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Luke 5:32 NIV
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Matthew 7:13-14 KJV
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 5:3-12
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the land.

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Relationship dynamics Edition

Luz's diary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sRP2-bu0Kk&ab_channel=Nobody
Lilith's letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUzjJUAOCsw&ab_channel=Nobody
Hunter's Palisman observations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB2weXswe6M&ab_channel=Nobody

Disney Channel Youtube links:

Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/disney-the-owl-house/4cOTrEy0YyaX
S1 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/3IYw3YDC#FjiRKOsXoFhEQ9iwR7Ed4Q
S2 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/FgEUTCCZ#JjmqdMo-fLdN5YcehlwzXQ
S3 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/R4sgGLzD#S_PSz5CmWIbTN3cxU4T7sA

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Based inverse mind break. Artist just needs to restrain his logo a bit.
yah, draw something back like this >>69276823 or whatever lol
Well, that's good to know considered how the three specials are very Halloween vibes specially Thanks To Them.
Overall, TOH has always been present in Halloween promotion months in Disney Channel since 2021.
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>TOH is a Halloweenesque kind of show
I can dig that
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Good morning tohg

god I wish I was her
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I just want to be fat with some mutual gaining with others.

Is that so much to ask...
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funnel feeding
Mutual is the best way to gain.
needa part 2
redhead pussy ate she eat bigger too

Flexible Rose Edition
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holy shit she makes me so fucking hard the slut
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she's sooo underrated

Diaper General #615

Thinking with Portals Edition

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Ftrash%2F+diaperfur+thread

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%22%2FDiaper%20General%2F%20%23%22/type/op/

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69083753
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Gosh, the Touhou girls are so pretty. Even prettier in diapers, though.
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>all the discussion around the what and why of the FA suspensions may have just been a big dumb game of telephone
guess we might've called the waaaahmbulance a little too early
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>littles who don't understand why their diaper is getting fuller
>just can't figure out the link between reliving their tummy pressure and their pants filling up

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that's because she had the most sex
she fucks blacks
she has a penis
she used to be obviously the youngest but she became very womanly a couple years ago
giwtwm (the woman)

Pachyderm Women Thread
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What would a massage from a female pachyderm feel like?
Depends on her experience in massaging people and what kind of massage it is.

But I think she will unintentionally crush you.
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Bimbo Edition

Previous thread: >>69246634

Booru Backup:

Carmillanon’s NTR captions:

DarkNation's NTR captions:

Succubus dating guide:

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She won't even want to look at you much less kiss you, plus she loves that bitter sweaty balltaste in her mouth, really makes her day better
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hot af and nearly all my cuck fantasies lately end with impregnation or even repeated impregnation. bulls holding pregnant waifus as a conclusion always makes me nut wildly.

main problem is sustaining the fantasy after that or figuring out how to handwave the results. nothing about the aftermath is interesting or hot to me. if there was some way to make a rapid/repeated impregnation gimmick kink work, i'd be all about it.
I can't decide if I'd rather make you look extra girly an antithesis to how your tomboy girlfriend looks or if I'd make you look like her twin. Either way, you'd be part of our gym session watching me gets very handsy with her and notice something begin to grow in my pants. Realising that I may have a different kind of exercise in store for you two...
>I wonder how many cucks do indeed dribble instead of SHOOTING cum
That's me!
I can't even manage a single rope anymore, and at best, I'll get three seconds of thin dribbles!

Alternate timelines paizuri

Discuss, RP as, or fuck your favorite Fire Emblem Women(or men)!

Draconic Time Crystal: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68940273

Image Downloading Tools For Aspiring Sluts:

AI Art Generators if too poor to commission:
(Popular but paid) https://novelai.net/
(Free) https://pixai.art/

AI Chatbots if you've given up on real women:

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I think Eyvel "training" those young boys must have eased her stress levels down. Before she was always tense and on edge, but ever since that night, she's learned to relax and... let your body work. Just as she's letting those boys work themselves on her. I'm sure the amount of encouragement Eyvel gives to those young boys is a massive boon.
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Ninja butt...
Damn! Very based my friend! Thank you for this really, there isn't much of the pairing as a couple so I highly appreciate it!

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/i/ threads ruined edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong here!!

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Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68949329
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long boi
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what are your thoughts on these lines?
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actually i like these lines more.
red = removed orange = changed to orange with green background blue = new
Which board was this pulled from?
dragonspic general

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>LIVE Edition

Previous thread:

Thread prompt:
>Our hero's love for pussy transcends monogamous relationships.

Question for discussion
>What would br a good timeline for regularly releasing new captions? Weekly? Twice a week? Daily?

