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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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machinery comparison
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>I thought the soviets ran a concorde for a second but no

The Tu-144 might have been given the NATO name "Charger", but the mainstream press and the general public at the time gave it the unofficial nickname "Concordski". :D
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its like a control tower for RC planes lol
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A continuing tradition of awfulness. Post the worst papes you have!

Continuing from last thread:
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some nasty oc
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this one is hard as fuck
this one goes hard
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Do you have the collages from 2019, 2022 and 2023?
Those are the only ones I'm missing.

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aurora borealis
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>originally 6720x3780
You can barely see colors in these things in person. For whatever reason, the color barely shows up except in photos.
For those of you in Østfold / Viken Norway they're out right now. Difficult to see, take a picture to see them better!

Kos dere!
I made an album of folk songs recently. used this as the cover photo. it was a pic posted to /p/ a few months back. thank you for sharing that moment, anon.


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Silly game related stuff here.
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Does anyone have some cool looking hindi styled wallpaper for either phone or a PC? Krisha, Shiva, Hanuman, Narayans...
Most of what I could find on the internet was either low res (just like the pic related, but this was the best resolution I could find) or extremely goofy looking.
I dunno why but the old pictures always try way too hard and end up looking like a caricature.
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Other way around, poo-boy.
The Indo-European steppe invaders (Aryans) are studied through their comparative influence upon Hinduism. Europe was tainted with Abrahamism, but Hinduism was tainted with indigenous dravidians.
You can easily cut out the silly stuff from Abrahamic influence in European religion, but there wasn't ever any detail to the religion itself, as it was written about by outsiders who hated it. The details are studied comparatively through the Vedas.

Reading an abrahamic perspective of European religion is like watching a news outlet put their own agenda into reporting an event. Reading Hindu sources is like watching an eyewitness recording of the event, but in another language.
sir I am Indian
Whoa. What temple is that?
Those are the most beautiful idols I've ever come across.
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Your religion, idols, and aesthetics in general are a complete eye sore and radiate evil energy. May God hasten your peoples conversion from demon worship to holy and pure monotheism.

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looks like berserk
It is, that's Zodd and Grifith riding on him.
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changed the colors a bit

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surreal landscapes with that early 2000's look, i need moar
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Bump with my first time using Bryce.
Holy shit, this looks amazing
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Thank you, anon.
I like these.
bump for stuff like this

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Masters of the universe sitting in their thrones.
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Apocalyptic Thread
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Haven't seen a good mobile pape thread in a while. Post what you like. Nature, space, fractals. Anything.
65 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
I use this painting for my lockscreen but center it differently.
For those that want the original
Very nice, thanks
Thats the scariest shit ive ever seen

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Kitty papes :D
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> 6016x4000
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> 4896x3264
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Even though i live quite near the tropic of cancer and carry pure and perfect hatred for hot weather, summer, the mosquitoes which it brings, the sweat...i can go on but i also have awe for the Desert.

I love it's aesthetic beauty, the fight which the creatures and plant life which inhabit it carry against death foretold by nature itself. I love the desert, please help me expand my collection.
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adobe style home built into a partial berm.
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>Desert plants survive by burying their roots 50 feet underground. That's about the worst place he could've drawn them
a few specific ones do in certain deserts, but most do not and have shallow root systems. especially because in most deserts you reach solid rock pretty quickly. you see how in a desert like >>7980537 there are even full juniper trees growing out of small ledges of rock. there are even plants that grow on overhanging rock if theres a seep.
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I've been fascinated with utility poles in wallpapers ever since I listened to Kodomo's Still Life album. Preferably no busy wiring.
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sup /wg/, im tryna move to GA sometime next year.

looking for any related papes, anything from metro ATL to the beautiful ecology is appreciated..!
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Don't go to the Marriot on Mother's day weekend. That would be a mistake.
Yeah I was a cadet there for three years
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>Original size 17250x5237 (100 MB)

Ideally looking for commercial kitchens 'cause I work in one. Cozy home kitchens welcome too.
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