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/scaly/ - Scaly General #1436

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings

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It's almost certainly the work of a Noodle who's trying to fuck with haughty Westerns that look down on humans. Do NOT buy anything from wandering Noodle merchants until the culprit is apprehended!
Mine collects sapphires and rubber ducks, his siblings collect icicles, driftwood, and interesting looking rocks, respectively.
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list of potential culprits:
>Noodle (these new dragons do not follow enlightenment, and are like frogs at the bottom of a well)
>Dragon (better to eliminate these competitors now, rather than have them grow too powerful)
>Kobold (they don't treat us like a proper dragon should! better get back at them...)
>Human (why the fuck are there so many dragons now, what the fuck. better reduce the numbers somehow)
>Snake (its snektember, OUR month, those attention-grubbing overgrown lizards are gonna get what's coming to them...)
>Elves (nobody knows whats going on in those minds...)
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/sjg/ - Shonen Jump General #207

Mega Thread for WSJ and WSJ-adjacent series and more.
Included sub-generals: /mha/, /opg/ (Coom Piece/Goon Piece), /jojo/ (/fujojo/), /ysg/ (Yu-Gi-Oh! Slutposting General), /jjk/, /csm/, /kgb/, /dbs/ - "Dragon Ball Super"

Previous Thread: >>69108873

>What is Shonen Jump?
Shonen Jump is known worldwide as home of the world’s greatest manga. It and its related magazines are known for hits like One Piece, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man, Dragon Ball Super, Boruto, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Kaiju No. 8, Spy x Family, and more. It is a weekly shonen manga anthology published in Japan by Shueisha under the Jump line of magazines. The manga series within the magazine consist of many action scenes and a fair amount of comedy. Chapters of the series that run in Weekly Shonen Jump are collected and published in tankobon volumes under the Jump Comics imprint every two to three months. It is one of the longest-running manga magazines, with the first issue being released with a cover date of August 1, 1968.

What series would YOU like to discuss? Make your voice heard IN THE POLL: https://poal.me/17wlh7
Current top 3:
1. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2. Naruto

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can i eat the stars
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No other Pokemon can compete
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Garde should be flat, stupid

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adhg/ - Anthro Females Dominating Human Males General #1019

"T. Wrecks" Edition

This is a general dedicated to non-human female anthros (furries) dominating human men.
Keep the discussion on-topic, and follow the theme of the general. (dominant women, subby males, etc.)
>NO Cuckold/NTR
>HIDE and IGNORE trolls

To have your story listed in the OP, include STORYxUPDATE in your post.

>Jurassic Hearts Ch 5

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gotta love a woman with scars
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Wonder why.
Yeens and skunks

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>Brute edition

A place to discuss anything related to established or up-and-coming DTVA shows and other Western cartoons that feature cute n' funny female protagonists.

>MEGAS (to be expanded):

>The Ghost And Molly McGee

>Hailey's On It!

>The Owl House

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Wow. Look at all those quality peices of art from artists who have nothing to say, will go into hiding for 6 months and never get inspired by this place because you guy's are boring clods. Couldn't be me. I'd never run such a souless drawpile
Thanks for contributing to the drawpile, though.
shoutout to all the artists that lurk but don't post anything
Yeah, no problem. I'm such a tiny part of this general now I just wanted a tiny spot. Didn't wanna do anything big. And if it helps, the greatest insult is putting that little character's foot on my face. Ugh, such terrible times, glad we're past that. Had to fix my banner tho.
do not throw shade on the smeet, hoe

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/i/ threads ruined edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong here!!

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
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Self-serve ads: https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68949329
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Which one of you was this?
what's happening
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>came twice
>pyrenees still not big enough (how does he know)
Reddit deleting their bestiality clubs was a mistake. Their users all came here… in every sense of the word.

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Inattentive edition

A thread for weeby eternal virgins, pussyfree losers, and those who have no hopes of ever fucking real women! If you've given up on ever getting pussy or just prefer being a porn-addicted hand-fucker from now on then this is the thread for you!

>Previous thread:
>More material:
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Yay! My tag is nolewd, can't wait to spam you with porn.
Extra points for small pp anons
Looking for degen friends with whom to discuss the more vulgar aspects porn addiction, chronic masturbation and mutual humiliation!
tag is hasoomiiii
My porn holder is about 12.4GB. Last night I tributed to an egirl pic I saved on my phone and now there's pertinent white stains on my bedsheets.
>Do you want it to get better, or worse?
Yeah in a weird way. I'm just a naturally perverted person and I like touching myself a lot. Plus I kinda want to make it to 30 without ever getting laid so i can look down at the cum I spewed over my pillow knowing I blew any chance I ever had of having a woman and my life is now pathetic and humiliating.
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>finally home from work
time to end my bloodline by shooting all my useless loser sperm into a diaper <3

