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The 2024 Summer Cup in which /wsg/ is set to compete will begin July 19

Our Roster poll is now open and will remain open for the next few weeks.

If you've never heard of the 4CC you can learn more here. tl;dr it's 4chan boards playing virtual divegrass against one another.

If you'd like to see how the team is looking currently take a look at our wiki page and video archive.

If you are interested in testing or managing for the team please contact either of us here.

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Alright, time to stop hibernating.
The Summer cup will start next weekend, we've recessed as a species, and as a result we're back on PES16.
What that means is, just expect a lot of goals. this game is stupid.

Now before that, the group stages will have to be drawn. As /pw/ is hosting the cup, the draw will be decided via wrasslin' instead of a hat pick.
Surely having a wrestling rep in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] will help us out... right?
Yet, he will not be our representative during SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMERSLAM!!
For that another man will have to step up, a man who fighting not just for the team, but also for himself, for his daughter, for the debt's he owes and his redemption arc to begin!
Stay tuned for the draw, for SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMERLAM!, live tomorrow 17:00 UTC time on the official 4chan Cup cytube!
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The draw has concluded, hope you guys like rematches.
vs /jp/ on saturday 20 July 2024 19:40 UTC. We played them in the previous Winter cup. Ended in a 1-2 loss, yet we still managed to top the group.
vs /t/ on friday 26 July 2024 18:20 UTC. We played them previous Summer cup. We won 3-1, but their famous last stand, the boarding party, gave them a 90+ goal seeing them top the group over us.
vs /vg/ on sunday 28 July 2024 17:40 UTC. We're playing them for the 4th year in a row, previous match ended in a 1-1 draw where we narrowly advanced over them on goal difference.
Oof, that group G really is the hardest group this entire cup, very stacked. Group B is by far the easiest, /vt/, as much as I don't like them, is gonna dominate that. I wish you a lot of luck.
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no she cannot.
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That same bending could account for the discrepancy on a globe earth, as well. So, I don't see it as a slam dunk for either side.
>I have no model for a flat earth that can account for days, seasons, which stars are visible, etc.”.
There apparently are models that do, but I haven't had time to go through those playlists to find out what that is.
>That same bending could account for the discrepancy on a globe earth, as well.
what globe earth?
there is no globe earth if there was, you'd be able to measure and demonstrated the curvature you claim exists everywhere.
There is no discrepancy.
You can check anytime yourself, there is no curvature. Light bends and it normally causes the kind of refraction that creates the kind of false images where thing appears to be obscured behind it.

but those views are NEVER in accordance with the curvature math and if you just wait and look again in different conditions, the 'curve' isn't there (because it's just an artifact of atmospheric distortion and perspective).
>So, I don't see it as a slam dunk for either side.
there's many refraction calculators--it's an incredibly complex calculation that requires data that we almost never collect (i.e. temperature and humidity data at all elevations). If you play with the refraction calculators, and keep in mind what the variables mean (i.e. keep refraction coefficients in the ranges we normally experience) you'll find refraction is quite quite minor. and you'll find that when there significant refraction, the distortion and miraging caused by it are overwhelming and obvious.
And this is consistent with your actual experience in real life. We don't see things that are far away and assume they're hundreds of feet in some alternate direction. Even through water, which has higher refraction by orders of magnitude than the air, you just have to aim slightly lower than the fish appears in order to bow fish.
Over a dozen miles normal refraction might cause an object to appear a few feet higher or lower than it actually does.
Over 10 miles you have to make up for 66.6 feet of curvature drop. Refraction cannot under any circumstance do that. That's a scientific fact.

But you know this, you just know that the conspiracy your represent also keeps people ignorant about refraction, so within that lie you find your home.
>>I have no model for a flat earth that can account for days, seasons, which stars are visible, etc.”.
>There apparently are models that do, but I haven't had time to go through those playlists to find out what that is.
there's no conflict at all with flat earth and observation.
There is no 'model' that needs to be found.
The earth is flat and unstationary
the stars are embedded in a solid dome that's rotating over head.
this satisfies all observations.

In fact, the standard model is the one totally lacking observational consistency.

Take for example constellations. Contrary to pop-science claims they've never changed their shapes from when they were first described thousands of years ago. They also don't change their size throughout the year (i.e. Orion doesn't get fatter in the winter).
This literally proves the standard model wrong. How?

If you have any interest in 16-bit gaming you might be aware of parallax, the differential scrolling of backgrounds and various depths to give a realistic horizon. i.e. the foreground scrolls at one rate, the mid ground scrolls at a slightly slower rate, and the mountains off in the distance scroll at an even slower rate.

