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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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FAQ (last updated: May 19th, 2023): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-URQl5wxxBzP4-VWfMKfLG8ZqOkGt9Yoyo6Qbm333vs/edit?usp=sharing

Cosplay recommendations thread: none atm
Crossplay/crossdressing thread: >>10907099
LARP thread: >>10873579
Sewing general: none atm
Makeup, hair, skincare general: none atm

Taobao thread: >>10903761
Stupid j-fashion questions thread: >>10915427
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Where do you go to design or print out con badge ribbons?
Is there a really easy way to do Rin's bun
Black women are the experts on this, I'd look up some wig laying tutorials on youtube and then see where they buy their's from. They'll be much more expensive than cosplay wigs though, and for good reason
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I'm looking for a 3 or 4 inch diameter cat bell I can wear. Preferably one that actually jingles, at least a little bit.
Christmas decorations often jingle and will have the attachment piece.

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That makes a lot of sense because they always say "I can't afford brand, not everyone has 500$ to spend on a dress you know". But then they also don't take much of an interest in the second hand brand market. They want it new and they want it cheap.
It's honestly really weird how many western lolitas just straight up hate Japanese brands, they will not even consider them and don't want anything to do with them, and don't like people that like them. It's honestly kind of fucked up.
It's the inferiority complex. They can't fit into Japanese brand or afford it, and they resent people who can. Some even make up woke reasons why Japanese brand is actually bad/classist/fatphobic/racist in order to feel superior for buying cheap plastic.

They're just greedy. They want everything available in their size even if they're not going to buy it, they don't want second hand, and they want it cheap. Chinese brands are the only brands that check all of those boxes. The -ism accusations are just a cover up. Like you said they have an inferiority complex and are resentful of people who can buy and fit into Japanese brand. The bitterness just seeps out and then they say things like "I like chinese brands better anyway, they are much more creative than japanese brands who are just making the same stuff over and over and copying each other. (insert japanese brand here) is racist, ableist and fatphobic because I signed up to walk in the fashion show but they didn't pick me because I'm plus sized, black and have to use a cane".

Lolitas who wear japanese brand can get pretty enthusiastic when they talk to each other about the things they love about their favorite brand(s). For example new designs, new prints, re-releases of iconic prints/dresses/bags/blouses, how beautiful the torchon lace on their dress is, how comfortable their clothes are, a new interview with their favorite designer, etc.
I rarely see lolitas who mainly/only wear chinese brands do the same, and when they do it's not to the same extent. They might say something nice about the cute bunny print, the embroidery on an apron or that the lace on the galaxy themed dress has stars and moons in it. But that's pretty much the most I've ever noticed. They're usually kind of lukewarm about stuff. Perhaps pining for brands they can't fit into and/or they think is too expensive, or they are just the type that likes lolita fashion but doesn't love it and doesn't want to spend money on it.

Colossal North
November 22-24, 2024

Who’s going?
Any cosplays planned?
Photoshoots or meetups?
Going to any panels or spending all weekend in the waterpark?
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None of us are going in cosplay though since it was a bit sudden. Was going with another group originally but got booted from the trip so no point in Cosplaying my shit anymore.

Picked up a Childe cosplay for flying solo but I ain't that slim. Should of done a character a bit more built but this is just encouragement to work harder on abs in the gym going forward.

Hotel was cheaper than I thought with the resort honestly. As long as no one an hero's, it'll be a banger.
this guy reddit spacing in my /cgl/ bread baka
Eat shit. It's been a long day and I'm tired.
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My asshole is definitely gonna hurt I’m ready

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The title says it all, cosplayers that did awesome cosplay but their career were cut short, as they suddenly disappeared without any notice.
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yo, where at it?
I can't find shit
Since a lot of you beta fags are complaining about that bitch Arabella Banks, why not talk about a better Evangelion cosplayer who's gone like Frosel?
there was this californian cosplayer who did a lot of tokusatsu/armored cosplays, I can't remember her name but she did Samus, Priss Asagiri, female rangers and riders, she nuked all socials around 2017.
Frosel is still active but isn't doing cosplays anymore, mainly focuses on being an instagram influencer/flaunt her business portfolio, she has completely disassociated from cosplay to the point she nuked all her galleries, with several of her photos being now lost media, even the lewds from her patreon, and even some cosplayer friends of hers, it's selfish, kind of dickish, on her part, but I can see her reasoning
I definitely remember her, I checked her instagram and it seems she's getting married

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Do you guys ever like to go through YouTube and watch con and cosplay fandom videos from before the 2010's?
It's a hobby of mine. It makes me sad.

