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Di second of di US presidential debates go take place next Tuesday and dis go be di first time wey Donald Trump and Kamala Harris go face each oda.

Di presidential debates dey widely watched on television and e fit get big influence on how Americans go decide to vote.

Kamala Harris get record as better debater wey sabi, but Donald Trump also show for di 2016 and 2020 presidential debates say im be big rival.

>Wen be di presidential debate and wetin be di rules?

Di debate go take place for Philadelphia on 10 September. E go start by 9 pm, Eastern Time.

Dis na di second presidential debate of 2024. Di first bin hold for June between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, bifor e decide to drop out of di race.

Di debate go dey live for ABC and ABC News Live go stream am, Disney+ and Hulu.

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>Walz: Me saying I was in Afghanistan was a grammatical error
>Harris: I have evolved from my 2019 positions.
>Also Harris: I have not evolved from my 2019 positions.
>For di 2016 debates against Hillary Clinton, e waka around di stage and stand directly behind her while she dey speak, wey she say e “make her flesh creep”.
this is a lie btw. 8 years later and they're still lying about it. Trump was standing still and Hillary was the one who walked in front of him. But she knew that creepshaming is an effective tactic among women and low-T young males, which are the target demographic for Dems.
>For di first of di presidential debates for 2020 e dey always interrupt Joe Biden, wey make am shout: “Will you shut up, man?”
funny how Bernie was called a misogynist for telling Hillary "let me finish" but Biden gets celebrated for telling Trump to shut up. It's almost like there's a sexist double-standard in politics, but not the way feminists think.
Just because southern retards can't english doesn't make pidgin easier, it just shows your retardation
you're incredibly racist.
Yes I am. I'm an amazing racist.

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Western leaders should not be intimidated by Kremlin threats of nuclear escalation, the head of the CIA said on Saturday, amid a debate over whether Anglo-French Storm Shadow missiles should be used inside Russia.

Bill Burns, on a visit to London alongside the head of MI6, said the US had brushed off a previous Russian nuclear scare in autumn 2022, demonstrating that threats from Moscow should not always be taken literally.

“Putin’s a bully. He’s going to continue to sabre rattle from time to time,” Burns said. “We cannot afford to be intimidated by that sabre rattling … we got to be mindful of it. The US has provided enormous support for Ukraine, and I’m sure the president will consider other ways in which we can support them.”

The CIA director also said the US was working very hard on fresh proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza with new “texts and creative formulas”. A new plan, being devised with the help of mediators from Qatar and Egypt, would emerge, he hoped, “in the next several days”.

However, it was unclear, Burns added, whether Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and the Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar were willing to strike a deal. It was a question of political will, he said: “Whether or not leaders on both sides recognise that enough is enough and that the time has come to finally make some hard choices.”
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Burns said that Joe Biden, the US president, had sent him to pass on a direct warning to Sergey Naryshkin, the head of the Russian foreign intelligence service, at a meeting in Turkey in November 2022 “to make very clear what the consequences of that kind of escalation would be” – and that a similar approach was in place today.

So far, the White House has been notably hesitant about allowing the use of Storm Shadow and other long-range missiles inside Russia, such as the US-made Atacms, despite repeated pleas from Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, including one made on Friday.

Burns voiced concern that Iran was considering whether to supply ballistic missiles to Russia, but would not confirm whether the CIA believed it had done so. It would be a “dramatic escalation” of the relationship between the two countries; Tehran so far has supplied only less effective drones for Russia to use in Ukraine.

Burns and his British counterpart, the MI6 chief, Sir Richard Moore, had never appeared in public together before the surprise appearance at the event at London’s Kenwood House in Hampstead. Tight security meant that audience members were told only 15 minutes in advance who would be appearing.

