de-escalate but don't look like a victim

Sometimes nicer areas tend to have more home invasions and burglaries. I read about several here where the victim was a meek family man and he got beaten up whilst his family were tied up. I've also seen footage of home invasions where a good 1-2 to the intruders coming through the door made them revaluate their decisions...

But at the end of the day if enough people want to hurt you, you're getting hurt. I don't care if you're MMA heavy weight champion with a concealed carry, two guys with baseball bats who sucker hit you, and it's bye-bye
Fast draw

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Parkour thread.

Where are you at with your training? How have you been working around the limits of weather and lockdowns? How much do you apply the utilitarian Hébertist mindset of being strong to be useful to your training routines?

Freerunners can post, too. Maybe even gymnasts and trickers if you don't get your own thread up and running.

original thread >>1236
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I assume it means traditional utilitarian parkour, as opposed to flamboyant freerunning. Do you have an example of where you saw the term?
How do I do parkour without drawing attention to myself or getting arrested?
If a spot is too hot for you, find somewhere more chill and build confidence there
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What the fuck bros? There's no /scuba/ general?

Let's rectify that.

Best dive sites? Hairy or funny stories?

And the obvious question, what's better? PADI or SDI?

Here's an Australian Scuba FAQ until we make our own

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>mermet springs
hello fellow Midwesterner
Most major cities in Cali have dive shops that you could book dives through
Any good wrecks out of CA?
No idea! PCB has some wrecks which were nifty. Cali is known for the Kelp Forest though

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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
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I respect it. Dont think Ive ever seen a boarder on that chair except on a pow day though. The volkswagen sized moguls usually scare them all away kek.
I have, pretty recently actually. Not quite >>191034 tier but close enough. Best time of my life.
If you're a beginner you could try the seasonal resort employee bum approach. Some resorts offer cheap but shit employee housing and free lessons and passes as benefits. Main cons are you're working full time and whether you get the job or not is entirely dependent on how many argies and aussies they can convince to work poverty wages on J1 visas. I didnt do this but its one option
Cant really say much about what its like without knowing which parts of it you're most curious about.
the employee housing was what I was gonna bank on, but failing that I have a bit of a cushion I could live off
if I couldn't get a job at a resort I'd be content living near one that I can get to with public transport and working separately from it
I guess just generally curious about how enjoyable it is?
I'm pretty keen on it because the idea of living on a resort and being literally right at such a fun physical activity would get me to spend time away from the internet, which I think I desperately need
I'm doing my community college online so going from so much computer time to so much offline time would be lovely
>100% of boarders will never touch bumps
See you in the trees friendo
I enjoyed it a ton. Met a lot of cool people and I will definitely still be looking back on those days when I'm a vegetable. I definitely wouldnt do it my way again though, which was mostly couchsurfing. It wasnt great but I loved it because I loved the sport. The way you're talking about will definitely be easier, but much more expensive. I would say at least find out if you like it first and find ways to lower the cost before doing anything. Even if everything goes right and you still skimp a lot anyways, it will be very hard to break even and you will probably have to break into some of your savings.
As a beginner, I might even recommend doing it in a place with a ski area, but maybe a bit off the beaten path. Colorado is great and all, but unless you're there for the expensive tourist shit or you can ski the expert terrain it wont make much of a difference in your ski experience imo.
I've booked a one way ticket to Japan next winter. Applied for the working holiday visa so I can teach there. When the season ends I'm just gonna head south and see how long I can live on the rest of my budget in Asia.

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