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Bethsuki Monkryuin Edition

General rules:
- Posts that are made with the sole intent of bumping the thread are discouraged.
- PLEASE DELETE YOUR BUMPS. If you don't know how then please look at the FAQ on 4chan.
- No arguing about the state of the thread, there's a time and place for everything but not right now, please take it somewhere else.
- No seconding. This isn't a popularity contest of who has the best requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report, hide it and move on.
- Don't enable trolls with their 'counter' requests.
- Feel free to post anything that gets done to the booru for others to find later.
- New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit or bumped off/deleted.
- A revision of (or addition to) the rules need a general consensus. Start your discussion around a moment this thread reaches the bump limit.

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/r/ Cat Noir naked and being groped by a gang of guys like in the two Clockwork Orange screen caps.

For both pics, Cat Noir has an erection. You don't have to draw the guys holding him. Just their hands.

For the middle pic, a guy kissing his neck would be hot.

In the right pic, since Cat Noir doesn't have tits, please have a hand reaching around to grab his erect dick.

Please keep Cat Noir's mask and choker, but the rest of him is naked.
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Requesting draw Bronwyn passionately making out kissing with her mother Pat like the following bottom picture.

And caption the dialogue like this:
Bronwyn:Thanks mom again. You're the best!
Pat:You're welcome, sweetie.
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requesting the older squirrel female from sword in the stone being the size of a bear due magic shenanigans/abuse and using her huge ass to pin down and aggressively fuck an anon/knight/wart the boy main character
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Request :

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Gay Hyper Muscle thread!
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Have a good time!
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/HMOMA/: Human Males on Male Anthros #410: Fuzz Edition

<Recent Stories
By Anonymous
>Breakroom Conversation
>Temple Adonis

By HomeTome
>Charmed by Shadows

By Witryso

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I am Curtis' boyfriend. AMA
Show me pics of him in a thong or jockstrap
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He only sends me nudes
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why are Chunie's men so ridiculously handsome, it's insane

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Previous thread
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african queen
Does anyone have any more Nigerian miku pictures?

If you see this please post more

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adhg/ - Anthro Females Dominating Human Males General #1018

"Getting Humies 101" Edition

This is a general dedicated to non-human female anthros (furries) dominating human men.
Keep the discussion on-topic, and follow the theme of the general. (dominant women, subby males, etc.)
>NO Cuckold/NTR
>HIDE and IGNORE trolls

To have your story listed in the OP, include STORYxUPDATE in your post.

>My Life, Now the Anthrostate's Ch5

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This one hit the line limit, so I had to remove another story from the bottom:
Yes please. I want some ritual displays of submission too.
And from LiveIron's entry. How surprising.
jag wife is from 09/04 it would have been cut anyways if it was even included in this thread's OP
See >>69276969. That's what it should've looked like.

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Reject Modernity, Return to Papyrus

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69084695

>Request, write, or share stories and provide feedback/critique when appropriate. All writers are welcome, SFW and NSFW.

>Instead of asking for interest or worrying about a fetish, just post your damn writing/request and see what happens. You might get lucky.

>Complaining about fetishes is dumb and stupid in /trash/. Use that negative energy for requesting, reading and writing instead.

>Please tag stories so readers know what they're getting into. Nobody can force you to tag stories you share or make. However, people are MUCH likelier to skip a work if there are no tags present.

>Try to bump the thread if it gets to page 9, but feedback is always appreciated for posted stories, for author or reader! Those are the best kind of bumps.

/d/'s Master List: contains old stories, writing guides, and more

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Grim Impact Chapter 6
Characters Eula and Amber
Tags: Piss, Assisted Rape, Mind Break, Spanking with unusual item and Anal


If anyone is a fan of Nun sex, give me some ideas or scenarios if you don’t mind.

Heads up requester
Anti-cleaning maids request update: 8K words. Making good progress here. I think I'll finish the whole thing before posting and not try to release chapter by chapter this time.
Holy shit you're fast when you want to be. Sounds good, but I'd at least split it into two chapters.
I want this to be the same day though, and it'd be a rather contrived coincidence for Agnes since this is her first day in school (she was in a coma until recently).

