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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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machinery comparison
i hate restocking the water on the bigger planes. The valve is too fucking high and we have to use shitty unsafe ladders to get to them
A380 is an amazing plane. best premium economy (new Emirates) and business class (that fucking bar) that I've ever flown. Godspeed you crazy europeans
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Post your 34th wallpaper
How old are you?
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34, and going by my own /wg/ folders it seems I've been browsing this board for 15 years now

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Gadsden flag
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how are you people worse than /pol/?
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Fuck I clicked the wrong one
Schizo ramblings the wikipedia page

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Thread #9. An anon in the last thread suggested /catharsis/ and I like it. What do you guys think?

All are welcome here.

Previous: >>7995487
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sorry bro - it will get better. promise.
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>I hate people who make you feel small
>I hate having my back against the wall
>you know I hate being talked down to
stop wasting time with those delusion and take control of your life right now, make something out of it
I'm almost 27 and I am at a point in my life where I feel like I've done absolutely nothing. I feel like a complete failure as a person and I feel hollow everyday I wake up, sometime I wish I never wake up. It feels like I am slowly sinking away, and when I try and push myself out its like I'm not even trying to begin with. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed on what to do with my life. I dont even know where to start, like wtf does one even do with anti-social, autistic, depressed, loner fuck like me?

Anyway, maybe I am overthinking it but that hollow feeling has been with me since highschool, its like it haunts me.
What do you want to achieve? think about it even if it is a small thing, come up with a goal or a theme.

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In a way it feels that within popular western culture that art like this is cemented as a historical artifact. You go to a museum or echoey art gallery to view things like this and it disconnects people from the idea of it being an artform you can and should currently pursue.

Art in itself is also an after thought in education and not considered a useful skill as we live in an increasingly digital age, so the appreciation of what goes into masterpieces like this and the reward of their creation and appreciation for them in a modern era is increasingly gone.

Cause it's like "who cares, there's websites full of this stuff". It's a shame and I'm really not sure if there's a way to walk any of that back or what way we can reignite a broad public consciousness towards appreciating the noble human pursuit of scratching a stick into the dirt in tribute to the beauty of this world we find ourselves in.

Welcome to /wg/'s videogames general thread, /vgg/ for short.

Post any wallpapers here for whatever you're currently playing, a game you like. Or whatever you want to share as long as it's video game related.

Other related threads:

Previous Thread:
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kys :)
A bit more unusual than most of what has been posted in this thread so far.
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SS13 stuff (i sank so many hours into it, jesus crsit)
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I recently joined the ThinkPad cult, give me some more stuff
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And for those folks that preferred them, here's the red versions of Leaves and Mechanical with the famous quotes.

N.B. There were also 'blue' versions of both Leaves and a slightly different Mechanical drawing, but they were solely blue logo IBM-branded, not 'IBM Thinkpad' branded.
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Just got a Thinkpad P53 with RTX 5000...im in love.

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Post pictures you took. Amateurs, professionals, anybody in between. All are welcome here.

Previous: >>7990283

I have archived the previous threads and will post them if there's interest.
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Also taken there.
Beautiful. Every time I see a picture like this I always wonder how long it took to build. Incredible craftsmanship, I really can't fathom it.
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Walking into work the other day and took this.
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I don't know why that posted sideways.

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Anyone got any papes that are nice photos of, or reminiscent of, a sunrise?

I actually don't in my collection, so I'll drop some sun(set) vibes I have to get us started, but I am looking for any of the other one if you have 'em.
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Since the reboot is right around the corner drop your Futurama-related papes
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Post commieblocks, slums and anything else with SOVL
Belgrade, Serbia
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Brooklyn, New York, USA
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Birmingham, England, UK
Hanoi, Vietnam
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Mogadishu, Somalia
>captcha TJDSK
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Cairo, Egypt

Need some good train papes, steam engines preferred.
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Does anyone have some cool looking hindi styled wallpaper for either phone or a PC? Krisha, Shiva, Hanuman, Narayans...
Most of what I could find on the internet was either low res (just like the pic related, but this was the best resolution I could find) or extremely goofy looking.
I dunno why but the old pictures always try way too hard and end up looking like a caricature.
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I was raised kriya yogi (SRS). krishna is crhist.

Can we get a quotes thread folks? Anything goes - I'll post what I've got, and as a side request.. will someone make this into a good one?

"The people you love, the people you say you're doing it for - never asked you for any of it."
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Spelled his name wrong.
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You deserve what you tolerate.
Great reply full of insight and reason
Absolute drek from hopeless autistic shills
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Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help.
All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not >>>/b/, >>>/r/ or >>>/w/imt.
> Requestor
• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as https://catbox.moe/, if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture. Imgur is known to compress images, compromising quality.
> All
• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
> Any questions?
• Just ask, you're bound to get at least one answer.

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Can someone please remove the signature and the teal background while leaving the dim “glow” around her intact? Thank you so much.

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