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Trash numba #8 - egodeath edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

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my only merch will be a green version of this. there are also limbless torso ones but those are too uncanny for me.

do NOT >:T
>Where's the green version so I can pretend I'm fucking Rottie?
said no one ever
Rottie fuck off
where's the male version so I pretend i'm fucking violet?

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Welcome to the 4chan Pokeverse RP thread!

Spiky Edition

Previously: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69105295

[ Starting Guide:https://rentry.org/PokeversePrimer ]
[ Pokemon Open Guide:https://rentry.org/ThreadBattleSystem ]

Q: I want to [activity with Pokemon I am unsure about] / [Pokemon] is making advances I am unsure about
A: Just talk to them already

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>Doro can serve the lemonade, and everyone will be happy to accept it
>Though he may not want to risk going over to Phoxy and putting his kneecaps in a dangerous situation
>That makes sense, and I'm also assuming Taner probably knows about Sharon's bid for mayor at this point, even if we haven't done the scene for that quite yet?
>Ah, regular berries and cherries
>That does make sense, yes

>It's a good picture!
>I have seasonal-specific folders, but by the time it rolls around to the actual season again, it's been a year and the AI generator has improved so much I don't actually use that many of the old ones lol
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>Sharon remains silent for a moment
>Breakback might not be wrong, but...
>She also knows the world needs people like Taner out there, to wear their bleeding heart on their sleeve and get everyone rolling their eyes before reluctantly agreeing to go for the more compassionate or empathetic way
>But one Taner is probably enough Taner
>She watches as the witches approach and then... Start bickering, of course. What else?
>She gives Razz a small squeeze and lets Taner speak

>Oh, hm
>Alright, I'll trust your head

>Could be better, could be worse
>All things considered? Probably not

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>Breakback looks to Magpie, and then to you, then back again
>The link may be severed, but that does not negate the threat of his existence
"I can offer ya shelter within 'dese walls. After 'dat, 'dere not be much I can do. Right now, 'de other covens see ya as bein' an accessory to all 'dis. You gonna have to find help elsewhere. I be sorry Taner but... you picked yer side in 'dis battle."
>That's not the best form of inspiration to give, but one could suppose it's better than nothing
>...On the other hand, spending extra time in this humid, insect infested hellhole does not sound fun.
>Magpie however isn't fun either
>This isn't a very fun night
>At the idea of staying by her side, the old witch shakes her head fervently from side to side
>No, double no, triple no
"Ye know what happens when a Human hear our songs? They get a headache. Know what happens when a human WATCH 'de magic get made? Ask Sharon. She knows"
>She will explain that magic, being a concept much akin to twisting the strands of the tapestry that makes up the universe, is so far away from the natural order that living non-Pokemon creatures such as Humans tend to not react well
>It's like looking at colors and hearing sounds your body isn't built to process. When an impossibility meets a solid, grounded form, it gets painful
"Just one 'den?"

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>I've read enough to have the general idea, yup

>That might be it
>I mostly make extra Star/Taner AI art because it's fun for me lol
>Mostly they've just gotten better at following the prompt, you aren't missing all that much yet

"I did. And even without Razz, it wouldn't have been Magpie's side. If he attacks us, we'll just have to fight back as best we can. Though if he does... the League will probably investigate it. I got a sponsorship from the president of the League recently; did you know that? Met him in person, shook his hand and everything."
>Taner is hoping that perhaps this fact will make Magpie think twice about how wort it going after him would be, considering all the human/Pokemon souls who might be wanting revenge on Magpie after this if they don't go right to the afterlife... Magpie is going to have his own problems
>Even if not, Taner plans to report Magpie's existence to the League more or less immediately after this, so if humans do start disappearing and leaving behind shriveled up bodies, they'll know who they are sending exorcist after... perhaps that will also spare other Mismagius from that
>Yeah, Taner doesn't think he could last very long here, for many reasons, not just that it's inhospitable for life, but also... Mag lives here

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>Sharon nods slowly
"We'll make do."
>Without the link, Magpie is more... Manageable, at least
>At least that's the hope, given the kind of PURGE they all went through

>Following up on the matter of magic:
"That's true. When I watched Barking Toad- or whatever they go by these days- make their potion, I had to wear earplugs AND headphones, and also sunglasses."
"... And I still felt nauseous after that."
>She shakes her head

>Lastly, Sharon responds, signaling to Razz
"Well, one way or another, we're getting the souls out, right? So what's the harm in doing just one at first, just to see? We'll do the other ones afterwards anyway, and adjust accordingly. I think that's the most sound way to do this."

