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cringe. Women like dancing because women are a meme. No men actually like dancing they just pretend to like it because women like it.

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It's afraid
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But they were expected to slave for it and they shouldn't. Holes try to hold society hostage all the time by claiming they won't suck dicks if they're not allowed to kill their kids or 2x the pay, the difference is that if males stopped working blue collar everything would go to shit, but they'd have to be diligent.
chud folk hero
people think incels are sad and pathetic, we are just waiting for you all to die out.
>stacy is fucking tyrone and is getting pregnant while you faggots cry
take money from non white male engineer
including women jew irish italian
have king
end non manufacturing n farming job
y'all ain't gonna do shit anyway. also i'm pretty sure this exclusively a millennial issue so good luck gaining any traction with the youth

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>I can’t count to 12 but here’s why it’s your fault
Goyim have no free will, reacting to and adopting Jewish thought is all you can manage. Enough said.
You're the same type of scum, can't even avoid committing haram and following satan
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Tower of Babel

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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(im also retarditive)
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I know of a solution to this problem.

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throw them out of airplanes?
That has to be more crushing than anything to hear

Get. Back. To. Work.
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Work should be an agreement between people where labor is exchanged for adequate compensation, not a means of slavery.

Maybe this guy should realize that.
The dirtiest job is being a male prostitute.
>Work hard for 14$ while the company makes record profits and increases dividends because the CEO owns the most shares and dividends are lower taxed than income.
Quit living off of my taxes you lazy fuck.
reminder that the majority of men in 3rd world countries own homes (real homes with electricity, plumbing, etc) are married and have children.

In america men are expected to work because its a ((((duty)))). you wont ever get married, you will never get a gf, you wont ever own a home, you can barely afford food/rent, you will be constantly be insulted by women for being a ((((loser)))) and not worth her fucking you.

btw, all this is karma, you all deserve this, youre not the victim, all of this is what you accepted because youre weak 'men' (not really deserve to be called men). so enjoy sucking cock because thats all you guys have to look forward to in life

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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>That's a bluepill. They really don't. Women can and do go 180 degrees
You're just low IQ and are conflating a woman's rational behavior with her intuitive understanding of what she wants. You're expecting women to behave like you do and then dismissing comprehensible behavior because it doesn't fit the mode you expect.
Typical midwit arrogance style mentality.

>Hurr durr typical household fight
You're still trapped in a very normative bias paradigm. Women are not marrying, cross culturally. Urbanization explains it best, but on marriage in particular its women going to college at 18 that proximately explains no marriage. They socialize into the urban modern culture rather than having their first baby and they're done for.
College - a brief exception to normal life and a break away from it to prepare to integrate into a higher professional level - becomes the model and foundation of life. College is the prototype for modern adult life and women are incapable of seeing past their proximate social environment.
People need to stop fleeing to the next best thing and fight for their country.
I'm still gonna get an italian passport just to make sure tho
This strategy only lasts so long.

I admit you have to get to a point where you "accept" things the way they are and rejoin normiestan. But when you do you return without an emotional or aspirational connection to the people around you. They're not your friends, they're not neighbors, they're not lovers. You're a travelling merchant concluding business until your next adventure.

And you do have to keep in mind the full worst case scenario. Maybe not expect to fully plan for or dodge it, but keep it in mind and make your plans in light of it.
>if you ignore these problems they go away.
yep, just like your race
>fight for their country
>freemasons sucking each other's dicks with the favela rape gang on the other side of the wall

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tfw no primordial evil white wife
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this would be much better pasta is someone cut off the second to last sentence midway through. lol
or maybe you're a fucking idiot?
It's pasta DUMBFUCK.
Lurk more.
Makes sense to me?
Fun n funny.
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>posting an incoherent rant about irrational mexican woman
>pretending it's pasta
>ololol i trolled you i guess


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What happened to people before Christ?
Hell is a jewish creation to scare Nords and the other races
women will do anything to get attention. i hate women very much
Shut up niggermutt
Before Christ and the New Covenant, things worked differently as far as how exactly God sifts out the hearts of men, or so the story goes.

