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Former President Trump is casting blame on President Biden for legislation that could potentially ban TikTok in the U.S., after the bill cleared the House last weekend as part of a larger foreign aid package.

“Just so everyone knows, especially the young people, Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok,” Trump said in a Truth Social post Monday.

Trump’s opposition to a potential TikTok ban represents a significant shift from the position he held while he was in office. The former president issued an executive order in 2020 seeking to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell its U.S. assets, though the order was later blocked in court.

The TikTok bill, which now heads to the Senate alongside legislation for long-sought aid to Ukraine and Israel, would require ByteDance to sell the app within roughly a year or face a U.S. ban.
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>Protecting Americans from TikTok’s political influence would be a gain to Israel’s standing with its most important ally. One month after the October 7 Hamas attack, TikTok videos with hashtags like #freepalestine were watched by Americans about fifty times more than pro-Israel ones. Although the app’s users skew young and hence leftward, their politics probably don’t account for the ratio. Researchers at Rutgers and the Network Contagion Research Institute compared TikTok and Instagram (which has a similar demographic) and found that although Instagram has only twice the number of politically themed posts generally, it had six times more pro-Israel and anti-Hamas posts than TikTok.
What is the annual salary for being a Trump simp?

It was only banned for FEDERAL EMPLOYEES dumbass. Then Biden reversed it, then he banned it again a few months later.

Yeah, like how Republicans build.. walls around abortion clinics lol.
>what if he forgot he already did

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Does one of her kids in the picture have a black eye? Nice family.
>Why is it always the trunk
most people have a car and need to transport the body to dispose of it.
My friend buried a body in a shallow grave (4 feet) and burned the body with gasoline first.
Another friend heard coyotes howling and found the almost consumed body dug up by the coyotes.
The first friend didn't do the murder just the disposing and was charged with homicide after the fact and got 5 yrs.
I learned from this to always bury the boy 6 feet deep.
which is why cemeteries do this
>boy 6 feet deep.
oops Freudian slip as my shrink as called them(or just dried semen under my d key)

always bury the boDy 6 feet deep
She shouldn't have cheated.
Honestly good on the man, sadly the kids were effected which is what breaks my heart the most. They're dead now because their whore cunt mother decided to act like a bitch.

>actual mutt
>bumfuck Wisconsin
>10 kids

They were all kids from one guy? I don't believe that.

With homelessness on the rise, the Supreme Court weighs bans on sleeping outdoors


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court wrestled with major questions about the growing issue of homelessness on Monday as it considered whether cities can ban people from sleeping outside when shelter space is lacking.

The case is considered the most significant to come before the high court in decades on the issue as record numbers of people are without a permanent place to live in the United States.

In California and other Western states, courts have ruled that it’s unconstitutional to fine and arrest people sleeping in homeless encampments if shelter space is lacking.

A a cross-section of Democratic and Republican officials contend that makes it difficult for them to manage encampments, which can have dangerous and unsanitary living conditions. But hundreds of advocacy groups argue that allowing cities to punish people who need a place to sleep will criminalize homelessness and ultimately make the crisis worse as the cost of housing increases.

Dozens of demonstrators gathered outside the court Monday morning with silver thermal blankets and signs like “housing not handcuffs.”

The Justice Department has also weighed in. It argues people shouldn’t be punished just for sleeping outside, but only if there’s a determination they truly have nowhere else to go.

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sure thing there, samefag
No, that money is for Zelenskyy and his cronies, so they can buy more luxury cars.
All those problems are easy to solve. Just kill all the democrats and their supporters, they do nothing of value anyway, and there will be lots of empty houses and the carbon footprint will be reduced!
Behind the Iron Curtain they'd arrest homeless people for "refusing to work." They would also fire and blacklist people for things like "not being sufficiently revolutionary." With this pair of policies you can imprison the ideologically non-compliant without arresting them for ideological non-compliance.

Also the same type of thing applied to people with mental illness. Got something uncharitable to say about the government? You must be crazy. Let's lock you up and throw away the key "for your own good."

SCOTUS to hear Firearms Policy Coalition lawsuit on ATFs rules for no serial number and "ghost" guns
There were no serial number regulations in 1792 or 1868 and people frequently made their own guns in 1792 and 1868. sounds like someone is going to get blown the fuck out
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fag boy is saying that because the jew shills report every thread that isn't pro biden to the tranny jannies to try to get them nuked
My buzzwordometer just overheated
>I know, I'll call them redditors. That always works.
This is a new low for you.

