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Galactus Eevee edition

What would you do in this situation?

Writebin: https://rentry.org/macrotrash

Previous thread:
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/bzzt/ - Bugs & Insects General
Bee-vive Edition

Post bugs and arthropods of all varieties.

Previous thread:

Stories And Media:
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A thread for horny anons to worship girls that make them go PLAP PLAP PLAP and shoot lots of nutslop.

Meat edition

Rules: NO SHOTA OR LOLI, no weird fetishes and don't be a dramafaggot.

Gooning is obligatory while posting ITT.
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handsex handsex handsex handsex handsex
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>I love hyper pornified femdom
I like it a little too much, desu
Kronii is soo fuckable~
She has an amazing asset

/heals/: A thread for enjoying kinks in gaming: erp, healslutting, defeat/surrender, prostitution, resourcesluts, wagers, and other kinks typically explored through super cool games like FFXIV, Overwatch, WoW, League of Legends, HoTS, and others.
All roles are welcomed: doms, switches, subs, sluts - DPS, tanks, supports, and healers.

>What's a Heal Slut?
A heal slut is a submissive healer who seeks a dominant, often a Tank or DPS, to devote their all to. They can be bratty, slutty, eager, shy, it doesn't matter. What matters is finding the sexual pleasure in submitting to someone else.

>What if I'm a dominant healer?
Healdoms are also a thing, and are fine in the thread. So long as your focus is on Sub/Dom themes in online gaming your post is fine.

FFXIV /heals/'s syncshell

Last thread: >>69185802
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Threatening me with a good time anon~ Wna drop a tag and see what game we can hop in together?
If you're EU, it can be you.
If I knew that's the reward then I would have signed up sooner... huffing cute feet is all I need for motivation~
>”i want to healslut”
>”but i don’t want to erp”
>”and i don’t want to play a game”
The absolute state of /heals/
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There are plenty of us having fun gaming and slutting, nonny. I hope you find somebody soon!

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you know the drill, post em
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They can be good but this >>69202513 anon is correct. But on the other hand, the majority of the furfag artists arent any better
I want him to massage my tits with his feet while I suck on his cock.

Flexible Rose Edition
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Why did my brain go straight to Cell vore?
Because it looked like Tangle was eating Amy through her tail at first glance?
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Flashback time and another page done-Sexo comin'

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This general is for the discussion of official, fan-made, or look-alike TLH productions as well as original content created by Chris Savino.

https://loudbooru.com/ (Currently under reconstruction)

DM _the_sl0th_ for invite.

booru reconstruction Disocrd : https://discord.gg/5KPBPSkuvW

>List of All The Sisters' Unique Episodes

>Episodes and other official and fan content:

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You are literally mexican lol
Wrong reply?
Please don't exaggerate.
Bad ship BTW.
They don't need to recast girls mostly. Plus did you know Bentley debuted as Lincoln in the 2021–22 season (week unknown), plus live-action Lincoln replaced him in Week 12 (I think it's his only appearance there).
Even doe BLincoln, BLynn Sr. and WClyde all do exist.
Because they're screenshots of the Amazon Kindle app, rather than the rip. Yes, it was posted before. Is Red the graphic novelanon?

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>ALHC is still bad.

is not
Don't reply to him lol. Don't bother engaging.

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Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69204504/

Missed some threads?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/%2Fvore%2F%20general/

Pastebin: https://pst.innomi.net/paste/z5ghe2vo6re2buwdr2zvzvkf

QotT: Do you like when a smaller pred struggles to swallow a prey? Or do you prefer it when a smaller pred has no problem devouring a prey of any size larger than them?
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>Endopuristfags have such a little grasp on reality that they think it's "justified" to mock a digestion artist dying because he drew digestion
The irony is palpable.
Claiming you're the good ones for being against fictional death while advocating for real death.
It's like pro lifers or something I don't care enough to think too hard about the analogy.
>didn't complain about the areolas being visible perfectly through the hair
fuck outta here fag, it looks good is why
I don’t think it’s endo people doing it. I like both digestion and endo. Heck, I’m sometimes one of those people who occasionally like the “permanent endo entrapment where the prey’s mind breaks” sometimes. I think the inky people joking about it are shitposter who think themselves too apathetic. Or people who, under the guise of assumed anonymity, feel the need to post things that they probably wouldn’t if a true name or true/often used username, one tied to other things, was used to say such things. It’s that old childish mindset of “Oh, I can cover my head and no one can see me with my flash light in bed looking at things I’m not supposed to when it’s past my bedtime!”

Or it’s just a coyote or jackasses who think themselves jaded, but really, they’re one personal tragedy away from breaking down themselves.
“coyote” was meant to be “jackass”. Not sure how that autocorrect happened.

Webm/gif thread
Because it's good to have one every once in a while
Post your smutty. cute, or funny clips here
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Even she doesnt look too thrilled
This actually looks very painful.
Imagine your balls have the size and weight of a family car each, while the rest of your body, penis included, are normal.

