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File: fan-wc2022-jap.webm (3.05 MB, 1280x720)
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3.05 MB WEBM
sports any
250 replies and 110 images omitted. Click here to view.
They must really like watermelons
what´s wrong with rudiger?
Why are South Americans so uncivilized?
Look at the webm:
>what we can criticize is, that we didn't already murder them earlier.
He also appears to be an Islamist - not a Muslim, an Islamist - for he is regularly intentionally using their gestures in public.
Which makes statements like the one above look even worse.
Donald Trump will fix things.

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Name of this song?
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File: file.webm (5.83 MB, 540x540)
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"Where the World Begins and Ends" by The Dears.
File: Amada.webm (3.55 MB, 400x225)
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File: The Last Revelation.webm (5.94 MB, 360x225)
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One of the reasons for mass layoffs, enjoy
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It's funny how vastly different the same company is in my country. Here Deloitte means getting fucked in the ass for 10-11 hours every day.
2/10 acting like she's 8
As you can see, her laptop is a macbook so the business appears to be operating on Apple. They probably got a bulk deal on the keyboards when buying the macbooks. Not sure why they'd waste so much money to equip people who just send emails all day, but they sure did.

File: king cobra.webm (2.47 MB, 864x961)
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post animals
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Like all Australian animals you have to be careful. The male platypus has venom spikes on its back legs.
balenciaga bird
Fuck off! We're full!
I want to touch it.
chad dogo, doesnt give a fuck

Post music from the 1980s
124 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
yt suggested me this band and I quite like them, any more like this niche postpunk bands?
File: Diamond Sun.webm (5.81 MB, 320x240)
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File: Jose Jose- El Triste.webm (5.73 MB, 320x240)
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5.73 MB WEBM
try matching this level of sovl, ye wont
>oh my science
>d-did they just hekkin predict 9/11??

File: music search.webm (2.42 MB, 720x336)
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music search
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File: Music.webm (1.91 MB, 640x360)
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File: 34-19 Mysteriou Song.webm (3.41 MB, 640x360)
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This is a demo by the artist "Rory in early 20s," posted to her patreon in January 2023. Doesn't seem to have been made into a full song

File: IRAEDIT.webm (5.65 MB, 800x450)
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Just cooked up this edit, lets have a nice war thread with edits, groove, cool niche conflicts etc.

Keep the Ukrainian no sound drone shit to yourself. This has become a major problem for our war threads.
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Authentic footage only
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File: Authentic footage.webm (3.83 MB, 544x360)
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it would be amazing if we could get someone to actually record a ufo with the same quality as a birdwatcher with a smartphone
Just letting you guys know that all this UFO stuff is fake.
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There's that special access program Kona Blue which mentioned something about remote viewing and psionic abilities to operate reverse engineered crafts. The documents were a proposal, it wasn't approved, but the fact the government would even bother to propose it is suspicious. Although I'm sure there's a great deal of psyopping, I have trouble understanding what can be accomplished through releasing documents like this, as the UFO topic still isn't big enough to distract a majority of people from domestic and international affairs.

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Post porcine creatures injuring themselves, being disgusting, humiliating themselves, or otherwise being a waste of oxygen
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this is what killed the dinosaurs
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Fly you fools!
perhaps the skibidi toilet threads would be more to your liking zoom zoom?
top kek
>HA you retards its the kids aunt not the mom
>all other criticisms and opinions remain valid
yeah, you sure showed us...

Post Video game related stuff
Star Wars edition
Old Thread reached limit >>5533044
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gg, ez. no re
File: seed.webm (5.66 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: Godzilla vs Ebirah.webm (5.66 MB, 960x540)
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In a couple of weeks it'll be 20 years since this iconic moment happened.
File: Uncharted.webm (3.47 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Homelander season 1.webm (4.23 MB, 600x256)
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4.23 MB WEBM
Clips, edits, memes or whatever, post anything related to The Boys.

Gen V and other related spinoffs are fine also.
36 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
it's fraud you idiot
by the very legal definition
lmao is this edited in any way? Dropped the show after season 2, but this looks at least funny.
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the part she says she is a jew is edited and they cut some lines, but homelander forcing the girl to jump actually happens, fun scene
nevermind, rewatched the full scene, she actually says she is jewish kek
I often that he has super strength, like he's more like Aquaman than he's often portrayed

File: Melancholy Hill.webm (5.73 MB, 640x361)
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Are you schizophrenic?
Ted got sent letters in prison and he answered them back. He never claimed that there were multiple versions or a modified version. I don't why you try to gaslight yourself but this just shows that you know nothing about Ted and that you are just trying to push everything towards politics. You are just politics brained like many other leftists, because you assume things with no valid evidence and then spout it out loud with undeserved level of smugness.
That's an interesting stance that I hadn't considered before. Our prehistoric ancestors were able to drive multiple megafauna species to extinction with a fraction of our population using only fire, sticks, and stones; it makes sense that we'd end up doing the same even quicker today.

However, while the terrestrial realm would be ravaged until our population drops enough for it to start rebounding, I think the oceans would start recovering much quicker and would likely become a major food source for the remaining humans. I guess it all depends on how long it takes for supply chains to break down enough that industrial-scale fishing is no longer feasible. Though I'm sure the breakdown of society will also come with a surge of pollution when fossil fuel stockpiles are suddenly expended and environmental protections are abandoned in the name of survival.
I suppose the collapse would just be the beginning and decades of worsening hardship would follow before recovery could begin.
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thread music
>Ted Was Right - Behavioral Sink
>Whypipo evil >:(
Letr's forget that China and India have massive middle classes that now consume and pollute way more than Whites do, cunt.

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Frog thread for frog appreciation
Frogs are the ONLY thing holding this site together
All frogs and frog adjacents are welcome; pepes, apus, fregs, irl froggos, etc
Post frogs
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197 replies and 109 images omitted. Click here to view.
thank you
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Just a heads up, it starts out rather quiet with lower tones of the organ, so you might want to turn up the volume to hear it.

webm's giving motivation, hope, advice or redpilling about the porn industry

>porn and degen content was bought to europe by jews and is one of the contributing factors to their exile from europe
>the current porn industry is ran almost exclusively by jews, and some have stated their clear anti-christian and anti-white agenda
>high ups at mindgeek (porn conglomerate who owns pornhub) have candidly admitted to luring minors to their sites to get addicted, and they intentionally push faggot/trans porn on minors
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File: jesuscross.webm (2.62 MB, 540x540)
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2.62 MB WEBM
I always tried nofap but always failed. When I found myself back to Christendom though I succeeded.
I make porn (3D, in Blender), for a bit of side cash. It's not my main income but it is a nice bit of extra money and it lets save most of my paycheck. I don't watch porn beyond what I create, but it does give me a funny feeling sometimes, teetering on the edge of oblivion perhaps. What do?
hey mate you have a source for the music?
Yes people, porn addicts are this retarded!

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