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The home of Doerot.

Unending Doerot Edition

>Relive The Doerot:

>The Doebrary Mega :

>Alternatively The Doebrary GDrive :

>The Doe Gallery:

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>When your deer girlfriend is 5'11 but you are 5'9''
Honestly it's not a surprise kris rips their soul out every night.
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Diaper General #615

Thinking with Portals Edition

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Ftrash%2F+diaperfur+thread

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%22%2FDiaper%20General%2F%20%23%22/type/op/

Last Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69083753
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Dizzy hasn't got anything nixed by his own estimation, but there's been statements of someone nodding for FA wanting to clean up the site to appeal to advertisers, so who knows where they'll stop
because that sure has worked in the past
>diaper tan
lewd desu
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Oh right, my bad
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Time to sleep
goodnight thread -w-

TwoKinds General #2024-40

Go Crazy & Post Your Kinks with TwoKinds Stuff, It Don’t Matter, None of This Matters - Edition

Newest Page: https://twokinds.keenspot.com/

Comic: https://twokinds.keenspot.com/?p=archive

TwoKinds Content Masterpaste: https://pastebin.com/HNYVbauJ

Sketch Archive: https://2karchive.xyz/extras

Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/TwoKinds%20General%20Newest%20Page/type/op/

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68963696/#68963696
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Time to sleep, goodnight thread -w-

/scaly/ - Scaly General #1436

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings

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To be fair, she can conjure and throw a sun at someone
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Okay, so given the interest poll, we have enough tabletop players to saturate flamecraft, too many kobolds, and the multiplayer version of apex. I think for this first thing, I can only really organize and focus on tabletop (maybe I could run both at the same time, but it may be to the detriment of both parties.) So I think those are sort of on the agenda, maybe not all three on same session, but all three available to play. Dinogenics is available for free on board game arena, as is evolution on tabletopia. I could set up something for those anons, and just have it run in the background?
fuuuuuuuck I love dragonair so fucking much

best pokemon, hands down
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this, even better when he's wiggling
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>but don't realise just how limited -
It's only limited if you're shit at making avatars. Which to be fair is most avatar makers, there's still literally nothing that couldn't be done in a social VR game from a "Avatar you inhabit" standpoint if there's enough leeway with the available functions at hand. Which for the three relevant ones, ESPECIALLY Resonite, there absolutely is.

Fundamental problem with Second Life is we're at a point now where that shit doesn't make any sense. There's no immersion, because it's not VR first, so that makes the whole "Inhabiting a virtual environment" thing pretty pointless, and if all you want to do is watch pre-canned animations dick around on screen, doing it with mid 2000's tier real time graphics looks like absolute ASS. We HAVE blender (in a state that's usable by sane human beings) now, if you want to throw some looping "Put cylinder into torus as attached to two character rigs" animation, you can render that shit out on a reasonably powerful rig and have it not look like complete aids. Get some fluid sims going if you're into that shit as well.

You can go "But muh two decades of legacy content", and no one can take that away from you, but we're lying to ourselves if we ignore how hard that is absolutely quintessential sunk cost to the nth degree.

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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68712496/

Thread Pastes:

CYOA Sandbox Game: https://yttreia.itch.io/aec-sandbox

Art MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!lFwDSB6Q!VaLKlZzYyQPSQgj-k6D9PA

Art Requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1514LmXbsekCqs1lLGm5l8wShFre7yBN5VMLIl877dPA/edit?usp=sharing
Write requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qr40Lv4Sclkwn72dzru2VHtDRaP458UEpUjWQPHJZ1U/edit?usp=sharing

Pokeflation Quest Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dXnu86iAU3Z6ZcTLOuAhO3ZOwh7ldzOF0CtMMgu64JY/edit?usp=sharing
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Mohkami and Blackfox handsdown. Difetra and Spiderbox too if they did more anthro females.
i have no idea how people still have inflation fetishes in today's economy

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xinyu says on fromm she's had short hair since she debuted and it's always been hair extensions, idk if she's joking or not
taking all 24 members of tripleS to a baseball game and losing half of them in the parking lot
clog i'm really bored
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/lolg/ - League of Lewds General

Academy Editiion

Discuss, RP, share new pics and make an argument for why your favorite League Lass is Best Girl. New faces to RPing or helping others jerk off are welcome.

