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DFC Edition
Previous thread: >>10937754
96 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
is there ANY lewd art of this vixen out there? because if so it's been eluding me
I'm looking for a CYOA that was posted here years ago.
It was about adopting/rescuing robots that were all really messed up in some way, had an old computer theme, narrators were 'plus and minus'
I don't think it was finished but the WIP was playable
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College age Roll, shortly after finally internalizing that Rock sees her as his sister and isn't into her the way she is into him.
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>What're you staring at? Don't think I'm not keeping a camera on you, ningen.
"I'm just concerned about your damage. That's all."

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Beach day edition
Girls with more than two breasts. Thread may contain ai.
previous thread >>10891732
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I'm distracted by the fact she's using her fork backwards.
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A thread for images with a central theme of more/superior cum, virility, and size. I want to see long, fat cocks spew thick loads of cum while some small-dicked cuck looks on in awe. No AI shit.
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"Born this way edition"

Barbie Doll Anatomy, aka Featureless, Nullification, Smoothing, Modest Nudity, Bandwidth Conservation, The Super Wholesome Space, etc. Share art, edits, stories, greentext
People whose physical anatomy completely lacks any kind of 'private parts', be it nipples, genitals or an anus.

Physically they not only cannot perform the functions of those missing parts, but they also have absolutely no physical need to do so. Their health is unaffected despite only having uninterrupted skin and flesh where those parts should otherwise be.

Mentally they may be unable to feel sexual arousal or pleasure, or have no instinctive idea of what things like sex, breastfeeding or excretion are. They may also be entirely oblivious to exploitation, having no concept of nudity taboos or inappropriate touching.
Alternatively they may know all about such things in others, but be unable to feel or do them themselves.

They may have once been normal but became like this, and either feel relieved or regretful regarding their new bodies. Alternatively, they might have been born this way and have never known any other kind of life.

Or it could all just be completely unexplained.

Previous Threads:

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49 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
Already am null. Enjoying the experience.
Oh? Go on...
Born intersex. Had a lot of corrective surgeries throughout my teens that slowly left me with less and less until doctors agreed to just remove everything due to previous surgeries having complications. I'm not in my early twenties enjoying life as a basically genderless creature.
Gotta say, feeling up the body of a smoothed Ina (non-sexually, of course) sounds like a really chill experience.
On one hand, shame. Doctors jump the gun with correction on intersex stuff and it seems even when it goes right it's still wrong. Sorry if that's what you went through.
On the other hand, nice. What's it like? Do you have any interest in dating or sex? If you don't mind me asking, what is your body like? Is there anything unexpected about being genderless?

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Reborn from its ashes edition.

Previous: >>10897119

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site.
68 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
An anal vore fan looks at art of a tiny in a rectum, the picture being last in a full tour vore set, however the observer is unaware of this. Should that make the image functionally an anal vore pic from the perspectiveof the observer, and is one who is observingthe observer obligated to inform them of the truth? Why or why not?
5 pages APA format, go.

(Lol I got a temporary ban for uploading that jorabora palutena pic as an example of good ideas ruined by jank artistic decisions)
Siscon anon... it's been years... please.... brap story......

Or actually any, ill even take the old ones... i lost my copies of it...
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Bro please crawl out of ur sisters ass and post the story where ur fat assed cousin literally drowned u in her ass and killed u irl. That was the story we were promised wasn't it?

>Bit of a dumb question but do you guys think they improved or ruined the gts-scape in any way?

To answer, gtsave was a neutral force in the pornosphere, not good or bad simply neutral. It stood alone and should be observed alone, and that said, your looking at it with rose tinted glasses. They embodied all the worst aspects of gts. One I don't hear brought up enough is trying to make every vid a jack of all trades. Think they did this to cast a wide audience net like "hey u like ass here's an ass scene". Especially painful when paired with another deadly sin, FILLER, like mf i bought the ass clip why is there 9 mins of feet. Probably also a means of making their vids more "cinematic" cuz the dude running it was a total fartsniffer. Not the based kind, the self-huffing kind. What I find funky is how the ended up as c-list insta celebs. Doing normie couple skits. Was it before or after gtsRoma? Either way they're still scumbags, they would leave their OF without content for months, taking money, shit they still have a patreon lying around getting fucking pocket change for tjem. I think they quit less because of the dox and more because they got bored of the gig. You're gonna say you didn't know the risk of pretending to be a giantess using a skyscraper as a toilet while charging money for it, while also being a small insta celeb with children? What the fuck ever I'm too buzzed for this shit here's a cute raven pic

It's new thread time, thanks for keeping us going as always.
Think of this as the sister to the Venus Thread.
Similar to that thread, this is for milfy, sexually mature women with curvy, full figures, but in this one they have just a little bit extra between their legs.
Futa on Venus welcome as well! Post it in here!
Previous thread here: >>10854836
For our sister Venus thread: >>10888503
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Huge squids and octos. whether busty, chubby, muscley, futanari… ext.
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Ink is stored in the boobs.
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big dress squid? why not!
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Thread for damsels in distress, peril and predicament bondage. Everything ranging from kidnapped girls, heroines in trouble, war prisoners and bad ends.

