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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

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• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
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Last thread: >>10882643
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you’re just a trolling retard confirmed
No, it wasn't. It was called gothic lolita in the early 2000s and considered a lolita substyle, not a gothic sub style. There are old TV bits from Japan where this can be seen. They're still on YouTube somewhere. Elegant gothic lolita was used in the late 90s by Mana, he considers it lolita.
that's literally not what we're talking about. plus mana used egl to refer to ALL lolita. during the style shift between 2000 and 2010 egl and lolita were considered separate styles and you can find a lot of information describing egl as a style related to lolita. this was before substyles eye fleshed out as well. it's described in glbs from the time and online articles as well as some jfashion vlogs on youtube that were translated back then. plus even brands like BOZ didn't consider themselves EGL atleast until the mid 2010s. it really wasn't until that whole "kawaii ambassador" time period that brands and styles stopped being segregated in japan in general.
it's kind of ironic to call someone a troll when you're trying to rewrite history.
Nayrt and I can’t prove it, but I was there and you are wrong :^)
>EGL isn’t lolita
>mana used egl to refer to ALL lolita.
pick one
0/10 bait

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“Shit, only 2 months left?”Edition

65 days to go

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?

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I'm 90% certain there will be tumor songs in some of the sets.
That said, holy FUCK this is a stacked lineup. So glad I am going this year. Sad I missed last year because I was too focused on not wanting to go to AX and didn't think of the music events that happen around it.

From what I hear, it's been bad for a long time, but last year was especially fucked apparently. They booted out some people that had already booked their trip to perform, such as YUC'e. She got replaced by fucking Shaq or something. Absolutely criminal.
This year I've been told a lot of people that would normally do AX events are just not bothering with it and doing all the events around it instead.
I've only gone once before in 2019 and it was awful, was told by a regular it was the worst year to date, but apparently that keeps happening every year.
I hope they keep raising badge prices till the crowd is less. Id pay 1000 if it meant all the poors stayed out.
ax for whatever reason doesn't want to spend money, of which they have a metric shit ton of it. they're really cheap when it comes to guests because they're used to industry bringing guests for them.

it's easier to just rent a venue and piggyback off of all the weebs being nearby already. same thing companies at san diego comic con do.
This was virtual, but AX did have https://www.anime-expo.org/class/anime-expo-lite-x-lisani%EF%BC%81live-l/ and https://www.anime-expo.org/2021/06/25/lisani%EF%BC%81-live-l-a-returns-to-anime-expo-lite-2021/ during lockdown. Sucks that AX is so cheap nowadays since I would prefer to see these artists over fucking vtumors. Seems like it's just best to hope for piggybacking like MWAM on day -1 this year and AKFG back in 2017. At least FLOW's world tour is later in the summer.
>I'm 90% certain there will be tumor songs in some of the sets.
The MOGRA DJ's played a few vtumor songs last year and still occasionally play some in their sets. It sucks but it is how it is.
>last year was especially fucked apparently
Yup, I'm still pissed about last year's Neon District. The lineup change was pretty last minute and AX tried to sweep it under the rug with Shaq "hype." I'm still amazed that my refund request through emailing them got approved. Luckily YUC'e still played at https://twitter.com/FAKESTARUSA/status/1661447053233508352 on day 4.
They use to have a guy who had very strong relationships with the industry in Japan that AX would use to book guests, but when dumb fuck Marc Perez took over, he fired him because they didn't see eye to eye.

I figured I'd make one. I only ever come back for cons I'm going to. Any of you men going?

Yeah I know it's expensive. And mostly drunk. But I enjoy the atmosphere and laying by the pool during the day.

I've been serious on the diet and exercise train. Should be looking good enough for my Krauser cosplay in a month.
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Hearing the people get scam is soo funny to me. Like of course I trust random person on internet with my money to save me a room.
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I went last year and it was the best con I've ever been to. Definitely you need to be staying on-site though, I was seeing like 15 people in one room like sardines on the regular.

The villa parties were great, having what is essentially a house party at an anime con is so much better than dealing with the limitations of even a larger hotel suite. People were friendly and had random badge flair to give out. Wish I could go again.

Shoutouts to Anon since you're probably in here.
Thanks bud! Hope to see you at this year's CWF!

How was Holmat? Anything interesting happen?

Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama?

