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Instead of the usual ugly old wrinkled cunts
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>smooth twinks vs. ugly old wrinkled cunts
>there is absolutely no in-between
ok go make your own thread with those parameters then
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who is this?

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it is Tommy Defendi's cock
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Darren piss IS
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tfw you'd love to drink piss from your bf's cock but he thinks it's weird

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I keep gettting more black men like this in grindr. It sux! I want the authentic BBC!
bbc is a sin
>what is it like to have a black daddy bf?
Honestly its nice. We smoke, we drink, and we fuck. He fucks me good and he gives good head.
A++ sauce?

Gym rats, fratbros, cocky studs, working out, getting sweaty, showing off their huge biceps

Bonus points for tank tops, snapbacks, and and those thin chain necklaces
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My best friend doesn’t know I secretly admire him and screenshot every picture he takes of the gym or sends in our group chat and I goon to them
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Post content of hairy pits growing further than the sleeve can hold. Casually airing out
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(webm general) posting my best sound-free webms

why can't we post with sound?
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Dubs real
Who are these two?
Dream fantasy
Be a shame to let that go to waste
Try research

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This thread is for images of black and brown bottoms enjoying white cock.

>Previous thread: archiveofsins.com/hm/thread/2555379
>All our past threads: archiveofsins.com/hm/search/subject/bleached
>Discord: discord.com/invite/bJGWBJj
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I desperately need sauce or names
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glad to see him bottoming
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We’ve all seen those guys around who seem totally straight but end up in Cruisy spots, gay bars or on Grindr. Might be bi, who knows? Stories are good too.
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yap yap yap, you sound gay as fuck
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> was sucking off a handsome married guy regularly
> 40 years old tatted up, hairy, and bearded
> he used to come over after work once or twice a week and let me swallow his load
> i would get him super close to the edge and stop then eventually swallow
> eventually he started kissing me and spanking my ass. said his wife never sucked his dick.

> last time i saw him i got him close, then he forcefully turned me around and bred my ass, left me dripping with cum
> never heard from him again guess it freaked him out but i know it was the better than what he got at home.
> pic not him but he looked very similar.

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When where how often do you?
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Really? It does seem to help me>>2643380
It's been bad lately. I goon almost everyday now and don't even watch porn, just stare at my cock until I'm hypnotized. Usually laying in my bed just gooning at my cock.

Morning wood means my cock needs attention, so I always pleasure it then. I get so horny at work and want to fuck everyone so by the time I get home I just lay in bed and bate until I'm covered in cum and absolutely starving and dehydrated. I'll have just enough energy to eat and shower before bed, just to have the cycle repeat tomorrow.

It started when I decided I needed to stop hooking up so often, I was cruising pretty much all the time and sleeping around way too much. Now I just lay around and goon all the time, I don't even have a desire to date or hookup anymore. I fucked a beautiful blonde twink a few weeks ago to try and break out of it. I fucked the absolute shit out of him and it made me feel like a god when I left him in a pool of my cum. This backfired and just made me more hypnotized by my cock; it felt, bigger, harder, and stronger for a full week afterward which made me want to pleasure it more.

I work with a guy who's also a fellow bator and whenever he's around me I get so hard it feels like my cock is actually vibrating. This wouldn't be a problem but I work in a very public place and don't wear underwear. The precum from this leaks through my pants making it look like I piss myself. When he hovers around my desk I go into a goon trance until I get home and start touching my cock. We don't ever talk about sex at work, but he also never wears underwear and is clearly always showing off his bulge right in front of me. He stands over me while I'm sitting at my desk and has his huge cock right in my face. We chat on sniffies and pretend like we don't know each other, even though it's very obvious when we send dick pics to one another.

I know I have a problem at this point. I'm completely controlled by my cock and giving it pleasure. I need help.
do yall not get crazy post nut clarity? i've been getting really strong clarity after jacking off and then i immediately want to stop looking at anything sex related or my body, don't feel disgusted but the "why did i do that" does hit me like a train. is that normal o am i just depressed/miserable
I was like that when I was a teenager. I think it's a matter of maturity, as you getting older you CHOOSE to have less fears about some things and realising how awesome and normal some things are and nothing to be ashamed and it becomes automatically different also in your natural reactions of your body etc. Society's stereotypes don't help..but trust me, it's all in your mind.
I can help you, meet me!

Post vid and pic of bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.

You know that feeling when you're cumming, your sphincter contracts and you can feel it squeezing your top's cock. Heaven.
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I can cum hands free from toys, but not sure if I'd cum hands free from being fucked by another guy because I've never had sex with anyone but my toys. W-Well I tried getting a date, a hook up or even a boyfriend but no one stays after saying hi. So I guess I'm ugly.
If you can cum from toys, you'll cum from getting fucked. I sure do. Keep putting yourself out there, you'll find someone. I had similar issues and started dating an older guy VERY young (I was 15, he was 38) and that helped build some confidence, at least.
Do you plug (train/stretch) regularly?
>>2618901 & >>2618421
Big Dick + Chemistry = Magic, fr
>talk to your partner!!
TELL your partner what you want and what they do that you life. Nothing is hotter for your partner than HEARING that you love it. And good partners want to please each other, not just themselves.

Nots of wisdom on this board, y'all. Have a good day, wherever you are, bros.
I cannot fucking type
what a view
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I'm already 30 and a khhv. It's over.

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Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Man, I'd be swallowing all that cum. Wouldn't let a drop hit the floor.
More plz

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last thread reached its image limit so starting a new one cause fit asses are hot
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Who wouldn't want to become a part of this? I can already feel the burning. Let's play.
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Guys out in public, in public buildings, or in the built environment, where you would expect them to meet strangers sooner than later (rather than some random part of the woods, or in their car or something). Hardons, holes, fetish stuff, half-dressed and eye-fucking the camera, anything that's obviously communicating a sexual moment.

Any kind of dude, but looking good for it.
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I suspect this pic is staged
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Why's his face blurred like that
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What a cutie

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Best friends who help each other out and get each other off. After class, end of the day, work break, road trip, porn watch,, camping, hiking, playing balls after playing ball, anytime is buddy bate time.
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