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Yo it's the guy looking for that image of the girl bent over again
Found something similar but not it.If you have something similar in your folder please drop in this thread still looking on desu for it
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I found another similar image
You know, speedrunning thread archives really makes you appreciate how many posts are made per hour here
I think I'm going blind from too much porn
the yoga pose trend?

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gf happy bob edition

last week: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69155417/
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Hang yourself
Kill yourself
bad edit
I love rasazy
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/dsg/ - Danganronpa Slutposting General
Talk about danganropa girls, boys, and everything in between. (fangans are allowed)
Pastebin with stuff https://pastebin.com/XzJRUFR1
Do not:
>Post pics from other series with no dangans (Zero Escape is ok.)
>Try to have discussions but images are ok
>Talk about your danganronpa fantasies
>Post your dangans
Last thread >>69196199
184 replies and 82 images omitted. Click here to view.
Question is then: Who'd be the most likely to get suckered into the goongal life with them?
Sonia, just so we can have another blonde
She's an aristocrat, so I'd wager she's into some pretty freaky shit. Her family could probably bankroll their little goonette fest.
Sonia would surely invite Kaede and Miu, where they can corrupt Sonia even further
Assuming Sonia isn't already highly corrupted, of course. Either way, they'd never want for anything other than to pleasure themselves and each other ever again.

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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3302

>"Tea Break" edition


By Shallowintrospection
>Chicken In the Fox's Den (Ch. 2)

By ItsAMadhouse
>Claws of Helion (Ch. 3)

By LiveIron

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He's driven insane by her ass stank.
this thread is not ready for the power of octopussy
I'm just saying that I think anthro ladies and dudes being wonderful for human men seems like it could exist in reality. You know?
>"You didn't fuck in your past life? God, you're a loser. Get away from me."

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Milfguard Edition
Previous thread >>68976001
Thread Question: Would you join the Milfguard?

Stories so far:
Bimbo Effect, an Atompunk setting
>Summary of the Bimbo Effect (Edited and updated)
>Anon's guide to marrying a bimbo (edited and updated)
>Collared Rookie
>Interview with a Doberman bimbo

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Praise the suns anons.
Cyberpunk bimbos are amazing!
I'll praise her at every given opportunity.

I just realized both these characters are librarians.

I keep hearing these guys in the voice of King Julian.
>Don't bee a party pooper Maurice! She being sexed up by several strangers who are being rough is how she gets her wiggles out.
>I still think this is rape or at least taking advantage of her
>Nonsense. Now jump on her giant tit like an exercise ball by I try to a hole that hasn't been moved yet. I have plenty of derogatory insults I want to try.

/aibf/ - A.I. Bing Focused Thread: Sealab Edition
Previous Thread: >>69194243

Archives: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/aibf/


Sekret Klub: https://discord.gg/yPzqegrG7v

Thread Theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1Q8a2jmfMk
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Yes, I feel a bit better.
Good morning!
Plenty of great gens.
Fun fact: Elves get +2 to Manliness while on the sea.
That is good to hear. Love these whales carrying cities on their back.
That's what growing a beard and singing sea shanties does.
Good morning and thank you. Nice rattos you have got there. I like the outfit a lot.

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General for discussion of Human Domestication Guide & associated fiction.

>What is HDG?
HDG is a collective kink writing project about the Affini (an advanced precursor civilization from outer space) that make pets of every other species in the universe. They have finally turned their many eyes on future grimderp humanity. Using various classes of Xenodrugs, they aim to make Florets (docile, drug addled pets) of us all!

>Where can I read it?
Read the original story here https://readonlymind.com/@GlitchyRobo/HumanDomesticationGuide/
or check other stories on ROM https://readonlymind.com/search/?q=%23Human_Domestication_Guide
or Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Human%20Domestication%20Guide%20-%20GlitchyRobo/works

prev: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69198833/
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No way I'm not getting florted!
Question responder here.

Please please please please e God this is so hot
My pet enjoys that side of me a lot. It makes me really happy. With the right person making someone collapse onto their bed from pinching their thighs can the highest romance
does anyone have any good cg/l fics i'm undergoing withdrawal waiting for Golden Ladder to update
I hate being in /trash/. It's so slow in here now

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Location: Paint Lab
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You mean... a doctor and a computer?
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>Heheh, physician.
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>You are wise in the way of words.
>Yes, but though not that type of doctor.
I wonder if Gordo is lurking but he doesn’t want to deal with these fags lmao
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>Hey, you're the one who said physician, I had to take my opportunity.