Any future plans?
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NYS, retard.
You seem upset
Why are there 2 florida threads?
LMmo came here from the midwest thread. Dude you literaly glazing his look so hard. Thought you checked yourself into a mental ward but nah this is next level.

Hey btw if your at so many cons and here at ACEN mind paying me back? I wasn't sure if it was you at weebcon. What's your discord handle now? You owe me for drinks and a room that you "promised" you forgot your card.
Also bro you were straight up BRAGGING about stealing parts of his cosplay in the main channel lmao. Ye that niggy moved to japan or whatever but lmao you're a pile of shit, also where's my 150 dollars? Don't tell me you "forgot" again

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Is it ACEN yet? edition

Previous thread >>10910795

May 17th-19th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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YO where is moonway he owes me 150 from last con
This niggy threatened to kill himself at anime st louis because he couldn't find his phone
I am hungover and now I have to boot some freeloaders out of my room. Gettin too old for this shit.
Now hold your horses there bud, it's barely only Saturday.
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Shoes off in memory of da Jew… forever may he rest beneath feet

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Last thread >>10900041
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It’s happened in my comm on several occasions. Usually it’s a rando in public who tries to hop in on a meet, but pretty much every comm has an application process. Tbh an age limit would solve a lot of problems. No one under 18. No one over 50.

I mean is there any evidence to suggest any of that? I get you’ve got a deep fear of penises, but you can’t just call someone a pedo because you think they look creepy. Especially given how it distracts from actual cases of sexual harassment in the comm when it’s literally just someone looking bad. Back it up or back out.
This is honestly iconic. I wonder what’s going on with the dress in the back….
The guy is known in my local cosplay community as a pedo. He's been caught getting handsy with love live cosplayers who are clearly underage. Before his obsession with love live he was obsessed with vocaloid and got handsy with little Miku cosplayers .
can we get full storytime on lolcow or somewhere? for peoples safety
That room background looks like the setting of a horror movie

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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
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Anime North is during one of the most competitive/busiest weekends. It's competing against Animazement, Thy Geekdom, Fanimecon, Momocon, and (depending on the year) Anime Boston for guests.
I'll be there, going to the Limbus panel as well. If you were at Anime Toronto I organized the Project Moon Literary connections panel as well
bro that was pre-truck so like 2017 or 16
Sick dude, will you be cosplaying anything? Let's meet up.
canadian cons are not competing against US cons at all. no one from the US comes to our shit cons we have nothing to offer. zero NA licenses for anime or games or anything, same pool of guests with more complications. japanese guests don't want to come US guests definitely hate coming and it's basically only locals attending. like everything else canada is only competing in with the US in it's own head.

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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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I'm ((OP) gargling cock btw no homo) almost 40 the fuck are you talking about?
>I'm finally going to cosplay for this upcoming one we're going to.
based. who you going as. You should work on your costume with your daughter so she can be autistic about making it look good and you can focus more on wearing it and looking like a sick fuark.
I'm an nearly 40 yo boomer the fuck are you talking about?
Oh so you're delusional. You make people uncomfortable when you speak to them and they're too nice or awkward to tell you to go away
imagine being 40 and needing alcohol to interact with people.

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Any gals here?
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it's not 2012 anymore anon, this weaponized autism affects real life now. people on tiktok especially gas themselves up with this mob mentality shit and actually do assaultive things in real life to people they think are "appropiating" shit.
they stopped for a few years retard.
Do you need to read that back to yourself, dingdong? Why would you ask and then say some shit as if they aren’t publishing again? Pls kys
hmm i wonder if that has to do with why the OP asked if it was still being published or something. you're probably too young to even know they stopped. zoomers are always so angwy!

>69 days until Dream Con
>They went from 6k to 20k in 2023
Their day badges are dropping on May 31st and their 3 day passes are sold out. Anyone going? How we feeling about this year compared to last? Anyone going to the after party?

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There hasn't been one, which is good, but I want to ask who is going to the gooner con Waifu/Kimochii con and what thoughts you have on it and the loss of A-kon
I don't know those cons but is anyone familiar with anime Matsuri? I might go there
I'm looking to go to Dreamcon happening in Austin. Not sure if i wanna pay for just the friday or saturday badge. Might go for both

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ramona closet cosplay lolzz
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ive seen a few fat cosplayers say they hate norafawn because shes skinny and hot lol
dont think so

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Thread for the discussion of cosplayer Keekihime
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I'd do anything to fuck her up her beautiful huge ass.

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