Moore said there were concerns that Russian spies were becoming increasingly reckless in the UK, Europe and elsewhere as the war in Ukraine continues. “I think Russian intelligence services have gone a bit feral, frankly,” the British spy chief said, as shown by a spate of arson attacks in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
I've been feeling intimidated by Russians lately.
>Putin drops nuke
>Moscow and St. Petersburg are glowing craters within the hour
Just because the USSR collapsed doesn't mean MAD stopped
Don't. They're gay.

The Kursk was one of their most advance ICBM submarines and it sank during an exercise in water so shallow that had you stood the sub on end much of it would be above the waterline.

That was over 20 years ago. The situation with their nukes hasn't improved since then.
If compared to the lead-up to the second world war, infringement of the Pentagon's *maroon lines* grows increasingly unlikely with each passing day, due to the geopolitical situation being akin to

>Germany at its peak with a slight technological disadvantage relative to the United States and Great Britain (U.S. treaty allies)
>Alignment of the Soviet Union (India) with Great Britain and the United States.
>The Imperial Japanese Army having been basically "total'ed" by Poland
>Italy still fighting the Spanish Civil War and picking a fight with an extremely heavily armed Greece.

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A man suspected of going on a three-hour shooting rampage in Northern California and killing 81 animals, including miniature horses, goats and chickens, pleaded not guilty to animal cruelty and other charges.

Vicente Arroyo, 39, made his first court appearance Thursday after Monterey County Sheriff deputies arrested him earlier in the week for allegedly using several weapons to shoot the animals being housed in pens and cages on a lot in the small community of Prunedale.

The animal owners do not want to be identified or speak with the media, Monterey County Sheriff Commander Andres Rosas told The Associated Press Friday.
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he's john wick's arch nemesis
>Don't care
>not reading all that shit either

i wish you were one of those miniature horses he encountered during that day
wish you were one of the chickens. lmao
California is just getting outta control saw some punk ass guy use child labor at some tire shop in socal when i went to pick up parts at another shop, i could hear him cussing at the boy just terrible shit, the car parts store near by said not to go there. Word is hes not even from the u.s. and is a complete drunk who makes peoples cars worst. never taking my business there can't wait till trump puts some sort of order cus thats just ridiculous the boy looked younger than a high school kid think it was named clavitos something like that probably heard the last of that

During its investigation of Osinski, the Office of the Attorney General found he misappropriated $1,041,680 from March of 2019 to April 2024.

The release states he would get checks made payable to the lodge and allegedly deposit them into accounts he opened in the name of the lodge at a different financial institution.

According to the Attorney General's Office, he was the sole owner of those accounts.

In total, it is estimated Osinski stole $1,067,057.82.

Officials say unaccounted funds included checks, which were contributions to a memorial fund for an officer who died in the line of duty.


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I mean Police Unions are all Republican run, what did you expect?
Lawyer in Florida accused of $1.7 million theft. Stole from trust fund of client allegedly.

Employee of Aviation Company in Texas indicted for $1.2 million fraud scheme

Victimless crime. Here's hoping for jury nullification.
I rob money from unions for a living


The 14-year-old suspect in the Apalachee High School shooting has been charged with four counts of felony murder and is scheduled to make his first appearance in Barrow County Superior Court on Friday morning, state officials confirmed to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Colt Gray is accused of shooting two of his fellow students and two teachers at the school Wednesday morning. Nine others were injured.

Gray is being held in the Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center, Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice spokesperson Glenn Allen confirmed. Additional charges are expected, the GBI said.

Gray will be tried as an adult, officials have said.

Friday’s 8:30 a.m. hearing will be virtual, with the teenager calling in from the detention center, Allen said.

Two of the victims were identified by the GBI as students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both 14. The two adults killed were assistant football coach Richard “Ricky” Aspinwall, 39, and math teacher Christina Irimie, 53.

The GBI said it will be handling the victims’ autopsies.

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>the media doesn't care about black murders
What false premise are you people attempting to set up here?
They seem very vocal when it's a white guy but not when it's everyone else
leftists kinda got btfo itt. it was funny to see the meltdown
Gun schizo btfo by >>1339779. It'll be funny to see the meltdown by rightards.
>>FUCKING MASSIVE INCREASE in the prescription of psychotropic medication
>A phenomenon seen in other countries that don't have constant mass murder.

