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Mashups, remixes, covers, edits, shitposts, and the like. Doesn't have to be eurobeat-related, as long as it's weird and it's a webm.
129 replies and 108 images omitted. Click here to view.
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you're my son I'm Darth Vader
I've quickly come to detest this song.
>get into AI RVC covers for a bit
>look for models already made
>so many of them use this fucking song as an example
>can't understand a word being said and the model sounds like ass with it
It's this faggot's outro. Shad if you're reading this, kill yourself.

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Fuck crabs.
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>All our condolences go to the crabby families
Regular rigged government, my guy. It's a "road to nowhere" scheme with more sofisticated pretexts.There's this taxpayer money here without no reason to spend it, let's try "subsidize the advance of manufacturing technology of dissassembling crabs" or some bullshit like that, a thing no one asked for nor anyone needs. The money were spent, the cronies were paid, you got some machine to show it for, profit., They spend enough money on it to pay for a decade of a team of 10 labourers with 10x the productivity, and the project were discontinued after 2-5 years because the maintenance costs were too high. Me and you got fun little videos of man-made horrors to end the life of crabs. Morons like you ate the whopper for its face value.
Fewer neurons. Like you, compared to everyone else.
>this kills the crab
>on an industrial, but also spiritual, level

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nigga didnt even take the stickers off
When does she say that? Only video I saw was she said no saliva was a side effect of her bulimia. She's only coating it in oil because it's easy to throw up
You should stop parroting one liners and exercise some creativity you unfunny faggot
for 2.5 million dollars they better throw in some fucking child prostitutes
Is this the new Ja/ck/?

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What year is this from?
He isn't going out there to die.
He's going to see if he is even alive.
you could say people do the latter when they lack the former
Again you have to qualify your statement.
Living a life of subsistence farming or hunter gathering in nature without access to modern life is generally unfulfilling.
science is lame no matter how much this guy whines.

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Post bus videos and photos.
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this thread is bussin
getting your shit pushed in
he never saw it coming
This thread has made only one thing clear to me and that is the buses absolutely MOG cars.
saved. This is like top 1% of drivers in the world.
t. poor loser

post and discuss webms and images
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funky february edition

prev >>5321345
241 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
Unfortunately that's the whole track
nope nope nope nope
Bombs cannot be reasoned with.
I need this mp3 someone please

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don't take the bait
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I like how the default gameplay triggers epilepsy.

I didn't pay for it yet but sometimes you have to separate the art from the autist.
>that music
is that infinite theme from Sonic Forces?
this...wasn't the bait n switch I was hoping for
>is that infinite theme from Sonic Forces?
NTA, but yes it is

Thanks for the warning bro.

Post anything phonk (songs, edits, etc.)

>What is phonk?
Phonk is a genre that started in the early 2010s stemming from slow-paced, jazz-infused beats combined with '90s Memphis rap samples. The genre was later popularized with aggressive Russian cowbell beats, taking on a life of its own, and inspiring many new subgenres.

>Where's the best place to find phonk?
Soundcloud and YouTube.

>Subgnres of phonk with examples
Rare Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/erickdie/levitate
Atmospheric/Ambient/Wave Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/lxst_cxntury/odium
Analog Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/llllane/this-feeling
House Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/anteeke/unhinged-doors-ost-remix
Cowbell/Drift/Aggressive Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/pharmasix/north-memphis
Brazillian Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/rxdxvil1/brazilian-danca-phonk-w-6ynthmane

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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get the fuck out of here
This is good

This is decent.
>This is decent
no. no its not even decent.

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Anything acapella
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Not purely acapella but it's all I have left and I don't want the thread to die
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call to all
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Does anyone have one that must have been made by the same person with Bowden talking about Nietzche's philosophy? I remember seeing it on instagram posted by a now banned page called rape.88 (that almost certainly browses here ;) )
I think that everything boils down to having aims and breaking down a project into as many small parts as you can. What is the aim of your video? What do you want to express to the viewer? Do you wish to educate them? Do you wish to express your thoughts on a certain matter? Do you wish to share your feelings on a subject?
Let’s hypothetically say that you are a French ethnic nationalist that believes in maintaining the homogeneity of your nation and the claim that your people have to their soil.
Your aim could be to express the claim your people have to their soil.
The aim is a vague image that you have in your head.
I think that for artists and other creators you need to set limits on yourself to condense your ideas into a final product. Imagine the difference between telling yourself that you want to sculpt something unique vs wanting to sculpt a human versus saying that you want to create a sculpture of your naked lover in a particular pose. You have to set some limitation to define the final product. Just how the library of babel is useless because it’s just a jumble of randomness.
In this case we could define the French claim to their soil by having artistic representations of French society throughout the ages showing how they are a unique ethnic group. So images of their unique architecture, important historical battles and a progression of culture with French music over it.
You could at this point change your mind and do a video showcasing French music and songs through the ages with images and short videos to represent the different time periods along with the music.
You can substitute the French for any other European ethnic group. There is an infinite amount of ideas and even new genres of videos that you could create but most of infinity is just random gibberish. That’s why most art starts from copying the ideas of others and making small personal changes until it becomes unique just like evolution.
I have written some pastas if you want to have a read through something. Also another thing that I think is important. Sleep! I pursue 3D sculpting as a hobby and sometimes I get stumped and get a sort of block as I work. So I will think about what I am trying to create and make it the focus of my mind. Do that for a two or three days while getting plenty of sleep. One day you will just wake up and have the solution without forcing anything. While you sleep your subconscious is working away like an industrial machine. You just provide some basic ideas, aims and time. It will provide you with a solution.

Also when you start working on something. Don’t get obsessed or fall in love with your first creations. Keep moving forward and improving. It’s very tempting to fall in love with your first creation. But trust me you have to keep going. You will get better over time and it will be a journey of a lifetime as you keep improving yourself. But don’t get burned out. Make sure you rest otherwise you will lose motivation.

Patriotic girls: Russian edition
171 replies and 62 images omitted. Click here to view.
post some biological women, you fucking faggot
yeah I read it like that afterwards, didnt see a point in making another post
thanks anon
stay golden
what's a yuman?
It's Russia.
The young civilian protested against SMO, he's now a criminal.
And criminals are treated as they deserve.

Mashups/Parodies. As long as it takes an original work plus more, is good enough.
51 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
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love this classic
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hey anon, I need all the schizo webms
I'm on a breakthrough and need the
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sauce on music?
No, go away
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haru no koi edition
83 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
this would be more illegal than just taking the pizza off his hand and telling him to leave though. how did he even get through the door?
Los Santos, anyone?

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