I think I maybe I'll write the next chapter starting at lunch, with the teachers grabbing a drink from the vending machine or something.
Page 10 bump

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/Chic-Fil-A/ General #84
"Mixed priorities" edition.
/Chic-Fil-A/ is a thread dedicated to posting fox women, bible study, and personal chicken sandwich reviews.
/hmofa/ fox women are preferred, but solo fox women are more than appreciated.
>No furbois.
>No NTR/cuckshit.
>If you can't post anything nice don't post at all.

Please post green texts and stories as well. /hmofa/ stories that feature vixens are welcome.

By somethingaboutsharks
>Where Kitsune Wait (Ch. 20)

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>Mouse in the House Edition
>This is a general dedicated to masculine human male tops on bottom femboy anthros. Keep stories, images and discussions on-topic and follow the dynamic of the general. Let's keep it relatively vanilla.

>(no name)

>Devilish Deals
>Devilish Desires

>Caltrop & Cannelure
Full Story: https://rentry.org/calandcan

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>Domestic Deathclaw ownership saw a surpisingly sharp uptick after Reclamation was declared and the October 23rd 2077 state of emergency dismissed, and stability returned to America
>Strangely, it appears to have spread from a single, otherwise unremarkable regiment of the US army (known then as the Enclave) out to nearly the entire country
>The particulars however, like many other things of such a chaotic time, are lost to history and such a shift in culture will likely be forever relegated to myth and hearsay
>The truth reasons, whatever they may be, will likely remain a mystery
Next Friday will be fat assed femboys friday
See y'all again on Friday, and take care all.
May a flight of femboys sing thee to thy rest.
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Pics of "nude" furry or anthro characters that notably lack visible genitalia, nipples, or anus

There were a few of these threads years ago that did pretty well, so let's see if that's still the case
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/beta/ is a thread for betas, losers, findoms, sissies, paypigs, raging fucks and coomers to talk about BDSM, findom, and beta culture.

Learn to love being a beta with like minded betas, or Gods and Goddesses to goad you further into your depravity.
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my losergoo belongs in the trash
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doj physically repulses when he sees this
cuddleslut broke him
instinctively post the doxx
that'll do pig, that'll do
i miss losergoo
im right here
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the same losergoo that made all these?

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>Compilation edition

A place to discuss anything related to established or up-and-coming DTVA shows and other Western cartoons that feature cute n' funny female protagonists.

>MEGAS (to be expanded):

>The Ghost And Molly McGee

>Hailey's On It!

>The Owl House

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Shit. I'm never gonna be able to show my face here again.
please delete the thread
It's cool anon. Thanks for being there to bake regardless
yeah I'll second Robyn. She's got a fun esthetic

Do you use lube? I've been masturbating for decades without it.
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Hot and based.
no, I get wet enough without it.
The only lube I'm interested in are the juices of another guy who's stroking right next to me.
no my penis is so thin I never need lube to get in

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red apple ass

last week: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69039987/
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just use the existing thread it's not like trash to care like this, more of a vg thing
usually i wouldn’t but when its been used three times that’s an issue
new thread


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/flg/ - F-List General #6644

Femboy Supremacy Edition

Previous Thread: >>69262688

F-list is a website for people interested in erotic roleplaying, and creating character profiles to find like-minded partners with similar interests and fetishes to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying), group forums and more kinks and depravity than you can memorize.
The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where roleplayers can freely share and advertise their profiles, solicit roleplay from anons, critique each others' characters, ask and give feedback, share their roleplay logs, discuss their kinks, gossip about site drama, and anything else related to F-List.

>The Site
>Login Stats
>Live Status Tracker

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Must be a coincidence...
Yeah, the notion that hq is a furry is indeed a meme
DM The Furries right now and ask them directly.
I am the furries. Monstergirls are a meme for closetfags to deny what they are. Furry-adjacent is an even bigger meme. If it's not a human/oid, it's a furry.

Seethe about it, or whatever.
No you aren't HQ.

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>Good Morning Everyone
>kek trash baggies

Previous Dumpster: >>69117507
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Such a muted response to something so sought after these past few years. Uncertainty has taken hold.
I do think it set things in motion.
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Wouldn't surprise me to see a last-gasp run first. Just enough to flip that uncertainty into FOMO.
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