>board culture
>unwritten rules
This is actual reddit behavior. You can't go running go the mods or downvote things you don't like here.
now THIS is schizo-posting!
OP isn't even that old. He came here in 2021.
>4chan is a rightwing echochamber
this is literally the textbook reddit view and the only people who claim this are rightwing redditors like OP who come here and are shocked to find people disagreeing with them, because reddit told him this was a rightwing echochamber.
I've been on 4chan since 2008. its reddit newspeak headcannon that 4chan was ever communist. we literally were racist posting about obongo the day he was elected

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Child pornography generated by artificial intelligence (AI) could overwhelm an already inundated reporting system for online child sexual abuse material, a new report from the Stanford Internet Observatory found.

The CyberTipline, which is run by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), processes and shares reports of child sexual abuse material with relevant law enforcement for further investigation.

Open-source generative AI models that can be retrained to produce the material “threaten to flood the CyberTipline and downstream law enforcement with millions of new images,” according to the report.

“One million unique images reported due to the AI generation of [child sexual abuse material] would be unmanageable with NCMEC’s current technology and procedures,” the report said.

“With the capability for individuals to use AI models to create [child sexual abuse material], there is concern that reports of such content—potentially indistinguishable from real photos of children—may divert law enforcement’s attention away from actual children in need of rescue,” it added.

Several constraints already exist on the reporting system. Only about 5 percent to 8 percent of reports to the CyberTipline result in arrests in the U.S., according to Monday’s report.
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>data is being collected from illegal material?
It's not
>What about the day when this stuff is created total from scratch and looks completely real?
That's pretty much now. They are trained on open source images and can generalize to specific images they haven't seen by combining features from images they have seen
Do you have any idea how many powerful people are pedos? This would never happen.
The cunny spam will continue until the govt improves.
thats deep bro
it's a nonsensical system created in a completely different time period for a different group of people utilizing different levels of technology with different intentions. With India, the largest users of the internet in the world, essentially legalizing child pornography, its only going to get worse. Ai is just a meme, a distraction. The corporations need normies to fear ai so they can push through regulations that cripple ai as a tool for non-corporate entities, and fears about Csam has been their go-to explaination for everything in the past 20 years. The entire data brokerage industry and it's related memes is based entirely on the idea that your rights can and should be violated to 'stop child sex abuse'. But funnily enough, it never did, did it?

images generated by an algorithium aren't hurting 'the victims', the court sending them mails every time someone is caught is what causes the trauma. Everyone involved knows it but regular people do not. Which is something very few people know about or understand when they get on their soap box and rant about the politically correct and approved issues involving CSAM. The system was originally created so they could be witnesses to charge the consumers and put a quick end to the consumption but that only worked in the context of the 80s and 90s where internet usage was low and pornography consumption was even lower. Now theres literally a billion+ people online doing all kinds of stuff, and nobody cares about the actual people involved. It's just another form of content for many people, the faux moral outrage fueled by the satanic panic of the 1980s when society was 95% white is completely gone. The fact that they had to change the term fromCP toCSAM should tell you all you need to know about which direction society is heading. Minors with smartphones will continue to generate content of themselves, and the police will continue to pretend they are victimizing themselves because the law hasnt caught up with reality.

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Who was in the wrong here?
fk your virus. post nudes
>Who was wrong?
our sick society caused by capitalism.
this sort of thing rarely occurs in ChyyNa or Britain.
OP, for being a newfag and not pasting the article text

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — A Rochester man was arrested and accused of threatening federal law enforcement in messages sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

According to prosecutors, Eric Anthony, 27, sent an email to the ATF Thursday criticizing gun laws, the ATF, FBI, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, and Rochester Police Department. In the email, Anthony allegedly threatened to kill law enforcement officers, and said if anything happened to him or his family, he would be “left no choice to impose my ‘hellish strategic move.’”

Anthony then allegedly faxed much of the same information directly to the MCSO.

Anthony was arrested and charged with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such law enforcement officers while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such law enforcement officers on account of the performance of their official duties. He faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine if convicted.

A detention hearing is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.
Eric Anthony... Is that gun nut schizo's real name? Has he finally been unmasked?

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Feds sue popular convenience store, charging racial discrimination in hiring practices

BALTIMORE, Md. -- Federal officials have sued the Sheetz convenience store chain, claiming the company discriminated against job applicants who were Black, Native American and multiracial.

The discrimination occurred, the federal government said, as the company automatically eliminated job applicants that Sheetz deemed to have failed a criminal background check.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit in Baltimore against the company and two subsidiaries, charging that the convenience store and gas station chain’s practices have a disproportionate impact on minority applicants and thus run afoul of federal civil rights law.

Sheetz on Thursday denied the charges.

“Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of who we are,” company spokesperson Nick Ruffner said in a statement to The Associated Press. “We take these allegations seriously. We have attempted to work with the EEOC for nearly eight years to find common ground and resolve this dispute,”
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I'm not hairsplitting. This started in the first place from someone equivocating mental illness with mental disability yo imply one was the other. Fuck off. The distinction matters here.
So surely you could give me an example of how "mental illness" and "mental disability" are different in regards to employment?
A mental illness is a disease that affects your ability to regulate emotions or remain cognizant.
A mental disability is a handicap that physically limits you from doing certain things.
If someone tasks you with assembling a cardboard box, and you're too depressed to care, that is mental illness.
If someone tasks you with assembling a cardboard box, and you literally cannot do it because you're a sub-80 IQ retard, that's a mental disability.
So you can't give a single example then? That's what I thought.
It is hard to believe that it is not common knowledge individuals with a background check are pretty much relegated to a life of unemployment or the lowest form of employment possible. While I don’t necessarily agree with that in certain circumstances. It does not appear to be illegal?

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A transgender person has shared their experience after receiving an experimental new surgery that involves removing the entirety of their external genitals.

Adrian, 27, from Florida, is non-binary - meaning they do not conform to either male or female - and had the operation at a controversial gender clinic in Texas that has been dubbed 'Frankenstein's lab'.

It is one of a handful hospitals in the country that offer genital nullification surgery - a procedure which involves removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition down from the stomach to the groin.

A small but hidden opening remains in order for urine to exit the body. Those born biologically female undergo a hysterectomy, which stops them menstruating.

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You should have a right to visit a prostitute, but the state shouldn't have to pay for it
I'd honestly go smoothie if it meant losing the drive for sex too, but that's not how biology works.
I've always been curious about this. Some men do this because of fetishes, and that's fucking hot.

Yes this is exactly what castration results in, unless you take hormones
Makes sense if you think about the implications of artificial gestation devices. Although with current technology it's grotesque.

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls on Johnson to resign after foreign aid bills pass: ‘If he doesn’t do so, he will be vacated’
By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN
3 minute read
Updated 5:09 PM EDT, Sun April 21, 2024


Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Sunday said House Speaker Mike Johnson “betrayed” Republican voters after the House approved new aid to Ukraine, threatening to call a vote for his ouster if he doesn’t resign.

“Mike Johnson’s speakership is over. He needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. If he doesn’t do so, he will be vacated,” Greene said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”
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clinton literally banned fags from getting married and made it like a 10 year banishment from getting caught coming in illegally. Now biden has an open border, is flying illegals in, is suing companies for not hiring illegals, is putting the faggot flag up and is telling people to castrate their kids. Dems moved left
Does it feel cathartic to just get angry at imaginary problems all day?
>Now biden has an open border, is flying illegals in, is suing companies for not hiring illegals, is putting the faggot flag up and is telling people to castrate their kids. Dems moved left
I think this post is a great example of how far right conservatives have become. Like, you actually believe this pile of dogshit you've typed here is true. Whereas 80s and 90s Republicans I still disagreed with they were at least tethered to reality about what Dems believed. 50% of conservatives today, like you, are actually psychotic. You unironically have no clue what the Dem platform is.
>no argument so you are trying to change the subject
deportations are down and boarder crossings are up since trump left office. he sued musk for not hiring illegals, there are literally fucking pic of him with the fag flag on the whitehouse
what is this gaslighting bullshit when all of this can be easily googled?
>what is this gaslighting bullshit when all of this can be easily googled?
They literally depend on people who don't bother.

Family dine and dash in Swansea, getting children involved is what's makes it even more scummy. Making a child stay while the whole family "gets the credit card" from the car and then the kid running away is honestly a crazy plan.

How dare they!!1 they ought to apologize!1
They aint even Roma and they're stealing our craft!11
fucking paywall click bait.

Link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/man-sets-himself-on-fire-outside-trump-trial

>The man who doused himself with accelerant and set himself ablaze outside Donald Trump’s Manhattan trial on Friday published an online manifesto, declaring that he self-immolated to warn the world about an “apocalyptic fascist world coup.”

>The self-immolating conspiracy theorist was identified by cops as Max Azzarello, a 37-year-old from St. Augustine, Florida, who was in critical condition on Friday afternoon. He declared online that his act was an “extreme act of protest ... to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery.”

>His Substack manifesto is a dizzying document that rails against cryptocurrency, New York University, the Clintons, and the world’s governments—warning readers that they are “victims of a totalitarian con” akin to a massive Ponzi scheme.

