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sports any
17 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
who do you think was at fault here ? on first look it looks like the player was in the wrong but if u watch the replay the manger (??) was clearly mouthing off and even leaning into him right until he got shoulder checked . if i was the player i think a red card would be worth it . non playing characters should know their place
File: wrestling goes anime.webm (1.77 MB, 640x360)
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who fucking cares. its a sorry excuse for a biff either way.
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no she cannot.
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Content does not always mean happiness, you fucking idiot. Just because you're content it doesn't mean you can't get mad or be sad at something happening in your life. I'm content now but if I fell down and broke my ankle today I'd be pissed off despite being content with most other areas of my life.
I like the music I like because I spent time finding what I liked rather than going along with pop music as a contrarian act because other people didn't like it even though it's pop music and it's hugely popular.
You are emotionally immature. You take cues from whatever celebrities you follow and go along with whatever their beliefs are. Like a 13-year old girl. Which explains why you're enamored with Candace, she represents a political version of the tween girl pop stars that you love so much.
why is that guy famous in america? he makes zero sense
>translation: we're gonna trick you into energy poverty by claiming something's going to happen in the future.

RealTranslation: It's the jews we haven't figured out yet and they will pose a bigger threat on us in the next century.
>trump is le based,vote trump my fellow schizos
Source on these?

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and related
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If this were demonstrably possible it would have been a moral obligation for the Soviet Union (or United Kingdom) to have done so.

The simplest answer is that this was not possible to do. Probably due to the poor quality of Soviet attack submarines.
The Cure - M
Is there a good documentary in English? I loved watching everything of the AT&T archives about American BMD and I think it would be cool to see the Russian stuff.
this is true kino

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street food
15 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
no that's just what Pajeet poop looks like when they don't eat sewer water for a week
>wearing glove
>utensils and bowls
>food isn't sitting at ground level
what is this shit? where's my slop?
you think he sharpens his cutting toe?
Anyone has the making vadaya one where they put dough in a machine and it spits it on the ground and the guy has to crouch under the table to scoop it?
Wtf is that.

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3.95 MB WEBM
Come share an [experience] with us, and bring your Pit Vipers.

>What is [wsg]?
[wsg] is anything you want it to be. Music, Video, Animation, Culture, Anything goes.
All styles are welcome.

>How to get started

To spice things up, choose one option from each category to create a bump:

Music: Lo-Fi
Footage: Retro Anime
Effects: Any

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
93 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
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ai vids from recent v threads
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Massive Attack - Exchange
Nelson Riddle - Lolita Ya Ya
Does anyone have the webm with this chill house/ambient track? I'm sorry for not being clear enough but that's all I can remember, I want to find the song again on yt since they deleted my playlist.
Let's all kill ourselves like Lain!
bump, hope you guys like it.

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A Ricardo thread to celebrate /wsg/ winning in divegrass
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oh fuck off this could've been synced to the music
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I really like this one
Does anyone have the creep parody song he made?
I was about ask for the song when I realized

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post your furry gif
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curse you anon.
you brought me down into that rabbit (or racoon) hole.
why is he so adorable!?
8moe still has /fur/. Traffic volume is negligible, yet it still manages to be a dumpster fire of schizo ranting, trolling, and horrible moderation. It is, in fact, much worse than /trash/. All the same things are true of every other tiny image board I can think of that has a place for anthro content.
if check it out before, its awful and dead. /furry/ was much more active
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say what you want about furries, but a huge number of them are extremely wealthy and pay well
Its true. Look at the conventions, how do so many of them have those intricate detailed fursuits? They're fuckin' loaded

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no idea how to make these but I found these on /fit/ maybe others have some to share lmao
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Can we continue these threads forever? Holy shit, I'm completely hooked, and I haven't made a single one yet
The monkey's paw curls.
Fucking kek
this is art

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I make all things new
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File: Psalm 057 - 4chan.webm (2.29 MB, 480x270)
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I will sing and make music.
Awake, my soul!
Awake, harp and lyre!
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All my fountains are in you
File: Psalm 104 - 4chan.webm (5.91 MB, 256x144)
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There is the sea, vast and spacious,
teeming with creatures beyond number
living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro,
and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.
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The Lord watches over you
Though rulers sit together and slander me,
your servant will meditate on your decrees.
Your statutes are my delight;
they are my counselors.

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May the Force be with you- May the 4th

I stopped playing with Star Wars when Phantom Menance came out but the OG trilogy still has a place in my heart.
273 replies and 135 images omitted. Click here to view.

Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr2GRGRWTjU
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84 >>5657835

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
259 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
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As expected of any anime with "saikyou" in the title.
I've unironically watched Yu-Gi-Oh as a comedy before. It's like unintentional satire.

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Being Hopeful for the future and love for being here at this moment with us
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real version
Such a reddit webm. I cringe every time I watch it. Joker becoming a literally-me character was bad enough, but female characters? Major tranny vibes.
god bless bro wish you and your family the best
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I love Alejandro. His works have changed my lift. I would not be here if it weren't for his films.
this is lovely

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Probably the biggest tease ever in history of Hollywood
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hannah minx
i dont' think she got into porn, sadly.
some other japanese youtuber did get into their gravure though.
she got knocked up by someone in the yakuza and couldn't escape
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That's kinxy!

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tired of no touhou thread
cookie/nyn: >>5559755
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DJ Nazrin wave is teh sheeeit.
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lurker here, just want to say i love the spongebob ones
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traditional, digital, and stop-motion animation and other /co/-related content. Previous: >>5658991
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let's all go back together...
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