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File: 2.webm (1.01 MB, 1920x1080)
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The feeling of DREAD one gets from seeing how society has become dependent or degenerate thanks to technology.
17 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
Kill yourself jew
I fucking wish offices were like this, I hate the open plan.
I wonder if this is the future of warfare with people even being able to bet.
>privacy of your own cubicle
God I wish.
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5.88 MB WEBM

279 replies and 134 images omitted. Click here to view.
On their way to stand in the fucking road.
thank god there's a shot for that
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1.66 MB GIF
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3.66 MB GIF

File: DeerJump.webm (1.83 MB, 474x360)
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1.83 MB WEBM
Stuff like this
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1.87 MB WEBM
the slowest rope glide ever

File: dance alone.webm (3.73 MB, 1280x720)
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3.73 MB WEBM
Come share an [experience] with us, and bring your Pit Vipers.

>What is [wsg]?
[wsg] is anything you want it to be. Music, Video, Animation, Culture, Anything goes.
All styles are welcome.

To spice things up, choose one option from each category to create a bump:

Music: Future Funk, City Pop, Lo-fi hip hop.
Footage: Anime, 80’s and 90’s video, early 2000's video
Effects: VHS Glitch, Retro Color Grading, Film Grain

Feel free to create as you wish, but try to make at least one bump using the challenge categories. Good luck!
Post ideas for next thread's challenge categories if you have any!

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246 replies and 93 images omitted. Click here to view.
Can someone please explain how to compress and convert to webm's without compromising quality?
File: slider.webm (585 KB, 1118x488)
585 KB

1.Make sure to use good source material (uncompressed if possible (bitrate) and good resolution)

2.Use WebM for Lazys in Constant Mode and use High Quality enter 5.8 Mib Size limit
Use WebM export plugin for Premiere, Constant Bitrate, check 2-pass encoding and play with the slider until the estimated file size shows < 6Mb
Learn ffmpeg and use trial and error until you are satisfied with the result:
When encoding for a specific file size limit, you must always make a compromise. So what we need to do is create a balance between bitrate and resolution.You want to maximize bitrate while having a high resolution. This is quality. Both those things massively contribute to the file size budget.You can spend a lot of time finding the sweet spot between those or take a practical approach favoring one over the other.Beginning with resolution and assuming 720p as a reasonable limit for /wsg/ and a common resolution for source material we can start by adjusting the bitrate first.The 'content' of the source defines how high the bitrate must be for the output to look good. The more 'movement' of pixels there is the more minimum bitrate we need. Fast cuts, transitions and fluid motion all look like shit with low bitrates while text on a simple background is cheap and easy.If the result still looks bad we can try to lower the resolution in favor of a higher bitrate.The other approach is to prioritize bitrate first. you could use Variable Bitrate CRF mode and lower the resolution in exchange.It takes an trial and error approach to get to a good looking result within the file size limit and needs to be adjusted for every source file.There a template scripts you can use for both these ways.

factors for quality: Quality (resolution/bitrate) of source material, codec (vp9 for /wsg/), 'movement of pixels', color profile
factors for file size: Resolution Bitrate Duration framerate

File: Krumpled Stastic.webm (4.34 MB, 1038x918)
4.34 MB
4.34 MB WEBM
/Music You Made Yourself/

Been awhile since I've seen one of these threads. What new tunes have my fellow anons created lately?
34 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Bump 2.webm (3.55 MB, 300x224)
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3.55 MB WEBM
Cool thread.
Not sure what the rules are, but here's a video of me playing some FFX music on piano.
Goodbye anonymity.

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File: Gay.webm (2 MB, 480x640)
2 MB
Its strange. I could swear there was a "Fiercely Attractive Guys" thread around here.