I don't see any stats for other nations but you're probably right, though the answer isn't draconian gun control, it's putting a stop to wildly over prescribing psychomeds purely for profit without regard to how this affects society.

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>See you Space Cowboy,
>Someday, Somwhere!
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'It is unclear who built the tunnel, how they did it and what their motivations were. It appears the tunnel connects to at least one other building on the street in Brooklyn.
But a spokesperson for the Chabad blamed the incident on a "group of extremist students".
And Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the chairman of the Chabad, thanked police for their efforts and said the community was "pained by the vandalism of a group of young agitators".
"These odious actions will be investigated, and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored," he said'
chud headcanon is weird indeed, >>1339481
>Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the chairman of the Chabad, thanked police for their efforts and said the community was "pained by the vandalism of a group of young agitators".
'Rabbi Motti Seligson, a spokesperson for Chabad, said the underground passage was built by a group of “young agitators” seeking unauthorized access to the synagogue. When Chabad officials attempted to seal the openings on Monday, worshippers inside the tunnel refused to leave until they were dragged out by police.
Nine people were arrested, including some who used crowbars to rip off the synagogue’s wood paneling, according to a police report.'
In Soviet /news/, quote mining - or not posting the article - collapses in on you. No schizo, you are the chuds.
And then the nonAmerican was a zombie with opinions proved wrong. As always.
It's not a pretty sight when a chud weedhead bot's opinions are proved wrong >>1339487
theyre even paid too. its pathetic
It's crazy how astroturfed /news/ is. I wonder how many actual humans post on this board.
The actual humans in /news/ are those who aren't rightards that worship an orange thing with astroturf for hair.

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Donald Trump announced in a speech on Thursday that, if elected, he would form a government efficiency commission, a policy idea that Elon Musk has been pushing him to take on. The former president claimed the tech billionaire had agreed to lead the commission.

Trump made the attention-grabbing announcement during a campaign event at the Economic Club of New York, but gave no specific details about how the commission would operate.

He reiterated Musk’s argument that such a commission would cut unnecessary spending, while also saying that he would massively walk back government regulations.

“I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government, and making recommendations for drastic reforms,” Trump told the crowd.

Musk and Trump have forged an increasingly close alliance over the past year, as the SpaceX and Tesla CEO has thrown his full support behind Trump’s presidential campaign. Musk’s backing of Trump has consequently given the world’s richest man a direct line to influence Republican policy – and, if Trump were to actually create an efficiency commission, sweeping powers over federal agencies.

Musk’s potential involvement in Trump’s proposed commission would create obvious conflicts of interest, as his businesses, such as SpaceX and Neuralink, are both regulated by, and have business with, numerous government agencies.

Musk reposted news of Trump’s plans on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, which he bought for $44bn, and suggested he would accept such a position. “I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises,” Musk posted. “No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”
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>comes to right wing site
>to cry about right wingers
Faggots are left wing
Trump is the best squatter in history living rent free in dimly lit liberal heads.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, so many cases.
>JD 'Weird' Vance
>wears women's clothing
>wears eyeliner
>personally chosen by Trump
Right wingers are faggots
then how are you a right wing faggot

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Allan Lichtman has correctly predicted every election. And has only been 'wrong' once, and that was in 2000 when the Republican supreme court stole the election for Bush.


A notable elections forecaster predicted Vice President Harris will win November’s election, according to his model of 13 keys.

Allan Lichtman, a historian who has successfully predicted the outcome of nine of the last 10 presidential elections, revealed in a New York Times video that he believes that Harris will clinch a victory over former President Trump. His election model is based on 13 true-or-false questions that ignore polls and pollsters.

“Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States — at least that’s my prediction for this race, but the outcome is up to you, so get out and vote,” he said at the end of the video.

