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Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?
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18000 future polish citizens hail from my country btw
Thank you PiS!
Thank you Tusk!
Just a reminder that 99% of UK jews live in England. The rest of the UK is fine.
Globalists will destroy it soon, don't worry.
>+650% jews
We're being invaded
How white is Poland? In percentage?

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>What is Bronze Age Mindset?
The book centers on BAP's ideal vision, the eponymous "Bronze Age Mindset",[34] which he defines as "the secret desire…to be worshiped as a god!"[31] and which he calls a state "of complete power and freedom".[34] The book's main theme argues against the concept of human equality.[31] BAP discusses classical figures, including Alcibiades, Periander of Corinth, and the heroes of the Homeric epics.[35][17] In particular, BAP argues that the historical figures of the pirate and soldier of fortune are heroic ideals and asserts that classical education is wasted on both (social) liberals and conventional conservatives.[35]
>Who is Bronze Age Pervert?
Bronze Age Pervert, also known as BAP or B.A.P.,[1] is a pseudonymous far-right Internet personality, associated with the manosphere. The media have identified Costin Vlad Alamariu[2] (born May 21, 1980),[3] a Romanian-American, as the person behind the pseudonym.[4][5]

>Bronze Age Mindset PDF:
>Carribbean Rhythms with Bronze Age Pervert Free Podcast:

>Other Useful Links & Reading material:
>Homer - The Iliad
>Plato - The Republic

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You kikes are clearly getting desperate. Young White people want nothing to do with your zionist faggotry.
>Do you know who else is?
Jewish puppets.
I don't follow any abrahamic religions, I don't know why you are posting this to me
Yeah, you had one enemy for two decades and now you have new allies you suddenly "dont like them" so much that you ally with your sworn enemy. And that just happens to occur when jews and probably the faith of israel depends on the public opinion like never before. It requires a down syndrome just to entertain a possibility of this being true.

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>Protest against a law that forbids foreign countries from buying up their politicians and putting them on their payroll
Are georgians actually retarded monkeys?
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It's very similar to the equivalent law in the US.
No faggot we are protesting against zigger government
Honestly protests aren't enough, we should start killing them already
Useful idiots are faggots that scream "peace" and "no violence"
In Russia, any public figure who says or even hints that the three-day special operation was a mistake and should not have been started is considered a foreign agent. Internal financing is not necessary for this. What are the chances that Georgia won't do the same? This is still not an EU country, but a corrupt hole.
Gee, why would there be protests against a FARA law in a country that the US wants to turn into another Ukraine?

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Wow ... Jews are ... based?
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Kek how will the mudslimes and their grifted bitches on 4channel spin this one?
Worlds biggest helicopter?
it was real in their mind
>gaza health ministry is reporting
Kikes blew them all up and all their hospitals so I doubt that.
you nigger loving french faggot
total kike deah

Feminists seem pretty concerned about currently non existant robowaifus
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He admitted as much, its getting to him
Pakistan zindabad
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Fair enough. Not like there's limited threads I suppose.
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that busted single mom can fuck off.
how about you explain why the actual fuck are you guys making those threads on /pol/ of all places?
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would love to see a movie with a AI girl

Because off My mental Handicap and autism ad hearing Bio-cunts are pure evil and heartless to Me

but how are You Frens holding up

Ps this is a drawing i made how I want My wafui To look like I will Call her Emily and will huge and Kiss Her the whole Night while watching Dragon ball super

What's your take on Russell Brand? Perhaps I'm being superficial here but his eyes don't seem right to me.
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Some of them are objectively correct though, fag.
he has an objectively small peepee
He's definitely got a touch of the sanpuko
None have them have special insight you fucking pleb. Havent you learned anything?
And the small puko

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Poor families
I donated to the gun

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calling all leafs edition
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I made a blood pact with a demon, this will reveal my destiny
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Don't know
Fuck yeah
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You know you want to put it in. You crave it. That's why you keep this image on your device.

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I've read a lot of history, and I cannot think of any time before the 20th century when teenagers had their own subculture and rebelled against their father's generation. I think this was invented in the 20th century, for the purpose of stopping human progress.
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Yes. The Boomer generation was the first to disrespect and dismiss the wisdom of their elders, instead believing that they were the most advanced and enlightened generation in history.