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official pony thread
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Post hags, cakes, milfs, aunts, gilfs, matures and everything about older women. For rping, go to /mommy/
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Topless mom.
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Would a hag find a younger porn addict guy cute?
If she found out he jerked off to pictures of her, then yeah

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Gay Hyper Muscle thread!
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Not really, job hunting is a profoundly miserable experience. All the stress and over preparation that goes into normie saying, only it's for something you legitimately don't want, it's fugging insanity... plus there's articles suggesting most job openings are fake in order to appease a given company's shareholders/ artificially pump the numbers so politicians can say the job market is fine. I've applied with two job placement agencies for several months with no avail, though to be honest I kinda gave up and started applying for disability.
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I think I can understand that, even if it isn't for me. Maybe I just got enough of that experience first hand back in high school. But I get the eroticism of a dude dealing with an erection.
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i say FUCK YES!, but, come on, the padlock on top of the rubber suit takes the fun away! come on artist! show that chastity cage!

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Landmark Edition

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69045292/
Note: There is not, and there will never be, an official /dig/ discord server.

Post what you're working on, ask questions, discuss general art-related things.
Make your unforgivable fetishes come to life.
Welcome: New and seasoned artists looking for advice, critique and support.
When giving criticism, please, give actual criticism not just "LOL LOOMIS". Let's not become another /ic/
NOT welcome: /ic/ crabs, /trash/ crabs, bad faith critique

Other Drawthreads:
Search "draw" on a board's catalog


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cool. what other brushes are you guys using?
I would love to see that propped-up, big bum of hers, up close.
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i don't think i know how to draw pubes that aren't just black (to be colored grey in the future)
The first two are something I should do more often! Thanks for the screenshot!

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/Collared/ - Human Dominance General #173.5

>"Gamin" Edition

>What is /Collared/?
Collared is dedicated to human males dominating anthros or other creatures in a variety of scenarios.

-- Stories and Projects --

By Mountlear
>Curiosity and Cat
>Helluva Mindbreak

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I hope the cyoa anon is not face-palming behind his screen or something while we bounce from one thing to another and have probably missed some obvious clues. Nevertheless I'm having fun and it keeps the thread active.

I do make therories about the killer and motives, but can't get anything solid.

>>69292266 we got the bodyguards address, right? Could always go searching the place if we can't interrogate the gryphon. Or we go after the wive, who's likely the slave we saw at the station.
Don't recall if we got the address, but the police (and related administration?) don't close on holidays so I'm sure we can get the info today.
>boy toy
You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.
>I hope the cyoa anon is not face-palming behind his screen
Probably so, but I'm sure he's happy we're not just running around setting fires and trying to establish our own empire. As incompetent as we are we are trying and are staying mostly on the rails.
Let's just say I've seen some quests and then some.
>>69293268 #
They do. See here.
>>69254107 #
>“Sir, in case you don’t know, we won’t be working for the upcoming holidays.”

/ERP/ - Erotic Roleplaying Thread

Juicy Thighs and Thirsty Eyes Edition

Previous: >>69280526
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Why should we care about them at all?
>Does a Mexican dance wile throatsinging
Shut up Hotaru
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Don't let dangerous yokais like this one pat your head, you might get cursed

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Free Bird Edition

This is a place where more blatant and sustained lewd discussion of indie vtubers can be held without interfering with other threads.

Explicit discussion, fan art, fanfiction, relevant tributes, and audios that pertains to western indie vtubers are all welcome. Chuubas themselves are also free to join in.

>Last thread
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Hey everyone, I finished another Saru set. Hope you like it.
Saru Bed part 1/4:
Pin her down on the bed and fuck her in the ass prone bone
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This one is for the feet lovers.
Saru Bed set part 2/4:
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Saru Bed set part 3/4:
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Saru Bed set part 4/4:

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gf happy bob edition

last week: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69155417/
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no can do, this is a communist general
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look ma, no hands!
is it bad that i actually like rechi's porn
salty's sunday night..
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Not at all, it’s pretty good.

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4chan's collective RWBY AU! You're welcome to share your own OCs, lore, and AI generated images with us!

>1. Worship Scarlet
>2. Read the Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8MjgAFYQ
>3. Beware trolls, falseflaggers, and edgelords
>4. No bitching about other ships
>5. Regular RWBY discussion goes to RWBY/RT General
>6. Have fun!

General Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/923xfr3g94zeq/SV_Greens
GreentextAnon’s Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/na0b5f695k3og/Greens
Tiermakers: https://tiermaker.com/user/16270573

Scarletverse Fics:

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>unironically makes Neo look like the best parent ever
Wait he has kids
Yup, the guy's thing is that he needs close blood relatives to body hop. And if you want younger close relatives to take over, then breeding them yourself is the easiest way to do so.
I didn’t realise it was blood relatives I thought it was random like Ozma
That's how he body-hops. He takes over the bodies of his children and descendants

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