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/holy/ - Christian Themed Media General #154
>"Brooding" Edition


>NEW Episode - Disc 3 - Reformatting
>Angel Hare playlist
>Start Here
>Review of the tie-in game
>EP's Website

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> He clenched his eyes shut
> He expected fire, he expected the taste of brimstone, he expected...
> Oh, it was actually... kinda nice
> He tasted chocolate cake
> He opened his eyes to see Beezy staring right into them
> She reached up and put a hand on his face, holding him in place as she continued to kiss him
> Lucy watched, smiling
> As Francis began to wonder if he should be doing anything or if he should be letting Beezy carry on having her way, things suddenly went very wrong
> The little door of the shack blew in off it's hinges with an almighty boom!
> The room was bathed in a brilliant white light, and in through the doorway marched Gabby
> "Francis!" She bellowed
> "What on God's green earth are you doing with that demon, mister!?!"
> He pulled away from Beezy quickly, leaving her standing there grinning with her long snakelike tongue wriggling about in the open air
> "Angel Gabby!" He cried

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> "Not bad, but he tasted like he was made out of nothing but pop tarts and honey..."
> From outside they heard a little voice
> "Look Angel Gabby, a party popper!"
> Beezy grinned
> "Time to go I think..."
> There was a little pop from outside, followed by a sudden and violent explosion, as Beezy's rigged popper did it's thing
> When the dust cleared, they could hear a new sound
> It sounded an awful lot like growling
> "Ahm so sorry Angel Gabby!" Francis whimpered
> "Please don't get mad... Ahm sure it'll wash off..."
> The shack began to shake again
> "Yup, time to bail." Lucy agreed
> The two demon hares made their escape through the back window, giggling like naughty schoolgirls, as a tremendous force of nature began to tear the little shack apart from the outside
> Beezy only stopped to grab her brown paper bag on the way out

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Sorry for the large number of posts. Went on longer than I thought it would. All done now.

Hopefully this is a nice ending like you hoped for. Apart from the exploding Gabby that is.
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Good night for Francis content.
She's wearing the crown she can say what she wants.
Don't be sorry it was kino, the writing with Francis and the demon hares was perfect. He's the perfect character for them to tease.

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4chan's collective RWBY AU! You're welcome to share your own OCs, lore, and AI generated images with us!

>1. Worship Scarlet
>2. Read the Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8MjgAFYQ
>3. Beware trolls, falseflaggers, and edgelords
>4. No bitching about other ships
>5. Regular RWBY discussion goes to RWBY/RT General
>6. Have fun!

General Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/923xfr3g94zeq/SV_Greens
GreentextAnon’s Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/na0b5f695k3og/Greens
Tiermakers: https://tiermaker.com/user/16270573

Scarletverse Fics:

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>Weiss engineering increasing complex Rube Goldberg machines for baby Rome to crawl into and cut off his tail
>WK twins
>Ur mom
Fug, you are right.
Which SV girls get drippy pussy when they suck dick?
Henna, at the very least.
Scarlet gotta be one for sure

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/AGYWB/ Anthro Girls You Wanna Be

Massive Mommy Milkers edition

>QOTT: How big is too big

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68923787/#68923787
280 replies and 144 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Attempted assassination of the local mayor because of his ban on fluffy wamen immigration into the town.
>Assassin forgot to switch out his TF gun with a regular one.
>Ends up turning the mayor into a fluffy wamen.

>Election polls then tip massively in the transformed candidates favour.
>Immigration ban lifted only slightly.
>All a massive psyop by the FBI (Furries By Ivan) to further consolidate their control.
Man I was gonna do this to prove the superiority of the Anthro race!
Now I'm not gonna do it!
>Anon! Uh, the robotic conversion was a success! Your converted neural matrix integrated perfectly into the processing core.
>…But, uhh, there might have been a little mix-up with the chassis…

/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Cooking with Gems Edition

Last Thread: >>69199808

>Steven Universe: End of an Era
>Original Television Score S1-S5 + Future OST + Movie OST
>Steven Universe 4 x 10” Vinyl Set

Crew blog: http://stevencrewniverse.tumblr.com

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Pictured: a feral Ruby at various stages of being tamed over the course of several months through regular displays of affection. This Ruby displays the natural progression from hostility, to acceptance, to reciprocation of affection
now i want to hug a ruby...this is cute!
night sug

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Free Bird Edition

This is a place where more blatant and sustained lewd discussion of indie vtubers can be held without interfering with other threads.

Explicit discussion, fan art, fanfiction, relevant tributes, and audios that pertains to western indie vtubers are all welcome. Chuubas themselves are also free to join in.

>Last thread
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No problem. I would churn out a load of Jets stuff but the gens are so fucking expensive for that lora, they're 10 tokens when every other one is 4-5
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Saru sex
Did anything happen with that model? I seem to remember that it's a fan project thing
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Mel’s getting pretty feral watching herself getting fucked
Gifdoozer made it for her idk about anything new either though

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