The 13 keys include whether:

>The White House party gained seats in the House in midterm elections
>The incumbent president is running
>The White House party avoided a primary contest

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The funniest thing in the world is watching people who want Joe Biden to buy them a house complain about Joe Biden's economic policies.
>>The incumbent president is running
false. Kamala is not the president
>>The White House party avoided a primary contest
in a scandal
>>A third-party candidate is running
not anymore
>>The short-term economy is strong
>>Growth of long-term economy has been as strong as last two terms
inflation isn't growth
>>The White House has enacted major national policy changes
>>There is no social unrest
gaza protesters

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Free Palestine fizzled even with the media trying to hype it up as though we were repeating the '68 convention.
Hunter's just pled guilty and everyone seems to be fine with Joe's mental issues after the media stopped pretending the debate was still just yesterday.
Kamala has somehow managed to make even REPUBLICANS feel happy, and has caused the Democrats to consider her the second coming of Obama.
NATO's been strengthened, Japan and Korea are almost on speaking terms with each other, and all our other international relationships seem to be repaired after 4 years of petty isolationism.
Afghanistan has been recognized as a fucked-no-matter-what situation, we're destroying Russia without even spending a tenth of our yearly military budget or putting any boots on the ground, and we've even managed to look like the sane party in the Israel-Palestine holy war.
It's possible my view of things is wrong, but there's a valid case for all these keys.
It does show the power of Republican propaganda and how the media is in the tank for Trump.

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As Tucker Carlson faces backlash for airing a friendly interview with a Holocaust revisionist on his online show this week, some prominent Republicans are publicly raising concerns about the far-right pundit’s influential position in former President Donald Trump’s inner circle — as he increasingly imports extreme views and fringe conspiracy theories into party discourse.

In recent months, Carlson has played a key role in assisting Trump’s campaign as an informal adviser. Behind the scenes, he lobbied aggressively for Trump to choose Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate — anointing an ideological heir to the MAGA movement. The former Fox News host also helped broker Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Trump, who last week rewarded the former Democrat with a leadership position on his presidential transition team — unnerving some party members.

In July, Carlson, 55, delivered a major primetime address on the last night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where he sat with Trump in the former president’s VIP box. Later this month, Carlson is also slated to appear with Vance for a live interview in Pennsylvania, part of a nationwide tour of battleground states in the leadup to the election.

Meanwhile, Carlson, who helms an independent streaming service, has continued to invite a range of controversial figures onto his show, including some guests who have promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories as well as anti-Israel sentiments that he has abstained from challenging. But his decision to host a self-proclaimed podcast historian, Darryl Cooper, who has praised Adolf Hitler and believes Winston Churchill was the “chief villain” of World War II, has drawn unusually fierce criticism from top party members.
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>everything the right does is racist
>Conservatives: I can't believe my racist friend turns out to be an antisemite
Someone is relaxing while a rightard is going down with a serious case of seething
Based fact. These leftists usually gargle jew cum every chance they get.
>someone is relaxing
Me and I'm watching the leftist (you) come down with a serious case of seething
Based Fact: pointing out the intrusive thoughts of others makes rightards seethe thus they prove they're retards when they reply to this post
Watching rightards seethe when they reply to those they don't like gives me schadenfreude because they prove they're inferior subhuman retards when they do.


>It should be noted that Hunter already paid the owed taxes and penalties and prosecution for first time offenders never occurs. This includes Trump Operative Roger Stone who refused to play twice as much in taxes as Hunter and was not brought to trial for that. So this case being brought to trial is 100% a political prosecution by Republicans.

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter pleaded guilty to not paying his taxes on time in order to avoid a second humiliating trial this year.

The guilty plea came as a surprise Thursday and marked a stunning turnaround for the president’s son, whose legal team fought the tax charges as motivated by political pressure from Republicans.

Hunter Biden’s defense attorneys initially said Thursday that their client would be willing to make an “Alford plea,” a special type of guilty plea in which the defendant maintains their innocence but accepts punishment for the alleged crime.