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Based retard, the same thing happens with Chicago from Michigan you can see it during specific events where the light bends just enough.
>Based retard, the same thing happens with Chicago from Michigan you can see it during specific events where the light bends just enough.
its so fucking weird that you faggots thing that excessive distortion leads to clear views of extremely distant sights.

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A thread dedicated to the cutest and most racist fox!
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averi a cute
she probably farts on her tail
I like her
This is the slippery slope.

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Come share an [experience] with us, and bring your Pit Vipers.

>What is [wsg]?
[wsg] is anything you want it to be. Music, Video, Animation, Culture, Anything goes.
All styles are welcome.

>How to get started

To spice things up, choose one option from each category to create a bump:

Music: Any
Footage: It's summertime, so film something outside!
Effects: Any

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Thank you so much!
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>Ours Samplus - Guatem
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K-Pop thread

Webm Programs:
>Webm Converter
>XMedia Recode
>MPV with webm script
Youtube Downloader:

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reverse these genders... lol
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I've heard before about how many idols have mental health issues due to their job and dealing with the fans while keeping their mask on. Do the companies that employ idols usually have mental health staff there for them or do they just say "deal with it" and leave them alone?
not really, they filter people out in the interview process using a psychologist
>don't wish to be idols, just idle fancy
>score high neuroticism on the ocean5 model
anxiety still happens but its much rarer due to that. Low motivations will kill their ability to hit schedules. High neuros react to stimulus often enough to be considered a stress response.
One of the lowest i've ever seen is Gaeul from IVE. She gives the impression it would take a week for her to react to be shot

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Post your chess games and chess in general
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dude wtf lol
Lmfao I needed a good laugh, tf is this shit?
>hire Catseye pest controll because of a rat problem
>now my living room smells of semen, drugs and diapers are everywhere and a giant inflated rats lives on my couch

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Post movie kino here !
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anyone have the music videos of Mads Mikkelsen as his character in the Pusher films?
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The story from the Terminator Resistance video game is what should have been used for Terminator 3, and that's where it should have ended.
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Or the tape the government tried to destroy via the IRS.
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>be evolutionist
>feels need to defend his religion
>too stupid to see the fruit of his faith
Many such cases. You guys think you're so smart but you can't even connect two dots.
The speaker is convicted felon and con artist kent hovind. He claims to have a science degree but he gave it to himself from his own church which he calls a school. He claims to teach real science. He can't grasp the first fucking thing about it.

Boo hoo faggot. We're better than you.
You are in a cult. What are the fruits of your faith? The ability to pretend everything's going to be fine after we die? Wow yeah that's really fucking helpful here on earth. All your pastors are openly gay and welcoming of lgbt now so there went that argument for you. You don't have much left other than "but muh morals" as if reading a book of fairy tales means you're suddenly moral. Why are there more religious people in prison than atheists? Oops didn't think of that one did you....
Here's everyone's favorite professor
This is literally cult nonsense. Nothing you said has any basis in reality. You are larping. No amount of fedora posting will ever change that.
God damn aliens trying to stifle our research progress with this tom foolery and win the game

Part of the giant crab scene from "Moana" animated film by Disney with the sound of "The Trial" song from "The Wall" album by Pink Floyd. Better quality: https://filebin.net/u4hkasogyl068w7z (131 MB).
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>give examples
all of it.
would you like to know which specific shit covered piece of corn smells worse?
k den
just upload it to catbox.moe like the rest of us
>>5617407 If "pink floyd is utter trash", then, having in mind examples of "utter trash" by Pink Floyd, the answer "all of it" is only logical. But I was writing about examples of something *not* being "utter trash" (not necessarily by Pink Floyd), otherwise there is nothing to compare Pink Floyd with.
What is this guy's deal?
give me more gold

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>grand parents are québécois
>great grand parents from Dijon
>grew up speaking French
>was really excited to visits my ancestral home in 2021
>finished my trip jaded and incredibly more racist than when I arrived

Genuinely think and hope we will see a serious French civil war by 2050
This. the smallest step to do is to unironically make more kids, and work to get your friends/family married too and making babies.
They look like they're being held hostage.
Accept your fate, pig.

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You know what's weird? A jew can do the worst thing in the world and still claim to be the eternal victim.
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>my enemies aren't as violent as I pretend
>therefore I am brave

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Post your video of meteorological phenomenons, cumulonembus, tornadoes, waterspouts, red sprites, anything.
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At least he saved his friend's beer
The air around the lightning bolt quickly heats up by 30000 degrees, making the air rapidly expand and send out a (quite audible) shockwave. This is also why lightning is always accompanied by thunder.
Do any of you guys go looking for cool weather? I sometimes consider getting a room in a hotel on an upper floor in florida in hurricane season. I barely ever get cool weather where I'm at.

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