Post cute fellas.
211 replies and 100 images omitted. Click here to view.
the one with the bare arms has a smile like aniki's
I like boys that look like boys, and boys that look like girls
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2.23 MB WEBM
>get through this entire thread
>still not gay

what now faggots
Congrats on wasting your time I guess
Enjoy your titties and pussy I guess

Patriotic girls: Russian edition
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who is this girl(male) for those of us who don't know?
how much of a zoomer/gen z do you have to be to tell that jane is a male because i'm a millennial boomer and i can't tell jack but someone of my generation i'll be able to easily 'clock' as they say
oh no, she is not male at all! girl of honest fate, + a bonus)))
ok i'm convinced, where is the donation link? cпacибo
oh shit this is how he dresses to meet those black guys

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DQ7 was announced for the PS two weeks before FF7 release, up to that point the Saturn and PS where head to head but thanks to FF7 and the DQ announcement the Saturn pretty much died off from the public eye, there where games still coming out but the sales where far behind compared to the PS, by the late 90s the PS was selling ten times more than the Saturn and N64 combined.
Now days FF can't sell 1M units in Japan and Sega has sold his arcade division, Sony can't move consoles or games and the Switch is pretty much the only console that japs care about, also they seem to leaving home consoles behind and star using PCs more.
Crazy how much shit changed in such a short period of time.
I miss the 90s so much bros... I wish we could go back.
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File: Ada.webm (3.93 MB, 480x360)
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File: Penny's Theme.webm (2.31 MB, 360x270)
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2.31 MB WEBM
You can just post your own thread with whatever you want
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Doesn’t work on mobile
I know, VP9-10 bit isn't currently read by phone encoders, however regular VP9-8 bit works just fine on phones. 10 bit is higher quality and a lower file size, more importantly I don't give a damn about phone posters.
Like David Lynch said, if you watched it on a phone you didn't really experience it.

Mitsudomoe, you can watch it at your local gas station.
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553 KB GIF

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Stop playing games with my heart
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File: XLVIII Panzer Corps.webm (3.49 MB, 800x450)
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3.49 MB WEBM
Kind of needs an edit of this.
Let's go. Bella, Ciao!
File: 16.webm (70 KB, 560x420)
70 KB
ERIKA? Katyusha is better girl at home.

File: acapella.webm (5.62 MB, 1024x540)
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5.62 MB WEBM
Anything acapella
150 replies and 78 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you to everyone that's contributed. It's been enlightening.
more bulgarian
slavs aren't white

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200 replies and 101 images omitted. Click here to view.
I agree with you on the *cough* CINEMATIC aspects of Honest Hearts, but from a gameplay perspective it was by far the weakest NV DLC. You either spec guns and it's a cakewalk or you try to do anything else and basically offer yourself up as meat for the Yao Guai Gangrape Festival
I hate this pseud video so much. It is just every single notable Joshua Graham quote taken completely out of context, and sewn together. It sounds good on the surface but it turns a kino character into a rambling pseud if you actually listen to what he's saying in this video, it is just nonsense.
strongest senior brother in the clan
This is why men should rule the world. We can gain peace after silly things. No jews however.

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3.18 MB WEBM
im talking dead serious
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1 thing - Amerie.
But this is some sorta slow BS mix.
It's called a drop crotch. Especially it's a very high-waisted pant that you wear low on your waist
w2c big boot?
oh so they've given a name to the "i've been raped in prison and open for business" pants?

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webms and gifs that redpill and provide info on a /x/ related subject
>9/11, hollywood, vaccines, holocaust e.c.t
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Long long man
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I think there was an actual explanation for this (Some anti-phishing system or whatever immediately analyzing the links), so its unreliable at best.
Don't let that make you think that reddit isn't rife with bots and shills, however. Go on the front page and look at the poster accounts of any political/related threads. Nine times out of ten they'll be recently created accounts with nothing but posts in political subreddits. They will usually spam a single thread across five more more subreddits (And they'll get tens of thousands of upvotes like nothing. Lucky them!)
t. AI bot
song name?

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Dumping what I've got for my bros in /horg/ but feel free to post anything related to the stupid fucking cat
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