A grand jury indicted Hunter Biden last year on three felony and six misdemeanor charges related to his not paying more than $1 million in federal taxes on income he earned from foreign business deals from 2016 through 2019. The charges carry a maximum of 17 years in prison.

The younger Biden’s overseas moneymaking has been a major source of controversy for Joe Biden, whom Republicans accused of participating in his son’s work. Republicans struggled to substantiate the allegation, however, and gave up on an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden this year.

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>rape kids
>anally raping
He entered the plea so his daddy can pardon him before he dies of old age.
Complete and total LIE. Even Garland said as much in his presser. Of course leftists like you can do nothing but lie.
When pressed by those who prove their retarded opinions wrong, of course rightists can do nothing but lie.
Now now, rightists can do nothing but lie, regardless. Their shitty opinions have nothing to do with it.

Watch: Grinning Putin says he will support Kamala Harris


A smiling Vladimir Putin said Russia will support Kamala Harris, as he gave an interview while attending the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia.

The Russian president also spoke about Ms Harris's "infectious laugh" and criticised former President Donald Trump's sanctions on the country.

Mr Putin's comments have been met with criticism, with US Security Council spokesman, John Kirby saying: "Mr Putin ought to stop talking about our elections, period. He shouldn't be favouring anybody one way or another".
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It's all propaganda from the right honestly.
Or in the case of the Republitards that have infected /news/, dishonestly.
Nice excuse scamocrat
Settle down, conscript
Think about it. Putin is going to support the candidate that leads to the West being the weakest in the end. That’s Kamala.
An entry I read on the subject:

"The understanding of never dividing the enemy when he makes a mistake is the truth behind Putin's declaration of support for Kamala... Putin is not a man who will openly do reverse psychology. If he says Kamala, there is a reason for this that needs to be examined. So just because he said Kamala does not mean that he actually supports Trump.

He wasn't lying when he said he supported Biden either. Trump is a shrewd man, a man who is intimate with zionist neo-conservative cadres and a man who, unlike the democrats, is not afraid to raise his hand... The death of Qassem Suleimani, the acceptance of Jerusalem as the capital...

This is a process that is partly related to the obsession of the Jews with the order they believe to be divine in their beliefs. So whatever they do, at some point they will have to accept that their beliefs, like all other religions, are a false reality that can exist in the bubble they live in and that they do not coincide with the rationality of science. They are trying to prevent this process by constantly electing puppet democratic candidates and teasing left and right. i.e. passing the buck... The problem is that it is Russia, it is Trump, it is US, etc... But this collapse cannot be prevented.

Can we evaluate the Greater Middle East Project in this context? They may want the geography they will flee to in a possible collapse to be free from danger. A collection of countries around them inhabited by stateless masses that are unstable, have lost the ability to be a nation, whose demographics are like soup...

Every civilisation that has ever existed has collapsed because it drifted away from the realities of life. It may be on the battlefield or in civilian governance, but it all leads to the same thing. The collapse of the west is not a coincidence..."

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Donald Trump repeatedly insisted that he and running mate JD Vance were “not weird”, moments before launching into a tangent about hating mosquitoes during a town hall, where he also attacked rival Kamala Harris and promised “the largest deportation in history” if he was to return to the White House.

The former president participated in a one-hour, pre-taped event with Fox News’ Sean Hannity in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

With few interjections from Hannity, Trump repeated common refrains about Harris’ economic agenda and her record at the border. He also worked to distance himself and “JD” from the “weird” label first given to them Democratic vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz.

Hannity started asking a question about Walz, which Trump quickly derailed in favor of discussing Walz’s extended family’s endorsement of him.

“I was so honored today. His brother endorsed me — and his whole family!” Trump said. “I saw the picture. Honestly, it was a very nice looking family.”