William Shakespeare (c. 23[a] April 1564 – 23 April 1616)[b] was an English playwright, poet, and actor. He is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.

Rebellion against authority is a recurring motif in Shakespeare's tragedies, where characters often challenge rulers or societal structures. In "Macbeth," the titular character rebels against King Duncan's authority by succumbing to his ambition and murdering him to seize the throne.
And James Dean was a jewish faggot taking lumpy Jimmy Dean breakfast sausages up his ass on a regular basis
Fuck no. Many Celtic and Germanic tribes had customs where adolescent men of proto-noble or otherwise better off families would just fuck off into the forest to live in informal warbands of other young men, raiding and raping and pillaging until they either came back to their home village with gold and a few slave-brides, died, or settled somewhere else. These were just as tacitly accepted as modern teenage rebellion and predate Jewish contact entirely.
That is not the same thing. At all.

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>You name it.
why wouldn't they just shoot that motherfucker down with a javelin & blame the shiites?
Mi5 covers pedo for the Monarch
How can you even type such stupidity with my fat dick in your mouth?
>I'm starting to think he's done this before
Okay they found the heli and?
now what
what do you expect from hindus? they're the ultimate golem to kikes.

you pajeets are fucking embarassment

blood will be on YOUR hands!
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Boohoo media kikes
jews just cant help themselves

bfq scheduler on ssd
firefox with ublock

I wana give werc.cat-v.org a go
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mike obama will jump in soon
biden will suffer health problems

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This goy knows
So Iran will just keep cucking
Based Israel bros, never change
>restore the republic
your republic died when you let jews get away with fucking nixon over

why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?
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Dude, most people here are fucking dirty Latinx
easiest way to get banned from a blue board
The Jew is correct, this board is filled with LatinX monkeys.
That happens all the time here. About 20% of the tenants in this building are Venezuelans. They don't speak a word of English. I get the sense that the single guys are dodging a draft but my Spanish is muy malo.
Beanerettes are highly breedable and crave BWC

What's stopping them?
Give them 1 week then drop it
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Either they fear retaliation from the west, or their nuclear stockpile is rusted to shit.
Because other countries would react to Russia's launching of nukes without waiting to see where they land.
Mutt nukes keep Russians from nuking its enemies and Russian nukes keep mutts from nuking their enemies
Why would they nuke this?
>Mutt nukes keep Russians from nuking its enemies
Why? I don't get this. How do American nukes prevent Russia from using nukes on Ukraine?

Why do communists say workers should own the means of production when America doesn't produce anything and the means of production are cheap?
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there's a point in time around 2009 where you could open a Subway franchise for like $50k, which is why they popped up in every small town in America
thats also why they're all owned by poos.
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based mexican at heart
go sell watermelons in the streetcorners, loose cigarrettes in your open window, tacos in the street
become the working class
Same here in Germany, but they are either fully gone now, or switch owner every year after closing down for a few months.
What people mean when they say "own the means of production" is "give me free stuff".

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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>leaving is a good idea if you have the means.

TO WHERE?!?!?!
Well out of all European people I think you Irish people are going to make it out of this faggotry pretty well even if it will draw out for decades more. At least I hope so because you entered into this stuff later than others which means you had more resistance to begin with.
I'd suck his dick.
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reported for saying the N-word.
What do they mean by having sex that at the same time they did not somehow want to after the fact?

How do you have sex with someone you did not in fact want to. Not in a black out drunk fucking a fatty for the male version either.

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Historically, usury or the charging of interest on loans was illegal in christian nations. Only the Jews engaged in it. And now we are here in 2024.
I own 6 gorillion Holobunga debts.
I have 0 debt


Why did we take the Jewish death shot
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boo womp
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Yeah, the flu disappeared. Years ago Ontario had a flu elimination program they spent millions on. It failed. They said it was impossible to eliminate the flu. I painted the house of an old man who lives up the road from me. One day he comes up to me in the local grocery store. He tells me his family doctor told him covid wasn't real it was the flu. I told him I've seen the charts.
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He's the greatest president of your lifetime.
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Thomas Sowell unironically ranks him the worst POTUS ever:
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Remember when Germans went crazy for Obama like he was another JFK?
He's an uncle tom.
That's the only good kind of black
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