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Why did Facebook and Apple choose to commit suicide by VR when everyone else is making Scrooge McDuck money with AI???
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If steve jobs were alive right now he'd take the apple headset and shove it so far down Apple Tim's throat it would come out of his arse.
I tried the Metaverse. Forcing everyone to make an effeminate avatar at step 1 killed it for me. Fuck those stupid homos
some one post that picture with the nigga wearing the goggles
>pets charge an obscene fee for slop!
>wtf why aren't people buying it????
They should have all offered cheap as fuck VR shit to have actual people in the market first, then provided different lines of virtual slop goggles
Advertised their products with blacks who don't have $3000 cash, so no one buys them.

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We now know that kikes have cut out the middle-man and are now suppressing Americans directly with active duty IDF troops, we should at least be able to discuss this on 4chan.

This 4th year UCLA student's life is ruined (webm related). He has permanent brain damage, he will be saddled with medical bills for the rest of his life, it WILL affect his ability to get hired once he graduates.

He has no legal recourse, he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence. He can't file a lawsuit because while he can get a lawyer, the courts are ignoring him and denying him his rights.

The media has a gag order on this story.

All this because an active duty IDF soldier by the name of Eliran Bismut lost his cool and attempted to murder the UCLA student by smashing a 2x4 over his head as hard as he could on the night of April the 30th on livestream. Now the entire pozzed system is collapsing in on itself to protect him and the money flow that funded his plane ticket to West Los Angeles. Money flow that connects other powerful jews directly to the funding of the Israeli American Council, jews like Alon Abishoor who were present at UCLA on April 30th, 2024. These powerful and wealthy jews (see: https://archive.is/IXAt4).

It is pointed out in previous threads such as this one https://archive.is/oZLsd,and in this report by The Nation https://archive.is/mOD6A that the funding for the Pro-Zionist "counter protests" comes from the Adelsons and the Israeli American Council or IAC which is a hardline zionist organization that believes in a ONE STATE (jew state) solution for Israel unlike AIPAC which still to this day publicly supports a two state solution.

Aaron Cohen an Israeli intelligence officer can also be seen here https://archive.is/g8bYY working with the LASD at UCLA during all of this.
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correct. That's all there is to it really.
I'm not a lawyer but the city didn't open his skull. Israel did.
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>violent jewish mobs attacking the youth while recieving protections from the police and current political regime
>Just file a lawsuit against a kike in America
Courts are refusing to hear the case, we could file a FOIA to find out why but you'd have to be retarded to expect anything from the ZOG legal system
>protests were AGAINST Israel
But the protests were in support of war crimes and terrorism.
>these threads are not about the genocide
You still support genocide and violence.
>IDF terrorizing Americans on American soil
IDF is terrorizing Palestinian supporters. Just like Palestinians terrorized Israelis on Oct 7th but with less rape, torture, and murder. What are you complaining about.
I quoted them JIDF scum
here it is again
>he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence.
You don't need the police for a civil lawsuit.

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I was riding my bike and I went pass this huge sand pit that is located in between a motorway and a road, in a forest in the middle of nowhere. There were lots of condom wrappers and discarded juice bottles & food wrappers. Are gays such deviants that they have to live like that? Is it the "sinful" debauchery itself that makes them hide like this or do we really persecute them? The concept of hiding in the woods and doing stuff like that just baffles me.
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We have a similar faggot cruising place here. Out by the coast, no beach just high grass. Me and my friend discovered it when we saw a stranded life boat there. Lots of condoms, downtrodden grass and garbage. 40 years later my dog run away at the same spot. Still the same shit going on. It’s generational faggotry.
Lmao, did you call the number? I see a nice opportunity for a prank here.
Again the correlation between condoms and gays comes into question, but I think OP is just a curious twink
Of course but they just do that in normal places like school yards, parks or the beach. Drinking in the middle of the forest on a mattress sounds really fucking boring.
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This. Kids wouldn't and or even couldn't drive 10 kilometres off the city, then three kilometres off the road into the woods and just magically find this spot. There are even gay messages written at the spots on the motorway's rest spot, but still faggots on this thread are saying they're not faggots.

