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File: witch.jpg (473 KB, 1920x1080)
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Anything that gives off Witchy vibes. Whether it's dark, somber, happy, or lewd. Regular 2D art, 3D art, anime, cosplay, etc... No AI shit though. Ideally 16:9, but phone wallpapers are also accepted.

Last thread: >>7979383
125 replies and 113 images omitted. Click here to view.
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I've recently started replaying Dark Souls 1 and felt like sharing some old papes I gathered years ago.
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Would love to see some cozy papes of snowy towns and cities. Can be photos, drawings, paintings, real places, fictitious, whatever you got.
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Vaduz Liechtenstein
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High resolution integrated circuits
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Even though i live quite near the tropic of cancer and carry pure and perfect hatred for hot weather, summer, the mosquitoes which it brings, the sweat...i can go on but i also have awe for the Desert.

I love it's aesthetic beauty, the fight which the creatures and plant life which inhabit it carry against death foretold by nature itself. I love the desert, please help me expand my collection.
186 replies and 166 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Xinjiang.jpg (2.14 MB, 3072x2048)
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>Desert plants survive by burying their roots 50 feet underground. That's about the worst place he could've drawn them
a few specific ones do in certain deserts, but most do not and have shallow root systems. especially because in most deserts you reach solid rock pretty quickly. you see how in a desert like >>7980537 there are even full juniper trees growing out of small ledges of rock. there are even plants that grow on overhanging rock if theres a seep.
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Posting for anon on /v/ and hoping the file size limit is more than 4 MB here.
This is one of the default backgrounds for Linux Mint 22, by the way.

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Anyone got any papes that are nice photos of, or reminiscent of, a sunrise?

I actually don't in my collection, so I'll drop some sun(set) vibes I have to get us started, but I am looking for any of the other one if you have 'em.
257 replies and 235 images omitted. Click here to view.
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File: Morning Glory.jpg (5.55 MB, 4200x2800)
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114 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
looks like berserk
It is, that's Zodd and Grifith riding on him.
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changed the colors a bit

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Abstract papes

I made this one today. I dont have much else to share but anything that is cool or abstract would be nice to add to my collection.

I'm so starved for papes im literally making my own
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fucking microsoft edge wallpaper
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too late I my lptop is ded now
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188 replies and 131 images omitted. Click here to view.
Would love that place for an office (would probably need help keeping it in shape though)
This place felt way, way bigger irl
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Looking for more like this please! 4k highly preferred!
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same frame (?) in 3840x2064

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Summer is ending and seasonal depression is already hitting me. Post anything that matches this vibe I guess
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For me always hits a little in September but the halloween festivities and fall foliage sort of make up for it, then a bit harder in late November but then Christmas and New Years sort of counters it but it really hits hard in mid to late January and lasts until Spring. The difference is really nothing to counter it at this time, it just feels like a truly dead time period. There really should be one more holiday in early February.

Chess paintings or chess wallpaper
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As per the title. Purple, deep blue, indigo etc. skies also encouraged. Try to avoid animated. NSFW only if tasteful. Basically anything you could stick a 10 hour loop of home - resonance over and have a good time.
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File: mount-timpanogos.jpg (5.58 MB, 3000x2000)
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Well that's weird...uploading that picture to this thread drained the pink out of the sky. It's pink at the Catbox URL, and it's pink in the reduced 3000x2000 version as it exists on my hard drive, but posting it here changes the pink glow to an overcast gray...

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I'm only making this thread to post these specific papes. Any Tommy Wiseau fans?
234 replies and 212 images omitted. Click here to view.
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