Previous thread: >>10972625
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Ah, my people are here. You guys fucking get it about Aya.
>Don't know what it is exactly but my inner grug really wants to see her beaten half to death, then raped the rest of the way.
>She's a living, breathing annoyance that's so deserving of finally being shut up. Not even killed, just... hit with a pipe every time she opens her mouth.
'cept that.

Superb dialogue.
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She's hot as hell and highly visible, which means tons of guys want to fuck her.
And she's got a knack for pissing people off, which also means tons of guys want to fuck her.
You'd be surprised how well both parties get along and how much overlap there is between the two.
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And there's absolutely no chance any of them are going to show her the slightest bit of mercy.
Game over, Aya-chan~
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Thank you! I have no idea why it didn't show up in Sauce Nao when it's on pixiv.

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Futas and/or dickgirls/newhalfs topping men. DO NOT FIGHT OVER TRANNY SHIT. If you absolutely must, at LEAST have the decency to contribute in your posts.
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Futa cum with the power to feminize men is probably my favorite thing futa-on-male related
Uh, I could swear I had posted a pic with that post, weird

Gargantuan girls with gargantuan dicks
Non-retarded OP edition

Last thread >>10842773 (You) (Cross-thread)
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I will give a tip to anyone starting the game out, to not get a instant game over when you wake up, you see all the 2hus your choose on the questionnaire, if you didn't choose any you get the default choices, and all of them will get random levels of affection depending on what you answer.
So starting out you see them talking about you being the new tribute, but don't worry that you won't get killed unless you choose the ones that want to. Starting out you see your 6 chosen girls gather around a table and basically go "So he must choose his destiny."
That's when they all take their cocks out and put over the table, and that's when your decision comes in, basically choose a girl you like but if you want to survive looks for a few giveaway signs.
Look at their faces, the more flustered by the prospect of being chosen means that you're going to likely survive, if the tip of the cock starts drooling when you get close it only means she wants you, not that you get out safe from it.
Now the most common girls that have unique signs are as follow: Yuuka's cock will throb a bit with her heartbeat and also there will be a comment about it smelling fresh, Yukari's cock will drool but if you see a portal opening when you get close avoid her, if you see Yuyuko drooling from the mouth also avoid since that's the vore ending, Remilia eyes will shine slightly if she has interest in you (Be careful tho if you want to choose her to get to Patchouli or Sakuya since Flandre will gank you a lot), and finally the lost one I saw is Ran which you only need to pay attention to her tails, if they move it means she is interested.

So good luck
Not bad for a default six, they’re a nice mix of big girls with different appearances, abilities, personalities, and of course colossal cocks. Based on the initial information here the safest bets would be Ran and Remilia with Yuyuko being the most dangerous. Although I’m kind of leaning towards Yuuka myself. Maybe a bit of flattery sent their way would improve the odds and make them more receptive and less likely to kill their little human. Like telling Ran how pretty her tails are and what a hard worker she is or saying Remilia really is an exceptionally charming and potent mistress. Yuuka naturally would enjoy someone who knows a thing or two about flowers. I have to wonder if the Slayer would have better survival odds given his greater strength and resilience at the cost of practically no social or flirting skills?
Thanks for the advice, makes me want to see artwork of this scenario now or even better a size game.

Hololive Production (Japanese: ホロライブプロダクション) (stylized in lowercase) is a virtual YouTuber agency owned by Japanese tech entertainment company Cover Corporation. In addition to acting as a multi-channel network, Hololive Production also handles licensing, merchandising, music production and concert organization. As of January 2024, the agency manages 78 VTubers in three target languages (Japanese, Indonesian and English), totalling over 50 million subscribers, including several of the most subscribed VTubers on YouTube and some of the most watched female streamers in the world.

Upon passing auditions, Hololive members agree to be in an exclusive life-long polyamorous relationship with the rest of Hololive's talents. To facilitate this before their debut stream, the talent must pass an initiation test consisting of being gangbanged by the entirety of the previous talents before her, one generation at a time. She must succesfully make all of them cum before her scheduled debut stream. Each generation has one pure girl as the generation's designated hole with no futanari features whose job is to sexually satsify her generation members as a form of stress relief. All hololive talents are free to have sex with each other and frequently do so across generations during collabs.
213 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
Need more Korone knotting her kitty gf
Attempted to search for some, but damn, yeah, it's pretty much non-existent
Horny arrogant futas are top tier

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Post women that are too fat to walk or at least near that to as big as you can imagine.

Just as long as they are bigger than a SSBBW.
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Thomas Albin

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Figured this board went long enough without one, so here's another thread of girls with pussies where their mouths should be. Bonus points for the original vag being intact and both mouth and nose being replaced.
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How about another?
she'd kinda like this
>she'd kinda like this
She wouldn't be the only one!
Yes please!
>Surprisingly wholesome endings, anyone?
Fuck yeah, we need more of that.

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Gentle Affection thread, part III. Warmth and comfort in winter-edition.

Post girls being pet, hugged, and cuddled, and shown love.

Previous thread: >>10887672
181 replies and 138 images omitted. Click here to view.
I just want a cute girl to cuddle with bros I can't put into words how agonizing this feeling is
I feel that anon

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muscle girl thread >>10911133
previous thread >>10913834
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Based, same.
>Manga with girls I like get an anime
>Hoping that an artist like it as well and draw hyper muscle art of it
Any minute now, the Sumireko art will come.
Yep, any minute now.

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