>Newest Version of Capper (Free Caption Making Software)

>Discord Servers

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I'm talking about equal sexual action, motherfucker. Read what I said here >>69269217 jeez
Is there no love for healthy futa and male sex lives?
So we can kill this thread, what exactly are you people asking for when it comes to futa? Everything said so far sounds retarded, so keep your answer to a sentence or two.
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Jenny Collectible edition

Post dem buns. Draw dem buns.
Talk about dem buns. Don't argue about dem buns.

We love bunnies from video games but every bunny is welcome, cute or lewd.
We aren't Bunday but we respect those threads.


Previous thread - https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68923792

Topic of the thread: Do you have any physical bunny collectables?
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I was already looking forward to UFO 50 but now that I know that there are bunnies in it I must play it
Now draw him pregnant
we'll probably never see Hariet again ;_;
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Furry JOI/JOE/Caption Thread #400
(Jerk Off Instructions, Encouragement, and Captions)
>400 Threads of Written Furry Eroticism Edition

This thread is for furry JOI/JOE posts only, along with requests. Please take anime and other such JOI/JOE posts to the other thread: >>69039442

Closed Boorus:
(Could always use some more tagging!)

All boorus were automatically closed due to spambot shenanigans, so if someone could contact the owner of the previously open one to fix it that'd be great.

That said, those already with an account can still add images provided they're not more than 5k pixels.

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Speaking of heili...
I want to ruin this by letting everyone know platypuses are monotremes. I.e 'one-holes'.
Platypussy is also platyanal.
So you're telling me Dr. Doofenshmirtz yelling "A platypussy? Perry the platybussy!?!" could be somewhat accurate?
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/tfg/ - Transformation General
Curse of the Dragon Boobs Edition

Things turning into other things, sometimes in a sexual manner but always in a hot one.

QoTT : Has your TF fetish affected your sexuality?

Prompt: TF gym, whose equipment and programs transforms you

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69121299
>Anon works
>Story Archive
>SHRIMP Agency stories

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What kind of stuff do you commission? Care to post any examples?
My man.
It’s most often stuff with my OCs. (Not self insert, btw.) I don’t really feel like posting them because I guess I’m sort of recognizable now?
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my life for a mxl shark suit
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I'm a sucker for the post-TF adaptation stuff too. No one really does it, though.

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/AGYWB/ Anthro Girls You Wanna Be

Massive Mommy Milkers edition

>QOTT: How big is too big

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68923787/#68923787
291 replies and 151 images omitted. Click here to view.
Made for belly rubs :3
It, uh, was removed, alongside the rest of your body…
And the new body you were mistakenly assigned to, uh, doesn't have, uh, any replacement...
>eheheh, i'm fine, im just a little, uhh - a little-
>the button pops off your skirt and knocks my snout skyward, knocking me off balance and sending me falling backwards
I stumbled a bit, obviously flustered
'Ms. Alphys, are okay-'
As you tumble over, I can momentarily catch a glimpse of undies below your skirt.
I blink, before I feel a little red in my cheeks.

>the fly of your skirt unfurls to let loose an avalanche of soft furry gut
I feel a huge relief as my chubby tummy is finally free of its binding, finally able to exhale.
Belly flab jiggling.
>before the thing slips off completely, revealing a pair of purple lace panties

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>'Ms. Alphys, are okay-'
'yeah, im fine' i say as i hold my snout
>'Oh, g-goodness!'
>as soon as i get a glimpse at your unadorned lower half i reflexively cover my eyes
>'Oh angel above, I hope no one else can see this...'
'w-well, i don't think we're at much risk of that. here, t-take my jacket and wrap it around your waist' i say as i take off my jacket and hand it to you, still looking away but finding myself catching a peek at you for a couple split seconds
'theres a thrift store thats still open at this time not far from here, n-no offense but i think that skirt is long due for a replacement.'
>think for a moment
>decide to shoot my shot
'after that m-maybe do you wanna come over to m-my place? i-i mean, i don't know, are you busy this afternoon?'
>'yeah, im fine' i say as i hold my snout
'I-I am so-so sorry my dear!'
>as soon as i get a glimpse at your unadorned lower half i reflexively cover my eyes
I turn my head away, face beat red in embarassment.
The sudden movement making my chest bounce.
'Please-please don't look!'
I knock my knees together, hips wobbling with girth.

>''w-well, i don't think we're at much risk of that. here, t-take my jacket and wrap it around your waist' i say as i take off my jacket and hand it to you, still looking away but finding myself catching a peek at you for a couple split seconds
I hastily warp my girthy lower half, still trying to hide my apple belly.
My cheeks are bright and body feels exposed.
'Th-thank you, Ms. Alphys! You ate t-too kind...'
The jacket can't cover my hips too well, a light breeze makes me shudder as it rolls over my big and fluffy bottom, tail flicking unconsciously.

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