why there are barely any french people on /pol/?
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>They're all working 12hrs per day so that niggers can have 12+ niglet apes per woman.
>When they get off work they drink wine, in between bottles they fap on their balconies to niggers gang raping white women on the streets below.
Sounds like London. And Manchester. And Birmingham. And Bristol. And Liverpool. And Leeds. And, obviously, Rotherham. Projection Nige?
>The French education system is an absolute disaster.
Please explain. This is the first I've heard of it.
They don't know english, they are too busy browsing preddit.
>I'm french and I hate russians so much it's unreal
Why? What did they do to you?
Hors de question d'aller sur cette merde, ça demande bien toutes tes infos genre num tel limite scan carte d'identité etc?
Et le concept lui-même de "suivre" des gens et d'avoir l'équivalent de micro-blogs et l'opinion de trou-du-cul #59 dans la gueule via des algos qui décident quelle bouillie déjà digérée je dois avaler me donne la nausee. Nique Les RS.

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Not saying she's wrong, but why is she going so hard about this?
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>Note how she doesn't give any attention or give a shit about FtM trannies.
hmmm, good point
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Biological man. Whatever, you know what I mean.

I remember reading a story on twitter about some TERF woman freaking out when a transman that looked like picrel walked into the women’s bathroom because she wasn’t sure if it was a biological man or not.
Oh, I never said I didn’t agree with her. I just meant it’s a little crazy that she’s obsessing over it.
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I would eat ice cream off her two handed spread arsehole doggystyle, and call her mummy.
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It’s trans man. Use the space!

Itt post images of Americans
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I'd still giver her the D
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this one made me laugh
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Hate Speech is destroying the Software Development community!
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People lie for drama you memeflaggot. Why are you pretending you didn't know that? No one that will actually ever kill you is going to warn you in a recorded medium on purpose you dipshit.
Fuck off pajeet
That's fucking hilarious. If it were just a regular autistic straight white man developer, that email would probably make their entire week as they had a good laugh and showed their friends the hilarious email they just got. But since it's some wokescold troon, they have to have a mental breakdown about it and blow up the project.
Yeah, totally agree. Look at how great South Africa is. They throw away unnecessary stuff and now they are greater than ever! Surely they will create paradise on earth. Surely.
I hope Sephiroth summons a meteor on your head.
Yeah sounds pretty generic. I am more and more convinced coding is filled with pajeets and trannies. I am stupidly still using windows but I am basically observing them delete my memes I haven't reinstalled in years things are just gone.

What's the worst thing that could happen?
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>Introduction of the digital ID system
>1B spent on tackling misogynist behavior online
>Calls to add age verification to porn sites
>A reevaluation of the classification board
To become an Australian.
>digital id instated
>age restrictions on social media
>need digital id to sign up to social media to verify age
>all posts made online are linked to your digital id, anonymity no longer exists
>sites that don't cooperate are blocked by isps by order of the esafety commissioner
>disapprove of globohomo policies like mutilating the genitals of children or mass immigration
>sent to camp
I love liberal democratic values!
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Basically what freemason Greg Abutt did in Texas with streaming porn.

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>talk German politics
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>no viking funeral
80 years without a European conflict! Congrats!
Pax Americana, baby.
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>bro-tiers into your country
No no you misunderstand. Sikhs are bros when they are over wherever the other Sikhs are.
Anglos are worse than poojeets.

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Unironically there needs to be another "war on drugs"/war on crime, but this time for real. Dismantle the CIA, send the full force of the Army into Mexico to destroy the cartels
There are more spics in America than Whites. The spics need to be expelled first.

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discuss the political implications of men dropping out and having ai sweetheart girlfriends? feminists (and jeets, lol wtf) seeming to be bretty goncerned about the nonexistent robowaifus
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Ugh, who let pig cunt in? No truffles to be found here, Wilber. Better totter off, I think they put your slop out for the night. Soo-wee!
Is that some dumb meme thing? I don't fucking care, the rest of your message was unreadable anyway.
Hire a sex worker for an hour and get it out of your system, my cousin works part time in the trade and you'd be surprised at the number of men who come purely for handholding, cuddles, and the occasional cheek kiss.
>robo waifu egirl streamers
>robo waifu receptionists
>robo waifu sign holders/free sample givers
>programmed with whatever male hobby of interest
Why not? The end of hoeflation should be openly enjoyed.
Get lost summerfag.

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