Previous thread: >>69090553

Qott: What's your favorite skinline that makes you horny?
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I think she's more likely to embrace and push you to the ground, and take your pants off herself.
That does sound like something Ahri would do
Doesn't even have to seduce me, I am jumping into her arms
Cute lesbian couple

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Edited NSFW screenshots
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pretty empty in here sadly
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Requesting Princess Bluebelle have hyper futa dick and balls

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edizione ogni giorno finchè non vi piace

PT v1.1.27 https://mega.nz/file/aFIXySKZ#5LtVkeot7DiJVxeieMVnFynL9iHJabbpvYfh61XxihM
BYOC Pre 2.0 https://allfearthesentinel.com/zandronum/wads.php?user=5704&order=id_desc
Dynamite Demo https://store.steampowered.com/app/1887400/ANTONBLAST

>Old Builds

Demo 1 Engine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThGUiwttZ63h11UpfrdP8B7KaoqnnjVg/view
GMS 2022 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CW_LN07NEd3ISn8DDNwEEKjso8-0e7g7/view

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ulillillia is the only good lolcow and i hope he succeeds in life
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Let me say it in a less retarded way:

They should had done a full reskin for pt instead of re-doing the fangame from the ground up to feel more like pt.
Is this what a parasite would look like if it latched on to Feppino?
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/act/ is a weekly Caturday thread dedicated to Cats and other Felines.

Calling all artists and writers: Feel free to post your art, stories, and WIPs! Whether it's just doodles, smut art, or full-blown anthro stories/greentexts, all are welcome to share and critique.

Let the Caturday festivities begin! Drop your favorite cat pics, comics, and game recs below!

>Gamer Fuel Overload -

>Triple Entente -

>Catti fan fic -

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Apparently it's national Cheeseburger day
Gata sexo

Confess Edition
Post big tits of all kinds!

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69081613/
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>My mind was a wash with visions of bouncing breasts and the noise of plapping flesh at the edge of my hearing. Only my subconscious mind was aware enough to attempt a reaction to the feeling of my sex organ being squished too harshly. My legs kicked out on there own in an instinctual attempt at a defence but found only air where a great big attacker should have been to exert such a force on my crotch. But as the apparent attack continued, it suddenly became soft... pleasant even. My lower functions shifted from this being an attack to it instead being a mate that's desperate for my seed. My body relaxed and the member trapped in the warm wet hole redoubled it's hardness. My unconscious mind flooding with chemicals that made me smile in my sleep and moan like I was as happy as could be. I began to dream. Dreams of the most beautiful women my mind could produce surrounded me but only one was actually on my pelvis. My Uni. She was fully nude, something I imagined all the time but was sure could never be. Yet there she was...and it wasn't her breasts being used on me. It was her forbidden place, the one none she would allow to even see. I was having sex with Uni! She was sliding up and down my cock like it was easy. Taking every inch inside her tiny body, tight and faster than should be possible.
>My dream self reached out and held her hips, not to slow her down, but only to feel more of her as her insides morphed around my rod. It was coming fast, I grunted and groaned until it couldn't be helped and I came! Fully inside Uni with whatever I had...and I hugged her.
>Meanwhile in reality, I had spurted a greater load than the first in between Unis breast meat. Splashing her face with countless ropes
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Imagine being sucked dry by these heavy hangers...
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Edición Mes patrio

Hilo anterior: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68839836

Booru: https://elbasurero.booru.org

Tema del hilo
Este mes se celebra la independencia de muchos paises latinos, cual es el suyo basuras?
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Paja temática.
Los vídeos del hinternet istorian me hicieron visitar aquí, pero no me agradó y piré. Luego el sombra saco vídeos de chispa y forchan así que visite ambos chanes nuevamente y quede captivo. Al basural lo encontré usando find.4chan.org cuando movieron un thread que estaba ojeando, de ahí empecé a visitarlo de vez en cuando por a thread de los happenings y encontré esta zanja.
no ese no es, era un gato de pelo color blanco y el brazo-mano eran dibujados en digital en su pelo blanco
¡Feliz mes patrio! Dios bendiga a su país, amo a las mexicanas.
En mi país se celebra en Julio

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You should be eating right now.
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My Fupa
He’s adorable in the bottom left
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/HMOMA/: Human Males on Male Anthros #410: Fuzz Edition

<Recent Stories
By Anonymous
>Breakroom Conversation
>Temple Adonis

By HomeTome
>Charmed by Shadows

By Witryso

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Why have we been so slow today? Is it just because /hmoba/ has been so much faster?
I just have no new pics to contribute
Not enough anthro men to kiss and suck off

For me, it's cows.
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you rn
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Zoro's miltanks are unbeatable

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