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>Makes me wonder why she would do something like this.
Girls who know they are attractive feel like it's just leaving money on the table if they don't at least try.
These people would literally blind themselves to cosplay. where do you even find that level of dedication now.
15 min repeating timer and no poasting make anon a dull boy

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We're approximately two months out now. Anime Weekend Atlanta is from December 12th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024. The venue has moved from the Cobb Galleria to the Georgia World Congress Center. Who all is attending? Any cool panels being hosted? What will you be cosplaying as?
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That place is good as hell but you are not walking out of there without haven't spent at least $50
I just like the big platter with the pickles cheese meats mustards and the really nice beers. Cuz if I'm remembering right, I made 3 trips there during Momo a couple years back and was satisfied every time
nevermind I can't read
That's exactly what I get too. Added the goulash or whatever it's called as well and you really can't go wrong with all that and a giant beer. The mexican place around the corner is incredible as well but also very pricey.
Really just depends on your interests. There's plenty downtown, but I would be wary of wandering around there too late at night, as it's chimp central. I wouldn't roam too far away from the CNN center area.

Are there any /cgl/ meetups planned yet?

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>Dec.6th - 8th
>Columbus, OH (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
>Guests: Hayden Christensen, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Logic, Roger Craig Smith, Kari Wahlgren, a lot of Hazbin Hotel VAs, etc.

Made a thread for this since it's about 2 weeks away.

>Are you going?
>Cosplay plans?
>Did you find a good hotel?
>Are you excited? Any expectations?
>Any panel plans?

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The signups have finally opened, for this year's /cgl/ Secret Santa event!

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and More:

>Sign-up Form:

Please don't hesitate to ask if you got any questions! You may use the thread, or the following email:
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#1945 here!! Pink is the most prominent pastel in my wardrobe, sax is a close second though with a few mint, yellow and lavender main pieces. As far as postcards, I don't have have many (been so focused on the lookbooks) Melody Toys, Dreamy Baby Room, Decoration Dream, Wonder Cookie, and Space Toys to name a few. It's nice to see you active on the thread, and thank you for asking for specifics
I have all-female dolls, so girl clothing is best! I often dress my dolls in lolita or other j fashion adjacent outfits, but I've been wanting some more casual outfits for them, too, so anything cute will work! My dolls are mostly 1/6 and 1/4 scale.

Ivory is okay, beige and ecru are preferred! I don't mind if it's avoided outright, though. I don't really own any main pieces with white lace, so white lace accessories tend to clash. I don't have a wardrobe post, but my wardrobe is mainly MM. I wear the rosettes and square headdresses (particularly my Saint Claire) often. If it helps, a lot of the main piece designs I like are more minimalistic, so little or even no lace is perfectly acceptable. Think Whyteleafe OP or Elodie Doll. You can't go wrong with corsages, either. I'm a huge sucker for corsage hair clips and combs.
Yay! Thank you for your efforts, Santa. I'm super excited.
Canadian anons, keep in mind that packages will be heavily backed up as canada post is striking.
Sorry I saw this late! My favorite villager is Lolly.

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
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Post nude photos of yourself and cosplay nudes. Before you know it, you have life changing money.
Does any photographer make money from their own site?

The hot girls have their own site so why should they come and pose for you?

Maybe if you worked for other girls and took a cut of their Patreon/OF earnings?
Jokes on you, my GF was already a cosplayer before purchasing my camera.
I think that If you had a site where you got a whole bunch of different girls to do cosplay porn with a single subscription you could make pretty good money. That's basically what CosplayDeviants is, and they seem to do OK, though they're not a single photog doing it. Cosporn is kinda underserved in North America and if I had the startup money to pay girls I think I could probably do pretty well, I have a bunch of ideas that I think would be successful, but I have zero inclination to be a pornographer.
no one cares about men
no one will view the pics
sad but true

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For the Canadian gulls, now that Anime North and Otakuthon are over, what conventions is everyone still looking forward to for the rest of the year? Will anyone top the truck rave at Anime North? I need a reason not to kill myself.
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>hal-con is next week
>no posts mentioning it
cool. i wasn't planning on going this year either
Unfortunately, Atlantic Canada is kinda neglected
Isn't there one in New Brunswick? Not huge, but its better than nothing.
Hal con gets sold out almost immediately every year, it supports the whole region. Two major guests dropped out but everyone will still go.
Animaritimes, it's more of a big nerd gathering than a real convention. Not bad for fucking around but don't expect anything from the industry bring there.
Last time is so fun....