Earlier on Wednesday, eight of Walz’s distant relatives shared a photo of them wearing grammatically incorrect “Walz’s for Trump” T-shirts while standing in front of a “Trump 2024” flag.

Speaking about Walz, Trump said: “There is something weird with that guy. He’s a weird guy. JD is not weird. He’s a solid rock. I happen to be a very solid rock.”

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You want to know what's weird? Saying 'weird' 22 times in 36 seconds while claiming you aren't weird.
what a weirdo
Those who project more than IMAX doesn't know that there are men married to actual women and have families who refer to the orange retard and its cultists as 'Weird'.
The rightist schizo that has infected /news/ will never kiss an actual woman, least of all marry one. It is a migrant from /r9k/ that is weird
They spam american clownshow politics here to stifle any real discussion.
This post was written by a catlady.

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The Department of Justice indicted two employees of the state-backed Russian media company RT on Wednesday, saying they funded and directed the coverage of a U.S. conservative media outlet in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

The indictment alleges that two Russians, Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, funneled nearly $10 million into the U.S. media company as part of a Kremlin-backed effort to influence American audiences in favor of Russian government priorities, and says they failed to register as agents of a foreign government as required by law.

The conservative network is not named in the indictment. However, it is identified as a Tennessee-based corporation hosting six commentators that describes itself as a “network of heterodox commentators that focus on Western political and cultural issues.”

That matches the exact language and number of commentators listed on the website of the Tennessee-based TENET Media, a video distribution platform owned by conservative founders Liam Donovan and Lauren Chen that hosts conservative influencers including Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson and Lauren Southern. Chen did not immediately respond to an email, and HuffPost was unable to reach Donovan.

However, CNN has independently confirmed that the company mentioned in the indictment is TENET.

In a post on Twitter on Wednesday that was retweeted by Rubin, Johnson acknowledged that he was an unwitting victim of the alleged scheme.

“A year ago, a media startup pitched my company to provide content as an independent contractor,” Johnson wrote. “Our lawyers negotiated a standard, arms length deal, which was later terminated. We are disturbed by the allegations in today’s indictment, which make clear that myself and other influencers were victims in this alleged scheme. My lawyers will handle anyone who states or suggests otherwise.”
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Intrusive thoughts by rightists:
Combat veteran. I am in fact more American than you.
The nonAmerican schizo thinks that those who are military personnel in US bases in other parts of the world - and have to participate in elections using Mail-in Ballots - aren't Americans.
youre not american well democrats arent american that is for sure!
^...see what I mean, >>1339654?
Americans are educated enough to know how to spell properly. You're one who knows how. But the unAmerican between our posts clearly isn't, thus can't vote. Therefore doesn't have the right to say who is American and who isn't. Those military personnel who serve in US bases in other parts of the world are more American than this thing will ever be. The thing between our posts is a hispanic after all. It will never be an American, along with the fact it will never be a man.

They said they could not in good consciousness vote for American hater and alleged child molester and cannibal tim walz
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That's how you do it when it's a name.
There is a different rule. Walz is not a plural.
You guys WERE NOT trolling and just retarded liberal faggot trannies that kneejerk to themselves.
libtards in denial mode as they have 3 months of freedom before they're thrown to the camps and stripped from their precious social media drug.
i think you're losing it
and you have a future as a prison urinal.
russian r kelly?

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Illinois law banning concealed carry on public transit is unconstitutional, judge rules
this is a major win for mankind and a major defeat for communists and trannies
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>castrate babies
Such intrusive thoughts. Weird.
republicans can't think
They're rageposting lies because they can't defend their own positions.
No one wants post birth abortions
No one wants to castrate babies
Furries are Republican

They claimed Tanks are too expensive to own and admitted that people own tanks right after each other. Schizo can't help but BTFO themselves if they try.
>They claimed Tanks are too expensive to own and admitted that people own tanks right after each other
lmao, this bot is malfunctioning.
>castrate babies
>marry animals
>gay marry
The thing that still has such intrusive thoughts. Weird.

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