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Confess Edition
Post big tits of all kinds!

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69081613/
274 replies and 209 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Totally Oppai...
Beautiful pic you posted. My ideal woman is one who can be called mommy.
On the topic of vtubers: there are tons and tons of vtubers out there so surely there will be one you like but I understand the hate. A lot of them are just posers and trend riders.
I just don't care for the whole parasocial relationship aspect, same reason I don't care for most streamers. I'm not gonna pay $10 just to hear a random girl say thanks to me, I already get that just going to the store, and actually buying something.
Their designs I have absolutely no problem with.
Rant aside, I agree, and Frigga is great.

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Gone fishin Edition

PREVIOUS: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69281209

>A1111 and Forge/reForge Installation Guides


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*porsha and diane
No mortal man could last more than five seconds in that cookie.
Love this fopps model so much.
Whitney should particularly get more love. I think.

/fflg/ - Furry F-List General #12

Scalie Edition

Previous Thread: >>69188525

Furry F-List General is a thread based upon the original /flg/ thread. The purpose of this thread is to discuss topics around the furry roleplay and doing so on the F-List website! Whilst the topic isn't intended to be exclusionary, or to contain topics relating to furries to just this thread, it is intended to discuss topics more pertinent to furries, and hopefully encourage furries who haven't used F-list before to get involved and make a profile.

We also welcome HMOFA or Monster Girls, or just people that wanna fuck furries!

Feel free to share logs, discuss interests, characters and whatever else! There's an expectation this place will be a little bit slow, and for the time being creation shall be either every friday, or just whenever any particular anon is overly inclined. (But I'll make them on Fridays.)

>The Site
>Login Stats

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Sadly, no. Rimming is something a lot of people will just do, but there's no community around it.
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Snakes have the best tits
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Do you agree
Not really, no.

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Out Of Placers

>back to the flashing thing

>the whole
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Big ying or tiny car.
it's one of those toy cars you give to toddlers
914.4 meter stare.
which is also its enantiomer D-cent.

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>Snoot Game:

>I Wani Hug That Gator:
https://pastebin.com/njqLSDCH Downloads
https://imgur.com/a/kHVfTxY Guide

>GVH Download (Fitgirl)

>Snoot Game OST:

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i’m baking a thread
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E2 Fang, my beloved . . .
cringe and bluepilled
>>69303143 >>69303143 >>69303143 >>69303143 >>69303143 >>69303143

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Consequences Edition

OP Template

/hhg/ website:

>Hazbin Hotel
Official description:
Hazbin Hotel is the story of Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. She opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be "checking out" into Heaven.

Hazbin Hotel Pilot:

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Which anon?
When you think about it if Vox and Alastor were to have a kid it'd basically be a Furby, an electric singing gremlin with no soul.
Should rape da deer live on radio cause he forgot to turn off the mic….
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A contract by any other name would be just as binding. Care to sign with your tongue, too?
Strawberry flavored for your pleasure.

I suppose beggars can be choosers, if they beg with enough conviction.
Nifty if you keep this up you are going in the opposite of the wall.... The empty room
and all day it fills with dust and never gets clean.
Also no people are allowed in so no rape allowed either...

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/mcg/ thread - Marecock General

Which characters sweaty, steamy balls would you wanna rub all over your face?
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I lost a bet and 1 part of the bet was that I would have to answer every question asked of me with 100% honesty in this thread.

So I guess ask away anons.
Are you a male?
Yup, I'm male. A dude, a guy, a real bro as they say.
Are you gay?

tenda spencer sheboon fetish
your sheboon or mine
I don’t know who or what this os

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my coworkers took me out for drinks today and next week we're having a blunt sesh in my honor i was finally making real friends
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i hope i can make friends someday
you can have mine
i'm too lazy for friends

/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Battle against Lorelei edition

Previous: >>69287004
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Nobody is posting anything interesting...
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You certainly seeeem pretty cute... I'm 20! And honestly I tend to go a bit further than juuuust bullying. You wouldn't be replying if you didn't like the idea of someone so much younger really having his way with you, would you?
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What would be interesting, anon? This is a page 9 thread, ya know...
No! I'm not cute anymore!! No no! and dang that's way more than a decade...further than *just* bullying?? What does that mean... Now I'm kind of nervous you know! and OK maybe the idea is kind of interesting er no I'm just horny that's all doesn't mean anything!
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thread is about to die so I'll just post my tag and let you decide if you want to take things further! You still seem very cute to me.

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/BLEACHED/ General #1811

>"But I'm Racist" Edition

>Previous Thread


>BLEACHED Manga Recommendations

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New thread

But this one's not dead yet!
I don’t see how. It’s pretty fitting actually
It is now.
Ok yeah now it is

/ERP/ - Erotic Roleplaying Thread

Juicy Thighs and Thirsty Eyes Edition

Previous: >>69280526
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The snek butt is too big, you can't fight against it, and if you even try to, you'll be turned to stone to really rub in your loss.
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>She's second from popping her lid. He's really done it this time....just as she's about to give him a real wallop, her eyes are suddenly blocked by the towel.
The hell are y-!!
>She can feel it....a kissy....followed by a freaking bite what the hell!? Once the towel is tossed aside, the girl's blushing face is put on full display, along with her glare.
You little....I'm at least polite when I break boundaries! I don't go bullying others!

Gwehehe, it's really gre- Hey don't lick her what the hell!?
>Neru is just as stunned, holding her cheek while red creeps up her face.
Thanku Lizzy!!!
>Blows a kiss.

Don't worry, I'm stupid enough to interrupt your date to hit on you both at the same time. I'm not leaving you out.
Pork is starting to sound a little sleepy! It's cute. Or maybe that's just incredibly comfy.. One of the two.
>Puffs my cheek out against yours, only to smile and snuggle in close.
Nn.. Well, I'm happy you think so atleast even if I just pinch at and bug you. Did you say it before? Jeez.. Must have spread it out far enough for my brain to not register it. Normally it would have ended with cutie getting- ahem.. Well, that's not important. I'm sure you have a vague idea of what will happen though! Would just push that time a bit..
A lot forward for atleast one of the two things that were hopefully going to happen down the line.
>These students of his were getting way too damn smart... It made him proud, of course, but it also pissed him off a little. He'd need to figure out what kind of freaky malware Toki injected into his computer later... He'd also need to move the contents of his Homework folder to a safer, more encrypted location.
>But before then, he had a student to teach.
Fine, Toki. Sensei will teach you how scary grown ups are, so you better be prepared...
>Sensei reaches into the desk of his drawer, pulling out an entire bunny suit, accessories and all. Why did sensei keep one in his desk? Don't ask questions.
Now put on the bunny suit, squat with your legs spread, and give me your best impression of a bunny in heat!

Providing your daily dose of gooning

Previous thread: >>69188589
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That portal? Straight to a bedroom.
..of an orphanage.
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New thread

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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3303

>"Virility Serum" edition


By Shallowintrospection
>Chicken In the Fox's Den (Ch. 2)

By ItsAMadhouse
>Claws of Helion (Ch. 3)

By LiveIron

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New thread:
Remember to hide and ignore all bait and off-topic posts.
Didn't you guys get your own thread? Why are you still here?
Just to suffer.
Don't waste those double dubs by playing dumb.

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