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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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conventions lost their appeal when social media became a thing and clout goblin normies descended upon cons for fame and pussy. also the main reason cons used to exist (for weirdo nerds to meet each other) doesn't really matter since they can just meet online
>dealer room full of crap you can buy for cheaper on Amazon
these dealers make their money from people's FOMO, that they simply MUST buy something at the convention
people won't give a shit if you're actually cool to hang around. you'll only be creepy if you actually act creepy basically
this is just a normalfag's guide to attending large anime conventions. Of course a frogposter would reccomend some garbage like this
I spend most of my time on IRC with other old farts so conventions are the only place I get the chance to reliably meet younger people in my area
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Yeah, I agree 100%. Just don't even try and then complain anyway, it's much easier

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Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.

I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
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Few of the newer episodes are surprisingly good especially the Death Note and Se7en parody.
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This documentary looks at Black people's interest in comics, cosplay, and more and asks whether this is a new phenomenon or something not highlighted.

It's on Tubi.
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Ren Faire (2024)

This documentary about a Texas Ren Faire has about as much drama as a Game of Thrones episode, which is fitting.

Ms Marvel

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prev thread hit bump limit
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Are there any resources for actually getting into shironuri? Minori has a tutorial but besides that I'd really like to learn more from a detailed "this is how you actually pull it off" perspective and not a gawky touristy one
I actually think it's more insidious than them filtering the photos, I think they actually make a different set of clothes for the shoot. The way they the fabrics look, fall, and fold are always completely different than what I see in posted worn pics.
Come the fuck on, anon.
If you really want to get Taobao shit then Surfacespell comes to mind for decent chink gothic brands, but iirc most of their dresses are made to order and can take up to 2-4 months to ship.
However, you'll also be able to get secondhand AtePi pieces from Mercari or Lacemarket (at typically decent to good quality) for roughly around the same price or less and with none of the manufacturing wait time for shipping.
If you're an adult and earn your own income then just buy what you love the most.
If your parents are very strict ("our home, our rules and we forbid you from going out like that.") there are workarounds. I would say you can gradually get them used to j-fashion by starting with stuff that is very mainstream adjacent, but your family thinking it's a fetish is a big bump in the road since they will still have a problem with it once it gets a little bit too close to what they think j-fashion and lolita look like, and then they'll probably watch you like a hawk and prevent you from wearing anything they do not see as normal.
If you want some freedom when living with your parents and you think getting along with them is important, then you will eventually need to talk to them (preferably both at the same time) about the way they see j-fashion and lolita. They won't just believe you because if they did they would have come around by now, so you're going to have to show them something someone else made that quickly explains what lolita fashion is and isn't. If they're not willing to take 2 minutes out of their life to see a video about something you think is important that is causing friction between you then there's nothing you can do.

You could take a huge bag/trolley bag with your outfit with you when you travel to a meet, and change clothes somewhere safe before you get to the meet. Your parents are eventually going to find out though. The question is if they'll make a big deal out of it or not. And what will they do if you continue buying lolita fashion? If they're going to make a problem out of everything you do related to lolita fashion then move out. Short term solution would be to live with friends for the time being. A more long term solution could be to rent a room or an apartment somewhere on your own or share a rental (for example with friends).
I'm not in Europe so I don't know anything about IOSS, but I've been using Japonica for a while now and they're accommodating for almost any request and a friend has asked them to undervalue items on a declaration form. They can probably do whatever you need.

I used Zenmarket in the past but numerous problems with them not buying items in a reasonable timeframe (24H+), buying items only after they go on sale and pocketing the difference etc and starting to collect sales tax for my country has put me off them entirely.

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So hello /CGL/, I've been planning to make a Techpriest cosplay for a convention in February. While I've pretty much figured out on how to make the Axe, and got a friend to help me out with robe sewing, I cannot seem to understand how to make the backpack.

I've collected various reference images, but it just isn't clicking. I even tried tracking down any free Spacemarine backpack which is human sized scale (I'm 5'9") and use it as a base, but I haven't really tracked down a proper one.

Anyone out here, if you can please maybe give some suggestions on how to make it, it will really help me out. My plan is to put a mechandrite arm at one side of the backpack and a servo skull at the other side, acting as a light.

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