He mentions that Peter Thiel, famed billionaire homosexual immigrant, is behind much of the worlds suffering and it kind of makes sense seeing how evil Peter Thiel is.
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he used the words "Trump is with Biden and they're about to fascist coup us" he was a hard core liberal
No one believes you
I do because he's right.
He was obviously a libshit faggot whose world broke when he realized Democrats are the saviors of man and we're locked in a two party joke of a no-choice but to get fucked situation.
>we're locked in a two party joke of a no-choice but to get fucked situation.
This is a cope for the fact that nobody agrees with you. Americans have tons of choices for congress, senate and the white house. We have communists, socialists, white nationalists, evangelicals, fucking schizos who wear boots on their heads, finance bros, ex-sports stars, libertarians, green party, anarchists etc., They run every single year. You know why they don't win? Because people don't vote for them. You've fallen for the zoomer cucked mentality of "muh politics is unfair" because you exist in a microcosm of electorally useless citizens who nobody cares about. Sorry, pal. That's democracy. If you want your fringe candidate to win then do what the rest of the boomers and elder millennials do - raise money, canvas, campaign, advertise.
computer who is henry wallace
computer who won the 2020 presidential election
computer what is lobbying
computer what is testing theories of american politics
>"You guys just bitch too much"
get back to your cubicle and sort those insurance forms

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House Approves $95 Billion Aid Bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
After months of delay at the hands of a bloc of ultraconservative Republicans, the package drew overwhelming bipartisan support, reflecting broad consensus.


The House voted resoundingly on Saturday to approve $95 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as Speaker Mike Johnson put his job on the line to advance the long-stalled aid package by marshaling support from mainstream Republicans and Democrats.

In four back-to-back votes, overwhelming bipartisan coalitions of lawmakers approved fresh rounds of funding for the three U.S. allies, as well as another bill meant to sweeten the deal for conservatives that could result in a nationwide ban of TikTok.

The scene on the House floor reflected both the broad support in Congress for continuing to help the Ukrainian military beat back Russia, and the extraordinary political risk taken by Mr. Johnson to defy the anti-interventionist wing of his party who had sought to thwart the measure. Minutes before the vote on assistance for Kyiv, Democrats began to wave small Ukrainian flags on the House floor, as hard-right Republicans jeered.
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'161 Ukrainian children abducted by Russia found in Germany'
Try harder, tranny
good american sheep spend more money on foreign powers that will definitely not bite you in the arse. when has handing billions upon billions in equipment weaponry and funds gone badly.
>no, not my .2% of GDP, help!
Is this really the best Ivan can do?

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A Washington, D.C., judge issued a dire warning Friday about the effects of the January 6 attack.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan sentenced Scott Miller, a former Proud Boys leader who fought with multiple police officers while trying to storm the Capitol building, to 66 months in prison. This is one of the longest sentences that Chutkan has given. She cited Miller’s actions at the Capitol, as well as evidence that he held Nazi beliefs and thought that Washington, D.C., residents should be executed.

Previously, the longest sentences Chutkan had handed down related to the insurrection were 63 months long, given to two other violent offenders at the Capitol. Chutkan described the storming of the Capitol as “close to as serious a crisis as this nation has ever faced.”

“It can happen again,” Chutkan, who is expected to preside over Donald Trump’s criminal trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election, said Friday. “Extremism is alive and well in this country. Threats of violence continue unabated.”

Those threats have become normalized in Republican discourse, with right-wing figures across the country invoking violence and urging their supporters to arm themselves. The man behind it all, Donald Trump, has yet to face any consequences thanks to the Supreme Court holding up his case over questions of presidential immunity.
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>jan 6th
Debunked since Augsust of '21 ^_^
you've probably lost this argument at least 100 times
The Boogaloo Riots were a riot
>Still Quoting the Trump compromised FBI

Meanwhile in reality




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I look forward to reading the Fox News and Newsmax article on this.

GOP operative’s conviction over illegal Russian contributions to Trump campaign upheld
The Hill
April 20, 2024 at 2:01 PM


A GOP political operative’s conviction over steering illegal Russian contributions to former President Trump’s 2016 campaign was upheld by a federal appeals court on Friday.

The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal of Jesse Benton, a veteran political operative.

Benton was convicted in late 2022. He had been charged with helping to orchestrate an illegal donation to the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) for a Russian national, Roman Vasilenko.

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What kind of weird projection is this? Besides, I'm from Michigan fag
>Benton’s consulting firm received $100,000. The operative created a fake invoice on which he said the fee was for consulting. He then arranged for Vasilenko to meet with Trump at a fundraiser without revealing his nationality to the campaign or the former president, according to court documents.
Sounds like op needs some meds
You are not helping your case you know
of course it was a hoax. Here's what really happened:

The Russians hacked the network that was used to update the voting machines, preventing the Democrats from stealing it via computer vote shaving. They knew this happened but couldn't admit it for obvious reasons so they concocted the ridiculous story that got entirely BTFO years ago.

I doubt Trump had any awareness of this - the Russians probably just thought it would be funny.

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