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adhg/ - Anthro Females Dominating Human Males General #1019

"T. Wrecks" Edition

This is a general dedicated to non-human female anthros (furries) dominating human men.
Keep the discussion on-topic, and follow the theme of the general. (dominant women, subby males, etc.)
>NO Cuckold/NTR
>HIDE and IGNORE trolls

To have your story listed in the OP, include STORYxUPDATE in your post.

>Jurassic Hearts Ch 5

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Right? Why can't you just appreciate some big fuckin' cheeks?

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Who is your favourite MHA girl?
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You posted her but also Frog.
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Well, post a top 3 then.

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Your Excellency Edition



Embrace the fat with this wgttrpg

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/Cejm5A3D1u8?feature=shared

Here’s the map.

Gorgeworld full rules

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Still waiting for an agility roll to try and get out of the door (bump)
Are you sure you don’t want to save it?
I hope you’re sleeping. I need to as well.
I try to get out of the doorway, I'm told to stay in. I try to stay in the doorway, I'm told to get out. I can't win.
Keeping the thread bumped is the most benefit I've ever gotten out of my inability to get a full night's sleep.
Nice poetry. You could always belch in faces from where you are.

/scaly/ - Scaly General #1436

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings

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Disgracing Tama's haughty, self-absorbed nature by thrashing him during a hunt!
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Can't give you flak for that, I feel the same way. Something about her voice always caught me, even if the movie was a bit rough otherwise...

Low poly can still be great. Honestly it's usually my preference. Don't worry too much on the graphical fidelity. Better to start low, rather than smack the wall of uncanny valley.
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Jaggia in a leotard and bunny ears is legit cheating...needs correcting.
No... Sunny wouldn't fuck some dumb OC...

>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't tell us it's good
>2. Read the Pastebin: http://rwbyg.com/
>3. Arguing about the thread, ships, porn, E-Celebs or IRL politics is not discussion
>4. Report and ignore any spam or troll posts
>5. Don't believe their lies
>6. Patch will rise again

Rooster Teeth has shut down: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster_Teeth
All RT content & some RWBY content can now be found at https://rtarchive.org/
RWBY has been bought by Viz Media: https://x.com/officialrwby/status/1809301772608872576?s=46

Previous Thread: >>69240754

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My favorite part of Neo's design is the high leg bodysuit.
My headcanon is that it has a snap crotch.
Sure, whatever, have you ever found one that embraces it or not?
There's cringey shit about the other characters. Maybe not as bad as the jealous ex thing but that only really got bad in V6 when he dies, he was just extremely creepy in V3 with the "My Darling" shit. I just don't get how you can claim to be a huge fan of the character when there's such a massive caveat to it. Every other character has people that are happy even with and sometimes because of their flaws.
They aren’t self aware enough to do that unfortunately
I'm not an adamfag, but I do like him like that.
Like it or not, the way he's portrayed is actually (imo, ofc) interesting. Not knowing anything of his past, one has to wonder what his origins are.
Why would a man so seemingly driven to cause as much harm to humans as possible slowly became so obsessed with his ex that he'd go as far as to turn his back on his revenge against humans to pursue her specifically?
When given the chance to go after one of the biggest oppressors for faunus (Weiss), he went instead for his ex! Why?
Is it the utter sense of betrayal? The personal nature of it overcoming the widespread but less personal oppression against faunus?
What about his eye scar? We can only assume a human did it, and due to its size we can also only assume it was done once he was at least a teenager, and is likely the reason for his extremism.
Did he already get revenge for that, perhaps leading to a half-fulfilled sense of accomplishment that helped Blake's betrayal feel like a priority?
Of course, I know none of this was ever considered. RWBY needed a story for Blake specifically, a 'good protestor vs dangerous terrorist' sort of narrative, and MKEK then took that and made Adam a sort of personification for Blake's turbulent past and PTSD for Yang so they'd bond over it later.
But I reckon the watsonian answers for these questions can still be interesting.

/mfat/ Male Fatfur Thread: Fatday the Thirteenth

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68933074/#69050385

Writefag Pastebin: https://controlc.com/2375e5ea

Thread Template: https://rentry.org/mfattemplate

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCaeE1hwY1w

>Try to keep a good balance of related fetishes and sub-fetishes.
>No 3D please, there are other places better suited for that.
>Avoid reposting images from the past few threads. Keep it fresh!
>Try to keep a slow pace of images and embrace discussion! Talk about your favorite things about fatfurs!
>Please keep it civil and on topic.

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I just love beached pokemon that taunt how much you want to fuck any roll of their belly as they self hump their own gut since they can't do anything else besides teasing you, eating, humping their own self and getting belly fucked.
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Kinda meh? If you're going to commission something at least pay for something high quality or at least interesting. This is just really forgettable.I get it, 40-50 bucks you get some line art, but no one will care about it. Just hire an artist and pay the extra hundred bucks for shaded and colored, and pay a bit more for a background. People will remember it. As this stands, this is something people will say 'nice' when you show them and then forget about it. You could pay four times as much for something they will actually remember.
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